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Show flh ,,Vt WKONHDAY and ,. t pirR0SE,Biniiiiw ivmiiiiiHicHtUins aiiM SATURDAY, Special to the Oora 1'acihc Maraptr, to whom nil shotiU I mlUreswd. u ii BY TELjmilAlW. J miction. qdcn a ' very good vxcrtoN by the Athtutic uix) Cuoij.nBy.j w j Ji ig' . " : r ' j i J the St. Louis Labor njv t Fatal Itailroaif Outrage in Tesas! Lively Times in the ' A fire able-bodie- T n pitirtu-facturin- g, ; Parliament Wheat taken lu payment. PIDCOCK, IBEE L.U ISiilldliio; Material, Doors, Crazed peaijO. r) f ' ; j ; i: , lo or5cr. , i Our yard on Main Street is supplied with a good assortment to meet the demand for UTAH CENTRAL Lumber, Lnlli, Siekets Shingles, efe. RAILROAD. . every 3IONDAY, .JULY IT, wilt ruv OiriVw t.iilr nt n.ai. ait Arrive at Pnlt t.ik tit) t lo a.n. and p.m. . - s i.- In aWiCon to , kill-luc- ' ' Iimi-taiin- m v,"' I'"''' ii ; Repiibiieati prj, ' Ca5K THE REST (JT'ALITV iool. Cash paid lor Hides nt our SMui TAXX K tl " LADIES' . P.E.RATIVB: institwiOn, OK ' FARES: . . Mixtl. 65 1.80 Ogden to Kaysville ... 1.70 Farmington , ,8-'- ) l.Oo Centrcville ... 2.05 " " AVoods Cross . 2:lo..,.Zil5 " iiSaltLakc ,',.J. 2.50.......1.S0 1 . fcct in Cash or its ... A Apply to Wixthiuip Farlet, one bloo't ittcTitliing Office (on the Bench), i' ; t 'Ogden. ; ,.vt East -- r dCTERINTUNDEST. . , . , . . 4S-- tf IXVI, UIIKELIIIJ. ' . STEAM RCA UTILE IflB C 31. licxt Doorj to, Z.; , . C5 OO 0 S .t;i,; MILL. D. JAMES & Co. ' I., FINISHING'" nt theLUMBER, Lowest Rates. - THE Pt'HJJC A .C HOICK of Gftierai Joi itaml eo, eousUtiug D RY mY Having removed their Mill to the White Pines nn Ihe Rear Lake Divide, ere now prepared to fill bills for the best TO 0FFKR3 DIVIDE. 1 . IS ii iu TIOI, LAKE- - BEAR city;i; , ! n, 1 '' I : t I l : . 'iitti af rtiWts tlitrrlititeot,! ( Witiesi'T.ratiditif.J oXa'awi vt nw httiujt eohl at l)l very Iti'.vt-s- orwwittle trkm. PrSt:riptioua carefully romptmiftt"! Iiy a Comiwtent brnpint. Alt to arttln with tbe OgUp 1 ty C'fc"pr;tliTc " ' Institution. E. 1SAU.APTYXE, iunntt'li-atel- y 8uir:ntendnt. 40-l- HOUSE of s.Trxnrn, nt Mit bOT, THHKR EIK.KS in jtlrwl. Knqmre nf .1, H. AND R. r. "- -, on. p3f Tit. Ladiei of Norlhorn litali ar. lirvllcd tu tuil aad innperf batura TUB SEHVirKS rw!rully , turt luaut j or ; ' AXTJ TO TIUPB (.I)Ky PltoPBU- fur HKAL F.S'fATK in 81. Unin. Uu., Ar iu Curiiiglun, hniHf k;! J lutva a tbuh o WHO Vt CITY LOT IN COVINGTON, KY., ' ojipoalte Cincinnati; and several Sim ' City Lois in Si. Lotil, Mo.f ":' also Cro or iix liuh'Irt m it. of ; , FAI.3IIXU XAXD, ; in (tort of SJiMwiri, upll witttivtl auil timlixrwl aitli auk, ltii;kuiy autl aulitut, uf auiiprltir growth. 1 Iikvo ii 11 tm tind a Itirc aPortirwirt of I'mnpi lniilii!t-ub- i awl Farm-Ut(- ! and I'ipinx, A Miwhinary, of the hitwt liii)riiVfmiW. All "f nity i f the aliure proNSy I wril trUa fur Beal Iliil ill Oploll, I'titlt. For ntiartim a. etaiatilt I1AYID M. STl'ART, at. my nililrnM, A. J. Kurthaw, 2,m Ntntli Utu Stf Ixtuia, iltt. Mrwt, , , N0TICK. tVHlr IT MAY tXtNORIlS. THAT CAMI' ct llu hniotnl t'nclm Kutry lur tha l'itvtu-it- a mart May loth, IS71, amhteo'in; ouiinl.v. t'tnlt, theetut half ufl. W. quarter of Boc. 77, ml Iwlf W, nm of uiirtu-w- t qtiartr nfhalfSwt.i of 27, trt wt qwirtttr "f Sit. 3 half of twll.vrtwt quartw f Pee. 5, vtwl half of atitrflt Wttlt qu.irtw of Soc. au, atuth-wap qtmftnr ef north.Wtt.tt qartrtiT t,f Stv. 2H, 'f'iu-.nNurth Baiiyt; 1 txliliiiitlin; Mil T It, baa iKK-- ntart lu tru't fur the IiiIiuImImiH, and it of iB lute tu any iHiw rvatly to In illt-ior priKua onillltl thGrfttt. All pprm cltuinliiK to hcownwj, or pumcwur vf any porutii, at uii eutry, will tnke da xttlaii anil niiiko applicatiun, aa ptuvitiwl U tha .Intnl.. : ' ufL'tHb. MM. D. HENDRICKS, ' 1871. Rk hliwnJ, Hay 'Mil, Mayor. , rpL !!. prta NOTICE. IT MAY aiXCKR.Vi-TIJ- AT CASH rV) WHOM Ko. tel Town Silo, Vvllavii;. Hty, J. Kntry, Apchitiwt and Bniltt'tr, will Oct aa Cache Omntv, I'lah, mail Ma)r loth, li71. 