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Show t Wit What gctro gmtrtum. Published every WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, by the OaDM PUBuaiii.vo Compa.nv. JAMES McOAW, President and Business Manager, to whom all Business communication! should be addressed. .... THE a moo on tha side-walCumiag the passers by, A roue in the parlor opposlUr Urging a maiden to fly; A landlord around with a posse, A tenant begging for time, ; A thief with an officer chatting, A nd a chapel's vesper chime. A wrack of ' One Year glx Month. Three Month pintle Copy H8 00 - JL 1 0 ' RATES OF ADVERTISING. t i a a 3 S Xo. 5, 3 ' tiM $2.50 $4 $7 $12 $17 $30 $52 fciuare. .. 6 8 15 22 34 BO 2.50 4.50 ' " ." 7 9 IS 25 42 68 8.50 6.00 I", 6 00 8,50 H 15 25 81 55 85 1 Column. 9.50 14.50 16 22 38 61 78 115 . 17.00 25.50 29 88 64 85 115 170 Business Cards $4 per month. i 0 and Special Notice will be charged cento per line for the first insertion, and fifteen cent per line for every subsequent lnaortion. Transient advertising to be paid for In advance. A Square consists of tea lines of type of this Local twenty-fiv- e size. Yearly advertisers allowed to change at pleasure, with only the additional charge of twenty-fiv- e cents a square for composition, but they will be charged .EXTRA for occupying space over contract. Advertisements not marked on the copy with the namber of insertions, will be published at our option until ordered out, and charged at transient rates. ADVERTISEMENTS Inserted till forbid, will be c wtinued uutil ordered out, in every instance, and c larged for accordingly. The privilege of yearly and half yearly advertisers Is restricted to their direct line of business, aud all Legal, Auction, Real Estate, or other advertisements foreign to their regular trade, will be charged for separately. No Advertisements from the States will be Inserted without the cash (at our advertised rates,) accompanying the order, unless from one of our regular authorised Advertising Agent. All communications devoid of interest to the interests, public, or intended to promote private will be charged as advertisements, aud payment we in character, required in advance. If personal reserve the right to reject any article, or advertise-mneof this class. C. W. PENROSE, Associate Editor. OCDEN DIRECTORY. United Stales Offlcers for Utah. Vernon II. Vaughan. George A. Black. Marthal M. E. Patrick. C. 11. Hempstead, U. S. Attorney J. E. Tourtellotte. Indian Affairs Supt. Governor Secretary Surveyor-Gener- al Receiver of Public C. C. Clements. Monies J. B. Over-to- n. George R. Registrar of Land Office Maxwell. John P. Taggart. U. S. Asesor U. S. Collector O. J. Hollister. Chief Justice J. B. McKcan. Associate Justices O. F. Strickland and C. M. Ilawley. . ' Officers: Territorial William to II. Congress Delegate Hooper. Zerubbabel Snow. Marshal 3. D. T. McAllister. Auditor William Clayton. Treasurer James Jack. ' Superintendent of Common Schools Robert L. Campbell. Attorney-Gener- al IVeber County Officers: F. and Probate County Devoted to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science, and the Arts. ifi Judge D. Richards. Select Men Lester J. Hcrrick, Henry Holmes, Richard Ballantyne. Clerk and Recorder F. S. Richards. Prosecuting Attorney Aurelius Miner. William Critcklow, Notaries Public F. S. Richards. Sheriff William Brown. Assessor and Collector Sanford Bing- ham. OCDEX, UTAH, SA.TU11D.1Y, JAXfTASlY 11, 1871. BY TELEGRAPH. nual meeting and declared a dividend of ten per cent, making a total for the year of 46 per cent. Joseph editor and Howard, Jr., was general manager for the ensuing year. Special to the Ogex Junction by the Atlauticand 1'acinc telegraph Company ,J Seward Suffering from Paralysis! A Mania for Suicide! 18C1. Incorporated by Municipal election biennially on the eecond Monday of February. Meetings of the City Council weekly, on Monday evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. Mayor Loren Farr. Aldermen F. A. Brown, 1st AVard; L. J. Hcrrick, 2d 3d A. J. Shupe, James Mo Gaw, Walter Counselors Thompson, William W. Burton, Josiah Leavitt, Israel Canfield. Recorder Thos. G. Odell. Attorney A. Miner. Marshal If. N. Fife. Treasurer Aaron Farr. Assessor and Collector S. Bingham. Surveyor YV. W. Burton. Captain of Police P. G. Taylor. Justice of the Peace S. Eggleston Constable C. F. Middlcton. Ogden Post Office: ARRIVAL AND CLOSING MAILS. ARRIVALS. Fait Lake City, daily . . . . West, Through Mail daily . . , Mail . . Nerth, Through daily " Local, Box Elder County, daily . . East, Through Mail daily . .... .... T.SO a.M. 7.30 ajn. 7.30 a.m. 7.30 a.m. 4.30 p.m. CLOSING. Salt Lake Cltv, daily . West, Through Mail duily , . . North, Through Mail daily " Local, Box Elder County, daily . . East, Through Mail daily . MAILS. 