OCR Text |
Show above the surface of the earth. The stream is six inches in diameter and flows at the rate of 400 gallons of water per minute. The preliminary steps have already been taken' for the tiolding of a York city, world' fiiir, in New in lfc83. At a recent met:ng of prominent citizens and capitalists in that great metropolis, a resolution was adopted asking Congress to take measures to give the proposed fair "official sanction and ai l commensurate to its importance." journal, 1W on our table. The book gives a history of the Chrnkle; the story of iU foundation on Jan. 16, ISSUED EVERY EVENING. 13o5, as the Dramatic Chrardch, issued in the little dingy room at 317, Clay The Junction Printing Association, Street.'the tftrugffles f it early life, . (ISMHKAAtOj up to its well earned succexs, which Oltoe aurnar ut Main ui Foorlb SirueW. manifested itielf so proudly last ImMil UV year m tJje erection of the IUiUiIlg AUdr.v eUemmmiuaituMiM r new Chronicle building at the June, te tion of Kearney.and Bush streets. TreiDAT Evssisa, Af&LL 20, ISM). The whole work is a most vivid des,. - cription of tho ..past achievements and present working methods tf the California periodical, ulike The moat univraul of arU U uiuie, to newspaptr people and instructive the divine art of sounds. Philolo- the lay publi . We learn from it the gist and ethnologist agree in telling fact that the f.hrurucle has risen us that man's first speech was poesteadily and gradually from the most try,' his iirst utterance uitjlodiou?, modestof modest beginnings, relyhis first expression music. Not uning solely upon energy, ability and J thinkingly havo the ancient r atcfiful enterprise, for that success the beautiful fables of Orpho-tu- , which is sure to follow iu America. tvho with hi Strains chained was at th very foot of the ladder It rif r and uproouJ trsi and roekf, that the paper had starUd not and eved mollified 'Pluto wrath a huisted up to a high round on a pile All Holy far aa to release.Eurydic. of moneysbags ind starting so, has Writ La fall of the praise and appreclimbed ahead of many rich rivals. ciation of musio, vocal or instrumental, both of which formed such an term people are Th,. Anti-Tuikintegral part of primitive divine wor' To compile quotations, nn stirring lively. We havt, before ship. music from ancient and modern clas- this, notified our, readers of the fact sical and romantic literature would that the Missouri republicans seem to eontain the elements whoso hos exhaust our iaatiM for a wetk. will only refer to Shakespeare's tility to Grant's renomination is the beautiful sentiment in tho fifth act strongest and the most active. we receive No. 1 of of hi .Virnhttttt cj IVi'V where we Jtepullie a read: weekly journal, published by E. .S. ''The nun that lilh no mutt iu hiaiiielf, Foster, otlicn National Republican Nor i not moved with concord f sweet Anti-thirterm Executive Commitsounds, I tit for treasons, stratagems and apoilft-- , tee, St. Louis, Mo. This number Th motions of his aplrit are dull an night, contains tho speech delivered by And hi alleetiohH (lrk a Krbri: . Henderson, in Mercantile Let no uneb man le trusted." Thii sentiment exprtea juistiy library hall, St. Louis, Mch. II, aud beautifully tho eternal harmony 1880. It is pronounced the ablest a there exist bcttwoen the cultivation argument against the principle of subterm ever of the Good, the True and tho Beau- third presidential mitted to the American people. tiful, a sentiment which has found a but none tho less true