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Show THE OGDEN The Ogflen Stanlatfl-Exaine- OUTBURSTS OF EVERET TRUE r PUBLISHING COMPANY An Independent Newspaper every evening and Sunday lytMhel morning without a muzzle or a club. entered as Second-clas- s Matter at the Postofflce. Ogden, Utah. Established 1870 Member of the Audit Bureau of Ctrcuia. tlon and The Associated Preee SUBSCRIPTION IN ADVANCE OeMvared by Carrier Dally and Sun .u i .......... ........... - 7.83 By Mall faally and Sunday, t year.- ,$io.t MEMBER OP THE ASSOCIATED PRESS T1 tAaocltd Preaa la exclualvely thoxtise for republication of any news credited to It not otherwise credited also the local news pub.. ? h ind uhed herein. BTANDAliD-EXAMINE- R TELEPHONB NUMBERS ana Easiness Circulation Dept........ ...... ...4il Pept. smortat ana News Dept. 878 STANDARD-EXAMINE- R WEDNESDAY EVENING. APRIL 20. STATE ANDJOAHO NEWS . Latest Items of Interest From UUh aafl Oem i(ruuinea CULT'S LEADER IS FOUND SAN PPr neati))Tis -- Idaho's Latest to Replace Rum yf.. an-titl- TT 1 1 IDAHO FALLS. Ida., prll entirely new kind of "hootch" was dta-- i here yesttrday when Chief of! covered M. S. Gudmundson, Cost Off roller. Carlson found two men drink-- , a Ing brand of "canned! From Church, Examined heat." Both of them mere described as At Nephi "crazy drunk." and onewho was small and sought a fistic encounter with the large officer. The only NEPHI. April 20. An examination of the new "hootch in a' of Moses S. r.udmundion. "e" na requirement castiron stomach, It Is decUred. revelator" of the West Tintic CooporOu erative Agricultural eociPty. the considwhich gained has ganization HOLD EXAMINATIONS allegea erable notoriety through their sac"wife of of the doctrine practicehas FOE NEW DRUGGISTS rifice" proved the man sane. A board of physicians yestefdsy made well-know- ft7" one-arme- POSITION UNTENABLE. , Commissioner J. Ray Ward, of the public safety department, through his refusal to vote for confirmation of the appointments of the Ogden civil serv ice commission, has caused considerable comment, particularly because of his personally stated reason for tak ; ing this attitude. Mr. .Ward assigned as a reason that he was not given the right to name a member of the commission. The state law creating the commission express ly gives that function to the:mayor o the city. At the commission meeting, Mr. Ward said that he hadno objec tlon as to the fitness of the appoint ees. He simply wished to make one of the - appointments, an attitude against which the law makes specific provision through giving that selec tlon to the mayor. The law was evidently designed to take the police and fire departments out of politics. It provides , that al .appointments shall be made after an examination by the commission as to fitness of the "applicant and also provides a plan for promotion for length of service, fidelity to duty and, merit The civil service commission clearly should be independent of the head of Big Circus Bill Opens for the public safety department. Mr. Vaudeville Patrons of Ward's position would clearly defeat Orpheum ' the very purpose of the law.. Does Mr. Ward, who virtually has looks like a big: bill Is due to open the appointive power for the public at Itthe Pantages today as the playbill safety department, also wish to con- announces several acts of the circua flavor. trol the civil service cpmmission? Madame edlnl and her If such 'a view were correct what a horses are 'a real feature. magnificent Browning and Davis have a blackface act which farce it would make of the law! well recommended. Rahn and It would mean the 'destruction of the comes Beck offer an act said to contain . much novelty. very vitals of the law itself j v with an Itala Music la accordion, The employes of the departments,! ian is furnished by the Peer- flavor, whom the law designs to protect from .less Trio, and Sir Victors dog and completes a dlversliiea arbitrary action of the appointive pony circus of variety actsexceptional power, would have no protection what- program of thrills assortment usual The ever! will be provided in the seventh epiMr. Ward's retirement in the near sode of "The Son of Tarzan," the wonder Jungle serial. future from the city commission is anOn account of Al Jolson'a performance