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Show 03DEN JUNCTION. FIFTH STREET. Charls M. W. I'k.nrose, STRA Editor rrORP, HusiM Mantjr. the lower crossing of Soda Creek. It is Darnel after a store keeper who built a the persevering farmer has excellent near by aad Uid out a gardit. hsuse prospects for reaping the fruits of bis both of which are now deserted. It is labor. to the experienced taste So la boasts of one hotel the Sterrett very pleasant most exh lirating Bct a od produces Hause, a large frame building contain t iiticu It is thebe'-- adapted of any far bottliug ing twelve commodious rooms iu ad and conveying to a distance. to the spacious dining room and kitchS1STV PKB CENT. ens. Tbe proprietor, Mr. W. W. S:er-reta half northwest of the an One mile at and most is ooe et the obligiug is a collection uf springs, House Sierrett takes tentive ol hosts, and epeial pain Inch hears (he above name. of chief tbe and his of wantn to supply the guest on inquiry that informed is The traveler in direction and information give them is soda its volume ef cent table His per ninety to the neighborhood regtrd to than tbe swallow is furniid wii h all t he good things thru This is biiic'j harder the on after waters. Probably, analysis, part of the country affords, and as the cent the of he is evaporation liquid ninety per patronage of the house increases of the deposit was found to be soda in establishment the every improving This is considered by many persons to department. Board can be obtained at be the most palatable of all the waters or week the Sterrett House by tbe day, in the tieiguborhood. is ''Everybody to especithe seasen, and Mrs. Sterrett old as tbe their who taste," lady remarked invaiiJs may ally attentive to the kissed but we can her when she cow, sojourn at the upring. admira not Oue Soda. at express any saloons great two are truthfully There is kept by Major T. G. Womack, a tion for the flavor of the "ninety per southern gentleman and retired army oent.'' It tastes like water in which car officer, well acquainted with the country, bonate of soda tins been dissolved, and and the mining regions adjacent, and has not tbe life and sharpness of several It is, however, well full of anecdote and the traits of a fear other springs. less mountaineer. The other is kept by worth visiting, being situated in a nook Col. Sol. A. Hale, and contains the in the hills, approached through a grove finest billiard table in the Territory. of cedars and commanding a fine prosTbe proprietor is great on horse-flespect. About a half a mile nearer town a on horse, is what is called the having been almost ra'sed AMMONIA HOLE. and owning a large band which roam fat of red a the mound is a deep In centre feed or and fine on the neighboring hills, in be e which seen a number mny cavity, on Sol's raucbe at Gentile valley, twenty-tivmiles away. Mr. Halo has built of dead birds, suffocated by tbe fumes one or two neat bouses at Soda, which which issue from its sides. This is evi he has disposed of, and ia now putting dently a dried up spring which once considerable iron, signs up a good frame building as a family oontained residence. He will supply teams and of its effects on the surrounding soil No perceptible conveyances to surrounding localities. being plainly visible. disturbs tbe olfactories on the surVisitors should ask to see Sol's "Dea-oon.- " scent He is the father of mules, and face of the mound, but if a person has wears the most religious expression of enough curiosity to descend into the oeuotenance ever seen outside of a con- hole, be can get all the scent he desires to last him for one season. It has been venticle. Messrs C. J. IUymond and Herbert found strong enough ta half choke sev era! strong men. We were satisfied with Horsley run a shingle mill on Spting Creek with good success. The former the experience of tbe defunct birds, and l est feel sufficiently hungry for "amis proprietor of a bath house near the or whatever the exhalation may monia,'' Sterrett Hotel, which, though but into a hole af.'er it, particuto be, jump anroughly fitted up at present, all that kind of icent a reawhen larly ana exceedii-glswers the purpose well, sonable person might require c iu!d b is a great convenience to visitors. for a few centi at Z. C. M. I , A branoh of Z. C. M. I. flourishes at purchased Soda Springs branoh. Soda, under the management of Mr. C. remarkable objects ef interest Other 0. Rose, and offers to freighters, many ahead of the above, exist in the far of whom pass through the town, full line ef general merchandise, inoluding neighborhood of Soda Springs, but for most articles to be found in any store of want of further spaee this sketch must this oharaoter in much larger places. be (continued in aur next.) The Indians find this store a good place to trade the skins