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Show Sunday School Exami-natio- A n. A Novel Temptress Exposed. Lawsuit. At the African Con& rence f the fFrom the London Daily Telegraph. Methodist Church, of.thq .State u! May oxsi.j Ne?rY..rk, hold in lirookljn, a sen came Hp in the sec case A curious Htion was created .on the t17th iusL ond division of the quarterly sessiotic 19ih and 18th the Dear SirOn f examination of the bj the following iepisode: in Ediuburjrh to day oi appeal fron we baJ jnt "lttv. Mr. Stewart,' colored, pastir the lord ordinary. Lord liruighill. A Hoois'"6 Sbhath School. The ner cottnn of ib Bridge etieut church, rose to gentleman of means named Gardner es were conducted ia v little of a question of privilege, aud treated residing near Melrose, broU'ht at fiouth hill under the juet wko i ruve, ru. wbcb 'he oul'crenre and spectatora to a action fur the purpose of having u south fork bo't town, o the from Mr Ja. jruaine sensation, lie said one Sun young soman nauud Mary Gardmi ,bceh.-i- been purchaed day evening a few months ago, he prohibited from calling hiiw hn BUD'3' Jailt;in8 fl"or Hawking. From the evidence, it ap made for t:e beaefit Was seated in hw jmlpit when a n.iu father. gwinjs ulso cn. . was liaudcd hi n, which stated tut a peared that Gardner, while courting of the young folks. became h;s vards ,,i Imuseoieut the lady in trouLle wished to see him lady, who after M mg wm c.:ie'l to order at tea a After service he ; discovered th it the wasef a wonV;n met wife, younj were preeeut. Supt. Richard Ui Tiifrc he married Iut, in the church, who this, notwithstanding souie L v Monch mid yne, Secrctuj-jjj iU 'W. she hvl with a memb. r of the and a week or two afterwards 11 Orsuu K'gle Hioweil utii K'.deri aud he j;ave her ad.'iee how t;ave birth t a cluld.the defend. b n church, the officers, ton, from Otfisn to uct. Tha next Sunday evening the castj. The fct was kept a fcecrtt, cf tueiahfcts the school, Richer and with most ot the citiieas of Iluutsville. when in Fleet street church, he was and Mr. Gardner dei ies that he WE AivE .NOW HEClilVING OUR GOODS iveu anotlier letter, which was so rret'id''"' F A lltutinohd, oa account father of the thilo, though til. f rekucai, was not president the first nonsensical that he and Western destroyed It the present trial he made uu public Direct b.-The lord or S:iM:e effect avowal this letto then he receiretl eijrht The exerciser were conducted under And are therefore able to compete in price and quality with any One of dinary found for the pursuer, but the of Supt Chark'l ters from the same female. the iaan geiue&t house in Utah. Our stock consists of retbew he opened and read, anotlier second division have now reversed ffn'gh:, aad cousistad of dialogue?, citations, songs, and quettioas atid oue his wife opeaed, and there w:re the decision, holding that Mr Gurd STAPLE FANCY nuiwejs from the Uille, Hook of Mor six reuiaiitiug unopened. tier by marrying the lady, knowing 'If you Cutechiam and Covenants. moo lJactnne Each will look up there you can see the her condition, took upon himself the mid other worka of the Church. Jfn examined separately by its arty who wrote them,' said Brother burdeu cf being the reputed father, cij ifaciier, aad ere questioned bj the Stewart, pointing to a young colored and that he is not now, after twenty The examination was woman, a well dressed ttperiutfndeut. mulatto, who, years' silence, entitled to deny the my thorough, occarying the morning ttlotie in the comer of tie gallery, paternity. sat iaJ afterueaa of Suuday, and from 1L down upon the looking 1 complacently u t. m. autil p. m. 