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Show iani WEDNESDAY EVENING; APRIL 20, 1921. cnnrniTD- ncffQ Eclipse of Moon to Be Visible in ui LLULil fwlw Ogden Thursday P" - ' State Commissioner Going to Make Survey ; in "v Victinity of Morgan are being made by , the, state JlSh and game department for thi game preserve netting aside of a state,town of Morgan, and east of the ibrth SCnd extending from- Morgan county Into Rich county, according to D. H. "Madsen,' state fish and game Mr. Madsen arrived here his morning on his way' to Morgand to meet with property owners concern-irelative to the establishment of the CECreserve. ' The commissioner has authority to locate such preserves, under the state The one planned Xfcsh and game laws idea of protecting with the special a'eer and grouse- - It is reported that ft&eer is a large number of does and fawns in that territory and the .rue n familiar with these animals are STixious, according to Mr. Madseu. be preserved to increase, the they iiMipply of the state; Following, the meeting at Morgan, Mr, Madsen will visit a private fish hatchery above Brigham City toand make .ward Mantua where he hopes for the purchase of arrangements about 1000 spawning fish with which Id restock the hatchery at Murray, which has been depleted of fish, he says, to an extent that insufficient for the the egg supply is of the sate hatchery. capacity On his return from this trip, Comarmissioner Madsen will complete men force of rangements for taking a reservoir and ip to the Strawberry 'preserve, where he hopes to take eggs to' supply the Timpanogas, Springville and Murray hatcheries for the coming IT-Plan- s , . ; - com-3tission- -- er. ' . . iat egg-produci- The only total ' eclipse - of the moon which will, be visible this year in the western part of the United States will occur on Thursday night, April 21. At 2:67 p. m., mountain time, the moon will begin to enter the outer shadow of the earth, but it will not begin to pass into the real shadow, or umbra, until 11:30 o'clock. At that time the shadow will begin to show on the rim of the , moon, and will advance across the moon'sslowly face until at"' 12:23 a. m. on the 22nd the moon will be completely within the shadow, and the eclipse will be total. Until 1:05, the moon will remain totally eclipsed. Then the bright rim will slowly become visible on the side of the moon first eclipsed and by 2: 26, o'clock the moon will have completely emerged from the shadow, but it will be within thefainter shadow', or penumbra, until 3:32 a. m. The moon is eclipsed when the earth passes" directly between the sun and the moon. As the earth travels along its path, it always casts a shadow out into space, because it cuts off that portion of space from the light of the sun-Thmoon, which has no light of its own, but shines only by the reflected light of the sun is thus robbed of its light when. Its path passes through the shadow cast by the earth. Uecause this shadow has a portion called the umbra, which is entirely cut off from the . sun's .light, and an outer portion the penumbra, which is only partially deprived of light, the moon becomes pale ,before the eclipse proper begins, and remains so for an hour after its close. Another eclipse of the moon will occur this year on October 16, but will not be visible in the western part of the United States. e ng season. xxb-7zmx- nn II Smoot. -- Hr. nf Chief and Cut the High Cost of Living MAOE :RIGHT UINTAH Harem-'- o clock un RICHMOND APRIL 30 OGDEN STUDENTS OUT FOR. 'IT POSTS , RICHMOND, April 20. The annual "Black and White" day together with the Cache Valley Dairy' congress is to be held at Richmond Saturday, April 30.: It promises to bring out one of the finest exhibitfons of dairy cattle i ever "shown-in- . the west, Four hundred; dollars will be given In cash prizes. Those in charge of the affair have the promise of 200 head of dairy cattle which are being put in first class for the show. Cattle are to be shape' on the grounds at 9:30 a. m. The Judging will commence-at- . 