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Show Writteo for tho Cincinnati then did he strike the lyre with fO if. a tutna!A nvA almACf Tiainfll magic power, and produce that mel beauty of an autumn landscape. Time. The Tear of Genius. ody wnica resounds in every land, Then, when tho sun of happiness THE NEW and awakens an echo in heart. has set for ever, when earthly hopes . every "They learn ia suffering what they teach nail ' too deeulv errinsr. but were an Dneuev. .inghted, and earthly aspirahicrhly gifted child of soncr. ia also an tions all forgotten, efforts of her Genius seems to be something was early taoght genius acquired a character more ,hread He, too, example.' tvhich requires from its possessor the iu the severe school and of and music and her affliction, lofty Lock-stitlovely, It is a his otherwise tender and greatest possible sacrifice. gentle na caugnt a "wandering breath or that rarebestows but Nature which gift ture borrowed from grief a strength high melodv whose source is in hea ly on Lor children, and when tshe and elevation of which gava ven, and whoso vibrations are eter Li.i she frequently withdraws all big words at odcothought a character beauti nal." Tho heart enether Uessinga. ful and sublime. a heart With These are onlv a few of the manv dowed with this inestimable treasuro warmed with kindliest the feelings examples mat coma De given to snow Must too often bend to tho burden of a soul alive to the sentiments tho beneficial influences which mis purest wee. and a mind imbued with tho true fortune sometimes ezercises over the From tho earliest periodd of the spirit cf ecnias. he woa indeed wor human heart, and now the question world, there have been many ins IS thy to be loved and admired in life arises whether theso gifted beings stances recorded of the infiuonce honored aad and lamented in death would have attained the same decree had had, ia awakening the alas ! ho had a daDgeroas, and, of excellence in their vocation, if But, energies, of the huuiau mind. Thi8 a3 many a demoralizing be- their respective career had not been it'tius tu be particularly the case, lief, whichthought, caused him to be frowned 89 strikingly marked by the desolat-inf- f - with, regard to tho worshipers of tho mm tlio and effects of erief. upon by good, It appears that persecuted by Moses. With many of the greatest the till he who loved all living bad, for would we have seen not, poets, who havo erer existed, grief, things, and who would not harm the they that not these one of persons gave the in suue suape or oiner, naa dcch tne lowliest of God s was look entire energies of their minds to the creatures, hidden but powerful agency, that ed upon as a monster of guilt asd divinity they worshiped, till the ties ured them on to fame. , Let us wicKeuness. naa the world granted which bound them to earth and its louk, far a moment, at the lives of him that which his sensitive enjoyments were clemency nearly all severed. tome of ilie.it', and see if this bo not ana nature and de- mus gentle required and obtained the merited Una. he not have been won loftiestthey served, might of their art. This triumphs Dante, the brightest luminary ia from the creed which he induces us to believe that it is into erring really the heaven of Italian po&try, furhad iallen to a better and luster view the case that, as the stars of heaven nishes an exaninle. His heart was of Divino things? (IU false belief are early touched by the rude hand of was the only shadow which rested , . only- visible in the season of darkness, the best and brightest at sorrow, and the response was a strain tho brightness and beauty of tributes ad of tuusio that will linL'er on earth upon humanity are unseen and nis that was a fault to unknown till the hour of eloom. forever! Iu hiu boyish days he fixed be cnaracter, and i m is his Creator and not Were it not punished by be we LIGHTEST-RUNNINso, affections THE might his on the fair Beatrice, disposed G MACHINE IN THE WORLD. by his fellow man. Banished from to lmasine that the mfted. in all aires whode name he has rendered as With our