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Show ato Junction, She Z.,;.:C.;;,J3i. I., . i v. OGBSIff, -Retail, Departmont. PvLlisfcaJ 1VERY KVKSIXO, lj Sandayf excepted tiiCBDis rtausHija Coxfajit. The Radios Waiting-Roo- PI1TEST STOCK! TUEUE MAIN STHEET, pie-eater- I'EALERS IX ALL KINDS OF GENEEAL MERCHANDISE, THE AT Kvcr offered in this vicinity. Silks, Topl'lHS, Ogden Junction Office PARLOR AND COOKING STOVES, ' 1 Corded Alpacas, CHARTER OAK STOVES Jacquards, Delaines, Flannels, - JOB WORE Zinseys, etc. A Full Line of Carpets and Trimming s. A Large Assortment of For Gents, Ladies or Misses wear. IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, GROCERY AND ' OODEX. Superior , - Receipt Books, A LARGE STOCK OB DRUGS AND MEDICINES CHARTER OAK, MONITOR, NEW ERA AND OTHER COOKING STOVES Heating Stove? of all Descriptions. - Bill Heads, TIN-WAR- E ALL KINDS. of dm ir Tobaceo aud Cigars, of the JEST Visiting Cards, DON'T PASS BY THE "PIONEE1H" MERCANTILE IIVST'N. CO-OPERAT- EVER CARRIED j f Ball Tickets, . ' ' 1 TEASDEL & Go's, East Temple Street; AND EXAMINE Bills, Shipping Bills, EVERY-DESCRIPTIO- Monthly Statements, !, D '. .... 0 Mr. J. i OUR Call and examine THE WORK! SINGER SEWING EXIIIBITIOAT AT OODEX. OX EI .i',;W;.'A G ' - " EVERT AH Orders, Enqnirwi, Remittance, be addressed to the Maangar, 1 J DESCB1PTI01 i S, ' OF , f AND at Lis Store, TOR OGDEN. "JL'H Jp STREET. ACBIClLllllL at Tail Jtikei w.G.cmu OUf JLTA. EVS M UACHLVEBY Ob exhibition and for sale at . 11. K. CLAWSOX, Snpt. IrA Lumber Yard. SHINGLES! PIRST-CLAS- S MAS CFACTl'KEKS OF ! B AXD , At our 'Large ainl (oinmodions rancli Store in Oirden the Facilities i'or supplying exs Northern I'rieuJs are ia no wise inferior to aosc DES, V. T. AGENT . BARNARD WHITE'S YARD, FOURTH ST.,OCDEN. C. W. PENROSE, tiava OGDEN STEAM Ileapers,5Iowers,SnlIiy RakeSjTIiresliing; ?Iaeliiiies ; m STANFOED N. C. FLTGARE. sea-Bo- n- -- " Tbis Institution is the SOLE AGENT for Utah Territory. SAMPtXLS ul mneliinA appointed MACHINE StudebaKer, Bain and Whitewater - Et of In consequence of the increasing demand for the above THE GRAND PRIZE :. .' An unstamped letter was deposited in the post office at Marshall Ills., last week, and underneath the address was the endorsement, "Let her felidej P. M., she's all hunk; inside air ono of tbcm post hole k cords." Bex 31 UIEIR CUOICE STOCK, SELECTED WITH TIIE GREATEST CAKE KEW TORK, BOSTON. PHILAMLPHIA AND CHICAGO, UnriydJed in the Market. At the WORLD'S FAIR, VIENNA, was awarded RAILROAD - Suit. Lake City, ' - and Faiiey Dry Goods, INSTITUTION AT S. L. CITY, Staple Shawls, Yaukee Xotious, Etc. in immense Variety, Clothing "Wholesale and Retail Hats, Cans, Boots and Shoes, DEAUNG IN Groceries and Hardware. OF MERCHANDISE BZEHS9 SEWING 31A CHINES I PARENT Every Variety f CALL AT Coiisistiiij; Meal Tickets , dl-t- OUSE OX LV THE TERRITORY OF UTAH. n i , I t nn r Arisinc; from a uniform system of dealing principally with Manufacturers, buying in Immense Quantities anil selling on the Closest Margins. f 1 Haud Orders Choicest Brands. Doing the Largest Businesi - llusic Hath Charms. ; Prescriptions carefully compounded by a Competent Druggist. Solicited. Highest Price paid for Produce. Show Cards, I Perfumery - ZiON'S f & ! GROCERIES OF ALL KINDS. . ; Business Cards, Peitchett. WINES, LIQUORS, ALE AND PORTER. I. Stove Department. Z. C. M. v Letter Heads, F. L. WHOLESALE AXD HE TAIL. :o:- , Peeht. Dye Stuffs, Paints, Oils, Tarnishes "Stupid enough " said the mill Order Books, over-skkt- - DEALERS IN Complete in every variety. JBtyl W. II. HARDWARE DEPART3IEXT pid' Ladies may be interested to know s that are to be discarded for promenade costumes and indoor toilets, next winter. Skirts will be trimmed with puffings, etc., ovei skirts, and for this purpose lace will be much used. - Perry & Pritchett Hats, Caps and Clothing! ISA "What a dull life yours is !" said top-ma- in -- llacer. A letter to