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Show Sh &ofin function. A THE OGBEf Published every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, CUMPA.XT. l't ULlSHI-Nby the lJJ' UMES McOAW, President and Business Manager, wiviin all lSusiueMi communications nhoujil bs TTNfTFTftN Thrilling Adventure with Indians. California paper tells the following story; Several years ago there lived in Trin' TiTrmIToF SUBSCRIPTION. ity County a man named E,oss, ILe was tv great hunter, his favorite Inviting One Year 'W I.,,,t ground being over the hills and valleys l.o on the head of Eel River. It was liU Three Mouths .10 ambition to kill an elk, and never having come ucross any in his rounds, ho ADVERTISING. OF KATES one day asked an Indian whom ho sup rii). 15. posed to be friendly, if he could show FJLUSKX'AltY 1871. YOL. UTAH, MATUISIAY, M him one. The red man said ho could, ate but would havo to go home first, am! a would return at the end of five days, IN to -i tho destitute and suffering peoplo of Cojhpcr Iustituto this A dispatch from Versailles states that evening in aid of lead him where he would find the and France and Germany. Those ships will Mrs. George. the German authorities havo offered to coveted $1.50 $2.50 H $7 m 17 tOO Square, game. .M 4.50 6 8 15 "JJ SI 60 Siwcial to the Oopkn Jcni Tion by the Atlautic and employ all the men at the disposal of the The steamship "Riga" cleared yester-day,fto extend armistice the tho Departments At the end of the appointed time the 7 IS 25 4'i 3.50 6.1.0 rat ine ia and it " Telegraph Coinpany.J that Department, Bordeaux, with a cargo of arti- of Jura aud Bonus, on tho condition of suggested 6 IK) 8,50 11 15 25 3t 55 aud the pair set out Column, supplies for this purpose, collected at cles of war valued at $008,770. VM 14.50 10 22 3S 51 7H 115 the surrender of the fortress of Belfort on their returned, :: hunting expedition. On the 3S 115 04 SJ 170 other 17.011 25.50 2!) bo forwarded for transporAt the successful concert given last to the German besieging army, and the places traveled till nearly nightfall, but not Iluciutwa Cards f per month. tation to either of the above cities. evening at Stcinway Hall, in aid of the withdrawal of the French garrison pre- even a track did Tennessee! they see. The day was The Senate Committee fund for the relief of the city of Stras- sently defending tho city. The proposal will be rhnrffvil Appropriation Local anil Sjiecial Notict-and our hero was, therefore, foggy, the to for fust insertion, increase the subsidy on bourg, tho receipts were estimated at for submission was met with an indigcents per linn agreed to ten direction lie was the China service from California, to about 0,000. UJ liftii'U conta Jior lino for every subsequent nant refusal by the French commanders. unable but as in wnai drew going, night near, he told, million one dollars. The ice of 1S71 harvest season of are ot the tho bo who (he desire Continuance hostilities his Company '"iriiiSnt ailvertisinx to paid fur hi advance. had return home, better guide they to double this of lines of um their of is now completed, and is said to be of and refuse to recognize the existence of tyie trips. A Square consists and come again some other lime. The finance committee of the Senate the best quulity. Over one million tons the armistice. ' of Yeiiilv advertisers allowed to change at jleHsnro, Accordingly, as Ross supposed, they decided that, in ail cases, when ii.kp becu gathered and housed for next Sir John Rose has declined tho posihurp oftln--twenty-liv- e with "lily tin! additional to retrace their Bteps. Before a began w ill be been had but seized in f"r landst tion use. the ho summer's several was formerly offered as one of r"il'itioii. routs a qii:i'' he fouud himself in a very while con-- , over for great EXTRA ovmuyiii under Stales, iux he Tribune this morning says the tho British Commissioners to confer charged operation of the direct tax unfamiliar country. Later rocky, steep, act, they shall be returned to owners. initcrious Williamsburg assailant, who with the Commissioners Ail'vertisi'ineiits not marked on th copy with the appointed by si ili, and some time after dark, they will be our will nt a U. opto bill the asit'ilts l'liey S. published Insertion", Government at probably report iiam'.ierof requirunprotected women, proves