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Show termgf '22. Geo H. Drown was elected Justice of the Supreme Court. TELEGRAPH. Y A:t Uoatcn, 23. IIrvard College Memorial Hall, built in cimnieuioration of graduates who fell in the war, anil to honor those name who have otherwise won distiction in the service of the country, was dedicaAdmin de te! today. Own. Franc livert'd tin; oration; Oliver Wendell lluiiiie read a poem. "Boss' Shepherd Deca- pitated. Terrible Accident at a Strawberry Festival. in tho Rhode Island Election. Locked out Snliali Laborer.! Going to Canada- Syracuse, luvitl tl'J'T In -- n-l J ; d he pity i" filled with Inoculations oene in the si reels m ound the church Thouriand.4 fire kt ties description. 'I of the Latest Designs. Williams AND MUSIC STORE Main Street, to-da- y, pre-i.ete- O. Z. New-nurk- et ALL KINDS TT. Violin Strings and other Fittings. v SHEET MUSIC, ETC., ETC. One door South of Ogtlen House. . , t HAPHY KKI.IKF iOM YOl'NO MEM FKOM thn rlteclit of Kiiors ltd Abusm in rurly lite. Ilottie, 23. JlanliiKhl Kentorixl. ImpriliHiPiitf to Marring o Several persona arrested on Sunday Nvw method of treatmeut. New ami llMtk Cirtuliun ami lscnt rpuivdien. for taking a prominent part in the l'aj JUSTLY CELEBRATED WAGON' 13 MADE OF THE BEST MATERIAL I'w, in m'ttlcd riivelupes. AdilreM., 110WAUU THIS pal deuionit ration liavo been variously ASSOCIATION, No. 2 throughout and is warranted. Ninth St, Fliiaiiel-phiu Iustitutiou harina liiich reptilatiun (enteuced to imprisonment to terms of Pa., Also Dealer in tor )uii(nal'le vtmttiii-- t aud proteiMtioiml skill. six, e ght ami twelve months. . ii:J. Madrid, Marshal Concha's plan to localize, and bv wuich he hopes to eventually over trow the Carlist insurrection, provides for the establishuent of a fortified SCIKNTIFICAN'D UOJIANTIC- - i at Losarca, passtary liue, coiumcnciug tng HetellH, Tuert. J, Keiu mnl 1'om- .T. AND ALL OF FARM'' 'MACHINERY. pilonn, and termiuatiug at Avii. Tho OF Maitl.al expecto by tins means to con fine the Carliits to a small district of FOK TIIK FOLLOWING 1'OrUl.AR, country, destitute of resources. He conA Complete Assortment of VGENT ami reliable book, suiicUs, pubsiders it useloss to employ bis army in lic palri'Mgo: continual engagements with the enemy, A ina(;iiilirt.nt pictorial Tolyglot Farnilj- Itiblc who is without a definite plan of cam- tlto tint t lor tlie prif. WAGOX MATERIAL, HARDWOOD, IROX AXD STEEL, ETC. Y. Ctiauilxrlaiit's paign. ' Coretuerriitl Law aud Form The government troopi defettcd ana Boek, adapted to the want ut all. Dr. Oroide II. Naphry'g Lansof Life and Health, dispersed route of the Carlist bands near tor lultn and feimtle.i. Morelhi. The insurgents lost forty-fou- r Pio Lewis on digestion, a Scientific work. killed. niili-puM- ! IJKlit Spring Wagons, .Sweepstakes' Threshing 31aeliiiics, Btiekeye Mowers and Keapers, Sulky Hakes, Corn Shelters, Feed Cutters, Fanning Jlills Finery Grinders, Stuhhle Flows, Shovel Flows, Cultivators, ic Grover, Uiiitiih. Utah. KINDS Jutljjo - -- o Agent for Diobold & Kienzlo's Safes. con- - Piltrrim'a I'rogreiw, illuxtraod by Jobn Itauyon. Tito Ufa and Adventure of Uubiuou Cruve. This gentleman is the only one A modest uia'ulon of lirooklyn, Term Liberal. Look