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Show She (Oflta Junction. Fiddudiwl . VKDJHMCDAT and SATURDAY, vry lueO.r.is I'UHiintJiso Owr. to whom all 0. W. PENKKSE, Bttttaeas Mansirer, Unstress rmmnuruuactunx ahonld be addressed. C HA RLE 3 W. PENROSE, . Editor. oai;, Utah. Fro-cinc- Wfdncftdny Morulnsr, July 2, 1871. WEBER COUNTY. CE.VEBIL 1871, ELECTION, MoimIji)', August 7th. PEOPLE'STICKET. Commissioners to Lorate Uni- versity Land: h. S. HILLS, .JOHN VAN COTT. .OIIN ttUWDEURY, Councilor to tin Legislative Asseinbtg for Weber and llox t'Ader Counties: LORENZO SNOW. Order. Selectman: J. IIERRICK. L. Treasurer: WALTER THOMSON. Surveyor: DAVID JENKINS. .iutire of the Ve'ac l'rcctnet: . . for Ogden MIDDLETON. Constable: JAMES OWEN. The Duty of Citizen. Ou Monday next the gene al elcelion vill lake place, and we call the attention of our readers to the matter, a it is in of vcrj great importance. As a people we ny but littls attention to politics. We are neither "Republicans'' nor "Democrats." We stand and look on while parties fight and politicians scramble for office, despising the demas and bribe-lakegogues, f either faction, and waiting patiently for the time when our influence cun l e wielded in favor of constitutional rights lor ull, and against ever species ol Kumiption and injustice. We no interest in partjr warfare, but we ought to hare great interest in our own home Uovernment, whether municipal or territorial, and should be cart-fu- l to do our part in making it of the right kind," by securing tne rignt men for and law administrators Time was when men could neglect their duty in this respect withiut any my serious consequences to the community, because there was no danger of opposition. But that day is gone, and no person can hold the right to vote and neglect to exercise it and be blameless. The exercise nf the franchise is a duty us well as a privilege, and every man and woman, native born or naturalised, a a liviug member of the body politic, is required, injustice to the community, to do his or her part in securing proper men for office, and in keeping out the humbugs who are seeking to crawl into places where they can get a chance to kleal a living. Whether there is opposition or not on election day every citizen, male and female, ought to be on the ulert and go to the pulls to vote for the men of their choice, freely and earnest- oftiee-seeker- rs lie rs publish in this issuo tho Regular iVople's Ticket. The gentlemen whose ' hiimes appear were nominated by the 'i people' delegates at the adjourned yesterday. W are a "peculiar people." We have neither time nor inclination lojanglo over election mutters. We fro together. AVe may diffor, some-limein our choice as to men, because there are plenty of good men to fill portion of honor and trust, but when rertain names are decided on, we join hands and hearts and vote as one, sinking personal preference for the common good, without violating any principle of Republicanism or sacrificing our We Con-etitk- s, freedom. want none of the strife, bitterness nod riot of contested elections, as we have teen them in other places. Our motto is "Unity," and in union Is our strength. No power can break us whilo w cuutinue one; no parties, cliques or "rinRs" can rob us of our liberties bile we all discharge our duties as faithful We citizeiH. tliiiufesor a Convention, (, Cih Halt, Qtjdtn 2'.!h. intd Awjtitt '1st, 1871. UHd ia tk July tii'ibcrt lielkaap, Eq.. was called to hitir and Col. W. JJ, fife was appointed Secretary. Tho Convention adjourned without further business till Tuesday, August 1st., at J p.m., at the same place. August Jut.. 1 p.m. Meeting called to order by the chair- i he man. Resolved, that a Committee of three be appointed to select a ticket to present o the Convention, und that the followCommittee, ing named gntlincn b !: jVepii Par)s V. A Hammond and tht jt'rv iii iwi. The Committee reported the following The Law on Elections. ticket, which was unaaimou.