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Show Bum' to iddresrted. Offl THE WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, tbli.hel eirr PUBLISHING Compast. by the OODM JAMES McG AW, Preaident and Btminess Manager, communications should be whom a11 TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. "3.00 1 - Six Month! Thre. Month. fluglaCopy M E , r (M $1.60 f2.M $4 1 square, 2.50 4.60 0 " 2 3.50 6.00 ! 5.00 8,50 11 Column, o Ul 11 Mi 1H 17H1 25.50 28 Business Cards (4 a So. 10. $80 $5i 84 60 25 SH 8 34 55 51 7(1115 month. will be charged cents per lino for the first insertion, twenty-fiv- e for line every subsequent and filleea cvau per Inwrtiou. Transieut advertising to be paid for in advance. of ton lines of type of this A Square consist Wat and Special Notice "''learly advert lears allowed to change at pleasure, with only the additional diargn of twenty-fivnU a square for composition, but they will be concharged EXTRA for occupying space over e tract. Advertisements not marked on the cony with the u be published at our pamber of inertions, will until ordered out, and charged at transieut "ADVERTISEMENTS inserted till forbid, will be ewtinued until ordered out, in every instance, and tiargedfor accordingly. The privilege of yearly and half yearly advertisers is restricted to their direct line of business, and advertise-m.nts'foreig- ii nil Legal, Auction, Heal Kxtate, or other to their regular trade, will be charg-- 4 for srfaraMy. No Advertisement from the States will he Inserted without tlsn cash (at our advertised rates,) accompanying tin order, ualess from one of our tfcalar aathorirrd Advertising Agents. All commnuicatwus devoid of interest to the mblic, or intended to promote private Interests, will be charged as advertisements, and payment required in advance. If personal in character, we reserve the right to reject any article, or advertisement of this class. Associate Editor. C. W. PENROSE, DIRECTORY. OCDEN lulled States Officers for Special cluded by a fistic encounter between two business men of the vicinity. Eleven to the OnDES Junction by the Atlauticand private carriages were among the con l"acinc Telegraph Company .J veyances at the door of the ball. Washington, 2. The case of Hon. R. R. Butler, charg ed with forgery, came up for hearing before the Supreme Court of this District Bethany Farmer, the woMont- - man who alleges Butler forged her name to a power of attorney, permitting him medy! to draw her pension, was the only witness who appeared for the prosecution. but her statements were so contradicto ry, that the District Attorney determined to abandon the case which he did after a number of witnesses were examined for the defense, as the latter claimed the right to vindicate the defendant. Judge Wyle remarked there were no grounds for the prosecution, and order ed that the Government pay the cost of Men Boston! the expenses of the defendant's witnesses while in attendance on the trial, which will amount to more than $1,600. A strong effort is being made to seTug! cure the removal of Van Orman, Commissioner of Pensions, and for this purpose a number of Congressmen have Congressmen! called on the President within the paBt Acquittal of Hon. R. R. Butler! Fatal Accident at Terrific Explosion at Brooklyn! Arrival ofmore Released Fenians! Sports of the Refined of Explosion on a Steam A Bill to Prevent the Bribery of Rising of the "Reds" in Paris! The French Government will continue the War! Vernon II. Vaughaa. Secretary George A. Black. Marshal M. E. Patrick. C. II. Hempstead, V. S. Attorney J. E. Tourtellotte. Supt. Indian Affairs C. C. Clements. Surveyor-GenerJ. B. OverReceiver of Public Monies AMERICAN. New York, 27. Governor -- al ton. George R. Registrar of Land Office Maxwell. U. S. Assessor John P. Taggart. U. S. Collector O. J. Hollister. Chief Justice J. B. McKean. 