4.00 4.00 3.45 3.45 9.00 p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. p.m. CLOSINO. Cache and Rich County Wednesdays 8.30 p m. and Saturdays Nerth Ogdeu Mondays and Thursdays 2.30 p.m. Huiitsville Wednesdays and Saturdays 6.00 a.m. Plain City Moudays and Thursdays , 8.00 p.m. Kiveruale Wednesdays and Saturdays 4.00 p.m. Hooper and Alma Wednesdays and . . 12.00 o. . . . Saturdays OFFICE HOURS. General Delivery open from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday 6 p.m. to 6 p.m.. REGISTRY DEPARTMENT Open from 9 a.m. to 3.30 p.m.' Outside Door open from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. ISAAC M00RE, Postmaster. Trains ' Leave Ogden daily, until further notice, for Salt Lake City at 8 a.m. and 6.30 p.m. (For extra trains see time Table.) For the East, at 7.25 a.m. For the West, at 6.35 p.m. Arrive from Salt Lake City, 7 a.m. nd 4.45 p.m. From the East, 4.25 p.m. From the West, C.35 a.m. Salt Lake City Time. Divine Worship is held every Sunday, in the Tabernacle, , at 11 a.m.; and in the School Houses of the various W'arda at 6 p.m. T itions to the value cf over $75,000 have been shipped from this port to Havre. The examination held at the Tombs, in the case of Antonio Pelletier and R. J. rcnuvtt, accused with stealing $80,000 worth of bonds from a Cuban named Langsaga, after some unimportant testimony taken, was adjourned till when the case will probably be closed. Investigation in the caso of John Smith, a sailor who was mortalcutlass in the ship ly wounded with-"Shatemuck" during a mutiny on Deo. 8, was concluded yesterday. The Jury rendered a verdict that the deceased died from a fracture of the skull from a blow with a cutlass in the hands of John Wright the first mate. Wright was committed to the Combs to await the action of the Grand Jury. The frigate "lenucssee" which has been ordered to hold itself ready to goto San. Domingo, will probably drop down off the battery and commence taking her powder on board, unless communication with the magazines on Ellis Island should be suspended by heavy masses of ice floating down the river, in which case the Department will imme diately order her u take ammunition at Norfolk. The cat. on the gun deck is fitting up comfortably for the reception of the Commission. Collector Murpb was yesterday chal lenged to fight a duel by a man named John Pope Haduett, assessor of Internal Revenue for the territory of Dakotah The cause was somo political misunder i standing, Grinding for pennies VOIs. The Intended Policy of Prussia! Prussia Threatening Luxembourg Again! The French Government Crippled for Want of Funds! it t .'I auliUor with organ, A ui bread, A millionaire rolling In diamonds, . A parent with grief-boun- d bead; II. , '"" ery round the corner, A lady in jewel rare, A beggar'a child iweejriug the nde-walWith feet both dirty and bare. A boot-llac- ' ' it King William. After the fall of Paris, the King will immediately return to A judge clad In aoft robee of rmlne, Berlin. He will not enter the city, but A criminal pale in the dock, will confide its protection to the national An old mother wailing in anguish, , ' guards, the regular 'army and mobiles. A broker inxpocting his stock; The German troops will hold the Paris Boston, 10. A vagrant with twin at hor bosom, A letter received on the Merchant forts and strongholds already captured Fit type of misery's lot. Nov. dated states in Ot the of 16, Batavia, Exchange Champagne. province A fond wife, with angel-IIkmeekness, ' that the Italian ship "Meckoway" bound course, Germany will then leave France Devoting hex life to a sot from Meckoway to Callao was set on free to reconstruct her own Government fire near Napune Island, and abandoned or to continue the war, as she may elect. A poor widow moaning and toiling, ' The annexation of Alsace and Lorraine oy the crew. Thirty seven coolies, on With nangbt but an hottest noma, .' is also surmised to be a part uf the plan, board, perished in the names. A wanton iu