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Show Zlt lubllhil &tn gunctici w WEPVEPDAT by (br (iniiEir wl l'ununuixa J'nivrf f. W. PEXlUteE, DuiineM eaminuuie.atiiH.1 should Biuiu ... 8 A ITEM Y Comi-ast- ffor tl 0n to I.atly Amtih! Fonr32ilc8 p'cc of the sk ull as large as a fifty He remained .uncon-- j cent piece. seious up to Sunday uo n, when bo Tl 'tw Ytlk Herald rtviv d, and op to 1 ntiay n on was Utica, : si wly ISuutu. Vmi u L -v ri .g. B:tp Professor pquiro returned en Holi- (lex. day i'nuu riikci isio, aud gives a A . to whom all ! la a i.aJ.ooit. rc aJdril. Jctctkw. account of the Mendelssohn una Conductor. thrilling uiudo there on the Fourth. eeiis-fi- The Chick in (he Hgs. ui 1 'mfifn-u- r Scjuire went up in tlu) Atlantic. A Miss Thuibtou went uptu nnoth.r b illoon at the same time. The two; Hlarted togflher i'rota roukeepie. Sijiiire ascended early to the cLmU. was 'Ihen hcciing tint Mi.-- s Thuri-tohim very fast, he not eOHTKIBlTSD BI 1'IULHABMO.SiC o great a What gave Meiide'isthn us eoutpusa 10 bis mimical aeuvitiei) the uuion, in the highest perfection, of three pit! which are usually prantei otily singly to Ditiii in the uieifure with which he cwtfuiiaiiduil ilieii'i. Sic ws as s a virpreut a a conductor, an he His lame as a contuoso and composer. When ence ductor is now world-wide- . his fine, firm lmti'1 grasped the bao.n, the electric fire of Mendelaholin'st nature HotnioJ to atreum out through ii, uuil I e felt mp mice hy singers, titcheatra aud nuditnee. We often thought that llie flame which streamed from the heads of Castor ami Pollux, must piny around his forehead, and break from the con iluctur' staff which he held, to account for the wonderful manner witri which he dnimted the "lightest truco ol jiulepto in the aingaa or players under de-i-- fulli-win- n Ji il. intenilitig to tell herti throw iJci'ire ho t't.uld j.ct out lallaFt. near enough ft yo any direction!1 bhe caht overboard the c nitentu of on j sand bap:; this was in.ni.'diately f'diowed by the contents of anotlur. 8be th n went into the clouds out of Bight of iSjuire, find out ofsiglitof those on earth, of course, l'rofcs.-o- r Sijuire says site went up like a rocket, and out of night almost instantly, .((tirre allowed the- Atlantic to drift uml'T th clouds and in higbt of the earth until over Hyde Park, four when he loilcs iib ive I'oitkecpsie, threw out Band and went un through tlie cloud into the clear sunlight, lie siy.j that he must have ascend ;d nearly half a mile above the clouds before he caught sight (d'iiss Thurston's balloon. 'Ibis balloon vv;ig then far above him, and looked no larger than a gentleman's bat. Of course he dull! not h;c the lady at all at that distance. He is of the opinion that the lady was at least four miles from tbo earth, She says the air was so cold and rare that tho pain in her e as and eyes w is aloe st beyond endurance, and sho could only pull the valve cord by winding it around her arm and throwing her weight ttpou it. Mi-- s Thurston, who, by the way, has another name in society, is nineteen ytars of age, well educated, aud a student at a prominent institution of learuing. None of her friends save her mother knew that tdio was to try to manage a balloon alone on that day. Shu is the niece of a late balloonist, iu his way the most daring in tho country, and had made abouL twenty ascension with him during bis life. This was her fir.t trip alone. She has b tm long acquainted with I'rofessor Squire, and it is more than probable that sho will make another ascension under bis directun during the season. The hen scarcely sits twJve hours, when we to discover in it some the egg begin already on to con-(tui- g H "lle-ally,- MM MAIN I). STRICT. hdH mx$m A 1.1 1, GOLDBN GATE rate. Wagons, at reduced rs. Sulky Home ltukes, and M l'luws, Cultivator, etc. and Wagon Timber, Irun ami Htl, of all k'iH Buckeye Hei-- CEEAT fclEDI&L A IK. HMLtilCirs IX A. OOOp, M D.0'IJ..1 the X.tlmig Olliif, Schuider ami Light Spring II COLUiHNf MILLIONS Hear Tet5niouy to tio iiniiurrilll vuruilTP rill'cla 0f r of tho betid and body of the cbi ken that is to be born. 