0. F. Strickland and Associate Justice C. M. Hawley. Officers: Territorial William to Congress Hooper. al Attorney-Gener- Marihtii- -J. Auditor D. II. Z ernlibabcl S n o w. T. McAllister. William Clayton. Trtturer James Jack. Superintendent of Schools Common liobtul L. Campbell. TVeber County Oflleers: F. and Vrobale County Iticliardn. Seltct Men D. Judge Lester J. Herrick, Henry Holmes, Richard Ballantyne. Clerk and Recorder F. S. Richards. Prosecuting Attorney Aurelius Miner. William Critchlow, Notaries Public F. 8. Uicbards. Sheriff William Brown. ' Assessor and Collector Sanford Bingham. Treasurer Israel Canfield. Coroner Wni. X. Fife. Surveyor and Superintendent of Schools Vim. W. Burton. City Government: Incorporated by Act of Jan. 18, 13(51. Municipal election biennially on the lecond Monday of February. Meetings of the City Council weekly, on Monday evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. Loren Farr. Mayor Aldermen F. A. Brown, 1st Ward; L. J. Herrick, 2d ,, ,, 8d A. J. Shupe, Giunselors James Mc Gaw, Walter Sampson, William W. Burton, Josiah Irfivitt, Israel Canfield. Recorder Thos. G. Odell. Attorney A. Miner. Marshal W. N. Fife. Treasurer Aaron Farr. Assessor and Collector S. Bingham. Surveyor W. W. Burton. faptain of Police?. G. Taylor. Eggleston fyMUiLUC. F. Middleton. JuUteA of the Peace S. Ogden FostOlHce: .... ... .... AttlUVAL AXD CL0SINO MAILS. ARJUVALS. f"alt Labi City, dall . West, Tliiutui Mail daily , . . . forth, Throth Mail daily " Local, lki ElWr County, dally East, Throngs Mall 7.30 a.m. 7.30 ajn. 7.30 a.m. 7.30 a.m. fait Lake Cliy, daily "est. ThrouKh Mail daily . 4.00 p.m. 4M p.m. p.m. 3.14 p.m. fi.Ottujn. 4ily . . . . north, ThnHiirh Mai! daily " Local, Box Elder Couuty, dally . TUroush . . Mail "at, daily P n- - MAILS. ciosiNn. Wednesdays and Sntiinlayi S.!W p.m. . . . North Oplei. Mondays and Thnrsdava 2.30 p.m. Huntsville Wednesdavs and Saturdays 6.00 a.m. Plain City Mondavi and Thnrsdava 3.00 p.m. Hiverdale WednesVlavs and Saturday! 4.00 p.m. Hooper and Alma Wednesdays and 12.00 a.m. Saturdays OFFICK IIOCES. General Delivery open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday 4 p.m. to 5 p.m. KEOIeTRY DKPAUTMENT Open from a.m, to .30 p.m." Outside Door open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. " ISAAC M00RB, Postmaster vache and Rich County Trains The latest advices make it highly probable that Napoleon will be restored to power, and that the Emperor William and Bismarck have been determined on this ever eince Sedan, that they are resolved France shall not be a republic under any circumstance. It is reported that some sharp correspondence between David Dudley Field and Bowles of the Springfield Republican, concerning gome letter published in that journal, has been put in pamphlet form and will soon see the light. Grave fears are felt about a steamer of the Anchor line, which left Glasgow 2G days since. That line has lost three vessels within two years, and the north' em passage is perilous at this season. She had, it is said, some forty cabin pas sengers and a number in her steerage. Several ruffians, friends of Jem Hag' gerty, have threatened to kill Reddy, the blacksmith, in revenge for the murder, as soon as the latter is released from prison, as lie is likely to be. Hag' gerty was are of the ablest agencies of Xauiuiany in ballot stuffing and repeat' ing. An explosion occurred about noon to day at the gas works in Brooklyn. An immense sheet of flame burst into the air. aud it is supposed a number of workmen, engaged clearing off snow near by, were killed. The dwellings near bv were badly injured. The ex plosion made a loud report, and the force was so great that it blew up one of the laree eas tanks, ana threw tnree immense iron columns which surrounded it, over against a row of tenement houses, causing the utmost consternation among their occupants. Two of the employees of the works are missing; one of thera wits discovered beneath one of the iron columns. The damoge is said to amount to $150,000; probably one portion of the city will go without gas The bay and north and east rivers are choked with floating ice, rendering naviThe ferry boats are gation difficult. running with great irregularity, being obliged to make a large detour to avoid the ice. The Bazaar in aid of the French wounded, lately held in this city, netted over $75,000,. $60,000 of which is already forwarded to different commissioners in London, Strasbourg aud Brussels. The balance will shortly go to the agent with the army of the Loire. The steamer "Russia," with the remainder of the Fenian exiles, renched t he dock at Jersey city, about two o'clock. The Fenians were escorted to the hotel by the reception committee, and were loudly cheered on their way up Broadway. A fire, which broke out early yesterday morning, in