Washington, to u ridge overlooking a noisy Service! and charged at transient of Internal btjtayth. The police, ufler a careful with a view to arriving at an amicable came ing the Commissioners tion ""'-'-I ordered out, mountain torrent, foaming along at a Revenue to collect four million dollars w ill I sifjk, have been unable to find any uf evttleiueut of tho Alabama, und other great distance AU VBttTI S EM KSTS inserted till forbid, below. due from the late rebel States and the tho microns victims reported to have until onleioM ,;!, in every instance, and Leopold pending queiiious. Hero they began, to descend. The States of New York and Oregon. iarje.1 for aceonliiily. him. toA bcissaulted by despatch from Bordeaux, dated Hide of the ridge down which they were The privilege of yeaily and luilf yearly advertisThe report of the Committee on FleciA great coal strike is still agitated iu day, says that M. Cremicus has and signed making their way was l' d to'their'direi t line er, is thickly covered or other adve tions, declaring Tillman entitled to his this city. Tho adjourned meeting of the full pardou of Hcnezowsky who has l";il. AiU'lion, Ileal with loose rocks, and exceedingly steep, to their regular trade, will be cliuri;-- i seal, was, alter lengthy discussion, coal operators was held at the office of been imprisoned for an attempt upon Tho had rolled tho fur separately. adopted by a party vote. .the Delaware and Hudson Coal Company the life of Czar of Russia, and that he rocksaborigines, however, from the Plates will ne ui- Vn aside, and made iv narrow trail. The House then proceeded to the conwill (at our advertised rates.) this be and in all once. at released MrR(! without the yesterday, city questions Coal which could be traveled in single file, ouo of our sideration of the report recently sub- concerning differences were discussed. ccumiMiivai;.' the order, unless from Florence, 14. but not otherwise. When some way rfciikraiuhor.ze.l Ailviirtimug New mitted the Committee on The emof to The by the Italian Parliament has. passed an devoid of interest to the Military propriety acceding All cniiiiiinieatioin tho hunter saw at a distance down, Affairs in to relation the outrage upon ployees' demands was the subject of a act granting to the pontifical palaces intended to promote private interests, liiiblii-as advertisements, ami payment through the fog, a number of blazing and expulsion of cadets at West l'uint. shirt and decisive debate. None of the immunity from molestation he charged Italian on by io advance. . If iiersotial in ebaraeter, we A warm debate ensued and was Con- opjiaiors were willing to submit to the troop-- ; this will secure to the Popo the camp-fireLrvnthrriLlit to reject auvai tii le, or aderti.-e- Like a Hash lio realized that be was tinued live until without o'clock, when, diglaiiou of the employees, aud a resolu iullcbt personal liberty. ttntt uf tin '. las. Well ho knew that if he betrayed. reaching a vote, the House took a recess. tion not to yield the point, in issue was Bordeaux, 14. "c. W. l'ENKOSE, Associate Editor. reached tho foot of the lull he never 14. St. Louis, The determined This calculation of result the unanimously passed. following of Armis- It is reported nt Jefferson could return.' But what to do was the city thai' action of the Companies and their ability of tho recent elections may be considerlie dare not shoot, because Y . Fi-R R TO E James EC lias a 0CD jun., piiic!i:'.sjj large to hold out, induce the operators to ed reliable: The Republican Party lias itjuestion. would alarm the comrades of the int i rest in the Misxmn l'ac'.fn- Railroad. think that, the men will not hold out elected 150 theAssem-blyto ; representatives treacherous villain who had misled him, It is known here that some f'.iOO.UOO of li the Legitimists returned 50; the He could Luilcd .Stales OIKcers Tor longer. AMKBICAX. slay his betrayer in that way, own-- u ana mis to New eeial the York Timr: The Orleunists have an immense majority and ciuitioiici by mock, New York, 11. his life would pay the penalty. own but 11. Mr. is for y that Mr. Yernon s on the pro- - returned 400 representatives; the te in the House Governor Bridge, Yiuighau. The Ti.ih-financial article says the lhc scoundrel, who thought he was on the one lmd, and Mr. Parsons, d amendments to the enforcement