1 ami V; H. E.'i 8 U N. E. ' ttatl our A pun i iu gait oif City. T.. K !. JV. V an.l P. E. N. W. V, 3; W. J j .. W. yA Hi V. .N V. i anl U i 4 tjw. ii; V. W. '4 er. 11; N. t. Vi ami K. ' i .W. 14 Tj.. In N; W i, F: W. St. ;oaitt S E m lection St.4 iu Toiviiiiliip 11 Nortli uf Runic ! W.oontntnm;; 'JIT I't)!S'r..S?I0 ONE BAY llfiOacrr him tteu male in trat for Ihe iohnhi-tnotTHAVE )dlxmt cvm antl i anw rnuly to ha ttiiipq.ail of la lota yrars etri; .ha Itaa nna antl tw Snantitlj hrattrt on lo any pursuit or persons ontitletl thereto. Hpauiih .ittttildHr, hratitta tn luft tlt'ga. If Ihe ahttve itimt.il tumim! Ail poraoua rlnimltt ti Nt the o n.r or poattea-ao- r i nnt elatmetl tvltirp.tha Ulit of any portion ot eaitl entry will taki dm day of Aujunt, 17 1, ItwMI ii trnltl to defray txnfiift. notice antl irtnke tha ttppiiratitmaapixrvitleti tu thi A I.FRBD WARIi. Wtllard t'itr, FUttuUo-e- f Utah. WtliUAM MArf.nW, Mror. I)o Blttw 0"., t'.T. F(nail kMr. Vr.llsvilln, Mny It, KT1. Hi !t P. ESTRAY. ln FOR SALE. ONE F'xirth Stret,OgtIvu, will rnceiva prunttt attvnlion. llr. fa. P&VL, iturties imli't ttil to the lnt and 3rd anil P.fl 2nd Ward Shtrin arc rt'iinwKd AH HOSIERY & FANCY GOODS. .. ' .o-tio- , A ' GROCERIES, HARDWARE, Orders filled tt the u ill or delivered in Ogden City. TINWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, K? Teams wanted to haul IlntS Clothing, Faiiejon Share i'roui lite Lumber cte. r Mill to Oden. TILE i)RU(nHvilTMKNX .. , CmnprMiHa lVtl mm raplV tirtaiit ot ' aati )ripi i ' 'All Orders atldnwad to ' I'juiHf,, ,U'l, ,'nrmMien, Gninliea and .1jiwv tant'ir attains, i it , 15AHNAIU) WIIITK, 1 i sitat.-- FEW liOOI HANDS WANTED. LOGGING JO'iliM SHARP, 6GD3Si;r' r?H CEDAR POSTS 'or Sale. Wbeat, Oais, ISnrlcy, etc. tahen iu pa.yinent. IMPORTANT OFFER Fitr all Information ctmirerniug Freigut or apply to D.O.CALDF.n, I " kol end Freight Agent. Gau l ' T a i Otloit, or rtut It, va hveu mikakw! iu tlid Mlltlurry It i trluii uL, Drtraaiiiuluir will It lu aud a Firat-ciai- u tu mviva tnlra. A t lit In. ijuod. nmi irrii-tS.f ia.)ttrttU. equivalent. Also I'tuwTip'r' will pleao purcluua their tickota at the cfli'- -, Fifty eon's altUtimil will t ofcarget) wbua the iuu is eollectatl on the train. t ... is $20 to $23 per 1000 feet, and nt tho Yard from $30 to $40 per 1000 . favreinsnr. 3Iain Strert from Rear Lake Divide, near Mount Naab, for Sale nt the Mill, from & a.m. unit fi p.m. aud IjATiii6 Option City nt Salt Luke City 'at S a.111, aud i.90 p.tn. , i) WIIITI Mm DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) ' for" 1 ; f irn is now in operation, ntainilaetunng uiotu t has been removed to ,t MIXED TRAINS k, Sa-ie- Woolen Factory.; 'Oii I&Io?k r,nst of tlio 00-- 0 TitliineOiHee. 011 iliellcneli, . Uie abovti, , . dining THE WHITE PHTE LUMBER YARD , .i j OfJll of superior ijnahty. EEMOYAL! :.80l..m. LniisFtilt Luke CUytlaflrat 5 n.mnn'l M&jin. Arrive at Ojifeu at 7 aju. mi l i.H f m. , j ! 