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Show Li.iuajJLjL.ui. Wit (Djjdm function. PiblinlieU every WKHSKH1UY and fATt'KDA ly tiie Oodis laiiuxiir.0 C'oMrANV. 0. W. PENROSE, HmiiiPM Mnmivvr, to h'HM V, Prayer by Elder Horace S. Eldrtdge. Choirs ing "All praise to our Redeeming Lord " i:i.m:n .t s. s. mtov.N !l Said that no ono could edify the people llllulliil l! iiJieM.-UBlUUlOW COUIUIIUliiJUIUUa who hud been gaiheicd here from the nations of the earth, unless inspired by CHARLES W. PENROSE, Editor. the same spirit they received when they He bore testimo embraced the l. ny to the truth of this work, and that the knowledge he had received of it was than the testimony of the eur Ifpilnesdaj Jfornlnf;, Oct. 11,1871. stronger or the eyesight, and it had come from God.lie knew tli at the Book of MorFORTY-FIRS- T SEtfl'ANKUAL mon was a 'divine boo'c. The bible, which the Christ it n wo: id Hie sending forth to CONFERENCE! the nations of the onrth, is i history of a polygamic people, and all the promises Oo Friday morning, at 10 a.m., the made to mankind are made through that We believe in this biConference comFtorly-ftss- t polygamic race. ble, and endeavor lo practice it, because Tli menced iu the Old Tabernacle. Elder Prown quowe know it is true authorities of the Church were present ted many passages of scripture in proof M reported in tho ruinules of the Special of his position, and closed with the decConference. Meeting opuned with (ting- laration that the work of God would go-pe- oai:, Utah. ' Semi-Annu- al ju um. j mi -i a f hwvpmm to marriage, as was decided by Luther and Mclanclhon, tiie Protestant Reformers, when Philip, Landgrave of Hcssc, licked for their studious and prayerful opinion on tho subject. Brigham Young is not the originator of the doctrine of plural marriage, neither has be taught it any more, nor as much, as many Elders of the church. I have one wife; she was given to me under the same law of celestial marriage which would give e a man more, and 1 protest against with that order of marriage. Our liast history has been written iu letters of blood; the martyrdom of Joseph and Ilyrum Smith is on record, and the fact that we submit to sec our best men brought before su;h a tribunal on such a charge proves that we The doctrine of submit to the law. plural marriage is a revelation of God, and we will abide the issue. Brigham City choir sang, "We thank thee, 0 God, for a prophet." inter-fcrnnc- BISHOP E. F. SHEETS. prevail over all the earth. Here on this block, many years ago, Erigham City choir sang "Great is the was laid the foundations of a temple un" Lord ; 'lis good to praise to God. How is it. to be built? By tithes The prophet Malaehi and offerings. Kl.IlKft w. w, curr ' ELDER W. WOODRUFF. Related his experience in preaching predicts that the Lord shall "suddenly come to his Temple." Where is there We aro dependent on the Lord for all the goypel on a late mission to Denmark, a the blessings we receive, temporal or Sweden and Norway, and place on earth to which the Lord could explained the come? We have built two temples, but acknowl to is our and it duty piritual, condition of the Saints in those countries, have been destroyed by the wicked; edge Hie hand in all things. Tiie scripwho earnestly desire to gather to thcte they tures ay "there h a spirit in man, and valleys, but have not the means to do so. lie cannot come to them. What is our the inspiration of the Almighty giveth He exhorted their relatives here who duty ; To pay the tenth of all the Lord in our hands, to build a house It is by this in- had them understanding." promised to assist them to fullil places spiration that thix work has been built their promises. He repeated his ex- to His name. Those who do this, will be blest of God in their substance. We up, and by it we are able to bear testi- hortation iu the Danish laugunge. need this house, not only that our wives was Smith truth. the of Joseph mony ELDER OKO. Q. CANN05). and children may be sealed to us, ut led by this pirit, 'which is the eiamo by which the work of God in all ages was I think it has an excellent effect for also that we may be baptized for our I with wax Smith Elders to hear testimony; it finds a progenitors who did not hear the gosthe Joseph accomplished. in publio, and in his private councils, response in our hearts; it is like fuel pel in the flesh, and thus become Paying and I never heard him teach anything added to the flame, and kindles the fire "Saviors on Mount Zion." doctrine, but oonlrary to virtuo, truth or to the wel- of God within us. It is a remarkable tithing is no fare of the human family. He whs led feature in this work that in every land is as old as the ancient patriarchs, and and taught by the angels, who revealed