'Ihe heart appears to be it at the end ol the day; at the end of forty-tigh- t hot s two vesicl.s of bhiod c ;n be distinguished, the pul-- s t'ou of which is very visible. At the liitu ta hour an auricle ol the heart appears, jind reseti.bL a face or nose folded dow n upon itself. At the end ofseventy hours we distinguish wings, "11 TASTED AT TIIK EXCELSIOR WILLS, and on the head two bubbles for the V Ogden, lur which tho brain; one for the bill, and two otlurs, f r the forehead and hind prrt of the HIGHEST CASH MARKET towards the fifth head, the liverapp-iirICE end hundred and one At the of day. Will pair!. We will EXCHANGE CLOTII for thirty-on- e hours, the first voluntary Wool, Liiii, Mutton aud Fluur. motion is observed. At the end of one All who luivs Wool to sll will please call on hundred aud thirty-eigh- t hours, tho Mr. A. R ANDALL, stomach become and visible; at 40tf bings at tlie ExcoUior Mills, Ofc'don. the end of one hundred and forty-twthe inttitines, the loius, aud the lSti7. ESTABLISHED, upper jaw. The S'vcnth day the brain, which was slimy, begins to have some consistence. At the one hundred and ninetieth hour of incubation the bill opens and the flesh appears in the breast. At the one hundred and ninety-fourtthe sternum is seen, WILLARD CITY, C.P.R. II., that is to say, the breast bone. At the two hundred and tenth the ribs co ne out of the back, the bill is very i ible, as well as the 'lb j bill becomes green at the end of IN WHEAT. BARLEY, OATH, CORX. two huudnd aud thirty six hours: MTOPBKnS irn Meal, (jralmin r'fiMir, Kl'Htr, (.'hop rVefi. Iriod Ptru'ltps, ltfuntt Potittnrw, Kilr, Iliuoii, and il the chick is taken out of its lrre.iU liulttir. Egg, CUeeMj, Jp'ruit aud ogotiilItffl. c .vering it eviil utiy moves itself. The feathers begin to shoot out towards the two hundred end fortieth Ja!ers in hour, and the skull becomes gristly. and At the two hundred and sixty-fourt- h Young Stooli, the eyes appear. At the two hunReef Cattle. dred and eighty-eight- h the lids are perfect. At the three hundred and We call the attention of Stape Comimnie. thirty-firs- t the spleen draws near to Fre'hterrt, etc.; ail orders filled wall care aul tho stomach, aud the lungs to the UiiuU. Cash Advance on Consignments of Grain, etc. chest. At the end of three hundred and fifty-fiv- e hours the bill frequentA Oencral Asortment of MERCHANDISE kept ou baud, at LOW I' KICKS. ly opens and shuts; and at the end coudianlly h U.s of four hundred and fifty-en- o hftvanPLACKSMlTII SHOP In oimntlni or the eight h nth d iy. thi first cry ol w W.our g Slr"0:nsr. $i per Spall. W ork nl ruawmal'lo rules. 4SW the chick is already he ird; it afterwards gets more strength, and grows continually, till at last it sets itself at liberty by cpMi'ng the prison in which it w is shut up. in tho different Settlement. Thus it is by many different degrees that these creatures arc brought into life. All these progressions are mada by rule, and there is not one of them with jut sufficient reason. No partot its body could appear poi tier or later wltheut tho win lo embryo suffering; and each of its limits pp ars st the proper moment. How manifestly is 1 111111 1 KJllU thisorditti.iti 6o wise, and so invariable in the production of tlu animal the work of a Supreme Being. Confectionery, Wool! Wool! dO,000 Pounds of FIFTH STREET, WOOL IMS In OGDEN. mada-fro- ? 