whioh they know how The t dress sa well. We again call attention to the proBishop J. G. Folk mann, .formerly of the eelebration an Monday, Plain City, in this county, resides with gramme for and our eitizens will keep it that hope his family at Soda, raises stock, leoks in mind and be on hand, prepared to after Capt. Hooper's property, presides over his co religionists in tbe viainity, participate in the facilities for enjoyWe do this the on that occasion. and is a live, kind, smart and obliging ment more because the nett procheerfully gentleman. His interesting family, who ceeds into the hands of receipts coiuiug were sickly in Weber County, enjoy of the he will invested committee far tbe here the best of health and look ruddy, Hook and outfit for the an of purchase hearty and happy. Mrs. Folkraann, who Ladder Company. a short time since dislocated her shoulCompany A Ogden Fire Battalion, has der and broke ber collar bone, and came to Ogden for the services ef Dr. E G. charge of the celebration, aad accomWilliams, is convalescent, and rapidly panied by the Salt Lake Fire Brigade will form in processioa on the square, recovering tho full use of her arm. We are under special obligations to this and march thence to Jones' Grove, family for courtesies shown us while where the ceremonies, as prayers, music, reading the Declaration of Independvisiting at tbe springs. There is an abundance of pasture land ence, and an Oration, will take place. near to the town, where travelers cn At this grove, swings, platform for fiud a safe place to turn their animals dancing and other sources of innocent amusement will abound. At the Grove when not io use. Mr will be Lower town, abont half a mile west sf Bordsley prepared with food for the hungry, get up as the Soda, contains eight or ten houses and one store. It is a dreary, dilapidated Beardsley House folks know how to de looking place, and is the remains of tba such things. At Farr's Grove, also, will be found Morrisite colony, removed to this point by Gen. P. . Connor in '53. Only one a platform for dancing, s wings, and every of the number is now a real adherent of necessary facility for amusement and rethe phrenzied zealot who lost bis life creation, with music, etc At this grove, while resisting the law at East Weber. alsa, the Messrs. Farr will be prepared Among the chief attractions of Soda to feed the hungry, in as good style as can be found elsewhere. are tbe following: Ne Perfect order will be preserved. OCTA00.V SFKIBU immointoxicating drinks allowed, nor This spring takes its name from the ral conduct. enclosure which protects visitors from As these groves are the most pleasant the rays of the sun while drinking its of aoy in the Territory, people who waters. Being close to the hotel, it is want to enjoy a day in the shade, can do more extensively patronized than any no better than to attend on the 6th. of tbe numerous springs whose healing Choose your grove and enjoy the shade. waters leaps forth from the ground to At night the Ogden Battalion and the quench thirst and aid digestion. Salt Lake Brigade will join in a torchIt foams up in a circular stone well, light procession on the publio square built for public convenience, and escapes As, during the day some exercises msy through an outlet into Soda Creek, a take place, it may be well for our boys clear mountain stream which rolls by in of the Ogden Battallion te look out for liquid loveliness on its way to the bosom their laureU, e'se tbe Salt Lake Brigade of tba Bear, a mile distant toward the may get away with them. west. Soda and iron are mingled in the Almost a Fikb. As the accommodawaters of this spring, imparling to it a tion train on the U. C. approached peculiar flavor, slightly resembling tbai Wood's Cross, coming up from Salt Lake of ink sucked from a steel pen in schoollast evening, an empty car, having been boy days, when no "wiper" was at hand. used for hauling charcoal was discovered It is unpleasant to a novice, but when tc be en fire, but plenty of water being one becomes accustomed to it, repugat band, and men to assist, the fire was nance gives place to appetite, and a drink of soda becomes almost a necessity speedily extinguished, with bat little to tbe car. after a meal and before retiring for the damage Bo Is, which is more favorably situated, t, Saturday Ewnin?, July 3. 