Rogers' grocery store, destroyed property to the amonnt of $25,000. Owing to the severity of the weather the formation of ice on the hose and engines, enabled the fire to gain loss is great headway. About half the covered by insurance. Delegates from Various district of then at the Pepub-licaGrant clubs met for the and organiied headquarters coming campaign. A fire broke out this evening at 175 South street, occupied by E. C. Rock, cigar maker; loss, $7,000. The steamer "Aleppo" left this morn87 cases of ing for Liverpool, with French. the for muskets The chief engineer of Brooklyn water that the city was works reported flows in the than water more using that there and Btream that supplies itj ivln8 was great danger of the suppl ht to-d- Leave Ogden daily, until farther noj 0dt" boston, 27. ice, for Salt Lake City at 8 .m. and roost prominent citithe 30 p.m. 250 of Over extra ere trains time (For State Table.) For the East, at 7.25 avn. For zens Of Boston, including high the of Supreme officers be West, at 6.35 p.m. a officii!, judge, r; f'rMirts. delotations from the Arrive from Salt Lake City, 7 .m, and the leading politicians nd 4.43 p.m. From the East, coTHrtsjbtitary 4.25p.m. 1 etrflMtcd together at Turn From the West, 6.3o a.m. Stilt Lake City Time. evening, and witnessed, er's flair v !.s roOTt of rat trained for of number dogs a killing by which is held evcrr entertainment, The gundiiy, in the Tabernacle, that, purpose. d nature its in 11 t a.m.; jid in Houses of was strictly private con the various ajt $ p.m. intended to be kept secret, was fters, Divine Worship USq existenee of the nation and they for the increase of territory. Germany is even more exhausted than France." The Schneider Bros., heavy tobacco manufacturers, were all arrested to day for using washed stamps and negotiat ing the return of stamps to them to be used a second time. They were held to $5,000 bail each. JL1 9 tbr meeting of the above named Society, held in Salt Lake City, from the Destrsl Evening Xetcs of Tuesday last The meeting of the members of the Society for the importation of improved stock, eto., held last night in the City Hall, was well attended and very inter'! i f esting. . Communications from Hebron, South em Utah, and Gunnison, Sanpete County, relative io the establishment of branch organizations ef the Society, were read. Bixhop Thomas Jenkins was appoint" ed Chairman of the committee oa horned stock, Vice B. Stringbam re signed. The President of the Society, Woodruff, Esq., made the gratifying announcement that the necessary funds, $552.50, had been raised for the purchase of the "Duke of Northumberland," one of the bulls recently imported front Canada. A communication from D. Grenig, Esq., on the value of the Cashmere goat, was read and referred to the committee on sheep, of which committee Mr. Greuig was appointed a moiaber. W. C. Rydalch, Esq., gave a verbal report of his recent stock purchases in Canada, and said he was willing t give to the owners of three of the cows he had imported one hundred dollar." for each of the calves they will have, when the calves are two weeks old. The report was accepted. W. Jennings, Esq., expressed hia satisfaction with both the price aud quality of the animals be had purchased from among those imported by Mr. Rydalch; they had greatly improved siuce their arrival here, although ho feeds them less than his ordinary stock. lie said that be would not take a ban died dollars for two weeks' old carves. from his stock. Gratifying reports as to the maaage- meni of sheep were made by Bishoprf .ayton and Maughan. The latter gave a few items of his seven years expert' encc in a great sheep raising district in Eugland, in two ofwhich he was a shepherd. He never heard of the "scab" there, and he had known one flock numbering forty thousand. He said that the shepherds there are in the habit of smearing their sheep every October and November with a salve made of tar, old butter and chamber-lye- . They regarded this as necessary to insure full crops of wooL Remarks were made by Lldcrs Can non, V oodruff and Musser, in relation to the furtherance of the objects of the Society; aud one very gratifying fact in relation to the meeting last night, wu the inauguration of measures by tho Presiding Bishop, Edward Hunter, who was present, to form herd in this city, . u k,. TOIs. II. were