nt Saisiplen. l (lie commissioners who has real es-- i 1'ite interests in this city, but all are hearing: something about the transit noil residents. of Yeu us, remarked that she was Portland, Me.. 2?., that goddess was to indulge its T!te Democratic State Convcntiou met glad ''sit" whatever, as she had been Ml delegates pmeut, i Joseph any in an objectionable attitude A. Tiloomb wu uominated for governor founding Six doors west of Meeting Hall. The resolutions favor by aocUmaliou, long enough. t he early resumption of specie payments; WATCHES, cMi leinn the repent attempt of thf V S. Texan An who had actually CLOCKS, njred Senate lo establish a censorship of the AD JEWELUV, u never Keen railway before, recently cf the country at W.isUuigton; preManufactured and Repaired. i rode to Houston on one the to denounce the Uepubli-osi- i 6ec ior free Sntrade; Frikincs and Congress tor interference State fair. Having been asVed his Albums, Ticttirc party .Vf onldlnx with State governments, aud also thiir opinion about railways, he replied: rhotographg, or Ambrotypes accuratecourse ot the civil service- reform. it me. as if ly taken. did Under seem to "Well, New York. 23 t Fleetwood Turk, the trot it were n streak of lightning running Copied, tor purse of $30,000, between 'Gobi- - j ttw.ny with a palace." iin,.ed. CARDON """TEBiTa BROS.T AVc LOGAN, Pictures tj-da- wv wuuv iiiivi mil, the former in three straight Time, 2:2fi, t:37A, 2:23. la Newark, N. J;. at midnight last itir'at, Joha H. Iluber eutervd his titter's rmnn and shot her threugli the k ila. 11; DixMa, Burn- - lo-d- 2t; l)ratow, IU. ictt- - t,., i rt,w.l nFmv. Ath not look for tny head; I have hidden it myself, IP order uot to be recognized," Io rroperty offered TERMS. W. G. SAUNDERS. ON REASONABLE TREES, Currants, Goosberries, Raspberries, Blackberries Hoses of various shades, Ornamental Shrubs, Etc., Grnpe-Vine- s, Anywhere on the line of the railroads, about The 12th of November, 1874, AT P11ICKS THAT util-huil- - deliver Of all the lest varieties iu cultivation, 03-S- An iudividual lately comutitted FOR SALE CHEAP. suicide iu a Parisian Hotel. His ACRF.S ORA5S ACRF.S PLOW T.AM. 1 headless body w. s found in his room t A U land. r. kro..rt ..n hunt. hon and on the County rond near the Kniera vt the together with a letter containing tho inw, iiorlitnard. mr cny I will trade the piact:j following bewildering statement: "I pr1rtv, tr thr stark, or rai, or Pf Titliinj was lored. and havft killed rnvseh. ontara. The wlul or a ' part of , this valuable wiil FRUIT AXD SHAJDF - lieid, inflicting a mortal wound. Cause, her refusal iu discard t ouitor whem the brother disliked. Providence, 2S Tlie 4d-lcin the Senatorial elec Co. chuttler Wagon! jrn-ment- ." EELIGIOUS, j j AGENT FOI! THE iini-tiai- : B.it 1 -. 3Iiiin St., Ogdcn, and Main St., Logan, Cache I m d The Seuate, in executive session, after iicciusion tn wliica tree expiMoits nf opinion were expressed on the subject, tabled the nomination of Shepherd as commissioner for the !i-t- i iot of Columbia, hy a vole of thirty i.i to nix. The other nominations were con irnied without division. After it ro-'ti of the Senate the Ti csidcut, to om-- j lete the number, sent tho name of A. ii Cattell. ex-S. Senator from New enMtnue.' 