11:00 a. m. and the day's entertainment will clostwith a banquet in the Opera house at . ? . ; : . - Three Ogden students at the versity of Utah won places on the final ballot at the primary elections held at the state school last week. Junior Rich will be a candidate for president of the student body i Ellis Barker, for manager of dramatics and Miss Grace Stone, for student representative . on the dramatic council. Mr. Rich is a junior ,in the medical school.. Mr. Barker is a mines student and Miss Stone is a $ophomore in the school of education. -- oo- Weber No. 6, Lodge Cache Valley in northern Utah is. fast becoming famous as a dairy cen- Free and Accepted Masons ter. There are at present four large condensed milk factories besides several small cheese and butter factories, Special meeting, Thursday, M.April De21, 6:30 p. m., for work In M. located in this valley. ' Holstein and Jerseys are the only gree. T. S. SHAUGHNESSY, W. M. breeds of dariy ' cattle that will be rep2441 resented. , night-- , . '"" SU-PRE- Orange? Lemon? You'll get Immediate delivery on any quantity fron, one quart up, by Just calling 548. Phone 548 7 1 J THE LIGHTHOUSE Phone , ' 581 2452 Washington. We guarantee all "our work, and our prices are very 'reasonable v AFTER YEARS OF SUFFERING, SAYS ONE BOTTLE IMPROVED HIS CONDITION VERY MUCH Mr. C. U. McCready. ' Bark Root Tonic 1 A Mild Laxative A System Builder When Nature Falls Down Let BARK ROOT TONIC .aim. if --4SXM' ml. -- mmM Assist Sold at all reliable drug stores or write CO. CELRO-KOL- A CXUtO-SOt-A COl 2205 at th Orpheum Theatre Sole Manufacturers Portland. - - - Oregon FELT AUTO SUPPLY Dittributora of Diamond Tlrea Waihlngton Avenue Mil CO. Phene Hi For SatUfactory SHOE REPAIRING. t nent prtcee. can OGOEN hear her now. 4 OOSTON SHOE SHOP f3T WiihtKMen r 4 Geo. Whitciide Glass Window Gla. Paint and Wall Ing, tinting and 2642 Ppr. Decorating paptr hn95B8. mirrors Ur WahlnBton Avmu ;HIGH STUDENTS TO SELECT OFFICERS apecUlly. Phna AU2 REPAIR1NO SEE Ut. We rtpalr any mak. Ws arc distributers fcr tha moua U. ft. U Battery, th battery with a tS-men-th' f. euarantea. NEW BEVCES y j....: r 2205 OGDEN PELT AUTO SUPPLY CO. Wa.hln3ton n AUTO PAINTING tha better kind at rtMKtn. 'Cabla price. s r"rt &. o'i'ns.'rallverlnj FOR DATTERY Park WASATCH PAINTING CO. On the Comer and Wahlrgion Phone 7M-Seventeenth Victor. mak 3rr?l ouilt r AUTO nJ PhCf( crta. Columbia r an machina or phono cleaned, repaired or er lihM new toy cx Plane alo tuned. LYRIQ MUSIC CO. S. T. Storey, Mechanic i Waehincton phena 171 SUMMERILL FOUNDRY & STOVE REPAIR WORKS Manufacturer, ef Stovt, Ran0 and Fumaca Repairs. JacketV &"h Weight., etc. W. will m.W. anything you Uh in ca.t Iron' on Stora 2279 Wa.hlngton Avenue. Phon. 244. Foundry AnS Warehou., Jefferson Avenue. Phona 441. You will find it interesting to visit our plant. 2i, r. ea -- CASTOR Ten-oke- t SAYS MATE SLAPPED HER; ASKS DIVORCE Charging cruelty and desertion. Bes fof di vorce in the district court from Acam The couple waa married in Salt Lafte. December 23. 1306. Mrs. Ludwig alleges that her hus band has "slapped, her face and called her a "fool." On July IS, 191, she d her to leave ms charges that home. The woman, seeks her freedom, custody of two mfnor children and alimony for their support. - ' sie H. Ludwig has filed auit striking and choking her. She seeks freedom from the matrimonial ties. he-tol- . old-tim- : - west, S7500. : Hawkins to Henry T. Hawkins, lot 28, block 9. Franklin place addition, $250. . Why blue laws make us All see red. American Legion Weekly JUNIOR EMPLOYMENT WILL RADIUM AT a err BUREAU IS PLANNED OPEN THE DOOR OF THE GREAT UNKNOWN7 foi T The Junior employment bureau at the net Ogden will be dlcuaaed Chamber ot meeting: of the Ocden Commerce, accordina; to (Secretarybur-O J. Htllwell. Junior employment the eau have been established