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Show v., ...., 1 "THROUGH Moxoay Etksiko, Jl'LY 19, 18S0. AjDrumaof Mlssrepresenlatioa ils I'nsernpulnu Agent. Beaver Items. si tin From the Watchman of the init: DOW The water in Beaver otinty is failing rapidly. GLASS The farmers of his poition of tht are territory praying for rain. The Milford people raised $280 for the widow of Bruce Paschal. The population of Minersvillo is f 400; that of Lincoln and Bradshaw 3 Districts S6. Prosecuting Attorney VacZiia arrived in Beaver Monday evening. i'. . Criminals may well be alarmed. k P stationed Lieut. Taylor, formerly st Cutneron, accompanied the paymaster on his reoent visit to Beaver FROM THE SOUTH. DEATH VALLEY." aud A School. -- The Mlvshedppi High Mls.loB Work. Jo- x - IS FULL W ai nod by us, and lines fti Gardeners' iteckn An andL u.,ajy fou TOnr, "Na kt-w -- in vr i w.dd. p., ........... on Saturday night this piece wa arc we perram of North Union Opera house, Ogden, prestnied in tho Appointed Hflrdware Stores, and onr Prices are as low us the market allows. our fy waa in from audience tall Lak. Cily, itoubl. daily... il bi. ud mitted to a letter fair a iiid toleiably peruse ...:40a iVert.Ttaro.th Mall daily CM Tknwtfk Mail fell? atei.dance to w.tnes it. Despite young friend and Elder, Henry Bar(Le asurauccB, given by the agent tholomew of Slaterville, who, in a.m. to us mid that in tiie face of the company with Elder John Gibson of lor fert Uke and tlx KMt M or Snlt Luis au-- t Um Gi kJ iurSar H iZ&iS M M U :) North Ogden, is laboring in the in653 published synoji vf the piece Ti Rick Ooouty, Bmr Lak. Uonnly and oc in Le-d-i a Epriug. mailt p. via Hvmuatuii, terests in of is the hut way the not, any Kingdom play the latlar Uee, H yomiof, and Wtxinaadayi and rrid), hi reflection upon the p.wple who have Montgomery Co., Miss. Koto Utah, Idaho and MouUua, dully. Elder Bartholomew states that he Utah, and made her what B.ntntllr.Kden, Hoojrand Wt Wnt. ft:4S.i W(incd.yodraiiirrfa is on as !n the enjoying good health and vainly presented piece, is, fl.iB Cily ril.ter.ma. North 0rt.bi.i MAIN STREET STEVENS' BLOCK, oontradic-im.- i . JamaTUle, klotiday. Wdrwd)8 tu.j a to mu6e himself by County. gave endeavoring ''unluy vrii.ng, ' tlCridaya, A telegram from Silver Reef ad.ai Deliver jH li aju. ri' ir to hU aafertiou. "Through waging battle with the fleas, tic ............. d i4.r. frlni m to 7 vises us that J. D. Stevens who killed STEEL & out vivid a have SABDlSps md Death Valley," while it may chiggers. lit gives ii jural DiMmiit-Ji- ii on the 4th inst. has made Hillburn w 1U OF W'l-tot p .ui. GODS tin is full of a PLATED line of GOODS us dramatic a the "tramp iiitiit effusion, experiences AN I) FIFTH STREETS his escape. tfuitn Oassx Uuunun 0po P n ........... 11 IrOIT................. if misrepresentation and is a grotf through the mud." It o Beaver that frost The county to struck p .1 Dcor from Table opoa Ca'id. and Pocket Ditlsry, & TINWW, Let's aee, where were we? Oh on the night of tho 12ih was a prsr NATHAN Kl.VHALL. pontiuMfrr. nsult to tho people of Utah. mu. th Wilted vines we reached and terra had just who arranged The potato top squash yet, party liece claims to know something in tfter crossing the swamp. Wei! in numerous spots marked its course. a.n :.o train n'va lP. The remains of the late Edward I!. P. ' " whom he tku after critically examining ourselves I" egard ui the M U P. train .. Kiosele were interred in Ft. Cameron lee sustained 11:60 P u 0. P. HaiB artive. mftligiis, but