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Show She The Mormons.tT ";; r it jawgundion.. v who Eldei Miles Grant leetured ;in the Ogden Tabernacle a short time sinee, is ' editor of a weekly papftr, ievoted td tbe interests of bis sect, called Tbe World's Crisis. In the issue of May 17lb, Mr. Grant gives a lengthy account of his visit. to the Mormons, from which we make lh fuilowiag 'brief ex tract. some After a earefal observation duya, we came to tbe settled conclusion bat there is less licentiousness in Bait Lake City than in any other one of the same size in the United gtates; and were we to, bring up a family of children in these last days of wickedness, we should have less fears of their moral corruption, were they in that city, than in any ether., Swearing, drinking, gambling, idle aci-s- , and licentiousness, have made but small headway there, when compared with other places of equal sue. As a body, they are a Very sincere people, and beneve tbe Lord led them there. They are close Bible students, and are very familiar with the Old Testiroent prophecies, upon which they dwell jmuch in their prenchinr. 'Among them are a number of able men, who are capable of entertaining an .intelligent audience, Tbsy preach without notes, and present such thoughts al coma to them oa the lluUiehed ererr WIiKMAT and IATCRBAT, . ... If lb 0U1 tl.WHJl C0M4T.l W. PES ROSE, Buainea Manager, to whom all b addrerted. iomuuK-tloabuul' ''ft f the Advewtis Cardon Stuff. 4riie CHARLES W. I'ENROSF JEuiiofc- OGDEX, UTAH. 'TYMlnesdaf Morning Mjr St, 1871. fi 4 fcensiible Woman, .York Courier talk story , . Tlx fawita actresv wUich ,a frouowninj ...slii.wa tiiat h has aound judgement and l.guod fiiindplas, m wU as tliaalrieal Tbs young lady has bw for ,. anility. far a .. jym tiuis th oentrt of attraction ffer mr" legion of fashionable! almost eseryday affaira .,jiag lava ,b witUlier, From asaong the numerous a applicant Jvr her hand, sb aeleeled fine perional ap-.- .. ; young gentUman of oonneoted (lOaranca, well educated, and , . , But abainfonn-- , jj aBianoed that ibe m ould not an-- j ml elate until (be bad. if r the wfJtli .wealthy family., , br aarrige mtfld an iadrpendeooe tivaa.. j, : .. l for ti': i her rola-- r ' . , occasion. i .The autre want on a travelling tout1, A few .,, and made a great deal of money. here Tigit her lover, paid ago baring day! in a distant city, wae entrusted' with the taiiot of $6,560 to he plaoed in the hands fftLe aotress'. business agent in New i York for investment. Returning rather deferred his visit ha iate in the afternoon, In the to the agent tilt next morning. '.itmrae (if an evening walk, he fell ki with an acquaintance- - who- - Introduced bira to gambling den on Broadway. Two hours after, ha emerged from the "hell" "skinned" of the money entrusted to bin and all the cash b bad. The crest-falle- n lover returned to bis hotel and in- -. formed tie proprietor that be bad been and then went , rulbod by pickpockets, of the bead the polioe force to whom fq confessed he the real facts in the case. j The oQioer agreed to obtain the money, if ha would makt a formal complaint be-- ( ( fore a magistrate, that the swindlers might le arretted. But the young man ns he did not wish his name to ( rcfued, ..he roude public in connection with the af, fair, Meanwhile thr actress, bad informed fu r agent by telegraph of the amount ' he had forwarded," and received a no money had come to bnnaV Tb lotjr, after his failure at the police nfTa-o- , tiTt'graphed io his father that he . - .' a.' or M r. j Mat nan if en rooneu jo,o,u. I ne lather nimeililely proceeded to New Tork, " ani, after hearing his son's story, at once paid the amount into the hands of the ii gent. The business man, suspecting "smiir-tlting- ' wrong. Instituted enquiries nil., learned the true particulars of the ' actress By Vh, whloh he exposed letter. Wuh the agent's epistle she re ecired one from her lover containing the His- - falshood, con pickpocket atory nected with the' gambling propensity 'thin brought to light, filled her with irrrirf. But she scon made up her mind "n to tne proper course to pursue. She dinned for New York, bad an interview ' with him, and there and then dismissed ' him from bit