expres. sion in the proverb. Even ruot'LK who are not subject "Where they're ninglnu, settle In rups, to superstition may learn with a Kmi wlio'ro sluglng, nolbiuy mean certain degree of awe anil appreMusic reach- - all tigee, from the hension of all the devastation and infant whom rattle pleases desolation wrought in the world by to the aged matron who lowly mum- tho unchained elements' fury. Conbles her slow hymn.' Th-- "king on flagrations, hurricanes, inundations, hit) throntf exponas tho rouroes of earthquakes and all kinds of terre-- t bis land in subtilizing the opera with rial and atmospheric commotions il gilt and maibled hal! ami the are bringing misery and destruction bogjar stands' in muteentrancement upon mankind on all hands. H uround tho grinding oigan or the soems to be beyond doubt that there ' U more than blind accident in these itinerant Hiring baud. Hoary headed philoHOphers of yore disastrous coincidences. speculated on the "music on the spheres" and modern poets Hit ted to rOFCUR SCIENCE JiOTES. and transposed the Diunic MUSICAL CULTURE. 'e'i-lir.- von-ceire- d Special Noflc. have renovated and refitted my ab)ishnient and already attruetive addtd one more Monarch r'ool Table. I have now the most elegant Ear and Billiard Room in the western country. None but first-clagoods handed over the bar. Soliciting a continuane ot your patronage, I am, Very Respectfully, 1 UfiSKT pro-rote- new-bor- i "In the aijhing of a reetl, The late Leonard Case, of Cle There's munle lu the jturxlltig of a rill. There's music la all thlun, If into bad land, left f.r a school ot applied BondHomes-1- 00 Something ing LoU Notice to TramxUrs and Koclu Job Warooers Sale-o- f , riumblng Basiness. - BOYLE lot for "Who wants a buildiuj? fifty dollars and upwards? Work and all kinds of trade taken for pay: HnTTiai bit lif tU mnneir nant.,1 tor the poor; 100 building lota for salo, being situated in Ogden City, on Fourth and Fifth 3 reels, 1 block east of the canal, near John Chipp's I T Wooivi-R- . AJa OB TWESf & Co. Rcspectiully call attention to their k Of the Latest and Most Elegant Depigna. Plain and Ornamental. ' will continue the plumbing l pipo and patent point I drive-wel- pump business. All goods sold, and work done at lowest cash price. My store on east side of Main St., will be fitted up with a large stock of goods. All kinds of pay taken for goods and work. I thank the public for favors and will reciprocate in the future. Business will be attended to promptly. All architects and builders furnished with estimates on and pipe work plumbing, at lowest prices. Work dona, in eastern style; no freezing of water and despoiling of walls. Hot air rangt.8 or steam oojla for heating large buildings will bo estimated on. Oflioa at Pump Shop, corner of Fourth and Main streets Ogden, " Fkksh Salmon. Radishes Cucum-tierund green i'eas at C. Manure's. s pt aprli w Livery i tables. Jas. E.K oU, has ju-- t established a new livery xtable and hits on hand a number of fine horses, naw buggio andligit wagons. All who desire tukiiija pleiwint rule should consult him before, ordering their outfits dal-nelsewhere. N' CHIFFONNIERES anr3 EXTENSION TABLES gas-fitii- Utah. Unby Carriages, . - - 1 -- We have also on hand a splendid line Bureaus, Mirrors, also Sideboards, and Table Cloths A. J. KERSHAW. splendid line, all ctvlos and indebtod to me Ad F.S. & Co's, received at persona Boyle prices, just are requested to settle immediately, riml7tf. or accounts will bo placed in hands' of an attorney. Call and Inspect d apr 12 lm carThe splendid stock ef baby riages just received by Boyle k Co. dmlTtf. 