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Show ' BY. TELEGRAPH. nd SATTKDAY, WEDNESDAY Ni.trOUBtS l'LllLUilllKQ Cokvaj Munainr, to whom " thould W.PlNB," cumin all .adi-Mae- .iw Speoial to fhu Oonm Jvxctiox by the Atlantic and PnciffcTotegraph Company., r Railroad Jobbery at , Washington'. r tl,ft Quorum of the Twelve in0 ' .,. im .1.. ... Tnk . inosiles, will preacu 2 eruloleServices at 10 a.m. aud p.m. i- I Edwards' and Collins.; fwfctP Were convicted of prize fighting and sentenced to one year in the penitentiary, and a fine of one thousand dollars, yesterday appeared before the Supreme Court for writs of Kabeai eorpu. Mr. Howe appeared as tbeirj eouuser, ''ahdTmjdijK' a lengthy rgumeut in which h insisted that tlie'eouri before ;wo6ra they were tried had uo jurisdiction. The Tribune Washington special Ba 8 no doubt the dispatch from Long Branch in regard to tne sale Of ;he information of GenffPloigaiftoij'f kle'eislou" in jUie New Yorji Central R. H? Wrip? ease; Hs mainly correct, but injustice to the officers of tbe road it should he said the informal ion was not sold, or offered to the President or any prominent officer of thatporapuny, JnMe a perset ifyr pef son vrho tiusired U f se it for purposes of private speculation. The matter was brought to the atteution of the President by Secretary Bout well. The report ihwt Woodward, the principal in tne great1 Rock" Island clique has been ruined by yesterday's operations is stated to be untrue. He stopped payment early, before he had lost a million dollars, and will make a settlement wiib his creditors. It is believed from 15 to 20 firms who failed, will do the same thing. Tbe heaviest losers are outsiders who have beeu-buv- i'jg this week with ihe hope of, making large proms, it is slated that through the pauio were twenty million dollars. Ou stock exchange ten thous-- " Internal Revenue cations! !,-- i Defal- - ' ' J - g'eiaNH Motm-iTbp Th bough the to is be a there nrrAig r. A Fusion of the Or lean-ist- s and Legitimists . TAIN8. nad i excursion to AVahsatch and back. prevented by Thiers! r.t.vv.v- - ...... irge compa" and Capt. Croxalls niagnineent band will n'k tbe hills ,f80,ind i. e ,iik' melody. C,P' 1 UK" w,lD ,ue yJi sweet, discourse music, also will bund intend to go are , id tbe Ogdenites ho - time. The scenery a good.nlicipaiing ' splendid and has become Lake, oalhe way The Bottom Dropping Out of New Jersey! AMERICAN. ' ' Washington, A uircnlar issued from the Internal Revenue Department,' yesterday, "attempts in its statements to reduce the. ' ' since the great railroad unlotuea defalcation of wiihiu 3,000-00our mouuUius lo the gate dollars. An official document com' is very small, muniuated to Congress by the' Secretary ofthe world. The fare and an opport- of the Treasury, says these defalcations the distance, consider'" are represented to exceed 3,000,000, to a great number of afforded is unity and 110 case has been prosecuted with who have never been far The' bondsmen are our citizens vigor or success. see a. at tie ti nature s either straw bail or politicians iu colluto home from and sion; conductors rob the Treasury and See advertisement handiwork. hence they are not prosecuted. Some bills. radical Senator or Representative moved This is the usual of It. Wils- the postponement. Furniture Buy your jgy end of any attempt at legal remedy. &l-Main Ogden. on, A meeting of tbe Committee of the Naiioual Telegraph Memorial AssociaFust Time in Ouue.n. The renowned tion was held lust evening, relative to Hernandez and his talented troupe from the Morse Committees monument. California, who have been delighting were appointed to solicit subscriptions Salt Lake audiences for two weeks past, and there is no doubt that, a large sum. of money will bo raised for the purpose. nd keeping them in a continual roar of ;i Chicago man who was