by Rovernment in all part of the United States and they have all worked satisfactorily, according to Secretary Ktllwell. Information has been received it. Oirden from the federal rovemmtm a representative of the atating that would arrive in this city government con durlnjr the early part of May to fer wlh local reprcientatlve oo-th- e Junior employment situation-Hwill also make trips to other Utah. Idaho and Nevada parts inof thia'-ctiothe letter states. while A bureau of this nature was atIn Ogden a few years ago but tempted The new bureau, however, is failed. expected to be successful. These bureaus are being formed to aid students attending part time echools. night schools and students who are left Idle daring the summet months with the close of school. o-- x. Radlo-ActJv- rr. Cundy. 8ol,r lUdlo-Activ- rid e dTy and lUy , rn i,mthy sJurtlihnj. Tfvu r propofition. U helping vou W. to do hut wear it. No troubl or nd th moat wonderful fact alxut th rrUanc la that It la sold o that it I within the reach ofruxontbU all. both ri-and poor. No matter bo bad your aliment, or hor m l bo long to have ouatandmg..we It at our rUk. lor full try Information write X4ity not tomor-xH.1ium ArpUanra Co, 4 Hradbur Angeles. CaLAdrerUscment. I.dg, thorourhly ft!(lsrie4Jt ernc h iImj m Ia I offlcr th nen, to a normxl condition -rlhjnd"rxl lhSn OJ know u ;1 ting welL t ftHold on a trnt CAPT. BUNDY GOES AFTER BUCKAROOS Ora e rli Ing tlMvira e oo , ui.ri,"our'trm; ovrrromtng Quarreled Since Wedding Day "My stomach and liver trouble a regular grouch of me. I was everyone. Including my wifp, in at w since the every Captain charge of construction at the Ogden arsenal, has departed for Chicago. Indianapolis and other eastern points on a ten day furlough. He m;il return to Ogden during ih latter part of the month. On his return 'trip wen he will stop off a few das at he will ign up talent Cheyenne whereWild Wen ehow to be for the Ogden held here in September. oo FORESTER TO TALK TO ROTARY TONIGHT TAX COLLECTIONS AGAIN FALLING OFF - taxes In WeCollection of ber county are personalfalling below again normal, to County Assessor A. G. according said today that Berrett. who a slump period. Is now existing due, to tft jack nf employment. apparently, A few weeks apo collections were good, Mr. Berrett aiL for there was e a temporary spurt of the prosperity. This period, however, was oofollowed by th present slowness In collections. holds to thet Mr." Berrett Real Estate Transfers belief that after May 1 conditions will Luman A. Shurtliff to Vernon. C be better and tax collections will then Yarrington, all ot 7. part lot 8, block rise above the. normal point4, Charlesworth addition, $4.25. - Ezra Potter to Samuel Peterson, part n. w. s. e. 4. section 32, township It sure disturbs. A 30 Years Use For -- r.2 Thomas rj!A.w Star. No. 2 MudMfl Ave. and 25th 8U OLDSMOBILE CO. Phant K Waamngton Avenut Giorgio Rusovici Yar-ringrt- Phn. to ut. Wt fl them rik, new. B'ggett atotk ef atema n the city. OE WIT BROS CO. and poMthlng den by oxperta. Cara called for and delivered If deiirtd. Also the famous Roumanian Tenor LAGOON GETS street w ORINQ YOUR BROKEN AUTO WASHING -- n. wwa A CO. tlret or caalnsa to ut. Wo repair them Ilka Retreading work alto our epetlalty. OGDEN ys Your heard Nannie fourteen years ago mi E, J. HAMPTON Ortng your wom The prlmarV eleetion for student body president at the Ogden high school will b hold Thurdav accordooing to Principal A. M. Merrill. William McOuire, one of the candidates for the office presented his resignation today stating that he would not next year. Additional Amusements to return to nchoolKenneth Heat and VerRalph Nye. Be Provided At non MatUon are the remaining car.dl-tlatfor the office- - The final elecThis Summer tion for president, vice president, aec retary and treasurer will be held next week. COUPLE WEDS. ta thr tmnroirmnti n.rA narration oo- Announcement Is made of the mar- amount 1 1 00.000 