and clime thoso who have received it in it has been renewed with the everlasting to him the Uospul of Jesus Christ; thut humility and integrity have received a gospal in our day. I have been connectthe world had departed from the Lord, testimony of its truth. What a remark- ed with this Church lor more than thirand hat tney hud come in fulfillment of able thing it is that an unlearned boy ty years, and I bear testimony that it is the words of the Prophets, to restore should have been able to bring forth the work of God, and that the more we the gospel fo tho earth. He was a this work, to translate and publish the are opposed and persecuted the faster prophet of God, raised up to lay tha Rook of Mormon, to organize a church wo w ill grow; and if people want us to foundation of that work which is to save alter the ancient pattern, to send forth stop growing they had better let us Israel, and gather the upright from eve- the gospel lo every land, and bring peo alone. Tabernacle choir sang, "Seraph's Anry sect, puny ami denomination, lo ple Ingether from every quarter of th them." build up the Kingdom of God. He globe, and to cope successfully with the to promote peaco, and had s great wisdom and learning of tho world! Prayer by Elder II. Voting, Jr. anxiety lo accomplish the work lo which Where is there a church on the face of 2 p.m. he was called. All the counsels he gave the earth whoso member", like tho mem Tabernacle choir stiDg, "Behold the were in I'avcr of law and order, and nev- hers of the Church of Jesus Christ of Mountain of the Lord." er in a single instance against the Latter-daSaints, have all received of onr Country. Ho with llrig-hui- n wituess from God of the truth? Men of Prayer by Elder Geo. Q. Cannon. Tabernacle choir Bang, "How beauVoting, and the results of his works every calling and almost frsm every are seen by tho Proph- nation have gone forth to preach the teous are the feet." et in the time when it u m worth a man's word, trembling and in weukuea.', r.a the Euiitii Geo. Q. Cannon life lo deli nd him, and he bus been faith- you may perceive by our language not Authorities of the Church presented to the Conto lime. ful the present lie led the peo- trusting in learning but in the Lord, and ference The voles to sustain them in ple here; when he eairie, Ibis p!ac4 was God has been pleased to bestow ihe the following order were unanimous: like the desert of tahara, and now H Holy Ghost on those who have received Brigham Voting, President of the blooms like the garden of Eden. Ilei their testimony. In view of these things Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-dahas gathered the poor, and lived lor the is it any wonder that we should say Saints; George A. Smith, his first, and tcm lil of mankind, both the living and that Joseph Smith was a Prophet of Cud? Daiticl II. Wi lls his second councilor. the dead. He has been led by the spirit 1 ad-- my testimony to that ot my breth Hyde, President of the Quorum of inspiration clay by day, and his breth- ren that this is thy work of the Twelve Apostles, and Orson Pratt. of the living ren know It. We have been commanded God. S;ti., John Taylor, Wilford Woodruff. by Almighty God to preach the Gospel' Choir sang an anthem "Give car to Charles C. Rich, Lorenzo Snow, Erastus all were the as the lo world, Apostles of iny word." Snow, Franklin D. Richards, George Q. old, but the field of our labors is not so by Prest I). II. Wells. Prayer Cannon, llrigham Young, Jan., Joseph limited. Our Elder have traversed the V. Smith, and Albert Currington, memarth and offered the gospol to in my na10 a.m. bers of said Quorum. Saturday, w tions, hose laws did not permit its pubChoir sung, "Come listen lo a prophet's John Smith, Patriarch of Ihc Church. lication. The. gospel is now olTered to voice." John W. Young, President of this the Gentiles at it was t,o the Jews of old, Slake of .ion. and Georgo B. Wallace Prayer by Elder Joseph F. Smith. and will be preached to them "till tho Choir sung, "Come all ye Saiuts who and John T. Cnino his councilors. .fullness of the U on tiles is come in." dwell on earth." William E Idington, John L. Blythe, Pence Is oar motto, all the lime. We 0. Spencer. John Squires, Win. Howard ELDER ISAAC GKOO. lift ttp ibe standard of peace to the H. Folsom, Emanuel M. Murphy, Thos. Have world. no right to say lo a Wt It has often been said of us, and that E. Joseph L. Barfoot, Samuel Methodist, liaptist, or m. tubers of any truly, that we are a peculiar people. W. Jeremy, John II. Rumell, Miner G. Richards, ect. you shall not believe thus and so, Whenever God bad a people on ihe Wm. Thorn, Dimick B. Huntneither has any one the right lo say wo earth they were regarded as very pecu- Atwood, Theodore McKean and Ilosea