powder and laces, ., which King VuUiam will probably Washington, 10. Boldly proclaiming her shame; Col. Stoddard, private Secretary to ' ' pursue. A "Dives' i One purple and linen, President Lincoln, and Judge Granger, i t . Versailles, 10. A "Lazarus" sick at the gate; Recorder of the Land Office, were exam Advices received from the Prussian : Tho one worships God in a hovel, ined by the House Judiciary Committee army, operating at Belfort aud the sur The other iu velvot and state. in relation to the McGarrahan case. rounding districts, state that an engage " .; A Stoddard's testimony coincided with ment took place at Deomuntou a village pastor and priest each maintaining his sworn statement heretofore publishThat theirs in the only true creed, situated near Belfort, on Saturday after A A murderer slaying his victim, noon. The Prussian success was comed, he distinctly remembered signing the patent to McGarrahan. Granger's With so one to stay the dark deed;' plete. The Prussians captured the A nation arrayed against nation, French position, taking 500 prisoners, testimony showed part of the record of the General Land Office running over a u A million of bayonets gleam, The loss is not known but is estimated to have been very great, ' while that A battle-HelMood, shrieks aud woumlod, period of six months about the time the patent mysteriously disappeared, sustained by the Prussians is unimpor I Vak! awl thna ended my dream. and the lock to the desk which kept tant being 14 killed aud Co wounded, these records had been tampered with.' Among the captives, during the action, He was compelled by Secretary Cox and were a number of French officers of IKtermiiicd to be Sw indlctb James S. Wilson to put his name to the destine! ion and high military position Adams & Co.'s Express carry a larger mutilation of the record of the McGarIhe German columns which have been rahan patent without exactly undersent against Gen. Cbauzy, who it was number of the bogus watch and counter" standing what it was. The McGarrahan expected would be overtaken and en feit money packages which are sent to case was and a large gaged near Lemans. have been eneoun those who are fools enough to reply to concerns' of advertisements New the of were lered with severe resistance: several the Idria lobby Company inon band. Quite a number of Republiengagements have taken place between offering large inducements for small cans from California were about the the Prussians advance and the troops vestments. The watches always come in neat packages, tied with red tape, corridors of the Capitol. of thauzy, in wbichthcFrussiansthough and Becurely sealed. They are marked Advices froa Aspinwall to Deo. 31, successful suffered severely. Considerable amusement was created In every in the House by the reading of a dis- state that a plan was organized to seize Intelligence has been received from collect on delivery, $3.60. "Ocean Queen," which the Prussians before Belfort in relation case, the Expreaa Company in this city patch from the Indiana Legislature, the steam-shi- p stating that a joint resolution had been sailed from New fork on Deo. 3rd. to progress the of the bombardment of warns the recipient that the watch in the passed by that body, instructing the Gen. Ryan, of Cuban celebrity, took thatcity. But little damage has yet been packaze is valueless, and advises the members of the Indiana delegation in passage under tht assumed name of done to the fortifications, m no attack party not to take the package, in soma Congress to vote against San Domingo. Ashbury, on the "O.ean Queen." After in force has yet been essayed by the cases they are successful in stopping the Voorhees said he hoped his colleagues shipping 2,000 case-- ' of arms and ammu troops. The city is suid to be supplied fraud, but in the majority of cases tho would obey the instructions. At two nition, two or three hundred Cuban with stores and provisions, which will party is impressed with the belief that the watch is genuine, as advertised, , o'clock, the House proceeded to vote on troops were expected to co aboard as last 8 months. Tho other day a party ot father, moth Ambler's amendment to the San Do passengers, and vhen two days out, The Prussian Government through office mingo resolution, which provides that were to raize the steamer, laud the Count Bismarck has officially intimated er, and daughter appeared at the 