OCR Text |
Show IMPORTANT OFFER eWf WaTNFSrAY and SATURDAY b) the On PI PliBUaUWU Coxraair. C. W. PENROSE, Durness Manejrer, to whom H kiulboa couimuuiuutioLS should be addroaned. Ptillishcd WHO WANTS TO TRADE CITY LOT IN CDVISGTCM, KY., Una City Lots In St. Louis 9Io.; also five or a!x hundred acrea of AND AFTER OH- MO N J.V!i' uly ir, SI; 'Vii. the to" ai BAN DAILY, (SUNDAYS EXCEPTED,) Citv m t w. and 6 pm. mid City at 8 a.ai. und .3u p.m. Leering O.t-.Suit Coa.itontly 11. Jff ;toDtta'i:.M.70 ".' Woods Crosi 85 .1.05 1.15 2.05 2.25 ... 2.co.....,i.w V: saii'uu raeer. will please purchuw tliolr tickets at Ike ufliaua. itt tenia additional wilt I charged A y ouHocod whu lb far D tin tram. . Fur all liiffrAiutWu eoniseraitiji Freight or sage, apply , ' D.o.CAtwn.' ""l ' ' l twliet and Freight Agent. ., 0 J C tf 1 ,.I ' , , is i UOOT&HliOESIIOl', )'t of the Z. C. M. I., on loor Fourth Street, OgJon. HHT " ' ' ATER-TIGHT- v ! . ' . MOV All! RE THE WHITE PINE LUMBER YARD hna been removed to Ono It lock I'nst of the TlthiusOH.ee. on thcUetuh, THE BEST QUALITY OF and on ahort aollc. at the aoove-naeall before j4uykaaiu( V J 'to Z. C. M. I., TO iiiiinn Comprise, a full and complete aortiiient of UnigH and Metiiciiie, I'uiun, Oil., laruielie.., lirusliea aud luncy ai II lm. R. , jeet, ;v. or lis equivalent. CEDAR POSTS 'r Wheal, Oata, ISarley, ete. laiieu in jMimeiit. Also .I.1', S TINWARE, few noon LOGGED HANDS WANTED. Apply to WisTiip.op Farley, one lloo' tast UheiithingOliice (ou the Ucnvh) , i t .1 t m thy ale alvut t tmniuer. oulu a change tn their Hidnts', Opoaite Suit Lake Iloufe, Salt LaVc Gty.- - vr ; JfOTICE. v.; IT WAY OONt;RHtf Til AT CASH Richmoad, Cacfae t'eiry lor the ounfy. Vtah, nieyle Mixy luth, 18T1, eintnai'irig t half of 8. W. qaurUr of Sec. 27, vt hair (he of north-wo- t qiiaitrr of Soc. ftl, 1101 iwrtt.r Yif Sc. Iu, tA half of Seo. S7, west t hulf of ituiutrr of Sec. 35, nest flV WHOM L WlTn IS I JUL BEAR LAKE DIVIDE. steam? H D. sav mill. JAMES :: HOSIERY Towa-fite- w.'(h:r'f ' ' -- l WM. !, I. WESPRIOKV Kichnioaul, Ua)' 9"th, 187U i n. ill or delivered in 'NOTICE. .... i !itcs .. YOU WAST MAIN STREET, ySfANTLY ' . - Kitchen Tables Walnut $S ' MEATS CON- -, ON HAND. , W5 e kinds f Aeiuauber the , 0t OGDEN. 1) Is rariJT npenceina; all other preparaHooa ror prasaear and WTto'.rKmt MOLLS, BISCL7T3, BBM rttgant, JSucK-tcaPercell I and olhlr Csiuif Calef. EcZldXc, tai cltccyt read? tit immnHaC um. The Toiiu'cr f.i the WOELP, and It WILL tBEt Ht X J.V2 OS in tn) cUmatr, for rcr. It l will adept Sr, U fte , ef Tatil' crpert, L'ineri, AfiiHaert, Bmljrttto, and It la fact, la rffl.l, Ik, BUST TSAST POWt muui "for tlu KMrnn, IU Cmmp, tk GaUtt." SOLD Bt CRCCEttS fc BtaEKSEVESIWUrSB. Jlunufact urea by DOOLET & BEOTHBK, 69 NEW STREET, rr it .rr, $J. $G. ' $30 and $10. Bodstouds, $10 to $17. .... J v tf ... CITY LICENSES. To all uli oni it may concern. A GOOD MEAL can , be obtained At all reasonable Hours VfOTICE IS TIERZB1 GIVEV, TIIAT all PerS' .ns eniruged in Business in Ogdcn City, ( tcr wiiich the City Ordinance that a license must be obtained.) without first procuring a license are liiJile to be taken before any Alderman of said Citj, aud be subjected . ... to a Fine. " B order of the City Council, LESTER J. HEKRICK, Major. i at tho GOLDEN GATE chop no use. THOS. Ge. ODELL, City Becordex. THE . 