ington, hall not enjoy our religion. Our work liar. Noah who predicted the Hood, members of Iho High Council. Stout, is not only for the salvation of the living Abraham who was prepared to offer his Klias Smith, President of the High tmt also tor the dead. God has reveal sou as a sacrifico to God, ami all Ihc e Priests' Quorum, and Edward d many glorious principles. Oners iho prophets, wboee works aro recorded in and Elias Morris his councilplan wheieby we can intend to the or the Scriptures, were regarded as singu- ors. Uinaneea of the gospql fur our progenit lar and fanatical men. Peter and the Jocph Young, President of the first ors. in the npiril, w ho did not hearth" Apostles, who testified that Jesus, who seven Presidents of tho Seventies, and gospel in tho flesh. Another is. the plait was crucified as an impostor, was the Levi W. Hancock, Henry Herriman, Awere considered very lbert P. Roekwood, Horace S. E. by whtcu our wives can be sealed to m Son of Col, dredge, for time and eternity, that they may bo foolish and peculiar persons. The plan Jaer.b Gates and John Van Cott, memouri in the morning of the resurreotion, of salvation which they preached then, bers of the first seveu Presidents of the and no man can claim his wife in that we preach now, and the Church of Seventies. great day unless she is sealed to hint in Christ as it was organized then, exists Benjamin L. Peart, President of the this life by the ordinances of the house here in these valleys of the mountains, Elders' Edward Davis and of God. If a man have several wives in and no where else in the wide world: Abinadi Quorum,his councilors. Pratt, succession in this lifo, and God gives uius we are a peculiar people, uoa lias Edward Bishop; them all to him in the next,' will there revealed the gospel from the heavens, Leonard W. Hunter, andPresiding Jessie C. Little Hardy be anything wrong in It, and if not evil restored the priesthood, and set tip. his his councilors. in that pure ami holy ondition, is it kingdom never to be thrown down for Samuel G. Ladd, President of the wicked to have More wives than one in ever, tiever to be given to another peo- Priests' Quorum; Wm. McLachlau and this probation? I say to the faints, be ple; and for this we have more reason James Latham his councilors. righteous, be pure, be temperate, be to be thankful to God than any other Adam Spiers, President of the Teachfaithful to Uio end, and we shall all re people on the earth. And we have ers' Quorum; Martin Leuziaud Henry 1. joice together in the presence of our nothing to fear, but ofTendiug the Lord. Doremus, his councilors. God. . All nations are in His hands, and if r, ( James Leach, President of the DeaPirighaoi City choir sung, 'Traise the we are faithful, humble and prayerful, con's Quorum; Peter Johnson aud Chas. Lord." j he will bear us off triumphant, no mat- S. Cram his councilors. KLDRR C. 0. BICH. , ter what powers of earth or hell arc for Brigham Young, Trustce-in-Trus- t It will be 40 years next April sinco I brought to bear against vs. I know that the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y was baptised into this church, during Joseph Smith was a Prophet of God and Saints. which time I have bean ffita the. Saiuts, that lirigham Toung is his legal sneers Truman 0. Angcll, Architect for the and I can say it has been a pleasure to sor, ana id it u we lottow ins counsels Church. me all the day long, for the intelligence and admonitions, we will bo led back Horace S. Eldredgc, Fresident of the and blessings we have rcoeived from into Ihe presence of God to receive Perpetual Emigration Fund to Gather God have been of such a nature as to glory and salvation. the Poor. sustain us in every (li.'liculiy, and give Brigham City choir sang, "Cp, awake, Albert Carrington, Historian nnd us joy. , It is a wonder to me, iu view of ye defender! of Ziou." General Church Reeorder, aud Wilford the words of tha Saviour, that "a good Woodruff, his assistant. IU1KU D. MO KENZIR. tree will bear good fruit," and in view A number of missionaries to the I feel that I nm in the house of my of the fruits produced by the gospel we were called, and sustained by the States me aro those who have embraced, that the world are noi friend' that, before siUut or do not acknowledge that the haTo elready proved that they are will- Conference. principle! we have received are good. ing to 'sacrifice home, friends and all Brigham City choir sang, "Behold he Happiuesa aad solvation are offered to that is dear as regards this life, for Ihe that keepeth Israel." tis in tha gospel; they nro the fruits of sake of the gospol and its glorious truths. msiior abram match. the spirit of God, and tbst spirit is to be I have no desire to say anything which It is but a few