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Show CjhangC for the Hotter. lion. George S. IJoulwcll has been elected United Stut. Senator A Kims with the favors of a bountiful nature. In an hour of desperation she murdered her seducer. After a mock trial, and the formalities of law had becu conformed to, without their spirit and iutent, slio was acquitted by a jury. of her countrymen. She is now a raving maniac, and yesterday was consigned to the lunatic asylum. Life from t. Massachusetts, after a spirited The country will have reason to congratulate itself iu his assignment to a new sphere of action- - lie cannot do any harm in the Senate; lils influence will be limited to some cou-tefc- An"Will you be at home nie?" The person who asked this question, a tall, muscular, young furmer, was leaning upon Squire Moor's front gate, talking to the Squire's pretty daughter, who stood inside of it. As the good-lookin- is made up of tragedy and comedy. As Secretary of tho Treasury, he has been the means of inoculating our fiuau position on n committee. The Crisis in Great Britain. system with a virus that has A vague dispatch by cable anpenetrated tho very hoart of the of the recommercial world, and poisoned the nounces the probability Mr. Disraeli to the premierfountain sources of our national turn of of England. We are not inprosperity. Fallacious ideas and ex- ship clined to place any reliance upou a travagant views of political economy rumor that is founded, we judge, have prompted him to the commissome emotional party zeal. The sion of gross and flagrant errors in upon author of Lothaire is too retrogressive his administration of the Treasury iu his idea, and reactionary in hi department. The effects of his unto admit the possibility of his sound policy have been felt through- views, being called bv his sovereigu to the out tho country, as seen in a head of a government that is rapidly and prostrated indusliberal and trial interests. Every day devclopes adopting institutions. It is not to be assumed the truthfulness of the assertion made for a moment that the defeat of the repeatedly, that the prosperity of the Gladstone ministry was a victory in tountry is artificial, and not sub- favor of the Tory party, of which stantial. The sad revelations made Disraeli is the leader and mouthduring the last few months expose On the contrary, his allies in tha frailty of men, who are not only piece." the coutest, which resulted in the leaders of pnblic opiuion, but among overthrow of the ministry, are his hethem tho greatest capitalists of the foes. nation. Secretary Uoutwell, the Cer reditary The Educational bill, which was berus of the Treasury, is directly re-- 1 made a ministerial measure, provided sponsible for the unsound condition cial au for a common school system in Ireland, similar to ours. A more unpopular subject coull not be broached among a people who are averse to of our monetary affairs, and for the depression of our commerce through the fatal policy which he inaugurates, while his iufluence has contributed much to the social demoralization which pervades the country. In every view tho result of the Senatorial election in Massachusetts, which has commanded the greatest attention for tha last few months, is satisfactory. The exchanges, there can scarcely be a doubt, will cuurc to the benefit of tho couutry at large, particularly if a sagacious statesman should be chosen to fill tho vacancy. Judge Richardson's 'appointment would be accepted with enthusiasm. any innovations that may infringe upon their ancient traditions aud sectarian prejudices.. Extremes often meet, and the anomoly is presented, common in English and American politics, of a coalition formed between parties diametrically opposed to one ample words passed his lips he reddened suddenly to the very routs of his fair hair, as if he had just been guilty of some grant impropriety. He was bashful extremely bashful was David Winthrop at least, in the presence of young ladies, most of all in the presence of the girl he loved. No young man in ull Wilkes county owned u better kept farm, or talked with more confidence among his cruuies of slock and crops and such like. Dm the sight of a pretty foot or face coming his way affected him quee'ly. On such occasions he never knew what to do with his hands and eyes, and seemed always to feel like screwing himself into the nearest mouse hole until the danger that is to say, the young lady was past. This state of things being considered, no one ever understood how he contrived to muster up courage enough to enlighten Annie Moore on the subject if his preference for herseif. David, in h:s awkward, blundering, manner, began shyly to exhibit his preference for her in various little ways. The girls tittered and nudgod e"eli other's elbows, and the young men cracked furtive jokes at the expense of her timid suito'-- , but the stood up for him like a real independent Western lass, as she was, and tried to encourage him out of his shyness as far as she consistently could. She never seemed to notice any of his unfortunate blunders, and very likely helped him along considerably w hen his feelings reached the culminating poiut, one Autumn evening, as were they walking together from a corn huskivg. That had been iust on week ago. Annie, who wished to put off the ordeal of avowal as long as possible at any rate to gain time lor one more confidential talk with David on the subject said hastily, in reply to that stammered d query of his with which we have this narrative: Mother is going over to Aunt 'Hutu's with father to spend the evening; she wants me to go, too, but 1 guess I won't. I've been working on father's new shirts all day, besides doing the dairy work yesterday, and I'm about tired out." Then she added, before he could reply: "Don't come until eight o'clock. 