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Show fe- - P IT IB L 1 S lEE 33 D SBMI-- $4.00 YEAR. ff T5 pjEK y .. W , (trEDXIJSDAY ntitl SATURD &ZL Jl Jl X , Ll J? A I JJ JTv. rw-- -l nm . . . , ; Wo. vol. v:i . BY TELE PI1 . sections clearly render such consiruo lion impossibla on ay reasonable the- ory. JJiec: A cable dispa'ch to the New York Ogden Freeman's Journal, dated Home, 2t)th, ARRIVAL AMP CLOSING OF MAILS AMERICAN. ARRIVALS. announces that Alleghany t,i;y, 5.45 City, double daily, 7.60a.m. 7.4D p.m. lilt Lake a.m. has been mae a Cati'ohc dio- Mail sylvania. Tliroun'H dtly 20. W"et, Washington, 6.10 p.m. Mail and se, daily Dishep Dominec, now of Kant, Through DEPARTURE. introduced a bill to proCbrisiiancy its'first B ebop. At naaed 6.31 Pittsburg, a.m. p.m. Bnlt Luke City, double daily 8.40 a. i p.m. vide for challenges to in his own trials for the Very Rev Queer, Mail jurors request daily Wei't, Through 8.0 a.m. of Altoona, u mid in the Etwt, Tlirousli Mail daily appoinjed Bishop of Pitts- polygamy bigamy Territory CLOSING. 7.00 a.m. of Utah, and to amend section four of For gait Lake and the Ktt 5.(K) p.m. San Francisco, 20. tHoWeHt the act in relation to the courts and jupS..!t II. C. yom; dicial officers in tbe a Kibble, defaulting mining for Rich County, nwil, So via for Kiel County, Territory of Utah, place in" and leave the Iattr was found dead iu his bed to- ....... 2 p.m. secretary, 1874. June Referred. v 24tb, approved WediiMdays ani fcauiruMji, 7 a.m. y, having phot himself through the The bill provides that on any trial for iVi. JltllV nl. head. HarritfUta, Wednesdays Later rtnoiis the amount North 0iro pm bigamy or polygamy it will be sufficient of his defalcations atplace and S it nrdays, . , about $110,000 of and the for cause iu.rchallenge rejection HuntKvillo, WwluvRdsys aim 7.00 a.m. of any juror, first, tttat he has more than moMly falling on the New York mining Lyane?'Vlaiu"city wid Slateroville. company. 2.00 p.m. one wife living in said Territory, wheMondays and Thursdays loe hearing on the writ of habeas it married ?s or the r ther by Wednesday! by ordinary fiooperand Vln'.a, 7.00 a.m. ct LveHbiMte, arrested yestercorpus andSaturda. sealing ceremony, or, second, on a day requisition from the governor he believed it a for that 6.1.5 p.m. m" morally rirht 8.15 a of New Yon;, was continued rl T).Jivcrv. on 6.W p.m. to with wife. more one live man than te 5 Sund'iv, p.m. bail of UKl'AKTMKNT $25,000 RSOISTKY The memorial, committee of thirteen 9 p.m. Oueii fi'' There was quite a heavy fall of snow by the recent St. Louie naappointed DEPARTMENT, MONKY OFFICK in Sauta Clara county to day. to3 railroad tional to p.m. convention, waited, fhinn from 9 a.m. 8 AVilkesbarre, Pa., 20. the of the Senate Outside bmir open IVuin 6 a.m. to p.m. day, upon N.J SHARP, lwtroat Yesterday morning a fire broke out in and presented and speaker of the Hou-the Lehigh Valley Co's prospect shaft, the memorial and proceedings of t e and an explosion of (;a3 followed, caus in of -favor m. convention aid a 8.40 government C. P. train arrives considerable damage to the mine. the ing secure of to the construction 5.40 " prompt p.m. " U. P. " Some of the men rer severely burned. 6.20 p.m. Texas Pacific railroad as a cooipeting C. P. " leaves 8.50 a.m. line to the Pacific lion Stanley MatChicago, 20. U. P. The convenof Tribune's of the thews a.m. 9.00 Ohio, Washington rpec;al presideut c. u. traia amtes 5.40 p.m. tion, Col. Wm. Johnson of North Caro- says that ooe of the first reports of the and (I 9.40 a.m. lina, Hon. 11. W. Thompson of Indiana, Democratic investigation committee will " leaves 6.20 p.m. Hon. J. H. Kenoard of Louisiana, 1). be in favor of tin increase of the ( find " 4.(0 p.m. Fetaohheld of California, C. K Marshall army by two full cavalry regiments, in arrives U. N train 9.20 a m. of Mississippi, and A. C. Clayton were case that two such cannot be at once leavei present. These documents will thus of- spared to patrol the Mexican border ficially reach both bouses of Congress, along, the Rio Grande. The Mexican at 11 a.m., and where asked the Every Sunday, in the Tabf made, they will receive the considera border committee s lt the First, Sacond and Third Ward of War whether he could fur ot tne proper committees, ihe Secretary tion, at 7 p.m. committee have a letter from the presi nish these regiments at once, and if he i p.m. Kpiscoiwl Church at 11 a.m. and Methodist Church at 11 a.m. and 7 p.m. dent inviting them to