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Show THU SCHOOL QUEMTIOtf.' Frovidbsck, Cache Co., Dee. 30, 1875. Editor Jcnctios : Will you please publish of the Statute that portion relating to Common Schools, which empowers the taxpayers to es'aMish schools by taxa'ion, as there are nouie parties who talk good deal abeut free schools, who are etidently igiiorDt of i'K provisions. We hav had a free school, supported for fie by Miaiion, in operation here reerred Statute the if think and years, understood generally, it would io w save a good deal of clamoring in regard to powers already io the bands of the people. Respectfully, Trustee. In response to the above application we append the following extract from -- An Act providing for the es tablishmcnt and sapport of Common School,'' passed by the Legislative Assembly, and approved January 19, 1S60: Sic 7 The Trustees shall provide a h:us suitable fcchool house or school and keep the same in repair, for winch purpose they are hereby empowered to and rolled annually a tax on all taxable property within their District, of one per not exceedinfr of : than more hon!d cent oue per cent, be needed per annum to build and repair school .houses, or for other school purposes, an estimate ofthe approximate cont thereof eb nil be made by the Trustees, end the rate may be increased to any enm not exceeding three per cent., as shall be decided by a s of the taxpayers vottote of for that purpose, called at a meeting ing whicn tax shall be levied npon the lax able property in the District; and by a niuilir vote a tax may be assessed and collected, of any sntn not exceeding one per cent per annum, to pay Teachers and furuit-- fuel, books,, maps and other suitable article for school purposes. HSi-eo- s one-fourt- one-fourt- h of, education which did not nclude morality and tho cultivation LOCAL ITEMS. From Monday' i Daily of Jan. m of religious impulses. Believers in God would object to the employ ment cf an ath,eita8 a school teacher, and true "Mormons" would object to placing their children under the in fluence of any person opposed to the akh which they hold sacred. That we may not be misunderstood, we say here, our private opinion is that the State which enacts the laws, should phce wilhin the reach of all its citizens the power to became ac quainted with those law?; that the children of the poor should have eoual opportunities with the offspring of the rich to obtain an ordi nary education; that the grossest orms of crime are largely due to ig norance; and that the fostering of edu cation by the State is economical and ust,as well as charitable and humane But we do not consider it politic or right to tax a mixed community, in such a way that the great bulk of the people could only be able to send their children to the public schools, and then compel those children to hear and receive such instruction as - naif Rotlce. Ponnd Baby. n The Seventies of Weber County will The Dubuque (Iowa) News is : please take notioe that President Joseph "Oa pleased to print the follow-ngYoung is expected to meet with them on Wednesday, Nov. 24, Mrs. S. M. Saturday neit, 8th inst., at 10 a m. in within a few miles 3 A big snow storm ia getting oa bill and valley, and to tall reajy the Ogden Tabernacle. make cold spots for badly pretected toes. The Priesthood generally is invited Well, that's good for the shoemakers, anyhow. Fred. Reuce and Ch'.s. Robbkrt. Some Pio Mr. Levi Murdock writes Moore were up before the Mayor this that last June he obtained a pig four morning charged with larceny. A man weeks old of Mr. A. Tracey. On the from Montana named Wormer was in 30th ult , the pig was killed, and it Ogden on the night ofthe 29th ult., and weighed when dresseJ a little over 200 got on "a bender" and was robbed of lbs. How's that for rapid growth? $135 and put into a car on the side track where he was found by Officer Parry Who Has Sres Him Mr. Nephi and subsequently went to Corinne. R. Packer, of Morgan City, will be glad to W. Burns, having learned of the robreceive information of Jordan Hickman. bery, and having been threatened by He started from Randolph on Bear Rence if he divulged it, pluckily came River to go to Cache Valley and when and town up gave information to the last heard from was at the last house in police. Officers Clark and Brown cap Round Vallev. on the Logan Road. If tured the accused, and Mr. Parry and any of our readers have seen anything