-d- accepted For the benefit of new settlers, ti ;ins by the Convent ions Comm'seioners to Locate University who have lately been naturalised. Just Lands: LewisS.IJills, JohnVanCott, John ices of the Peace with limited experience, Rowbesry. much atnot have who and others paid Councilor to the Legislative Assembly: we tention to tbe subjeot, Lorenzo Snow. republish the Stlectm in for Weber County: L. J. following portion of an article on eleclist rick; Treasurer, Walter Thomson; tions, which appeared in tbe Deteret Surveyor, David Jenkins. i: Evening Newi about a year ago: Justice of the Peace for Ogden The provisions of the "act regulating C. F. Middleton. Constable: James Owens. elections," approved Jan. 3, lHo3, are RetohtJ, that the number of election plain and explicit, specifically indicating tickets necessary for the respective pre- the duties of all officers who are requirAfter cincts be printed by the Ogden Publish- ed to carry tbe same inio effect. providing lor tbe holding of a general ing Company. Jletolvtd, that the minnles of this election on th first Monday of August Convention be published in tho Ouuen annually, in each precinct in tiie sevcn.l Junction. counties, it makes it the duly of the Names of Delegates presents Ogden County Clerks to cause a not.ee of the limn and pli.ee of holding the election, Precinct, Joseph Parry and W. N. file; North Ogden. II. Holmes; Pluin city, anil the number and kind of officersU'u;--lo t L. W. Shurtliff; ilarrisvillo, L. A. Shun-liff- ; be voted tor, to be posted up in at each precinct, st two in Gil15. public places M Union, Child; Hooper, bert Uelknap ; Weston, Amnion Or en; least six days before the lime for holding same. Now the posting up of only Laiton, Joseph 0 rover; Slaterville, ihe one fusu notice, and that not where reAlonzo Thomas Richardson; Lynne, nor in time, will not do, tor tiiuc i Perry; Huinsville. F. A. Hammond; quired often depends upon a strict compliance Eden, R. I3a!luiuyne. with the law in such matters. W. N. Firs, Secretary. Act provid s The third section of that the senior Justice of the Kaoe in each precinct, shall be Ihe Judge of Eleo lions therein, and in the absence of a Money Justice of Ihe Peaee, that the electors on the (lay of election, 10 Yesterday the Ogden Post Office com- first menced the issue of Money Orders, ac- ihe number of mi, may appoint some to act us Judjre of that suitable cording to the provnions of the postal election. person is the duty of ihe Judge of It law. This will be a great convenience the election to appoint a CI ik, provide to the people of Weber County. Money a ballot box and poll book; receive, numcan now bo forwarded from Ogden to ber and deposit the votes of the electors in I be ballot box, and to not knowingly any part of the United Stales at the permit any person to vote who has not following r ttf s of commission: the right to do so. The fourth section of said Act emphatOn"Or3Vi:S"iot txceeding$20 - 10 cents. $30 -- 15 cents. ically declares that ihe election shall be " " Over $:'0 " " $i0 - 20 cents. held f. ora one Loir nfter murine until $30 - 25 cents. sunset, and that the rleoiors shall not vote " $.)0 $10 in than the one whereother No fractions of cents to bo intioduced in any reside.precinct The fifth sectiou d.iects they in an Order. that the electors shall, after having proUnited Stats Treasury No es or vided themselves with a vote, containing National Bank Notes only received or the name of thepersous they w eh fleeted, pre ent the same, properly folded, paid. 10 the Judge of the election, who, ate. Rlank forms of appl'cation can be ob- having numbered it, shall deposit it in tained at the Post Office. The following the ballot box. The Clerk's duty is lo write the names of the electors voting, rules are important to be remembered: in the poll book, and opposite thereto Ihe "No applicant can obtain, in one day, number of each elector' vole. more than three orders payable at the At the close of the election the Judge is required to seal up ihe ballot box and same office and to the same payee. Tue applicant mut,in all cases, write poll book, and transmit them niihout his own given name and surname in full, delay to the office of the County Cleik and wen the given name of the payee This is a very important mutter. Tlu ia known, it should be so stated; poll books should be cert fied lo by the may be used. The given r spcciive Judges and clciks, as being a name of married women must be stated, true and correct list of the names of Ihe and not those of their husbands. For electors who voted at tho election held example: Mrs. Mary Drown must noi be on that