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Show TUESDAY. JULY 3, 1962 DAILY HERALD Utah County,! Utah VWU ""nAASU 0V JkJ (OJkXT ' m i ttr 3 . F" i ' J:m i ii ! - ' ii ii in - iii Indoor Gardening; jk Four Steps To Repotting r i , ' can't , - i r -- , In the actual process of reoott- - handle it, and It's too big to take Ing a plant,1 there are four major to the florist. What can I do? It ' -- ; , ' ' ' ; .; - VA 4 r " - stens. which when done correctly, is in a huge clay pot, put x nave successful an even larger one (about eight will almost insur transnlantinz. Before beeinning. inches bigger in diameter) I Mrs. O. B. of course, you should make sure planned to use. I! tnat tne plant win Denem irom a. Obviously, the adVice on I . J. A i v ; moved to another pot. potting given in today's column There are several reasons for isn't coini? to helt vou1 since you shifting a. plant rrpm one pot to can't pick your plant up in one another. The first lis simply that hand! Try this: set the old pot, you prefer to have it in a different with the plant in it, inside the t7 pot, usually a decorative one, new not. Then with a hammer. ' I ! : V I: ! wnicn may or may not ne tne and maybe a chisel (but don't use same size. Another reason is that your husband wood chisel, i V 4 v 'J tne plant nas Decome too large please), break away the old pot. for its present pot. mis is me You should be able to get out all most common reason lor repots - but the old base, which won't V ing. A third is that the plant i matter. Then add new soil to fill potted in the wrong type 'of soiL m properly. Still another reason Is that the or Q. What ever became of the plant is either newly-rooteas " Ualachoe leaves that I wrote you xuswvez aiuon, aiuiougxi ia me? Yqu had them in a we wouia cau it potuns rawer column a long time ago, and I K y than repotting. sent for some. If you haven't In repotting, the; first 1step is to Jot"u '"t tvuaj a 1. u 14. too fx M. G. Mrs. "Vt Z Pnt, H Inf arf nnf et fht n Tint, A. Indoor Gardening doesn't n 4 Kfr-- vmi k,.m a any ts' s.ees- - leaYe.s. begin, so it will neither crumble ?aX? bulbs or anything of that sort to nor pack. Place your left hand or trade. We are sorry, sell across the top of the pot, fingers give, f we because would like to share outspread, so that pxe plant stem all of our plants with interested Is between two fingers. Grasping but it just isn't possible the pot firmly, turn it over, steady readers, mi ii I to do this. the bottom (which is now on top) FOR THIS KIND OP WEATHER ijeac hy Cooler and Lemon Coconut Cookies are LONG LOOK OF SUMMER NECKLACES In appearance these pearls, left, are with your right hand, and bang a nourishing as well as f favor rich desse rt. Q. Can I grow chrysanthemums first' cousin to cultured pearls. They have the lookjand the lustre, are hand-knottthe rim smartly against the edge ; II;l. M Shown rightis the revival of a necklace fashion-oand budget-price- d. the 1920s. of your workbench, The rootball indoors? I have some! bulbs, but will slide down into your palm, wonaer wnat sou to use. u. r. This one is in coral and gold. A. In the first place, chrys- and it may be eased out and set Then bench. anthemums do not grow from upright on the scratch the soil vertically with a bulbs, or at least I don't know Wave you ever thought of sferying more cups since they are no longer ice cream; beat until smooth. Fold ork or pointed stick; to loosen the of any .that do. Second, they are a refreshing fresh! fruit flivored growing yet! need the nourishment in egg whites. Serve in tall chilled soil without damaging the roots, not good longtime subjects for new indoor erowine. After flowering, ice cream dnnk as dessert father of milk to maintain healthy bodies glasses. Garnish with whipped Havine already selected the cream and peach slices, if desired. pot. place a piece! of brpken pot, thy. are best set out in! the peren- - than the usual pie cake ot pud and body function. PEACHY COOLER Makes 8 to 10 servings. a bit of sphagnum moss or a bent nial border. ding?: There ate many delightful 4 eggs, separated bottle cao over the drainage hole LEMON COCONUT COOKIES possibilities for this type bf re l Vb 80th The 1 cup butter and add some soil. Set the plant Q. I read where you are going to freshment and"' one j tasty example birthday anniversary of teaspoon salt, Mrs. James M. (Louisiana) Peter Vi cup sugar in the pot, centered, 4nd with do several articles ion indoor 1S Peachy Cooler. This flavorful y cup sugar 1 12 sweetoz. 