call on him to cannot the committee will report a re at 7.0 p.m. Bpiritualist Lectures, L.ilrl Hall, commendation to the House that they be morrow at 2 o clock. The obstruction ti Pinchback's ad at once recruited. Ogden City Newt Depot, Open mission to the Senate at present is the Dover, N. II., 20. At 'Geo. W. Turner P. de jure gov Devlin lectured Arthur last night on a there whether very day, SundaTi excepted. is question Until ibis quis- - Romanism in America After the lecture ernment in Louiiana tion is settled by the committee on pri a crowd followed him, and he fled into a F. S. RICHARBS, . vileges nnd elections. Pinchback will not drug store for safety, when bricks were succeed in obtaining a we of the Sen thrown through the windows, and the - AT-- L ate. Should Governor Kellogg appoint. mayor was compelled to read the riot act, And a new man, the latter would stand iu no The police finally succeeded in getting NOTARY PUBLIC, Devlin to a hotel, being compelled te use be'ter position than Pinchback. their border on troubles revolvers, but no oue was injured The comittee Texas OJfiu at Court Hmmt, Ogdcn, Utah. called on Secretary Belknap, to day, to however. Su nek for cavalry regiments and a sumAugusta, Me , 20. Special attention given to case before the and At OiiTeyaiu-inOonrtx. the District aud to republican legislative caucus cient number of infantry prvme guard the Notarial Business done with accuracy and disand alternates were naid he He would on tbe river. 838 posts patch. take the matter into consideration and chosen to the republican convention. A resolution was unanimously passed that give them a reply in a few days. X. TAXXElt Jr., The House comtcittee on Territories Hon. James G. Blaine is the choice of the agreed to day to have a special meeting republicans of Maine for President. to conider the bill of Franklia to es AND tablish a Territory to be known as Oke NOTARY PUBLIC. lohoma. they did thif because it was FOREIGN. nf citizens 20 000 are srired there that, Offict firtt door muthof Fstojfice, Main tt.,0gden. i London, 20. the Uuited States in that country among Times this morning publishes a The Indians with no law to protect them; Special attention given to collections. from Vienna, containing the promptly made- Conveyancing and No- oO.OOO freedmen, former siuves of the letter ilS details in regard to matters in torial business carefully attended to. Indians, and 40,000 civilized Indians; the northern pro.iucee of Turkey: that there is no punishment for onme. Iu consequence ot Turkish operations and that disorder reigns. Charges of on the Montenegrin frontier, tbe Prince enormous expenditures at the United of Montenegro summoned a council of are made senators States court at WATCHMAKER A ft 3 JEWELER, and milittry officers, which re They are said to be as high as $400,000 solved that if tbe concentration of Dealer in Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Silver aud a year, and the committee proposes Turkish forces on tie frontier is to take Plaied Ware, MAIN STREET, OUDSN. of the subject. such investigation thorough as to really carry into warranted. work doue all and Repairing neatly The committee on civil service turn re effect proportion the reportei plan of blockadiug form, of tbe House, held a meeting to Montenegro on tha. side, it will be conday to consider the' resolution referred sidered a casmbellimA the prince should to them directing a , inquiry whether summon a'l Motitmejjrins able to do (jeneral bills Spear, aeputy commis- duty and march in Het ategovina; in the sioner of patents, was guilty of viola- meantime Montenegro will keep an extion of the law in cont riimtiug money te attidude md not disturb the the testimonial presented to General M. pectantif the TurkLsi operations develop D. Leggett just before his retirement as peace more seriois than the present nothing commission of patents situation. This resilution, it seems, was Scott's friendB express great satilfac chiefly taken for ihgeneral effect on the tion with the prospects of the Texas Pa- sublime The and Montenegrins. cific bill and say the majority of tbe latter areporte with what diaatistied highly house committee concede to thetn the oonsider the undecided and timid tbey advantage in last night's argumentative policy of the princ. contest with Huutington. San Diego The Times, speaking of the proposiTo get your people here feel offended by what they tion of Senator Shcman for a common term a "tiing'1 made by the latter at