0 ' rf ': .' The Office at :he City Recorder is at the Office of the "Ogden Junction,"' Seventies' Hall, near ihe U. C. R. ' ' ' '" :! .' .' i OGDEN JUNCTION .' i V. it' . a i Is euppliedwith the lateat improved, facilitioe for turning out every ' description of IQE,jOREAM, QJJici , L tlmirtrom lQ a. TI Boot. M--tf tili 3 f.m. i: . ..... . v .. I dress axd cioiic Best iu Town, talwajs ready. trs. p. m. art FTC wisnr--s etfrtbodt; kaow that she has a FIRST-CLASMACHINE, and la prepared to do all; kinds of Sewing, oa reawnnble terms, at bar' Residence on tho lieneh, FOU RTH BT&EET, blocks East oi" the Tithing Oflke. "n to 11 tliWIMJ i F" Sl-l- GIVE ME A CALL. . ; .. y . .. . G110UXD TO LEASE. ELIGIBLE1 BtTLtlN VERY Corner of Iaea ou the ft ur liiiion Square. Fnr particnlare apply to JA8. JJcGAW, Eaq the Jt'cTio Olttce. SETEItAL JOB PRINTING ' S9-- tf all lligneM ITiee pa id for .: T 33uf rsfV J. YATKINS, E. , , to Good Chairs for 13 per Dozen (Knocked uown and boxed,) Fall Leaf Tables and . , CleatiFe the VlHr.tcd Tlood whenever yen Mitt Impiiritiea burst In tliroinrli the skin In l'lniplm. ErV tioimor tvres, cl .iiw it when yon Unit it obstruct! and RliijifWi in the v cilia j eh mined when it li foul, wl your feelfnirs will ! 11 yon when. Keep the hlood pet ttjj Uie hciillli ci il.c bjiitein v, ill lulluv. PIN, TA VT xiv d rthrr W OU MS lnrklng Is tU avfticiii ofniii.nry tlinnr ;'trH. i;re i tlcciuiillv oVstroT. edand removed. I, r full I'liections, rend' eerenillj the circnliir nnmul inch bottle, printed in four language Ei,lili, vit.ni.au, 1 rciiih H:d tiianiuh. J. WAI KEP., rrr prletor. V. Tf. SrcMSALD ft CO. Fan rranrlseo, Cal aad Druggists a'id (Jen. 33 ar i 34 ( lommrrre Ftreet, Kcw Tork. BY AVL I)UC(iGIbT8 AKD DEALEE8 to SALT LAKE CITY, " " At the eijjn of the Big Boot, Fifth Street, Og len. AU kllltl llf IJMll. .It.l 41,,. n.u.ia ..I lie-pHim nenlly exwuled. Produce taken in payment SALTED OGlEK CITY, UTAH. -4 HeaJ. ache, Tain In tlio Bhonlders, Coughs, Tightness of the Chest, Dlztlnccs, 6onr Ernctatlont of the StonaeV Bad taste la tha Month, Diliona Attacks, Palpltatioa of the Heart, Iuflamaiatiou of tha Lungs, Fain la la. regions of the Kldnrya, nnd a hundred other ptinal srmptoirs, ere the oCsnrlnk-- s of liyspcpsla, Tltoy Invigorate the f tomach and stlmnlate theter. pld liver and bowel, which render them of nnenlli4 cfilcnry In cleansing tho blood of all Impurities, and li!'pnrt!ri;rr-wi:!- c t nrl rtpor to the whole mten. I OR SKIN DISEASE!, Eruptions, Tetter.gsH Ithcuin, Blotches Bota, Timples, Pustules, Bolls, CaEcaUl-IIearbuncles, Sora Eyes, Eriilp-elas- . Itch, Ecurfs, IiFcolorations ol the 6kiu, Ilnaion aud Diseases of tho tkin, of whatever nsmc or nstsre, arc literary fug np ni:d carried ont of the la 1 ehnrt time by the r F" rf these TMttcrs. One hottl n ill cou-rincucii rast' the laoel lncrednlous of their ; Hoot and Shoe Maker RALPH DOUGLASS, I a e- lTHMTlHE STORE, East Templo Street aa? . r cB GET AT CATV :: The Clivaneat and Jlest in VUih Mr. Wm. PATI, Architect and