jcars ago when we ob'ained by submitting to the ordinam would add lo the excitement already ces of the house of Go 1. Some people stirred up, as I believe, maliciously and were driven from Nauvoo, When we Object 10 our being led by Joseph Smith without cause. I would rather "pour were stayin on the bauks of the Misor Brlgham Youiig. If the people of God oil on the troubled waters." And I can souri, the best house we had was a small were led by tho jjvophet of ,o!d, why say oonoerning the Governor and his log building covered with dirt. Look should we not be willing to be led? It staff, that I would be thankful if they at us now, and look at our leader Presiwould be a strange thing if God had a would repent, and I can ask with all dent Young. His name is known for good kiugdom of peoplo ou the earth,, and sincerity, "Father, forgivo them, for, or evil all over the earth, an! we have We are a would not leud them or tell them what fcssureuty, they know not w hat they do.' become a great people. Ho wanted them to do. 1 can bear tes- The speaker then bore testimony to the people, in the county which I we have not had a law timony with tljoij; yho have preceded private virtues, temperance and integri represent me, that those men I have named, are ty of Prest. Brigham oung, and attri suit for three years. We have only one bnted much of his influence, as the lawyer there, he was too poor to buy a prophets of God, and that if hearken to Qol's' counsel, and live our father of this people, to his marriage law book and has become an honest religion, wo shall enjoy happiness and relations, which were the very opposite miller. We have had a great deal said Eminent jurists had about polygamy, and it has been shown peace, and, ' finally, salvatiou in tho of licentious. stated that the whole fabric of jurispru- that the Bible, which the Christian Kingdom of God. Choir sang the anthem "We will praise dence iu Christian nations had boon world profvss to believe, toaches that Thee." founded on the Bible. That book taught doctrine from beginning to end. A the doctrine of polygamy, and, at Ihe short time since, a man told Ira Ames Prayer, by Elder Geo. Q. Cannon. same time, imposed the heaviest penalthat he had quit drinking whisky. "Ira 2 p. m. ty There said, why dont you take dowu your iWalh, on the adulterer. Choir sang, 'Though nations rise and h nothing in ihe New Testament that sign then"? he had a very red nose. tneu sus aside the laws of Moses iu relation Aud I say if the Christian world wish ing bj the Tabernaole Choir. Prayer by Elder Orson Pratt. Choir sung, "See all creation join." new-fangl- y Oi-fo- Sncl-grov- '1 1! . - , j- I law-abidi- y we-wi- coa--pire- n i mi mia iimHMJ' th-- y oppose polygamy, why di.n't Eider take uown lip ii- sign the P Hatch corn-l- ied by brarin, testimony to the truth o!' this work. to - i.re-e- kinds. of Goo sister-- from pesti'eiiee of various I do not believe that the spmt will rest upon the brethren and if they use tea and coffee, liquor in that degree that it would abstained from them. The Lord what is pood for our bodies than we do. This subject is of than many ot us vat ion i i and to! if ; iiey BISHOP A. O. SMOI T added his testimony to the truth of the knows better gospel mid exhorted the .saints to faithfulness. He did not wonder that the greater importune we observe what we might devil was howling when he saw the 'imagine. If small consider things, God will have foundaTemple of God rising above the bestow upon us great and us to tions. Every time we had attempted to regard became things. Jevil the house build that angry in regard to the 1 wish to say a word and looked around for tools to work The commenced. have we which He did not use the noble Temple with. railroad to the vicinity and wise and great, but such in- completion of the increased facilities struments as were most suited to his of tiie quarry gives ot tins building ami the for rotistruction and live would purpose, but the saints I feel that wo lo push the work ought dead. were enemies there when triumph forward with greater rapidity than forBr:ghaiu City Choir sung "Hard times 1 am merly. glad to know that it is the come again no more." determination to build a Temple at St. EI.DKB W. C. STAINES, George dining the coining winter, so Most of you are aware that I have that those who live in that distant resome time on emigration gion may not be compelled to come to been absent business. I with my brethren vvho this city to attend to the ordinances of assisted me have been greatly blessed the Lord's House. That these Temples in our labors. Although there has been may be built it is necessary that we pay a great deal of sickness on the sea only-on- our tithing. The Lord is not satisfied of our ships has