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Show EVENING, Sundays excepted Mtatoi EVER TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION 00 4.00 2.00 ' n. Tear JU NOTION. EJItor aud Business Manager. W PENROSE. gn Monlhi Three MoDtni EVERY EVENING, JM OGDEX, UTAH. WEMXESDAY, SEITEMBEX: Si, 1S73. nW-I- S OGDEN DIRECTORY. ''i Jay Cooke's Assets llVrVoek.. HOTELS Malum, Proprietor. LIVEUV STABLES. Un.JtoJ' oo-de- j BY TI1LEGHAP1I ereiiUIe Institn, WOM"",'tee' " H pre and tarrou, roprmor. Office: Post CLOSING MAILS liiAD ARRIVAL . UumM 8.40 a.m. double daily hit Ute City, Mall daily . West, Through . Mail dally Kit. Through 6.45 pm. 7.40 a.iu. 6.40 p.m. 7.50 a.m. . Lake City, double daily Welt Mail dally 6.30 p.tn. 6 .20 p.m. 8.40 a.m. CLOSING. tot -- r: - 7.00 a.m. 6.00 p m. yom- . Uke and the The Kicii vuu.mj in2 ami leave iu - " i" i . . I p.m. Wwuelavs and Saturdays, at Tuesday, Thursdays and Cache . . . 4.30p.m. Loean to B,.,ivs Wily 4.0 t,i. fimintT. Tuesdays and Thursdays p.m 2.30 p.ni 7.30 a.m and Thursdays and Saturdays days Huntsville-Wednesand fclatersville, Ljnne, Plain City . Mondavs and Tliursdaya and Saturdays Riverdale-Wednes- days and days Uuopei ville and Saturday OFFICE IWCRS. . feneral Delivery, . punuay, u y.ui. w DEPARTMENT North Opleb-Mon- days 3.30 p.m. 3.00 p.m. 11.30 a.m 6.45 p.m. HKG1STRY Oin from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. MONEY ORDER DEPARTMENT. a.m. to 3 p.m. Opuu from 8 Otmide Door open from 6 a.m. to p.m. JOSEPH Trains - - - - - - - - - C. T. train arrives " U P. " C, P. K leaves " P. P, " C. C. tma arrives " " 11 ALL, .ld - - - - 7.40 6.40 6.20 8.60 7.60 6.45 8.40 - leaves Postmaster a.m. p.m. p.m. a.m. a.m. p.m. a.m. 6.0 a.m. 6aK Lake City Time. Serriees Religious in tke Tabernacle, at every Sunday, 11 School-housa.m., and in the 2nd Ward School-hous- e and Third Farley's at 5 p.m. "Ward School-hous- e 8 EpiscopalChurch at 11 a.m. and p.m. Methodist Church at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. Spiritualist Lectures (Child's Hall), at 7. SO p.m. Ogden City Library. At John G. Chambers' News Depot. Open every day, Sundays excepted. I.O.G.T. Regular meetings of HELPER lodge No.2 every Thursday evening. Members of Sister lodges in good standing, are cordially invited. By order, W.C.T. 41-t- f BAM THE OESERET XATIOXAL OF SALT LAKE CITY. Paid Uv Capital, 200,000 Authorized - $1,000,000 WM. n. HOOPER, President, TI. 8. ELDRKDQK, Vice Prest. BRIGHAM YOUNG, WM. JENNINGS, JOHN SHARP, J. T. LITTLE, L. 3. HILLS, Cashier. Deal in Exchange, Coin, Gold Dust, College Scrip, ok. collections maue ana promptly remitted. Paid on 'reign Exchange for Sale. Interest d53-ly Savings Deposits. WELLS. FARGO & CO., EXPRESS FOR WARDERS, Hunkers and Dealers In Foreign and Demestio Exchange. OFFICK .at UNIQN (Ogden, UJC- d64tf . JUNCTION J. JS. R. R. DEPOT. DOOLY, ' Agent. Salt Lake City. WARREN miSSEV PRESIDENT. ANTHONJT , GODilE, CASHIER. vKest JJaukiu Institution in Utah, Interest kvwwm ir Time Deposits, to. Promnt It a ttendedd!54-t- Collections f EUCENE LASCELLES, ATTORNEY-dt-LA- W OGDEN CITY, U. T. Oflce la the Junctio Balding. A. tf MINER ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. Office at Residence 2nd South Salt Lake City, Utah. kinds All Street, of legal business promptly attended ltf UTAH HOTEL, Main Street, Ogden. J. R. WILLIAMS, SOLE PROPRIETOR. TIRST CLASS FAMILY HOTEL AND BOARDING IIOL'SE. Omnibus to and from the R. R. Depot. AMERICAN FIRST - CLASS One Block Eat of Terms - HOTEL, QUIET HOUSE, the Theatre, SALT LAKE 3.00 CITY per day. "eekly and Table Poard at Reasonable Rates. J. C. LITTLE, Proprietor. J. S. LEWIS, WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, ST. iln wi'es. Clocks. Jewelry, Silver