the bill will not play Thursday. for announced he has that ticipated, will be continued Friday Vaudeville he will leave to take a more lucrative and Saturday. oo position. This condition makes his attitude all the more untenable. Draw "Mutt and Feet An TO. the examination. GO TO SI7TTL131KXT. Gudmundson was brought Deiorr; the board by T. H- Burton, county attorney, the sheriff. Dan Martin. Depuand ty Sheriffs Parley P. Chrlstensen Carl Miller, and Justice of the Peace went John S. Cooper. These officers Gudof yesterday to the settlement to Rather mundson and his followers probevidence which. It is said, will which action In used legal ably be will be taken for alleged' violation of of the the state laws growing .out cult. new of the religious practices Yesterday, announcement of the excommunication or rive aau.-tionthe members of the group, othleader Gudmundson. and several out ers having previously been cast vioof the Mormon church for their lation of ecclesiastical tenets. With Gudmundson. Mr. Burton and the others brought to Nepnl the four sons of the former music teacher. The boys had remained at the colony after their mother had departed when ahe declined to entertain certain of th beliefs and radices of the cun. The boys will be taken to Sprlngville - al THEATRE w 'HEN Oxford make their will appearance you w V .. .1 . If want nosiery trial gives that you feeling, and here is the kind that will turn the trick for you. There's Hobut there's siery and Hosiery only one quality in this Store the best All the popular colors and all the popular materials, with some exclusive designs. n d, well-groom- ed SALT LAKE, April 2 0. The stus board of pharmacy is now holding tests for twenty-threcandidates who desire licenses to practice pharmacy in Utah The test are held under the vision of the state department ofsuperregistration, James T. Hammond, director. Th former state hoard of Dhar- rnacy members were appointed by Mrj Hammond to conduct the since1 inai Doard waa welt acquainted with the detalla of the arrangements for the tests. The board Is of James L. rranken of Salt composed John Culley of FEW lke. H.dquiM of 1'rovo. Itov J,fd'n McAllater of Uean mu, n Hayton of S:4t Uike. Four memb-rae un.r WW Hosiery for Well-Dress- ed Guu SEEK JOB OF CROP INSPECTORS - ; cJSnecuJS Zith t VSlrL J ' terdy I SALT LAKE. April T aid R. Hagan, state crops and pest i MMrtJd n "ntmlssiofter. announced yesterday that few application, have been re- pClfcaPM.; to who "n :9.-rro- fosor r"mlrold innntrrSV' oo be, wih from persona jceled crops and peats Inspectors. He ha . lwrVtUTh SEEK NEW SCHEDULE OF "WAGE REnTTnTTnK !Pcnts. lnf tt9in state taw provides thai, crou and ptsts inspectors or candidates for, two 5 ears. --- w. urtau be taken fey an by relativesSALT LAKE. April 20. Hefore sub- such position may While Mr. Burton has not announc- mitting to the employ of the Utah ed what stepa will now be taken, Light and Traction company tomorof the gath- row tentative terms of a new agree-mrpending the completion Is here believed it for the year beginnlnr .May I, HALL of evidence, ering evidence be conclu- next, the rnosrarn. -- every oo-- PIONEER OF FORT nt PASSES AWAY committee riorMrniinr should this the second that ple of Irish violations of the employe In ths conference with ih. to as sive alleged the! with sceneA chorus of ten girls that Immediate prosecution will officials of the traction company yc.i roCATKMX aIn.. Aprilof 20. many costumes added to the attrac- law. Kort be begun. terday asked CJeneral Msnaser 1! F Thomas leleur. pioneer tion. Dick to submit to them of authorities resident H11 former the said been a It 'ns has new by proAs it all comes out. the love tangle at a lo was either yesterday morninr affecting; the possible ware re.'