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Show IUT ii Unix i and Councilors to the Legislative v n vjl iv tt The Emm mine property was sold by the United Slates Marshal yesterday, at Salt Lake City, to satisfy executions for $lll,lal, infavor of Trenor W. Park, and was purchased by Mr. Charles G. Linooln for Mr. l'ark. If not redeemed in six months the title will become absolute in the purchase, when, it is presumed he. will take .'a measures to test tne merits oi me much cursed Little Emma. A man name unknewn fell from an ice wagon yesterday and received injuries from which he died. Gen. Nathan Kimball, Surveyor (Sen- era! for Utah, has gone to Indiana tt 'stmmp it" for Hayes and Wheeler, on whose suooess his bread aod butter Salt Lakb Itkms. Assembly. FfFTIf STREET. Ia view of this convention OoDtN Publishing Company, it is time that Weber County, r ' well as others should take a I'llOPaiETORS action for the purpose of se Churl? W. Penrose, Editor. curing proper representation there A county convention should be Y. Tuoinson. Das. Man'gr. called, to meet in Ogden before the tbbe of the present month, for the And appointment of our delegates. to thould the in couatv ret'inct 'W ben you wrfie lor publication, write each Give hold its caucus, or primary ,and select oi. ly cu oue side of the psper. name, not necessarily for publioa-tton- ,' its delegate pr delegates to the counbut far protection. 15 brief and ty convention, being careful to send il licit. I ' such men, whether to the county binge. 'Cwvuniaatiaai relating o adverwho will territorial convention, or The Deserel University hs made a tisements, job work and all other busviews of the the cf base, being removed from the change faithfully represent Business ings, direct invariably t the corner of South and East Temple Streets, " people. MT,asr'T-!""We should have a stauding Peo to the Uniou Academy building in the Correspondence for publication direct 17th Ward. invariably to the Editor. ple's Centralt Committee in this county, and it is to be hoped that at Tus VfAiaa Witch. The little steam mass meetings or convenSaiirday Evening, Seyt. 0,:i8?C the next er, Water Witch, we learn, has gone fn tion, sueh a committee will be organ- a voyage of discovery, seeking an outlet ized and empowered to watch over for the surplus water flowing into the CONSPIRACY. the political interests of the county. Great Salt Lake. ' It having been supposed that the All the people should take part in The Salt Ltk Tribune of this desert careand lying west of the lake is lower local our politics. Apathy morning, in a long article designed the than water of the lake, snd that conto convict Lee and Dame before trial, lessness are criminal in these times sequently, a cut might be made someof trickery and intrigue, end if the aiukJi the fallowing damaging where on the western side of the lake : majority of the people of Utah wish shore, by which the water could find ' But there was tail peculiarity in tbo to retain the balance of power which egress, and thus release for agriculturrl trial ot lel year; the conviction of the is their's by right of numbers, they purpose a large amount of rich land wag not so much an object with the present trip efthe tbe prosecution, as the procurement of must become citizens tin very deed, now overflowed, ot such testimony as would fix the crime instead of being such only in name. Water Witch is got up with a view to this wiioleaale assassination up in men ascertain the facts, to do which Mr. C. ' i.gher up in the Church." W. Hardy, surveyor, accompanies the It will be remembered by the read-r- s NEW HEEC1IKR TKLAL. expedition, armed with scieatifio instru of the Junction, that this is We hope he may find the ments. is as tricky as Tweed. Beecher a the scheme what we tlaimed during practicable one, and that it progress suit Meultoa against will having brought be carried out. vi the farce at Beaver, popularly malicious him for for prose$50,000 tuowu as the Lee tiial.; But the is for Mrs. the cution door, " opened Died. tlieo urgan of the "ring since anniand not at Tilton others, At produced, state-incdenied our yesterday, Mrs. Farmington, hilated, vehemently into be marched scandal to the Elizibeth trial, Hees, aged 73 years. The and ridiculed the charge. the witness box. So Shearman,with funeral will take plaoe to dy. The deceased was an estimable lady is uuw to be abandoned, and the ef- - many tears over this new "persecuand was the mother ef Bishop John W. tion" of his pastor, has moved for a lorts oi ine prosecution win ue Hess. of venue ti Franklin County, a to procuring the conviction of change distant point, on the Lee und Dame. Why? Simply Mt dear Madam, try Glenn's Sul where it will be the evidence desired to crimin- borders of Canada, phur Soap and you will find it a far inconvenient