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Show mum BY TELEGRAPH. Tliree Teams and Four Men Drowned. Death of E. Bramlette. Ex-Go- r. The recovery of Murillo's picture of St. Anthony, stolen two months ago from the cathedral at Seville, was effected here a tew days ago by Scbmis, a well known art dealer, to whom it was brought for sale. He instantly recogt nized it as the stolen painting, and ured it for $250, and placed it immediately and unconditionally in the hands of the Spanish consul for his government. The consul causnd the arrest of tUe party selling it. The picture was only t lie principal figure cut from the large painting, the remainder being left in its frame. It hs been badly by rolling, but can be restored. Fiftj thousand dollars reward wasolfer-efor its recovery. Omaha, 12. The following telegram has juet been received at headquarters from Fori "We have a report here Ltratuie: through a half breed that Captain Henry returned to Camp Sheridan, himself and men badly frozen There is no official information, and such reports are doubtful, i ut this may be trim. It has been 4" degrees below zero within a week, and 27 below this morning. Troops sent from here last night arrived at Lincoln about one o'clock, and at 9 a ni. gained possession of the penitentiary without loss of life, though the prisoners withstood them bravely. None of the latter escaped. Governor elect Silas Garbcr was inaugurated at 2 o'clock to day. Vicksburg, 12. Before the congressional committee Crosby was cross examined. He adhered to the statement ihaiGov. Ames told him lo use the power of the county A number of teleto regain his office grams that passed between the state and county officials were produced an 1 read. Oae from Adjutant General Packer, by order of Gov. Ames: "To Captain Hall, commanding colored company. Co operate with Bberiff Crosby in his efforts to regain possession of his office and suppress the riotous mob in Vicksburg." The Captain of one of the colored companies engaged in the tight, testified that Robert Uangs, whose mother testi tied that he was shot in the hoiue by whites, was in his company. Witness beloagcd to the colored club. Concerd, N. II , 12. Kmoog the resolutions of the republican stale convention are the following: Declaring unalterable opposition lo the election of anj man lolhe preidency for a third term; asserting un earnest desire for the mine pence, prosperity and protection in the smith as in the north; condemning maladministration there on ihe part of either white or Mack republicans; denouncing all lawlessness and in- -t nidation by white leaguers, and calling on congress lo give peace and a republican form of government to Louisiana without delay; condemning the use of the military power of the nation for any power not cleariy defined in the cons'i union, but at the same time denounced armed organizations in ihe southern s ates, particularly in Louisiana, as the chief source of all their troubles. e-- Thos Recovery of Murillo's dam-ajfe- d Picture. d AMEKICAN. f .Now York, 12 The court room is again (hronged this morning. Ueecbar, his wife nut mop. and assistant pastor Ihllidny. occupied Beats near his counsel, while Tilton and Moulton bad seals on eitb.-- sid of Fullerton. Mrs. Tilton and Mrs. Orvrton entered the courl room with JuJge Morse and Ira Wheeler, exciting great commotion. Ex Judge Morris, for the prosecution, theu resumed Lis argument. When ft recess was taken, Mrs. Reech-c- r went to Mrs. I ilton an J Mrs. Orerton, greeting them cordially, all leaving the court room together. St. Louis. 12. OoTernor Harding was in mguraied at is innugural Jefferson City, , message is devoted wholly to State the Louisiana to reference in except troubles, in which he prutents against the unconstitutional employment of United States military fortes, asa precedent dangerous to American liberties New Orleiiiis, 12. The Kellofg Legislature to day adopted a resolution to go immediately into the Senatorial election, tore elect Pinch-bacThe movement wus so sudden that Tinchback's opponents seemed to rally, riocliback was placed in nomination in each House, and the ote resulted Senate, 18 lo 5; House, 48 to 7. A joint session will by held for an official canvass. The re election of Pinchback crushes the hopes of several aspirants; the custom house wing are said to be especially disappointed, and the belief now is that they will favor reconstruction. Sun Francisco, 12. Sharon was elected United States Senator for Nevada by the entire Republican vote Omaha, 12. Three teams ond four men were crossand ing the river here on- the ice lcll through. All were lost. Kenosha, Wis., 