act 20. have Jay, elected Stcreturi; George A. Black. tenor and terms of the new F.rie gene- of the an unsuspecting victimto slaughMissouri Kansas mid Texas road, Marshal M. E.Yatrick. General Garibaldi, in a speech deliver leading pointed those who expected a vigor-ibl- e ral mortgage, have not yet bee. i made on the be put out of tho way, but si must ter, II. il. V. S. Attorney HempsU'tul. and sharp partizan discussion ed other, are bidders for it. Mr. reuounced the otfice ot Dido, lently. Tourlcllutto. public. The amount is Mated by street .lay is said to be bst ke i by the Baltito- Rowen was Sunt. Iwlimi A'iirfJ. case ended to tiie and declared that bigamy Assembly gate rumors to be thirty millions, which at more It was a case of life nnd death with C. so tar as the evidence and argu he has always known how to Railroad, while behind Parsons 8vrttyor-Ucurrjldistingu, both of them, and a white man's intel would cover, and leave five millions . par, 15. the are AtlanMows J. Public and Central n Receiver of ments were concerned. It s generally ish priest-riddeFrance from Ropub Pennsylvania fie,', all the urinal mortgages. The tic and Pacific againsl an Indian's. Laying Roads. lican France. The announcement of re' ligenee regarded as a very plain case, the t lii is of inclusive about si his hand upon the copper-colore- d millions ra: 11. weniy Land defence for tho of George avro 0jicc Registrar aud ins cal's left shoulder, Boss insisted having proved signal ion ny Large amounts of freight are being juies l and debenture bonds, not a mortgage. i upo weak. Maxell. colleagues of the Committee, of National going slow, A lien was in negotiation in London for shipped Irom hvi e via Sedalia and Fort surprisingly saying that lie was afra d Jolm P. Tiigpirt. Mr. Anthony U. S. a introduced into of their the hands Scott to the Defence, terminus of the powers Missouri, of falling down the hill. Keeping hold $"i,."ii)i).(lttO in lMi", and $l,")tW,0'.MJ in J. Ilollister. U. S. Colletjur-J- ). to providing fuller of the National Assembly was premature: !Sfi8. Why ibis last negotiation was not K. and T. 11.11., which now extends 28 llaoiution looking of his he managed to slip his gi n 15. McKcan. I. ire more nuijt for accurate Just the will Chief remain in authority for the under guide, publIt is reports they made in Mortgage form, was understood miles into the Indian territory. his so that he con' I suspenders, F. Siric'iLtuJ J till Justices 0. I 1 Au'ieinie miles of Fort Gibson, ic) press, of the proceedings of Congress. purpose of lnaint lining order until some at the time to be in consequence of the graded within it that Then way. carry drawing l.n The committee on rules were requested regularly organized Government lias knife (a very large one) he dropped hi. act of the Legislature i f New York, re- onihe Arkansas, to which point they to Consider the aud M a the established been thu road completed in to subject report by by Assembly. left hand down the Indian's back, In organizing the old New York and Krie expect,thenceliavj Favre has delivered a speech in which feel where his heart Ofi:'ors: the road will go towards b.ij or otiierwise. Terrilorial May; stock Company, whereby preferred ought to bo, nnd he expressed a hope to be able to prove lkl'ijate to Cuuyrtu t Wiiliam II. holders, who exchanged their old seven Galveston, Texas. upon finding the spot, ntruck for deaf FOREIGN. I to do Prussia France can Hooper. that its duty life. His aim was true, and being u The Memphis packet Co. last night en per cent bonds were guaranteed Taris, 14. ! Zofv.bljiibt'l Snow. and said that tue enemy must be con cent premium, out of t ho earnings of entered into arrangement with several man, tho knife went from one The the of elections as result per now McAll'.sttT. vineed that we have the honor of France strong Ji(r.'i J. 1. 