'fiie afternwoti of MoaJay wai occu-f't- i assemblage, not ia the least dpgree in dancing and other amusements aba.xhed bf the attention directed to- That Norwich man who courted it tie grove, and it was the intention tt 'ward her. The effect upon the spec his wife fifty years before he married mre a dance in th evening," in the tators was remarkable; the colored her, was a prudeut fellow. Fifty but Superintendent house, juliool embraced one another in the years takes the strength out ov most woman Writes wn taken suddenly very rick, OF CL0T11LG ! GEMS i3ut lundawu. aad for eeveral hours exsea of their joy because of the arms, and makes it inconvenient for a A FIRST CLSS ASSOIITMEXT w in a very daugerous and critic.il exposure of the young lady who woman to down kuees on her to get sunditien, but he it rupidly recovering, wrote tl2 h've letters. The brethren, Selected specially for ihii miwktt, and now Belling at Ded, F.ook Price's. head of the house to tome the urge fit tor duly egtiu. mi will ?oon be The bust variety to choose from in all thia section of the Territory, i them and were of one aud the talk bed from the under too, delighted, out frfjt UaniJtiOHd is slawly recovering. remarked: lf Mr. Beecher bad only matter over. lull in alt its braacbea.! A detailed ' report of oar exutuiuation OCIS WIIOLi:SALI3 I) E 1 A RT 51 EXT wa'uld be too leugtby. I will merely add acted just so, b e would never have Special inducements oflert-- to the trade. , y that ii waa in every particular satisfac had 'any more trouble.' OrJer being find will t house Utah thia all Northern merchant of The need for mp-- ; they and gave much Gnally restored the Conference ad try toto all wha to in One at the Lojrao plies. important advantage storekeeper very buying in it. credit all tok part ' ' Ex. , Branch should uot bs overlooked. Small qutntitic can be obtained and sold, Mr. Chas. Wright is laboring very journed." IIcNTSviLtg, June 20th, ,1876. ' ' LtuToa Junction: ; -- , ,n diffi-cuh- iipasiiii! iiiili 'jf y y from Eastern DRY Markets and AND GOODS GROCERIES, Boots and Shoes, Hats and Caps. Quceusivare. Glassware, .Paints, Otis, Hardware, Patty, Glas8 Tinware,etc. Mom-Ja- Plows, etc., JUST j2l3XLXV32:D, , doing a good work iu the undnj school the iiy school, and aW in the choir. A crcat number of the children under his tuition are making good progress ia music'and singing; in fact, Charley is lire wan in alt matters educational, and d am glad to say that President and the people of Huntsviile generally geera alivo to the interests of our children, not only in word but in deed The financial report, as .read Jby the secretary, showed that upwards of $250 nad baen colleo'ed in l expended in the interests of the Sabbath school the past hard, aad is Huntsviile, in Hiim-nm- 1 William Halls. year, Marbiottsvillb, June 26th, r.hiroR Junction: ' Permit calumns of 187G. ' ehroniole, in the your widely circulated paper to me taeetingof the Weber Our ('unty Teachers' Asoelatioa. niectings are increasing in interest and Hfule6s, and the meabera of ,the already realiio the benefits notbersucci-ssfu- i aol advantages they derive from these pleasant aud - harmonious meetings, reticular attent'oa was given to the eiftrciees on Saturday laet. which were ceaducted by Prof. L. F. Moncb, Mr. A. C.Brown, Mr. C. VTright.Mr A. Parsons aol Miss llattie Browu. Animated discussions followed the several exercises It is proposed to visit the school at Huntsviile, taught by Mr C. Wright, on Saturday, July 8th. For this purpose the members, with their friends, are to meet at the residence of Mr. it. Ballantyne, at six o'clock on tho homing of that day. Members who can In-tii- furnish teams t do 80. are respeotfuily requested If time will permit, tfie 1 the following cs are arranged fur the meeting of Association, to be held is the after-soo- n of July 8th, at Huntsrille: Thoa. OrthographyMr. Wads-"ort'- - PenmanshipVrof. A J. Phelps, 2. Map Drawing Mrs. llattie C. ufown. 4 Objcet Teaching Mr. J. R. Mes- - Sfrry. 