12. St. George's church, school and nunnery weie burned this morning. Loss from $80,000 to $50,000. lusured for $11,000. Louisville, Ky., 12 Ex Governor Thomas E. liramletfe died at his residence here this afternoon, after an illness of several weeks with rheun.atistu of the heart. ' Concord, N. II., 12 The Republican Stale Convention nominated P. C. Cheney, ot Manchester, for Governor; Charies F. Poweit, i commissioner. Philadelphia, 12. A Westchester, Ta., dispatch ay the government paper nulls near that place were, on Saturday last p'ned under t harge of government U e ectives, and a loice of lady cleiks from the treasury dstiartmeut, Washington, have arrived. and will proceed to take account of R'ock. Lxactly what is the trouble is unknown, but it is thovght there are suspicions that some paper litis been stolen tor the purposes of counterfeiters. A llarrisburg dispatch snys there are rumors of a projected bolt from the ieuiocratto caucus if Senator Wallace is declared the uomiuee for U S. Senator ' , Washington, 12. t The bill introduced by Surgeut authorizing the issue of mining patents in certa n cases provides that foreigners may be granted patents for bona ft dentin-inclaims purchased by thvtii from citizens prior to Mty 10th, 1872, if all the provisions of the law ofitmt date hve since been complied with. The bill also provides thatcitixens in the bona fid possession of nihing claims shall not be lefused patents on the ground merely that one or more of the locators thereof my have been foreigners nt the date of location, provided that the location was made prior to May 10th, 1872. ' Washington, 12. The President's message ou Lousiuna affairs was completed, this afternoon, and will be sent to congress The record in the case of ih Fook, a ' Chinese woman claimed t. have been brought to California for immcral purposes, undj involving the right of the State to return her, has reached the office of the supreme court and has been filed. It is expected that amotion will soon be made to advauce it on the docket. ' ;: Sew York, 12 " i A Herald special from London says that Don Carlos hat issued a proclama. tion dated headquarters, Vera, Jan. Cih. He says that as the head of tho Spanish Bourbons he contemplates with profound sorrow the attitude of his cousin Alfouso, whose inexperience led him to consent tq be ihe instrument of the same persons who expelled him end his mother. Not. withstanding he makes no protest againVt the dignity to himself and his army, and he aver he will remain faithful to his liuty mi9ia ndjteep his flag unstained. . r ex-Jud- 1 1 lo-da- nmt-tets- k. un-'abl- e to-da- - 4 to-da- y ail-loa- d k . g , . to-da- A late issue of the Pittsburg Post contains the following: "About three ot years ago Robert McClellan, two North Fuyette township, buried little girls, twins, side by side. About a week ago their bodies were disinterred for the purpose of removing them to another part of the cemetery. One of the bodies found to far decayed that but little of it remained. The other was found o be petrified, and the con-o- of the body so perfectly retained that even its finger nails were comVlt appears strango is that plete. the bodies were subject to the sare diagencies after death, with such verse effects." C'A'S H . ; : B BtA-- I '' at .V'(; 7 ! SALT LAKE CITY, nr-.- s FOR arley, Oats, Wlkeat u OR I) HIED PEA CUES. We are now selling off our stuck of General Merchandise very row, Dres Goods particularly chwap, to make room for the larjre stli ctinm. hy our Mr. CUTLER in tho Kast, and which will be aft'civd at Wholesale and Retail during Conference. j,ur-chas- MINERS' MEETING. IS HEREBY GIVES THAT NOTICE meeting of the miners of the Ogdeu Junction Mining Distr ict will be held in the Recorder's Office, Main Street, Ogden. on Monday evening, Jan 18th. 1875. at 7 o'clock, when officers for the ensuing year will be elected and other necessary business be transacted, y d99 2ts4-- TAYLOR & CUTLER, EAST TEMPLE STREET, SALT LAKE CITY. Ktil-t- t PLANING C. F. MIDDLETON, OGDEN km RE - SA11I0 KILLS. Recorder. l ECCLSS & Co., G-IBSO-H, ESTRAY NOTISE. PROPRIETORS. Mr POSSESSION TIIK IHAVK animal, which if not claimed, nml tukeu away within tea iluvs from ilute, will I koIiI to the highest rcxpotiHiult) bidder, ou Saturday, Jan. 21, 1S75, at 2 pin., at the 0;deu City Stray Pound. One rol cow, 4 yoar oM. square crop off both earn, illegible brand ou left riln. W. N. FIVE, District Pound Keeper. lu9S-2 Ogden City, Jan. 13, 1875. IN ed announce to the Cifizns of Vttjdrn and Jlpertfu1l! a that we haw lareljf jrat ini jx t ainm a fust-claJlJuSAiriyG MILL. Our 1'LAMyG AXJ Machinery