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Show V.WUhed by eery BY TELEGRAPH. tcu function. She WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, tbeOsiiits PUBLISHI.NO Tbeat appear in the Ogden Theater in their They have all gained celebrity in America both gpecial line burlesque, nd Europe. The manager, Mr. Beckett iu a comedian ef the yery first class, and (he whole troupe stand in the front t. ranks as burlesque artistes in England. They will only stay one night in Ogden, and the Theatre will no doubt be crowded to its utmost capacity. Junction by the Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Coiiipauy.J . COUfAM. The famous To Tlaygoebs. British Blondes, who hare made such a tremendous hit in Salt Lake City, are to A Special to the OiDitv Hamburgh in a State of Siege! The Elbe Harbour Made Impassable! No Travel in France without a Passport! Lively War Speeches in the English Parliament! Explosion of the "Silver Spray" Awful Loss of regret that our limiLife! our ted (pace preventg giving a proper criticism of the performance of Duprei AMERICAN. It & Benedict's Minstrels last evening. Sacramento, 1. The story which the Associuted Press was first class in every particular, thafs is telegraphing about tho discovery of all we can say. an attempt to steal their dispatches is From Washington, D. C On Sunlaughed at here. Tho facts are that on Friday evening last, the Atlautic and in arrived Fitch Hon. Mr. the last, day Pacific line went down east of Omaha, Ogden, on his way home from Washingand one of the A. &. P. operators, F. S. ton, where he has ably represented the Van V., went across the streut on a balon the street, and adjoining the people of Nevada during the past ses- cony Union office, to sec if tho W. U. Weston in town sion of Congress. His presence line was working; he was fired at by a was not known to the ladies of Ogden, W. U. operator, when a crowd collected, or, no doubt, many of them would have and charges were mado of assault to made an effort to obtaiu a look at the murder and attempt to steal dispatches. In an hour afterward the A. &. P. line eloquent M. C, who did justice to their commenced working, and the American cause when the now defunct Cullom Press report came through and was pubmonstrosity was, floundering round in lished as usual, notwithstanding the asAt the ladies remonstrance sertions of the Associated Press that the Congress. mode in which the American Press dismeeting here, Mr. Fitch was promised a patches were obtained had been discovdish of strawberries and cream when he ered, ami the leak stopped. Van Valkenburg is an operator, and should pay Ogden a visit. The Hon to bo confounded with Superintennot gentleman's arrival was out of season dent Vaiuleiiburgh, whom the Associuted for strawberries, but he carries with Press Appears have charged with an wishes of the the home his him to good to steal their dispatches. attempt people of Utah; and we trust that our will commence a libel suit and all our friends in the papers that have made the Nevada will do their best to return the against Since charge, unless they apologize. Jlon. Mr. Fitch again to Congross. the American Press lias commenced sendThose who wish to read ing dispatches here, the papers served Both Sides by them have been the first to publish what can be said on both sides of the every important item of news, and the old concern have been at their wit'sends, polygamy question should read a pamconbeen finding a terrible inroad made in their has which issued, lately phlet business, and are trumping up all kinds taining a sermon by the Rev. Dr. Newof stories. man, l'asior of the Metropolitan MethoIt has long been known that the Asdist Church, on plural marriage, and sociated Press were in the habit of stealthe answer by Elder Orson Pratt, one ing news; and on Friday night last, a was fixed tip, and on Satof the Twelve Apostles of the Church of trap dispatch the Associated Press pamorning urday Saints. Jesus Christ of Latter-da- y pers contained i he announcement that BooWe can furnish (he pamphlet on apker, the British consul at Sail Franoisco, had been divorced from his wife, and that office 2oc for our a at plication copy. Gen. Grant, had written a letter to Dent, Those who wish to obtain it should send stating his intention of coming to Caliin their orders at once. fornia. Brooker is a bachelor and is Dr. Newman's sermon was delivered very indignant, Grant, so far as known, Wore President Grant and the leading has not the slighest idea of coming here, and the Associated Press papers, who men of the nation at Washington, and