confined ou laughter, will appear at our neat little a ol the Murdcrof ftmoiw lie glories of and Tuesday eveniwill be a rich treat to This next. ngs the citizens of Ogden, as this is a troupe of established reputation. of rtiste The theatre should be crowded to its utmost capacity on Monday and Tuesday Theatre on Monday mnney's-wort- cotu-miit- Ku-klu- W-d- Ku-klu- , - , 61-t- liir.ii. . com-P"'i- I iu 1 . ESTRAY. tc-Ja- ca-io- u 0 8- '"'rCo, -- .... flureuce, 22. : Clii-uw- ' CHAHCOAL. ; le. - - m-- and SHOE DEPARTMENT i : ; AM . , CAPS; Iadles Taylor & Cutler. lc, halt n.vicia CITY, General Merchandise. OGDEN CITY CllOim MERCANTILE X Loudon, 21. de Grey has been gazetted Mar- THE BEST QUALITY H) J 1 llllj INSTITUTION, HARDWARE Next Door to Z. C. M. I., OFPKltS TO THIS I'lBLIC A fMOICfc of Orneral MerrlicmUnt, cuii'lutiog t TINWARE, GOODS, At hiiiikuuI'v Low Rati'i, Uomls for tlw IVuntrj- JJUIIIMIJ dtlivtrvd at the V. C. 48tf rKjl. HARDWARE, TINWARE, BOOTS & SHOES, Faney Hats, Clothing,ete. tionm, OK from Bear J.nke Divide, near Mount Naub, for Sale at the Mill, from , iIIOCERIEi. Stoves, DRY One ltlook i:at of tho TituiiisrOIHrc, on thelSciuh. CROCERIES, Ojrdcn, t quis of lliponi The Eiupcrpr aud Empress of Brnxil landed at Lishou 011 luesday and received an enthusiastic receptinis. They go to Madrid ou rhursUar uuu thea to Lotidou. J -- THE WHITE PINE LUMBER YARD Earl R., t REMOVAL! p' 7' R- - Produce Mercliauta . most inteuseexcitemeut prevails amongst tbe people, , who deem any given spot of land' in the couiiiry liable to plunge 0'ConneH"s body. through half way to China at any moment. The price of real tsta.e has naturally gone down as the real estate has it self. The Morris and Essex eanal is utterly ruined. Its course must be altogether changed to avoid this district if it u intended to hold wal.r enough for a sun fish to tloat iu. Iihh been removed to ' CO. , ew York, 23. bottom is dropping out of the Ststaof New Jersey. In Warren county' dujiug the past few days a number of decp iol s have been suddenly made by the eat th sinking down into seine fearful and, unknown tubterraneau depth. The first noticed waHin Ihe bottom, of the Morris and Essex Caual, on' the sevetf luile level between Br.adway and NewVi,tlage. All "flie water canal went down that hole, then half a dozen niur. holes' opened in the corn fieldS and woods, taking down into the bow els of the earth "greak.. patches of coru aud even sinkiug tree out of sight. Til addition' to this., there are scores of greallong, deep flsaiires. On Wednesday night another big hole opened in the caual. ' A rumbling noise was heard under the Methodist Church ou Broadway, aud nobody will venture into the building for fear it is going down. , The FOREIGN. , iVILLARD . IK1AKTMEXT. iuthe party in tbe Democratic ranks, but freeing, as the company will only stay without success. in our city until Wednesday morniIn the circuit court yesterday, a cbl ored man .recovered $215 from. Con? ng. Everybody should rend the and then go for tickets. This gi essuian Ayer, of V., for expenses for Ayer denied electioneering services. it no humbug, everybody will get their this contract, or that he ever employed Tbe evidence did not h.m iu any way sustain Ayer'e denial, and the jury gave The cheapest nnd best Furni-iur- e fyis found at It. Wilson's establishm- their verdict as above. ' The morals of Southern members need improving. 51-- tf ent, Main street, Opden. The Secretary of the Democratic of South Carolina, was before the A Wo.ndeb. The Living Head with-wi- t x committee ; he denies x body has arrived in Ogden, and tbe Council of Safety is a Owill be exhibited this evening. Look rganization. out for hand bills. Judge llurton, Secretary of the San Domingo Commission, has completed I lie Tun Best Kind. A tir.