627-- M. D. HAMMOND, gov-erame- t'lifyenne. u as Cheap, or Cheaper than anywhere else in Utah. X. Lortui, Onclio County. The Senate couhnued (J. V. Hogert receiver vf public moneys, llozeman. Moilana; Clas. A. I5r.itow, receiver of uiouey. Norte. Cul.; Samuel H. v tiijor, reginer oi uv mnu oiuce ti-- Orao, ad-dre- ni .ier-Uenera- !nis. IKSTRIMNTS! 01 From a Jewnh&rp to a Church has-bee- lo-da- v mii4 ! In the Mm Let, ul wuvs on hand. JOHN BENCH, Washiufiton, J.'J. The House Committee on I'ott Cflices on the charges 9nde n report preferred by I.nttit ngains't the Tost nt.'ice Departmeut aud sor.e t.f itsaubor- dil ate oflicers, in relation to certain pu.t route trHiijaclious. In (lilifornia dc committee say they don't find any evidence f fraul or irrepulnritics in vio'tttion of law, although they are that upon many, if not all the were iwr.tes mentioned, straw bid mit.le, which, under the law, the Vost-i- ii l wa powerltys to won by Ogdexi. THE CHEAPEST COAL AND LIME MO., below. 1 Jlissue SIIEtJ Excelsior Manfn'g re deportment were c illed out utiJ took work of recovering the ilirpeandofthethewounded. The churolr is bad A Jew minute beiM iipiiritiively new. lt. re the floor gao way it trembled so iiitit niuny persons left the rt.om, fearing the ncci lrnt which hn been The ueeident wiia Vy ttitttiy. r'ireJ. by the givint way of tho joist iltui up ported the Hour joUt thut ran irt.m both hides of the room to the cross t ringer, the uiiddle of which was supported by Iron roils from the roof Tiie turinger gne way, pulling the ceiling ftnd root down upon the people fi yi ecipitiitiug theiu into the room a & Co. ( i thereafter Case's Tliresliins? Jlachinc, and othor Agricultural Impkinerts aa j:.ihered there nuking ufter friend, filing lor the dcud ami attending the injured. The police ars all out. The footx Warranted at the Lowest Hates for Caslj. ''!!! me injured, coui tringemusly. Austrani I'.arnct is very x liout-linjured; Kev. Dr. 11. J. lid ly The boilies lire tlihtjy injitred. to be nil recov ered, but it is impossible to get the uanieK id the injured .Ifney, who was COIiyEli IVALL and FIFTH St, OGDi;y liUis-inc- I j I" eat-itiic- our Depot Ke.-:o.vt- lit I WAG-OSJS- f - iuiio-in-- ! i ssi'i-pose- CLASS At -- ; i UX2?LJ3LT - I - ,. We Will Supply tho Above 3 - ...... ' i LOW REsJEBVOIR! pi-r-- N. V., ! mm .1 ;i Ta W : in-- Unly liie rooi;it';il! in-i- " i iic u rlurs wen? ihe story below. sioeonil fioor uul he r.ioiu mi-'!- ( .: tii rircr.n u wi re im-i- i wit full, u! h i i: an J t bumiiiO'icd ".lintely I i v!-tIt tin' crowlnl urotiti fujil tlit.' yet. i,.ot.sille to 'i tie lullovin 'ieiiJ IhjiIii-.- Lave l;'en iiml ivite, i .0. V.. Wiiini Mi ''t .M. Tlit'iui". ii cluM immcJ vi, ii little gill liaincil J.eon.'iitl, ulio iinitifil Morton, Miss Leo. UoliiH'3 uinl u niuiK"! Niniuo t.uiiiri.s. lav. !iiili (r T. Dunlin;:, pastor of the church, K - tlmigeruu.sly injured, n!.i bis wife, niio is not exu'C(ed to live. 'JX)() per-tI .... 