5. Music Mr. J. Royle. Oeagraipby Mr. I.. Taylor. ' ? Kecitation Miss Luella Chase. Select Miss A. Porter. Essa- y- Mr. L, Waldram. JO: Original Toem Mn R'Monob.' I- - ng . II- - Mrs. Frodsham. Comic Recitation Mr,.: II. Bar- History tadomew. J3. Song Miss Mattie Erown. Hopjng I have not "such on your valuable ' l0tt,etu., : " too trespassed space. I am. Sir ' A. Tftkiaoaa. ! Owens-u,)- r. Ky., to a sermon on. the hor-w- s of hell, and' was made a mine' She imagines that she a tho :n? tortures of the dunned. ; warj to keo bet tlei. YW.C- the Cenleuiiial. From the San - -- Francisco Chronicle. In the main corridor of the Me morial Building's annvx. where the most casual visitors are cot likely to miss it, a wax figure of Cleopatra is displayed. She recline? upon a sort of throne, aud is almost naked The workmanship is of the best and the effect starting. The fleeh tint is and every natural, the hair dono. detail carefully Interior clockwork heaves her bare bosom, moves her arms at intervals. Etirs her legs, turns her head ' languidly from Bide to side, and rolls her eyes. Her face aud form are beautiful, and the accessories are in artistic harmony with a conception of the Egyptian Queen; yet her features are "not Egyptian, being rather those of a beautiful French woman. An Ethiopian slave, equally nude, stands at her side and fans her. At her t'cet lays a naked little boy. A bird flut ters on the arm of her seat. A golden canopy hangs' above the groHp, all bciug enclosed in a glass The whole is surprisingly case. natural, so much so that it has a natural effect upon the spectators. Young girls come suddenly upon it and draw back appalled. They have nerved themselves to look at the statuary and pictures, but this sight is too unexpected and realistic to be borne with Btead'ness. They escape without delay. Women inipeet the group shyly. Men are not to be scared away by any feeling of modesty, and unless escorting sisters or sweethearts, stay on the spot in numbers sufficient to constantly crowd that part of the corrider. I and am aware that such worse, are common in European museums; that artistically they are to be commended as triumphs 6f skill, being totally unlike the effigies usually shown ia this country; but I don't think they ought to be thrust upon the sight of mixed congregations. Some of the Com missioned are of my way ot thinking, and Cleopatra's stay oa the grounds Presimay be of short duration. e ' dent Hawley is from Connecticut, lie stops in and is Puritanical. while I stand front of Cloopatra t there. "What do joa think of her?" I ask. ' "A thing of beauty " he answers, "but not ajoy forever.; I guess we will have to get her out of sight. I muot talk with, Sartaia about her." e, wax-work- s, " Ajouajj rjrl listened ia . Not a I'Jeicwaut Feature of life-lik- Teachers' Weber County j ESTRAYOTICE. therms - ' : F , All Orders aldresscd to M. THATCHER, Manager ' t ' receive prompt attention. aader-Lalfcro- unlr-balfcru- ALVI.N JI. B. CLAWS ON, Superintendent. p tkOCUErT, l)iUici Foundkenrer, Logan, June 20:h, ISTd. Jil-.- ! . PEEBLES' DETJG STORE! t WINES LEGAL NOTICE. In the Prolate Court ia and for Box Klder County, Territorj of L'tau. lion. Samuel Siaiih, Judge. EUiMor Cleveland, riaintiff, vs Sumnoat. Tumai J, Claxkind, dtfewTrU.) The people of the United gtnte ia the Territory of Utah, leud greeting to TIioioiui J. Clereland, aefendarit. Vou are hereby required to auawer lhe petition of fclieuo- - Cleveland, in aaid court tiled agaiutt you, withia ten dye, cf the day of eervice) after the nervice eu yoa of thi summons, if served within this county, or if lerTcd out cf this county, hut in thii div ti ict withio twenty days; otherwise within forty days or judpracut by delault vill be taken against yoa according to the p.ayerof aaid petition. Said action is brought to obtain a decree the bonds of matrimony existing between aid plaintiff and defendant, on the grouudi tet rtb in the petition on file