1 egg ( or frozen son, will be celebrated at an open oi comDinauon package irozen iresn tne oia sou line aooutj one-ua- u An would vnu like tn ffapdenncces1 house to be given at the Fort Dougana ened sliced miiK defrosted. ice Deiow tne peached, eggs one on my 2,000 African violet Peacnes, tablespoon lemon juice creamy pot rim. jn SPANISH FORK Newly mar incn sou: manes las Country Club in Salt Lake City x 1 as as more Vz tms sweetened sliced iae oeneaia op .oeverage cups teaspoon grated lemon' rind sary aad Mrs. B. B. eiegant piants? on Friday, July 6 from 4 to 7 p. m. ried Mr. and Mrs. Rbwe L. Harri-so-n plant. Fill in around the plant Vz teaspoon imbst fanciest and fresh salt complicated finely chopped peaches, are ye in interested always "Will be honored at an open 1 cup coconut flakes (31. oz. cookie such in blender or mashed and rootball with frsh soil, hearin? from readerl who feel desserts. A butter-ric- h Mrs. Peterson is the mother of can) Cream butter and sugar until seven daughters and two sons house to be held Saturday, July 7 Tamp this soil gently witn your thejr plants are good column- - as Lemon Coconut Cookies will be 1 tablespoon lempn juice to tea spoon almond extract light and fluffy. Add egg, lemon some of whom reside in Provo, and at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rowe thumbs or with a stick as you put it material. However, much as we the Perfect accompaniment, with seems 2 cups chilled milk iuu would jy to w caht feature all of whom have friends in this Harrison, parents- of the bride- - in. When tne pot juice, and rind and beat thoroughMilk is a vital food and should, be 1 pint vanilla ice cream area. An invitation is extended by groom, 745 North 100 East, Spanish enough, smack it; qowni squareiy them, indoor Gardening describes ly. Add sifted flour and ialt and n included in everyohes diet every Whipped cream. oottom to setue tne sou, only, my own plants. mix well. Stir in coconut. Drop, the family to all relatives and Fork, from 8 until 10 p. m. a of Each slices the Peach and member Mts. to more. from a teaspoon on ungreascd Walker " day. family is friends to call and greet Mrs. Pe optional nee?e?' The counle was married June 29 B1 happy no hear from readers,always Bekt our a different of amount milk whites and salt cookie until sheets or for pressed cookies terson oh the occasion. and egg whenever requires in a ceremony solemnized at the lnt c Z ??J LT ! ana oft hold Add ms; sne chill nas answers J upon uepenamg Airs. Peterson agei i Doay they been em Loean Tenrnle The hHde i the Iuas' sugar peaks. dough slightly and force possioie . . j.tneir. ques. vi rrtn i irvr i tti twt rnp in tar xj,v, "iC rur example cnuaren neea gradually J continue beating until through a cookie press. Bake at "uu" r: " tions on nouse piants in ner ueeus. ployed at the ZCMI for the past 23 former Dixie Aller daughter of 3 4 to cups daily while teenagers stiff and glofesy. Combine egg yolks, 325 degrees for about 15 to 18 mincolumn'. b.ut she reHts th? be: years and is also a regular worker Mr. and Mrs. Nathan Aller of Lo- a U1C UUU1 nave or more cupsj faults, peaches, lemon juice and almond utes or until delicately browned. cause of me vast voiumne of mail snouia soaK at the Salt Lake Temple. 7 Kda whn were hcfc fnr a recep- .rtVmitrh' i is waterinff t x. . i j oA"ia .mo 4 or extract; mix well. Add milk and Makes 3 j require to 4 dozen cookies. uuiei i,iictuu, She was the wife of James M. ttnr, rr,or, tr-- - Annia , t receiveuj sue cannot reply to inv . XI v. ners. who in the uiviuuai served Sevier ie . . Peterson, i . ri riiuniv. li.ii.jot- iiikc Liirr j j rrru r j j . , flic nrtntt o naUT P 3V TX1T7 (YT IT tne xiie i r e e muwr Stake presidency for 25 years, was ardening "UK1C is soil ory. Sheet Source been has revised potting of mission in Texas the president the Southern Utah""lyuuxuK parks this week Answers 1935-3and men and Most Questions and in the presidency of the and simplified. plants plan to make a home in Tooele O. I have a nlant j(a monstera) tioned in Indooir Gardening can AWAITS BIRTHDAY Mrs. ManU Temple until his death in where' Mr. Harrison will teach that is almost eight feet tall, it be bought from a lopal dealer, James M. (Louisiana) Peterson 1939. The 6.5 two, of tongue and ham, or liver. onions and herbs, stuffed into a school. N$W YORK; (UPI) but if he cannot supply them, the wUI be honored at an open Her children include Mrs. How we hot in one jeat dogs year and seasoned with garlic: onions'. casing, poached in beef stock, then Source Sheet lists wherfe they may billicjn ' house on Friday la Salt Lake ard (Madge) Ballif. Boise, Ida.; would moon reach and the olives. and in hot oil. back, pepper be. obtained. For vour comr of the grilled City noting1 her 80th birthday. ' Mrs. Andy (Una) Dastrup. Salt then circle the world five times, KatheriAe hot American to B. Walk are write dogs According to the meat institute; Sheet, generally Lake City; Mrs. Ted (Lea) Ander en- - says tne American iMeat Institute. 