-- t class livery compilation ofthe San Dour, n go report tU it about to be opened near the and placed, it in the- lnoids of the Government printers. , ,, d E. R. depot, here those who like a fast Railroad cases seem, ia be mixing up (ftuuand a dash in 2 vehicle can be ac the Dipariinents generally. Last Concommodated by the lioi.r, the day or the gress,' the Central Branch of the 1'. IV tried lo get a bill passed, giving certain teek. lauds in Nebraska; this failed, and, on FrRXITl'RK asd Upholstery. Mr. the adjournment of Congress, tho roads claimed liie land nnd"r existing laws. k. Wilnn hns just received a pplendid and other counsel, argued Mr. stock of drawing-room- , chamber and the caseEvnrts, before the Secretary ofthe Inkitchen furniture. aud the Lounges, rocking terior, in Nebraska interi-Bts- , hair, bedsteads, bureaus, chiffoniers, ma ter was referred to the Attorney which he gave cribs, and chairs of nil kinds ure on General for an opinion, before leaving. The opinion was nut fiew at his establishment, Main street. proiuu'guted, howvvir, the excuse ofthe Robert means to meet the wants of the De)artuieut was, that they mast await Dmmunity whether in the elegant and Mr. Delano's reJurn. He has been here several days, but the opposing counsel ustly or the cheap and substantial kind f goods, llii price are low and he has not been allowed to see tbe opinion.. It is understood that the Central branch Ms for t lie patronage of the north is trying to get a rehearing before tho anall y. See advert At or ey General, when he returns, and wauts the opiuion kept from Postal. The attention of Colonel tber-for' the public. I.ck Secretaries Delano in ! Bout well and territory is respectfully directed to the Mr. Ilristow, acting , Attorney General, Jitot'ial correspondence in this issue of have been iu consultation several indays as Bout well is brought 11 Junction. The subject referred to ou the case. of issi amount e a havo to will he large very important one and the griev- bonds if the rend gtiould get the land. jce exposed needs an immediate rew- The P. 0. Department will hereafter send a direct mail to Germany, PiitCBsia Bcani.No Material. Williams and and Luxemburg, via Stettin, at a reducof from 7 to 6' cents or '.oville cunie out y with a new ad- - tion of postage will cross by the English mail at a they 'tisjiiieiil. They are prepared to fill reduotion of from 10 to ti cents., s of lumber on short notice, as their Mr. Medill, of the Chicago Tribune s31 u in good running order. All kinds has accepted the appointment on the Service Commission. Nothing is ''building material will be kept oil Qivil heard from Curtis, of New York, or and those who want doors, sashes, Walker, of Georgia, but it is supposed ic, will do weil to patronize Wil- - they have declined.' The coiumissiou is and Scoville, whose bu iiiess rep- to convene a week from to day, awn in th.s county is A No. 1. A recent dispatch to the Navy Department, regarding the Corean expedition, The people of the Northern was sent by telegraph from Hong Kong, are invited to call nnd inspect China, and cost the Government a large Wilson's fine assor:nent of Furni-saihi- s The next news is exsum of money. ostablishinent, Main street, pected by regular tnnil from China, by hM. f w ay if San Francisco and will arrive iu about a month. JSf See notice. Esiray Philadelphia, 22. Shortly after nine o'clock tuiseveuing an explosion occurred at tho Atlantic At Liberty, Kich county, June 2nd, Oil Refinery at Point Breeia. The tank occurred was in child bed, Mart Jans Smith, in wbioh tne explosion all was consumed. refined ut rn. lemon C. filled with oil; S7 Merrill, aged , New York, 22. .. J,"8, 10 months, and 2 days. S An affray occurred Inst evening in the was the mother of children. eight during which Gollieb !