ar? of approximately riage of Jesse Yarrington and Mlsn binK made ox Lagoon, m preparation Beatrice Farley which took place at for the opening of the vtson "HOUSE NEXT DOOR" Morgan Saturday, April 16. Mr. and next month, according to Manager A SEAT SALE FRIDAY Mrs. Yarrinaon will live In Ogden and will be at home to their friends C. AChrlstensen. new type roller coaster, with the at 2000 . Liberty . avenue.; Mrs- nlunn diD as the ble fea famnna "There U every Indication that the Is -- to be honored at several ture is "air Thin fur necond constructed. belns performance of "The Jlou.te showers, the first of which will be nishes all the thrills experienced m Next Door." which the University club given Saturday afternoon at the home an airplane flight, according to Mr. of Mrs? J. Clark, 1878 Chllds avenue. Christensen. but with the elimination players arc rehearsing for production at the Orpheum theatre next Monda of the danger and scares experienced night. April 25, will be finer in every a. c. coaster. o. Ij. on some types of the roller of detail the first performpoint Members of the Ladies' Auxiliary to This device will cost In the neighbor- ance in March."than said Bob Major, proOrder-owill Is f Conductors the said. hood of 575.000. it Railway this ducer, morning. meet Thursday afternoon In the lodge has bocn The theatre box office will be open hall. It is desired that as many mem moved to the west of its former loca- forThe the booking of scats on Friday exbers as possible be present for Import tion and arrangements made to morning. ant business will be taken up at the tend .the midway south. to the oo ' room for conces rxrv mnrfarther meeting. thrhv unsions and utilizing space formerly WYOMING CATTLE usea. utner amusement. aeict CARD CLUB. Mrs. Fred Williams will entertain to be installed, said Mr. Christensen. CONDEMNED HERE the members of her card club Thurs- "giving us one of the best equipped the west." day afternoon at- - her . home, 1961 amusement parkrln oo ; Washington avenue. Eighty head of cattle from Wyoming arriving in Ogden yesterday BONDS WITHDRAWN; have all been condemned. They were ANNIVERSARY DANCE-said to be afflicted with tuberculosis. Members of the Pythian Sisters will YOUTH GOES TO Dr. F. E. Murray of the federal bureau entertain at their anniversary dance of animal industry. Dr. W. A. Eteph-ense- n Thursday evening In the Knightsen-of and Thomas Redmond, chief hall. of features Special Pythias It. E. Seibold. 22 years of age, who sheep Inspector for the tertainment have been planned. state, examgave his occupation as. a meat cutter, ined the animals. last waa returned to the county jail Testa were to be made today to de. SPECIAIj rilOGRAM GIVEN-- hoM nn a rhAftfl nf haVlng termlne A special program was given this nterhfr tnIn whether the anihis possesilon, when his mals are definitely afflicted with afternoon at the meeting of the Lad- drugs tuberculosis. of $300 ooies Literary club tfield at the home of bondsman withdrew bond Selbold's for Mrs. Joseph' Soowcroft. Mrs. Bertha which he had deposited Eccles Wright, Mrs. Phillip Warren appearance In court. No reason was for the sudden surrendering of COL. GREELEY WILL KnUely, Mrs. Emma Paine King and given TALK TO KIWANIANS Mrs. Carrie Browning are the artists the prisoner and the withdrawal of the bond. who appeared in the numbers. Seibold "was arrested by police offion the 'charge of having Illicit cers Col. William B. United ILAPPY HOUR CLUB. in his possession and a few days States forester, who Greeley, drugs Is In for Mrs,' Ben Tyree will be hostess to ago was Ogden over to the district conference on forestry problems, will the members of the liappy Hour club court for bound lhe ln ow Is trial. He be the principal ip4aker at FridaVs Saturday afternoon at her home. county Jail. . meeting of the Ogden KlwanU club, oop re o riling to an announcement made TLANS RECITAL. Dr. ON Will of will Mrs. by of Ferraro GIVEN today