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Show IT l('tan ."pted okfc lit - - BVKXINtf, Sunday. uEVKBi 1 17 H -.- FJ H fT3 i:.H P Manage, wb,pSK.'or.odBiua V' I - -- 'Xi -- t: ,:- - ' .00 tt h n -- a t i Lv.,-'.- It n : r. ,. PUBLISHED FVFRV ciftriuiivi " Tr IWiiil i i. I ! , ) JO , V 1L' " V . h ' v ' : ala.liu. tpK'ApyA "niHffitf DIRECTORY. 'vLt-Cla- PUBLIC ! 1HE iSFORMATISilL Business Houses. x IsiU Mercantile .. ro-oi- : BY TELEGARPli , ' . MJ-oa- , ! Prepr.etor. UVEUT STABLES. sffivAL iv. City, double 7.40 a.ra. 6.40 p.m. 0.30 p.n. '6.20 p.m. 8.10 a.m. . . . KXoushMHildai.yv u.il ,Ii right. . at . . wr!! lSri'irv. aid Thursdays 4.30 p.m. 3.30 p.m Thurse 3.30 p.m. 3.00 p.m. and Thursdays and Saturday. and 9 and .day. 11.30 a.m nouns. OFFICE . Tv.iir.rv - 8 48 P m- - m- - 15 . ISolSTRY am 7. 30 5SJSwediiedsyi and Saturday, SET PW City aad Slatersvlle, . RiiV-Wednelay- ip'-Jyay. ana44o m , I)KPAKTMKNT a.m. to 3 p.m. New York, 18. The Tribune publishes the following letter from Senator Sumner, which was tp have been read at the Cuban indignation meeting last night, but which the committee state was re" -' ; ceived too late: Boston, Nov. 16 Gentlemen It is not within my power to be with you at your meeting to ask for justice in Cuba; but . allow me to add that, longing for emancipation in this neighboring Island, where slavery still shows its infamous front, and always insisting that delay is contrary to justice, I do not think it practicable at this moment, on the existing evidence, to determine all of our duties in the present case, where civilization has received such a shock.-- - It is very easy to see that no indignation at the dreadful butchery is inconsistent with the spirit of the age, but it was unhappily aroused by an illicit filibustering expedition from our own shores, kindred to that of the "Alabama," tor which England has so justly been condemned in damages. Shall we forget that we are dealing with the Spanish nation, struggling under terrible difficulties to become a Bister republic, and therefore deserving from us the present forbearance and candor? Nor can we forget the noble President whose eloquent voice, pleading for humanity, and invoking our example, ha so - often charmed the world. The Spanish and Emilio Castelar do not de serve the menace of war from us- If watch-word- s are needed now let them be "immediate Emancipation and Jus tice in Cuba, 'Success to the Spanish Republic," "Honor and Gratitude to Emilio Castelar," and "Peace between our two JNatioas.f bearing these in mind there will be io occasion for the belligerent preparations of the last few days, adding to our present burden some expenditures of several million dol lars', and creatine a war fever to inter fere with the general health of the political body. I am, gentlemen, your ; ; faithful servant, , , . ; :. 3,, i i fhiBn from MONEY ORDKR DEPARTMENT. 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Open freni B Trains . P, train arrives -- C. " " C..?.,'.'. U. P. . - leaves 7.50 a.m. 5.40 p.m. 8 40 a.m. 6.20 a.m." - - train arrives and rj. C. ,.6.20 p.m. . . 