have advised extensive preparation for considered a masterpiece. Elder his reception, have been badly fooled. Orson Pratt's reply ic addressed to our The American press papers have been suspecting that the Associated Press paDelegate, the Hon. W. II. Hooper, and pers have been stealing their reports, and will lay other traps unless this serspeaks for itself. as a ves The pamphlet is very interesting, and warning. The printers all over the State this morning, demanded a rise ought to be in the hands of nil who wish in cents, the old wages, to seventy-fiv- e to be posted upon the important subject of plural marriage, as it presents the rate, or threaten an immediate strike; so far as heard from, the employers acmatter on bolh sides. ceded. New York, midnight, Aug. 1. The Blind Girl. Miss Day the blind The German steamer Jlamiiwnia from authoress, and Miss Hudson her companimet Hamburg, July 20, arrived on, called to see us on Monday Inst, no French cruizers; reports great achaving spent a week at Salt Lake City, tivity at Hamburg. The funeral of the murdered broker, of which place they ppoke in the highest no clue to the Nathan, took place terms. They wished to express their assassin discovered. The excitement is high appreciation of the kindness of the entirely unabated, as it was ascertained that six thousand dollars was Utah press and the people generally.and stolen by the murderer. left for the West on Monday afternoon The Governor refuses to interfere in with a very different opinion of the MorJohn Real's case, who will be hung here mons to what they entertained before on Friday next. coming to this Territory. An unsettled feeling in Wall street toNews of a great battle is awaited day. Mind How You Shoot. On Saturday with much interest. Money quiet. Exlast, Mr. W. S. Brown, of this city, was change nominal. Gold quiet, firm, 21 J; shooting some chickens, which he want- stocks heavy, lower; flour active; low ten to fifteen better; wheat active, ed in a hurry for the market, when a grades corn heavy, but fairly active; rooster flew on to the fence, facing the irregular; rye quiet. Toad, Mr. Brown looked this way and Before the Jfammonia left port, the that way, and seeing no man he slew the buoys and lights were being removed rooster and behold a boy named Cares-we- from the Elbe, on which river Hamburg is situated; therefore steamers had to wag swinging on the fence, on the proceed slowly and with great caution. opposite side of the street, and a portion After getting into sea, she sailed for the of the discharge reached him. One shot north, thereby avoiding the French and entered hie breast and the other his left British coasts, and their supposed dangers. No incident worthy of note during nee. Dr. Tibbits was called on to atThe vessel arrived here the entire trip. tend the boy, and he is doing well. safely. Moral when you wnnt to shoot, look not The steamer will remain in this port only to the right and the left, but also far the present, as this line is in the same condition as the Bremen, and canstraight ahead, above and below. not ruu steamers until ihe close of the Look Here! Who wants a good threshwar. The mystery connected with the 23rd ing machine? SeeWm. Skeen's advertstreet murder still continues the all isement in th!g No. of the Junction. topic of conversation in J be city. Policemen are still stationed in the viAppointments. The Millennial Star of the murder, and in spite of all cinity of July 12 publishes the following ap- the efforts of detectives, they have obpointments: tained no positive clue as to the identity A statement was circuElder George Romney is appointed to of the assassin. preside over the London, Elder Thomas lated that a workman recently at labor in jjowells over the Glamorgan, Elder the house had been arrested; but it was "nomas Woolley over the Bedfordshire, pronounced a canard; as assurance has "d Elder George 0. Noble over the been given on the authority of Capt. Aurwich Conferences. Elder Edward JordaD that no arrests had been made. whaenfcld has been appointed to pre-;It has been positively ascertained ' this over the Swiss and German p.m. that robbery washe motive for the crime. It has been found that Nathan was in the habit of locking up his money Gun to sei Him. A. 8. Gould Esq, in his safe in the house, and on the night Tsspondent of the Loudon (Eng.) and inquestion said that he had six thousand dollars in the safe. This money must California press, called to see usyester-S- - have been extracted by the assassin, as He is no stranger in this Terriio-7i money has not been found there since