'IV nothing in the resolution ot the Senate, troops and arms somewhere on the to the Government of Luxemburg that and inquired for such a package. shall be construed as committing Con- island of Cuba, and then release her. the first breach of neutrality which is was handed to the daughter, who had gress to the policy of annexation. The Twohundred United States troops forSan permitted by Luxemburg will be re sent for it, tho clerk at the same time friends of the San Domingo scheme were Diego, Cal., were or board the "Ocean garded by Prussia as endangering her advising her to send it back. The father surprised as the roll was called, to hear Queen," which so alarmed the Cubans individual rights, and she will immedi was of tho same opinion, but the mother the numerous responses from Kepub that thry did not embark, and Ryan ately occupy part of the Duchy with "voted" with the daughter, and advised her to take the package. She paid Iter It went to Aspinwall alone, landed the soldiers. Leans in f ivor of the amendment. An attempt to block the river Seine $3 60 and opened the bundle. Insido was carried by a vote of yeas, 10(; arms, etc., and awuted the arrival ot "Hornet." This vessel has been abandoned by the French lay a little trass toy watch, with three nays, 7G. The resolution as amended the steam-shi- p was then passed. On the whole, this is arrived on Dec. 27th, and sailed for troops; torpedoes have been sunk in the or four inches of hrass chain and a lancy key attached.' The tears rushed into regarded as a defeat of the Adniims Cuba on Dee. 31st, w'(th a large number channel instead. the eyes or the daughter, ana taai uioin-er- 's or Cuban recruits. Bordeaux, 10. tlttUOIl. 11. has in were this Information been this There rumors that received indignation knew no bounds. Si' oxpedi Washington, The scene in the House during tion was arranged for the purpose of city of an engagement which took place lently gathering up the watch and box, the consideration of the Senate resolu aiding Gen Masquer o in an anticipated at Mouche, a small village iu the neigh the girl turned away. It is not likely tions, was of a fur more interesting char revolution, having for its object the over borhood of Lille, on Sunday evening, she will invest in another. Such casea acter than on Tuesday. The galleries throw of the present Government at Pan a company of sharpshooters belonging to occur almost every day. In regard to the counterfeit money were crowded with spectators, while the ama; and the visit of Gen. Ryan to the a i rencli battalion at Lille, encountered floor was well filled with privileged per fortification of Panama, accompanied by and dcleated a body or Uhlans after a packages nothing is done except to desons. The attendance was the largest consul Perry, served to corroborate brilliant engagement in which several of liver them to tho party addressed. .A of the session. The two hours debate, these suspicious: but thus far there the enemy were taken prisoners. they never contain anything except sawwhich was divided into 10 minute speeches, have been no demonstrations pointing dust, nothing can be done with the parVersailles, 11 Advices received at Head Quarters, ty Bending or reeeiving them. Both are gave the discussion a sharp turn and towards a revolution. from the command of Frederick Charles swindlers, but the man who has sent his provoked bitter comment. on Sunday evening state that the Prus inonev to be exchanged for counterfeit FOREIGN. Mr. Cox charged corruption directly sian advanced columns overtook and en cannot complain of tho man who sends London, 10, upon the Administration. Gen. Butler Advices from French sources, which gaged the extreme right of the army of him sawdust instead without criminaalluded to certain Republican members, who intended to vote with the Democrats have been received in this city, elate Gen. Chauzy a little distance beyond ting himself, and so the hounds escape for the Ambler amendment, as false that the losses sustained by the French Chateau Reneault, a town in the Depart tho penalty of the law. friends of the Republican party, when troops, in the battle which occurred on ment of the Loire, on the river Brenne, Amiens, now frequently mentioned, is of Tours. The Prus Gen. Garfield, incensed at Butler's con the 2nd inst., near Sapignies, in the 17 miles north-eaa venerable manufacturing city in tho duct, cried out, "See