printed dirctions. no instructs or mechanical skill is the society he was fitted to adorn, of the required to operate world, have been too severely as his works. That lore The constructor of the m;:ciiini is Imscd ii'win a irinrin1 nt .;,... tuna uucuuailefl. it m. r deserted by fortune, whose favors his i ' . we as ieel but that ''He pllcity. conipns!n.T s;ap!c kvers woiki-f- upon centres. The beariuifs are fcw and th it is. tried; colored his whole existence, for should have won, and de- who ordereth all una polished. dt?ath snatched hit beautiful away in genius things aright" has are hardened The machines are made at our new works in Hie city cf and sickness, in this pressed by bodily pain Newark, N. J., with new special the springtirua of her loveliaeas, and ne was particular also manifested the (patented) machinery and tools, constructed c::pre-s!- y to what we now offer well prepared to teach in soncr accomplish wisdom of his ways. thb poet was ever after a mourner what he had learned in suffering, unerring S. A. L for her lots. Cut he bewailed her and to decorate his lays with the "DOMESTIC" SEWIKC MACHINE CO., not with tears; his impcriuhable lays of which he had thought gathrsoAv orlc antl Cliicafjo. were the offerings he laid upon her gems ered frem the stormy waves of grief. SAVISGS. Bv using the "Dnmeitle" Patouibj and though the had gone to Weary of scenes where he had known per FANhloni the most stvlish and the grave, she was"recallcd again to but canL be Produ.l, at cars and rge saving m and the world WON EY to those who choose to make, or superh. life, to dwell forever ia tho fairvand that had usedsorrow, him so ill, he retired, beautiful world of her 's with one fond and faithful friend, to sublime poetry. Her memory bea calm retreat in a brighter and more atalogue muled to any lady sending five cents with her address. Agents came the spirit of Lis iuspiration,the everwhe clime. There, with her whom genial DOMESTIC subject of his daily thoughts, and he so SEWINC MACHINE CO., beautifully styles his "own the star of his after life. . heart's home," passed his few re- Yorlx Chicag-os.34-- 1 Milton, the bard of high and holy y maining days, and devoted Lis mind themes is another example. ' to the AT THE he loved. There, While the light of prosperity beneath pursuits the bright sky and balmy beamed arouud him, his mind,thougb, amid the breath of the atmosptiere, towering high above its felbwa, took flowers and the mnsio f the gectly S. LEWIS, not that eagie fligkt into tho regions Junction Office Ogden Mediterranean, ha eafh. murmuring: of thought that it did iu after years ercd those WATCHMAKER AND JEWELER, bright fancies and beauti of gtaoiu. When misfortune came up-o- u Dealer In Watchet, Clocks. Jewelry. Silver and ful images which are the true attriOr Send to Salt LaJce him in many forms; when his Plate Ware, MALVt TKEET, OVIDKN. butes of poesy, and which constitute Eepairing neatly on and all work warranted. house was desolated by repeated FOR its greatest charm. ana darkened by repeated Felicia Ilemans, "the sweet son"-troubles; when infirmity sickness bird of England," also claims attcn and bliadnoea showered their accution. And hero it may be aa well to AND mulated evils tipoa his devoted remark that to woman, in particular, 18 Lis KXECUTKD then shook off all the endowments head, genius of genius have to earthly trammels, and soared to an ofton been an inheritance of nam. autasing and unequaled height. Her heart is IN ALL ITS BRANCHES, peculiarly fitted for When tha visible world, with all its love so termed and fishioncd for beauties, was forever shut out from all the pure and gentle delights o hi view, his ineutal vision lifted itIN A affection that nothing else can offer WHEN THE self from earth and Bought the glothe eame amount of haprinesa. and it ries of heaven. That a fflimnso l ' thoe blessed regions was granted to genius, though it may win many utDiuua aumirauon, vuiuu,o LU view we may not doubt, for the vuv Very best Articles and fortune, it praise, friends, fame, beams liht that upon his page is can never, by its own