engagement. "" In tMe the actress set an eiample Worthy the Imitation of every girl who wishes for happirress in wedded life. A 'giknibler and aliar Is unworthy the af-Tfection and respeet of a virtuous woman, and she who trusts such mair easts the ncUcs of her affcctiona to th wiuds. ,., The .. , , . ... . , ,, , fr Pltteton DUaster. From, our telegraph io , i dispatches it terrible catastrophe will be aeen that a Two men were set upon by rowdies near tbe Jtsc-Tio- s and office on Monday evening lust Roughs. s'.mje 'drunke need for the importation There of a single .vegetable from the West into Utah. ! By proper care, and energy our gaYdeocrs Vould supply the market its arly as California. At any rate, a full supply of native garden stuff eould be raised in season for the general ckm-n- d, and by this time Ought to' be exported instead of imported, in large quantities. Onions, radish, lettuce, cress aud other ', have spring vegetables, been In market 8ittreveB weeks; peas, asparagus, turnips, eto., are now being brought in, .and there should be an abundance of these healthful and, toothsome products for sale in all pur cities. Gardeners will find it very profitable to raise vegetables specially for the market. There Is a great demand for them in the railroad towns east and west, and we can ship them in a fresher and more attractive condition than th y ean be '. brought from California. This business could be followed all summer. Uood gardeners eoutu Keep up the supply by replanting; and when the people of the dry and barren towns that lie along the track of tbe great road once get a taste of our rich Utah vege tables and fruits, they will want no others while they can get ours. But first let us supply the home market. Prime vegetables ought to and would command a ready sale if regularly offered in Ogden; all the surplus can be exported. Almost every house in our settlement has a garden of some kind attached, and enough vegetables of the very best varieties that ever graced a table could be raised in the vicinity of Ogden to supply all the demand for hundreds of miles East and West. Now, far mere and gardeners, let's see what you is-n- home-raised- severely beaten. .Aderthe circua.was cloid the sa"me ruffians' got into a 'row with 'Kig Steve," and a" scrimmage took Sieve and place in Buch miller's saloon. Yester used a circus man got badly were assailants the of tw day morning , inomp-sonAlderman before taken arrested, and when Ibey left the court were and rather qrinus' seven! greenbacks downhearted. GREAT , . . 5 J FIFTH STREET, ,'' OGDEN". Jfew Goods, vl ed from eel a.n ' ! ton,7 of 'nd s of ad' TaWn , PlqncM, Poplins, Alpaca, Linens, Delaines, Parasols, Itibbons, etc., ' 4 I bare commenced the manufacture of xiblES'' GENT3 A ; . Iaendlesaity STEAM. SAW 'MILL Summer Rats D. JAMES & Co. Having commenced business again at their Steam Saw Mill on the JJome FIKST-CLAS- S Middle Fork of GENUINE JEWELRY. River, WEPTIOIRy CLOTHING r -- "i oa Sheet" Boots ana VitiJSJ '. I. A Pull Aseortnient of )j j d GEOCEEIES, Glassware, iieensivarc, ' Hardware, in the can - LOST, at very UUTCIIKll. CO-OPERATI- Wedding Cakes VE INSTITUTION, 3Inin Wtreet. Ojrdcn. , I Xj I 33 :fl Fancy Pastry orulik li .will be Hold AH , PENROSE A GOOD MEAL can be obtained above-nam- ASSAYINGS. ' ' Main Street. Ogucn. NOTICE. rno wnosi it Town Srf, I Kntry, No. Cache Conntv, Utah. male la GOLD EX GATE ed WHITE HOUSE . The Best in Town,.' always ready, - Cotu-Miiuit- U. P. BREWERY GIVE ME ACALL, MALTING ( prua CITY BAKERY CALIFORNIA FRUIT STORE! limi - ; ' ir II. 8TIIKET, OUDEX. on hand at the Jt'LIl'8 KIE.SELhaeconxtantl alHive Entabliahnirnt a lull eunply of IS CO N FECTIO prent quality. of enperior A yarictj Y. of FruiW, rt of Oru)f;i', Applet. Strawlier- conainting in nee. eir., ami an ainnstii nrled ami LUnncn rruui. SUMMER DRINKS Sl ICE CREAM alaaye rauiy, and a oaafortanle rooui iu winch my natrnua ran enjoy tbeae deliraciei. PROVISIONS A a full awortment of OROt ERIM can alio be ob:alnl clump at the City Baker; and 1' California rjuit ftore. JtLlt'8 KIKsEL. Proprieter. , 3S-l- , IF WANT YOU STOVE A,0 , . , TIXWABE, AO TO . MAIN SlttEET, S , OGPKV. The Cheapest and Bettt in Utah. 3Mf . , ,, , BANK EXCHANGE, ' " Mailt Street, Ogdeiu BILLIAEDHALL The choicest Wines, Liquors and Cigar in the Market. Finest Tha Hall in the City. Every attention given to customers. M. BUCH MILLER. 