51. BESIDES DKALEU8 THE GENUINE DR. C.McLANE'S Of New and Eiegant Styles. Plain- and Fancy Window Aflig-fUKJ- Oroeeries, and LIVEIl PILLS Fruits. - - BABY CARRIAGES, CRADLES, FKAMJSS, feaorl Itcspectrully, prompt attention given to ordi rs. BO Y L E Go, the name McLatte, spelled ilitliirently, ut same fironutici"ilor. S Mst Side Main Street, das' lea MOXJllOlfc, KEAD! aWwl iw t. imu, PUBLIC ARK KKREBV notified THE . tho Urin of Rich B'op,, Ocden, Is mcceesM y that of B K. Kieh & Co. The new arm In resiontlle for all dchts owhic hjr and will oolioct all aronntsdae the furiui r one. Tile usii-8will he carried mi at tiie tamo tand as beretofore, Fourth Stree'. B. E. RICH Co. ali OapH, p. T. AprU 1, lm. Hi 4 FRUIT TKKES, Oniamontul Shrubs . Fruit, a every vanety n shades, color, qualities and a rri.ri,n, hm j Foreign and American prices-b- oth manii- CO -' ZZtZ & - - HOSIEBV-Eve- i--. ' ' Grade. ry K KJTTO A' A Choice Ne lectio n. CO i: -THE WORLD'S FAVORITE CORSET ' Tale Linens and Cloths, Damasks, Suitings and Woolen. Goods m Domestic Good of every Description CJLOT1IIXG of EASTGItX. ASTD VTETERX M AUFA CTUCE. " E SATS CAPS. 30 Cases oJ Ladies', MUses Boots and Shoes and Slippers; best ZdUte styles Gents, Youths and Boys' ditto, Grides. 'A all n . OQ 'f 42 T f QueeiiKware and ;i:5u3t . SomS OrJera a'ong the line of I, v My purchases are made in New York. I sell profits. Offer no baits on special articles to mislead i - t -- J husmeS3 JOSEPH th. Ra.ro. $TAXFORD-jronrietor- i" noudtej. rtjMiipl uf ,)d8 JlTil 0Q imWt Ji S.LEWIS OPTICIAN, w i and ,t the no Wk VYA00;1 ,. Improved. iary .'rata now rt "TICReliabls'.nd w Hoae.t. Prices reeed Ua cf the ,J,,Wss jfcWELS King's Combination Spt Ut tt (Oliver ru" IU Chilled) ep f fmproTett Js ailJ Ueu eXlluti3, a.xerzeyour toil go thai by us.ng CRAIN DRILL tkt Phm Milky w;ntsr ,Bd irouth Bsrlt Steel Fentft ? mM AVJr "- - with fine French They ara pi is.-- it bofiea, and can b to adjusted that isc f jcu will com directly in fr- -r ci Si. re. aak'rj th.m mack lutn v;r .e able and aaeful than oriinry snpcta in Etwj Pair Warranted,. 0f Sulky Vljw Toa will get fall crops, as tbe grain stand, Otebrated oi Try Tktm. . th v FLOWS vs. GANG PLOWS" THE TRIUMPH Aed the to auiU a!e 0f any wgiroa f V.ry Dur.bb Ca ' ' SaLI " 18 bW0W that The Cassaday WATCH Ei, :C5 ain Wagons! ft m nwt-i,-tijuu- fa! iiXt - ' 1 w WHITE GOODS OF THE FINEST TEXTURES Ell-biii- k ClUKGE! -- s- Creetones, Linens, Cambrics, Percales, of the Latest. Patterns. 'J 100 pieces Hamburir Edgings and Insertions, Breton, Dentelle Malines, Tuscan Torchin ' Laces. Notions of Every Description - t, -- r c3 SHADE TEBES! , s. SPRING GOODS NOW OPEN. PIPE 0110 A. 0B0.CARKLK88hMjnt reiTlon of Oao Wood', Co',, tptondid Pip aad Rwd Ornai which nr hrotsght to any OrsaB Ctai. H rpan it alio aipmt for "Knaba," "Arioa,' "Wood, lUrdmao" Piauor, aod will upplj br Undt, orcbestraj, choirKOr bmiliM wilb Iustroiupuu or Htie of a totter quality aoS than any otbw dealer in Utab AditreM ni Souih Buet, (two doom eaat of Dinwoodey'i Karnitnr. Store) Salt Lk Oity. Order, by mall will reoelTe prampt atteatina. maaui B The Largest RetaU Eonse m? Qgden 1 v CHANCE OF FIRM. , S v. ,T Charge lor Erayage. Thankful for past patronage, we would return thanks for the same, and saj that we hope for a fcontinu anee and an increase, which" we are (MSLAWD StvtioS, Ky. OrtUmrm The dkmaud lor A Urn's Liiik preparing for by the enlargement of HaUin ! lncretuinic cuantontlj. Th Udiei, our tbir.kE itaer U no quarters and the receipt of a wjuhI fit it tor roup ui WbtupisgCunab. C 8. MARTIN. DruuU stock such as the market requires, Mold hj all XnliriB Deslr. winch we will sell as low as any Rwuiirnl raloiwl TOLL GATE ND. 2 I'll euro. Vrj in- - houso in the pkce. nintu. 