!,,0 Is straightened, the large land grant here that Gudmundson was was S Mr. to ductlons. cal sdngs-durin- 1&2T. - 1 Toca-pos- -' al At a Down Price liable years Isleur hospital. unbalanced or obtained and the two partners bring mentally e ,n nd The born of The now of I'crville. the Droceedlngs. institution under proposal dicualoo Nev the revolt to an end with little blood- question of his sanity having been de- la not satisfactory and ths committee nacl llved t tbe Kort Hall shed. The closing scene, wherein termined, much Interest Is being man- representing: the employes told Mr reservation since 1 Mutt and Jeff, dressed as Mexican in the next Installment of the Dlcke that It did not feel It ronMi, And not only Is the original cost generals, are Jailed by the president. ifested to the men the accej tancs TO NAME DELEGATES. sensational events which recommend of series was especially laughable. lower for OgdrnMsde Paints the Gud- of a 20 per cent reduction. IDAHO FALL. Ida.. April 20. A A large proportion of the audience have followed In the wake of and VarnJfbea but they cover oo f delegates from the convention cult since public attention was made up of the younger genera mundson more look turf tee. better, and of line the nature Utah from the Snake river valley, was first called to ths tion and to these the antics of the communistic on mined its western WAR on Montana ON and the aouth the life to giTe north, pigments practices SPEEDERS cartoon notables were more than ap called to meet hers April 21. in. been has them that members up indulged standing qualities pealing. AT BRIGHAM CITY The purpose Is to elect southern Cast off from the church of which life. pell longer oo Idaho delegates to the trtstate conall had been lifelong members, the law mf ins money-makinto be held in Salt Lake In In to to the Be vention and has validity question stepped In Maggie Jiggs Ogden. BRIGHAM CITY. April- 20.Two June to take up the matter of the of the "revelations" which members and twenty-seve- n Seen in Real Life k dollars has and seeking of the group claim as Justification for hundred highway, been turned Into ths coffers of the federal aid In building a paved hightheir course. treasurer by the city court- dur- way from Fait Iake to the Yellowcity Orpheum Sunday MAKES NO PROTEST. Representative the first eighteen days of the pres- stone. Mont., entrance to the Yellowing been Is to have said Gudmundson ent month. The H. B. STOWE money represents stone park. pleasantofIn his acquiescence ofwith fines Imposed by the Jiggs, Maggie. Dlnty Moore and most court. his OOf examination 626 J 1800 Wash. Ave. the demands the Phone other cartoon characters created by Several war rinnl his com- arrested DOWN. VOTED ELECTION nON'D the fertile mind of George McManus sanity, and to havetoexpre ssed last Sunday charged with lay his story be- speeding, a special IDAHO FALLS. Ida., April 20 will appear in life at the Orpheum plete wllllnjrnes force of officers The his of Part world. the teachings, fore Idaho Falls school board today theatre. Sunday, April 24, where to employed stop speeding decided and a major part at that, include the h!..bf2 not to submit a bond Issue for within the "Bringing Up Father at the Sealimits. city of brotherly love and forgive$100,000 to the voters of the diitnct shore" will hold forth. From all ad- doctrine oo in order to pay off the warrant Invance accounts this season's concoc- ness. He has said on many occasions oobitterness AIR MAIL DELIVERY he entertains no that debtedness as had been contemplated, 6f tion to See mirth, Crowd song, melody, novelty, Play surprjse and Joy. is far the best of against those who oppose himLarge ARE THE SENSATIONAL to follow a policy of retrenchment RECORDS SHATTERED but 1J3 Ruthton Avenue And Attorney Burton declares that In the management of school affairs At Orpheum the McManus "Father" series which CHARGES TRUE? of the and In that way take care of the ob Gus Hill has offered thus far. Mr. if there"has been anyor violation women will be No more serious charge ever has ' " Hill promises a larg and capable cast law. the guilty men ligations. SALT LAKK. April 50 Air m.ii mu a Races." to at "Mutt and the discontinue Jeff be It includes prosecuted. a well necessary of which number been made against a group of finan-- oo delivery records were broken yester- some may sical comedy based on "Bud Fisher's known musical comedy favorites. The ths vocational departments day between San Francisco and Salt for oneofterm ciers than that put out by W. Jett famous of school and to consolicharacters, waa presented beat around the efforts of SHERIFF TRAPPED when pouches left the coast at other to get Jiggs to the seashore. date Xauck, economist of the American the Orpheum theatre last evening o Maggie departments, i 11 clock