and riatedWare. MAIN STREET, OGDEN Repairing neetly dome and all wcrk warrarted - ii-l- y U. & P. BREWERY MALT0G HOUSE, Ogden, Utah. PROPRIETOR, M-. DtCHMILLER, Boer, Cool and - fealoons Wers by 1 ei,t III ; , LAGER Sparkling, always on hand. - . and Families Supplied. from Persons residing along the the Towns will be St th nU 01 60 per cetPC!Ce.0f MaltwiI1 T008 9f raio paion related fey the enr-ai-? A liberal allowance - v x nryyy" Jay Cooke & nm tmum 1 ii 11 W, Si A 1 iMt AS. ' 1 SELLS THE coRiisrisrE, Train, will leave Opleu daily at 8.40 a.m., anrf pju. Arrive at Salt Lnk City ut lu.40 a.m. . ly pUfflM ami 8.80 p.m. leave gait Lake City daily at 5.5(sa.m. ami 3.15 p.m. Arrive at Ogden at 7.50 a.m. aud 6.io p.m. TRAINS IVi.XED ami CELEBRATED Pawseiigeni will plettKO purchase their tickets at the offices. Fifty cents additional will be charged when the fare is collected ou the train.' TONIC For all information concerning Freight or Passage, applv to JAMKd SHARP, Gen'l Ticket and Freight Agent. JOHN SHARP, SUPERINTENDENT. tf anTE one of the most desirable Tonics and Cathartics in the world. They are intended strictly as a Temperance Bitters and always ac- of the feeble and They axe the sheet-anchdebilitated. They act upon a diseased liver, and stimulate to Buch a degree that a healthy action Is at once brought about. As a remedy to which are especially subject it is super As a Spring seding every other stimulant and Summer Tonic they have no equal They are a mild and gentle Purgative as well as Tonic They purify the blood. They are splendid Appetizer. They make the weak strong. They purify and Invigorate. They cure DysThey act pepsia, Constipation and Headache. as a specific in all species of disorders which undermine the bodily strength and break down the animal spirits. ' No Cltaiifjo ONE HOUR FASTER Passengers will please Purchase their Tickots at the Offices. lor all information concerning Freight or Passage, apply to CTIAS. NIBLKY, General Freight and Ticket Agent. TIME TABLE Westlnghonso Safety Brake. Day and Dining Cars. TO THE EAST, NORTU AND SOUTHEAST. nsTo. " " MAIL. 8.20 a.m. 6.35 p.m 1.311 p.m, 6,30 a.m 6.00 a.m. 8.40 p.ni Q.) 7.00 a.m. 10.60 p.m 11. lo a.m. 3.22 a.m 3.15 p.m. 7.IK1 a.m tf.00 a.m. 12.60 ajn P&orift 6.45 B. 4 p.m. 10.30 a.m W.) Ind'plis (I. " 9.60 p.m. 4.00 p.m Cincinnati Logansp't(T.P.&W.) 6.55 p.m. h.20 a.m 2.15 a.m. 6.20 p.m. Columbns I Jkjf Through Cars from Missouri River to Cbicaoo, IXDiANAroua, Cincisnatti, Looansport, and Coicmbus. Connections at those points with lines leading to the East, North and South. This is the Best, Shortest, Qnickest and Cheapest Route. Do not be deceived, hnt obtain Tickets via tHt BuRUNfiTOJi & Missouri Rive Railroad. C. E. PERKINS, A. & TOUZA LIN, Gen'l Pass. Agent. Geu'l Sup't Janl7 12tt iO. 33 TSL O "V 33 ID . Ony 50 Cent3 per Bottle. J. It promotes tbe GROWTH, PRESERVES the COLOR, find increases the Vigor . - Thtrtt Tears a Lyohs Kathatroh Poh THE Hm waa first placed in the market by Professor K. Thomas Lyon, a Kraduateof Princeton Ovrtt The name is derived from the Greek, " KathbO," signifying to tlnuue, purfu,rm Moi, or rcere. Tiie favor it has received, and the it has obtained, is unprecedented and incrcd-iblIt increases the Growth and Beauty of the IlAm. It is a delightful dressing. U eradicates Dandruff. It prevent the Hair from turning grar. ft keeps the head cool, and give the hair a rich, suit,, It is the bams in WUANjrrr glossy appearance. f and Quality ax it was over a Uuabtkr of aCounT Aao, and is sold by all Dnwgiat and try Stores at only Fitly Cent per Botile. ! At , , Louisville Musical Instrument at ilio Lowest, Figures. JuhI call aud sec, ' CHAS. W. STAYNER, , WITHOUT CHANGE. FOUR TRAINS DAILY! 