tnd account or tbe their town in his remarks before the unit for money and Great Britain, says States United Gov. tirown and Felseuheld committee. fsFor there. no finds tbe It might idea All ruy stock has been inspected by of Tennessee address the committee next s most of their American, suit the Wednesday, when the arguments will be while itthe is looted treasuries, up the City Inspector, aud gold closed. milin circulates the soyeregu English will be Rear Admiral Jphn Rodgers disworld he The lions throughout president of the cou t martial to try turbance the would fntu change arising paymaster Spau.ding. lue court wn be indescribable, TO BE articu'arly in tbe abmeet at Mare Island navy yard on the sence of speoie parents in America. ." , " PURE DISTILLED LIQUORS. 15th of nest month; New York, 20, Madrid, 20. between the the of solicitor atBistanf negotiations The treasury Respecting 23y prSces will Com Vro Favor Ablj an ex Spiin and t.h Unicd Sta'es, it is semithe is undertaking only person With tins nlanatiou of the alleged illegal over is officially pointed t that the Washing He ton government, nt having" yet' replied sue of bonds to the Pacific railways. savs the provision Homing the issue to to the Spanish., roc cf the 15tbof No$50,000,000 was. construed to apply only vember, 1875, ncrhavirg officially com municMted at Madid the contents of the rp to the Unjoa t'acihe, but that American cinjuiarpote to,, the Eurojan Iif construction 'be for e?:pt I?cfore You a ftivntabie reply Union 'Paeifio With onlyoad powers, all a.i Uesiitute in the first s ven sections 'of 'he from Spam.niny b e The foundation. otljer net contuinitij; 'he fuviao. DIRECTORY. G-ll- lot T.-nn- - r.ut-!in- Eton,, - to-da- a.m-to- S pie-ide- st e, Trains Religions Services to-da- y School-honse- Library AW COUNSELOR - t, deli-gle- s ATTORNEY AT LAW. Reniit-Uiiicc-ii fol-lowi- - J. S. LEWIS. Fort-Srnit- 11-l- LIQUOR Slain Street, Osdeii I10LIDAYL1QU0RS! WAR RAN T E D k ' " CHEAPEST in the CITY. CALL MID TASTE dSO-l- ij rea-pb- rwen-tione- xi d hHPf The "SherliT's KuU." K From the Detroit Free Press. Santa Fee, N. M , 20. While it will bo generally admit Last night a mob destroyed and threw ted that the Sheriff of any county is into the river the News and Press office responsible for the custody of a prisat Cimarron. It is believed to have been oner, many people may wonder at the done by outlaws and fugitives from who have been incited thereto by evil disposed persons who took an active part against the election of Elk ins and the local ticket supporting Clkins. It jus-lic- bherifl e, id interior an count v iu Michigan who feels also refponsibla fur the mural character of the men who occupy is cells. On takiu his office a few weeks ago Ye. had having resulted that not wi hstanding printed and posted up in the ward large amounts of money were spent to the following programme; car-Colfax county against Elkins and Prayers aud local the ticket, all were elected.' Thy. Religious' Singing wrath of his opponeutg became very 7 1 At great. It is the prevailing opinion, the murder of F. J. Toiby happening about this time, that the fact was used to a tvob, ostensibly to arrest and kill his alleged murderers, but really to run tha probate judge elect and other officers and partisans of bis outof the country. About this time the News and Press published some articles calculated to give comfort to mob law and kept up a continued abuse of several prominent iu-ci- Also te d The Great .Sun of the Uni Terse. in ' at 8 p in. ere expected to leave off and smoking chewing when entering this jail. Swearing will not be allowed. No prisoner will be allowed to have either cards orflice. Treat each other like gentlemen Let your conduct speak in your uvor. lie eandia iu your speech, honest in your actions, and up right in your dealing with each other, Prisoners -- law-abi- 30 a Breakfast at 8 a.m. Prayer and Singing at 12. The editors and propripublic officials. etors suddenly were divided in their opinions, and an article appeared containing very strong resolutions denunci atory of certain persons ho had acted in a very lawless manner. This was, however, retracted by o'ne of the editors, and again the mob was friendly. Some two .weeks since, after several men had been killed, and some of the best citizens driven out of tha county, inoluding the justice of the peace, judge of probate, and some business men, the present editor published an article which Bhowa that he did not subscribe to the tone