60 per cent heef 40 ner ppnt nnrlr sausages are among our most anof care in this newspaper, er, son, Salt Lake City; Mrs. William . .1' : . if j Even so, we're not the world's and spicy. Kosher hot dogs are all cient foods. They were common In Closing a long, siampea B. (Juna) Preston, Mid vale; Mrs. sausage eaters. The Ger beef J and heavily seasoned with China and Babylon 4,000,years ago. leading envelop, Lee (Anna Lou) Brooks, Provo; July is the month to sow Christ-- mans eat more on a per capita garlic. They've been found in the burial; James M. Peterson III, El Paso, the the mas HnsSian and basis, Co., Visking frutes says reppers (Capsicum English sausages mounds of ancient Ur, inthe Tex.; Mrs. Harold Glefn (Mary a B. of nation's manufacturer are var.O. also Walker's from Katherine beef or combinaor tombs of Egyptian pharaohs and A a Cens letter grandmother largest pprk Deane) Clark, Provo; Chauncy S. intata cellulose has for. a two. tion and 14 the of Christmas of Other Heidel"Poinsettias It's in prehistoric cliff dwellings in the the aftermath and grandchildren picnic with casings sausages.i Peterson, Belmont, Calif.; Mrs. that ; ' . in . . . the K.P. you're spired a New York manufacturer Perennials" has a? section on this Favorite Viensausages American southwest. Germany i rejfer berg, pork. Germany, pains Glendon (Bobette) Johnson, Wash faced with when you get your of stuffed toys and comic strip decorative plant. For (your copy include weisswurst, or white wurst, nese frankfurters called debrizen-er- , The Spartans made a game of ington, D. C. are colored br 'ght red with pap- sausage eating, says the institute. made; of gear home. Food residue has had character items to start a search of this interesting booklet, write to liverwurst, bratwursti .' plenty of time to dry and harden for the nation's grandmother with Katherine B. Walker in care of park, and kassler liverwurst, made rika.' They bung skewered sausages Gerof If this a Most to and liverwurst. en and been the beach most a club room ceilings and bit newspaper, from meatless the There'ss pork enclosing grandchildren. long, you've sausage, The forthcoming marriage and it's mixed with sand it sets L. John Swedlin, stamped envelope man sausages are, made of veal sogoa, at the El Musky Bazaar in them off the way children bite apef Patricia Murphy, daughter with cement-lik- e firmness, defy- - of the company, said the grand- - and 20 cents in coin to cover cost, or ork or a conkbination of these Cairo. Sogea are made of rice, ples on a string at Hallowe'en, of Mr. and Mrs. M. Warner ing your usual dish washing mother had. written a letter to me OltEM SUB DEB company, praising it for produc Will meet Thursday, 8 p. m., at methods. Murphy of Proro to Larry D. comfort and clean-U266 But Vicki home of iust take three the ing toys that provide Dimick. son of Mn and Mrs. Peterson, . West 400 South, Orem for a busi tema alonff on the outinff sDenH security for cnuaren. one puini Lawrence S. Dimick of Orem a counle of minutes tldvine ur as ed out tnat granamomers proucio- ness meeting. has been set for August 3. erwn oaten anHi lv are the prime source for toy fho mo The couple has chosen to be A !' NOT FLIGHTY what's left to do at home is mini- - sales, and It is time a Jmanufac- married in a ceremony at the A out turer signaled granamotners Manti Temple that day with a MONTREAL (UPI) Although mal. The first of the three is to his sue contribution A their for ceUulose and the sake follow to for in the sponge the United States leads .the world reception J cess when triD return of the it's abt In air travel by its residents, 80 evening at the bride's home. soeev. tn soiled nack and be it in To fOCUS attention on In a previous announcement of cent has its population per Second is a sup- - grand motners piay in connexion the date of the marriage was never entered a commercial air a pliofilm bag. v rv nt ni nnoai. an4 