the expresoious he puts and finding that we had 11 an cemetery and the funeral was attendI! P. Emigrant arrive. into th- - itiouths of some of his ac- no serious injuries, only a lew ed by quite a number of citizens from 1:16 pu " V, P. leave.. " tmw SMau tors, clearly show to all, who have bruwea and one or two damp articles the town. U. P Kuiiicraat leavo P" teO" a n 1 . C. train arrlvM at all auiong of clothing, we proceeded on our The Second District Court opened passed any time " - and 'Pin Beaver on Monday morning la&t. know journey, feeling quite he that ' " 1(vm ; , 4o.n ihe WHOLESALE AND RETAIL DEALERS IN ' aod. Judge Boreman presiding. The first PORLOBN AND CEJECTEO. " nothing at uil of the matter. U.K. trin eirit.'.".' was in impanelday occupied mainly ObOL.rr. " " l.vra The author of this piece has drama Our Otfdru City 'i'iuin. gloominess, however, wa par- ing a Grand Jury. ti.-one of Beadle's noveiH. und Mr. ?.ora Snow has been appointed tially dispelled, neve al hours later, then introduced a garrulous female when we came acros a of Asst. Prosecuting Attorney for this party rno JUNCTION haa a LARGER character to interlard neveral aelec District. He arrived in Beaver from school boy, who. upon learning that Salt Lake last J CIRCULATION in Ogden and Friday. The appointand lying tions from vituperative Elders, requested ment is considered a good one. Dye Stuff, Fancy throughout Northern Utah, TnLunt articles, and we venture tho we were Mormon us to remain and preach to them Bruce Paschal, died at Milford last than ALL OTHER NEWSPAthat no community but that evening. Of course, w e accept- - Saturday morning from the effects of Trusses, Etc. PERS oombintxi. this would brook such expressions ed their kind invitation, and forth- of a pistol shot accidentally received He leaves a on Thursday evening. JJVD VARNISHES. from any author in regard to them with PALYTS, OILS, TV. KM.rwl it the I'twt Office at l)im til). repaired to remains The and wife one child. the Utah as used in this piece against I lah Territory, an Srrund Maui Matter. were taken north by his wife. THBCALHOt.V ACAl)KY IMTORTKl) AND DOMESTIC people. This may not be "the opinthe to Stevens, who killed Hillburn at PALVT & VAR.MSU BRUSHES, introduced we were where ion of John Henry," who, by the bail. without held was Silver Reef, Kit IFF MOTION. but all principal, "Prof." John .Suggs, and Pollard, who was a pirtner to tho way epitomised the of spend difficulty, was held to bail in $1,000 honeslsminded people, who know had the edifying pleasure ,st Tools, Jilti9iein. ,1c. i.i.v hot. ins; the afternoon in his schoolroom bonds, both to answer to tne urann all of this community anything at ot eouu. Oil. give us a breeze. this of j Jury ol the present term outline dimensions The will bear us out in our Ben Tusker and suite arrived in ft ?fif t nw,i nrp wnrri .'!0i 40 ALL KlMf (ir ni.rr,;i;.-n- t Too hot for runaways. AND And now a word in regard to the from his ranch, on Monduy Beaver ot to the air in the hight towering traveled much Tub streets are not Whatever miy bo true of agent for this piece, who to day has 15 morning. feet to the top of the comb. It is Ben's record on general principles, y to day. pei pel rated a thing both ungentle-manle tc.v iff stiwii it of rough planksou the Shanghai ho has shown a willingness to meet built in1" iK.ro. T Jj and unprofessional : tT.'Al)l I.TEKATKU Li(Ulll' lor lalllily law upon him. demands of tho the limiie ot ae a architecture, principle a has This use ut 'The Mint." published