1 shall be about through putting things to right by that time." Of course David was not too obtuse to understand that he was specially favored by this arrangement, and he so far foras to petition awkgot his bashfulness wardly for a parting kiss, which was at once refused iu the most inexorable manner possible. you shan't! There, now! Do take yourself off, will you? D'ye think 1 didn't see you fidgetting around Em. Smith at, Deacon Anderson's sociable last night? I've not forgotten that, half-frighten- paral-V'TeoTnuTer- ce deini-republic- in the Dark. kind-hearte- moon-lighte- d I pre-tace- another, for the purpose of accomplishing a fixed purpose. There is uo sympathy between the conservative Tory who maintains the privileges of the Established Church, and the Roman Catholic, yet they united and clasped hands in order to circould cumvent the ministry in its efforts to sir!" 'o, Annie eat on the other side of the table deftly drawing her needle in and out of a long piece of white cambric, nnd with her head as busy as her hands with trying to contrive some clever way of incidentally mentioning the visit, which she was now momentarily expecting, to her mother, without exciting the suspicion affair. She of its being a would have given a good deal to have man been able to sav in an ner that she wouldn't wonder if Mr. Winthrop were to drop in, as he was in the habit of calling occasionally on Saturday evenings at about this time. But she recollected with a twinge of conscience how hard she had tried to persuade the old lady to accompany her husband on the promised visit to Aunt Ruth's in spite of her forewarn ings of a coining spell of "neuralgy," which had intimidated her from venturing out into the damp night air; and also how she had plead headache as an excuse for not going herself. 5he knew that her mother was quite sharp enough to draw her own inlerences from these two facts and the additional one of her being dressed with more than usual car to spend an pre-arrang- evening at Lome. "I shall not. dare to tell her now," she said to herself. '"She'd be sure to think that I wanted to get her out of the way, so that I might have David all to myself." So, like a wise little puss, she silent. Worthy Mrs. Kight o'clock and past Moore was dozing over her knitting. Her shallow on the opposite wall bobbed about in grotesque mimicry as she nodded to and fro now crushing the voluminous white satin bows on her spruce cap against the back of her chair now almost falling forward, while her fat hands at length dropped listlessly in her lap, and her all of yarn rolled down upon the hearth. Pussy espying it, was soon busy in unwinding an-- l converting it into all sorts of Goruian knots. All ct once came a double rap at the door an audacious double rap which said "Let me in!" so loudly and impatiently, and in such a self assured manner, that Annie, rendered nervous by suspense, started up with a little and set her foot on Madan l'uss's tail, who in turn gave vent still more loudly to her amazement and displeasure. All these three combined or rather rapidly successive noises, aroused Mrs. Moore, aud she started wildly into an erect posture, rubbing her eyes, setting her cap border, and exclaimins: "Dless What was ull that? my soul, Annie! Somebody at the door? What time is it anyhow, and who can it be? So lute as wa ! this, too!" It is not very late, mother. little after eight. Only a I'll go aud see who it said Annie, is,'' demurely, at the same time taking the one candle from the table. "Xo! Here, Annie, you wind up my ball, and brush up the hearth while I go to the door. Drat that cat !" For the old lady's feet were all this while struggling in the perplexing meshes of the unravelled yarn. In her hurry Mrs. Moore forgot to take the candle with her; and as she stepped out into the small, unlighted front entry, she unwittingly closed behind her the door of the room she had just left. Almost at the same moment she put her hand on the handle of the euter door, and, opening it, she suddenly found herself in the. ardtmt embrace of a pair of stout arms. A whiskered face was brought into close proximity with her own, aud before she could fully realizo her position, she received a prolonged kiss a hearty smack, given with a signficant gusto, which indicated that the unknown was taking his revenge for some past el'gbt paying off some old score; for it said, as plainly as words could have done, "There, take that!" And all this fell upon her uuoffeudiug, virtuous matron lips! "Oh ! murder! murder! 