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Show -- 'Published by thr Henid Corporation E. C Rodger, president, at matte 60 Bo. 1st W. St, Utah, daily Entered a second-clas- s at the postoffice fat Prom trtah. Member of the Unite Press maw "olatlon, NEA Servto) Pain- - Editorial Service, and the James ff. Capt-Rob- business is improying every rountry in ' the United. Stater is' riot single vessel' to engage tional commerce. This: grace to America. ft-ov- Scrlpps Newspaper,- v.--- - : " '." " t Sodeljrjporter, u ' '. , 10T; Verne Subecrljjtlon terms JBy carrier in the oounty, 40 eenta the month; ' $5.00 the year fit advance J by mall la the county, $4J ouUlde oounty, rv:. :i. f v L Richards,- - By. Williams a Fbcj vcib; Mflii Oi&vA . OOKiV WOO WAMt" J dis ' of- ICIM' FER VOO , MAf AlMT WOOR ARM NET. MA ? W Soolalisb-Labo- r T V Vt'LL' ' p OO FOR v j ' ' .' if I .: W . O ' MA? '' HOUL? FO M-Al- ' . KT v: It t BOWe X MA ? ' VNO BoSNes HAVt $Vs f A r Jiar, that mm . d dreasThe reraTIRB-nfprlltScashier; of the MendenhaM Bank in that no man who sneezes all thru tliehaxJ.eyer season has any right gpf ing111e,"w"as"'norflinated; fortate ireasurerMrT-Menden- aoug 4n public- plare, teat NEXT! hajns welf and Taverablj " especially in Utah county where he haa- taken; an1 active in civic affairs. Since the- organization, a? few year SfO U inter-;5Erie- st - - I qf theiUtah donnected with the organizations in various capacities. He treasurer" of the board and at present iathe " '' ' '. : 7 president of the association. dean of education of the college Nuttall, DrLijahn of the Brigham'Younlrmmer $'as the unanimous choice for the party's candidate to heai Che state school system. Since Dr Nuttall' as a mere boy school hia teacher in the LSndon. school of career aa a began, he has steadily climbed years-agoOre Alpine district seyeral m the educational, field until today he has no peer in his chosenjine in this state, r' At Columbia where he ha studied at various periods, his standing hasattracted national attention and the foremost. educators of the nation are closely watching his progress i - Abel John Evans, prominent Lehi attorney, was honored iy beirtg named one of the presidential electors. Mr. Evans is one of the foremost Democratic workers in this state .and has been in cortstantBervice in the party since its first organ- e was a member of the state constitutional nation . . -in Utah.-Hj m J8Jb. ;, ; : "I . qonveniion , rjas served' as j r f ' By R. F. Paine I have read your platform; and, i I - Smith's Platform 7 ' "I accept the nominattion. Here's mine." I Gov. Smith x . might have "responded thus, cut his speech by 7& per cent, and still have filled the bill.' J At any rate, coincidence with the general opinion . he strongly indicates tliat con venfibn platform's 'donT amount to much, any way.- To the American of average" intelligence," average of in icperulenfthrjught and average grasp of national Issues-- , Gov. Smith lias reduced the issues that will sway the people to the number of three. ; His attitude conveys no threat to that part of business which does not undertake to run tha government for its own selfish purposes. There will be no "tinkering" with the tar-- 2 iff. save, perhaps, giving the farmers a Jfttle more of the ' aream. He considers Republican administration to be too corrupV just' as Nominee Hoover considers Democratic administration "to be too stupid- - and, some 4,686,000 Americans voted, four years ago, that vthere was certain substantiality for both such opinions. One of the matters to which Governor Smith adds reality : is that of farm relief, which may be an issue but which, up to date, it is extremely difficult to make out to be-- a real issue as between the parties. Govt Smith; like Mr; Hoover, would have a commission study the matter and report a measure of positive relief. At the same time,, commissions, or committees for such purpose have been milling round in the Congresses, Republican and Democratic, for the past forty years, the anlyjnfiasure. agreed upon by farmers got through a Republican Congress, it was