person The man killed at Silver Reef on in almost any' of which you can He have a full Ftrek of the CelpbrW distributed on the streets, in Fourth was named Win. Hillthe Tkavpl was light on UteC. J', train dodger a has this Heimltagf, Atlierton & Ndeon large only barnyard; which, among other thimrs, ho kays burn. The parties to the affair were We ibis morning. double door at one end and three James Pollard havs one of the and B. Largest Stevens. J. and that "The editor of the Junction 1V1I1SKIES, Mh. Mii.Lis ib building a very nice Beet Heiected Htocks of drama board windows on each side. Tho Stevens formerly lived at Pioehe, it 'A pronounced J. B. Martbal, Bourbon Hume residence on Third Street. room is furnished with (tunc tenor and Pollard at one time lived in Bj, A. and the acting superior to any ever Beaver county, when; he in generally fifteen lo not forget the rrimury at tin' seen in igden.' '' Our Stock of Case Goods is ful known. Their trial will take place at "unit Hou.se, this evening at 7:.'U. h.imst I lank aKNCH k. Beaver, most liktdv duriH2 the ures. upplied with the best qualities of This statement is about as vera-- . t 'l bTAHD and milk punches. at Fine H oious k tho play of which he is the similar to those used in our schools 0111 tl'11J1 of court. Imported and Domtstic KraiMlics, JEast In. A Horn's, '"The Mint." There is also one ' agent. Mr. Wall has been given to some years since from the fconth Sea. Iia, HoKtelter, IMantatioj OouuN is well represented ut tiie understand in our office that the lang table-likdesk, so arranged ami Mouutain Dew Bitter Destrtt News, of Saturday The terminus of the U. A X.,at Red Koek, J nctiok did not and would uot tiiat the pupils can write on either the following list of immigrants Si new postal cars, of an improved countenance, puff or advertise the side of it. A large and very respec- gives vVssiut Oui'acor who San Francisco for Utah, on left "dra a as announced it We table blackboard extends looking pattern, will soon he put upon the .'. piece. matic fraud,"' judging from the very across the farther end of the room, the 16th: V. roud. encomiums it had received by the while in clote proximity to this, on Joseph F., and Elizabeth Speight, A lakue number of jieople vifitud California and Nevada- press and by a raised platform, stands atmall table, Hannah, Jesse and Elizabeth Busby; We have a full ntook of tr,e tho Tabernacle yestenlay forenoon the chair and a teach- Luke and James Storey, from Aus synopsis. It is a a uct afternoon. Ellon, Elizabeth, tralia; John, Ellen, "Iraud'' becauso it teemB of the vilest ers desk. Fanny, Isaac and Joseph Walker; Thk Junction will be represented creaat aims and taken a of view misrepresentations Having general Samuel, Ann, and 'Arthur James; in the Twenty Fourth of July proIn the market, at Lowest Prices. ting an injurious prejudice against the building, externally end inter Fred'k J., Alice, Ferd:nand, Amy i cession, at Salt Lake City. BiBsy Vincent; Kosina, Jame tho people of Utah. This very fenally, we will new turn our attention and Orders bynuul Attended to with Despatch. The "Widow Bedotl" troupe will ture of the performance wo suspect- to the inmates, which at that time Amelia and Eliza Treseagle; Taos. H. and Kosabeli B. Walke; James return in a few weeks, and givu an- ed from the beginning, and Mr. consisted of the afore mentioned Campbell, from New Zealar.j, LIST SKXT APS'l.ltJATIOX. other performance in Ogden. Wall's eloquent and glib endeavois "professor" and fifteen or twenty Elders