1 Street t Oyden, The llixkeM Price paid business hours.; day, Civt hiiu a Uf S Tiwind A HOME MAN UFACTDEES i 31 din ON AND ATTEH 8.RO BRICK A m CITY i at iba If. D. SCOVILLE can be seen ,. Office, OF PIOA KKIt , -- Ntravraitd t'arpets, 9So!iiiito liar,Curtain) unl first-pic- -- t)iptleit, IJsIJs of lituatber, elc., .! j IlarHti, 11. Count Ton Moltkeis dangerously ill. j nioti-emtio- , and CAPS, indies E -- j unii ien(s Ladies', Child C'alifornia and other KOOTti ANI KllOfilS, ! Mnr-gettsa- i ' J unlet I : " SHOE DEPARTMENT i r ", Fine Shawl, ale SfurHcMles, j 61-t- . SUMMER - I their large and welt- just received, Con- "-- ' sisting, in part, of Call attention to . assorted Stouk, ' ' ' UTAH, am! a full cotuplemunf of ; Have just received the largest assortment : GOODS of Furniture ever brought into this City, eeuntry like England. in the House of Lords, the Marquis of all of which will bo sold at figures to Hipon made a lengthy argument in favor satifefy the most economical of purchasers of the ballot, in the course of which, he For Prices see Handbills. referred to his experience iu the United States in most pleasant terms, and paid '' is coaiplfto in a compliment Is American institutions. ' N.B. Ail kinds of Carpenter and Job Earl Shaftshury made a demand for Work neatly executed, on short notice i Ilsf4e two minutes time for the discussion of and reasonable terms. reitM , the question of ballot." ' A vigorous debate ensued, participated iu by tho Lord Chancellor and various other Peers, and ECCLES & . strong expressioQs in relation to the bill M11 la artf were made 'on all sides. utroi't, Oipiea. Finally, the SIIinerH House divided, and the bill was rejected. r The majority against the Government tasi II. B. Si'otiuju J. Wiuj.s. was 4'J. .. , , , and all the latest styles. London, 11. ' Also . WILLIAMS & SCOVILLE, t: Tho Duke of Somerset, in a speech 1IATM , delivered in the Iloue of Lords last Muniiliieturers r.ud Dcolere iu . I .SundownM, night, described Mr. Gladstone's Government as the most unlucky that ever Av.t AillstoirM, existed whoso aruiy can't march uud GcntM FanamaM. . whose ships can't swim. The annual procession, which was to have taken place at Londonderry toYViisdow morrow, on the anniversary of raising Khadets. liioiiege of Londonderry iu' 1C8'J,1 has IVitstaOtvK, lieen prohibit by special order ,of ;the A Government as disturbances ,vere NEf LOT OF READY-MADetr, ote. CLOTH1N0. The authorities of tbexiity have vectiivci insmiotioui to rigidly enA full Stock of OROER1KS,; liARD force order, and permit no 'processions '. it f 1 '" :i " ..":! t -- .: 7 WARE, etc., etc. r lo form iu the streets on tliatdat; every Out Mil) is now running aud, we are Call and EinmiiK, prepared to furnish ; precaution ill being l.akeu to preserve ss I 1 Attt ' Main Street, Ogden, Cardtvell, Secretary of War, spoke in defence of tho English military system as compared with that of Prussia. The latter, he said, was not suited to a free in 1 ' CABINET WORK, UPHOLSTERY, etc. etc. Poplins, (;rcnatline4 therefore yet uiicertain. i DRY GOODS i " GROCERY to-d- ! . d goid-pay- ' Dealers Philadelphia, 10. litis afternoon destroved the soap works of John Uuelbile, the ' dressing works of Mathew Huni-be- r, and A ten numdwelling houses. AMERICAN t ber of other building were seriously ' '!f. L'bhIs, 10. damagod. Loss, $.30,000, insurance ,f a dramatic treat. '' The National Labor Convention have slight. a as a Uot organStobk! Drugs, adopted Liquor platform, political New your Kew York, 11. ' which l It ey propose lo go to be felt end Groocries at: the City Drug Store, ization, upon Considerableanxiety begins 03-t- f before tho country next year. It de- concerning the'ateanier "Queen,'' which Main street, Ogden. clares against all class legislation for the had not arrived up to a late hour last and to the in- night. All persons knowing bent fit of Attention. Among the passengers were themselves in debt to me can liquidate jury of producers; that all Judge Dowlinir, Lydia Thompson and in o.llig"iit persons should coutriuteto her troupe of Knglish blondes, besides tbefame by