'Taint Joshua nnd instead of spttlinir 1, er nnp, she pursued her train of and her knitting, both j, together wonderful rapidity. At length, and looking keenly at Auuie over h l'r spectacles, she said; "It may be a queer notion Of Itlino Annie, tint 1 ve a laucy that man David Winthrop." Oh. but. if Annie's face didn't i fire then! You might have lit any Uuu'l ber of candles by it. These suspicious symptoms did cot cape the eye of the skillful iutjuisitiv" ' who calmly continued: 'Dears so to me; 'cause theni Vi? whiskers put rue in mind of his' n; iin,i then the awkward way ho gripped m witli his big Daws " No answer. But Annie was wondeShe bent over her work aid rfully busy. drew her needle through so quickly thHt the thread snapped, arid then she didn't have time to talk, she was so Uieu up with trying to coax the thread ihvwh 6 the eye again! Inflexible Mrs Moore went on: "I don't believe that kiss was mtemlpfl for nte after all do You, Annie? Well of course it wasn't. But then I do won' der who it was intended for? And 1 wonder if you don't know sor:ietliinr more about it than you seem fit to tellV ,'Me, mother!" "Yes," me, mother, "you was mighty anxious to get me an' pup off io Aunt Huth's but I uotic-- d you was slicked up extraordinary for all jou weren't going." Mere Annie lost her needle, and went down on the floor to find it. ' Now, Annie," her mother went on, "I'm gittin' o.d, 1 know that, but haven't quite lost my eysight yet, nor my heariti' neither. lvV mnnised a little sonu'thiu' about these goiu's on between you an' David afore now. What tur: (Jut w.tL are you pUytn r ii, I s y. 'la. n't fair to be tryin' to come it over your old mother." Thus adjured, our small feminine Machiaval made a clean breast of it, hut mother much relieved to find ' hadn't much .".gin' him,'' and "woulJ to aoout it au give Turner a xml Lj. t; I os-iti- j I j bring him around." "But, Annie," said Mrs. Mnore, dryly, in conclusion, "I want vou to tell DaviJ I'd rather he'd not make such a mistake again. I lon't like the feel of his biz whiskers about my face, nnd, moreover, 1 don't approve of promiskus kissin." David never heard the last of that ki? in the dark. Old Squire Moore, of course, heard of it, ami used to take great delight in slyly alluding to the circumstance when all the parties concerned happened to be present. He would "hake his burly sides with laughter at David's evident discomfiture and his wife's tart replies, while Annie would tiide with her father and poke sly fun at her sweetheart, and then both of them would laugh again at the other two until tie tears ran down their cheeks. "Never mind, David," Mrs. Moore would pay consolingly to the abashed lover, "let them laugh. He'd have been only too glad to have been in jour place thirty years ago. Ke had hard work to get a kiss from me then. I hope the occurrence wdl be a lesson to you and of underhand Annie against the doius' oi all sorts, seeiu' us how they rt liable to end in such cases, ia kissin' the wrong one in the dark." A more judicious selection ' Annie; now, "Oh, from ranks tho of the just onr." be made not Thus Mr. Glad Dut further appeal was broken off by promote reform. t dhereuts of the President. It would stone has fallen. He is fast yp. a tantalizing little laugh, aud when, renuerea uesperaie uy ibis, ne men to also bo indicative of the inception proaching eeuility. and it is not i revenge mmselt, at tne very moment of a new era and of renewed vitality when be he was secure of the jiiuuuuu; mail uuc vi inv uuvon uci uic coveted thought and finauees. bliss, our stooped his he d triof administration the iu A Good One. statesmen and accomplished scholars over his struggling prisoner, umphantly first tho of to A return principles in the woald will again return to the rosy, laughing face, vanished sudA pretty good story is told of a ' be aswould correct government denly from under his arm and was off public life. and away up the garden path leading to professional money lender, living not sured, and confidence would take It is more than probable that Earl the house almost before he could realize a thousand wiles from the Head Boutwell what had happened. the placo of distrust. Granville who has exhibited marked t or oae moment David, who stood gazCenter. may be a good lawyer, but he of pursuit after the her, of in thought administration ing ruefully the Mr. tiholson wanted to borrow one is a poor financier. It is not ability and a recapture Dut before he had Earl "or Derby time to put his plan into execution, his Poreign Department huudred dollars; not being able to from the bar that the "official" who to give one now in the vigor of manhood will be tormentress, after stopping he get the money in any other way farewell wave of her baud from neither!" controls the fuuds of the Government mocking called to form a cabiuct composed of the Irout For she had by this time divested her- uiade application to Mr. Skinem, a porch, vanished inside of the He should be should be chosen. the representatives wf the different haU door. So there was nothing to be self of the impression that it was her professional niytiey lender. drawn from that class whose sledgefrom the gate usua ly sober spouse returned home in a done but turn reluctantly Mr. Ghulson: Skinem, I parties, iuto which the Kingdom of and take the rwd homeward. strangely exalted condition, thus to inhammer common sense, and