'f. in mop-- lixm body Side to the road, next to the interest on tlio southern Railroad Compi. nits lv nhich ' 'Auditor William Cluytou. lieoms a prolongation or tit I ti.t tho otltoo, tho r,t. fteart. lie heart in twain! no, cutting then existing Mortgages. This interpre- through bills of lading will be given to elected. I ue iMonaremst party is greniiy the armistice Tmmtrer Jack. lumps necessary. f Indian bad never or all Mr, from Southern fare kicked, of New tation the Charter of the groaned points. Lmigrant Erie in the aseoinLiney, and it is estimated General Garibaldi has tendered his but $jterintcp.!U of Cvmiiiun Sclmok giving one short, almost articulate Il.iihoad Co. l).;s heretofore been held hereto Sun Francisco is now rcd.ioed to that they have carried half of the entire Robwt L. CamjiUi'll. as commander of the nrmy resignation fell forward with his as correct, and absolutely binding, and Too. assembly. The Orleaiiists have a power- of the Yosges and the resignation has gulp, Mr. Cavanaugh, the manager of the ful flowing in torrents. hence the present Krie people in raising iu almost ail tho election been majority This action accepted. WeliT t'ojiiilj OlUccrs: together Our hero was not yet safe. Dark m enlivened the rehear- districts. The Republicans have fallen with his F. I). ncir means since IM'7, have resorted in Olympic Theatre, VroLitt and L'unitty Jmlje refusal to accept the otlice of it was, he dared not sal yesterday by firing two shots at Mr. behind in the to convcrtibio'bonds, rais attempt to find-hiinstances most minority. Richards. delegate to the Assembly severs his conthe hill. an actor. No way Besides, in the up stock the done, from The damage Hi.5(l0,0;i0, as Kennedy, capita! Railway service between Lille and nection with the affairs of France. Select Men Lifter J. Ilorrick, Henry ing the red fiends would discover but immense excitement in the troupe. J?" 5.0011,(101), us it now morning it thou to lias flood Humors been Paris again stopped. Holmes, Uiehtird l'nilaiilyHC. what had taken place, and track him London, 15. are current of a general rising which .stands, exclusive of $S,500,000 preferLouisville. 1(1. Clerk and Uecurder F. S. Richards. A dispatch from Havana says the wherever lie might be. lias the ence the on taken dividends of which An accident occurred to the Livingshares, place among population Aurclins Miner. Prosccutiit;) Attorney to violate the armisSitting down in his footsteps, lie have not been paid .since lt'07. The ston train on the Knoxvillc branch of the invaded districts, but the report Prussians continue Notaries Public William CrilcLluiv, tice, and still impose contributions on wailed for daylight. At the first glimpse 7'tmts adds that it is altogether probable the L. S. N. U. 11. yesterday evening lacks reliable confirmation. F. S. Riclumls. the people. The dispatch adds, where of dawn he was On tho alert, and tumtore-mov- e nnd The new bankers some financiers act of of that the caused tho an axieot leading legislation by breaking of Sheriff William Brown. are unable to pay, the mayors bled the corpse out of the path down this difficulty to increasing the rear of the tender. The train was total- the city have voluntarily subscribed districts Asussot and Collector Sunford Bing-Laarrested and imprisoned as hostages. the hill. Then, finding his way to it, are mortgnge on the roads, and to further ly wrecked, but no lives were lost and a sum covering the amount of the city The Echo, this evening, says Prince covered the dead man with stones, hidloan. vested the of was no postpone preferred rights seriously injured. Treasurer Israel Canfield. person is in London, aud will make ing him completely. "With water carOne half of the war contribution Napoleon stockholders has been quietly passed Coroner Wm. N. File. Washington, IS. his permanent home. this ried from the brook in his hat, ho The bill repealing the test oath, so far levied on this city by the Germans was Surrcior and Snjerinteniicnt of Schools and approved at Albany. A Berlin special correspondent of tho washed away I ho blood that appeared It is considered The Funeral of Alice Cnry took place as it applies to all persons who partici liquidated yesterday. Win. W. Burton. Times telegraphs that journal along the trail; then, with the first London which will here the of that terms the t who at are of this afternoon Church peace Strangpated in ae Coulederaey, but beams the morning sun, he ascended ers in presence of a large concourse of not disfranchised by the 14th amend- be ultimately stipulated by Germany that in consequence of the pacific re- the hill of ' and hastened home. Vlty (jiovornnioni: Von of the French Count sults much elections, be will chara of milder without the law literati relatives. became friends and the probably ment, Among Incorpoiaied by Act