82-l- f SUMMER HERD. TOOK rtERDED a PfLENDID fcURlXO, THE SUMMER At RANCH E near Osden VaUey, ' tha following low rates; Horaee, till November (Int , per head " " " per Month ,' ,', -- , ,' " Horned Stock, tiU Koveuiber ftret ". : . H perManth ! - 3. w Stock will he received at, the Tithing Corral. ercr7 Saturday. Safety guaranteed, ' ' ?. A. B.IMMOKD, ... . P.M.1. A.W.COOLET. Ogden, " iltf ASSAYING, . ut Wellille-lSt.- 1'ilh, lU, eec Ji. B. '4 and Ion 1 and t; braciug 8. K.V g K. ' 8. W. and' R E. 5. bee. S; '. 8. W. 8. W. N W. 4 and luiihwe.ti X. W. Sec lit N. . V. and K. U Sei-- . 10 Tb. W o.M S. W. Vt Ce. 3a and 8 E i Swtion X; W in Toanablp 11 North of Hansel W. containin( 1101) acre, tuts tieeii niaile in truit tor the inhabvf in Wli itants, and ia now ready to be dipo-eto any perenn or entitled tberatu. All pamons clftiniinn to be the owner or dokm-o- r of any portion of aaid entry will take dm notice aud niaka the application aj provided la tbe ttatute of I' tab. WILLIAM MAUOHAX, Mayor. . 3Mw Wellsville, May 11, 11. ICE CREAM, . casu may coxcrnx-tn- it CVV ' 1 , 0..W00DMANSEE, 86-- tf , CHOP HOUSE. , as Cheap as the Clieupe(. . ' t Rates. RALPH DOUGLASS, LADIES' S, And NOTIONS ad infinitum, heart-rendin- 44-- W O T Xi supplied with PURE CANDY e li aele. Coraiitinj in part of ' 1 lft-brai- id ... wilt .'Cami Tbe ItCMt Style Look out for fheni. lonih ofth Ilvolu(iou. 'A Witli a full Awortmeut of si Voting ' - . f ' Two hi STREET, OGDEX . to-th-e j i .NEW "STORE, ATTRACTION! : . WOODlfflXl Confectionery, has occurred at Pitteaon, Pennsylvania. Ogden It isa repetition of tbe old storyso common ia the mining districts of Great Britain, are prepared to fill Bills of Lumber in Tbe West Pit 1st on mine was full of ob noxious gnses, combustion ensued, and any quantity, on short notice, and at the very Lowest Rates. eighteen human lives were sacrificed. to the latest nsws the great Acoording FOR TUB est excitement prevailed on Saturday last when It was discovered that tbe Orders filled at the n ill or delivered in i. sbsft was on fire, aa it was known that Ogden City. between thirty and forty men were in WHOLESALE sfc RETAIL the pit. Fire engines were bronght to can do. TBADE. bear, but for a time bo one could ap Comimo C6T Teams wanted to haul Philip Philips the proach the mine in eonsequcnoe cf the singing pilgrim is expected to sing at Lumber on Shares from the extreme beat. .11111 to an entertainment in Ogden shortly. Ogden. By five o'clock on Sunday morning the fire Fas controlled, and efforts made Outrages. About 1 o'clock on Sat for the reliof of the entombed men. It urday morning last, Mr. Kiesel's premiwas found that they had barricaded ses were invaded All Orders addrenwd to BARN ARD WIIITK. by a number of men themselves In, and exploring parties, from the railroad who insisted upon be Fourth Streat, OgJou, will receive jiroiupt ntun- - STORES XOSITJI uua. .HI with the necessary tools, were lowered ing supplied with whisky, though into the bottom of the shaft. In the formed that liquor was not kept on the be hundreds of women and premises fur sale. Ibey staid about meantime, child ren had congregated near the scene wo hours, making a great disturbance V RED COW, BRANDED J PF 0 LEFT HIP, right, tlit mid uupenilope oil of the disaster, and their cries and lam using very foul language, and threaten- - i! Vindnrxlupe oil "Folkman" on the left liorn. eiir. Bnui'led, Iiiforitmtiim hor whoreiiiKinto ol will lie kindlv entations were At length ng Mr. Coesstl, who came to Mr. Kie 1 reoe.vil by Mr. Widtrborg, Ou eu City. the imprisoned men were reached, and sel's assistance, with a gun. Low as they were brought up, some dead Mr. Kelson of the Golden Gate Chop and the rest insensible, the excitement House has been treated in a similar wuy was terrible, and the people could with by some of tbe same crowd. FRESH AND SALTKU MEATS CON difficulty be kept outside the rope which Some of the railroad hnnd are gentle STANTLY ON HAND.' ' encircled the .shaft. Thirty-seve- n men men, and act as such w herever they go. S3tf were exttieated, all. that