8.60 a.m. , " leaves ' ' onil gait Lake City Time. ti 7.40 a.m, 5.40 p.m. . - " .... io eviry Religious Services ;. Sunday, in the Tabernacle, at &m and Ward the 2nd in- - 11 , School-house- Wd Third School-house Farley's m at "6 p.m. 11 a.m. and 8 p.m. Episcopal Church at Hethidist Church.' at? 11 "a.m. and Ward " School-house- ...... n.. w at 1.30 p.m. ifflIlMIIO.LliAK LAKE CITY. OF SALT Paid Tp Capital, $200,000 - $1,000,000 Authorized -- J01LS SHARP,.,. J j..tiimE, L HILLS, Cashier. , i S. Coin, Gold Dust, Collet Scrip, made and promptly remitted, for Sale. Interest Paid on foreign Exchange d53-l- y ' faing Deposits. Seal in Exchange, tc. Collections FARGO & CO., WELLS. EXPRESS FOll WARDERS, Bankers and Dealers In Foreign and OftlCli at UNION OgJen, C.T. dojtf . , . k R. DEPOT. i. . ' DOOLV, Agent. EUGENE LASCELLES, ATTOl J IV r ,,- Office; i . , lY-,it-LAA- V I. OODBH CITY,.U. . , r Josction Bulding. h . .. ; , tf j.'ii. MAiixmELtr, rivll Engineer, Logan, Cache Co. Und &nd Mining Claims Burreyed. ATTORNEY COUNSELOR. & at Residence 2nd South Street, Salt Lake City, Utah. all kind, of legal kwinesa promptly attended ltf Office AJJERICAN HRST - CLASS HOTEL. QUIET , HOUSE, , SALT LAKE - , .uu JOHIf 8PRDAH0E C. C. CITY CHtPMJ WANCEjSTANLEYc&CO. or. to II. Weliatsr WINES 46 to0 Ik rv, .,i t i o.-- .. AND LIQUORS. FrDt Street San Frallci:o- - ance in all cases of Outs,BnuBes,Burns, Sprains, Rheumatism, Hard Swellings, Bite, Joints, Frozen Feet, Ears, &c, ftc, among all persons, and for Sprains, Founders, Ringbone, Scratches, Hoof-ale- , Spavins, Springhalt, and Harness Galls; siso diseases of the r and Sarin . - 1 s ill illMENT Cure Neuralcia, Ithenmatlpm, Oottt, Lame Back, Bait Iiheum, Poisonous Bites, External Bone and Muscle Affections, 8ore Nipples, &o and may be justly termed the panacea for all EXTERNAL' WOUNDS. aj-- Remember, this Liniment did not spring np in n day or a. year, pro AB.UBD AND UNNATTJBALCUBES AND 11U8HBOOH LINI- MOST CLAIMED BY MENTS. But we have the experience of over of trial, with the most amulfctuds of witnesses. If the Liniment Is cot as recommendod, the thirty years Money willfccRcfnndcd VATCHMAKIER AND JEWELER, WILL JOHN SHARP, SUPERINTENDENT. Dhuoqisti a ai.Ii Cotnrxn 25 c, 50c. and $1 per Bottle. Size or Bottls, Brru, ta n Soiics LYON KOTO. CO. ' -- HAGAU'3 - ". CHICAGO & ALTON ONLY FIRST CLASS ROAD IN THE see clatmncation or nan roads oy 1 nest, Board of Railroad Commissionars. St. Loaia and Chicago, Kansas City and Chicago, Chicago and Jefferson City, St. 'Louis and Pekin and Peoria, St. Louis and St. Paul, and St. Louis and Quincy and Burlington. Kansas City, Mo. i. C. McMTJLLIN, Gen. SupU Chicago. JA8. CIIARTON. aao- Gen. Pass. Act., Chicago. TIME TABLE -' if TT Ti tit 4 MALTING allftfc rrarte . HOUSE, NLl pa Iamillcs Supplied. Passengers will nlease Purchase their Tickets it Offices. General Supt. , V AND ALIA! ROUTE EAST. TO THE EAST. NORTH AND SOUTHEAST. No. 3. Can from HAIL. XFBISS 8.20 a.m. Leave OGDEN 1.30 p.m. Leave OMAHA 6.00 ajn. Arrive BURLINGTON " Galesburg, (C. B. ft Q.) 7.00 a.m. 11.15 a.m. " Mendota 8.16 p.m. " Chicago V.W a.m. Peoria 6.45 p.m. ' " Ind'plis (LB. W.) " B.50 p.m. " Cincinnati 6.55 p.m. Loganp't(T.P.W.) 2.45 a.m. " Columbus Missouri Mm-- Through Cars from ClKCIWH ATT1, 6.35 p.m 4 i 4.1 K) p.m p.m a.m a s ' TO Louisville FOUR TRAINS DAILY t 7:45 A. MISSOURI M.Day Express. " p.m 9.20 a.m 6.20 p.m. River to LOSASSrOKI, KIVEE KAH.0A1. Purely Vegetable,Tf and Its opsraUon is - A.tna nmf with the si mini v..w. i ti fi . 1. , ... j It lushed Appearance caused by Heat, Fatigue iieaiottna removoeau umvuuu. aad and diipcllir.g dark and tmsightly - , ..l'imples, .nil Ron- TiH;VD. .,., 'r.n burn, and by its gentle but powerful inflagac . . i m.nt'p.fl rne umBa cuccjl wiui GOLDEI P. With through Saturday liberal allowance Car Cor. Chestnut TOUTIIFUL BL003I AM) BEAUTY. "?oM jet, 63 by f.ll Pari vTv. V- - and Faacy Stores. Ie- w Voric . n n. .' i.'