Brown went to Corinne and brought back of the lost man wt shall be glad to pub the man who had beon robbed. Reuce lish their information. waived an examination, was bound ovr Finbd. A couple of drunks figured in in $1,000 to await the action of the who on the Mayor's Court this morning having Grand Jury, and Moore, he admitted knew of the that been "taken in their cups" on New was with a repridischarged Year's. One deposited $3 and casts tnd robbery, mand for not giving information to the the other, an aggravated case, $10, and police. costs. Coming. Then a young fellow was brought up fizhtinr. He is noted for his love would bo objectionable to the parents fer land, but he didn't like paying $3 Nbwton, Cache County, Utah, and contrary to their religious convic and cests, exclaiming "0! Shawl" when December 28th, 1875. tions or prejudices. the fine was announced. It takes two, Junction: Editor It has been represented, chiefly by at least, to make a ficht. The other The folks of this place have had fellow has vet to appear and follow such agood time gay persons entirely ignorant of the facts, during the Christmas holidays that they want the rest of the and agitators who want to make mo suit. world to know something about it. In Has's Pkt. The Captain of Police the first ney out of credulous but crotchctty place, we had a party on Christhas a pet which he keeps in the City mas eve., in which mot of the Saints is education that opposed citizens, to the public by the participated, dancing terminating about Hall. He is kno-vin this and hampered Territory. It soubriquet of "Sailor Jack." The Salt 12 o'clock, after which a number of The subject of popular education will be perceived thct the statute Lake people, including the choir, adpolieemcn are acquainted with youBg gives rise to a great deal of discussion to the residence of Bishop above quoted puts it in the power him, and he knows etery nook and oor journed Little wood, and' sang Christmas carols That every child, rich or poor, in a a vote.to ner of their headquarters. Jack is a aad other songs suited to the occasion. well regulated community, should of the people, by sort of fellow, but has an After tinging, the Bishop passed round have schools maintained by taxation the plate rot to beg, but to give ample have the opportanity of obtaining a to all, to sustain them partly idea that he should be eared for at tha refreshments to serenaders and others andireo common English education is ml a publie expense. He loves his country, present. About 2 o'clock the merryby taxation and partly by tuition fees and he thinks his matter of dispute. But thcro is country ought to love makers retired to their homes, all feeling or to repudiate any tax except the him. So he contrives t well, and satisfied with the evening's enin of spend most of regard opinion great diversity ter! ainment. of one his time in emal' amount of jug, or thereabouts. His only On the raorrew the children assembled to the best method of Bccuring this and for is offence the schoolhouse, about 1 o'clook, and in "a cent, building repairing big against public morality result. It is by no means a settled per themselves in dancing, recitaia this in his enjoyed and school matter is tight," This indulgence Durposes. ete , after which, cakes and point that the present system of free tions, songs, in the hands o chiefly for the purpose of getting jugtherefore, entirely were distributed among the candy schools, adopted generally in the He keeps the city jail as clean a9 ged. ibem feel happy, is Free youngsters, that raakiug schools, United States, is bt si adapted to pub the people. and wishing Christmas would come a new pin. is trusty, docile and Sorao of the schools supported by taxation, open lie requirements. every day. and it is a pity that a big In the evening the choir gave a all children district of the to the fellow like "Sailor Jack" hasn't greatest minds of the age are empha at which all our people gathered. rich and poor alike, without the pay some better employment. He thinks he We never it. to V enjoyed a better time sine tically opposed to a puff for his handiwork Newton was settled. entitled is of for tui It was really surment ke any But supposing it to be a good pys to see the progress made by our prising So has it he Hall. here the around City choir in rendering the pieces selected tern for tho States; dees it follow that tion, nave poen cstabiisnca ana in for