Ttuildcr. will act a our Agent In Suit Lake City. 3lf l Digeotive Orcnnv. DYSPEPSIA OR IXDIGF.STION, lotu AMI TIXWAltE, 00 TO IiAItNAKl) WHITE, AND t. lricc paid for ool. r IF Four! h St rcvt,0glo, will receive prompt atteution FRESH YOU PEXItOSE ) - SOSin l OB in the different Settlements. t axery; JOB PRIATING OFFICE ST OVES tiTeamsiv anted to baul laiMiher on Shares from the - JXill to Oden. oin Koch DiHcases nro caused by Vitiated Bloei, which la generally produced by deraugemcnt of tU SUMMER HERD. & at our f ' 1 is To all tho People 22-- -, Cash paid for Hides IgdenCily. All Qrclcra addrnuxHl to ; OF of superior quality. flavor. f IV) WHOM IT MAY CONCERN'. THAT CASH 1 Entry, No. t2 Town hite, Welnmlle City, Cache t'ountT, Utah, made May loih, lhTI, P. r Vi 8 )i N. K. and tol 1 and 2; K ' S. W. l and S. S. . W. V 3; W. ' . W. .i S. W. N W. and Lot 4 tee. 2; W. -W. W. V' Sec 11; N. E. 4 and E. i Stc. 10 Tp. 10 N; W jjK. W. (4 See. So and 8 E ?i iw:tion No. SI 11 North of Kanpel W. m Towlwii'-ron(aiin( H6) eCieti haa tieen riwie ru trti?t foe the inhahi- ready to he dipcd of ia hue i.nu, and ia sow to eay pareoo or perwae entitled Uiereto. All perecna t'uam'm to he tho gwner er poeera-o- r oi axy poftios of eaid entry will take doe aa provided ia Aa optica and maka the of Vuh WItUAM MATOHAN. Mor. , wl-;:i'.js'Km ii:y 11, n. . ; The Highest H eH O Oeneral Amortment of MKUCHANDISE kevt l'lliur..1. connuinuy ou uanu, al ia with glass, -- ia now in operation, manuinctunng liowem st the m A Woolen Factory LTJMBEE, at me i.aies... Orders filled STOCK OUR imfth-Sis-- of l..ilf of eottfh grt, aonih woHt Town-Ui- p .'0. liiarter of north 1ai te wf n Koriit Raaasl mIbihk Stt It, fiiat, ha hren made in ti ot t "i' frte twHeri'iunln, ead ia now rriuly lo be diepowd of ia lota to any pureon ui!il-' "". i UiewtO. J or t All frone rlatminc to teown'r. rt OS' eovt entry, wtll ! due notli-eI dp jwrtjon, an t liikke appltntrior,, aa prerided In the i4.mte ' ' " vfluk, S Cwh Advance on Consignments of Orain, etc. 3RICHAM CITY , eS diKputch. uuig actiig For Tnflammntorr nnd Clironie Tthenma. ism nn'd (.'out, Dyaprpala or Indlrratlea, Riliona, ICcmitteiit ana Intermittent Fevers, Discnaca of the Illood, Liver, Kidaeya,aai TSImldcr, theso Hitters have been most snccenfal. We Walnut. Itnrnnn. , FANCY GOODS. r no ennal. i-- Young Stoek, Work and Heef Cattle. HOME MAXUFACTUKES. Having removed their Mill lo the White I inos on the Ucar Luke Divide, are now prepared to fill bills lor the beet u o g We have a BLACKSMITH H0P In connection rith our bin-- . ncs. Shoeing. $( per Snan. Jub- , ui 40 CI i rvawiiaiue mioa. . at well aia merit of 119KIK u rcucriug . ongCSUOD Or Uulllt, piuim of tlicl.lvcr, and all tho Visceral Organs. nation FOa FEMALE COM TLA IKTS, whether a young or old, married or single, at the dawn of wo. manhood or t the turn of llfo, these Tonic Bitters hsv w o ... i They ore a Gentle Furiratlva Tonic, possessing also, tho peculiar fl C3 HF.RDKD DURINO THE BUMMER AT The Ijolic of Northern Vtah are reanectfnllv STOCK KANCUE near Ogdea Valley, lnvitod to call aud inspect lel'or purchasing eleo- - at the following low rate.: wnere-T1I- E Honea, till November firet - - per head $3.00 SEIttTCKS OF per Month i.w llorued Stock, till November firet " 2.60 Hsre leen enCTkeil In the Millinery Tkinartment, " " . 