Mr-- u wh his company s saxes, xvi r. listed as August 5. liner, according to the Internation a box nf bakinc soda. If the Swedlin. saia Uiai ijuna is sian. al Air Transport Association. A graduate of Provo High ,V'3Hv Of the 20 per cent who do fly oicnic site lacks water of anv ing a search to land me grana- has School, the bride-elemost the with grandchilmother to tote want kind IATA on so do your the of might you also attended business, University Ounci, sne wiu De rir--n in a v.Kiinm VuHi. anH dren. Once Utah. !:' reports.while you're at it' take water given free stuffed animals and that's eood and hot. Now don't characters for her grandchil- . . il beerudee the bit of extra space dren. not is Concerned Swedlin Mrs. hamnn in the these three take .: . iKh vuu-.I tA V oer. You may be happy to have aouu' tt6 w iceu them aboard for each has other agers and adults collect stuffed I, : f K practical denic uses. Darticular- - ammais, ana some men use tnem I I I .1 . as he car mascots, said. V-ly the bicarb which soothes bug For consideration In the search, Wtes sore stmbums and the after a grandmother should write to r. effects of ?venUe' Here's how to proceed. Gather i 10, N. Y., stating the her grandchildren. with the Rnnnee rfiich vnu've dampened and sprinkled with SyStGITI re-bei- ng I- - ,5 - " - 1 - " - - -- : v d, &j ",?ni?aref?lf me t - 7 1 -, 1 I Q V, I ii ed ; : i i ' ' i : f I Friends Bidden To Greet Mrs. Peterson On Birthday Peachy Ice Cream Drink Tasty Dessert Open House Set For ! . Uewlyweds . - V - . i t i S JJJSS. '1? .f 1 1 -- ,- X rvr f- w-- I I i f" i i 4 1 1 m I Americans Eat 7 6V2 Billion Hot Dogs . Contest To Find Grandma With Most Grand Kids Eliminate Picnic Aftermath With Cleaning Hints Miss Murphy. To Be Wed On August 3 . L 1 1 seu-aa-dress- ed - , Club Notes - vice-preside- self-address- nt ed, . D . I X A. VsJX : ; ' t : . ! ''' ct two-thir- ds -- 7 . . -- i - "Sure, we read The Daily Herald. Fran k v, u. ; vnu IV icir' .. I'm too "--- A waae rnrouan tnose f nt over-eatim- "f ff V i . metropolitans!" l IniTh Kitchen Helbful paper towel. Bundle the lot in a clean paper towel and tuck away In the hamper. Mop out plastic containers used for salads and the trying pan if you've cooked some fish or steak, with a damp paper towel sprinkled with dry soda, and then rinse Have you ever stopped in the middle of baking a cake, to look for a package of coconut or spices? Margaret Spader,! home service consultant for the Gas Appliance Manufacturers Association, advo-out with the sponge. The soda I cates a filing system 'for food prod- wyl emulsify the oil in the salad I ucts to eliminate such delays. dressing and- the fat used for Items like baking tx) wrier, salt and ijlavorings' should be confined frying. Sprinkle a handful of baking to one small area, spices in an soda in the vacuum bottle and other! Canned foods can be di vided1 into Vinain dish" and "des picnic jug which carried a fruit drink or milk, add a little water sert categories and stored accord- an shake well to circulate the togfr solution. This crevents fruit duId or milk film from clinging to the Helps You Overcome ' 1 a IJ tin coui-uer- s. ox naeo wmm f m Biues -i e --.11 n H you reach home simply, rinse out iri-4lw- l IjlLl I lAl and leave open to dry. Looseness and Worry As for the rest of the. gear, all No lozurer be nnnvd cur fMl tyou do is deposit it in the sink eue because of loose, wobbly 9.1false teeth. FASTrrH. a.n lmnmvcd Va and wash as you would the just line (non-acipowder, sprinkled on emptied dinner dishes. There's yourmore plates holds them firmer so they comiortaDie. Avoid none of the usual soaking, scrub- ieei caused by loose mates-Gbing and scouring that follows in FASTEETH at any drus counter. r ths wake of picnic. l ! I - y ; I -- I i t 4- THE JACKIE INFLUENCE England's Princess Mar-ar-et seems to have been swayed in choice of hats by the success of the sombrero as worn by Mrs. Jacqueline Kennedy. tHere the Tarincess is shown in a version of the combrero dons in pink to match her coat. (Herald-UP- I j Ul-.- d) emDar-rassme- nt The Daily Herald !'i::'i nil' ! tailored is " Complete especially for YOU: World coverage PLUS but compact ' local news of interest to Central 'm rj Ll-'--- i ; Utah families. r- - It is edited for ! - -- ..- rV . ' busy peopli who appreciate con . mat densed, interesting reading ' 1 :'' V'-- ter. -- i .. !'' j et : r, r . X j ji' X );'..: , : X XXX:X:::,. j' ; ;. ' ' I ' V" ;" '.; ' ... " ;," ; " 1 1 |