day, stating the precinct; and described as Mrs. William Drown. Hie transmission should ne er be entrustNames of parties and places, and the ed loan irresponsible person. sums to be written in full and in the The cunvassing board, eon'Ssting of the County Clerk un Probate Judge, or plainest possible manner. As there are several places of the same in his absence one of il.eSelcctm n must, name in the United States, applicants and of course, will stricily coiilorut to must be careful to indicate which if the rules indicated by t lie law, in count tliem they mean: and the postmaster ing tho votes, making abstrac's, re'uins, will sal isty himself, before writing out eto, which if rightly done, as well as the order, hat the place indicated is all other mailers connected with the electhe one inteuded." tion, will make the ceremonies complete, The mon y order system has given and the expression of the will of the people legal beyond all controversy. complete satisfaction in Great Britain, Questions are occasionally asked, by and wherever it has been extended persons who have not had interest enough in the United States it has met with sup- in such matters to properly inform themselves in relation to their and duport and commendation. No person in ties as citizens, concerningriguts the qualifica1 this vicinity has now any ne to send tions necessary to p ses to entitle a cash in a letter unprotected. The choice peison to exercise lheeleotivefrnnch.se, is given between registering the letter in this Territory. Such queries may be answered in a lew words.by averring ihnt and taking out a Post O.tice Order. The every American citizen above thtage of 1 ittcr offers the greatest security, and twenty one years, without regard to sex. for small sums of money, is, without is vnaileJ tribal privilege, w o is not inhibited by legislative enactdoubt tha safest and best method of ments. transmission that could be adopted. By the fifth section of the Organic act, Congress graciously provide 1, that after the first election in the ihe The Ilurden or the IV Ires. qualifications of voters andTerritory, of holding office should be Mtw-as the Legi.lature "On horrors bead horror accumumight prescribe: Provided that ihe ri)Jit late." The wires which girdle the globe, of suffrage and of holding office sbou.d if endowed with the life they seem to be exercised only by citizens of Ihe United Slates, including those recognized have, would tremble at the new they as citizens by the treaty with Mexico bear. Brutal murders, wholesale pois- in eighteen hundred and forty-- gtil. onings; infanticide; famine, with canni-bals- In virtue of said provision, if the riht did not otherwise exist, the Legislative asaconsequence;ruilway disasters, Assembly have provided that all citizens with scores of maimed and mangled of the United Slates, above the age ot passengers; conflagrations, with human twenty-on- e years ihe women as well beings roasted to a cinder and last, up as the meu who have been constant reto date, the terrible catastrophe on the sidents in the Territory during the six mouths next preceding a general elec"Westfield" with its four score victims tion, may vote thereat, excepting tho.ie scalded, crushel or suffocated to death, excluded by an act prescribing certain and its many scores more of wounded, qualifications necessary to enable a person lo be to hold office, vi t) or groaning and suffering in the hospi- serve as a eligible Jan. 12, 1850, juror"approved tals. as fol os: Recklessness and apathy regarding "Sec. 6. And be it further! enacted human lifo are the cause of a large pro- that no officer or soldier of the United Stales ai my, or other person sul'ject to portion of the terrible "acoidonts" their military authority, is eligible to which so frequently Martle the world. hold any office or serve n any jury or This last horror is a case in po'nt. From vole at any election in this Territory, the evidence of Mr. J. A. Whitman, a unle s his ho'ne and place of residence was therein at the time of his engng.ng a celebrated engineer, it appears that in such service." It having been prothe boiler which burst and spread death vided by the third section of said Aot, and destruction around was seriously that no person should vote at any elecdefective.and thr.t if it had been proper- tion