DIVORCE Paine, secretary Pupils Joseph the club. be presented by their, teacher In a CRUELTY GROUNDS piano recital .Thursday evening at 8 o'clock at the First Congregational church. I Desertion and cruelty are net forth in filed as basks divorce the . LADIKS of for AID SOCIETY. suit For Infanta and ChUdrea The Ladles' Aid society of the First the district court by Mrs. Margaret The H. meet Murphy. Methodist church will Thursday Murphy against Frank Over at the home f Mrs. J. llelnen, 634 couple was married at Juneau, aimkb, In as 9. street. She 1909. be . second will February Twenty Always bears e Mrs. Murphy complains that at sisted by Mrs. W. H. Anderson, Mrs. the M. L. Vaughn, Mrs. C. C. Dewea and Springs, Alaska, in April. 1917, ot denature one and Mrs- C. .A. Deans. her husband deserted herself oochild. Previous to this time she claims 6, For uphoUterlng, uat-tre- e mad , over. or cleaned carptt laid, feather renovat d cr fumltur repair e me. Pricea iB. BatUTac-tio- n reaacnable. guaranteed. VULCANIZING THATS RIGHT - , , Central Station P. O., Portland, Oregon, writes: I have been a sufferer with stomach trouble for years and after taking one bottle, of your BARK ROOT TONIC my condition was very much improved. 3 TUESDAY, APRIL 26 prominent students at the institution. Miss Parry is on of the most popular students at the Weber Normal college.' to Phone 201 Hudson Avenue JAIL ' 2329 Hudson mi OGDEN OICYCLE REPAIR H. .Kammeyer, Prop., Reed Clda., , by the Motor Department of i REPAIR THAT OICYCLE It will save you ttmt. mony and vor. ry. We do.blcyd repairing at very low cottt 3667 Washington Avenue, Ogden chute-the-chut- ELECTRIC REPAIRED ) , UINTAH DAIRY PRODUCTS u. OGDEN AUTO RADIATOR CO. i Have your suits cltantd and 11JV1 pressed SOc Sponged and pressed We Call and Deliver. CITY DRY CLEANERS Phone 3MW 2374 Washington Avinut, Upstairs per cent perfect. What will you hare Caramel Nut? Vanilla? Chocolate? Strawberry? ter. H v .,,;;! NEW. er oo- Uni- qwttk. mr, taft, curant radiator repairing. S Por Frextn, broken. aky radiators repaired rtaionablo. And one thing more FLAVOR. That why you should eat UINTAH SUPREME ICE CREAM. That's why hundreds do eat it every day and always want more. It's purr, wholesome, and makes your enjoyment 100 MILK are and CREAM also richer, more uniform In quality, and tatta bet- . " -- RADIATOR REPAIRING FRESH Nannie Tout Concert Keeping marriage a secret is almost an impossibility. At least that is the opinion of William McOuire of the Ogden High school and Miss Elaine Parry of the Weber Normal college. The news of their marriage at Farm-ingto- n last week leaked out at the high school yesterday and a glorious reception was held for the newlyweds. A wedding breakfast was served during -the fourth period by the Kngllsh- class in honor of the newly married couple yesterday morning at which time the young peolpe explained Just how they attempted to "keep their marriage a secret." The appearance of the marriage license notice in the Standard-Examina few days ago Is said by students to have caused considerable interest. Students of the high school then prepared to investigate the rumors with the result that the news was verified ry Mr. McGuire. Mr. McGuire Is a captain in the cadet corps at the Ogden high school and is one of the most now-a-da- pared, was served from til 7 o'clock. various sorts Advertisements of were used in the decorations of the dining room, while the young women who served, wore caps carrying trade labels. Mrs. Stephen Hagans and Mrs. John Edward Carver were in charge of th supper while Mrs. Ralph Roberts was In charge of the dining room. A program was given after the sup per. Mrs. Norma J. Atkinson of Salt Lake appeared in a concert program of many charming numbers while the Christian Endeavor of the church gave a play entitled "The American DAIRY CONGRESS AT ALWAYS oj Students Wed in Secret; Reception Held At School . The Standard-Examiner- 's Repair