1S"5 Hon. l.OUF.VZO II. II 11 ( II annonuced yesterday the of IIou. LortiiZD J$. Hatch, ((hough the compositor had the ini That trent took place tials L. D YTa ar-rs- st at Logan on Thursday last. lit. Hatch was talen to SultLaka City by virtue of a warraut of arrest which had been ordered by Chief Justice Tivre, of the Supreme Court of Utah; this warrant of arrest was irtsued by the Judga in consequence of certain indictments returned by a jirantl jury in the Third Court for Idaho, last March; Uncharge being as wo stated yesterday, Mr. for subordination of perjury. before Hatch was taken yesterday I'hief Jssticc Lowe, who admitted bloj to bail iu the sum of ?7,5U0 Bonds were entered into for that amount, stipulating for the appearance of Mr Hatch at the next regular term of the Third District Court of Idaho, (at Boise City.) Mr. Joseph Richardson and Mr. B ilivar Roberta became sureties on the bonds, Mr. Hatch was released and came up to this city last Bight, and started for his home at Franklin this morning on tbe Utah Northern Dint-ne- train. IIRIDGIXG THE CHASM. It has been stated that Sam Bard, Post n ister at Atlanta, Ga., called at the the Post Office department re ently, where he presented letters, asking that he be retained in hi." office. He stated that it was bard "to sacrifice all the money a man had during the late war, and then be denied a small office." Postmaster ' Ueneral Jewell replied, "Yes, you poor, miserable rebel, after fighting io the rebel army ami losing all your jmperty, because you were engaged in trying to break the government down, you come hera and plead that aaf reason why the government should retain you ia office." We bad supposed that Postmastar General Jewell was a gentleman, but it teems we labored under a mistake. This is kw he bridges over the bloody chasm." soda sriti.vtis. 1 4s the celebration great care in the use of them is this There is always a risk iu the use of them iu the streets and en tht ciy. sidewalks. There is toe much property at stake to admit of the indiscriminate of such things, and we hope the boys will be careful. Parents eannot be too waiebfjl over Young America on the approaching 5th. Oa general principles, we shall in a future issue have something more to say about the effects produced by such combustible ariieles being allowed in our town, the risk te proper'y, theinoreased has been enlarged to double its former capacity and is now displacing, charges for insurance, &c , but have not spaoe at present to dilate oa the subject. superior class of goods, embracing the most staple and popular style The Boot, Shoo, L&ithor, and Shoo Finding Department of Z.C.3I.I. at Salt Lake City, r 2dof KM ATKINS UNCLAIMED IN THK POST I; Office in Ogden, Territory of Utah, on the not fur within 1875, called which.it July, oat. month Letter Office: will to be keut the bead Francis Mrs A Hicks Mrs II Taimer Mrs C Bradley C W F.tieerald G'irtield 0 2 L C Nygaard Pratt W Hook T 2 Hewss I and many other styles o 1 Shoes justly esteemed and ItanmerTille. Saueier, Joutlot Rleroier, Korro, liHskf r, C'orueillan, P H M Stanley made to anything known.) McGee C A & Co., & Co., FRENCH STOCK (tbase goods for quality and finish are superior J Milliken J Co & Giereo E F Steven. Ciia. Simon, Cornelius ileigl. Ill Wood Col DOMESTIC STOCK: HELD FOR POSTAGE. John Sausser, Dangler Lanpber G W Larson C KngelsP FolS'n L L Hoar L W A Kuox L F Loomis G Lloyd J D Coew A Davis D Davis R L attentiou to the Specialties of Edwin C. Burt, Sellers Particular attention is called to immense additions recently in our stock of Foreign and Duaiestio Leather and Shoe Findings. J Haraley Hord (J Irwin E Johnson Bonnet A we call M G GENTS' LIST. Bryan T Berrett A wear, sought for. LADIES' LI8T. E Savage, Coalville, Utah. George H Peterson, Coalville, Utah, J jel Kicks, Logan, Utah. Iff To obtain any of thee letter, the applicant mux! ask for "advertised letter," give date of tbe paper and pay one cent for advertising. If not called Sir within one MOMH.tbey will M aent to tbe Dead Letter ulnce. J. Hall, Postmaster. R niseis; Wax, Hemlock and Oak Upper; Hemlock and Philadelphia Call and Kip; Hull; Split; Welling; lioaiis iu all Colors: Pebble: Tauipieo; i f Cnracoa; Oak aim Hemlock Ilarm-- Leather; Kama Crtiz Sole Leather A ml all l lie Latest Sty le H oi'LasttM. F,rl t FOURTH of JULY CELEB 11 y Ole!rullou. known in American maikets, among which, for Ladies' and Children! LIST OF LETTERS li-- IH1 IOWH. The town of Soda Springs ia situated In a love) tulle in Oneida county, la and about 140 miles north of !Jah, Ogden. It is hid eff in blacks and di tided into lots of an acre and a quarter aeb. Only about a dozen families are at present periumently local ed there. But most of the lata are substantially fenced,- and there are several neat boasts which ara only oeoupied during the summer season, promiuent among which b the suuimer residence of Cnpt. WU. Hooper, whose properly ha" the most attractive appearance of any in the town. Large tracts of land in the vicinity of the phce have bun fenced in and "claimed," a portion of which is nothing but rooks and sage, and an ord.nery mind is puzzled to understand the abject a enclosing and "securing" it. Other portions include many of the chief at. tractions of tba country, and they will at aotue