1 ;,alr. WILLARD a MERCANTILE CO. cc ". gossip-monger- s. med-dlesiii- 1 eqni.1. 5 Iist-nnc- i nim'.ili-r- , o w 3 5 O 'rp "li vuratac eliiel. ti e Vltlrted r''c'l Tb"npTrp f in Vi.iij, t'lMivit ti.t i.(.h rep rli'ni-!'i d it il w l.i n MrnrtM Srti. is;! in 0 m ii s; i it t ti m it fmil.ari i 1 m i.iii ,..)-ii- liimrl-in- 1 1.. FT. rr FIX, o!TA ro ii i :lii:vl 'e rirc!r:ii-i.- il. .3 ! v5K7 i. r'-- v I I i ! r Itll. a .T. y j i. u 1 Vfr TP,(, :,;;V - - H bri-'r- , , i., tlrr i tf fc.ur vl t ai..fch. i j.tp ..!, 1 lLi h U.J r. F.VrTT.M.P rroprictrr. a- Ke. p the Liooa rare i.I li iiwW. iS, . . Jt :i jMiv. h ti.nl-- fin rufe'ir'.s aril Cm. S3 Bi p ti U ,..f. Jiw ft C3. Ca'.sci. Firprt.lTcT Ycr'.;. 1S1 CS o o UlUllIil Tcmplo Street, " u o SALT LAKE CITY, Good Chairs for $15 per Pozen, down and boxed,) $S aud - - Walnut Bureau, v w ith glass, j Walnut Bedstoads, $10 to f k 9. It rapl.ly iiiir!iUna; all other preparailnnt for prodadoe 0LL9t prSCflTS, BUSit, f.cjanl. Stent an 1 mo'rum l:Jc-xca t o'.hsr CHJCt Co:.ti, rrrfed'l TVrt n Z::a;.';, ar.d c'.xajt rea.' f r immet!iaf un. Hit CSXlf-CZOX CzHni foir.Vr n Ihe tTOELV, and It VltL KEEP C.7 S.'., l'i HERDED PVRINO THE SUMMER AT RASCU1S Doar Ogden Vailoy, dt Hi lolloping low ratos: Horse, till Novainbar Srst - - pr head $3.0U " . " 1.50 per Montli " Horned Stock, till Norember firet 2.60 " " 1.25 jier Mouth Stock will lie retired at tlie Tithinj Corral, Ogdan, ti$ Satunlay. Salety guaranteed. F. A. HAMMOND, . Mil, A. W. COOLEt. 42tf At.. riEALEBSLVERIWHEItB. V.r CUOCEUS & ETtOTHEB, Hannfactureil by DOOLET If 63 HZVJ STP.EET, v $17. STOCK It Ii we!l cdaptt fn trnj cUmefr, or year of 0M7:rrTrrjI ilinere, Hirtmert. Emijrnntt. 4e tai li In fart, In rnsrn rcpiri, Ihe EZST TE1ST TOWPSX taada "far Vie XMun, lit Cam,- the Ci'Ul" tt SOLD $0. CITY LICENSES. SUMMER HERD. A GOOD MEAL can be obtained To all whom it may concern. VTOTICE IS HEREIN GIVEN, THAT IN all I'ersihs eneugeil in Business ia Ogden City, (tcr wuich the City Ordinance I'i'ovide thut a license must b obtained,) without first, procuring a license are liable to be taken before any Alderman of 8id City, aud ba subjected to a Fine. Bv oder of the City Council, 'LESTER J. IlEliRICK, Mayor. ; At all reasonable Hours at the GOLDEN GATE CHOP HOUSE. TITOS. Ge. ODELL, City Recorder.; Ma-lon- e, TIIE The Office of :he City Recorder is J the Office of the "Ogden Junction," Seventies' Hull, nenr Jie U. C. R. K " Station. OGDEN JUNCTION inn nnivmvnn! mm jud liuiMmuurnu ICE CREAM, The Best lu Town, always ready. description of I. JOB MISTING s,j. OJic Ilourt from 10 A.I . m. till 8 p.m CLOAK M. STOAItr WI811KS MRP. I).la.w that she hi a EtEllTnOttt HKSl'-l'l.A?- ? lNt) M.ACII1NK, and is preiird o d'al k iirt t.f KrwItiR.. on rnnmnal le Katiiifnc on the J'.pnrh, loriifU Sl'KJiliX, Four liliirku Last ol the Tithing Olfiee. tm, Is npplied with the latest improved facilities for turning out verv In the finest. Ftomari ron skix ...ii !.i II. DlflWOODEY'S 22-t- Frnctr.tiora of tho E;iioi:a AitacRs, Talpltmioa 1 the llex't, l.i..animc.t.en of tiio Lr.nga, Tain la U -, rr.4 r. hnnfired other ntliA repions cr the Eittorrr" t' c c ri!T!i of prpep'la. f; rii'T liiv.;:.rntc tho Elrauuh :id stimu'.afe the tar. pUll'vor (i;idbor( ,T.