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Show Atlanta, Ga , 23. T.' Lage, late perintendent and chief engineer or Ihe Atlinta and Richmond air tine railroad, was found dead in bed this tnarning. Too Stony Married. Cel. B. AMEUICAN'. Washington, 2$. Z. C. IYI. Ken-tnik- - I.f y counterfeit has , , aod at the national bank re. .:.,red lCf" of ncv of fire dollar notes rOKElGX. London, 23. The Sun luis undoubted authority for staling that after repeated conferences from the 0 Inlet one has promised to resume the ., Iy chi(se4 ,hfhi. Tl"8 leadership of the liberal party next .hidi tho eoun'erfeit on the ud of Bank year. Chicago. i Ill,, The house of commons to day, at the close of an animated debate, rejected the bill to repeal the contagious diseas s act "COTr.l DeUno. h.tinR this here by a vote of 308 to 1 2(5. Government armed Jm recent illnert the act it and reamed bi.dui.es at .he opposed on the ground that sought to repeal afforded- - great protection to the army and navy. a recont Theu'vv department, in The Bishop of Chichester, in a speech Cochrane of dated Vallejo, at the luncheon, which followed the layUul-e- . to the ing of the corner etono of the chnpel 'U"ct'8 Jufte'laU have at Ardinpby, expre?sed fegret that "I Admiral says: S,p,B".c The Ln,tche hermajestj ibhip Mjruudan Moody aud $ankey bad been allowed to 1 ltave hold a meeting near Eton. He contrastaViNt T,'r)' P ,0 ed the weakness of the authorities there same the on ,n my flg slliP immediately now with the vigor which had been erTitfe-shown in former times Then Moody New York, 23. S bsrve and fallen on their llillexuedi mkey wijtht Special from the BU'jk such knees a Custor'a before as details privilege that confirming (ion gie is elate obtained them would have formation by The cold reports. 'ith quuriz eins, also coins granite, been granted The revival preachers have closed hnto founi gold everywhere proctorsmiles the their Creek, Freuoh meetings in Liverpool The exalong For seven exceeded the contributions $8,- their ia out it penses hate panned (olJiers 000 It is officially announced that the says that the Toe Tribune's special of But man has given a satisfac1 in seven cents King per thirty bigbent yiei Jt eurvey has yet heen made to tory explanation of his course of action fe,t the extent of the gold fields but it to Sir Douglas jjorsjtb, the British EnWar is now considered improbato exist in all the gulches voy ii cu'po-p,- i ble Peak. Prof. fr!ii Harney's running WiIon k Armstrong have failed, liaJjnnV i cautious about giving any U bilities re al $1,000,000 Rich opinion golu quarts of Burmah has grantedGreat The or is fio hut ueaay King yet prospect ported, Britain the the distuibed mule. No Indians hare right to srni forces through his Dominions to Western China, if re maud though t ie signs are abund , ;! JrKri&l BkofP.a. "X" 2oig h-- r Str'rhip Two eloping couples from y weM to be married at Caey-ville- . III., the other day, and when tlu-went beforo the parsou some r ''hl" uWn of their friends, meu and OGDEN BRANCH. OUR wo- men, "stood up" with them. The clergyman who performed the ceremony, the Rev. II. W Jeffries by name, nnrried ihe whole crowd in Wholesale Department this fashuu: ' Gentlemen aud ladies, Is Stocked with a splendid and complete selection of bands and wives?" to which they all nodded. The parties who officiated as groomsmen and bridesmaids were terribly surprised when they ascertained that not only the eloping couples, but themselves also had been joined in the indissoluble bonds of matrimony. Chicago Times. ST.APLE MERCHANDISE do you agree to take those standing by your sides as your lawful hus- FOR THE SPRING TRADE. " "Your dress," said a husband to . ly his fashionable wife, "will never please the men." "I never dress to please the men," was the reply, "but to worry other women." Country Dealers are invited to call and inspect Qools orlerod by 'letter "will be securely packed and promptly forwarded. - nt The followinc dispatches hare been rtoei'ed at the Indian buretu from Prof. Jnny. dated "Canipei French ft Ikrnej'a Peak. June 17. E, P. Smith I bate discovere- ne Creek, lion. in small quantities en the north of Ciistle