Directory gives all th; where principal places air article can be cleaned, repaired or rebuilt like new. Hoover says save. Here's where can you do it. O PoHca Jonathan Jones, the board city commissioners this morning de nied a request of Fred Anderson, den youth, that money exacted from him in the city court on a charge of speeding be returned to him. Anderson was fined $30 after having been arrested by Motorcycle OfficerwasC. exLelser. who alleged the youth ceeding thirty mile an hour. comAnderson appearea before the mission vesterdav and asked that the money be refunded or a reduction be, made in the fine. He declared it was his first offense and he held that ISO was too "stiff a fine- - The board took the matter under advisement await ing a report from Chief Jones. mornIn his letter to the board this ing recommending that the request exof the youth be denied. Chief Jones plained that a refund of the fine would set a precedent which would cause much trouble in the future and must be guarded against. He said, "If the police department is to stop the practice of speeding, efficient methods must be employed and a reduction in the fines given the guilty ones would decrease the good work of the officers who have set out to bring an end to speeding." merchants and producers-o- f Ogden, were repre sented at the Ogden products dinner given last evening by women of thtFirst Presbyterian church. A threecourse dinner. arranged from a menu of Ogden products and daintily pre or Jnlave it R epaireci Cleaned or Rebuilt Like New Commission Rules Against Him, Avoiding Troublesome Precedent More than a hundred s tj ; : i!f City FEDERAL FISH MAN OGDEN PRODUCTS VISITS IN OGDEN IN CHURCH DINNER 5 7 : oo George Wallech, Superintendentof the federal fish superintendent at Springville, looked over hatcherytrout streams in company with nearby Al Hestmark of the Weber Count Fish and Game Protective association. They, visited streams in Huntsville, where; spawn and fingerlings were last season. planted '.'We were able' to show Superintendent" Wallech hot only the place where we planted the fish, but the fish themselves, swimming about in crystal clear springs," said Mr. Hestmark Superintendent Wallech declared was that the hatchery in Huntsville the propagation of fish. for ideal ' Application was made yesterday by the" Weber county association for a quantity of trout fry now available at the Springville hatchery. The appllca-tion,wamade through Senator Reed v OGDEN. UTAH, , quarreled nad sor and wed- jay ding. She, U a dar little girl and I know It wai my fault. Mayr's Wonderful Kernedf was recommended for mv stomach trouble, and since takinc ! It I have fell like a new man. wife and I now get along beautifully." a s!mple4 rArmlesL preparation It mucu that removes the catarrhal from the intestinal tract and al!y the Inflammation which causes practically all stomach, liver and ir.teiitl-na- l ailments, including appendicitis. One dose wllj convince cr money re funded. Mclntyre Prug Co, .nd druggists el&ewhere. Advertisement, 1 Colonel Willi Am R. Greeley. United! Rates forester, will be the principal the mertlng cf the Ogden C peaker at th Wber club this at Itotary lie will address the Hotariana on "Forest Problem." Other features ere-t-.lr- For Rheumatism . Don't hide skin trouble-Ac- o It with Resinol Thi tmtarot gets riyht at ih root of th trouble. The Hrh. Utber ! oI clnr;g ro jrort. of t Otntrwnt Hda tlut por wuil lMnnol ootb nt hJ are included on the program. PAVING AT OGDEN ARSENAL C OMPLETC Ogden arsenal Paving work on the atretch of road lradlng from the state highway e.it to the Administration building, has been completed, according to Major 0!Ur If. Presbrry, ordnince offlctr at the srwnaL Th construction work on the remaining five magatine ulldlngs will be completed during theto next few fur arsenal u?i te ready the ta 1. stated. it May by at-th- e BAUME. fI BENGUE Pa.in Relieves tx HandLu Tubo Keep J r |