78 ot)jcW ts flui. SnnJ tinp for C. Dr. Mntlule, K. J. psk. .r -- ,r OGDENATJTAH.,3 ul'taptks. f i i NUiit a W.ll.knows Druailnt njn a bunt Allfu'i Lunx Biilhum. mwik-irf- a T- any part of the city. FLEMING BROS., Pittsburgh, Pa., the market being full ot initiations of trtt liiii ; , nLrfia, EtC. ETC Thankful for paet patronage, and favors, we respectfully .!iCit a continuance of the ram, fldent that we ean give our patrone and friends full Batlfetlou. We are now better priared than ' " and leepectfully Invite you to visit us, acd iaspeot our ' MERCHANTS. suit good, r pro-ress- 1 Everything in the Furniture line kept at our Establishment f U-te.- : Shipping and The conciliatory, soothing, refining charm of muxio is undeniable, chpr This very reason gives it Us high iiir as most a an even valuable, portanco indispensable fsetor in education.be it homo education or the courses in r.rT public school. While an earnest believer in the SEALED PROPOSALS. efficacy of fuith, in tho conviction of (fec)W4 to J, H. Guthrie & Ce.) : philosophy,; and tho consolation of will bo received at SEALED BIDS 1UXKERS, literature, we believo that there is hintil MayHSth. Recorder's otrie, Ogden, Tho very bright etur now to be Hp to noon April 30ih, to deliver on no mental agency of thetauw intenH s seen near tho horizon, about due the banks of Weber river, uear the Ogden Cits, Utah sity as music; it is the most powerful south, is "Sirius," the dog star, and U. O. railroad bridge, withm three ( ollwtlon, Kwclre Preupt ittfatloa. tamer of tho heart, the most cheer- it is estimated by astronomers that months, 125 piles, 2 i feet Ln, not ful comforter of the sou), tho most it gives us four times us Wuobjight less than 1 inches throitj;h uf the loss than ti inches at exalting herald of the inetKtkle bliss as any -other star visiblo in our lati butt und rot ' tude.., tbe ton. ; of futurity. COKREpOKUENTS: A new comet was discovered List The right to reject any and all Reoi-rMusical culturo must be made an New Vork . Opd)ktACo,.. bids reserved. month by Astronomer Gill, at ana Uvno.ll Uwi A Co.. A Saibi-Co. integral, indispensable part of our Town, South Africa, The iihw celes On bphaff ot the joint Brldce paa Kreaowca . i., n..H.i DHfta...... vnsoaffo , public system of education, a teach- tial visitor is appronching (the sun Committee of Ogden City and vVober Omaha li.tU.oM B; V,... Oambm -" Flm will Bank not but be visible in County, er being admitted who is notcompc probably Kational BaBk',"'"""""I'!'Mt lr.rt tak.Oty JiMES TaVLOR, A fix tent to impart to the scholars at this country, without the aid of a ' I April 19 Oorinae City Recorder. J. W.Guiiri, baaker""'""""" least & love for the beautiful r.jt, telescope. Tbe Allianoe Bana, .lB,tV London Tho reason generally given by sci1. M. LeTtB a Oe... Oeaaihaa neither any child being allowed to entists for'the phenomenon of heargrow up without having th inherent ing sound farthest )ut beforo a storm, i that the air, being moi.i, ha (itste for music somewh it cultivated in however a modest de- more than its normal conducting power, and that the low lyingstrat gree. One lesson in music a day, of ALL sinds c clouds confine tfj9 sounds to the given by a