1.25 per Month and a ttrt-chu- u UreMuaker will be in attendance to receive urdera. Stock be will received at the Tithing Corral, , Artich'. good and prion moderate. 43tf Ofc'k'n, erury Saturday. Saiety guaranteed. ( F. A. HAMMOND. , D. Mcl, A. W.COOLEY. 42tf & Co. FINISHING tl'tL A Xj X X 1ST Z3 Mrs. '.1. At COST and FREIGHT, V OgJcn. LEVI lVHKKIU. 48-- AND , t i INSTITUTION, Sale. pslr. 4 H. DINWOODEY'S the theliquoIumTfartmen't choicest .election of Winee, Draiidiv. insiuimon. A ) o WILLARD CITY, CP. II. R., tin, THE DKUiTImvPa llTMENT -- HARDWARE B i2 MERCANTILE CO. Ko person can tike thoso BIttcra according to dlrec. tlons aad remain long nnwoll, provided their boot ar not destroyed by mineral poison or other meaai sud the vital organs wasted beyond the point of rC curative elkct. 40-l- in Cash w o call the attention of Staee Comnaniee. Kreiclilorn, etc all ordora tilled with car. and CROCERiES, HARDWARE, TINWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, Hats, Clothing, Faney Xo ete. ,7. stock of P 1S7. WILLARD ' DRY GOODS . y at stxt their sri.raiiD o CHARCOAL. Alcdinl, etc., etc., all of which a e now lie.nir aoltl vt the Tory lowest p.llilo pri.w. cwrefuiiv coi:iiH(iiiiitl by a tuiniM'tciit Druixjjut. P.H. All mrlie mdei.ied to the 1st aod Hrd an.t 2nd Ward Stmw ace reooeteil to eeule inuiieli- Uercauttle ately with the Ojjduu City from Bear Lake Civi le, near Mount Naab, for Sale at the Mill, from 'W txceiilor Mill., Ogd.n. Uie ESTABUSaKD, CITY BALLANTVXE, Jjiiperintendent. Ni:iJJ5G :l'T! 1000 $20 to $2 per ' ;f JJSKIXIXO OUT! t: and atjeety the Yard frorn LADIES' to Cutler $30 , $40 per 1000 COO PE RATI V E Til) lor iC at 49tf Contaliin j OtiORaE WIITTEHEAD. y nivi) J taken for wMrk dona Ettllhinent. Oite . me. a t alnwUer. call on TOIIBKBS IX WHEAT. BARLF.Y. OATS. CORN. fl Floor, Corn Meal, Uraham Flour, Chop reau. uriert rearhea, Hean, I'otatoes. Nilt, Bacon, Fresh Butter, Kgga, Cheeee, Iruit and Vegetables THE PUBLIC A CHOICE Sclevtiuu of Ooueiul Merchandise, cousi.tmg rFFER8 every day, during Give Iiini a Cull. ii7 ). WALata Hroprinor. K H. ilcDoNiLB 4 Co Oa. Aj'tk Sua rrmaeiM., Cal, aad ti ua l4 O.im,?,'' Tlnegrar Bitters are Bot a Tile Fancy Dri.k' Hudeof Poor Rum. Whiahcy, Proof and Refuse Liquors doctored, aplced andgalrtu iweet. enod to ploaso tho Unto, ca!lc4 "Tonlca,' "ApDelli. "Restorers." that tU lead era," c, Uppler end mla, hnt arc a trna Mcdlchn.mad. from the Katlve Koots and Herba of California! frea from nil Alcoholic. Ptlmnlnnt. They aretha CUEAT BLOOD PITRIFlEll und A Lire GlVISilc rttlNClPLE, a perfect lnoatot ud Invigorutor of tlio SyaUiui, carrying off all potooaou, matttsr and restoring tlio hlood to a healthy conditio, HARD INSTITUTION, A'ext Door can be seen at the Office, 1 Mr. A. RANDALL. Produce Merchants E MERCANTILE Ialli, Pickets B. SCOVILLE ef Pay will All who hare Wool to Poll will pi Deal era Iu Whinnies, etc. ' READY-MAD- OG DEIST Main Street,businessOfdcn, hours, Ulili xkhM, wo on Main Street is supplied with a good assortment to meet the demand for L.uza!pr, " OF LOT NEW CL0TI1IN0. Stock of GKOCEUIES, WARE, etc., etc Call and Examine. are Our yard tf lUpaltf Carpets, Mosquito liars, Window Curtains and Shades. to order. II. .1 All Ktnda and CAE 8; Ladies Sundown, Gipsies, Alison's, Ac, Gents Straw and Panamas. Itilli of Lumber, etc., Shop! W running and prepared to furnish " OGDEN; MILLS, H A full ia now ' Will be paid. We will EXCHANGE CLOTH for wool, lioel, jlutton aud Uur. 