taking w heat to tho Ojrden tho common slock, by useful industry, a several well known New Yorkers. The M I s aud forwarding me o receipt of the sum or quantity equal to their own sup- "Queen" belougs to the National Line, W. 11. l'lKcocK. me! Co-- 4 port, and that legislation should tend, and although a favorite ship is well as faf" t.s possible, to au equitable distri- - know n to be old and alow. She sailed , . . . L Marshal uuiwmoi me ruruius. ii uenouneea uc from the other side on the "Cth and was Anctuku Cuazy Move. emof end relation due on Wednesday. A large number of presen't employers Patrick has demanded, and undvr pro- ployed as practically the same as lor- -' Judge Dow ling' friends have been exllockwood Warden obtained, master and slave. It pecting him lor the past t wo days and test from stigmatizes all hggregalion of capitalfor have spent tko greater part of the last possession of the Territorial Penitentiaas n onopolies, and classi- forty-eighours in the police boat was built principally out of any purpose, ry, wliich fies tbeui as bauking, railroad, "Seneca," cruising about (Sandy Hook. Marshal's the Ono of funds. territorial ;land, (joimiieroial and,' grain The delay will tend to make the welcome followed monopoliis. . all the more warm, No one familiar deputies, Firman by name, has as remedies for? these with the running of this steamer has propose They demanding by this illegal proceeding evils the wi: hilrawal of nil currency not any idea as yet of any accident. possession of the Territorial prisoners, a full legal tender, and a govern iiielttal The Washington correspondence of and, in dufianca of the Warde ,'s protissuance of a paper currency vhich the TriLune snys Secretary lioutwe.ll, ii incarcshall he a legal tender tor the payment conversation with a senator, f(ib est, has seized one of them and c(fer of all debts, pub!; and private, duties on him yesterday, remarked that the erated him. If the Marshal and hi on include!,-animport, interchanged public had been misled by the letter of foot in it" deputy haven't "put their, at tlie option of tiilC.3ioldee for three per l'leasantou to the, President, in, regard to how know to die character of the misunderstanding gue. cent, ynvertnuetit tOnds.' prttty deep we don't If advocates . he to afford tho between wait,, Secretary aud the late ComJr. Itoekwood can in strict accordance, w iththe lawslirteeit missioner. ' The idea that tho difference knows what he is about and will have wiiic&'it was origitiily Ji'ractitnl was an illegal one is i piistike. No The lots of fun when his turn comes. gold wiici c. tl'at wriceiuty proaiiscu,' discussion en any legal point' has'taken Warden is relieved from considerable but all other indebtedness, uicludipglhe, place between them, uor Has the differbond, to be paid ence about contracts, onfy two contracts trouble and the Marshal has found a Iiiiucipl of the at the earliest option of government in being ever sent by Guneral 11 aaanton congouial occupation. legal tctiilers, without funding iD long to the Secretary; one for stamps which bonds or iu any way increasing the was immediately returned approved, nnd Wastkd 10,000 lbs. dried peaches, or untaxed obligations of governone for paper, which, as the Secretary 00-t- f II. C. Wardleiga & (Vs. ment; preserving inviolate the public do- was himself wsll informed in regard lo main to actual settlers; a tariff revenue it and knew it to bo improper, he reHow ir Ended. The man whose wife nlnue; restraining, or if necessary abol- turned unapproved It has all atony ran away with a gambler, followed the ishing, corporate monopolies; inierdict-ing'clabeen known that while l'leiu-auto'and