is all new and of the eery best make and we are noa prepared to We ririn-n- i ns do all lands of Ee-Sawi- Planicg, Matching and Scroll Sawicg. rg, WK ALSO MAKK . RL'STIC. FLOORING and BETEL SIDING FOR SALE! W ara also mannfacturiag the t rerj best quality of FOUR ACRES OF FINE ( HEARING ORCHARD, Briek IIouha 11 x21 Brick Bara 21x40 A Within the limits of Oglen City, North, and Fifteen Acres of Grass .Land, And are prepared to fill Wholesale and Retail Bills at Short notice At our Mill, Corner of FOURTH AND FRANKLIN STREETS, d25-3- All to lx sold on reasonable terms Contiguous. tor cash or part stock. A pply to N. P. STEVENSON, Cor. ltiughiiit'a Fort Lane VberCo. MS dSC-tsl-- FOltUGN. London. 13. The daily News correspondent at Hendage, telegraphs: It is said that Deputy Leon Merino has left Madrid wiih 600 followers, to raise the standard of the Republio in Sierra Moreno. The steamer Kathleen Mary, from Falmouth, has been lost, at sea, and twenty persons were drowned. Lively correspondence is in progress between Ike Spanish and German governments in regard to the outrage by Carlisle on the Gustav. It is rumored that the Getman corvettes Vittoria and Louisa have been ordered to be in readiness to chagti.--e the Carlists if necessary. (Jueenstuwn, 10 The stramer Abbottsford, heretofore reported disabled, was lowed into port lo day, seriously damaged. She collided with the steamer Pennsylvania, of ihe American line Rotk vessels were bound for Philadelphia. Madrid, 12. King Alfonso arrived at Valencia today, end was enthusiastically received by the people. Th German Nautilus has returned to Santander. MONUMENTS. AND LETTERED TO ORDER. Incorrodible and lar more lasting than warble. y. and General Morionea. Ihe nation! troops in the north, has uounceu against Aitonso. KINDS OF PRODUCE, Garden and Crass Seeds. prr At his BOOK STORE adjoining he keeps all the Periodicals and Ntwspapers of the day, also a full stock of Stationery, Wall Paper, Tictuies, Frames, etc. 8-Gta OF THE LATEST STYLE. d5 lm W. H. HAPPY KKT.IEF FOR YOUNG MKN FROM tli eflects of Errors hi4 AIiusps In early life. Mnnliooil Kestoreil. InipediNiratti to Marriage removed. New niMhtxl of treatment. New and remoOien. J.'iHkt mxI Circular free, in RouleJ onveltipet). Add res, 110WARD ASSOCIATION, No. 2 South Kinth St Phiwlel-jiliiPa., an Institution haTing a high repntation for honorabl conduct and lirofuiwiouul skill. lnt a, Bl(H-6- , is to tho small up. interest of missionary societies to diffuse the statement by M Moca, a French savant, that "the flesh of the Caucasian is bitter" and s.ilty, while that of the negro is of finer fhvor, nud will keep much ' longer." . in the United State. : Instrument ever tained the same Popularity. BSTSeml for Price Lists. Address furnaces; Ranges and Stoves For Wood, Hard and WITH THE LATEST IMPROVEMENTS. AVb Office, Main BSStf. ' . OTA KY PUBLIC Street, nppoit J. BotU'i faruitar Stor, Oedon, V, T. ' W. STAIKEE, (G1LEAP.) H READER Y C EUM AND. LECTURER, Travolg and Good Fnse, Spicod up with Quaint Humor and Amusing Anecdotes. ' His new Lecture'ori ' Ilistery, 8 Registers, Ventilators, &c Now in use. No other Musical ATTORNEY AT LAW C. Soft Coal. 54,000 riipp-rro- n, , 1 like to have 'cm '.hmo up. boy and an old wt man rose It Alatccl lo ihe Season, ami OBSTACLES TO MAKRIAGE. A Wisconsin man recently killed 0. W. TURNER lix skunks in one dav. After inter. tho first one he became tiewing a I recussa ana so keptoo. GEO.A.PEINCE&CO. ' A clergyman at Kansas City said if there vas ' anyone within hearing ORGANS AXD of his Yoieo who would HELODEOXS. try to put a to stop Sunday dog fighting he'd The Oldeit, Largest, tin I Mart Perfect Manufuc-tor- y 1 TAPLE .GOOD STORE. his old Kind on FIFTH STREET, for the purchane and Hale of 12 Le Soir pays rumors were circulated DEESS PATTEKNS? SilkSf Satins, Velvets, Pcplitis, Xotiohs, AND O. IV. TUKXER. Hal of BEY and F AMOIT EOS ' Agent for Utah, M. W. Butler. Sam. pie on exhibition at Boyle's Furniture, do'.)-lStore, Ogden. . JUST OPENED with the FINEST ASSORTMENT Miiiiiifdctnrcd of Zinc the lobbies of the assembly to day, ALL that the Carlists had captured Pampelu-ca- . in WM. JENNINGS &. SONS, Salt Xxals.o Oity. IN VARIOUS DESIGNS PRODUCE 0 - The limt, Handsomest ami Most Eudtn imj Mementoes of the deml ever invented. man-ef-w- Taris, Eagle EnipGriiiio.. CORINTHIAN b- - Buffalo, N. Y Estimates for Heating and Ventilating Promptly furnished. BLISS 4fc WALLS,S3 iAkc St (Send for Circulars.) ;r CHICAGO, ILL. "TH II N O S E." ' THAT HUMAN BAROMETEK.' Literary Institutes will please apply always in, writing. Address C. W. Stayner, Box GS7, S. L. City. tSS-Cm |