the Salem Register from a friend in Southern Africa relates a curious illustration of the power of music. An English ship off Cape Good Hope, sprung and, another vessel coming in sight, it was judged necessary to abandon the sinking ship. Crew and passengers were transferred in safety, but it was found that valuable papers had been left, and a call was made for volunteers; and among those who stepped farward ready to make the hazardous visit was a man who h ad been a musical amateur.. The cabin of the vessel was reached and the documents secured. A piano was in the cabin, and our amateur commenced playing a favorite song of his native home. His companions repeatedly called to him, but he heeded them not; his whole soul was absorbed iu the music. The officer in charge of the boat saw the danger, smashed the and seizing a instrument, and the passenger sprang with him into the boat just in to save themselves from going down- with the ship. SPECIALTY All kinds of PRODUCE received Exchange. MAIX STKEET, BOOTS AND SHOES, OF THE LATEST STYLES The Ulill Horse and Ike , A Pioneer Brag Store ! 13 EXECUTED "sad event." horse. "Hound and round and round, and that day after day." No wonder your head hangs down Why, you're just a piece of machinery, and nothing more." t The mill horse did'ut answer, but continued going round; but the racer repeated his remarks every time he came within hearing. "I'm afraid I've offended you," the , racer said. "Oh, no," answered the mill horse, "but my quiet life has this advantage in it it gives me time to think before I speak." "And have you- been thinking while I have been talking ?" "Yes," answered the mill horse, "and I'll tell you what I have been thinking : you're a very fine fellow, and I'm contemptible in. your sight, but I know which one would be the most missed. Depend on this : if I and my breed were to take our departure, and no other substitutes could be found, folks would do without raoing, and take you and your breed into our places." - - Xonvcautcs, Tlcpps, s, ' a racer to a mill horse. "Dull enough," said the old mill horse. "You must feel uncommonly stu- OGJDUX OF weary-lookin- r? CO- - NEXT DOOR TO Z. C. 31. L, d steam-heatin- g feet-warme- & m. There is no place in the world here human mature shows to such sad disadvantage as in waiting-room- s at railway stations, especially in the "I.adies; lloome." Who has riot felt her very goul writhe within her as she first crossed the threshold of one of these dismal antechambers of her journey? Carpetless, dingy, dusty; two or three low sarcophagi of greenish-gray eur-iron in open women lounaed by in different angles and attitudes of awk wardness, trying to keep the soles of their feet in a perpendicular position, to be warmed at what they have been led to believe is a apparatus; a few more women, equally listless and standing in equally difficult and awkward positions before a counter, holding pie n one hand and tea in a cup and naucer in the other, taking alternate mouthsful of each, and spilling both; the rest wedged bolt upright against the wall in narrow partitioned seats, which only need a length of perforated footboard in front to make them fit to be patented as the best method of putting whole commnnities of citizens into the stocks at once. All and those , who sit in the red velvet stocks,wear so exactly the same expression of vacuity and fatigue that they might aiso be taken for ono gigantic and unhappy family connection on its way to what is culled ia newspapers a blue-lippe- CHILD HIGGINBOTHAM, , Sash, Doors, lilinds, Door and Window Frames, Mouhtiiis. etc.. CnpDoaras, aiilk Safes, Tables, Sinks and all Kinds of Girpcntef oik uone to Order. Full Set of Wood-workin- g in Operation- - MaohinerV - PLANS & ESTIMATES OF BUILDINGS ON REASOTIABLE TERMS. Order, addressed io Office ant. Mil,s, Fin . ' FLYCARE & & CHILD,. Contiactors Builders, Street, offlen, oj Tosi(o Z. G. M. L Granary. 121-t- f |