In thf morning and were ded .house. The comedy After; much effort, she accomplishes OO a PLOT livered IN here at 1:25 p. ni. This exFederation of Labor, and presented to fore LIQUOR was better than the regular theatre the difficult task. How he LICENSED TO MARRY. eludes her ceeds the previous record mail flight ' the United States railroad labor board goers, expected and occasionally. In best Intentions despite her effort, to BRIGHAM, z April 19. During the oy mteen minutes. v Ismake-hi2 Mutt and between Sher0. Jeff, has week office clerk's on Tuesday. The direct accusation Is the repartee ths view the situation through county SAND POINT. Ida.. April The trlD is attributed to nnirw sued llcenaes.to wed to record was shaken by laughter. the same rose tinted glasses, gives am- iff William Kllpatrick house the Honner of ths following at Reno and Elko, the two named couples: John H. Shsw'of made, that the big financial interests The plot had something to do with ple scope for numerous funny situa- county was released from custody yes- transfersneiween Bail and the Garland and points in have entered into a conspiracy to obtaining a large chicle concession Snow of Field tions. Seat sale Friday. close of his pre- coast wnere the mall Lake tM terday following the from ing; WUliam Virginia changed were out scenes laid Mexico. The havdo a Winchester of on of Clyde on to charge in hearing distress the United liminary piane States, side the Belmont race course, on the plane. bring Black and Emma L. Pine. a from bribe Idaho, oo $30 liquor accepted by the creating of widespread unem- deck of the '"Insurgent" and at the 'The Gilded Lily' Continues ing Idaho. runners. Juniper. Waddoupeof NEW POSTOl-KICESonora. oo numbered OGDENITES GETS headquarters in to witnesses Prosecution ployment, for the purpose of beating president's to D. C. April It. WASHINGTON. Crowds Attract At be in a revolution happened I MUX NO TAX NOTICES. four and defense witnesses eight. were citab!l5v new down the laboring man, destroying the where Two LICENSE TO posto'ficcs WED progress. Donner county 19. The county ed in LOGAN. former the Alhambra Wilson, April Caryl Hoback. Lintoday: Wyoming unions and finally making it imposRichard Freeman, with the long one of the prosecution wit office has begun the Issu coln county, treasurer's engineer, with Randall as Ellas J. nose all, took the part of. Mutt, ex ance tax An of notices. the first testified that he had given th nesses, sible for the railroad employes and while and Horse. and CampFARMINOTON. shotted Anrll Durlnr tra force of three Dannie McCormick, A story of gay New York life that money to Herschell Weaver, the mtft the work postmaster began stenographers Solon bell few Walker, county, Clerk past other workers to enter into any form feet in height, enacted thebarely portmaiter, Wal. days County his role of has a warm and true heart beatlnsr whom the prosecution alleged left.lt hat oo morning. As yet the Kvans has Isnued marriage license this of collective bargaining in the main- diminutive partner. Lilliam Gold- underneath is perhaps unusual, but it at ths Jail office for the sheriff last ter of not the completed recapitulation to tne rollowlnr Harold was as couples: the bright has been done amazingly well in Mae Thursday night. smith, Jacqueline, David Hansen and Nellie Parrv. both the tax rolls.1. but will be able to do so taining of a fair wage scale. star of the show and by her graceful Murray's been had newest he declared who Paramoant Weaver, of picture, C. llorr of Osdtn about May Lke:Ray The whofe attack on labor is la- dancing gained the encores of the au- "The Glided Lady." which acored a enraged to lay the trap for the sher anaSalt oo Brewer iiertha Portland. Ore.: dience. As Chlqulta, Babe Malcolm triumph at the Alhambra ten Hale Boynden and of him he testified RETURNS FROM IH5T. gave beled a staggering blow at America also iff. theatrs today Vivian was as asaln last night. Miss Murray has the marked $5 bills after he had discussed both of Palmqulst Joseph Cogan,cou 19. Spencer S, LOGAN. Bountiful: A. f April Peter Wilson with capital on strike against society. the ship's pleasing. captain, scored with a part Of Lillian Drake, a sensational with him and his deputy. Al Dale, the Cowley. Wyo., and Mrs. Hattie