districts for the evening. The proceeds of these kept many years up is it equally good for tho Territories Osb Moaa uom. With sorrow we amusements were for the benefit of the in both and this other county parts chronicle the demise of another Utah Sunday school and choir. The policy of ur Government in re of tho Territory. But there hs journal. With the eloBe of the old year, The health of the people is good, and gard to aiding tha cause of education a feeling prevails to serve God. The is singular. States which by rason been no general school system for the the Utah Couuty Times also departed weather is unsettled and dull, ram. this life. Theeditor.Mr. R. 0. Sleater, snow, frost and thaw alternating, and of greater age, experience and wealth Territory, and to devise a scheme kids his readers farewell, while wishing dirt roofs find it hard to keep the rain are better ablo than. Territories to which will recomaiend itself to the them a out cf our log cabins. But improvenew year. happy school their children, are assisted by people, and be productive of the The paper was started by a company ments are rapidly going on, and better will noon tako the places of to the greatest number tf practical printers, under the title of dwellings large grants of public lands, whil greatest good the old ones. tLe Territories are left in their com requires wisdom, tine, patience and The Provo Times. After running under Wishing each cf your subscribers a New Year, I rainain, etc., calm for without the time satis Borne name this happy deliberation, judgment paratively helpless ondition, to shift Jo.nis N Beck. a financial support, for themselves and educate the riain the 6ttcsman, uninfluenced by the factory clap-traand ehcap frothinga of the association took it iu Land to make it a generation aa bvet they way. The County paper, and its name was there demagogue. tax accessary for the Maintenance fort changed to the Utah County Times, Hhbuistillh, Waber Co , law school which The has in been Jan. 3d, 1876. a free school system under Terrttoria Mr. Sleater eontinuingas its editor with Editor Junction. for several years, has wel a large pecuniary interest in the concontrol, with ita o fibers and boards operation Our citizens have been favored with its answered purpose, and when en cern. As the enterprise did not pan out dramatic and old time and parapheraalia, would amount t entertainments, of the shareholders the most a considerable sum; and uany o acted was adequate to the wants and to the satisfaction pleasing oue being given to the company relinquished their control, about 150 ot our little folks, which was those who raise a thoughtlcpe clamor circumstances of the people. As and the paper passed back to the man- hugely enjoyed by all present. The for "free schools," would be the first time advances, the Territory pro evening ot the old and the entrance of agement as well as editorship of Mr. the new year was enjoyed and new conditions de by adults; and are gressea to fight the tax if called upon to Sleater. to see the gentlemen's smiling faces as laws ore rcqaired suitable to veloped, Tha Times his struggled manfully they were each led out by two blooming pay it. beauties of the fair sex, and required to which take place. It the chaages But supposing all citizens were against hard times and the apathy confirst your right and then your tho duty of the Legislature, elected cerning heme interests manifested by a "swing willing to be taxed, the childless left,' ' added some novelty to the occathe people, to enact Euch statutes great many persons of whom better sion. The services of our ablo choir and equally with the parents of a uuuicr by be expected. Put it is im- the comicalities of Prof. Webster were ous progeny, eould a system be to ar as in their judgment will" be things might to run a paper without casl ; very entertaining,and the party was kept to meet exist possible adapted up till tho small hours of morn; at the ranged as to give satisfaction to bst not has and money only been scarce in close, our honored veteran, Eider Luman witn a view Utah Couuty, but those who had various classes, Beets and parties tog requirements, my did A. Shurtliff, reminded us of the sacrel-nes- s of the character of Him whose The majority of the people in Uta to the continued advancement ofthe not put their paper bill first on the list led birth to thene festivities, and made and it best interests of cash liabilities. No