of Jan. 18, ISM. the adventure to his neighconceded has an Telling extension of Bismarck than those acter W. B. informed Ilcv. O. he as were President's signature, Wallace, recently promulgated by election biennially on the present, Municipal bors, (hey organized and mado a raid the German Government. It is also con- the armistice by a week. James-- Barton, Fanny the Senate in his message). second Monday of February. Meetings Froihinghani, 15. upon the camp he had discovered. The Paris, that the sidered Germans the Bouuveil was before remains and others. Fern The of the probable may many Secretary City Council weekly, on Monday to Bordeaux. Indians were surprised, many of them returned Favre last difimiss of a night the idea in mounenclosed Committee House a were handsome silver triumphant entry Appropriation evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. into the city, notwithstanding tbe prepa- Complete tranquility prevails. General killed, and the contents of their wig. ted casket; on a plate was the following submitting amendments to tho deficienihtar Lorcn Fai r. rations which have been made for the Clement Thomas has resigned the com- warps captured. Aldermen F. A. Brown, 1st Ward; inscription : Alice Cary, born 18120, died cy bill, which now reaches nearly About a year and a half before the mand of 'he National Guard; Gen. Vinoy 1 ir' 7 1 , the 50 more than Tiio bearers Navy, brilliant display and the gratification of aged being years. pall I,. J. Ilen ick, I'd occurrence we have detailed, a dentist succeeds him. would German the be which bills honor, were. Horace Crcoly, Bayard Taylor, Posla' and Indians together. 3d A. J. Sliupe, started from Weaverville to go to Humsacrificed abandonand crushed by the At the election for deputies for. the Win. Hull. I. T. Barnum Gen. Reynolds, commanding the bvnselorit James Mc GaW, Walter Geo. Ripley, boldt, but never reached there, and of This the ment received A. Blanc Elich. and The of were ami 2H',()00 remains J. Senator Johnson. votes; Texas, proposed cortege. Assembly, T!"np?on, AVillian) W. Burton, Josiati was never heard from. Among the arrived here last night, llu says lie idea is largely favored and entertained Hugo, 2i 4.000: Garibaldi. 200,000; Gam-bett- a. taken to Greenwood. XfVJvitt, Israel Canfield. obtained by the avenging explunder 1 1 4. 'H a bv as without to elected H'.tJ.OOO; the Senate .000; prowas Rochefort, majority being highly great Washington, s, fi'mhrTU. G. Olcll.. pedition of which we speak, were at with him. and does not propose b'.ble. and all the more so, in view of .Thiers 102,000, and Roliin, 7o000. was man. c Much pLulncs files, etc.; in fact, Atforne;i.. Miner. mainsprings, the it elections. the 1. 15. of The recent result as retinitis to tothe of in 'ss case, Berlin, uo'i ijueiii-i'.e Capilnl pr y X . N. File. Marshal I The Kreuis ZHung intimate I tint the everything necessary for the repair of the a'is,lcto"y news which has in en to be coeii uhoiliiT ihe Sena! e will de- pacific partv have !:' the viciurs ' 'Tmvtrer A a ron F a rr. and a full set of dentist's Hamilton a largs unjorit y, r.n it nay be riditd French iduciions resulted in at least a the. safety of tho clare that .1 vaear.ev exi-tcone received ruin;' 1'liiu .. It 1,1,1 r.ltlo -- Iww and Coilcior S. Binglwra. Il.nl 11. loolj s on that the utinosl effort of the Governin Moiiarclii.ilvol of for favor elected the was i.e The Conunission. ami la: aisi. winter, elilie1;-"1!'f W. W. B'.irl.en. unforluuate of Snreeyur had , professor dentistry now bo will the for ment extended institution-and is elected. now which term pursays searce'y lor Reynolds iiiarm lor the prol.uiilo fate of the been murdered by these fienis in huCftain of Police V. l. Taylir. The House Comiuhtce on Foreign Af- pose of securing peace and repose to (lie of the members chosen are Republicans. was ei ealed by t li " tihsi tic? which Julie of the Peace S. Kfrglfston nnd of expediting the negotiaThe Imperialists nlso are badly beaten, man shape. 't news iih to iier whereabouts while fairs, this morning decided by a formal nation, Cwtstable C. F. Middklou. wlii-jht he in are tions on the future of France seems to lie and lotion ncr run to "lie has progress voie over line, presently sue was Ic'ievcd to It was slippery, yesterday. "Is there between the Bourbons and Orleaiiists, und coii'iii.uce is restored. Alabama claims qucstiou. now pending with Germany for that end. stihsidfi!, .show a goin' on in here," said a any OSsIeti Post OK.."