Sains. returned yesterday from an exLauck presents a list of twelve Former District Judge A. E. Pratt dancer, who Is Ured of her inane life matter of brlnrihr llauor from Can oury or uounurul; .Henry Hayter and tended trip In the east. He visited desires to marry and settle down a da. and they had agreed It was "all Mrs. Nellie Quads, both of New York, Washington. Chicago and J. D. SkM'D, W. It, Skeen and 11 II New York financial institutions, the life Is dependent on the likes and dis- and Iyton. How she succeeds in achieving- her rlaht " He testified he told the sher oo other large cities- Ills bulnss was Pratt announce the orsan5ratIon cf directors of which number 100 men likes of a small body of men In New wishes is material for one be would worth In connection with the Eccles Invest- the firm of Pratt & Skeen for the of the best Iff that protection BRIGHAM TO HAVE ment company of Logan, with rhich who really control the industrial life York City, and if the mandate of the pictures shown In this city In many 1200 to him. of Uw, with offices in Rooo? practice Is There weeks. a the , he had is connected here. he finish BOY after given SCOUT Shortly surprising COUNCIL 13 401-100 in of America and dominate every J&rge its effect to the story which doubtless will ocEccles moTe far reaching building. th!s city, and In oo money to the sheriff. Weaver testl bank the Walker build!nr.Sall Lake W railroad and most of the big Industries on the welfare of the people of the casion much discussion. The support fled, SCHEDULED-KAYSVILLE. Itev. MEETING IS three local cltUens. the more rnembers of one or was H. Any City. Lowthe T. 2 excellent, Rev. of H. BRIGHAM 0. CITY. 20 the A Fertlg of There portrayals Livingston, of th.is country. He declares that, op- United States, than are the laws wj!l April Boy April ell Sherman, leading- man. Jason meet s. at their con C. will D. r Parent-Teacheclients Moore the firm Scout Council will be formed at the b a meettnr or t h and the postmaster. Don Charles Gerard and Leonora asked the sheriff to change a $20 bill Brig ham City Commercial Club Thurs association of Kaysvllle Thursday af venire at either office. erating through the interlocking direc- congress, then we are ruled by an oli ZHj oo torate of the railroads, the capitalistic garchy and are no longer a democ- Ottlnger being especially praise- and were given four of the marked day evening. The meeting; haa been terhoon at J:tO o'clock la the Cencalled by John D. Peters and all inter- tral school building. worthy. bills In return. AUTHORITY group deliberately proceeded to create racy. 00 oo ooested in the work have been Invited sure It was Just a year "Are you statecon makes and thi3 should be whole This a depression, to attend. subject new cow Will we Ford's tin have ISSUED became engaged. dar?" Henry IS ago today Sins of St. Anthony" HELENA. Mont.. April 19. A tem "The Bcout Commissioner Alf Freemana or shall we have to I looked It up In my check sidered by a commission In an ment: "Ye: tmlst her tail? Joplln (Mo.) Globe. book this morning." Boston Poat. Is Adapted porary injunction restraining ths Re will be one of the speakers. Screen manner and a statement of "The railroads are pleading poverty. committee from state central publican From Popular Story Tiie banks are making unprecedented facts given to th people, if for no oth electing O. H. P. Shelley, was dismiss ed today by District Judge A. J. Hors- ease to public er the than purpose profits and declaring unprecedented s dividends and the same applies to mind should the charges be shown to Fashion's latest decrees in smart key. The decision is regarded by mem feminine attire will be seen in the bers.of the commttee as. validating steel, coal, railway equipment and be without foundation. Jazrlcal screen comedy, "The Sins of the tentative election of State Kenator Ot similarly situated concerns. The capSt. Anthony," which will be the at- O. H. Junod as national commlteeman traction at the Alhambra theatre for If compliance witra a l ital combine, in preparing to precipi- DIVINE passed attwo state recent ot the next. legvsRIGHT. session days ths commencing Friday tate unemployment, adopted the policy The ature. featured the! male has player Newspapers lately hare been print role of a