were in the But we are sorry to say there are a fvw OGIi:X CITY, UTAH. pit, and eighteen of them wore stone who, to use the language of one of their dead. own number in our own hearing, "calMartin Cox, one of the minera taken culate to do Just as they please, and reck out of tbe mine alive, made the follow on they are a bard et to get away with." ing statement; We have laws in Ogden, and the author .. ,i e went,. in at seven o clock a.m. ities "calculate" that they will be obAND My brother Robert cut through from served, and the lawless will find thut one air Io another, turned on the cits. and six miuers came out with him before they will not "get away" without pun their shaft was up. The air was so bad ishment, whoever they may be. IS WITH A FILL STOCK OP tbey could not work. This was about fifteen minutes before the fire, and seven AC Ijs "ST, Ho, Cachi ' ValLev! 1,500 doien miners came up to the top, fivo minutes HOSIERY It oeiore me ore was discovered. Th eggs per week wanted by C. W. ThornMADE TO ORDER. first intimation we had of the fire was a ton, Fifth street, Ogden. FANCY GOODS. Cash on de- sound through the mine aa if there was . The Ladies of Northern tJteh are resnectfull ...- v an explosion of gas. An English miner liviry. iDTited to call and inspect before pur:.luuiu( else-wnere. said "there it fire. We were then DiCMKao. We have received a com working about fifty , yards from the munication THE SERVICES OF which is rather fromCorinne not torn or tbe snati on tbe West side, . Mrs. I then ran to the bottom of the heavy on "the unfortunate "Douglas," shaft and saw, fire coming down, and but as no signature was annexed, we de- ttTe ben en (raced in the Milliner Department. and a Fird-clu- u Hreesmakor will be in attendance ran back to my corursdes and told cline publishing it. We agree with the to recaire onlere. them we were all lost, and that the , ,. Article good and pricee moderate. 43tf shaft was on fire. We were seven in all writer, however, that the extinguished ne ran to the foot of the shaft and the scribbler referred to is "a dead goose in DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP. ', burning timbers were coming down, and Utah." , ,i , 18 ItEUKIIt U1VEX, THAT Til It we threw In water to put out the fire. NOTU:K heretofore Minting- - between and the smoke became so intense that , Wait a Little Longer. The Co liKOKGE TIIOMI'SON and (IEOKUG KaTCllUM : U tint da; DISSOLVED we were nearly suffocated. Dense vol by mutual convent. rinne Journal should wait until a test George Thorn neon awnmet all liabilities and umes came down the shaft and filled the , Tuo, Revolution of '71 is at aa end place. Weranovertothe west side, in the case is carried up to the Supreme Court will collect all cteM. rine the late firm np to this date. f.rOD. indebted to the " firm Tim last of the Insurgents have laid direction of tbe river bridges down the from Utah, before considering the ques are reqinereii hi aeilie immediately. At all reasonable Hours at tha OKOROK .. : down their , TriOMPSOX, arms, and the mad rebellion slope, got in at the door with eleven eta tion of the Courts a settled affair, ,,,, ' OEOKUK KtTtlll'M. In Or Jen. V. T, May 20, 187 1. i.f the Reds Is over. Order is measure eis, making eighteen altogether. 14 that place the smoke came in upon us Meanwhile, those who are sanguine as bly restored it Paris, Vut the city is on so badly that we gathered up some fine to the triumph of the triumvirate might dec, Viartial rule, 'being, divided! into stuff trom the track and plaMered uo th advance a few greenbacks to help pay RETIBS8 Of ANT KIND OF OR It twenty military districts.. Those of the cracks ef tbe door, and stuffed our coat those expenses which Uncle wouldn't nOItRECT V ) Kirea on the ihortest noticeandoureaMnable In the holes, which stopped the smok . lendci'S who are captured will no doubt term, tty for some time. We now had tims for liquidate. " i & BOESSEL, ! PARPE leccire the penalty of death, which they thought and reflection. No one expect Main Street, Ofdea, Tki WiteoMi lUiy. The soaking tlj viebly deserve. To the erime of treason ed to see daylight again, and said it wa of rain and Avondale. second We a all Monday Tuesday hasbrought the added