freely canvassed; and that, in official circles, it is reported that the Bonnpartist intriguers are at work, and the indications are that prominent officials are being interviewed for the purpose of lending aid to the scheme. London, 2'J. Official dispatches have been received here from Versailles, announcing that No particulars Paris has capitulated. uud further advices are Up to this time the Government has are given, no otncial information from Minister anxiously awaited. Later telegrams from Versailles have Washburn, of the surrender of Paris, but dispatches are hourly expected. In- been received at the Foreign Ofliee here, formation reached here the day before stating that M. Jules Favre proceeded to yesterday from London, that Paris was Paris on Thursday afternoon to cousult on the point of surrendering, the only with bis colleagues of the National De fence Committee, and returned to Ver difficulty being about the terms. Americans in Paris have been urging the sur- sailles early on Friday morning, having render for several weeks, as they said been empowered to settle the terms of there was no hope in any other meas- the capitulation. Orders were promptly ure.. issued for the cessation of the bombard The Committee of investigation into ment. the alleged corruption in the Indian Bu Dispatches received from Versailles reau, bad a long session last night. state that Gen. Manteuffcl has succeeded Commissioner Parker declines to attend in cutting the communications of the the sitting. He is represented by coun 1 rencn army under Bourbaki, in conse sel. Several witnesses were examined quence of which Bourbaki has fallen last night, and it is stated that their tes- back towards Eesancou. The troops timony substantiated the main charges under Alanteunel are in hot pursuit. few days. Advices are received containing inror prefered. The bill for the repeal of the income Welch, of the select Committee to in mation of an attempted revolution which tax which passed the Senate yesterday vestigate the affairs in the South, is broke out in Paris on Wednesday eve. will meet with considerable resistance over-ru- n with letters from parties in The Red Republicans in Belleville and in the House, but it is the impression different States, who pretend to know other quarters of the city, who for some' among the Members that it will finally all about the operations of the Ku Klux. time had been threatening mischief and pass. The feeling is very strong in fa- It u suspected their main purpose is to attempting to stir up the citiiens to vor of a repeal. get subpienaed as witnesses, so as to seditious demonstrations, assembled in confirmed Commo- have their expenses paid for their trip force on the evening of that day. They The Senate dore Wm. R. Taylor, Rear Admiral, to this city. marched to the prison in Maza's quar Thomas An effort will be made next week by ters, where Floureus and his associates Capt, N. Collins, Commander. S. Phelps, Capt. Lieut. Commander, the friendr, of the Pacifio Railroad, to had been apprehended for complicity in Chas.. J. McDougal, Geo. W. Perkias, get a postponement of the time for pay the lute disturbances and coufiued. An Commanders. ing the interest on the bonds which the attack was made upon the jailors of the Samuel A. Orchard, Surveyor of Cus- Government claims to be due. The prison, who were powerless before the toms at Omaha; James E. Callaway, Sec- Committee in both Houses having charge fury of the rioters, and compelled to retary of Montana Territory; Joseph C. of the matter will report favorably, it is submit to what they could not avert. Clements, of Washington Territory; B. said, on such proposition. Dashing them aside, the mob, headed by The regular weather reports will be the ringleaders, sought the cell where Herman, receiver of public moneys at received from San Francisco and Flourens and his companions were in Rosebury, Oregon. It is rumored that Thos. Scott of the Utah, three times a day, from and carcerated, and soon succeeded in effect Pean. Central Railroad, will be elected after the first of February. This will ing their release, and bore them amid President of the Union Pacific, that the extend the system from the Atlantic to exultant shoutings from the place. The Penn. Central has nothing to do with the Pacific, and cannot fail to prove of rioters then paraded