and expensive to more effective beautifier than any cosate ' men higher up in the Church" very forward all the witnesses de- metic. It promotes a healthy circulation was not forthcoming, and the plot bring sired by Moulton. The latter, not in the vessels of the skin and keeps the agaiust them failed, utterly and has filed an amended pores open the only legitimate modes of as it ought to have failed, to be and is striving to get the overcoming compiexlon&l defects. cnvring its chief .conspirators and complaint, to take place is New York City. tho, organ that sustained them, with trial, Beecher mae a sad mistake to iutfi'awable bhamo aul infamy. which all great criminals are liable The 'f rib. now claims ? that at last when he went back on "the mutual ymtr'i trial, "more positive and con friend." Moulton has lots of "hot SEALED PKOPOSALS I vincing proof of the guilt of the pris water" ready boiled for Beecher to oner Lee could not have Wen pro Will be received up fo take duced." If no iurthcr tettiiriony can squirm in. ; If the trial cannot in Brooklyn, New York is the Friday, Sept. 22d,'76, at 2 p.m. "be offered at 'th"e"preBent 'trial, it is place ST TBI must plaee, by all means. certain that a . coaaEi5fnKiT. rl " . 1 , tjtfilClAl piit-oa-- ut Liberal STAR ! The Liberals of Weber Co. are quested to bold their Treoinct conven tisn in their several preoinots, onSatur' day, the 9th September, 1876, for the purpose of electing delegates to the Lib era! party county convention, to be held at the Liberal Hall, Ogden city, on Saturday, 16ih September, A. D. 1876, at 7:30 p.m. The precincts are entitled to the fol lowing representation, in person or by written proxy: Ogden, 8; Plain City, 6; Heoperville, 5; West Weber, 8; Slater-vill4; North Ogden, 4; Uintah and South Weber, 2; Lynne, 2, Riverdale, 2; Iluntsville, 4; Eden, 2; Harrisville, 2; Marriott, 2. The delegates elected to county con vention te choose six delegates to the Territorial convention, to be held at Salt take City, .October 8th, 1876, and to transact such other business as may come before the convention. By order of the committee: W. M. Rank, Chairman. II. W. 0. Maroary, Secretary. d303 8t e, I Billiard Paiibr! Having purchased the entire Business and Effect: of tne Star Billiard Pari or,. I Solicit the Patronage of the Public. THE STAR IS THE BEST APPOINTED RESORT JN THE CITY. All FIRST CLASS BILLIARD POOL TABU WINES. LIQUORS. ALE AND PORTER Of the Finest Quality. OIGARS OF THE CHOICEST BUANDs Company admitted. Specialty. None but Respectable W. d294-l- Fancy Drinks a II. JEKNE, Sole Proprietor. I $250 REWARD! WHEHEASAN ATTEMPT has twico been made by some evil person or persons to destroy, by fire, the premises of L. D. Wilson on Fifth Street, near B. disposed White's lumber Yard ia this City. Now, Therefore, I Lester J. Iler- rick, Mayor of Ogden City, to hereby offer a Reward of$250 FOR TUB APPREHENSION AND CONVICTION Ot the person or persons who at tempted to set fire to said premises on the night ue-Tot- cd Dlill Ogden Planing & AND LUMBER YARD; OIBS0K PROPRIETORS. ECCLES, Re-sawi- We wish to announce to our Patrons and tbe Publio generally, that we hii on hand, and constantly arriving, a well - selected stock ot SEASONED Which we offer at also Our Machinery is daily in operation, where we continue PLANING, RJ SAWING and SCKULL SAWIM;. also maWmg Mouiamgs, iioors, Sash. Franri etc, etc., to order. We continue to receive orders for AMES1 EXGIXES, EllPiRE & PHOEffi SAW MILLS. , Machinery, and the Improved Mitchell Wagons, Farm, Freight and Spring. L. J. HERRICK, Mayor. Ogden City, Sept. 2d, 187C. We return thanks for the liberal patronage of the publio, and hope, brstrl attention to business, and square dealing, to merit a coniiauaBce of your fu Call and see us. or SEND ORDERS BY MAIL, WHICH WILL EE PROUPTLT ATTENDED Office d302-2- and 51 lis, Corner rourtli l ranklin Streets, TO. j Ogden, rtsl DAVID ECCl! d92 BIDS WANTED! BARNARD WHITE WILLIAMS aud w H. E. GIBSON, J. FIGUKES, Shingle Mills, Lath Mills, Planing Mill Ogden City. (SUCCESSOR XO ILrTJIMIIBEIRj THK LO WE8I POSSIBLE SIIIXGLES, LATH, MO ULDIXGS AND ALL KINDS 6, BUILDING MATERIAL, Including Windows, BraeiictH. T. O. Flooring, Rustic and Ben Bluings, liaiiens, etc., inc. ef By order of the City Council of e, ng & Saturday last, Sept. 2d. 1876. be-ffiu- out-don- Preclact Con Prtr ventiou. 