Creek, in terraces or bars d gold ben I . fquartt gravel. Arrived here yewter-da;Ahoai fifteen miners h ive located and camp on tWe erek ubove her hive comiRpneed working. Gold is found from Castle Creek southwardly to FrcKcii reek at ibis point, aud the deficit ate almost wholly iu Dakota The region has not been tuily explored, at the yield of gold thus f ir has been quite email, and the reports of richness vftue pravel bars are greatly exaygera ted. Ou French Creek the deposits of frtte! are very unfavorably situated The water supply ia Mna.ll ami the fall iniaftlie grade too litt e to auruil of the taiiiog-- btiHg carriod etf by the stream The prospect at present is not such u it warrant extended explorations in (billing P. JsxnKT." Signed. Tlit Times of May 22, tajs: The Anieiican frigate ter, wuich lost her doctor aud several nmtn here, took ye'.low fever with it to Cahia, and other medical niea and an officer died on the passage. By f the minister of marine the frigate obtained a Brazil! tu medical doctor to go with the veael te the W- - Anglo-Braxiliia- n per-niuio- States. St Louis, 23. interview with a Times reporter, ha was opIngalls etated ioid 0 Grant as a candidate for the He said he could not carry rlency. State ia the Union if he should run. knsa was dead set r, against him. f Kentucky, was the strongest man republican party, and in his opin-- ! Woud be the next president. He s the republicans can elct their fcw wiihout difficulty. San Fratieic, 23. Caail... F. Jied :8 nominated for Con Fwii the third district. A'Miiioiui i.uininees of the In tu Senator to-da- y Dris-jov- be-w- indepen-"ji.v,.nt;0- Secretary ef State, n: W. controller, Lauren E. Crane; ytranirer, F lUehe; attorney general, ndif; unrveur general, E. TVich. "i ii;rk auprcme court, Paul Morrill; P'Mntedcm of public iastruction, J viuun. v i Omaha, 23 rominent frontiersmen and army as the opinion that there will gr"ttt double with the 1 Sioux, and this ArPhoes Bummer fU. At 1.1 c . i .. . nave left ti ' parties irge war tbeir reservation tm. n h. in this department loecalry tr 10 keeP ,uem on lhe reserva. lia. through limited numbers It will fca wPnS.S.,ft,e for "oUiers to guard the Hills an I attend te the Indians. Ta.l agency . ,k l (rora ,he llir8e wr Prt'es have lift ik T1ClDi,y. on 'he 17th. one for Hek k 0n Hl pwnee, Ute and hon. It ia thought among Sal tDK l tinn,c Indian war is J Chey-f.ii8?'- f " l-- . Syracuse, 23. LrgM1Il,llion lhU forenoon, and W,. sed J2 Information teat to the Indian agents. Than. in sPed ,nugurated. uh.. Pof astat. eontroller Anson 8. B. Ay res. tieket, as fol A. HEREBY GIVEN" TIIAT I WAS DULY 1 appointed administrator ly th ProUUi Court of Mun-atat of J. A Johnno To., for tlie dceiiMtd, who waa killed in Little CMtouwood of Canym by a "Row slide on or sbnt the April hut. All peraoua having claims agHiiitft Raid eittata. will appear and prov claim eu or before the 4th da, of Jul; next D 1P B. BYBCC. Moan tain Green, June ltth A. - ls7&. uii 3t ai Uopkin.j opening Season. 1- Our Assortment can not be exc lied The New Improved This is public religious processions. aimed at the Catholics. Quebec, 23. A college at St Theres village, to gether with about fifteen bouses was destroyed by fire this p in. Kold in 1874. Tans, 23. Heavy rains have caused an unprece mor th,n Dr oth" Machine dented overflow of the liver Garonne. lOf) XUUiUUUiuauufacturedinibe Unite l Statee. Two bridges and many bouses have been Theie figure uliow the nniTmal popularity of the 'Ihe following Sillier. earned away Toulouse is inundated. and are the waters still ri.in Ihe situ ation l serious. Ihe nospual is threatwill show the estimation in which it ia held by ened, and the patients have been re- leading families in our own community: moved. the undersigned haYiug used the Singer Brussels, 23. Machine in our tamiliite can cheerThe chamber of representatives passed fully recommend it to all parti winning to purdurable and . the bill making an offer to comnrt a chase a '" crime an offense.' and prescribing penal machine.. D. M. Stuart, Winelow Farr, Ogden Ogdea 8. II. llikrginlothauiM ties there far. The vote stood tb yeas to Gee. II. Tribe SINGER, 241,649 finn By any : 4tf. light-runnin- g Quebee. . The eollege at St. Theresa tillage, to gether with about fifteen houses, was destroyed by fire this afternoon. Then. Biddle " L 44 J. llerrick . A. Brown Jl M Mr. IMra. O. Widerborg Mre-- . S. Schram Mr. Wra. U. Paine " Thorough Man Who Itore Xo Malice. H. B. CLAWSON. u sure. mi One Price Dry Goods & Clothing " " 8. d Bmiie, Uintah. ' Mrs. P. Wilkinson B. Allen, Mr. Geo. 8. Maen, KWerdale Willard. AMD SCORES Of OTHERS. Mr. I XT IN" 3D 33 XX.