the streets, aud the Union Pacific, but that it is a private value to the country. Flourens speedily assumed the position Mr. McCreery of Iowa will shortly in of leader. Inflammatory and seditious arrangement on the part of Scott, who it is said has bought of the Union Paci- troduce in the House, a bill to prevent speeches were delivered, and excited by fic people for himself, or for the Penn. members of Congress receiving bribes the boldness of the revolutionary enthuCentral 3,000 or 4,000 shares and a large or considerations to secure their votes siasm then displayed, a compact was amount of the bonds. upon any measure. The bill makes it a concluded and ratified by oath to meet The Irish population are very indig penal offence to either give or take any on a given day and make a demonstra Buried in n Snow Slide. nant at Mr. James Kennedy, one of their bribe. tion which would shake the foundation historical The Senate in executive session yeS' of the existing Government in Paris. countrymen, for proving iu a William James Hicks, left llocky bar. lecture last night, that St, Patrick, if terday agreed to take up the nomination According to the agreement, the riot on the of the 8th inst., with the he were not a mythical personage, was of Yi illis Drumraond for the Commission ers again assembled on the succeeding mail formorning Atlantic City. It was one (' not a Roman Catholic and could not ership of the General Land Office, and day and marched in the direction of the the most stormy days ever known in indications are it will be confirmed. have been. Hotel de tile, creating the greatest left this plac:' these mountains. The Committee on ways and means There is good reason to believe that alarm and confusion along the course of at the hour of nineThey o'clock in the submitted a resolution to the House, or Secretary Fish will not retire from the their march by the wild demonstration. had progressed favorably on theii dering the Senate bill for the repeal of State Department as was authoritatively A detachment of Mobiles was detailed journey some eight or ten miles, having the Income Tax be returned to that bo stated some weeks ago. He will probably for the purpose of subduing the riot, passed the summit and just come upon dy, with the suggestion that, by the remain in his present position until the and stopped its further progress. The the grade of Ball Mountain, when all of to sole the Constitution originate settlement of the Alabama claims, and Mobiles blocked the street in solid a sudden they looked up, and power just above such measures was vested in the House. until the fishery questions are formally columns and fired into the reckleBQ mass them was a snow-slid- e with tho coming The Resolution was adopted. Totally staggered and panlo stricken, velocity of lightning. Jimmy Uicks warf disposed of. short offered a but resistance, they It is learned that Boutwell will not advance, and had just a fewseeourt FOREIGN. which was easily overcome by the deter in begin the negotiation of the new funding before looked at his watch and noticed 25. London, the The mination of mob, military. bonds, till the European war censes. the time, which was 4 o'clock. As J irl. A dispatch from Berne says: siuce the after receiving the second volley, speediColfax has received the 23d saw his impending doom, he trne inst., French pickets have been post- ly dispersed; the streets were cleared my snow-shobis down the hilL exclaiin- ofl'er of a salary of fifty thousand dollars ed the frontier, preventing egress and paraded by the soldiery. Over fifty along his office take and God! annum to inc. Oh, Bris!" This whs "Oh, resign per from France into Switzerland, and lm of the rioters were killed by the fire of the last ever seen of poor Jimmy alive charge of a private business. He re prisoning stragglers, there are many the wounded. I In troops and many were carried down the mountain plied that, though he intended to retire Francs Tireurs in the vicinity of the few hours order was re' They a of a mile, into wbat I from public life at the end of the present town of Villans. The Germans have stored in thecomparative nearly and every indication known asquarter "Black Warrior," the yonnger term, he felt it his duty to remain till its stormed Gray Roche, and repulsed the of the recent city, bloodshed riot and disap brother