slovenly, bashful younsr sci that the railroads 'should do It first.' oo were his fair ing a picture of former Emperor Carl entist who is turned-dowWOODMEN TO ENTERTAIN. by Railway improvement programs cnarmer on account, of lack of pep. KAYSVILLE. Anril 19. The mem deferred, railway, maintenance was re- of Austria and his family In their tem In a wild attempt to a of Abe Lincoln No. 70" of himself bers prove Parents who want their children to pet on in the duced below minimum legal require- porary home in Switzerland. There "live wire." he makes the acquaint the Woodmen of the Camp of Kays World, ance of uncomfort show .;' the giddy world should teach them thrift to sacrifice some of sits Carl, divested of the girls in the vllle. will entertain at a dancing party ment." musical comedy success and at the Latonla hall at Layton next the present for the future. - This is a sensational announcement able trappings of royalty, and wearing current his life thereafter is Just girls, girls, Friday evening. a ' conThe neat business suit. saved portion of their earnings in early life is girls- UnUl he, meets th little dancer and should be investigated by a of thejentourage. who not only makes like looks seed Carl he As or of actual accomplishment and independa the committee any commission Hapsburg gressional C a snappy, 3 out him of youth from the come home ence. This is not theory it is a practical fact which If father who has to be named by the president Dut wins nia heart as well. Charles Collins is the author of the twelve financial institutions in New office, and is passing the lovely spring many learn from experience when it is too late. which story, in appeared surroundoriginally York City are sufficiently powerful to evening on the front porch, Encourage them to open a Savings Account at the a popular magazine and was scenar-ite- d National create a ruinous condition in the Unit- ed by his family. Rank of Commerce NOW it will help Elmer Harris. Margaret by Loomls is the a woman, of playThe done have solve leading them ed States, and so, they picture family presents many serious problem, ing the part of the dancer. Ths picshould be brought under government contentment in which Carl HapbUTg ture We have is a Paramount Artcraft, many promising accounts here that were weU-fe- d "yseems on the point of saying: "Ma, control. started with only $1. OXE IS ENOUGH The mere accusation, of course, is this Is the life!" "What's the matter. Jos? I haven't But "Divine Right" comes along and noUced you at any of our not proof, but the fact that men of HtUe poker or late." . high position In an organization, of the says: "Carl Hapsburg, what do you parties "Can t afford it any mors, Bill. My strength and standing of the Amerl mean by sitting here on your porch wue rtas taken up bridge." Wyo can Federation of Labor should have taking it easy? Think of yourself, a ming state Tribune. ' . oo attached their names to a direct Hapsburg, shirking your divine mis vrrv "vrvT" . "In France they make a brew with charge of the kind presented to the sion!" Clio. H. Barton, Managing Director prunes out of and call it nrunelle " the railroad labor board and specifically Carl, Whereupon stepping "In America we cf Member with our stuff Compounded pointed out the financial groups re picture of : contentment, tries a piti- raisins. Why not make call it raisin ell?" Federal Reserve System Washington Arc. Quarterly Detroit Times. -sponsible for the alleged conspiracy ful return from Elba. And the "sad Condensed Milk oo carries sufficient weight to call for a world, seeing the little man playing i ourIn osteopath see no medicinal fL'JS. '- -. most searching Inquiry. some discovers value at nreb but if beer, length Napoleon, vnn'i V scribe.ihe needn't rub it in. Detroit If America's, industrial and business thing to laugh at. . rree t'ress. I i I ' Paint-makin- At - g g - park-to-par- i - -- out-of-tow- Jeff" " n American Union -- Paint Co. -- - plot-revolv- ike es well-fille- 13" : S. !. sesor ANNOUNCEMENT Ec-cJ- fi - - -- . - Ro-bard- -- self-start- er open-minde- d .to - Teach Them. to bave ; - up-to-d- ate jQ)&lu)3L2& - axe contented Babies. Three generations of them have been ; nourished oa -- . - 3orcfotuf EAGLE BRAND 1 . vj ' O ;': - - - -- NATIONAL BANK of COMMERCE, :l |