'Also A ISlimls, . OLD COCSTnY MADE TO OBDEl.''? 5oorf, etc., etf . AIlt OF GOOD BOOT! 0B OV WANT A Oo to SHOES, Fir ' v ; rKICE styles. IE AT Dealora Id 'i.i , rut. B EE EUM Ilttlhlliig Jl.derial, Pas- The Red Topped Boot and Shoe Tf 1 Jlanubcturnri and , ,tCPKKUiTlCNbliKT. vj D. Scot FIFTH STREET, HIGHEST CASH 3IARKET Jimictta, and all the latest & SCOVILLE. WILLIAMS Our Mill Gents', Ladies', Jllsses and ... Chiltlreiis' California and other BOOTS AXB 8IIOES, Croquet Slippers, EXCKLSIOR Ogden, lor which tha - n. aa Confectionery ; Tn AT : , JOHN SHARP, . in WANTED . WlUUM. 1.80.;.... .05 Ogdento KstiviUe ARDLEIOH k Co. ftr Pftnforth'a Ap"nhi Mixed. reng(!r. M WVLItLIfS CALn',,!.,,, GOLDEN GATE wvm WOOL is complete ' e m ere, Sulky Horae ttakee, M SUMMER GOODS. . EESCOVERY er leatlmonj to tha Curative ElWi. Wool! Wool! SHOE DEPARTMENT uiu Fluid.trV J. ' ' C. Buckeye Itaanera and eizae. THE Xotionn (arocericH und on hand. Schuttler and Light Spring Wagons, at redueetl rates. 40,000 Tountls of (.KNKKAL Will alilp to all point on the R.R.. Ea ami Wet. Ordere accoBipHnied ly l axlj lulod on rcarfulialle ternje. A chuice amaoi tini'iit of MAIN STREET, 00 DEN, I). HAMMOND, Oppoelte tho TitbiHK Office, Imi for sale Marseilles, Fine Shawls Ac. COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Ogdcn, Ulah. P.O. l!ox 70. B. W I well-aseort- and a full complement of Uraiu, Flour, Fruit, Fggs, Butter, 8ult, I'roduce, etc, A OHEAT filEDICAL wiumuna Wouderlul Wagoa Timher, Iron and Stool, of all kinda and attention to their large and Stock, just received, con- siating, in part, of II.C.WAIlDLEIOH&Co. ,'' MIKED TRAINS DEPAItTJIKXT, Grenadines, Poplin, ' Lawn, Plqiia, , In t'Mitlua DRY GOODS GROCERY eup..i1or grow ill. Call i liave lo On hnnd a litres aortmnt of Ptiinj atxl I'lpina, Aicrvniltitral Juiplenint ami trm-Ii.- p Mai liinwy, ot lli'i latent IwpruvouiuiiM. All or any of tlie uhoYo property 1 will trade for Ziliiia In Ogtleu, I. lull. for referent ruotult DAYn) M. PTUART, st , my mlilrm, A.. J. Komliaw, 2,UIH Nurtli l l lU i t rt-j-; Mtf t, St. pua, Mo. J)clrs iu COLUMN. IfiPIiE3IENTS. tn t!i aouthern port of Klaaoorl, well watered au4 timbered with uak, hickory and wulnvt, of a JtM flgflen Gallyn ft a.ro end S.S0 p.m. Arrlva nt bit Iain City at 10 a.m. and . 7 .so p.m. .U'. " Late St.lt Ul City daily et 1 m. unit 1,1.'. p.m. Arrte Ht (ih'.lii t 7 a.m. and i.ib p.m. '. rf , J . Triu, KELSON'S )m Mo- :;, RAILROAD. 'I rj. x (VIDEN i..r RKL 1TATK In Ht. Louis, or in Covington, Kentucky? 1 liave a choice oppolt Cinelnnati; and sevrml UTAH CENTItAL o 2.0 Ib the finest styW. JOIIK II. KELSO Y Fifth Street, Ogden. isim:ss cards. IVKKT li in the MERCHANT AND PROFESSlOIJAlt man should havo snjiply. Ti e will be4t tfyio of the art. |