been detained in with spasmodic contributions, but re inifiiuntine and that but for a few hours. quires the tenth of the increase of His and there has only been two deaths and puople, not for the aggrandizement of one was that of a very aged person. In men but for the purposes I have named. mixinz with prominent men in the com- Aud if we do this our land will continue mercial world 1 found the prevalent to be blessed and our crops andfiuits feeling was to let the Mormons alone. will continue to be healthy and abundI found a very ant. We have been greatly blessed. Among the Methodists bilter feeling, and the opinion that we God has made of this desert a fi uitful must either give up polygamy or be field. We have had prosperity, good Now what order and abundance, and though we forced from our possessions. are we going to do? It is a part of our have been afflicted' with grasshoppers religion. Shall we ajijieal to men in we have been sustained as no other high places? No. We have done that people would have been under similar before in vain. We will appeal to the circumstances. In this I recognise the Lord, and as far as I am concerned I hand of God. The servants of God have always teen will stand by my religion. God will not because the world sustain us. lie will sustain our leaders persecuted, and his blessings will rest upon us. thought they were virtuous, but became Amen. they regarded them as criminals. So it Choir sung the anthem "Sing ye is now. But there is one thing that never has been done, a righteous people Jehovah's praises." never sought to destroy and persecute a Prayer by President Geo. A. Smith. wicked people. It is the wicked who have exercised power to destroy the Sunday, 10 a. m. Choir sang "0 God our help iu ages righteous. I bear this testimony that no matter what may be our fate, past." whether we are martyred for the truth Prayer by Elder Lorenzo D. Youn . Choir sang "Sweet is the work, my or live to see the Kingdom of our God roll forth, this work will uot fail but God, my King." will continue, and this Priesthood we KI.UER JOHN TAYLon. bear will be perpetuated until Jesus At this conference are gathered the shall reign on the earth. authorities of the various settlements in Tabernacle choir sung "The Lord tiiis Territory, to represent themselves reigneih." and, their people; also many persons Prayer by President Geo. A. Smith. from different places, who have come to We to not listen. meet, conspire against 2 p.m. any one, nor to establish or advocate any Tabernaclo choir sung, "Arise, 0, pet dngiiia. but to take into consideraZion." tion the best means lo advance the cause glorious by Elder Geo. 'J. Cannon. Prayer of truth and build up the kingdom of choir sung, "Arise, my Tabernacle The go.-p-i l we have God on the earth. soul arise." embraced is like its author, the Great The Sacrament was administered. Jehovah, eternal and unchanged. It was El.DKR ORSON PRATT made known to us by revelation, aud that light and intcil'gence from l lie Holy Read the last chapter of Malaehi, and Ghost made manifest in the beginning, selected the last two verses as a text. Many long centuries have passed awa has continued up to the present time. Truth is the same yesterday, and since mankind were favored with a forever eternally, unalterably, unchange- divine message. During this long period of time many thousands of millions ably fixed. God has revealed to us as have gone down lo the tomb, and to the ancients, those eternal truths which per tain to our relatkniship to God, their spirits into the eternal world, to angels, and to eternity, and as one of there to be judged according to the light, old said, "these are our witnesses (these received by them in their duv. We are thousands asseiubled'here) and also the living in the day when the Lord Jesus is to be reveille 1, in that day designated Holy Ghost which bears record of the The gospel you have by Maiachi, when all ihey Unit do w ickthings of God." received is no idle theory, no vain phan- edly shall be burned up and left neither Be fere that great and tom, but the truth of God, administered root nor branch. before dreadful the ton of God day, by the power of tiie holy pr. est hood, which fills the bosom with joy, litis the shall unvc.l his iaee and cause the curveil that bides the unseen world, and tain that hides eternity to be rolled up, unfolds to us visions of glory, immortality according to the words of our text the and eternal lives, and the power of these Lord is to scud Elijah the prophet, who truths in our bosoms caunot be changed is to turn the hearts of the fathers to the children, and the hearts of the chilby any earthly power, nor any combination of any kind. It is said by some dren to their fathers. Who was Elijah? that we do