person who i imbued earth. Ornamental Vct with a full, genuine love of the Dr. Gould, of the Cordova Univeris an(T roa tb rjBM or worth half a sity, South America, reports the 'harenly muso," dozen tlry dissertations on morals, discovery of a new snd great comet Geo. PETERS SON & TAYLOR'S iu the of the surpassiconduct, and deportment. The time ng no neighborhood th ward one which it i stated Apyie.Pear, 1'iutii, Cherry A pra-ot be kept and the measured rhythm that nations, north ef theeiualornmy Ntclmiuc, (jtimre. SMALT. rKCIT-l- . FAIHMCiiNT NU3SERIES, of the song bring into the children a I e treated to a sight of ui an early BcWtrrv. Cnrntuts, Uraef, rrry, certain discipline which tomes to . . StrnN-rn'i- . Kansas. T'Peka, It u estiinited that about 9,000 UT8 I'rt-aand Walnr, them agreeably, is received with W Are Bf his oi'y ortirrsia soiipitirj ti.tls or new road are jiow under fHADE B.. JCi. er.MjiilurdT Por, an I ! good part, and is certain to become ciiiiii-i- , fur rr. Bslm of i sarrouuling .a L'icuvl. ail, tin, u men iu aim ii ot ytryi:iioj in ibrir lies- - Tbe firm UhiN'AM EN I AL. MntiuUtn Ach, mouliio2 SCt of their charac a jiosition to knowuioujruitiy that more.u ile an J of ioiliipo'i'le rypu ' WiiluW.Cut- - losnolJos ok, Auicnmo Wte. ters. t f railroad will be built during Jxjo LJ.ef W'rvpiiiK ttifrh titioD. Everyihisg foroisbed by ILis in I'nited 'he States . tlau Think of it, you parc Uls and eh during rerjMjioai, '.liuit.Uijc, llrm Mil be true o aame, auJ alt irree t , Mom, any year beforo. and plants that die wuhia ot.e ej! FLOWERING BlIRCBi. jtT Altfcsa, will he replace J m. uauvaiu. oi t ranee, it .! ( j, r.oj, baa Suowtallr, Eyrrgreen Honey modified . th Sucklts, 'stated, completely FKEE OF in fornl of lllP Aroerican fiKi and TrrM for KaU during th Moat. r prll I'hom.grh, Arnei ka ha hardly ever been Books cf insiruotiocs ae furnibeJ and ci .ims to have an iustrutuutfar Purser main and pevosu stkkets, wi:b svery srJar. P.. freoc?s giteo exemplified than by the rise and Fuperior to Mr. Edison's jutent, hnd Kear tbe Tahcruack. ith plfaurs to wba wish to of that will become ot pie!icd priin tha&m Frncw lU-'01"TAYLOR'S Mill, correp'Dil as to the reliability of the rukSERY '!' A gse. ut''''3"' all(1 l'0Ille int0 - . '7iuiur r.:-- .. i VAN DORS 1 ABBOTf, Frops. uriii . bia. ' wus well An c.yTriT'!eVi artes':n on tinWl paper, embellished rarties can lj n better ha faverj !;: Sd farr l'rlf Lit, r.-uat lfaveafrtjowa, lately, at deplh " A few Choite with "vtal cut. w" , " old . .. iu- - 7." "'7 . i is'i (knices;f UTAH. Delivered Free to StPsn : Thentrfc Con er, 4tb t;t.) " for are not recommended as a OGDEN, all the ills that flesh is heir to," but in uttectioiis of the Liver, and in all Bilious Complaints, Dyspepsia, arid Sick Headache, or diseases of that charaotcr, they stand without a rival. COMMISSION Coighs," Bronchitis 4A A large lot of j I.- V- Produce ' Fine Assortment of WDm6w SiJaDES5 BOND & CO. 45 Yenrsbefore th Public 3H0 .wMl:t-4- " " A A H; 3 '(. ts K) ft. Anaptrr, dr. Jtre Ilvrse Jrin, Shoe, Harihco'Mi, niGtnMa!?riU.'jc! Si: BR EE, FERRIS & Suit, HOLT,. ? .j. it - stiKar-coate- "Whoa Music, lmaven'y maid, was young, While yet in early (rrwece she snng, The Passions oft, to hear her shell, Tbronf etl around her magic cell." 1 of- - Ml OFFICE- FUR MIT! U;R?E;.Ev - - rctl-wu- f lit a . iron, ing power into extremely thin wires. The Italian govwumeut offers thvee prizes, amounting to $1,8000, for vines laised from grafts of American varieties capabU of rousting