power, subdue In the Market can be obtained at the surely a ray from celestial worlds, that master its to will. This passion Order Books, . and the holy strains that vibrate from . t is tno reason wny many women o Lis lyre are surely borrowed fromthej splendid abilities have so often harmony of aa angel chgir! turned from the plaudits of a innltl Receipt Bookr, Another and a melancholy exam- tudo, and for lot the of some sighed v'tnAOC MARK ple, is fouud in the singular career of but ' maiden. lowly, Uyron. Ilii first Iepson ia the Mrs. Hemans is a striking proof Bill Heads, bchool of adversity was the knowl-tdg- e That strenarih ia bora of personal defect, which, slight In tho deep Bilenee of WITH ITS LATH IMPROVEMENTS fogethw it was, engendered a morbid sensiLetter Heads, uenriB. chines, is now equal to if Dot saperior to acy bility that was near akin to grief. And her tuneful lavs tell is that her other machine in the market. This first taught him to rely It Ib the enly machine havlne a clf wtnt upon nana must nave been tried in the Show Cards, PRESCRIPTIONS carefully needle. of fhw nin-the resources of his mind, and to fiery ordeal of woe ere it could havo It ha the latent Improred Shuttle which VisitlHg Cards, and day. no email boles or nrinrs to thread throDfih er plume his spirit for a flight into tho produced such pure and unalloyed ouler. rtaiuis ot poetry, .but not till he treasures, vve know not the exact It has the latest patent feed. All weariuir iminta am mla of Hkl. eODM waa assailed by criticism, and . his of her wo vet feel that griefs, Business Cards, origin Wines, qbenUy Its durability is great m muj cuuiuw haughty spirit recoiled beneath' tho Biie suuerea much, for we hear in hid wwcvi chine in the marketyara it is conseqneBtly th lash of sarcastic reproof, did the every tono of the sacred eAHicKt rnnnlnft. she Promethean spark that slumbered ia awaKeua tno voice ot a melody hach machine aolil makes sales fr otet m sorrowful Ball Tickets rerominend themsvlves to all who tee tbcia they hit soul kindle into a flame of start- - though resigned eDirit. ia operation. In all hr Rood lively appntfl wanted in every town Ale, , hug and scorching brilliancy. Bat productions there is evidence of a Northern tab; to whom a good eonnuMtiu will even then the deepest fountain of heart formed for be paid. Writ to happiness and de &c. Meal Tickets was unruffled and poeiic feeling serving the highest allotment of till a colder and keener eariniy wifla, and yet how different A. W. BROWN &Cc. All of the finest quality. blast of Borrow Hand Bills, over was iu surface. her lotl How peculiarly sad her sfept ot uu nia nome was deserted, his fate. We havo Oenerei agents and dealers in only to listen to a Shipping Bills, hearth desolate, and his heart the few strains of her heart Oils, BOOK & SHEET uiad receptack of blighted hopes iuiaiu vu mww mat ,iier touching was pain aud buried joys, did he breathe trth ever darkened , by that zuusio vphloh enohaated the A ehaJow-tinginMonthly Statements, thought, world. When friends forsook and ! With hues too deep for joy. .. . te w llftfifFWfi pp m:M iiiis-frrta- . MM '4M0m: a mm mk M ch if sai .... in-mwrt- al . - . NOTICE. perfect-fiui- ar boy-lovsr- Sd " Now 0 - . JOB WORK and J. YOU GO U-l- T DEUGS N23 W Sewing Machine. EDICINES Quporior Stylo CITY DRUG STORE well-love- OG&EX? d, . VICTOR! long-eufferi- Liquors, TJ Porter, , . Paints, .Tarnishes, Brushes, &c. g Viindred frowned; whan- - V .... Hatred'' shaft flew thick and fst; vhea the deep, passionate love of his noble, but erring natura waa east back upon his achinc heart; when v cup ot ate tad lott every sweet, Her songs are like the murmurs of tho ooean shell, pining for its lost home; or jiks the warbliogs of the Erisoned bird, mourning for its native Her poetry hallows everything it touohes with beauty, but it Evert t the lowest prices. Variety oj Wm. DRIVER & SON, RAILROAD VORK. Wt Proprietors Musical Merchandise, AND STATIONERY. Offden. Utah. on... a TFMann TTnme Shuttle rs always onb Rrtnmlnrton needlee and repacleaned and . aewtnc macblbes of all kliw rtt |