not advance with the intelli- a man of like passions to ourselves, yet a man of God. clothed w ith Ihe power gence of the age. God deliver mo from of inspiration, w ho had power to prevail the infidelity and corruptions social, with Go 1, and who was up political, and every other kind embodied in a chariot of fire to finally taken heaven, to be re in the "intelligence of the age;'' served, in his body, to go forth to the we want none of it. We want the religion of Jesus Christ and the revelations earth in the latter day as a messenger of God, and to so live that we can face before tho Lord .should come. In the the world, and be not ashamed to face early days of the Church, w e were comGod himself. There is no faltering in a manded of God to build a temple in servant of God, you cannot make him Kirtlaud after tho pattern revealed by the Lord to his servant. In their poverquail. We live here in our own houses, the Saints built that temple, which ty aud under our own vine anil fig tree, and nono can make us afraid: they would stauds to this day. When it was comlike to, but cannot do it. When certain pleted and dedicated to God. and the armies were sent after an ancient proph- Elders were nti.cred in from every et, his servant was seized with a trem- place, the Lord manifested himself in a wtnderful maimer. The Elders beheld bling at the knees, and wanted to know w hat was to be done The prophet asked legions of angels, and iu vision beheld God to open the young man's eyes. The things which arc io take place dowu to Lord did so, and he saw the armies of the coming of the Lord Jesus, and there heaven around, and exclaimed, "The the Prophet Elijah, came, iu giory into chariots of Israel and the horsemen the, congregation and committed to thereof." If any of you should be seized Joseph Smith the keys of turning the with a little trembling, get a little more hearts of the fathers to tneir children. Then was revealed a doctrine new to the religion, go to the Lord, got your eyes Tf;tler-daSaints, but which existed beand you will exclaim Hoanna! opened, Hosanna! Hosanna! to God, for He rules fore the foundations of the world were and reigns: Zion shall riso and shiue, laid. Through the traditions of Chrisand the glory of God shall be upon her. tendom we had been led to believe that He shall reign till He has put all enemies those wdio died without the gospel, were under His feet. May the blessings of lost to all eternity, and there was no God rest upon all who favor ion, and hope for them. But when El jah came w e learned that there was hope for those Hi wrath be upon their enemies. Amen. the vail, and our hearts swelled behind Brigham City choir sang "Hark ! the w ith gratitude and joy, and praises to song of jubilee." our God. We learned that the living BLUER GEO. Q. CAN'XOX. must perform in the flesh that which our A spirit of pence, of resignation, and fathers did not perform while the;' lived of confidence, has rested upon those here. That spirits can believe nnd rewho have spoken and upon those who pent, but not attend to ordinances dehave uict together in tho Tabernacle signed to be attended to In this probaduring this Conference. The Lord has tion. Baptism and marriage and other chosen us from the midst of the nations ordinances must bo performed in the of tho earth and placed upon us the flesh. The same gospel preached to us name of his sou Jesus Christ. He has in this life will be proclaimed to all the revealed to us tho truths of the ever- nations t lr.t have departed. They will lasting Gospel and the spirit of it has not all receive it, but all will be rested down upon us in power. I would by it in the great day of thejudged Lord. rather be a Latter-da- y Saint and enjoy Those who heard it not in the flesh will the peace aud blessings of God, even if I hear it in tha spirit; those who heard it lived but a very shor. time on the earth, in the flesh and rejected it, after than have long life and the riches, popu- beaten with many stripes, and being being larity and influence that aro sometimes punished in "outer darkness," will have lo be gained by following the ways of another opportunity to hear it and there the world. There has not anything will be for them a day of redemption, been said during this Conference" upon and for all except the sons of perdition, a subject that is very important the who deny the Holy Ghost after Word of Wisdom." God has given to received it. For them there is no having us a word of counsel, which has'now be- ness, either in this world, or theforgiveworld come a commandment in regard to our to come; they will be angels to the dvil, diet. In view of the glorious future be- and will serve him while devils exist. fore us how ueeessary it is that we P.ut for the benefit of all others, tho should observe every counsel that will Lord has revealed through Elijah, the make us a wise and healthy people. Tiie doctrine of baptism for the dead. When results which arc to follow obedience to those holding the Holy Priesthood shall counsel this are long life, wisdom aud pass away, liko Jesus they will preach :a:.