future time become of great value. The town of Soda Springs lives on its gammer reputation, which is first-claFlow it manages to worry through the winter, we have no desire t learn by experience, but are saiufied with the assurance that it must be insufferably dull. Experiments in farming and gardening have been of a limited character. Cut from what we saw during our recent visit, it is evident that grain and vegetables and hardy kinds of fruit can therein profusion. Messrs. J. 0. Q. Rose, FoUmann, D F. Lau and have good prospects for garden and fild srops, which tbey have attempted this season only on a small scale, with a view ta avers extended operatians if successful. At Georgetown, eighteen miles east, at a greater altitude than Soda, Mr. N lUrkdul succeeded last year in raising night. KOLASD 8FBIM0. Tt tba sweet eorn he needed for home This fine piece of Nature's handi mtnption, and in producing melons work is situated abeat three fonrths of a io'n seed so be the saved that ripnd fir acc bar tantjn. Tl.it shows thai at mile west ef the Sterrett House, near to ss Fibb Cbackebs. comes on Manday, end the boys probably want te explode some fire crackers, as is the we take occasion to ATI OK! OFFICIAL COMMITTEE THE CELEBRATION at a special session of the Council, to get up a programme for the Celebra'ion of the National Anniversary reported tbe followiig, which we adopted: That Ogden City held a c lebration on Monday, the 5th of July, and that al business bouses be closed during the day. That W. N. Fife be Marshal of tbe Day; and that he and the Chief of the Fire Brigade select trorn the fire company mtu to act as special police during the day. That the services of the Ogien Bra.is Band be engaged by the city for the oc casion. That at sunrise the National Aug be unfurled, and serenading ia the early morning by the Ogden Brass Sand That at 10 o'clock a.m. tbe citizens repair to Jone3 Grave, where tbe fur ther proceedings of the day will be carried on under the auspices of Company A, Ogden Fire Battalion, as per their programme. Walter Tbohsox, 1 V F. A. Brown, Special Com. ) David Moo FARR'S GROVE. CUXD BALL iD PIC.MC regu iu for sup In sliort, our preparations be wilt trade a found plying Intyv Spring AT GROVE, Jnly 5lu, MONDAY, pro!' thorough and co nit dele in every Depart tnent of the Institution, Hop A Ecu Clawson, Clitl bi 90 Suut. dl64-tf- . No Unity is Strength! tpirl 0 It W. E PIOGOCK from ii JOS. TYRRELL !ir( Ken villi ISII to inform the People of Weber County, that they have hlesulli?;! Ihtir Ilercaatile Bsi tbil i2-- . autl fihoe Jlamsfiu luring Inltrnti together, tar the express purpose of organizing Atioeiatioii iu the old Second Ward CJale'i premises, lately occupied by iidcock Fuvuilurc JVepot, ST., OUDUX. Said pre mises have been refitted and prepared for the above business, and vie cordially invite our friends and the people in general, who are interested in Home Manufactures, to call and iee for themselves. nea aim Il&ot and city Co-operal- ivc im nisiii from tbn twi for, .V tin 8iur u WE design adding other hr.inches of Home Industry to our Establishment We have engaged tbe services of Mr- - kick" last as circumstances will allow White, who is well known io most of our oituets as an Experieoced Drugg'K and we shall, in a few dys. open a Drug Department with a New Stock of Gwi in that line, direst from the E;ist. FARR'S Ifil f lb Urg: j An j meat PIDCOCK & TYRRELL. Managers. lotion: 1875. Our Swings, Games, Dancing; and Amusements Of FIFTH STREET, OGDZEItf riiiS Hatter varioni klidi will be going on throughout the Ni tbe day. Dancing to commence at 2 p.m. Oa the ipacions platform tbe occasion. A FIRST for prepared A CLOTHING, Will be ia attendance. be provided on the ground. Admission io Grove Free. TO PLATfVRM 4240 4t-t- ONK DOLLAR. Mi 1, FULL STOCK OF Dry Goods, Notions, Boots & Shoes CLASS BAXD All tbose wishing to participate in the above are cordially invited. Refreshments will lor, j -- A.IVD ' I GROCERIES, from mai t IcC Ned GEIVTs' FUHNISIIINGSi Just received 7 'Pod Ma the East. O.B,x CAMMED GOODS, &cj ht ft. r i Trices down to the lowest lossible margin. 3 OBSTACLES TO 5i Alt MAGE. IUPPY RELIEF FOR TOGSO MEN FROM Butthb"Pbovo" Home MadkCioth, tbe "fleet, of Irrom end Abnwi in earlj life Manhoed reetorwt. ment to M.rriate re- Doeskins, Cassimeree, Kerseys and movet. New methodIntDed of treatment. New end remarkable remmliee. Book anl Oircnlore ent Jeans for men and boys wear. Tbey free.in waled Ad.1re. HOWAsP ASeiiTeloj are the best and cheapest and wear the SOCIATION, 419. N. Ninth rt. Philadelphia. Pa. as Institution having a high repntati' n for longest. W. FOULGER, agent. hof.rbh ewodnct si prefcwfcwal akill. ita 13 Xl 33 ul. X A.igrx p ASTB" FRESH EVERY DAY. -- :o All GooL deliycred fhjs to any part of tbe City. j ! mts, kl r(l |