unless he had been a constant resident in the Territory during the six ly examined by the responsible parties months next preceding said election, the this awful destruction and suffering sixth section declares that no person shall be diemed a resident within the might have been avoided. The engineer of the boat, who is said meaning of tue act unless a taxjayer in this Territory. to be "an intelligent colored man," is to From the foregoing it will be seen, blutne, go is the Inspector of Steamboats, with the exceptions indicated, that al either or both of whom ought to have ciiiens of the Uniied States, of lawful been able to discover such a flaw a Mr. age. including not only tho native born, but all who have become citizens either Whitman describes. No doubt, this by compliance with or by the operations blame will be commented upon by the o the proT sions of the natural zaiion press and loudly echoed by the people law of our country, have a right to vote at all elections fir territorial, county aid in the vicinity of the explosion, but precinct offijers, but aliens and miner what will be dont in the matter? The have not. In concision, it is the duty of every same as in other cases. Nothing. If those who are responsible for the "acci- male elector, unless unavoidable o.rcuni-tance- s prevent, to go to the place of dents" by which so many of our fellow holding elections, in the precinct in creatures are swepi out of time into which he res d s.on Monday, tho seventh eternity were punished for their care- day of August next, and on all such thereafter, anil vote lor the per lessness and disregard of human life, sou he desires to be elected to the offices the olectric wires would not thrill o to bo filled. The women having tle frequently vtih horrible tidings. rijht ami d!ve to vte, will of eor The po"s should be opened puncaboct six tually at the spec Bed lime. net close o'clock in the morn ng and sd other until sunset, that farm.-rcan vote, either betre l.o n ay ode.-ire. frcm their g ing to or afier returning daily labors. d i so s 3IAIN STICISET, 2s. C. SS, OGDEN CITY. UIIOLESALE&RLTAIL DRUGS MOW MEDICINES, PUEE The cheapest nnd best Furni-tureT- s establishfound at R. Wilson' 51-- tf ment. Main street, Ogden. FEED STABLES, Main Street, Ogden. Jlorses, Carriages, FOR ? cs, and lingHAND. j S WINES AND LIQUORS IK TIIE MARKET. Orders promptly attended to. or on lime. Horses fed by the feed D. G. XELSOX, GROCKKIES, FAIXT8, DYE STUFFS, al t'., Ac. ESTRAY. mo WHOM IT MAY CONCERN. J Entry, No. fo7, for tlio town 'it FORSALE. NEYVALOON! HILL, MAIN STREET, OGDEN, has just opened hi I) 'EW LAGER BEER SALOOX! where the thirsty pedestrian can enjoy A Glass of Excellent Imager and u IaiiU'li of Crackers and Cheese at a very moderate outlay. Cl-l- VAN SCHAACK, STEVENSON & REID, 1 WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, AND Paint & Oil Dealers J2, and 94, Lake Street, (Corner Dearborn'Street,) V0, Trade. 30-- m 3 EXCURSION PARTIES AND PICNICS. Jones' Grove, I Ogden, now ready for pleasnre parties. A DANCING FLOOR Is laid tu accommodate 9 Cotillium. Parties furnishing their own music can have the use of the Grove for 25 Cents per Couple, per day. Prints "New Chambrays, Scotch Ginghams, Spanish Linens, Alpacas, Arnmrcs, Wool Dc-Lain- es. GENTS' Straw & Panama NEW GOODS Hats. 2 1 h OF Y . IRS. E. HILL RESPECTFULLY ANNOUNCES to the Lading of Ogden and its vic.nity that he has JUST KECKIVEI), at her edtab'.isuuieut on Maiu street, a fresh Supply of "jl 1)1 OF THE LATEST STYLES FOR TUS JV I, The articles consist of Hets, Children' Drewen, Apruu, Ladien' and Children' Uok, Corset. neck-tielace collars, etc. etc. Like-wia- e a large assortment of elegant patterns fur trac ed on braiding and embro dory of all kin ladies' own material, the aliuvo-uame- d artxles will be sold cheap without reserve. n Hoop Skirts, GEORGE W. TURNER, GENERAL DEALER LADIES' Hats 6 Sundowns (Trimmed and Untrimmed) In all kinds of Produce, Garden Seeds. BUTTER AND EGGS, CANDIES, A FULL SUMMER DRINKS, OP ASSORTMENT HOSIERY. COTTON FRUITS, &c, Seven doors West of Main, on Fifth Street, OsIcn. m 56-- 1 JUXCTIOX LIYEllY to Territorial Goods. IMPORTANT TO LADIES. CHICAGO. 