3IAIX STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. JOHN FOWLER, Agent for Ogden. Express. jiy UNEQUALLED. l ull IJnc of A New York, Chicago, Cincinnati and M.-I)- I; Through ST. LOUIS to 7:45 A. Fair Every SALES dl-i- y With Palace Car through to New York, Chicago, Cincinnati or Louisville Daily except Dunuay. GOLDEN r. For all Way Stations P. 5:15 M.-F- Daily exocpt Sunday. P. M.CIiicago Express. With through Saturday Sleeping Car STORE! TOY Daily except TOYS," Chestnut St., St. LOUIS. IN TUB GREATEST F. M. C0LBURJT, THOS. DORWIN, Ticket Aff't, Pt. Louis. West'n Pass. AK't.Bt.Louis JNO. K. SIMPSON, CIIAS. K. FOLLETT, Gen. Supt.,Indiaapolis. (Son. Pass. Agt.,St.Loms dl-t- CANDY, f IIOME-iIAD- , TAKIKIT V PUUB AND FRESH. TAYLOR'S HOTEL OH I ARB Ticket Ollirc, No. 100 K.'Fourtli St., Cor. GATE! Confectionery Line. ast CANDY,'' IBB ECEOPEAIf Vlkx, I3IP0KTED West Side East Temple Street, ALL TARIETIE3. SALT LAKE CITY. Board by tbe Day or Week. JJ&K.ooms with or without Board."&8 lOOtf Taylor & Culler, Proprietors. H. STINGER has removed the v Candy Cheap ! Candy. Cheaper ! Candy Cheapest ! ; LOIfDOX BAKERY Next door to G. II. TRIBE'S, MAIN STREET, OGDEX. ColleKe. popu-la-it- Running Cars from G:15 KXPRtSS Leave OGDEN Leave OMAHA Arrive BUKLINGTON " Galesburg, (C. B. " Mendota " Chicago " 3. ATLANT10 STATIONS. it Tlie Only Line it nitST riiizE W. YOUNG, General Supt. With Pullman's Palace Rloeping Car through to new iorK. uinciiuiau or Louisville Daily except Saturday. Pullman's Palace Vox Humana ROUTE EAST. 3:30 MLIITON ROM M ATI JNO. (571-- tf TIME Between Chicago andt. Louis, and one liourand a half fastpr time between Chicagu and Kansas City than by opposition route. FRANK HIGH, Western Traveling Agent, Kansas City, Mo. J. C. Mi MULLIN, Con. Supt., Chicago. JA8. CnARTON, d38-Gen. Pass. Agt,, Chicago. AND Reduced Kales to Excursion Parties. BAT CARS, KLECIAXT FOX JTJBILANTE! lpm V AND A LIA of Cars. And the shortest, quickest and best route between St. Louis and Chicago, Kaunas City and Chicago, Chicago aud Jefferson City, St. Louis and Pekin and Peoria, St. Louis and St. Paul, and St. Louis aud (iniucy and Burlington. Depot, 53 Park Place , New York. ,.- Leave Corinne at 7:30 p. m.; Leave at 8:30 a. m.; to connect with trains for Ogden anil Salt Lake- - Board of Railroad Commissioners. Women and BEAUTY of tbe HAIR. and after Sept. 1st, 1873, Dally Passenger Trains 'i ONLY FIRST CLASS ROAD IN THK See classification of Railroads by THE cording to directions. Ioeei's XjXL O Jl. 13 - and Pullman Palaee Sleeping, Dining and Smoking Cars run through without chance, between Chicago and St. Louis, anil Chicago and Kansas City. The only line running these Cars between Chicago aud St. Louis, and running both Palace, Sleeping and Dining Cars between Chicago and Kaunas City, and Palace Sleeping Cars between St. Louis and St. Paul, via (iniucy and llnrliugton. ILAITATIOI only to be used as a medicine, J. I ORGA.JSTS WITU On CHICAGO & ALTON XT. composed simply of ROOTS, HERBS and FRUITS, combined with other in froperties, which their nature are Cathartic, Aperient, XutxitiouB, Diuretic, Alterative and The whole is preserved in s sufficient quantity of spirit from the Sl'GAR CANE to keej them in any climate, which makes the lS TEY ith C.P.B.K., LOG-AX- . WILL KU3 Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 6.S0. p.m. A VEGETABLE PEEPAHATION, m In addition to the alwve, THE APPETIZER, Junction AND DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) Leaving Ogden City at 5 a.m. & G.50 p.m. TS 1 Cliarmmg TRAINS RUN BETWEEN 6.3(1 ment places their liabilities at over $4,000,000, which is fully cotertd by assets. The run on the banks is not extensive It is rumored that the Bank of North America