Fred. J. May a i Thos. A. tf dapn to remove those apprehensions from pupils, boys and girls ot various ages, Sbreeve, returning misp'ionaries from A theatk al manager, who endeaNew Zealand. and Australia was there our mind, by declaring vors to fill a house through dishonext ranging all the way from ix to thirty. The above mentioned company, The school was taught on a artifices, is unworthy the name of n nothing of a provoking character one persons in all, oame into JoxcTiox City Hotel, in "dra Mormons the the thirty TO against gentleman. thorough this the and failed convince us. to in Ogden all ma," morning, good 1'vAal of the The July number (Fvrwrl) Gaincrcial Htmit.) backwoods basis. health. With it were Elders Frank COR, FIFTH (laidt. has just been distributed to the event has justified our suspicions. of 'i far more ancient date than El& Mi IN STi., OGDEN. and T. A. ,Shreeve,both of Salt A. D Sbakbspbaki, I'ropri tor. several postal clerk, for their special The Junction has hitherto treated der Bartholomew ever witnessed in May FRESH A R RIVALS OF Lake City. The first named gentle the dramatized conglomeration of (Jrntrlj o the Ivunnrxd lomt, SaU lain.) information. the Luh. the afternoon, During man had charge of those from Aus- ai'tBKDio Rooms anu First'Class falsehoods with the only thing it doThk new bridge over the stmain teacher, having an occasion to chas tralia, and the latter those from New TaHLB AcCOVMOfiATIO-VS- . the since silent but serves, contempt, tise one of his smaller pupils for Zealand. just south of Ogdeu viver Vnidge, handbills of the outfit Havinit now full charge of tbls houe, I Elder to who with Shrives, try convey some Main Ktivet, in now finished, and is ivlte my old friends and tbe frivolous thing, took him by his an idea as if we had, privately or colleague has been engaged in the pa hile to py me a visit, feellog a credit to it builders. the shoulder and shaking him vigor South oonfldeut I can givo tbat ATSea mission for about two otherwise, given a favorable judg thiinfanMih of his head against the LiKtt. Kastjiak, ETIBB SATISKACTIOS TD XLhl ously, bumped and a half, states ment on the piece, we wish to state though CarrUKes to and In m tho botel to connect and in a loud harsh voice years try, having been given leave of in Australia the people are adverse the case clearly and truthfully. The wall, with all trains. for a time, went Eaat this threatened to beit the little fellow to A. D. SHAKESPEARE, Proprietor. editor of the JmcTioN was, after to the principles of the listening city into a jelly, unless he behaved him- Latter-dauioming on a visit to friends, W ly East Side Main Slrrr.t, the performance, asked by Mr, Wall Saint9, quite an in'erest Ogden, Vtah. self better in the future. Elder B. is Thk l A.. N. terminus will, in what he about the pi?ce, taken in the work in New Zealuid, thought 1 Still to the Front about fix weeks' time, again be from the artistic standpoint of the also noticed that both boys and girls the greater Yc l.ave on band every kiud of majority of the company were the of chewing tobacco, juice changed; this time to Hyiiu'ai'anvon. actor. In this nense the editor gav e arrived being from that place. B. which was standing in pools on the just between thirty and forty miles from his CO., Both returning missionaries are in judgment as regarded the tech- floor. lied Koek. Fair Block, fourth Strut, nical construction of the "drama" good health and spirits, and we wel This may look like an We understand that the V X N. and" the acting