(,a of whom are living to mourn fo ninth Avenue, Gabel, a cellar digger, assaulted Chas. '" tender care. 8he wag a kind Sangenbbor vith a ohair, fracturing and an affectionate mother, and bis skull. The wounuea man was tasen critic 1 condition, "' and died with an assurance of a to the hospital in His assailant was locked up to await, nn jjious resurrection Cow. . examination. T. Walsh, Chas. Cour, Robert Walsh, and F. Shea, of the crew of the British -- SPM'J 1 L. NOTICES. bark "Manitoba," who were held for The fmn- -t : 1 1. 11.. j. ., lJt vuufctu vies uipi Times extradition by commander Whit e.oharged .4Uor Pl""e, eparking and rich, with piracy and assault with the intent Vti I'waeer Main street, to murder Capt. Durkee and tbe chief Store, Drug Oplen. The best brands in the Terri- - m t ol the bark,' were sent home tij. 48 tf ihe steamer "Culwadu" t ' ..... . I .1. - trial. (PI. . " r.n r.i.1. r. 1.1 lie limy . eituui. Gre '!tlllfn, .. . eut en lire broke a La t evening Wl"cu .emuue Jewelry cau ho mdi-c.- n ""'"ed Vn Or(00 t i'AttPK A preiu.sci of J. r'. Henry, paieat 1'lace, maiiiilaciuier. College w.!!"'KI','kN,,ii" S.reet. Itepairi neaily to the stuck.. The 'ed.lAllwo,k wnr.rant.-d- . ltf daai g was build ng siijihtly injured. The lover of gHl yaelniag anticiibe t1 hav. uN MV 'WS .SS1,JN ON15 DARK pate t e umio-- t enjoyment y on The Br annual of tue X regatta. branaJr MUi'K. ,w'It or tnarmen yeirn will contest yaouiing of 2b tine vessels . 50.-0n lelt ,huluer, 8 ou II,. nm k. for me Hosiery in the presence of U. UUUU.Y, interes' u. ., J .ls Jho deepctit p. datura.! Utah. C,,y 13d, 181 ui.pilested. T Ks'IAUUSBIO. The Chambers will be adjourned be- - j fore the end of the present week. The " idea of holding a short session in Rome , has ben abandoned. The miuister of the interior, ordered Call attention to their lurgi and well- the dissolution of the International Sociassorted Stock.'-jusIN WHKAT, BARLEY, OATS, COTIS, Teceived,' con' ' t JOHHKRS Corn ' ety in Italy. Mfiil. Oraliam t'lnur, Cbcp in pari, of slsting, liricil r. uclijn, 15. uj), .,.t. King Victor Emanuul travels through i, , Frvuli Kutt. r, Fruit uid Vjt.bl. here; on the 30th, on a visit to Naples. j Uroiindiiie, Poplins, " ' J " Madiid,22." I.aMiiM, IMqiuti, 'j' . t Iu the Cortes' last evening, uuuistcr ; Colouea, declared Spain would maintain .llarMeilleM, Tiue Shawls, Deal an Id of , and a full complement the iutegrity of Cuba, as lengas and arms are. forthcoming, lie .admitted Stock. M'orlt SUMMER GOODS. ' Vouns lleef there Vfns a ministerial crisis, and adCattle. ded, the Cabinet would resign, after the of tbe Cortes address the of to approval the Crown. ..All the amendments to the W mil th atuntlnn at fiig fompant, address were withdrawn, and the disFivigtiltti'ii, mrj oil urilun Bllti ultU car Ui is complete in..' r :: ; , cussion proceeded. dipalch. Gents', Iti(Ues Mlse and Cab UuaaigamonU of Orln, etc ' Indus Octragb. Telegrams from Children A Gfwral Awurtmpnt of MKItnt VNPISZ kpt Beaver to the Deseret Evening Newt give coiutautl.v ou Uniid, at LOW 1'UICKS. CaliToriiia and other , an account of the shooting of twe men HOOTS SHOllS, W have n BLACKSMITH SHOP in eonnectloa by Indians.; Qn the 20th iust. Cornelius with mir hiwliiw". Shooinc tt per Span. Jub t O'Conncll and Dennis Mc.Mahon were Wlpperw, Croquet Wtf bing Vt ork at ruuunald raios. cros ing the mountains from Bullion city ',''. Jimlettan,' to Beaver, when they were accosted by r and all the latest styles. Jus.i C. Cllltl j. Tbumas Tvvlok. an Indian with a moustache and beard. Also j , , , , r t who said he was one of Kanosh's band HATS and and wanted some' biscuit. The men Niiiulonns, Gipsies,,,. showeii him their camp, and on their Xillson'H, return found that most of their pro Genti Straw and Panamas. visions and all their gunpowder were East' Temple Street, r M Carpets, .Mosquito liars. gone. A few minutes after, a shot was fired from across the creek, wounding