of tbe paper. This caused a rupture, having Mr. Dawson iu charge of the paper. He was immediately notified by an anonymous Utter, that be was in danger, and muft change his tone. He answered in a manly way by publishing the letter, and proposing to bo entirely independent, and the result was the destruction of the office last night. This band of outlaws are mostly fugitives from justice and persons under indictment in this Territory, who have been incited to those deeds of murder and general lawlessness, jt is supposed, by the political enemies of Mr. Elkins who, through envy and jealousy of him, desire to defeat his efforts to have New Mexico admitted as a state. A large majority cf the people of the country ar3 ing, but have not the meaas to fight these outlaws. It was on the ground of this lawlessness that the legislature, which has just adjourned, on the last day almost unanimously passed a bill at taching Colfax county, for judicial pur poses, to Taos county, It was alleged that not a witness in Colfax county would dare to testify or a grand juror to find a bill against any of the perpeira tors of these outrages. y STORE! Buy. DesNewspaper lre-a Mob. troyed by f3owliiig A KEAD CAREFULLY, and conduct yourselves accordingly. , Sheriff. The official got along very well with most of his prisoners, but a lev days ago a rough fellow was placed in his chargo for larceny, lie refused to obey the rules of the printed card, and was discovered chewing tobacco and eh u filing a pack of cards. The Sheriff stripped him of the forbidden things, called him into his office, and asked: "Have you concluded to obey those rules?" "I never pray aud I eaa't sing," was the reply. ''If a wan doesn't want to pray I can't iorce. him to, I suppose, but you've cither got to sing a hytun or you won't get a mouthful to eat for the next week." UI won't sing for no live man," t the determined reply. He was locked in a cell, and hfl held out for two days. At the end-o- was that time he broke down, and to f camt? the point as follows; ' From all that dwell below the skits," (Gimme something to eat ) "Let the Creator's praise aris;" (For I'm as hungry as a bear.) "Shall we gather at the river?'1 (Pass that coffee this way.) "I want to be an angel, And with the angels stand." (Pass in them beans, ler I'm a licked ruanj) And as the Sheriff gave lain his breakfast he told the, fellow how wrong it was for a prisoner to get nis back up and declare he wouldn't bo ' geod. Prof. Proctor, in a recent lecture oa astronomy said that the nearest star to our system was Aldebarun; in the constellation Centaur, a star only vwible iu southern latitudes. This star was 200,000 times as far, from the earth as the sun is, and its size was much greater than that of mr sun, being about 1,125,000 miles in diameter, lhe next greatest star, Sinus, wss much larger than Aide-baraAstronomers knew that this at least a certain uuoiber of was itar billions of Diiles away from our how much mere distant could not tell. : The lecturer they supposed th;it the projjresa of life in this myriad of worlds was about the same as it is in our system, and for ' every inhabited world there were thousauds of worlds upon which life . was either extinct or had not yet ' The thought-thadeath aud desolation werV no prc daminunt ' in the universe was not so melancholy U the lecturer as it might be to many others.' The same change was going on in the ljfe and death of all those a. . nys-teuib- ut Bigger Gatac Ahoud, "You will bo naner urged a faithful and substantial lover to a Philadelphia girl, last week. "Oh, no, I won't any such thing," she answered archly, "But why this ehange?" pleaded he; "you once felt different towards me" "Oh, yes, I know I did," she re plied, "but i didn't think of the Centennial then, and the chances there'll be to pick up a foreign duko or prince, or something." As the disappointed youth turat-sadly away, youi could bie ly his, face' that there wis at leaU oue Philadelphia soul which had lost its. enthusiasm for the coming show. be-un- If it true that DisracJ,' in his the ue3 Canal shares, of purchase has been acting in the interest oi' toe 'Jews', and under the iiiiprcssivu that ,he is to, bo a leading' in!.tia' incut in bringing about their y ir woi!d3 as is seen on every hand and iscd return to Palestine, it "may t:ln among all things" that are 'at any out to ba a more judicious move tin r fituo tcd'.r.ved' with life' aud tieipg. j'juie ai'lkii were disposed, to c.aji it,,' ! t ' b5 |