twice vetoed by a Republican president and his vetoes were sustain- ed with the aid of Democratic voteB. , v , : Gov. Smith maks prohibition a real issue of his own.7 He promises to enforce Volstead law as he has faithfully, enforced New York State laws which were in opposition to his views. But, he favors altering the whole scheme of personal ' witli ealfrig.prohibition, by referendum by the several states as to manufacture and sale within their own borders. Something very similar to old time endeavors under "Local option," or "Missouri Compromise," theories which settled nothing, aid never will when national respect of law and national . morality are at stake. Gov. Smith's plan may be a delightful dream to many. It will be some time- bef ore it will be. vital- izei by a "dry" U. S, Supreme Court, Simply, at this- time, the people have a choice between Smith enforcment and Cool-- idg enforcement, since Mr. Hoover promises- - to carry on the J Goolidge policies;. " 7. of party "T"7 ButrGovrSmitrrrof of. disastrous CDwardrce: ahj"J5l possible defiaace, "tphvention. effects upon his campaign by arousing the direct opposition xp the richest, most powerful organization- for hostile propa-- . gahdization the cquntry ever haseen did present a great, most vital, soluble issue, in these words: "The sources of water power must remain forever under Wherethey are owned by the ... l. Federal government, they should" remain under: Federal VVTierever the development, the government agency,! - - ! hydro-graph- under the sea can, -- -- today,-oblivio- .MOrtUERS OE.T CRM WORKinV FOR AHUlM. NMH T7 . 7 ncau. Sf . s. ow Mt.orr. PROVOCATIONS- - - V Art "Shannon. m uyinnfirrr-- .' T p, IN BEAUAIFUL K $150.00 PRIZES , -- WiU Be In The l " MYSTERY TRUNK t Wednesday, Aug. 29 Pirate Pollar Days Glengarry Come and Try Your Key Watch The Herald! ' - i See Our Windows! y . n : "TENTH AVENUE" 'I,,,' f,,i ' pro-poga- te r Star of LAST-TIM-ES LOVE, DRAMA, , THRILLS, IMAKE THIS ! OF HELL'S " KITCHEN THE LA PLANTE MOST-NOTA- , "II03IE JAMES" fast action comedy that you'll enjoys love and fun. A. '' Charles ' full of laugha, - . with Delany and a big cast. COMEDY and NEWS ' ! ; . ' STORY in I - '" i " Joseph Scuildkraut TODAY . . PHYLLIS . HAVER Victor Varconi and 'Ben Hur ! with , 6 - ' -- m TODAY AND TUESDAY one-ma- ' Like Findind Bas of Pirate Gold cmicc. me - -- , n fjf te order served te two persons. SSe extra. in glass houses shouldn't play In (Copyrightt 1928) door golf. ' - . ' toss asideeeaptaiasjouldlmpst " thefrTiavlgatirigrlnstru- r This depart-folk! Howdy, ments and ascertain their position, Wonder what has- - become of the avors nondays by checking with their fathometers, months for' goof who used to read subtitles out for all worRprst-ji- x ' the contour of the sCafloor under loud in the movies? Oh, is that the . recuperation. ' keeL By combining ordinary Dosi- if. if. if. ginkwhaia?ow repeating what the with fathometer reck- - Women can endure' greater suf- characters sayTn thB"talkies?!!-- 1 ' oning a much more accurate posl- - fering than men, says a lecturer. tton record could be kept Event Sure, look at the shoes they wear! ually,- - perhaps, all sailing .mayibe done by tracing the ehip's course Whatever troubles Adam had over the sea bottom map. V In Eden, free and gay, 1 No relatives did visit him, ; From Mud-Ga' , NATURELAND A hick town is one where you call 6. A up central to ask how she makes The giant tortoises of the Galapa- tuat wonderful pickle relish, says ' : gos islands have been- famous for Sam Stumm. : , home ."All you fellows drlvef-ou- t centuries. In the long ago, whalers with me. It's only a little after on their way north in the Pacific, is always used to call at tneTGalapagos, fill INTERESTING WESTERNERS; midnight, -r of my friends." glad to see-anthe holds half full of live tortoises Devi-droAmos Tf. and be assured. of fresh meat for UvUie- - it wiUtvttowen- - doesn't efflelenoy the crews for the rest of the voyhas at last greatly interest the person whose expert, Wild rata and age. dogs, cats, pigs ' solved the prob- funeral it is. got