W indow Curtains O'Connell in the left arm. Another shot and Shade, ' DKA1.KHS IN ALL KINDS Of wounded M'Mabon, breaking his left arm and shoulder joint. The latter fired A NEW LOT OF READY-MADhis revolver into the brush whenc the CLOTHING. firing proceeded, and tried to move HARDA full Stock of GROCERIES, A Pplunilid Stock of O'Connor, who became faint, nnd said a WARE, etc., etc. shot had glanced off the side of his Call and Examine. head. McMahon left him to go eight DRY GOODS miles for assistance. Dr. Christian and I AH eight men went to hunt for the wounded man, but dii not find him. A ball wrs extracted from McMahon's breast bone. The latest seconrt-- report the enpturerf the murderous Indian, who it called Sissickj Runners are out searching for TI4C Gutnblcton.aud charge ' ., ail: RETT '' 1. MERCANTILE DEY GOODS WILL ARD CITY, C. I GROCERY a, y, two indictments for forgery, was yesterday identified by Mr. Stanton lilake, of Rlake Cros. & Co., of N. V., and their clerk as the man who presented a check for $7,000, signed by Uumbleton. 5 1 e Desperate efforts are being mad small politicians to organize a new ' . yester-daysIdss- tf z. c. m. which has been destroyed by the hurricane, histead of the cotton crop, in the district of Bavada, India. Tho loss is 500,000 pounils sterling. Planters will not recover from tbe blow for year-The Pout says, there is an understanding between Germany, Austria and P.ns-sifor the preservation of the peace of ., Europe. i; h To all tho People in the different Scttleoienta. .1 Vienna, SI. TIIK DRUG DEPARTMENT Beust says the relations of the westCIA IV JOOO tiniiirlMH ern powers are excellent, aud there is n full nd mmpletn nniortmfnt of Uiii: unit Mnllcine", I'ainla, O li., Vrnilie, 110 re.ison to npprehtud a collisiou ..with Uruxlic and ftuii')' rlu If". r statements that Russia. The and at the Yard from lluss a had Tenionstiated Sgailist AusTHE LIQUoTljBPARTM EXT. tria's internal organization are groundJOOO ConiHlm of Winm, riniiillt. the climirt less. The Euxino treaty was satisfacAlcohol, etc, etc., nil of whii h e now Una wild 1 1 hn Invert t pnaiilile primi. Prwnptlou toft tory. The prosperity ind au'hority. of I I III U II i II II crrfiilljr compoiiolrd liy h ComvK-n- t Ilriisnint. iu Cash or its equivalent. m. mm 1 a a Austria are increased because of her 1 All pHrties imlcbti'd to the lt nnd 3rd nnd in the war. lie said 2ud Wnnl tior.i in requested to ettlo imiurdl JHa.mt with the Ojih-- City etc. utely Oats, twenty two Itishops had petitioned lor lnxtitution. the of the temporary It. BALLANTYNK, iiiriDU'ndrnt. power of the Pope, but their petition A KKW OOOD was unanswered. LOGGING HANDS WANTED. The ship "Agnes Banfield." from Msn Good Chnirn'for $15 per Doicn, ilia for New York, has foundered, i The Apply to Wixthrup Farley, one bloo; (Knocked down and boxed,) East ; the Tithing Olbce (on the Bench), crew were saved. - rj8 and Tables Fall Ogden. raris,2l A notice has been issued by the militLEVI WIIKELER. Kitchen Table $G. ' r ary countermanding the order fo the Paris review. It recalled the apprehen: sions felt by the Government us to the demonstraof Bonapartist probability Tho troops have tions being made. Walnut Bedsteads, $10 to $17. m ttr a full stock ot is been removed ai.d now the review is 22-t- f fixed to take p'ace at Long Champs, on Sunday next. JAMES fe 0. The Journal Dn De'iattt of y proHOSIERY & posed the election of a second Chamber FANCY GOODS. commenced business at again by the Consul General, similar to the Having W Utah ara rvarwctfiilly . The Lftdioaof Northern Mill Saw the on Steam their contin The late Senate. , assembly inriu-- to call and luisct tielore purrhuiug ues in session 'during the elections. 