-- i r ' stores; TOY St, St. LOUIS. F. M. COLBURN, TItOS. Ticket Ag't, St. Louis. West'n Pass. CIIAS. E. JNO. E. SIMPSON Gen. 8upt.,India&&polii. Oen. Pass. TOYS, IN i Tils DORWIN, Ag't.St.Louis FOLLETT, Agt.,8t.Louis dl-t- GREATEST YARIKrj CANDY, f HOMI MADK, PURE AND FRKSH. '- J TAYLOR'S HOTEL 0 Tin EtraopsAa Pvah, CMDY, ' ITest Side East Temple Street, LAKE SALT ALL VARIETIES. CITY. Board by the Day or Week. or without Bcard."J fiSy Rooms with lOOtf IMPORTED Taylor & Cutler, proprietors. , .ii) ; ;; Candy Cheap! Caiidy, Cheaper!! i: s w Candy Cheapest BAKERY G. H. TRIBE'S, ... CANNED GOODS, NUTS, CANDIES, I i Wholesale- - and Eetail. nn , to. Don't pass the London Bakery without a call. 1 1 WATER. f ICE CREAM AND CITY LICENSES. To all whom it may concern. SODA PASTRY of ALL KINDS, HEREBY GIVEN, THAT NOTICE IS en mired In Business In rrniE monitor nAB gained a Ji Reputation. No higher encrmiimu can be Ogden City, fcr which the City OrdiCooking Stove tlian to say that nances provide that s license must be bestowed spoo awho uses it speaks in Its praise ehtained.t without first trocurine' a every snd recommends it to her aeighlrars and friends. license are liable to be taken before any for economy, cleanliness and reliability ia all its Alderman 01 said vitj, ana do suojeciea eperations. MONITORS IN USE. to a Fine. 31,814 Bv order of the City ConnciL LESTER J. HERRICK, Mayor. , ALSO, THS CIUKATZa i far-fame-d Cakes Ornamented to house-wif- e GROVE . BREWERY, JONES' GKOTE OGTDEN j Laaer Beer: Ale and Porter quality, Man- -: of a Superiorfind tifactured supplied t(f jam Hies aiui the Trade. Orders Panctuallj Attended to. W JAMES TAYLUB, City Becoraer. o ' The Office of the City Recorder is the City Hall, r mh Street, ugaen. OjjU-- t Hour i frm 10 a, m. till 6 p.r GEORGE . riflli A Beautiful Grove for Pleasure ' c Tarties, J t and Pic-ni' M. , - Order, SHORT . ON at W. TURNER, (Late 0. B. McGregor 4 Co.), Street, - - - Ogden. Books, Periodicals, Mag SAXTA CliCS A ;'" For Coal and Wood, Which has such a Demand through the Territory, for Beauty and Excelence, cannot be I surpassed. All our Stoves are kept and for sale by Z. C. 11. 1- and all its Branch Stores. Also by all the Stores in ths Ter ' ritory. 30-e- Vtg-tabl- es J. U. ', SPECIALTI, KELSON"-;- - Finh Street . . . Ogdeiu di-t- f CEO. .1. I'liWl'E & li). Organs&Mclodcons The Oiliest, L.rjteot, arid 3I,wt Perfect Si.naufe lory in the United Slates. azines, Albums, Stationery, i ' WEDDING CAKES! COORIXC STOVE, STORE l Toys, aud 52,0 0 0 1 !.! NOTICK. - . H well-know- 1. Daily except Ticket Office, Ho. 100 V. Fourth St., ? toLrM Bleeping ' aits Express. go i.i-- i Confectionery Line. P.M.-Fa- st GATE "; , ..' l Frw-Vlo- fl ; de ' With Palace Car through to New York, Chicago, Cincinnati or Louisville Daily except , Buiiuay. .: - ,,a JOHN FOWLER, Agent for' Ogdes, Where can be found . MAIN STREET, SALT LAKE CITT! has removed FRESH BREAD, CAKES, Mtis . UNEQUALLED. Full I.ino or Mimical IiiNlriiinciil nt (ho Ioucsf Figures. Just call nutl see. ; MAIN STREET, OGDEN. Puro Blooming Complexion. ' V SALES J. H. STINGER ths Next door to A FEW ATPLICAXIONS 1IAEE A FIRST TRIZE Iff.a At Every Fait; 1 -- LOXDOA 1 Vox Humana CHAS. W. STAYNEn ' WITHOUT CIIANQ8. Sackvillo Gwynrie h dead. ; lie JL'ieturcs, once belonged to a wealtlif and aris; also the . &c. NEW JSTORE. tocratic English family. Owing to CIGARS ASD TOBACCO. FINEST DANCING HALL IN 00 DEN, some family jars he took it into his