how the gentle northern provinces, between the German sian columns were feebly supported aud north-weof France, on the Paris and man cracks his whip in this House; at troops of Gen. Mantcuffeland the French, were several times in danger of being somo seventy-tw- o Boulogne Railway, which there was a great uproar, over a were greatly exaggerated. repulsed, when a portion uf the main miles from tho former place. Its popuThe bombardment of the southern body of the Prussian army arrived and saucy reply of Butler's that was inaudi 65.000. It was formerly is lation about to French were the now in the torts in the etui and continues is compelled ble, troops confusion, galleries. hring Butler mournfully lamented over a state lively. The Prussian batteries are now withdraw after a determined fight. The fortified, but is not at present.theAmong cathement made by him that the Indiana throwing shells into the forts with great Prussian columns Buffered severely in its edifices may be mentioned 1288. At tho encounter until the reinforcement dral, begun 1220 and finished Democratic Legislature had telegraphed accuracy and apparently wth success Hermit. It the Peter Amiens was born and The arrived. have instructed here been received Senator Sumner that it had troops, strengthened Telegrams of the head the delegation from that State in Con convey. nj the intelligence that a com invigorated by their recent success, at was here also that many crusaders met to plan their campaigns; Ville the of 600 tacked German to vote of San "It Boricher, troops, village pany strong, Domingo. against gress and here, in 1802, the famous treaty of pains me," said he, "to think that a entered Fecamp yesterday, and levied eastward of Chateau Reneault. The Amiens was digued, and soon broken by of few a companies telegram was addressed to the reverend a requisition on the inhabitants of the garrison consisting The telegraph wires in and of Mobiles, were speedily overcome. England, with a consequent continuation and honorable Senator from Massachu town. ;. t around the town have been cut and The Prussians entered the villago and of the Napoleonic wars. setts from such a source." It was evident as the debate progressed destroyed by the Prussians, in order occupied it. The fortified town of Neu-villA very curious case is that of the was also attacked by the Prussian that hardly a liepublican nii'moer ex- that the townspeople may have no means f uebla of Cinecu. Once upon a time, pressed himself in favor of the direct of communicating the intelligence of force. On Monday several pieces of ar the Rio Grande river concluded to annexation of Dominica, though willing their arrival or actiensi They have also tillery were placed in position before its channel, and in doing so, it to vote for a commission to go there, unlawfully boarded an English brig the town, and shells were thrown into it, change the Puebla of Cinecu from transposed provided it was stipulated that nothing v.'hich lay in the harbor, laden with but no serious attack was made on the Mexico to the United States. A lot of town, the capture of which was not sharks drove off the in the resolution should be construed to coal. original Indians An official telegram has been received deemed of sufficient importance to war commit Congress to the policy of annex seized the land. The rebel legislaand ation. 48 Republican members voted at the War Department in this city, from rant an attack in force. ture of Texas gave a title in this transtor this amendment, and, with the CO Count Bismarck, dated Versailles, Dispatches state that no further fighting posed land to the squatters. This title West which has the and he sincere occurred the 76 at was carried. Democratic votes, it in military is, of course, fraudulent, but it is squareexpresses regret votes were cast against it, which are sinking of the English ships in the Seine, operations are progressing undisturbed ly passed by a sovereign legislature. said to represent the full strength of the and severely reprehends the action of ly and successfully. The Puebla Indians, or their represenOn German the batteries On tho soldiers. Prussian behalf of annexationists. Sunday night tatives, now come before the commission on fire on the Paris indemnification. South of the All of the Cabinet were present at the Prussia, be offers a full opened ask to be reinstated or indemnified. and A monster