3gy Especial attention Spring&Summer 500 Pieces THAT CASH site uf t'nclie county, Utah, made June the littli, city, 1871, embracing tho l'ulluwing described luuihi, tu wit: S. t of S. of Sec. five (5); N. E. i, X. A K. of tho 8. '4, S. K of 8. N. V. y., mid N. K. of 8. VV. y, of Pee. eight (S), in Tow nship eleven (11), uorili of Range one (1) wjt, containhas been ing four hundred and rignty ai re' C2 3 made in Iru-- t lor the iiiliati.Uiiits and ia now ready to he tfipcd of in lots to any wra m or jieraou: ent tied thereto. All persona claiming to I the owner or of any portion of enid I'Utry w.ll take due notice and make application, as provided in the AND LOT, TURKU BLOCKS ONE IIOrSK of Main strent. Knqn're of J. II. statutes uf Utah. OKOROR W. BAKER, Mayor. OJtf SmuKK, at the K. R. House, Ogden. Mnndon, June itith, 1871. ONK BAY YE IN MY POSSESSION TIT about nvtn vein old; lie hMone Spanish branil on left shoulder, and two Spanish named animal brand, on left th;ch. It'the dav of August, 187 1, is not clamed before the it will lie sold to defray expenses. W Hard City, ALFRED WARD. Pound keeper. Box Elder Co., U.T. OF 57-l- y NOTICE! A IIS EI Prescriptions carefully 2rePared hy a Competent DruyyUt. Proprietor. 62-t- AN STOCK FULL STOCK OF A 0P1IE! OY ON ALWA HIRE, BBAXDS AND THE BEST OGDEN LIVERY AND i, OGDEN, T. A. KISC, W. H. l'KBHT. J. WRIGHT. GEsriss. Fine English Ales on 4 Goons Co,) Mam io St., (Scooissoes Dmnght at W. II. Pidcock's, C1",f Ogden. Having purchased the above establishment, we offer to the public a choice Genuine Jewelry. The only estabselection of can lishment at which genuine Jewelry be obtained in Ogden is at Parpk & Boessel's, Main Street. Repairs neatly AND ltf executed. All work warranted. ls 200 SUITS OF GENTS' FEED AND SALE Ronay- - 3VaCn,dLo STABLES, Summer Clothing CORNER WALL 4 FIFTH STREETS, OGDEN. Near tha Utah Central Engine House HORSES BOARDED y the Day or Week. Horses and Bugg'es for Hire, alwais on hand. Oentle Animals lur tho Special Use of Ladies. Horses bongkt eud sold, ou commission or other-winE. BEDELL 63-- t A Large Stock of Gents', Ladies' nud Children's OES CO. To the People of the North. Of all kinds. 50-l- e m PIONEER DRUG STORE, wixes, unions axi .i:oci:i:ii;s. A FILL STOCK OK KIRST-CLAS- S LIQUORS, JOELSON AND MORRIS, Proprietors and Dealers in FURNITURE, UPHOLSTERY. And Manufacturers of all kinds of STANDARD GROCERIES, The Best and Cheapost Stock in the Territory. And a complete usortuent uf Uroesbcck's Corner, Main Street, STArLE ANI FANCY GOODS, SALT LAKE CITY. a. jr. TitiBE's, OGDEN. At GO NEW BRANDS Tweeds, Boesliins, Jeans, Domestics, 8m Stripes, MAIN STREET, Tickings. Denims. RE-OPENE- D. CM, Inspect and learn Prices OF 59-l- THE J. H. ECCLES WHITE HOUSE & WM. PIDCOCK, MANUFACTURERS & IMPORTERS, Wholesale nnd Retail Dealers IS ALL RIND MAIN STREET, 00 PEN, BEEN THOROUUIILY REPAIRED AND up with appointments complete in No painn have been i"ed to every pel licular. make it a FIRST CLASS HOTKL. The tables will b. furnished with all the productions of the season, and will be second to none in Utah. The House is Open for the reception of flnet and th. accommodation of Travelers, Teinn reasonable, HAS MEAL OP FURNITURE, CABINET WORK, UPHOLSTERY, etc. etc. Main Street, Ogden, HOURS. Brenkrast, from 6.30 till 9 o'olock. Pinner " " 12.00 "2 .(io 7.30 Supper Free Conveyance to and from alt Reaular Trams. R. J, HARRISON, , 3,tf P.oprietot. F. A. KING & CO., (Sncoewori to C- - BOOKSELLERS and GENERAL NEWS AGENTS. a1", Comer. Ogden City. and reasonable terms. ECCLES & PIDCOCK, Mln rlwt Cutlery, Carpenter's Tools. A FULL STOCK OF GEOCERIES, Etc., Etc. All Orders addressed U D. 71. PEERT, Ogdeu City, will have prsmpt attention. K B. All knds of Carpenter and Job Work neatly executed, on short notice 37 tf Locks, Harness Trimmings, B. McOregor), FCLL SUPPLY OF BOOKS, PAPERS. UTAH, etc., constantly on hand, and Have just received the largest assortment f 8al of Furniture ever brouirht into this Citv. AT PUBLISHERS' PRICES. all of which will be sold at figures to Also a choice Selection of Fancy Gooas, Cigars, satiny toe most economioal of purchasers Tobaccos, etc., etc, at oar Depot, Broom's For Trices see Handbills. AND FURNISHINGS. fkdoe. As GOOD as the BEST and as CUEAP as the CHEAPEST, at the Coal and Lints Sign, Cornor of FOURTH k YOCNG STSJSETg, OOllE.N. Entire satirfw ,l,tf- - in g wran'e4. M TWYS II. B. cla irsoXf Superintendent |