'i- - rtr r.vbi rry in the jinr lorn of tin: Ontrui tit;. list Church 1ht. ivi' y. irfcijitiitin 'r m mum rir. - AMKKIi.'AN. rr. ss of iiavk Bill oa the joint (fiirs id ihe UtHii'ict of Columbia here inline inttrocu-- to iiiijuire into ihe mi d Hitto; burglary report that lie ;s.i tt Min.t Ratifies til" couirid'ee that 8 t. t!.e objects of the bursary r io h.i-- , y iin bcatf t'oiom1 e . iie memorial AM) Tcy u; get 'I aide expression of un opinion by il.eiu ih i. any particular pfvsf.n or 'lit is guilty, might lie unwise, if inn imprnpfr, for reasons thus will re tdily ... hi; observed by reading the testimony. i:. I The resolution ii:tiiK!M the clerk of ihe House to .'end to the ticcretaiy of the. Treisiiry and Attorney Central, ci;iix of t lie evidence taken by the committee It adopted ani the .omiiiittee as d acii urged from l'uithcr colistderatiun oi'tin- aitbjocl. Auburn, V. Y. 23. convention 'iafe. prohibition T!i" un lu re tt tJay aim iiiiopie i u:e That we hail resn.lutioii: 4 with di vuu thaukf lo God, (he great up ri.in;; minii tlic women of our laud to irom int uwav He litiuor we our renew ami thut ' pledge uikoii,; ;! io put ti e ballot into the hands of woman when we .shall have power to do thus enabling them to vine n well sa We have 12 iUtOMi KEASOSS why do your work. pj ay ajjiiiiis.1 tlic giant cui tse of the world. they i .May rou Clark wn-- , non.iijaieil for oter-in.r- ; .1. I'a'.. lieut. governor; Horace fVI They are the cheapest to buy, iiotvlan 1, jn le cour' of appeal"; laniel "" They are the best to use, Wclsord, canal COiiiHiissioner; Ira Dell, They bake evenly and quickly, .State prison innpector. Their operation in perfect, Adjourned. h8" They have always a good draft, They are made of the best material, 10UE1GN. H They roact perfectly. Loudon, 23. They require but little fuel, The 'on! utiys an International Con. They are very low priced, at St. I'ctiTb'ourg ference wiil They are easily managed, in 187'). for the purpose of revising the are suited tn all loe?lilies, They rules and regulations adopted by the Every Move guurnntenl to pive Satiafaction I'uris Convention of lh(35for the govern80f,D BY ment of telegraph lines. Some twenty-tw- o Slate are expected to be representCo., ed by delegates, ST. LOUIS, Mr. Arch lun consented to go to CanAND BY ada with a party of agricultural laborers. At a meeting of farmers in cno ot the speakers deOsdcsi, Utah. clared he could undertake to import irom Canada a sufficient number of laborers to till the places of men locked out in his section. PAINTER, GRAINER, GLAZIER, A Florence journal shjb the Popt an with a of copy presented rAri:ii IIAXCJEK, Etc., Kent from the United States It Fosen of The Archbishop Ledochowski, lloiy lather, in replying, spoke most At a tpeetmen of his wrk be refers to cordially of America, and said, 'The L'nited Staij") U the only cnuntry where Z. C. M. I., LOGAN. 1 am really I'ope in tho eye of the I am always afraid levt Ku- - Tlia pHiuting of whii h ttu dona uuilttr hi tllltdUoB. ropeangover imeuti shull oppose myacts, 1 whereas can freely seud pontifical documentsto the United States without fear OUSTACLES TO XARHIAGE. of opposition on the part of the g in Spain. i yon MITCHELL Carefully Examined cGinmiitt-- T'n e Tho Carlist Insurrection Inirinjj Un cntil 23. Wat-hin-to- Dead-loc- k DUO'S AND FISH j WILL SATISFY EVERY REASONABLE PERSON. T1IEY ARE ALL II 'A 11 11 A NT El , From tlxo nivcrsiclo A S ST O WN i ig"xi.rsoxy-- C OHIO. AGKXf 'FOR WEBEU COUNTY, HAROLD HENINGER. dlS61w H, HoWt. |