on the islands and made a busilem of bow to ness of hunting the tortoise eggs Addled Axiom by Enoch Clark: prevent a barber with the result that the tribe has from, nicking your Hell hath no fury like a woman In been almost exterminated. This nostrils when he a bargain basement spring. Director Townsend, of the shaves around New York zoo society took an n The auto top has now to the Galapagos islands your nose. "Any so perfected that It only-rebarber,", says Sir. been and his hunting parties captured X'.t .. r..1, t .,.!i.,i 180 tortoises. They were brought Dew drop, "will refrain from sUcing back to the United States without your nose, if you put up a sign say a single loss. The' idea is to ing "D'tour Here." the tortoise and bring the to kiss anjj breed back in numbers, in this With Hoover-refusi- ng country. Accordingly, th 180 have babies, and AlSmlth declining .to ; been placed in suitable pens in the pose for any "boloney" pictures, it, TODAY and TUESDAY Canal Zone, San Diego, Superior, looks like a tough summer for the; editors. Aril., San Antonla, Houston and rotogravure 4s- ...- New Orleans. -- A Oalapagos tortoise Addled Axiom: People who live, is four to five feet long. LAURA PICTURE OF THE YEAR : - BLE . v r. i ' - TUESDAYAND WEDNESDAY - "STOP THAT MAN" B0NI1A With Arthur Lake the star of Harold Teen" in his. newest and best production. ; I J Cast includes Barbara Kent, Eddie Gribbon and others - Today and Tuesday "WHO CARES" 1 public-ownershi- p -- bermustTetairr through j Stateor Federal as the cpntractuaLagreement w;ith the distributing companies thej rjght to .provide fair and reasonable rates to the ultimate tair ana equal cpnsumer and the similar right to msist-upo- n ' of stribution r thffTiowen" ' ,t "This can be secured only by- the absolute retention by the people of the. ownership of the power by owning and tlw sit and plant at the place of generationThe Government- - Federal State pr the authority representing! . . joint. Btates must control the switch that turna oiLor off - tjie. power so greedily sought by certain private groups' with- -. ,V put the least regard for the public good." which his not Gov. Smith's issue, Ignored party, It js it at Houston.', It is the mighty, the vital issue. You can't to itr and-thcan decide : j, mislead settled7 StnithihaV and this issue, met Gov. courageously if. as it jnvelvei'the resources of his owr great state, by."turning bitct th& greedy',. "Private groups." This country needs a man; with such views as its head ; and, it is to be hoped that JJr. Hoover "will soon express himseirrjirectly and definitely pn the subject. ; ' ' - con-troili- ey ng jjeaturin story of reckless romance and young love in fhe shadow of. the William Haines A modern y . RENEE ADOREE : ilffej'ull blast with prices lower "than, ever on. many close, them out. Four more days of'teal things-1- & values-g- et your share it means a saving to you ShoesT DryGooog6eaoY-ta-?tar7inen'sn(- h " r-.-! . ' -- : ladies'. ;. below dresses. silk A close out in Many factory prices. AT ' - -V- iiilll UW. West Center WIIEUEJYOILGET. QUALITY. AND" PRICE throne.. A great picture with the star of "Ben-Hu- r "and fThe Student ' Prince." , i Comedy .J Cartoon - News j .' -- ; Fay Wray Garry Cooper .'. ". The In First r Kiss " " from the ' . : . . Saturday. Even'ing'1'oHt Story .'"FOUR BROTEtERS" , ," - Short Subjects -- you today of the wearyingr irksome toil of washday. You will be surprised at the moderate cost. Coming': Wednesday- 1 army of trained,1 rT ETour waall employees relieve - r 1 Wednesday - Thursday ; Comedies 11 . letui mouldenthem -- con-.tiro- " .WASHDAY. 