OPENED A NEW ' connected with ...the Brewery aand TCOLCLOX'OII IIA with Wall Papers of the Best Patterns. f head (o drive a cab in the streets of arecno.be a full supply obtained, wan or wunoui Crockf ry, J(.n, Fruit, and Liverpool,si 5, on application to clung to that occupay Subscriptions taken for ail tbe Papers of the day Provi'as ol the bent quality. d21S3ra tion for the rest of his life'. ' lie 'was Local, Eastern and Western. CALL AND SEE IIIM. & Co., HOT HEBOiD, a Ha 25 character ia Liverpool. jggf Cash paid for Eggs and Chickens fin ; and ; aai RBMOV33D. ' ST. LOUIS l.M a.m 8.40 10.60 8.22 7.00 12.50 10.30 : A , New York, Chicago, Cincinnati 6:15 ATLANTIC 1KU1AMAPOU8, it AND Line Running Tlirough, The Only Pullman's Palace Sleeping Car throngs to iv ow lorK, Cincinnati or Aioulsvule Dmly except naiuraay. C. K. PERKINS, A. E. TOUZAUN, Gen'l Eup't Gen'l Pass. Agent r JanlT T2tf ; alwaj' on Reduced Rates to Excursion Tartics. VOX JUBILANTfii . With - aone and Leave Corinne at 12:00 noon. Leave Logan at T:30 a. m.; to connect with trains for Ogden and Salt Lake- 5:15 ;." Wsrjlnghouse Safety Brake. Pullman's Palace Day and Dining Cars. BURURGTOS i Trains the i Passenger For all Way Stations Dally except Sunday. BURLINGTON STATIONS. 1st, 187S, Daily 3:30 P. Connections at those points with lines leading to the East. North and South. This is the Best, Shortest, Quickest and Cheap est Route. Do not be deceived, bnt obtain Tickets vis the ' Oct. ELEGANT DAY CARS, and Pullman Palate Sleeping, Dining and Smoking Cars run through without charge, between Chica go and St. Louis, and luicago aim Kaunas uty. Ths only line running these Cars between Chi cago and St. Jxmis, aud running both 1'alace, Sleeping ana Dining tars between utiicagoana Kansas City, and Palace Sleeping Cars between St. Louis and St. Paul, via nincy aud Burlington. ONE HOUR FASTER TIME Between Chicago and St. Louis, and one honrand a half faster time between (Jhicage ana lvan- -' sas City than by opposition route. FRANK lliail, Western Traveling Agent., r s O' !:! WITU On and after JNO. W. YOUNG, and OeiDMBOS. '- AND d71-t- f milE CUIOAOO, ES Junction with C.P.K.R., For all information concerning Freight or Pas sage, apply to Lit AS. NIHLEY, General Freight and Ticket Agent. RAIIjRQAP Lliiid trs-- Sold bx Stobesac CORINNE, ORQA-IST- tf . CharmingTt TRAINS RUN For all Information concerning Freight or Pas sage, apply to JAMES B11AKP, Gen'l Ticket and Freight Agent. Do no t be Imposed upon by using any other Liniment claiming the same properties or They are a cheat and a fraud, fie sure and get nothing but Mema Railroad. - and No Change of Cars. And ths shortest, quickest nnd best route betwesa ' J. S. LEWIS. MIXED ' .' tuations. . . The London Associate and European " Banking Company Was reported in trouble, but their agent here denied the , truth of the rumors. ' After the close of business a defalcation was reported in the National Bank, ta Broadway, but on investigation they discovered that there was no defalcation, although the bank has been loaning freely to a sewing machine company, and tjie paper of the same has gone to protest. The bank has a capital df a million dollars,and a surplus of $250,000. How far the bank may become involved is a question of the future. The bank is a member of the Clearing House. At present 2,500 men are employad in the various departments of the Navy Yard, and it is probable orders will be given for the employment of 1,000 more. Secretary Robeson arrived at the