originated the statement that A. 1). Williams & Co. had overdrawn their account $20,000. Williams & Co. have made the deficiency good. The run on the Fourth National Bank has All demands are continued promptly met. President Calhoun is confident that the bank will come out all right. y has been The leading feature the run on some of the Savings Banks. .The heaviest run took place on the Bleecker Street Savings bank, but every demand was paid. The Bowery bank also sustained a heavy run, as also did the Union Savings bank. A fmall run was made on other banks, but most of them paid all demands, while others required five or six days. The excitement appeared to be confined, almost wholly, to the east side Savings banks. Those on the west side for the most part, are usually quiet. The Union Dime bank of Canal street, however, experienced a considerable run, as did also the New York Savings bank, but both are sound. Washington, 22. It is now known there were some inaccuracies in the various accounts published of General Grant's communication to the business committee of New York. On Sunday, General Grant authorized the statement that no question regarding the constitutionality, or unconstitutionality of the issuance of a part or all, of the legal tender reserves, was involved. He deemed the request of some members of the committee, that the legal tender reserve be transferred from the treasury to the banks, to be a clear violation of the law; and even if lawful he considered such a course antagonistic to the business interests of the country; and, in fact, was strongly protested against. He will go to the furthest possible legal limits in the use of the resources of the treasury to protect the legitimate business and commercial interests of the country. He is convinced of the legality of the past course of the government in drawing upon the legal tender reserve, and, in order to satisfy himself most about the matter, he called upon and spent an hour this afternoon Jin consultation with the First Cemp roller of the Treasury, the Hon. R. W. Taylor, with reference to the law as te the issue of legal tender reserves, and as to what had been the rulings of the Department when this subject came up during the administration of Mr.'Boutwell as Secretary, and of his successor, Judge Richardson. Mr. Taylor said that when the subject had been submitted to him heretofore he had given his opinion unequivocally that it is lawful to issue these reserves, and that in bis mind there was no shadow of doubt about it. Downeville, Cal., 23. J. A. Harrien, assessor of Sierra Co., committed suicide, in his office, about one o'elock this afternoon, by shooting himself through the body. Gold Hill, Nev., 23. At eleven o'clock this morning, the Gold Hill foundry was the scene of a bloody affray. John Nagle, a former employee, and Patrick Karvin, the engineer, had some words, resulting in a fight, in which Nagle stabbed Karvin. James Brown and William Roughtenan attempted to separate them, but were both stabbed by Nagle. Brown and Karvin are both seriously injured, and both may die. Nagle was afterwards arrested, and i? now in jail. , San Francisco, 23. The body of a drowned maa was found at Hunter's Point by an Italian fisherman, and taken to the mergue. In the pockets of the clothing was found a cer tificate of discharge to William Conn, as a seaman on board the steamer "Idaho." dated rtt San Francisco, March 9, 1873; also sev eral letters dated at Trent college, Wilford, Nottingham, England, addressed "My Dear William" and signed "Your loving wife Annie Conn." There was also a Clay street savings bank pass showing a balance of $253 27, to the credit ot Jonathan Kuaaie, ana the first entry in the book was dated February 13, 