ltjgislation, pu'ijecting the niili-- . the Secretary have been differing about c'.opers to Kelton with the avowed deterto thetivil authorii iej; reduoinithe the coustiuo'ion of n law.l'lcasahtcil has mination to etile the hash of the robber tary nriti"' to a sltietiy pace stamianl,tien writing letters to the l ress, jjivin-- ; of his peace and his ptet of frailty. He confining iu operations tnint ioiui pur-- 'j his own in'ei pretation ofriiem. JJoutweil AtmilJ "let daylight, through him," ' put poses a. oner retiuiniig Hie expenses t asked for his 'removal on' the rouml" and so forth, an future wars to bs collected from the' that ho was mismanaging his oflito, j 1 large hea l on him" j wealth ot the the Indian policy The Italinns have fully resolved to aso on. (hi his arrival ;it Kelton he found to be fouuded country; on natural justice; pro-- ; sert their privileges of public parade in Mi i n .It- - liibitin" anil mi ) , no i ,3 .1 n tho" importation of coolies or spile of the discouraging refusal of with a board and a other servile labor; oncourneins thei Mayor Hall to review them, August tapiiialcd dug-ou- t, of effort in building op the -- oth has been selec'ed as tho day lor llauket for sweot repose, lie knocked industries of the country; granting a the occupation of Homo. It is iutended at the door, and was asked "who's general amnesty, and tiio inimedtate with no partisan meaning, but marking litre. lie replied in a monosyllable restortio;i of thetjnion on the basis.of the unity of Italy. A rumor is afloat ftenat abbreviated. He wag informed equality of right ead privileges lid a lb that iua HfUernian intended 10 attack lit couldn't come in ; and to his earnest r.lasgee aud intereste: the creation of a' aoy procession of Italians a" they would board of management oC,aurrenay"aii(t; coiuurue ii as an in in It lo tho Pope and application for a brief talk jvith his lost revenue, t consist ;$r suct !i numtier oi Cayinhdl liorcli.but no basisfortlie state Delilah, her new admirer forcibly inintelligent 1usiness men as may be neces-- 1 raetil call be- found. ' The Italinn cortt- formed hi in that if he didn't 'git',' Led ary to transact the rinauuia! a Hairs of mifteo of arrangenients have extended a "boot the life but of biui." The val- the Government in all its , details, the genefiriiivpatiim to' all soc'leiios, milisame rule to bo applied U the posi ntiioe tary and "civin, tp join them. iant victim turned away, not in linger, and interior departments as far ah Tnsy FOREIGN. Ibal in grief; l.e burst into tears, and be practicable; the secretaries of the reto be of London, 10. raid the jeera of the Keltonites, repairpresidents spective tiiipartments made a motion in the Comboards. such Disraeli ed te the platform and waited sorrowfulThe up train of Ihe Houston Great mons to inquire if the royal warrant ly for the return train,' turned his back Northern Railroad, pushing tivi flats abolis hing the army purchase system on Kelton, and came back on tho cars, containing ofhcei s of the coinpany,..jvas was not issued without statutory power, minus bis adored oue, minus revenge, thrown oil the track by obstructions which w as rejected after a vehement displacel on it by inaliciou? persons, fifteen cussion, during jvhich DieMeli said Ihe ind minus the respect of everybody ac- utiltw nltnVA llntiutnn Tr.T:tn ll. ( Ct. Lords had ba,n juggled out of their is-- J quainted with his boastings and his Vouni. President, and Mr. Wil.-oj- i. privileges by jhe abjise of the royal pre:. sistaut civil engineer, were killed, f Tiur rogative. ner. brakesman is fatanv, CM Russia is arming extensively and has Gentine. Fine English Ales on E. Nublc. chief lirobnbly nnd Supt. formed an alliance with France against engineer, taught at W. H. l'idcock's, Main St., Vi'orih were severely, and others slight- Germany and Austria. ''i'ien. f Uoundell Palmer is appointed counsel ly hurt. Tblumbus. 