Brisco, being carried up to one French attact on V ulans. expiration, and declined the oner. peared. side of the gulch, whilo Jimmy was taken of 27, The Japanese Embassy, consisting London, Another rising is expected, and it is Advices are received containing infor certain that Flourens and bis associates down its center over a deep declivity of twenty members, headed by no rugai how Brisco Hi Lofumi, second minister of finance mation that a serious, and fatal accident will be indefatigable in their efforts to rocks. It is almost a miracle Hick dug himself out of some ten or will here arrive The at had taken of the Japanese Empire, Montmedy. place provoke a crisis. Precautions have been twelve feet of snow, and that, too, in tbe Railroad tunnel under the town has fal taken to guard against it. on Monday next. midst of a pitiless storm which was ragNew York 28. len in through the supports giving way. A private leiccram, just received in Tuir-boing furiously at the time, and traveled "Phoenix" A number of bridges were built over the this The Steam city, dated Versailles, Friday, four all night without snowshoes, in snow up off in "Hudson the vicinity have o'clock p.m., announces that Paris has while towing the ship tunnel, and houses Bay" to tbe armpits, with no food and Sandy Hook, exploded her boiler, and also given way, and all are involved in capitulated and that the German troops a pair of gloves, one of the coldest sunk. Capt. Monks, the engineer, pilot, the general ruin. A number of French will enter the city on Saturday. of the reason. Nothing but the nights aecident. were tcald killed were the deckhands by fireman, and the priseners Telegrams which havo just arrived in of his dead brother, his home, ed; all the men were blown, into the Many; of these were entirely buried in this city state that Paris riots occurred thought his mother, his dear little sister, could t, A mass matter. of rescued a the immense were but on great not and on by water; Wednesday Sunday last, keep that boy alive. He arrived home n with the exception of the fireman named many persons were injured. The Tun- as was previously stated. Twonty-tw- o Friday morning about 8 o'clock, nearly dis James Dewell, not found. I lie wound nel is situated in a populous rural of the rioters were killed by the lire of frozen both feet badly frozen and proed were taken to the Seaman's Retreat. trict. the soldiery, and a number wounded, claimed the unwelcome news to a franFavre asserts Neics that re will recover. The is to It expected they sub tic The Government has determined Daily heart-broke- n who nearand mother, ConVer on from a to turned Paris Favre's return to Paris after Tuesday due every measure that might possibly ference with Bismarck, is supposed to sailles, no satisfactory conclusion be' be calculated to shelter or incite the ly became crazed over the sad eveut. In a few hours the good people of Rocky signify that Favre was not authoriied ing arrived at during the negotiations sedition which has breken out so turbu Bar bad turned out nearly en tnatse to had head terms at held severe to accept the quarters. Germany lently of late, and has given an order Advices from Versailles state that fir for the suppression of all social and pri do all that kind hearts and willing hands proposed without further consultation. No doubt Paris must yield to them with- ing continued on Tuesday; the weather vate clubs of whatever description ex could to find the missing one, which was in a day or two, as she has no alterna- afforded excellent opportunity for the isting within the city. The strictest dune about noon of Saturday, and his were brought to this place that tive Paris is hopeless and Germany is Prussians. The guna were very effec watch is put on the movements of remains Idaho Statesman. night. tive. merciless. has not whose been arrest Flourens, yet A Rome correspondent states that Berlin telegrams this morning, say effected by the authorities. C. t DAHLKB, HtlSSIT, wealthy New Yorkers have purchased the the Government of Germany charges The Journal Official formally announced WARRKN Stilt Lnk City. Helena, Moulaoa. Art Treasures of Villa Albina, with the France with wantonly continning the the appointment of Gen. Vinoy to the intention of removing them here and es- war, when it would be for the interests position of commander of the