-- :i h n ad. r them ol sv.eqnailtl e.e."T M cloaiulrir t'..o Hood r t'l ti!ipnr!tles.al 'v.pan!nirirwT'e prM r tl-- v.inls-ftrn- . ttcr.gaa PisrAfT.m:ript;oi-,TTh.enni. Elotrhrsf-potas. J 'aEtr.Us,r3il,Cc rins-V.'oi;:Ui Fr hnaclos, f lied, ro Kyis, Trip. ! f the , ol"., Itch, f enr, T'It-To- ti Trrfn s r.:id r f tfthc Mn, ni aievtr r: n ec r i.i.lr.rt, ars literal a cr.nieil .rt if the V" hnvt tlr" 0 " l" " rf ('-rtlfirl. Tr. h v ill tola. in. o U.jv,ei l.i;Cu.vUttt llu.r m YOU CAN GET AT Kitchen Tables DisrcptrA on indigf.ption, k: ache, Ti.iii la tha fhonMei'S, Coujihs, T!:.tn.n Ci Cleame To all the People - Organs. o nis.-ttiv- "'ipnr-t- i J'tli-liin- Fall Leaf Tables SnrU BiHcitKCA ore caused by Vilintrd Tloai!,. whii h '.t - .ucn.lly i roduccd by derangciucnt of tin. CheFt, I:7sin , pnr.r Uad taste In tlx Mm-.th- , Work (Knocked I lloiit, KysiH iiv or Iuitieesiles, i:ci::ittcnt and I utrrmlttrut Fereri, of tbo Flood, Liver, Ki(lnrya,Bga this; Bitters have been niopt ncrersL. tUm mi Kilioiis, CIIAIiCOAL. lut oa well aia also, the peculiar merit of aptlng-r- .i a peworfnl ngent In relieving Conircstlon or of th r: l iver, nnd all the Visceral Organs. TOR FLM A LIS COMPLAINTS, whether h youngor oi l, married or finale, at the dan of manhood or ut the turn oflifo, these Tonic Bitten bire-npOHsenslns For Inflnmmittory nnd Cbronlo Pheiimu. Produce Merchants I'l'iu'iTimu nrc n dcntlo rnrcntlTe Tfccy ,'onir, h 111 J. Walbif Hroprinor. K H. Mcluii.n Co., nm ... -C n Aij'ls. Sjn FrancLoo, Cal, aat il aa.1 Si Ortua,,,, Vlnetrnr Bitter are rot v!le Fnnry Drink' Mudoof roor Turn. 'WLIsItey, Proof Spirit, and ltpfuso IJqnnr doctored, splecd nd t!io enodto jdowo t;i5te, called "Tonics,' "Appetij. ers," "Ilostorcrs," &o., that lead tho tippler oi and rnln, but (re a true Medicine, the Native Roots and Ilcrba of California, tn& from nil Alcoholio They are thr GREAT BLOOD PI KIFILIt nnd A LIFE taVINO rUlNCIl'LI, a perfect Innovator mj. Inviforator of the System, carrying otf all poliononii miittrr and rcntorlng the blood to a healthy conditio. Ko person can tako these Bittera according to direo. Hon and remain long unwell, provided their bone. are not destroyed by mineral poison or other nwaiu nnd the vital orfam wasted beyond the point of re. . pi: s his direction. But Meiidtdsohn conducted tint only it ti his but on, but with hi while holy. At the outset, when he took his ilnee u' fliu tiiiisiii atnnd, hin countenance was wrapped In deep rikI almost solemn Vou could see at a glntice eariieptnecs. thnl. tho tetnjja of liiusio wits a holy place to him.. As scor. as he had given the flint bent, his face lighted up, every feature waii ulhone, and the play ol countenance wus the best commentary of the piece. Often the spectator could anticipate from his face what was to come The forlti and crefcrndui be accompanied with an enerjtelic play of features, n the mo-'- forcible action; while the and pianos he used to modulate with n motion of both lomd-i- , till they tduwly sunk to almost perfect e. lie glanced at the mot.1 distant performers when they hou!d strike in, and often do inflated the in hi nut. when they should puuHe by characteristic nii.vetniit of the hind, w ich will not hi! forgflteo by those who ever ew it. Ho hut no patience wi b performers that did not keep good time. His ttoeurale ear made him detect ths ieat deviation from the correct lone in the very luig'at number of singers and players. He not only beard it, but Inevti.w hence it came. Once during a (fi uud pel fin uiance, when there were about three hundred singers, and over hundred iiiHtruments, alt in chorus, in the i,iul3t tf the music, he addressed a Joulk lady, ivho stood not fur from liiin, and said to her in a kindly way, F, niy lady, not I sharp," (', lid FraMn, nicht F it). To singers, his ehtarsals were a His praise was always l iijyiiieiit. delightfully stimulating; his criticism, notchillingnor