political meeting awem forts; many shells tired have fallen The statement was made session inside the forts, where they must from at which by one of the secretaries that the San bled at Greenwich 0. L. DAHLSO, WAnBE HtTSSET, Domingo Commissioners were positively resolution was offered, requesting Mr, the magnitude of their calibre, have Salt Lake City, llulniia, Montana. chosen. Wade, of Ohio, Gladstone to resign his position in the caused fearful havock. iirccrv U.lllLLll ft. The American Consul left for Loudon will be one of the Commissioners, and British Cabinet. A counter resolution W VUIJ ' 11LOJL1) Previous to his Dr. Newman, pastor of the chnrch of was also offered, whereupon a vote was on Tuesday evening. BANKERS, ' which Gen. Grant is a member, is said taken resulting in an overwhelming ma departure he had an interview with Bis- ' ' JEXNIXG8' KEW BUILDING, to be another. jority for the counter resolution, which mrck, but what pasucd at the meeting Under the recent decision of the was declared carried accordingly, is net made public. l, Attorney-GeneraMinister W'ashburne is well, and it is giving informers a great uproar ensued on the announce ' AND SALT LAKE CITV. share with Internal Revenue detectives, mcnt of the result of the vote, and the stated that there are still over 150 Amer Dealers in Hold Hurt, Coin aud Currency. Draw collectors and assessors, several thou- vast crowd swayed with excitement icans remaining in Paris. Exchange on Sim Francisco, Montana, Denver, of Europe. sand dollars have already been paid out. quarrels arose among several individuals By a Washington special to the Times tit Louis, New York, aud all parts Collections promptly atUndedlo. If, A party by the name of Prime is here present, and much fighting followed it seems the next National Democratic and claims a moiety of $70,000 in a the police interposed aud the agitation Convention will be held at St. Louis, The latest dcvelopements regarding the penalty imposed on Adlcr, Rosenberg & ceased. ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. A large balloon is just now passing fishing imbroglio with Canada, are rela Co., of Pittsburg, for alleged frauds over this city. It is believed to be from tive to the seizure by the Dominion au practised as rectifiers. Ofilec opposite Ogden Hotel, ; ' The reception at the White House this Paris. Much excitement exists over the thorities of the schooner "Grenada OGDEN CITY. a storm one the first was of While the shelter from in season, seeking phenomenon. p.m., All kinds of legal business promptly attended It is stated that the financial difficul Port Hood harbor, United States. Cap to. Alt unusually brilliant; almost every one of political note, now in the city, was in ties experienced by the French Govern tain Fortin, of the Dominion service, ! attendance, including the entire diplo- ment are exceedingly serious, if not ab stated that tho capture was made beIS. had vessel ' cause matic corps. the It is well dutyable goods ATTORNEY AND COCNSELOIt-AT-LAsolutely insurmountable. The House judiciary committee, this known that this is the major obstacle aboard, and no letters of clearance. The Will Practice in all the Court In Utah and morning, heard the arguments of Vic- which stands in the way cf the Govern case is still pending before Court of Ad Territories. t))ecial attention given to toria C. Woodhull, Mrs. Bertha Hooker, mcnt and a more decided and hopeful mirality at Halifax, and the State De Foreign aud Domestic Collections. Susan B. Anthony, and Mr. A. G. Rid- defence, and that this is also the cause partment await the result before further Ofllce In iA'avM'a ISrick dle, claiming the right of suffrage for why so much depression exists among action. The modification of the postal itiiiltltug, near Post OKico. women under the Fifteenth Amendment. the leaders. laws is undergoing an entirely new reladies other About fifty were present. Berlin dispatches give indications of vision by the Postal Dept. The committee listened attentively to the manner in which Prussia proposes to London, 11. SIX ESS the speeches, but took no action. complete the present campaign, and Telegrams just received announce the MERCHANT AND PROFESSIONAL New York, 11. induce certain influences with reference occupation of Havre by the German EVERY should have a supply. YVe will do them During the past week, arms and mun to the action