80UTII TEMPLE STREET," 1 1"1 den THK fEIlVIFF.9 Of ' Mortality is increasing in Paris', in con- Middle E sequence of , tho arrivals of Urge numbers of ertilgriints from the ceded proHave ebpurpd in the Millinery Department, Uroamnakor will be in attendance On and a half Blnckn Kast of It. C. B, R. Depot. vinces. Neither cholera nor typhus is and a are prepared to fill Bills of Lumber in to receive iirilem. acto refused Gambctta prevalent. Artidf good and prient moderate. i3tf knowledge the mandate of the Assembly, any quantity, on short notiue, and at , accompanying the refusal with a declar- the very Lowest Rates. ation to ratify the treaty. Subscriptions to tho newv French loan open en Monday next. ' 1I0ME MAM' FACTURES. London, 22. Orders filled at the n ill or delivered in The funeral of George G rule fh em, ,1 Ogden City. " ' inent Grecian historian, takes place on OUR will Saturday, tho 24th. The remains be; placed in Westminster Abbey, KEPT OS HAND AND MADE TO .. whero they will occupy a position fejT Teams wanted to haul ORDER. historians and those ofthe poets beside the i now in Lnmberon Shares of the past. Cloth operation, hianufaeluring ' ' 2ft- - 6 Cft. 6, and ' The Count de Paris leaves England on Mill to Ogden. ' of superior quality. comin for Paris, subsequently, Friday, for r.i.'. 2ft. 8 l.y Gft. a. The IIlRhest paid pany with the Duke D'Aumale; and Wool. Princo De Joinville will pay a visit to " Coutit De Chaniberd.(i vs FT Order addressed to BARNARD WHITE. Much ' dissatisfaction f exists among attenthe Members lof the- House tf Lords at Fourth Street, Ogden, will receire prompt . Stf tion. ' the delay of the Government in bringing at oar the the bill for action for reorganizaup C. WAHDLEIGH, tion of the army, and threaten if the bill is not submitted very soon that i IF YOU WANT strong efforts will be made to . defeat it COMMISSION MERCHANT, in tho Houso of Lords. In the House of DEALER IN .Wdrww. P. 0, Box Set. Lords, to night, Lord Oraimore gave notice of bis intention to address the AXD TIXWARK, Crown, expressing the regret of the GO TO 't Lords a' the signing of tbe treaty at e it as tin NOTION'S, Washington and MAIN STREET. OGDEN. lie., Eit... hffiiioiiuir the honor of the counirv. ; new-snap- , Wheat, GKT AT YOU $20 to $25. per feat, $30 to $40 per feet, H. DINWOODEY'S X'ln-lio- 1 Temnlo Street. SALT LAKE CITY, Barley, taken in payment. 40-1- y LADIES' CO-OPERATI- ; W VE $0. 1 48-t- INSTITUTION, STEAM SAW MILL. Main Street, , 0jlen, ... MIIjLINEIIY, I). ill Fork of HALT LAltV: CITY, Jlrs. PK XII OS ItiYcr, lillUVIll Viiat-clu- , SASH, , BRICH AM CITY ' DOORS, MOULDINGS, ...... FRAMES, ETC., frni Woolen Factory DOORS, Irlcc 1 ... - i Cash paid for Tlidos STEAM PLANING II. MILL GROCERIES, PROVISIONS, ST O. cbar-tcteriz- ,, ' Versa.lles-.2- 1 KTItEET, niTIIo(;di;, t . Indications are that, the efforts of Kear the C.C.R.11. Depot. " Thiers lo break the fusion between the ' , Orlennisis and Leg timists will be sue Tbe Due D Aumale has refused lo give his formal adbesiou to the candidacy of Count De Chauiberd as by the latter. FRESH AND SALTED MEATS CON- Later disnitcties frora BaiblMy.: state STANTLY ON HAND. ., that it- is'theWtrfieg ahdf mace crops ok Bavada. Island, in Mmy Arcbipeligo, OODEX CITY, UTAH. sa.f 60-3- m UUXClIKli. , V E s f P23AROE, SUMMER HERD. The Cheapest and Itvut m' Utah. S1 ' 36-t- f E. - RALPH DOUGLASS, O J. WATKINS, Hoot and Shoe Maker, At the sign of the Bit Bout, FiflU Street, Offm. All Iliads uf Hoot anil 81iue mad lo order, ueatl; executed. Vruduce taaru u pa intut. Price paid lor all Highett . kind of ilidet. " P K"er u" M .tf IIKKDKD I'tKINO THK KUMM KR J Hl'LtNlJIli KAM1IE ne.ir OicJen ull.-t tli fullow.ng low rale: Hurnea, till Kuvetiilier Ar t - - per hea l V " J '. tier Mulitli " -Uuroed Stuck, t.ll November Unit 1 :. " per Montli ... ".."; Stock Kill tie rece'veil t the Titli'ng Crr'. OgduB, ecry Sutur.iay. Bi'ety BUrote''. , i , t; A. IIAMMONI', MU, " A.W.COOUSX, 42tf .1). |