0 . 10. and Earl Russell arbitrator on the part CMir-nOuold friend HiV The coroner's jury in the ItiiflVuber-ge- r of England in the ease of toe "Alabama" ' Mr. E, JJ, Marden, membors of ... , poisoning case has concliitleil its in- claims. a that and verdict rendered ,. , , . Versailles, 10. . .. , 'he Salt Lake theatrical vestigation new company The court martial has sentenced arsenic was administered to Bitffengcr performing in Ogden called to seo us bv some person or persons unknown. Room;, former Mayor of Puteaux, to '! I penal servitude for life, the. official Pleasant gcritleriieit and Prof. "Wormly end Dri VuJIina'W'cfce .wterdHy. . . . f i i tlormers .i . .i ' n talented withal. Come ngain, and often. only material witnesses. Ihe prosecutor navmg insisteu tuai tue was that of the language of tha, accuei, testimony, divested of details, " he foun'4 inl!;V,,omaV1Vt,'ri'not entitled him to some favor.. Cm- - Dbuo SfOBts 9oe advertise-"en- l Evidence has been given, in the case enough to caiie death under ordinary of Diiver and Nellis in this, issue circumstances, of Assi in relation to his conduct upon New Orleans,. 10. , the occasion of the strike at LrvCrcus-so- t. "'the IuNCTtOi; m , ....it A fend bptw'ecri Ihe two'wings of Ihe The prisoners complain bitterly of resulted yesterday in the comments of the press upon their party nrpiiblican St.iniK Scale. The descent to the holding of t wo separate conventions. cases. Arno in The Shang-k'- e Tho state cenl'riU committee hail calle'l t An appeal has been received from cntiy; also rapid. vote at Corinno last year was 800, the regular convention to meet at the Buenos Ay rea, setting forth the terrible Custom. House bu.ldyig, the entrance, to ravages of the yellow fever in that coun1 "d'yenr it is 70. w hich Man guardod.iit an early Liiitr Ay try, and asking donations in aid of the the U. S. Marshal and a number of de- stlfi'ei ers. putes, together with two companies of It is in evidence before the court mar"Runs and Rollicking. Yesterday the Gov. Warnioiith tial, that the Central Committee, of the Suit U. S. infantry. afternoon an old tnan named George and his followers were denied admission national guard of Paris ordered the asil the regular sassination of Generals Lecomte and frylor, w ho had imbibed too much by the deputy marshaf-ttrrtorand Clement Thomas. of hour consequently meeting, out three ladies ef scared nearly In thefA'Ssewblvl Vctillari sub"eir wits by his uproarious, but nfi'eo ganized another convention at Turner Hall, which eleoted Senator Pinchback mitted i tiiolioo proThUog far ii spontahonute deinotistratious. herilf Brown President; and after strong speeches de- neous assemblage of Council Generals, the lively old gent into custody nouncing the action of the U. S. Ma- in case the government should be overCuitoro Tlog'sf officers, fr"resolu-tio- n thrown. Tho decentralization bill was ml provided, him with private lodgings rshalled was parsed renuestii)g;Sen.tot Wet finally passed by the Assembly. ia "e public jail.' A dispatch' lo the minister of war, the next CofigresS'a to; itifroduce-infresolution of inquiry directed to the from Gen. Lnllerman I, commanding in "ks and Lmooas. The Tery test Presideut and other officers of. the Algeria, reports a brilliant victory orer! od Liquors imported into Uitk infoiaiation with regard the, Insurgents tl JVejt i i, o be obtained at the Pioneer I)rug to the use of the Custom House, for Advices from Algeria report continu- . stsre. . 