disheartening. By throw-iuin all kinds of bright and merry The 1!oua Harlan. words, be knew how to rouso the most indifferent Mid idle to the best performIn view of T)r. Newman's letter to ance they were capable of, aod to keep th veary in good humor. Repeated and the Methodist clergymen of Iow:t, pirverse carelessness would provoke asking that the primary meetings be him, but never to a coarse or hartb word; for Harlan, tho Washington he had too much knowledge of the piuked of tho Cincinnati 6i-zrtt- t, world, and too much grace of character correspondent Oeueral IJoynton, gives Borne fo: that; the farthest he went was to a d'l-ireminiscences of this eminently just of sarcasm. Gentlemen," he once said to a num- man, from which wo see how a man ber of men who insisted on talking to-- 'who is regular in his attendance at 'ther, after the signal to begin had church," buys carpets for bis house been given, 'I have no doubt you have something very valuable to talk about, at ?4 per yard, and has the governbut 1 beg; tou to postpone it now; this ment to pay tho bill; from which wc is the place to sing." This was the soo how a man's influence l,in the strongest reproof that I ever, beard liitu right direction," has his horses kept give. Especially kindly was he, when and Iieep Straight Ahead. gets his bridles and martingales praising the singing of the ladies, his wife's and cards and and saddles, said be once, when a choi ns went Fay no attention to slanderers or passably well at the first singing, "very envelopes and letter piper printed, for the first ; time, Keep straight on in all at government expense; from exceeding; good good and let but bcatis it is the first time, let us try which we s o how a their backbitings course, your has ''who man, it once, again ;" on which the whole bcJy dio the death of neglect. What is tbo influence with Jias President," broke into a merry peal of laughter, nud the use of lying awake nights, broodthe see net time they sang with groit his boy all fixed up at tho government expenee; from which we seo a ing over the remarks of some false spirit. Any prolongation of the tones beyond man "who stands high w ith the ad- friend, that runs through your brain like forked lightning? the time designated by the written notes ministration," has his What's the carriage the he would not suffer, not even at the close of uso a into getting worry and fret in which ho rides so of the chorus. "Why do you lingureo very carriage has over a been set afloat that s.ip Dr. gi to Newman's church long on this not gentlemen f it is only regularly an eighth." lie was just as averse lo all painted and furnished up at gov- to your disadvantage, by some busybody, who has more all monotonous singing. "Gentlemen," ernment expense. Gen.- I'oyutou time be once faid at a rehearsal; than remember character? These things gives the bills tor all sorts of goods this, f von when you sing at Lome; do can't possibly injure you, unless, infor Harlan's personal use, not sin so as to put any one to Bleep, purchased deed, you take notice of them, and in tven if it be a cradle song." The pianm and paid by the government, while could not be sung too soil for him ; did that eminently pious man was Secre- combating them give them character the chorus only sink ina fmno passage, tary of tho Interior. Tho proof is and standing. he would cry out as if clear aod conclusive, and the facts to a fnt.m-fort- t, If what is said about you is true, in pain, "piano, ptano, 1 hear no piano at set yoursolf right at once; if it is false, hnvo never been disputed. Omaha till !'' It wsi one of the remarkable fealet it go for what it will fetch. If a tures of his leading, to bear the largest 11 raid. bee stimrs vou. would vou sn to thn choir sink at the right places into the ! hive and elestroyit? Would not a f.iiiitest breath of sound. Mendelssol'u's Accident. Horrible 1.1 mousanu come upon your It iswis-d- i unwe ried patience at rehearsals whs all (be more remarkable, as his frame in to say little respecting th injuA frightful, though not fatal, accwas so delicate, and his ear ?o sensitive; ries you have received. We are genident occurred Master to James but ilmado the result, when ht wnssnt-i!