of the ptrnmut!, come thorn' home. 1 be NOT TO BE BEAT! railroad boys have gotten up a huiul-tiom- w hich ho pronounced as good, in his picture, but assure you it is not in the least, yet they exaggerated In We respectfully t.,11 the attciuion of the Eltber QUALITY of GOODS or own privat opinion as one ot the subscription to delray th" public to the fact that w PRICES. OnU and see onr Utah & Northern (Railway pity tho "poor, ignorant, deluded have employed a of Mr. Pan l'oberts" late ju- profession. Stock of Mormons." dicial persecution. The Junction as such has not said, GENERAL MERCHANDISE, In the evening our young Elders mo i will ciivlkiHii ...a., c., We understand that mine change Do not go Elsewhere, for i m to a small, but appreciative will soon be made in the interior able about the inece. It is a pity preached Enabling im Till: CITY in I Ills Line. audience. As a whole their work is CA YOU! WILL RUN TO THE construction of the 1'. A. X. postal that so much dramatic talent of the St. B. E. RICH Co. ju29tf OOI NO ON FAVORABLY THE LATEST IMPROVED e.srs, such an the widening of the dis- author was wasted on a tissue of lies and malicious calumnies, and that And the blessings of the Lord are tribution tables, etc. K F It I U K K A T H V K Y. It H uch good artistic talent is used uj resting upon their efforts. They W. II. BKOAUBbAU, Kmj., of Oa have dene considerable l.tATlNo OflDBX preaching land, was in our city this morning. in its performance. We will simply and some Call Upon ns and ve will baptising and they have , give you Satisfaction! He is intcrettted in ldahomines, and close by expressing our contempt the flattering hope soon to "initiate Every Tuesday and Tliurstla;,-uncalled-for at at 7 p.m , Sunday at 2:30k. intends to bring his family to Utah nous astonishment at the several others of the "honest in BEEF! djy.H Ita tiSa conduct of Mr. Wall with regard heart." to reside before long. Fartics in rlcsirltij; ca ran nnt oa the stnfl'he whose to from the at Junction, 6:30, and return on the Recur- MUTTON! regalar 'hamhi:ks utill keeps up hi "lick" sion train wnkh leatns the Sprlnca at 9 received Another Scoundrel. as a He has himself declared to have o'clock p.m. iicivh vender. We learn from a aentlemmi iiwi l.rvUtn I'll.! and f "halttrhv. ', specially most courteous, fair and AND treatment. returned from (he Terminus, that a JUni T for also children. He has adapted 52:1;, day or two since a fellow was arretted t thousands of Myer's Aluminum pens. Caucus. ' People-at that for VEAL ! place Call on him. breaking into the A Primary meeting fur the, elect room of an invalid lady at the hotel on baud Mr, J. C. Coouwit, chief head of onr delegates (one from each mere, aprj committing an outrage wj H. U. clerk, division R. M. 8., and who ing SLATER, Proprietor. tli IOE, ol Main Street, djjrTtf has been engaged in making eamU Municipal Ward of Ogden City), to upon her person. The teuimony ot tne Countv Convention, (see election several witnes-iewas taken, all of nations of the c lerks of some of the notice) will be held in the Court KKTISAY OTICFwhich pointed to the fello.v's Usving guilt. rrecntlv railroads, left Ogden for Sim Fran- House on Monday evening next, AV I In We have Also seeareil tli fllowlnt dwerlh! ir.y p.wi-vlsltod But III and made hall-palieo. whose seven which 19th. o'clock If at the Tyler, uot , Umed and taks away a.imal, exploit a few within cisco, last evening. The gentleman July purchase, from some t.n Jti" frtm weeks ago of trying to murder Harw,, t Kt4 .tt.li Citizens. r ' 7 rrzrrr of the lureest housw t-Mctli.a at th. Ktry oud West PorMCT, a u well pleased with his treatment p.m. WESTERS" In the Eaet., we an , f m- n t ry Shadier, of the Keeney House, is saiurd.)