sang have oold hymns State, against they RE-OPENE- D. calling upon Uod in his nier life and beauty to grain and gran, and btdoiled murder and arson. The blood andtoprayed, save us, as we all felt doomed, un saved lots of cy labor. came It irrigating tiffTie brave Generals whom they cap-rur- til I was brought out by my brother Ko THE and cruelly slaughtered, and of bert at five o clock on Sunday morning. just at the right time, and everybody feel truly thankful. should made efforts the Uostagea whom they treacherously The for the rescue of the VAIN STREET. OtiDEN. BEEN THOROUOHLT REPAIRED AND the burning mine are slew, cries aJoud for vengeanoe oa, their poor fellows HAS up with appoiiitnent complete tn thrice accursed beads. The land should worthy of all praise; but a fourth of th ery partirtilar. 1URTII. , pinn have been parel to a make CLASS FIRST it IIOTEU The tablea means expended after, the accident, if . bo rid of such uionslers, and justice will hX LiTerpool, April 29, Elisabeth, will be fumUlif-- with all the production, of the wife of John Jones, cf a daughter.- no doubt be permitted to take its course. used beforehand to keep tbe mine in MMa, and will be aacoud to none in Utah. Tbe llouoe is Open r Hie reception of (Inestt ; :.. of the monumenta and treasures proper condition would have saved all Hill. Star. and the accommodation of Traveler.. Term. i DEATHS. . , k reaeonaiwe. of art which they have' destroyed is ir- (ilia trouble, the lives of eighteen work i ,SIEAL HOITR. i At- Clerkenwell, London, April 26, from 6.:tu till a o'clock, reparable, and can no more be restored ing men and the anguish and distress Mary Mewett, aged 88 years. ' '' ' Dronkfaat, Pinner 12.P0 J ' than ,tJhfe lives of their lunrdered vi- that have fallen upon the bereaved ' At Longlown, StatTordshire, April 3, e.00 7.S0 " ' Cupper " Freo Couvvance to and from all Rpgnlar ; . William, aged 14 years, 5 months and ctim.' yftrinore thai from the German, families. 16 dayst April 13. Matthew, aged 8 year, Sitf Paris ltn sutrered at the hand of her Proprietor. months and 5 days; ant April 17, Egos. C W. Thornton wants lots of oliiWreu. ,!l ti( own ' eggs, for whicn he will pay eash." The Thomas, aged 11 years and 19 days, all had oonquered, what woull-iivpeople of Cache Valley can find a cash children Of Martin Page. Hill Star. been the fute of France? ; The old reign market for most of their produce in Ogden if they will look for it. Come and of terrier, would have been & SPECIAL MITICES. ee. 41 tf HOUSE, ami anarchy and destruction would Chickens. Fasct Pure White-face- d tut". vucii, Tit 1'RIKTOR. LM.ER Have sivi'pt, through the land liko a CiRfs.- - Bartholomew's citcos de- Black A Spanish Chickens at S. Smith's, XV POU'll l.AXlT. BKtK, t.oo! aud Sparkling, alwy on hand. whirlwhid.' Let u hope that the pres-t- lighted the young folks of OgJeu on i.oguB, v.aoue couuiy, tirss, per iO-t- : Saloutis and Families Supplied. Government will prove to bo better aturdujr and Monday evening?, and dozen. Orders ent from Pwm residing aloos the Reil- abhr than it appears, to grapple with the moy of the older ones were entertained - 6kncib JawsLKV.--Th- e estab only and the .urroitiid:uK Toh will be lishtuent at which genuine Jewelry can roa.l L;nn nue,t HfTicultiva of the eitiMtion. and estab- by ilio feats of the at the rate of jM lromptiy eiglrl Kal performing bears, tbe be obtained in Ion & keir. Ogden is at Pakpk lish pouca in humbled and liietraeted jumping elk', aud last, but not least tu JOHN The of bo k ll.Ut will reanlalrd the cur. price KELSON, POKSssa'a, Main Street. Repairs neatly rent markst of graiu. A h!eial allowance Frnncc, lilipntian actors. execute. All work warranted. ltf will he mane prices re Krne. 3tf pt Buain n LIVING SEA LIONS AND SEA TnE which hav- created such sensation in Salt Lake tny, win De exhibited in Ogden on. Friday and Saturday next. m ' It' NEW! SOMETHING 'OPEN! eabii"1 . re-(Ii- kI t NOW GOLDEN GATE Assays of every di scrijiiu.n of ores mftd anct returns g(vu witbin twelve hours.c JOUX RRED, Iiopan, Cache County. 30 tf Term e. IMPORTANT T EVAiS A8A.H TO ORJi MINERS, - 1111 DISPATCH J , at he oftVe, 8ii(th ire.'t. fhijen, Reterepcta can t had al th Jesceriiei lruitiag 01c.-- 4 |