1867. One eye is very tyack as if it had been struck a severe blow, and there are three scalp wouuds on the forehead, which might have been made by the rocks on which he was found. four steamers, the "Pacific, y "Sol Thomas," "Senator"and "Gypsey," went dewn to the scene of the wreck of the "Costa Rica" te make preparations for an attempt to extricate the vessel from her rocky bed. All of the cargo has been removed. Mary Callahan, the young woman who was yesterday foun guilty of petty larceny in stealing a $50 gold note from fined 20 by her mistress, was y Judge Louderback. A benevolent lady paid the fine and has procured a home for the unfortun-tgirl, ho expresses a desire to reform. e II. ON AND AFTER MONDAY, MAY New York, 22. Co.'s published state- To-da- VOL. PIONEER LIXE OF UTAH. S.T-l860--X Suicide in California! AMERICAN. . UTAHfJORTHE ML RAILRO A X. Railroad. at ther-ough- Directors. JJJV jf UTAH $4-000,0- 30! A Terrible Murder Gold Hill! Will, dliw- - yur Salt (SUXDAYS EXCEPTED.) Business Houses. ss Tlon's CimP- - I 3 T0 THE PUBLIC! MERCHANTS. " PUBLISHED iTn? lDglCopy First-Cla- xr wiJJ JO INFORMATION pfi- 3 Where can be found FRESH BREAD, CAKES, CANNED GOODS, NUTS, CANDIES, etc. Don't pass tbe London Bakery without a call. Glory is Eer Hair. '' Wholesale and Ketail, ICE CREAM- CITY LJ8ENSES. AXD To nil wIjoiji it may concern. 0 VfOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, THAT all Pfcsuns engaged in Business in GAINED A THE MONITOR HAS Ogden City, (fcr which the City OrdiNo higher eneomium can nances provide that a license must be ties towed upon a Cooking Stove than to say that who uses it ppiks in its praise obtained,) without first procuring a every recommends it to her mighliars and friends, license are liable to be taken before any and for economy, cleanliness and reliability in all its Alderman of said Cily, and be subjected operations. to a Fine. 31,314 MOJITOES NOW IX USE. By order of the City Council, LESTER J, HERRICK, Mayor. ALSO, THE CEL8RATED JAMES TAYLOR, City Recorder. CLALS COOKIXG STOVE, Tbe Office of the Citr Recorder is at the City Hall, Fifth Street, Ogden. For Coal and Wood, Vfii e Jiourn jryn it) a. m. ULl o p.rt SODA - WATEIlV PASTRY of ALL KINDS;: i 1 house-wif- GROVE BREWERY, JONES' GROVE, OGDEX. Lager Beer, Ale and Porter of a Superior quality, Manufactured and supjtlied to families and the Trade. Orders Punctually Attended to. Pic-ni- c Parties, also the FINEST DANCING HALL IN OGDEN, are connected with the Brewery ind can be obtained, with or without Music, on application to UEUOLD, Ht XT tfc Co.,13. Which has such a Demand through the Territory, for Beauty aHd Kxcelonco, cannot b W. TURNER, GEORGE Fifth Street, and Cakes Oniamcnlcd to . - - 4 - Ogden. Mag-azin- es, Pictures, Albums, Stationery, &c. CIGARS AM) TOBACCO. Wall Papen of the Best TatternB. Subscriptions taken for all the Papern of the day Local, Eastern and Western. d2483mj $grCak SHORT WEDDING CAKES I SPECIALTY. A J. IL Fifth :i-t- f KELSON, Street . . . Ogden. ' Co.), Books, Periodicals, Order, NOTICE. ON Mil (Late C. B. McGregor A Beautiful Grove for Pleasure e paid for Egjja and Chickens. surpassed. All our Stoves are kept and for sale by Z. C. M. I- and all its Branch Stores. Stores in the Ter AlBohy all the riiory. WM. T. BAKER,: (LATE S. UORROCKS), Dealer ik S0-6- BSra. M. Pettengill & Co., JO State Street, Boston, 37 Park Row, New York, i DRY GOODS, GROCERIES, and 701 Chestnut Street, Philadelphia, are our Agents for procuring ndvertise-inent- a ii the Oodbn Junction for Boston CROCKERY", BOOTS and SHOES, and Philadeldhia, and authorized to con-traCLOTHING, Etc,; for adyertieing at our lowesl rates. Opposiie (he JA very S tables, HARDWARE, ct If dl-6i- u MATS STREET, OOBBS, |