-o- r 1 y the gospel to the dead, that the fatherut may ooino up iu tho resurrection in thf saii.ii covenant with the. children u.?! will pei form lor them the necessary ihnanccs, and all will come up i ,h n, place, uppointed according i works, in the great celestial family o, gauizatiwi. Some to be kings and pri,8,' unto God; others as servants and mini, tering angels not holding the sceptre God has ordained th'i 1 power. build holy temples to His name, that our baptisms for our dead may be perfermed in an acceptable manner, as ordained before the foundation of the world Shall we attend to these ihirigs, flr ,J we be slothful and forget our deod' Remember Ihe words of Joseph, that un' less the hearts of the Latter-daSaim" are tinned to their fathers, that' shall lose our portion, nnd they will t up in judgment against ns for neglect ing the great work revealed to us br Elijak. May God bless you in stirrine vou un to search after vnnr and remember that after you have dou your pan, u.e 1,0111 win reveal to us the names of our Fathers, thut we muy the work necessary for their redemption. Brigham City choir song, "Bow beautiful upon Ihe mountains." Elder Geo. Q. Cannon rend the name of a number of missionaries, appoiutcJ: to labor tn the S ates and at home, wk were bustained by a vote of the Confer- o... ence. On motion of President Young. Conference adjourned till the fitht,. ut April nest, at 10 a.m., at the mme place. Tabernacle choir sung, "Rejoice- fm the Lord." Beuedictii n by Prest. Geo. A. Smitb. - The Crniilie C ommem-cd.- . On Monday last, at two p.m., Presto Brigham Young appeared ia the Court room over Faust's stable, Salt LakeCily, before the Third Dis'rict Court then in session. Au innneuse crowd was outside, but ouly about fifty persons were admitted, as the building had been pronounced unsafe for a public assembly by the Inspector of Public Buildings. Hon. T, Fitch, of the counsel for the defence, Mated thai ihn defendant wss in Court, mid asked that he be admitted to bail. The Court accepted W. Jemiiugj. and J. din Sharp :s snrities, and fixed the amount of bail at !?C,(X'0. Mr. Pitch then read u plea in abatement setting forth that the grand jury which found Ihe indictment wus not summoned and impannellcd according lo either the statutes of I'tah or any other stnlo.ti s, und its acts were invalid; thut one of its members had served on grand jury wiihiu two years previously, and that two others bud never been summoned. The Court, without hearing any from the pitsecnting attorney, overruled the plea. Tho defense filed an exception to the ruling. Major Hempstead, for the defense, moved lo quash ihc indictment, and argued, in support of the motion, that the indictment contained no less than sixteen separate charges of felony, rang ing over u pei iou ui eiguiciu jcuin, which was contrary to the established a rules of criminal jurisprudence, calculated to confuse Ihe defendant in, his reply to the cliarfe, and was manifestly and glaringly unjust, and that it was in the discretiou of ihe Court lo quash the indictment, or require to elect one of the eaargesi in the indictment, aud confine the prose-c- ut ion lo it. , Yesterday, Baskin, for the prosecution-was to reply, and Mr. Fitch to make the closing rejoinder. l"p to going. to press we have received no further advices as to the proceedings. Tho crusade against religion 'a V&a is now opened. What the iminediute re suits will be it is hard lo predict, but one thiug is certain the ultimate trw and of the discomfiture and truth umph whfc the of ignominy unprincipled gang are plotting ftgainst our liberties and; Constitutional rights. tfxf Dried Apricots and Teaches wanted at the Z. C. M. I., Ogden. They C3tf must all be peeled. fr03TAfT NOTICE. t M. I'EKSONS M HO KNOW TIIEMfEI.TBS indeblej to nm. nnil whom I Imrq rciobiuio- are nvtuosteil te come forward and millwithout delity, i'U wire cotu. 81-T. B. rtKLLER. ' iltl, I I'MUKK FOR tl TWILL Fl'HM?H ION' S MILL. Cottonwood, Weber Kunyon; or ut the Ogdan Depot, for $30 per 1,000 ft. by the Car Loud. Orders to be left at the Juxctios Office.. CLAYTON. SUf J. C. SWITZLER, Contractor and House Builder, OTHER H00PK3 ERKCT AND WILL the best style of workmen-Hi- p and with ditimtcli. He will furnish building materials or not, as parties nmy doeire. NONE HUT FIRST-CLAS- S MEN WILL BE EMPLOYED. WORK- Address: J. C. Swmaa, Leavitt'S Buildings, Maia' street, Oden. Silt |