Navy Yard o'clock, accompanied by Hanscom, chief of the bureau of construction at Washington. ThQjJSecre-tar- y came from Washington fo Jie express purpose of inspecting the progress of the work of fitting out the vessels of war. Hanscom, in conversation, said, that ' within ' three weeks we shall Lave from fifteen to eighteen war vessels Secretary ready for Cuban waters. Robeson stated that he was determined t remove all obstructions, and place the navy , on a secure footing, ready at all - " times for peace or war. ' Omaha, 18. i Allen and Hogan, with their trainers, left the city at an early hour on hacks. A train of five cars and forty-fiv- e passengers left the depot at 9 a. in. At Council Bluffs the train was boarded by the sheriff and two companies of militia, who did not find any one to arrest, and the conductor refused to let them ge along. .The train proceeded.six miles south and took on Allen and Hogan. The Tight took place at Pacific City, 17 miles south of the Bluffs. Tom Riley, of Kansas City, was appointed referee.5 Hogan got the first knock down and first blood in the first rotind.- - In the second round Allen struck Hogan a heavy blow below the belt, doubling him up, and with the second blow knocked him, (iown. cried "foul,"3 but the referee ordered the fight to proceed. In the third round Allen again struck Hogan foul, when the crowd broke over the ropes and knives and pistols were freely flourished. The fight was effectually broken up, when the crowd got ou the train- - The referee decided the Szht a draw on Account of the- interference of the spectators. Egan, the stake holder, says the men must fight again. Jack Loony, who is repensiblefor the money1, declared that he would pay it to' Allen. 3, Wind-Gall- a, Horses, Moles or Cattle. dUCingTHE EELLS THE In addition to the above, . r ! uoara at Keacnalle Rates, . C. LITTLE, Proprietor. iiu,IB PAIN SUBDUING LINIMENT IT HAS MO EQUAL. ' It is recommended with unbounded assoN Poll-Evi- l, UTAH NORTHERN TRAINS RUN BETWEEN Va first linown In America. DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) It merits are well known at 5 a.m & 3.30 p.m. out the habitable world.throughIt has Leaving Ogden Cityand the oldest and best record of Liniment la the world. From any the Salt Lake City at 8.30 a.m.and 5.06. p.m. millions upon millions or bottles sold no complaint has ewer reachPsiMeneers will please purchase their tickets at ed us, and as a healing and the offices. Fifty cents additional will be charged when the fare is collected on the train. atl and DjdrHnlic fluc- , II. VOL, e.2Cp.m. Arrive at Salt Lake City at 10.40 a.m. and. 820 p.m. Leave Salt Lake City felly at 6 00 a.m. and S.lOp.m. Arrive at ugden at 7.60 a.m. and 6.40 p.n. LMfilEHT ' Demestio Exchange. JUNCTION the morning affairs on Wall street were unsettled, with frequent " IV OV. 1873, Trains will leave Oeden dailr at840a.m- IUSTAHG Chables Sumser. ' ; :m .. ' During r HOOPER.; President,"! i ft Vice Prcitt. n.8.ELDUEI)0K, BRIOHAM Y0UNQ f ' ' VM. JENNINGS, Directors. ,VU.'m'. ON AND AFTER "! , and Saturdays, RAILROAD. PIONEER USE OP UTAH. M01VIA.Y, AMERICAN. , 6.45 Dm. a m. T.50 daily Years ii.go Prize Allen-Hoga- n MAILS.- CLOBMtt AND The Proprietors. Carroll, , pan . J. UTAH CENTRAL Sumner. ? 5 I (1 HoaN ITAII, WEDXESDAT. NOVEMBER 19, 1873. OGDEX, Letter from Charles - ' ' f'fesV,ckft'HOTELS. ' Xo. 51. 3 Now in use. No other Musical Instrument ever obim'tie. same popularity. Send for Price Lists. 2U-n- i Address BUFFALO, N.V |