?: M. and his in Jules Favre Bordeaux, 15. colleagues The otlicialh of the Navy Dejiartujeiit do the negotiations for a set'lenient thereof rudo boy as he stuck his head into a ARRIVAL AND CLOSlXii MAILS. nnd tiie y office, have was The in Commission. the bv resigned, Assembly powers Joint, the that engaged not hesilate now, lu say, safety PBTlMli "No, sonny, why?" "Cause which formerly rested in their persons the vorilk.v'ion of the election of its store door. Brook! vn, 13. Liko Citv, dailv 7V a.m. of the expedition is put beyon doubt, no many peoplo nit tin' on the there's now hands the of to the National 7. members. a in. The electoral reports from . A grand reception of the Fenian exiles t,Tlir..u!;h Maiidailv go admit that lh-- y ireviuusly enteronh, Tiiroiijrli Mail daily 7.io a.m. but M. avrn lias left the city Alsace nnd Lorraine were received and sidewalk with their hats off." Too National colors Assembly. on the takes place Lwal, llox l.lilort.'ountv, daily 7,:l n.m. tained grave, apprehensions canse-a warm demonstration of symare displayed from all the public build- and gone to Versailles 4.G0 p.m. Thri.Bh Mail daily . . subject. marCherbourg in the late elections re- pathy for those Provinces.. Tho Presi- WAI'.RKN the House joint resolu- ings. Gen. Dakin will bo the Senate In C. It. DAHt.ER, lll'SFEY, 4.00 p.m. flt LakeTitr, daily of the turned a powerful majority in favor of dent announced that the Asfait Lake City. tion appropriating $5,000 to Geo. f. shal, and John. Norton, marshal 4.IKI p.m. Ilelnua, Montana. .yO'hron-- h Mail dailv . , Twelve the Orleanist to from would is candidates be reviewed which to constitute the in totou-service sembly proces-ionproceed paity. of n.45 p.m. Bobinson h Mail daily "'fdi, in recognition " Ls;;ii, were a elected of with leav.'!.4;'. aud new the The on Government. Hall 24,217 the it,,x Klder Conniv, daily iu p.m. majority Mayor steps by deputies City BISSEV, HAULER & CO,, !twt,Tliroii-- lj Mail saving the lifo of Secretary Seward, U.iK) p.m. In the evening a votes. daily . Common Council. ing the Assembly Chamber were greatly April," 18G5, was taken np and passed. MAILS. cheered by the populace. Victor Hugo London, 14. BANKERS, The Senate special Committee, on al- grand banquet is to be given at Pierpoint CLo.'IMl. House. .TEN'NINttS' NEW BLItiDlXO, report (ho French people received an enthusiastic ovation. Dispatches hold lengstill r.ieh Couuty Wednesdays Southern outrages leged .ml Sstiirdavs anxious for peace and that tho war is at New York, 1 C. ;;..;ii p.m. Dijon, 15. the great irmss of testimai. V""""1 Msi 2.::ii p.m. thy sessions; Mon.'.avs and Thursdays two Bismarck is has tin end beyond a question. notorious Belfort and the garriYanclen surrendered; Kirk as BrocUwny, men such in ''"'tiUiUie AM) SALT LAKE CITY. by Whieiliiva and Samnluys tj.oOa.m. mony is put DpulerB in Oohl Unit, Coin ami Currency. Draw 3.00 p.m. Kohlen and others, and now the rebuttforgers, engaged in separate swindles said to have sent a' special messenger son will be allowed to march out with t'm f and Thuradtivs : ITIrle WmhMMjav ami Siitarilav Exclmngu on San Francisco, Montana, Denver, 4.O0 p.m. heard and it involving an aggregate of $100,000, on very important mysterious business all the honors of war. Tho armistice St. Hwper and Alma-s-Louoi, New York, anil all part of Europo. ing testimony is being nd tdntsilavs is has been extended to the Departments It of their offence in the to confer with Louis Napoleon. the that pleaded guilty Committee the in oiliirdavs 12.00 .ro. was developed . Collections promptly attended to. Iff some conneccourse of to have Doubs. Cotes D'OrJura of tieneral and Sessions of Court supposed sworn yesterday. a OFl'ICE H0UKS. Negroes in Norlh Carolina had Vnneler plead guilty' to the indictment tion with the restoration of the dynasty. Brussels, 11. ncuora! Dolivery open tiom ft n.m. to 6 p.m. extending through the organisation, The London Spectator believes it quite in diplomatic oircles It, is reported with having signed the him the Sunday 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. charging of burning State, for tho purpose HKOISTKY of Hall B rton &Co. onthel2lh probable t hat Leopold King, of Belgium, that Germany has refused the request of DEPARTMENT ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR.. barns of the whi'lcs.and in some instances name "pe i from 9 a.m. to 3.:o p.m. October r.t last, to a check on Park Bank will be put on the French throne with the British Govcrmeut to communicate Outside Door stood around in tho woods aud shot open Iroul 7 n.ni. to 8 p.m. own his the of consent is that and conditions which of the Ofiicv and it to for $77.500,. subjects upon, amount, obtaining willing Ogden Ifotol, opposite ISAAC MOORE, PostmaJtor. the farmers who were endeavouring to make peace. OODEN CITY. first being certified from Wells, the Emperor William. their burning barns and out the check extinguish In the House of Commons & Co. He then fled and was arAll kinds of legal business promptly attended the Lisbon, 15. ' houses which the blacks had previously Fargo TraJus It. The mail steamer has arrived with Bio to. Besides this, Btibject cf granting a dowry to Princess New Orleans. in rested . We Ogdcn daily, until further set on fire. . Louise suitable to the dignity of the Janeiro advices to January 22rd. other indictments several are there effort is being fw Salt Lake It is understood that an W. A collision occurred on the San Paulo City at 8 a.in, and Memagainst him in New York and California crown was presented for consideration. or extl1"11 trains Bee time made by certain claim ngeuts at AND COUNSELOR-AATTORNEY TiP'13, He senLAW, bo will which a After consultation House the short were other Railroad, for many persons by Mble.) Ffir the East, at 7.25 a.m. For phis, Tenn., and by other interested tenced on forgeries. Will Practice in nil the Court In tTtali and killed and a- large aumber injured. Friday of next week. Brock-wu- y voted the Princess, by unanimous 'be West, at the further payment t L..;n. 'JVrritori. Spi'ial attention given to 6.?5p.nv. London, 1C. annuily of six thousand pounds forged the name of Charles D. Eoreljn and iKimentic Collect ions. "'rive irom Salt. Lake Cliv, ' xt.rji. of bounties to colored soldiers and their tho Bank of North per ennum and a dowry of 30,000 on The total the check of to a present strength and 4.4.0 p.m. From the Etwt, 4 5 p.m. heirs throu-- k thei Foedm tin's Bureau ii LciivsUV America for SS.600. He also forged the pounds to be paid her on her marriage British army including regular troops Offif-wir. are, j,,;;;, m also to defeat any further appropriation OtiU-o- . Wm. Trowbridge to a check with the Marquis of Lome. Gladstone nnd local militia is estimated at 200,000, iivar of ISuihliug, signature this pnrpese. Salt Lake City Time. of money by Congress for that the this estimate however is exclusive of the on the Eighth National Bank for $11,200 announced in tho House y The United StiUes ships 'WorcM.r ' " at New lat Oct. Hie sentence is to be pro- Government of England had asked Ger- British fore in India. the Divine Vorsliip . and "Supply' nt Boston, The new French Assembly will be many on the 20! h of Jan. to inform of the nounced on Friday. hel.l M!'.llCllNT AND PROFESSION A Tj every Sunday, in the T.ibornnclc, York, are placed at the disposal wife cf tbe France of the final terms on which she composed of about "00 Imperialists, 350 Ivossa, O'Douovau Mrs. c.Iks those man ulioulii have a supply. Ti e will do them and in Commissions organized m will to a and at the would lu Irish give the to Monarchists, host peace. reading Republicans. the various Wards the School Houses of agree patriot, style of tho art. at .0 m, for the purpose of sending supplies t .iWiTOSCiL A ' l Devoted to News, literature, Agriculture, Science, OtiIKX, ami the Arts. II. IS, BY TELEGllAni. CO or X Reported Safety of the 1 s y Outrages in Nortli Carolina! Result . the French y Elections! Garibaldi Retires from tho French fcr the King of France and Belgium! -, Repeal of tho Test Oath! i.lverli.-etnen- ts Great i , 0.-- Strike in Yorh! ccident the Louis ville Railroad! s. Violation the tice by tho Prussians! NDI 1 Bona-partist- s j ('. Ovc!--ton- cvi-dcii- y CM-IIawle- Mtonmt-finierrt- life-blo- y, 0. Ii-tri- tV.-t- gun-lock- 1 - fire-arm- 1 one-thir- d Coiu-niih'i- , i " .... ....... .... -i 1 gr.-m- , ntki;i:t, ogdex, ... ' to-d- no-'c- c, It. KEITII1W, T accla-mation.- an t ol c lost E Ilriok |