-fH- d sou if P. J. Maiono, photo-graphi- u erally losers in the end, if wo stop to with it, as perfect as any work can be in the hinds of human performers. reporter, on last Saturday refute all backbitings and gnssipings ' vrom He put a heavy charge of we may hear by the way. They are Lampadiu's "Life. ' evening. powder in an old musket barrel, in anuoying, it is true, but not dangerto exfact fill d it half full, and thou for a ous, so long as wo do not The Xleetrle Light In Wnr-fnr- e. bullet put in a marble, but it being postulate aud scold. Our stip characters rather large, he could not get it clear are formed aud sustained by ourdown, and on top of the marble he selves, and by our own actions and Ah'ttxperimcnt ha3 been" made at filled in tdd nails and dirt. Alter purposes, and not by others. Iet us St. IVU'isburg, with the view of ashe it placed it on tha ground always bear in mind, that "calutnnii-tor- s certaining whether tbo clectriet light loading touched off w ith a match, but and it may usually be trusted to time, is capable of being turned to account slow iu aud tbo blow but steady justice of it was that it rather appears in night warfare. The trial proved taking fire, and as ho stooped over to public opinion." With an wuiitduteK' successful. touch another match to it, it explodpiew of field artillery, the ed with a report like a cannon, one A barrister being concerned ia a Eticcevded in lodging evhim ou the side of the cause which bo wished to piece striking distance a ball in a of postpone target, at ery Not only the target, head, mutilating it iu a frightful for a few days, asked Lord Mans1,66(1 yard'. but also surrounding objects, to a manner, and cutting one limb of a field when he would bring it on? "On considerable distance, wero rendered tree Cuuipletely eff, and severing an- Fridiy next," siid lis lordship. other. Ho was curried iuto the "Will you plenso to consider, my I'crfectly distinct, in spite of the house Caldinsensible, and Dr. A. lord, next Friday is "Good Friday?" iarkneH) of the night. well was gammoned. Upon examin- ' I dou't care for that tho better The Japanese have abandoned the ation of the wound, il waa found that day the better deed." "Well, my old Method of - printing from wood tho skull was mashed iu, and that it lord, you will, of course, do as you cuU aloe?!, as learned irom i'tuna, would be necessary to extract the please, but if you do sit on that d iy, and are est&blisbing type foundries, broken pieces. Dr. Saxe was called 1 believe you will ba the first judge and clfctrotyping aud ftereotyping in to assist in the operation, and they who did business on a Good Friday took, out teral pieces ef bone and a since Pontius Pilate's time.? 'MrdilijnoTJt.. ly KELSON'S HilCOXUFAWlHG IMPLEMENTS. y GIVE ME CALL. GROUND TO LEASE. priWIStf VERY EUCIPEK QETEKAt Corner ol IO Sites to Lea.se otf- - the Kurth-weo- t Cnioa Siuir. For iwrnrulan apply to JAS. M)0AW, the Ji'xctiok fiflte. IHi" ;SMf i.vsix::ss cakds. PR0FV5PT0.t M' JOHN n. KELSON, nVERT awitt have supply, Fifth Street, Og.len. lin jlbs man should ntyli of ihe art. MERCHANT-AXa, bcirt o |