3m703i Co..) , ; j fair-minde- jury d Recorder of Ogdeu City acquit him. This "positive and con For Work on the New TWEED. vincing" evidence is .recapitulated by the Trib., and contains not a par Bridge So "Boss" Tweed is caught at last. ticle of proof against ' Lee, but that ACROSS THE OUDEN RIVER. A telegram from Madrid Eays he is veracious sheet, assumes something lodged in a fortress: Those who "hold trhich did not appear in evidence, For the Piling; SEC will have to keep a sharp FIRST, 4p(l tuakts up its owr verdict from OXD, For' the Mason. his Tweed is Wholesale and Retail . Dealer In Doors, Windows, Blinds, Mouldings, LTJMBER, LATH, SHINGLES, . the-fort"- look-ou- t. - Blippcry, iu own assumption. friends are cunning, and he has Ve have no apologies and no deenough money left from his stealings for assassins. We share the fence to do wonders with. couiai.jii desire for justice against the acluaT"perpetrators of the crime at ...... iMyuutairJ-JJlea'- r S. But we daim iof all accused persons a fair arid full pi trial, aud reel notning for jour naiists who try to man fciiort ufacture' prejudice against an unconvicted prisoner,and publicly condemn cud btntence him,' f;ota such as crude, unsubstantiated tostimouy into' & ferment by worked rubora,' own iQtir conjectures, mingled with bitterness aud heated by bigotry ' TJie trial will' 'begin some time next, ntfck,,tht;n let the evidence be hoard aud tested, aud let popular - - i - sively.. The situation is more compli l? cated;; Jti A little stream rising in the Jastra batz range, and flowing al right angles to the Moravia enters that river nearly epposue Delegrado, a force gaming the e valley of this stream can take the position in flank, and would find an open road to Krugevats and the interior ef Servia. and also to the valley of the Moravia behind the Servian position. It Is easy to see the importance of this small valley, so a strong foroe of Turks occupies. Jastrenati bills. Its i't i ! . Agent for the CTlsbrated a . , am wagons " PLANS AND SPECIFICATIONS Can beiMQ od applicatiOD to ( OLIVER CHILLED PLOW Orders along the line of Railroads will receive proibpt atteution Office corner of Wall and Fifth City Recorder. Ogden City, Sept. 9th, 1876. (1290 d303-- 2 i mm mm mmm mwmt m mmm m TkomasW.Jones AND K. O. Flour ! FROM NEW MILLS, S3IITHFIELD. Merchant BEST In thA 3IAUKET. Dele-grad- official it supported last year, is in- teresting, as further evidence of their conspiracy and intrigues against in jioctjufc ptrsoua. - COXTEKTIOX TO CHOOSE .... A DELEGATE. The Tcrritarial People's Central Committee, at a meeting held last evcniBg in the Salt Lake City Hall, resolved to issue a call for a Terri- torial Convention for the nomination f a Delegate to Congress, in the bane place oa the 7ih of October next at 12 o'clock, noon. Each now fortified by the Servians, the capture of which is necessary to the euoeesa cf the Turks. Tohnerayeff's strongest fortifications are here. The Turks have advanced and been repulsed several times. 'A' dispatch to the same journal from Belgrade reports 220 Russian private soldiers arrived there Thursday. Their advent is considered significant, as all the Russians who have previously come to enter the Servian army have been officers or red cross men. . .. . , Orders have been" issued (bat any Servian who mutilates himself t avoid military duty, shall be punished with death or imprisonment. The Turkish right wing was withdraw! yesterday, and the position immediately occupied by the Servians. A special dispatch to the Times from Vienna. sys what resolution was adopted by the cabinet council at on Wednesday, is not known positively, but it is certain that a proposal of an armistice was not accepted, and that conlitioni of peace were for. heights county in the Territory will be entitled to double the ouuiber of dsiog-iteas it sea la Representatives uulaleJ. , Street, tr For Sale at Field Stinger's Bazar Bakery, :ri ft wmm KILVfcW LfcAr - AND TBS - JAMES TAYLOR, S, 1 And "Window Glass Work - Dele-grad- judgment be suspended till the case object is to gain the stream mentioned, to outflank the Servians at is nuidhed, Jefcuwhile,the Tribune's so a Tobnerayeff is at the village of of the low trickery of the Djunis where there is a break in the PAINTS, OILS A Full Stock Kept on Hand, For the Carpen- -. ter & Joiner The Turks aud Servians. ' C London, 8. ;j A dispatch to the News from Delegrade says the war drags slowly ana indeci- THIRD,' Work; '"" Builders1 Hardware & Fifth Street, Ogden. leu d269 X w m 3 Tailor. " N , CHAS.W. STAYNER' AT. ATTORNEY, COrJrSEI.l4a.Attend, i Public. to obtaining LAND PATKNTS, and retnrn pnr- ctuua nu.nkt, secnrei fatk.vis ana la avis for INVESTORS (doinr th banineea direct with th Commiuionar at WMttinton) and rollectt debts and conducts cases beturo the Justices' CcirSs in all parts of the Territorr. Persons haring bnsmess witb aay of the Departments at Washington, will do wall toconsuit Mr. StayiiT either by letter or at his flire ith fait Lake Uisald, Uain 8t., 8. L. City, P. 0. Box tST Opposite Bank 'm& MAIN STEEET, FMXKUX MAC VEAGH CO, WHOLESALE GROCERS. CinCAGJ. --- ILL'S --- B. W. l' JTE5 JiEXS, Agent Cffireand 'rnnp't Rwin. 33 Eat i Templa CvIUtoo Building. Salt l.a'te City. aUBn-J-.- to. Ptrt d28 1. CGDEN. |