pnyuoxera. the longest submarine cablo iu tho world, is that" along . the east of Africa, from Natal to Aden, it being 4,000 miles in longth. A railway bus just been finished for the ?seent of Mount Vesuvius. It is P00 mtrs in length, and will enable tourists to amend by it t the crater in safety. The deepest well in the world is the one recently finished at Buda feet in IVsth, Hungary, being depth. The temperature of the water it yields is nearly 165 Fnhr. The electric light is coming into general use on board of steamships, and passngers and seamen alike express themselves as hiuhlv de- liithted with the new method of illumination. . An exhibition of the r,rts and scieac" will be held at Nashville, Tenn., in celebration or the hundredth anniversary of the settlement' of that city, beginning on April 23rd next and continuinc .JOY Bedroom and Parlor Set THE PUBLIC AKK INFORMED that No better cathartic can be used Tire- to, or afur tnfciutf quinine. As puratory car." $l,f00,-000science, property valued at a simple purgative they are unetmaled. diSpecial and No .religion that hai not it . , BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. is vine service solcmuuod and leant The genuiue are never An olectric locomotive has been x ul on the lid, tied with music, be it the rough Kucb box has a manufactured and successfully wper with the impression, McLAJi K'S LI VKIt drums of the Hottentott and Catl'ie ated on the street railway of Berlin PILL. Each wrapper bears tne mxna-turor the sublime strains of tho iSistiae ' of C. McLass and Flex i so Hnos. For use in telegraphy, aluminum Good? S Insist upon bsvinir the r Impel. Where is tho house o poor Ds. C. McLANk'8 LlVk 1'ILLS, preis said to possess double the conduct in its remotest, but that has not i of and can be made pared by most venerated corner the piano, organ or guitar? or if ieaa fail, the busy housewife will cheer and cn liven her hard work with sougs uc oompanied at leaot with the smils of her little ones and the enjoy meut ' " ' of her own heart. If we relegate tho story of Orpheus taming tho wild beasts of the forest with the sweet strains of his heaven lyre, we will, at least, concede that there is all the "balm of tiiload" in harmonious Bounds Not vainly did Collins snv. in his ' Ode ei the Tasmm : .ill Y , LARGE and m&&mFIGEJffl T. good laborers wanted to quarry rock and plough on my farm. propose to give to tho city feet a street one hundred wide through aaid farms, without cost providing they erect a good four strand wire fence witii geod cedar postaon each side of the road to protect the farm from stock. ACUE AND FEVER. , ,. ! I "'' To-di- y tre, MERCHANDISE. (JuaiTiw are open, and'" rock will be furnished parties at such u : ; a low price that thev can not aSord Of Plain and Ornamental FUitXITURE,3 to let their team wait while digging them. R k Will be delivered to any parties in too city at CO and And Inrita their friends and the general public to pay a risit to iheir establish nctnt, where will be foaad 05 cents pr jercb.' Read What Physician burst "I was afflicted with a severe of inflammation of t to ejes, und could got no relief until I tried Bkown's Auxi'M Salvk. Sinco then I have u?ed it in my practice, and freely say that 1 think it is tho most Salve ever made wonderful and invaluable in every family." W. V. Barker, M. 1).. Hastings, Iowa. All of Bkown's Popular Mkiii-cixk- s for sale by Win, Driver ifc Son, and J, W. McN'utt k Co., Ogdon. ly lit KEHSIIAWYILLE place. s doUtf GENERAL MISCELLANEOUS. I if |