practical abIf you could have looked into the dulge iu such unwonted demonstrations want to borrow a hundred dollars fur Great Britain is divided. The busiucss experience would be worth sittiug-rooat Squire Moore's o; conjugal affection. family and sence of Gladstone iu the forum ou that same o'clock before 'Git out! Git out, I say ! Murder! a year, can you accommodate; inc.?" j eight shortly rdl the fine spurn theories of those is loss world, to the i in the cabinet a evening, you would have had a cheery Fire! Thieves! Annie! Annie! do come "Why yes, Mr. Gholson." who have obtained; their knowledge me a man like is Here betore here! lue ' you. kissing the aud picture be will a gain tum. Derbv "Very well, here is wy note, i,i-iiiiiu'iiv vh. otpr. for the siltinr- - mad !" from Blackstooe, Littleton or Coke, mons of his sovereign that he should j V00IU His0 the room where the daily But the intruder had by this time dis said Mr. (Iholson.. lliehardson is a man of enlarged control his were of the lamily "And here is the money," sail eaten, lue covered his mistake; and it did not ueed country's destinies will i nieals dinner-tahl- e nl,l-- f ihioned tin and nf t..itvi the pounding Mr. Skinem. indignant pummeling views, with a thorough understand- redouud to its i glory. ua(j been let down, and the table itself. of the old lady's respectable fists to make Mr. G. took the money and countcovered with a bright oiled cloth, set him relinquish hi hold and race off as ing of the requirements of the couned it and fiiuud just forty dollars, ' back against the w ail. The crumbs had if pursued by some avenging spirit. try, and his appoiutmeut would be had'not made brushed with a turkey Annie, nearly choked with smothered lie asked Mr. S. if he The Louisville Cvurirr Journal been carefully home-mad- e the precursor of changes which may of in her trepidation, a mistake. spite carpet, laughter, wing from the neat '"Colfax advertises his house in and Annie s workstand was drawn up now came to the rescue. . '"No sir, you have the correct give prestige to the administration, says: all in aback so I took sale. Oakes was When never fire of fer aud Oh. of the in front, blazing ample Washington amount. I have deducted the interuud advance the interest of the Ames was investing large quan- hickory legs which crackled cheerily in my born days! The meau scamp ! Who est." could it have been? Annie, have you any lTuiotu Oae thing is beyond perad-cntur- e tities of Credit Mobilier stock in the Mr. G. scratched his head for a idea?" A bountifully piled tray of the change cauMOt bo for Congressmen, Colfax contrived someall was walto But that dutiful daughter few seconds and then said: apples and a plateful of cracked known bo that ... let it to how other and or us us inuoceut to close iu on ignorant nuts were it, appearances proximity the worse, 'On the whole,Mr. Skinem, I think made of an infautile dove. She tried to soothe I need the t he himself was for sale, without an Anuie's coquettish money for two years; j'-matron deft the little own hands, her cones representiug by indignant advertisement.'' by pine will go that it might have beeu (!) on of the keep the forty dollars, and I and daiutily lined with blue silk friend, a from tret and A Murderess Fate twenty On one eide of the fireplace sat Mrs neighbors who, under the potent intlu- nut A young woman at Lawrence rethe and miswill had to wee which I you, drop too much, bring forty, and at euce of a shot her husband; between his Moore, fat, fair, more thanShe cently ! j housewife imand house the the deducted, taken few sat world. swaywith all the Mary Harris, a years ago, you have already decease and his funeral she seemed to peacebackward and forward at intervals She searched the for the missing niouoy , f .rt dollars and the twenty I entry blood iu ing of Jas. the brued her hands . ... . be quite cheerful, so much so that in her low rocking chair, knitting as ctacles, arranged the rumpled cap ) " l" "'"J-now wound the remarked. ribbons. the herself in was clerk one of her abseuce of grief up tangiod yarn, "p-nhe rocked, and refreshing Jiurroucrhs, a moutbted from a half stirred the fire all in the most amiable est lor tile two years. a with then and to said she I ''that "I know," was ougkt She in Washington. manner possible and at last had the It is probably needless to add mas cried a good deal, but, to tell eaten apple which lay within easy reach, have of satisfaction subside mother her or j ...mid not raise the twenty Mr seeing beautiful and accomplished. Many corner cf the table; hadn't a haudkerchief that just upon inthe truth, Her rocKing-cuai- r the usual with and her into manner a caressing dollars, aud hence the little business fidmircrs followed in her train. She was fit to be seen except oue, and touching of spirit. a tranquility her foot gray sleek, fl cf with Mr. Skineut tip i But Mrs. Moore was fully awake now. transaction yielded to the temptations which b- that you know, I had to keep for the cat that lay purring and blinking oh the She had got a new idea into her head; uot consttmuiute'I. ucarth rug before her. old the path of all who are gifted i funeral." atter-supp- ! ed y er fire-plac- red-cheek- ed work-baske- t, j , nts laxy-looki- I -- n w-- . |