armies of IILSSEY, DAIILER & CO., of humanity to close it by surrender to a Pans, the post lately vacated by Trochu tablishing a national gallery. dethe obstinate This appointment has every indication of A Bordeaux correspondent gives fate inevitable. In view of BANKERS, tails of a long interview with Gambetta continuance of the war by the French being well received by the troops, who JENNINGS' NEW BVILDING, on the 17th, Gambetta said the fall of Government, when resistance cannot have already had occasion to appreciate MAIX - STREET, CMJDEJT, Paris would have no effect whatever in prove otherwise than futile, the claims the skill and able military policy of AND SALT LAKE CFTY. .' conof Germany will probably be extended Gen. moy. Dwileni In Gold Dint, Coin and Cirrncy. Draw stopping the war, if the Prussian's KxchmiK on Sun ditions of peace were still maintained. rather than decreased by a prolonged Montana, 27 I'mitdaro,1 Danrar, Versailles, ropa. M. Jules Favre returned to head St. Louis, New York, aud all parts of "I do not speak" said Gambetta "in my though ineffective opposition to ber rie Collections promptly attended to. 1 tf the instead of demanding, own name alone, or even in that of the munds quarters here from Paris on Wednesday line of her territories delegation of the Government here, I re- boundary evening. After his return be bad peat that it is the firm determination cf to be marked by the river Moselle, she long interview with Bismarck on the my colleagues in and out of Paris, that will probably demand the river Meuso subject of capitulation. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. the war must continue, no matter what to mark the boundaries of France and Ofliee opposite Ogden Hotel, the consequence may be ; we have now, Germany. When you bear a man say "life is a OGDKN CITY. Versailles, 27 without the army of Paris, half a million him his on and wake corns "tread All klndB of legal buatneM rromptty attended Advices received from the Prussiau dream,Life is real. men in the fild, and a quarter of a milto. ltf lion ready to" join tbem without touching armies at present operating at Dijon up. the levy of 1811, or enrolled married state that Garabaldi s forces are still sur Be careful how you mortgage to the The former will give 300,000 re- rounded within the City with no possible deviL mels. His botes arc all payable on ATTORKEY AND COUNSELOR - AT - LAW, cruits, and the latter 200,000 able men. means of egress. The Prussians are in demand, and there is no telling when Will Praotic in all tha Court in t'tah and of reinforcements he may take a notion to foreclose. We have arm pouring in from all quar- daily expectation Territories, fpeciol attention given to ters money will not fail, the nation; when; they will be in a position to as foreign and Domestic Collections. a nait. will simply be a question of our sume the offensive. Ihe night editor of daily paper to one of his cable Oinee in Eeavitf Brick wrote this head-lin- e London, 28 tion against the German, and our people I don't believe Ibo GerPost Office. A special to New York Evening Tele dispatches: "The British lion shaking Iliiilfliug, agnirvst theirs1 He was unable to eat hi man people" will be willing to carry on a graph states that, though the first terms his mane. war of that kind for the Bake of acquir- of the capitulation are not officiall? con breakfast next morning when he found BUSINESS CA5IS. ing two Freneh Provinces. We can firmed, still it is generally believed in the printer's version of tha matter MERCHANT AND PR0FE3SI0!TAT. and must do it it would be dishonora- official circles that the terms of the capit staring him in tho face thus: "The EVERY should have a supply, Vt o will do tbem lion We Main." are fighting fat the ulation, submitted by Favre to Biemarck British ble to give up. in the best style of the art. skating iu Washington, 29. . y, Utah. Delegate OGDEX, UTAH, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1871. BY TJELEGMAjPH. 85 84 115 170 38 64 H We copy the following report of W ! O in $7 $12 8 15 (I 18 15 25 pr 1 U i ft 3 ,H II V ment of Stock, etc. Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. M RATES OF ADVERTISING. TTTWnTTni I Society for Hie ImproTC-- 1 Cor-rinn- e, fore-noo- n, 1 Vice-Preside- nt es . at not-eve- tug-boa- " . A. 3IINE11, W. It. KEITIIXY, near 1 |