67.tf convention and 'he hhthtifjfy given the ed improvements in the. situation of af....... ( U. S. troops to suppress the couention, fairs. Twteii The motion for Ihe prolongation lo The Jryrnox 11 Another resolution was referred, def h&hcd friend Johnson; nouncing the removal of the U. S. off- three vears of the office of Thiers as Clief Exeeiitive; il probably be intro ' ' icials here. ", correct.1" ' ;' '"; A Tho Custom Ilotifto convention, nfler duced in the Assembly is made for the herein resigon adopted provision TTarnSoulh, bitter speeches S The best Tin Buckets resolutions goaranteeinp lo place in tree nation of Thiers, in the event of Ihe disTr icipM ted.Jor Stamped sule at the Z, C. M. I., n solution of the Assembly before the exschools' eVery chiltl, approving tlio "S'JCO. 6 8 if piration' of his term of office. of Ihe State debt to ' Munich, 10. to preserve Governor the upon calling ooo roit Kkltox. Keltcn Toted the War-moLouis goes to Schwandorf, in the King Governor that declaring peace, ""ighl People's Ticket last Monday. h no longer enjoyed the confidence Upper5 Piilaiiriatu, to meet ihe Emperor William orrlfis journey to Austrta.'anH i8 profane clucking among the of the Republican party, instructing for his escort him through the Bavarian Domin-iop- s. Grant for vole to delegates nghaee. nomination at the next Republican conVersailles, 10. and Peaches Apneoie vention, declaring the XevT Or leans j last In Ihe Assembly evening M. Z. the M. (J. ' 1 K Occlon. TJ.ry lUruf'&pi 4!'s' n1 loD4r the adnnp- - f Pammas au'upitied ft ino'ton provblinz Ihe asking British Parliament! nierly-betwee- PIDCOCK, and Itonll : ri t Oil 1 TO. nier-c)ian- ts n ConveitfjonL Z, C M. I RETAIL k J. H. ECOLES for losses sustained by the departments commissioners during the war, through New York, 10. to be appointed from tho people of each A llcrahl St. Petersburg letter mendepartment. The proposition was viotions ihe d.aeovcry of mi organization lently opposed by Victor Lefranc and MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS, with apparently well concerted C3lieme was not acted upon. aimed at t he Government of the Empire Loudon, 10. IVIsolosalc bus flail us 'indicated are, hkso . The Post Master .General innouuoca ' ciated with liie jurposes of, interuatiot. that the reduetion.vf telegraph tolls to at organfzati6n'son tfieJc'orif?VntixAiti'ou six pence for ten "words throughout the IS ALL KINDS Or . , j United Kingdom', 'will be made upon the tie arrests made were 'lioblemen, ami students, but the prisoners completion of tlw new general office, In i the House of Common manifested s totlJ ifrfloralice of the Gladstone, aiinoitHoe.d the postpotieuiei t objects for which the sveiety worked. of the Queen's departure for Ualmoral, Havana, 10. The Insurgent Generals, (juesadif and which bad been arranged for next week Fignerdo have been executed at Santia- in deference to the condition of publ e business, the date of the prorogation of go de Cuba. , Important Manifesto of fie-ueut- distribution ofithe .remuneration for-th- printing, and lbnukiug President Grant for liis protecting tlieui. Great Fire at Philadel- - to ? p1? f waiweir It Heart. pat on the Marble tli performers were and ike stage applauded. The Statue were was well played. excellent and the piece and full of fun, was liroly farce Xbe in Lis best trim and the audi phil. was home satisfied. As we hive pue went command we must tut little space ut our extended notice which the postpone the deserves. Tonight there performance the house will no doubt is a splendid bill, attend will partake who all and befall, k'ouw istratioiy to withdraw from it the federal ' |