7 and-contro- casg-Tna- s - mapped, . m v it, quires two men to raise or lower ' claims Clarence Naylor. v un- - . - er, suificient effort, be mapped as ac curately as those on dry land. The advantage of such maps equipped with fathometers. Once would- be tremendous to navigators the ocean Was accurately "sound . d hte-dea- tn doubtedly,ytte-expeflditurof- - 1 -- ' , SEA BOTTOM MAPS Mr. Gi Renius a awfdish proposes tbat the fathometer, electrlcalounding. device now coming Into general use aboard ship, be employed by the International Hydrographlcal Bureau to contour map. of the bottoms of the SevenSeas,' as complete, Mr. Renius Suggests, as similar maps of the land. The hills ys a's holy' ground. few-month- ' and-vallc- v , SCIENCE . -- V kow-towin- e, :i;.r ':. ;, The Japanese worship the mikado as the embodfc ment of their god and of their national honor. The Russians yesterday reverenced the czar; today they revere the coffin of Lenin. . ,;Even-ih- e smallest nations hold in memory dear our amiable British cousins, ' some national here,-anat heart, jregard their king, or queen, as the expres- HIXX BELLY - .pioivof their national honor and the feeling of the Britisher for his monarch, and the feeling of a citixen for his president is vastly, fundamentally different but heroes with almost servile . We slay our temporary usuaUy we- - frnish- - up- - by slaying them with contempt, or even active, virufent hate., ,' , . generally aflhlneawa:i)rblyr.aft"rmty,3 respected as he had been at the height of his political power; flrsf ln war, first in peace, so first in the hearts pf his countrymen; ; it might of-- Wleen- - aL lirstJifi .was jfot jMmc&Jthen he have been-s- tri waa for war, find he finished by being" last in thehearta oT his oountry ' ' - men. ' . ., Yet Wilson camenearerw for the moment, being regarded around race than human a the savior of the the world any man I speak not. of prophets or messiahs who ever lived, . But Wilson couldn't, later, even elect a few congressmen and senators; roses yestertomorrows that is how we use .our heroes, day, stones -- . ;v t Prof. Diggendelve, who knows nearly everything, has come to the conclusion that a rabbit's .foot Men means little or nothing in the way well in the Democratic state conven- of luck to its original owner. failed Utah county j .Bustles may come back and the tion held in Logan: Saturday. Three men from thia section waist line may again find its proper ' were- - honored "wHlr places orrthe ticket which in location, but paper collars are gone tie field for tha consideration of the voters in the coming forever. Every time that Blondy; ttre marr-icurlooks at the spots on her pink l was-place- , , The tens of millions of Buddhists center their : life on Buddha,, the Greatrthelast, "and wherever a -speck of his ashes is supposed to have been deposited . The Bobber khop Honored . -- . :w , i' . ' W. Goedell, managing N. Gunnar Rasmuson, eSltdr and manager; A. C. N. J, Owens, Hicks, oounty editor; advertising manager. editor; Local No Mecca (Pill Billy's views, in his daily stories are his owr. They, do not., ' necessarily, coincide with those of this newspaper.--EDITOR.- X ' ! ' By HILL BIIXY ; "... Bo far as my analysis of history goes the Americano is the first people that failed to have a mecca. an ikon, a.temple or a god. So far' aa I can discover, every tribe, nation, race, has to this hour had some central place or figure to center its faith, to keep It loyal to itself", and. so far a I can discover, there Is no pl$ce, figure, god or devil that could achieve a majority vote from the Americano.. Jews held fast to Jehovah and to The years-thThru thousands-oTemple, and in the heart of even- - the most modern-JeI imagine there comes a thrillwhen he stands on the ancient threshing floor in the heart of Jeru. salera upon which Solomon built so 'tis said his ' "Smith fers a glass of beer in appeasement for the: wrongs his party has done, while Hoover, in basing his campaign on prosperity, overlooks the : ; :.i unemployed," j ' ; is- - calioroate-forTpreside- " F5.00. ''Although in almost woHd, the building a in' interna , Editorial TelepEonesBusiriesr omcW; room, 120S. H you dd not reoalve your paper baforaTpTrartile)boiM - Bffand a copy win be delivered to your mldenoe.', " ' . Dollars ert MONDAY, AUGUST 27, 1928. OUT OUR WAY TIP OF TONGUE HERALD ' -3 - EVENING HERALD PROVO PAGE TWO THROUGH THE . j AUNDRY coes it lest - BACK DOOR" itli MARY PICKFORD COME INSIDE IT'S COOL ':.V?.ttbniii-''A 'phone tall to Vt wltl tn'J Srff i 164 vaihJa? wotrin. : |