- Jn;j J4t, rrr p m m sj n 2.2 while here. One dark Iron ctav mare now preps red tooffft mule, about "The Silent Man" well known to our readers, and liavedeteruilnrd old, stepped thrm ycirs appearing like D oo li ft to i 1 - mi wiser than he who lnia the torward, and swore the Bear en right shoulder, had blotched . white Wr in r,ir.'l,-adhip, to his A Fracas. torethought provide fuuily slept with him (Tyler) on the night j h 1ATU IIAI.I.. with Bkohn's Extract Ei.ack bekkt in SELL rea tbb .md A couple of individual.-- , this all iiuesiion, he r'lstnet did round that not keeper. am riNCKK: tie' niot wonderful l'" W1 leave the room. in This C" f t;od the line ol noon, took on iiieir coats in me rear romejy ui n fur ouriug Diurrlui a. brought others JoTTs" Jyit' Celebrated of the building next south ot Wii t'holera Morbus, and nil Summer up Uj the witnei stand, who t,ti- - .1011 k Co'., Main St., and weie yo derangements of tht- Stomach :in, Ced to Oeorge's previously tad cl EXCELSIOR! Bcwfli. GENERAL eter. Mr. Goodwin, of this cii a u. ing it in the most approved P. H ETNA B, , .ubixi-nae.r' 'KT of Weber in the ea.. tn ;.. IT11?; style, when -- ome item spoilers Suits. B4thlug . i ui" a rated Ui- - ,otnliatt.tni. and as aie tor Im.Iu--- an;l gi'titipniv-- at A. Rutin And other on Mond tv ibe iT'th we arc deprived of the privilej. A Co"- -. m stH ni'l not m tf to be f., .ountV rrtueniiy it tho iclayol July. djyI7 Court HoiM". in ( y iPrii to h. ar ami voi ot the tun who had trid to of being able to fui ni"li a AT i oiiii determine l,i:n,, nJ m the aa- unusii an f t. if: 0 :i ja fa the prirotier, wh'O ...aiuut rJ . ' v . . c ,. .. LOWER PRICES Ki"l glove-,en0 els. a pair, t 'hi-. h STOTJES ! nt " v - -tn baiinoca tor sale ; errors in On JhIv tind to keeping. bar nsse,siUeait, and whfli- ;tl r fct- Which Thn any Houfe li - .1 . appliVation.- for remittance of t.ixes. i,l lnwr thai I SHALL OPEN OUT A Fl'l.I. the Wist. Just Arrived. MEATS eau b) had at all Uoara of the By order of the 'V.ui t. LINE OB SI'KIXG WAfioXS. AT i " DMrket.J I.. M. i ie.-at The Fiest. their t Clerk. day, i.tUs' l.Ol, RkihrWj uiuuier County THE F1S1I VA(,ON DEVtl. C. C. Ri 'mwi.I 1'ie--, u.vK!-Clerks. j .'amen Aa.ci tini.t of Fa- - at Allen'. it Deputy . l.ovv hi,!,, .iuiia I H ijyuu vrs, JuNA1W POST OFFICE. IUUIIT41C k- '' . a HARDWARE DEPARTMENT, : -- ' LUMBEPu ITJttlD . lii'CBJ-Oeur- a) & CO. J kaa L turn traTns. 1871. itp -- 1880. H1 "' PATENT BIISIGIIMIIS, DRUGS, d Toilet Articles. Hair Brushes, tombs, RPENTINE Perfumeries, j fe OILS' E Wines! 'Brandies, mm MACHINE Etc., BITTElUs, x. Case Goods dOTTTA IN UTAH. ', liOlliiJOX well-writte- FINE -- WHISKIESliS i hikit, . Muritschliio"isl IMPORTED AND CALIFORNIA WINES. - yellow-covere- d splint-bottome- Best Brands of CIGARS! - i. PRICE Wm. DRTVEli r t SON, Main St., Oden- ALWAYS THE FRONT! The Latest Styles of Furniture - gem-rall- - tht BOYLE & GO'S, E. BICW& That Can mmmmv wvt-.- sr FU j over-draw- . hit iniin EINE WE IPJIOLSTEBEU, m:T SUIT Hot Springs, It (I ALT IOE! first-clas- I s s ITUB Named.j BOYL33 OO. ICE! tOB! et In PRICES at W. 6. CHILD & SON'S, - 0den,llTtah. - st f, AGENCY i NOTICE. ! .tif .,.,,u,r,rm-- : 'irst-ela-- . Ai 1 1 1 1 . ll- er.t 5 i - .'ui"tf - JmSHti' s4, rrrmi SSfiStw. Own, Vit; KVERY STOVE To jrivr O HARASSED Fntire .Satisfaction. rijiW ii |