to be subsequently t aken by troops, the details have not been given. iu the liest style ot the art y, , . . e y, : . , , ' . , y, Lively Debate in Congress on San Domingo! More Prussian Successes in France! The Bombardment Continued! AMERICAN. New York, 10. An interesting c4 was disposed of yesterday at the Court of General Sessions. Charles Evans a notorious character was charged with stabbing Chas. Chuppel, en the night of 20, Dec. The evidence proves Evans the aggressor, having stabbed and disemboweled Chap-pon a slight provocation at the Sai el lors' Lodging House, in Water street. Judge "Bedford commented severely on the crime and sentenced the prisoner to the Mates Prison for five years. Gen. Randall has just returned from Japan, whither he accompanied lion. YV II. Seward. He says the venerable States man is suffering from complete paraly sis of both arms so that he is deprived of the use of them. With this exception his health seems to be unimpaired. He proposes to extend his trip to India and on his way home will visit St. retersburg upon the invitation of the Czar of Russia. The famous frog which was put down on Delaware Lackawanna and estern Railroad, Boraetiuie ago, to con nect their Croton branch of the Morris and Essex Railroad with the track through the Bergen Tunnel, and which was torn up by Fisk amid somo excitement, was restored to its place by the Erie managers yesterday morning, who thus express their acquiesence in the recent decision of Chief Justice Bradley. The arrest of the driver of the truck advertising the "Biter Bit" pamphlets, at the instigation, it is said, of Chas. A Dana, and the public mention of the proceedings in the newspapers have caused a great demand for the printed account of the Sun s alleged blackmailing opera tions ; forty thousand have already been Treasurer Israel Canfield. sold. Coroner Wm. N. Fife. A number of excellently done $20 Surveyor and Superintendent of Schools counterfeits on the Oneida National Wm. W. Burton. City Government: Act of Jan. 18, , , TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. ' In a Dream, I Saw Bank have been passed here. The country is supposed to have been flooded with them, .and agents have been sent West to put them in circulation. Suicides here and hereabouts have been veryjeommon during the past week, 14 persons have destroyed themselves, mostly through intemperance and penury. Last night was the coldest of the season. The murcury early this morning, was four degrees above zero. The Erie has recently leased several Railways in this vicinity, and is steadily getting the monopoly of lines leading to the West. Fisk still swears that he will break Vanderbilt if he lives ten years longer. Jacob Menwhcilt, a German, died in Oliver street, last night, in his 108th year ; he is supposed to have been the oldest man in the city. A foreign correspondent expresses the opinion that Heuri Rochefort has been killed, as ho has not been seen nor heard of in France, for six weeks. The greater part of the Americans now in Paris, are said to be duing military duty. It is said that the order for enrolling all the able bodied male citizens of Paris, will probably add 200,000 to 250,000 men to the fighting force. Another grand sortie from the Capital is in preparation. It is believed that Cbauzy and Faid-herbare bent upon preventingManteuf-fe- l and Frederick Charles from joining the besiegers, while Trochu throws himself with his entire available force upon the German line?. Before the week is over some of the most desperate fighting of the war may be expected. T,he French are thought to be nearly ready for a final and grand effort. es Brooklyn, 10. The total expense of the East river bridge amounts it is supposed to about 12 million dollars, of this Bum 6 millions are already provided for, and out of which a million and a half have already been paid in. The Roman Catholic church of St. John the Evangelist in 50th St., was It was valdestroyed by fire ued at $25,000 not insured. on Anna Dickenson lectured Men's Rights. It was funny, and warmly applauded. An enthusiastic meeting of Fenians to make arrangewas held here ments for the reception of the released Fenian prisoners. There was a general quarrel at the meeting, however, and no business transacted. The Star publishing Co. held its an ht ht ' st st e, to-da-y, nimrn maix sTitxirr, ogdex, W. lit KEITIILY, c.iims. I |