iu this ofhc. And you are hereby bo ti lied that if yoa fail to appear and answer tho said petition as above required, plaintiff will taK delault against you and apply to the Court for the relief prayed for. In testimony whereof, I, J. C. Wright, Clerk of aid Court, do hereunto set ray hand and affll the Seal 01 said Court, this 10th day of Jul lbiti. (exi-liuiv- t (aux) j,c. wamur,Probate aM.it. Clark. rni.ini. iTi ri m. mii ASDlMIfe UO RS, m-- - CIOAKS, L I.Q tie. M?iSjs5v 1 PEEBLES, Prescription Druggist. Perfumery. C. y 'jflfSl MOTIONS. TOILETS -- .. ; JFIITXII street OGDEN, UTAH; 49 3nv GH23AT IST3DUCI3M333XrTS. JOHSI BOYIaS S Co., Main Street. Ogdena 8& LEGAL NOTICE. In the Probate Court, In and for tb County of box ldr, in the '.Territory of Dtah. lioa. uiue) Smith Judge. Mary Jan Uuyt, Plaintiff, vi. inocA Iloyt, Defendant. 1 Summons. J The ptiople of the United States, in the Territory of Utah, send greeting to Knocn Huyt, defendant. You are hereby required to answer the I it ion Of Mary Ju Ho t, iu said court filed against yon, within ten days, (exclusive cf the uay of tfirviua), after the service on you of thn summous. if served within this county, or if served out of this county but in this district withia twenty days; otherwise within forty days, or Judgment by default will be taken aa nst you according to the prayer of aaid petition. Said action is brought to obtain a decree dissolving the bonds of matrimony existing betweeu said plaintiff aud defendant, on the grounds set forth in the petition on fi e in this ofh.ee. And yon are hereby notified that if yoa. fait to appaar and answer the said petition as above required, plaintiff will take ietiult against you and apply to the Coort for the relief prayed for. Ia testuuonr whereof, I, J. C. Wright, OWk of aaid Court, do hereuuto "t my band and alSx the oral of said Court, this 19th day of Jane, 1476. Ji. C. WRIGHT, I ; ita Prebate Clerk. sjO-4t- . SVT V. 3.'V f Tor ROWIli 1 CO, I of 100 pases, containing lUts to O. P . K ncwepapera, and eatiaiaiss showing cost fit dl6-l-y ! advwrtising, a3o-Lys- ; Hate just received tbeir spring GA B I , i Parlor, - ISt-Bm- ,wr. r. D3 ni k of all kind's of6"' i f"" .A v:u M-A'- The largest and mdat varied "' stoo-- R BK80?tment of bet .riv"i' cun-j- ?i vfi I" ' I ;rj E; t Room; Kitchen,. Library C'JUamlier yFurailure. c t ti'-- j ,u , afJ ' , r-- " Also Window Cornices, Clock Shelve, Brackets, and a coaoplet stock Cbrocntrs; PMnres suitable Sttnftajr 8cbo:9rriegntsBtb Carriages, a&d large 'variety of Picture, tf " I made and ilitpcaed of and the process be several tiroes and new repeatpurchases MY P0tK3SI0!l TOK ed in time it wtould lako to make one shipment from Ogden of SaH rUAVK IN nuiuiaU, which if Dot cUiuioJ Thus iih small profits, qu ck returns and frequent sales, mercantile wuliin ten day from date, will L Iriit.iy, Lake Juu a(tU, 1876, a oca o'clock p u., at t.'ia can be assured., Wool, Ilides, Grain, 'Cutter, Eggs eto., taken ia prosperity 1 tr.y found, Loptn, Cache County. 1 . ' , exchange. One rid cow, white iu facu, 4 years old. crop both ears, brand on ltft hip and kboulder ille ' gible. - ' "- ( i J ' ,m! i t ;fviOne red three year old beifor, white ia flanks, L on left vide, J I) ceiubiiied n left hiu, tin label ia luft ear, L br.ndotl on it. ' One spotted 3 year old iteer, combined on Iffr hip, 0 on left HlioaUler. One red and white 3 vear old Le.fer, II oa left hip. tIM combined on left Hide V'.ii.'.'.-n,; One red aad white yearling heifer, gwrallowfork Will p iu right ear, and nnderOit in left, HM combined oa left aide. in ritbt, cow roau One (aud calf) crop in left ear, - on right id, UM coiubined ou 37-- tr left side. . One red and hite bu I calf. i fiti FramV hatk the Largest LowuhI Price. Vtimtrri, pealqr at tIM pdvantogrto 1MUtJ v r'v. oortEx.amii stock fix.will lindUt tu theiw. fc3 8t&n tj uz IzfQ |