-- IO 3D I Wholesale House in the Territory. Advices Addressed to 1). II. Peery. will receive prompt ' nays. Our attention. WE 6 Bfor PRIOHS other CERTIFICATE first-cla- - Now is a favoaable time to renew stocks and prepare for the business of the lt H IKL ISS' "IT3 Instructions Y. One Door South of Boyle' Furniture Store. Given by an a tlie British steamship Amaton is re off (Tted by telegram to hare sunk The crew and passengers were nnd.aad it was expected that a large farl of the cargo would be got out. 0- IS s La-tca- Waited NOTICE quisite for future expeditions Berlin, 23. The German Government is preparing parliamentary measure, prohibiting . Bill Tough exceeded his privileges as an American citizen the night be- Experienced Lady Operator! fore last, and he was dragged before These Machines can be ebtained We respectfully announce to the citizens of Ogden City the bar of offended justice yesterday Weber and the surrounding counties tJutt 'we have this day EASY MONTHLY PAYMENTS afternoon, charged with lying drunk in to the public streets and asleep the finest and most fashionable stock of the almost irreparable damage of the or a discount of 10 per ceat. for cash. opened For Particulars call at dignity of the commonwealth. Bill answe.ed ''Yes, sir, guilty," OFFICE, 9XAIX ST., Tough cheerfully, and twirling his Oppotitt OLD T1TJIINO YARD, OR, ADDRESS hat. O. MASON, 'Now, see here, Tough," said the AGENT, Ogdeu, Utah. court, eyeing bis prey severely, "you im-ihave been here too often. There's no need of jour getting drunk in W have a constant bnjer in New York City who is engaged in tho same this way and lying around disgracing business who is alwaja read to take advantage of the fluctuations yourself and obstructing travel. I'll f the market, and therefore wi are enabled to sell goods cheaper let you off easy this time at $20 or than "3 any other house this aide of St. Louis. Our Motto is: But if you ever come ten days. here again I'll give you something lo ! remember." . "Much obliged," gratefully reAnd to convince yon of the truth and veracity of our motto sponded the prisoner, nodding to the wa annex a price current to this clerk, who had possession of the coin taken from his person to pay the bill. We Respectfully Solicit the Patronage of the Citizens, , When Mr. Tough had regained his fa liberty and the remainder of his cash he became even more cheerful. t "Jedge,', ho said, "you've done a heap of work on me in your time; Price Current, rectified by ROSENTHAL BROS. CP s'pos'n we go out an' take sumfin." court. said the H "Eh?" "Come an' take a drink." 4-- 4 Bept unbleached Domestic Prints 9 to 11 cents' per yard. Oh." Virginia City Chronicle, w 12 J cents per Yard. Dresa Goods 15 cts. to 51.25 per yard June 18th. 78 Best unbleached Domes tie, Shawls, latest styles $1.75 to $3.00 10 cents per. yard. Cassiracro Suits $15 to $30. 44 Best Fine C. Island 10 to- 12cts A man wearing a nice "plug" hat per yard. Satinett Suits $8 to $15. was arrested and incarcerated in the Bleached Donestio 9 to 20cU. Providence lock up the other day and Tine Black Pants $3 to $12 was very anxious that no one should , per JM. 7-- 8 know of his disgrace. After his reBleached Domestic 7. to 12Jcta. A full tine of Piece Goods, Notions, " with town Table Linens, it. lease he was observed about , yard. t per the his nice bat on, having upon it ttll-tal- e legend, "This hat belongs to a man in cell No. 17." the oficers hav& See. No , GooiUA ing been very careful of his property, the " ' but having forgotten to remove d!96 a3C-l- y label. Dry Goods, Clothing, Hats, Notions, &c. n Death and Destruction to High Prices ROSENTHAL & BROS. k - 4-- 4 . Call Trouble to Show |