Show OF DUBOIS r How State Committee Controlled By Him Lopped Off Ott Mor Mormon Mormon MorS mon Votes S THE DEMOCRATIC CONVENTION VIII lie he l hy h I tile III t Iii Ho Ihl il Will hii l b lUnder hI 1 Under present dato date a II I to the tho Humid from ruin Boise iloise Ida Ilia luI iy Tim Tile of ot Senator lr lied nil d T Dubols on ott the Ih Mormon Church Is I II shown hown I In the tue manner In which the tho Democratic Ic slate Inte committee controlled by b Senator Dubois Dubols friends reduced the th nf of tim tho fix Ix Murmon conn coutu tilt ties In III tho the Democratic Stats convention The he Mormon list east 1 votes voll out OUI of lit H it 1 total ot of III In tho convention con ion In itt the t ii e II cpu lion tion they wilt silt eu t 19 9 votes out of a 11 to Io total Iota hal tal ta I of lit SOD 29 JI Tho Is I Ih bM h d lUon tho IIII Vote rai t In lit 1001 for till for governor ran rati that year yent Io nn on a Issue 1 this Ih result that he was wu badly cut ii by J In itt th the lonnon Inder the tiui th apportionment by 11 the Democratic com corn committee those who cut licit Hell Hellfeldt feldt In I Oi ate are being punished hell by h 1111 InK ing th their lr representation p In fl tho th convention while the Ih representation H of or orthe the Gentile nave gave Helt feint the tho normal Democratic vote oto nto 01 ot more had their representation augmented rIte Tho vote vot olt of or the thc Mormon s of oC Idaho ldah In itt the convention will 1111 willbe willbe be as aN follows Bannock 10 Hear HImI Lake Laks 3 Cumin 7 i Fremont 11 s 5 10 Total 43 41 4 In lit the state convention the tIle vote oto ot or the same will bo ho bous us nil follows tollo Bannock 18 Hear 11 26 9 8 BIngham 20 Oneillo 15 1 Total 93 9 O OIn 1 In itt county where Senator lives liven the Centile Democrats ari In itt control of ot the Democratic organ organization I Ind atud havn out 11 It plan to I prevent the Mormon Democrats from In their This hl therefore that will name the delegation to t the tho state stain convention froth from froma a Mormon county and reduce the total representation from the Mormon couii COUl ties lien from 49 19 to 39 3 It mentis that there ther wilt will bo be only about ns us many man Mormon delegates delegated III In the th Democratic convention us all there will he be III In the Ue ne convention Indor Inder HIP IIII apportionment as 01 agreed upon tho thio Dubois men will have no dim cult In controlling the thc convention that body hod will w ill nominate tin II Senator Sena tor Dubols OH as the this party luart rt candidate for Cor senator and It II will nominate hl t Justice C 0 O of thc hue llIto I supreme court for Cor governor gO IlOr He Ito Is th Dubols Dubois candidate and m in 11 fact the tue only onh man titan considered for tot the place The convention under the apportionment will viii likely adopt any plank piau on the Ihl Mor tor Mormon lormon mon which Senator may write |