one who has not are "Mormons." They would prefe community, an earnest appoal to have our services "Mormon" teachers in the schools viewed from every possible stand been in the biisintss can fully under- tha coniiug year be spent in the work stand the difficulty of publishing a paper which brings a oure reward. How would the Gentiles like th point. Ia doing this they cannot exI miist here admit that our County in a community which, either from majority to rule in this matter? Th pect to please everybody, and should necessity or the habit of eld custom, Conference coming just prior to our not the loud mouthing of a pastimes was a great eoatrolling auxiliary Catholic, Jtbe Spiritualist and th consult, and etery possible kind ol tor fow would-bgood in the hands of the district, as reformers, the demand tries, by any Atheist would object, and from their for the and to truck from rouud (he trade, dances and uninvited spirits were escape a adoption cf prevalent sysnumbered thus: 000 0, which speaks in stand point on good grounds, to th tem which is imperfect and unsatis- payment of cash for news. We are friend Skater has been compelled praise, of tur Young Gents' and Ladies reading of the common translation o factory, nor the wishes of any class Associations. P. L. the Bible in the schools which their or section of the body politic; but tho to discontinue the Times, but hope that conditions and capa- before long, the live men of Utah County children attended. If tho Bib circumstances, bilities of the Territory at large, with will take euch measures as will guaranwas excluded from the jublic all its varied interests and the gen- tee the publication of a first class family At 20 minu'es, 80J seconds after 1 schools professedly Christian peo eral requirements of its mixed newspaper at Provo, one of the mvstim a.m., ou the 1st iusc, to the wife of J. W Crandall Esq., of this sys pie wouia ODjeci to any portant cities in the Territory. city, a daughter. Imtti. for of Dickson, living a to birth girl baby Waverly, gave thnt weighed but half a pound. It was thought at first that it would not live, but on Monday last it was alive and well and kbked the beam with its clothes on at less than a pound. The child is perfect in all attributes, and its head is coverod with beautiful black hair. Its wrists are not as larre in circumference as the smallest finger on the hand of its nur?e, and its legs are no larger round than the index finger. The father is a man that weighs at least 175 pounds, and the mother is a good-sizeTheir previous woman. child weighed fourteen pounds at d birth." STRAY STEERS. TO RIVF.RT) AI,K, about the 20th cf J comber, IS":'), two four your old stoeri, hi follow: One brlndle steer, little white under belly. tnth cf tuit white and few whitH liaim in fur.kaad, Imtnried oa left thiph B or O. Square notch .at of npper part of ritit cur, nnderoit ia aama ear. One red Hue buck stt"", Nniall notch id undur part of Ictt ear, tf od left side. This animal ha been injured by a pacing train. The owners will plea.tepr.ive property, pay and take thoui away ;n snoti as poitmbta. RICHARD tY t-- pAME d.s-crilx- Hl u'Jl-4l2l- !t NOTICE. ESTRAY iwo-thtrd- n IX MY POSSESSION THE HiiimulH, which if not claimed and taken nwy within ten day, will b .old Jan. I Oth at 2 p.ni. at the Km ray Ponnd, Srtg-haCity. One bay 2 year old horse colt, branded resembc ling on loft thigh. One rea 2 year old heiflfer, crop off Rift, and unaercrop in right ear. One red and whit yearling heiffcr. THAVK m hl A. MADSOX, Brigham City. Jna. 1st. District Poiindkeaaei. 1ST5. s2-- lt two-thir- good-nature- one-fourt- LOGAN BRANCH, d h O. Z! Offer to the IMI. I. public a full and complete assortment of STAPLE & FANCY good-humore- d, two-fist- ed con-er- t, p hot-head- e MERCHANDISE ! Consisting of DRY GOODS, STOVES, NOTIONS, TINWARE, HATS & CAFS, GLASSWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, CROCKERTf PATENT MEDICINES GROCERIES, HARDWARE, ETC, ETC. Also a full line Goats' & Boys' Clothing Great reduction in Price of WOOD'S CHAMPION & EXCEESIOR Reapers And other & Whitewater and 31ncers, Farming Implement. Stiidebaker WAGONS. Also Winchester P Dpmttrat Light Spring Wagon, AT COST! UARXESS ASD TBUUUGS, LEATHER AND tsilOE FINDINO!S ! All Kinds of Trail uee fonmrtU ed to any point tit, tl Shortest Notice, sor-ry'th- All erders sent to M. ThatGbor wiH receite prompt attention. llirtli. H. B. Clawson, ft-- tf |