as he has visited Salt Lake the murder. The Police are exceedingCity and is getting pretty well ac- ly reticent about their operations, and quainted with the country and the peo- refuse to give any information in regard !o their efforts to find the murderer, ple. - Memphis, Aug, 2, 2 a.m. Mr Gould was an the explosion of the steamboat Silver ardent supporter of occurred about midnight. She Great Pacifio Railway project, and Spray, was about to make the crossing from the fote considerable in its faTor; and now Marohes at Abels Point; the pressure "js completed he is equally cnthusiastie was not unusual, and the speed was ?rowtb n1 development of this slow; both the boat and herbarge caught reat Western fire arid were burned to the water's edge. country. Minstrels. We Van-denhur- y; to-d- ll w seve-rl'titn- - and the bulks floated down to a bar about two miles below, and there lodged; the explosion was terrific, and wrecked the entire upper portion of the boat. The flames spread so rapidly that the passengers awakened to the dreadful realization of immediate danger and plunged overboard in all directions . The nearest shore lay over three hundred yards off, and very few had eitheT the ability or the presence of mind necessary to reach the shore. The terrible darkness and the blinding effect of the flames, also deprived those fortunate enough to secure materials upon which to hang themselves, of any knowledge of their whereabouts; groups, and persons singly, drifted about, uttering heartrending appeals, but not the least assistance could be afforded; every available float of large dimensions was so beset by the affrighted and drowning people, that many were crowded from that which they had been fortunate enough first to secure, and forced into the waters and to their untimely end. Many among t, those saved drifted unil and a German floated ten miles below the scene of the accident, and was there rescued by the City of Cairo. The latter boat, bound up from St. Louis, made the utmost exertions to save the unfortunate passengers, and as quickly as informed of the disaster, put out her boats, and by careful running swept the river from side to side up to the scene of the accident. Tho mayor of Memphis ordered ambulances. FOREIGN. day-ligh- London, 1. In the House of Commons, Gladstone introduced a bill which has been under consideration in the Cabiuct for the past few days, for a suppliment-a- l naval and military estimate of two million pounds, and the increase of the The proposed army by 20,000 men. measure was received in the House with loud cries of "hear, hear." The bill will be acted upon without delay. Judging from the feeling in Parliament upon the war question, it will, in all probability, receive a decided majority in the House. In view of the ultimate adoption of the measure by Parliament, great activity prevails in the war and naval departments of the government. London, Midnight, 1. In the IIouso of Commons Disraeli commenced a speech upon the position of England wiih reference to the war between France and Prussia. He stated that the causes or pretexts of the present war were evanescent, and of such a trivial nature as to have no foundation in act; that an appeal to arms by two great nations upon so slight a cause would have disgraced the 18th century, and was much more disgraceful in the present age, as it was an outrage upon the present advanced stage of enlightenment of the world. He believed England's policy should be neutrality; but as precautionary measures of safety, and to prevent any encroachments upon her rights, it should be an armed neutrality,. In closing Lis speech he urged the government to combine with Russia in pressing the engagements of the treaties of 1815. He attacked the policy of the government, whereby the army had been greatly reduced., and for its banishment of dock yard employees to Canada; ana said it was the duty of England to at once intimate her determination to enforce the treaties of 1815. Gladstone, in reply to Disraeli, took opposite grounds, and denied that .the position of the country demands armed neutrality, ard stated that in his opinion it would be much more desirable, and decidedly better policy, for the English government to rather exhibit an inequivocal friendliness to both the belligerent powers. In reply to an inquiry upon ihe subject, Gladstone stated in parliament today, that the general export of coal from Great Britain was not forbidden, but that contracts for coal were illegal if the collieries were occupied in furnish ing coal to the French fleet; and if found to be so employed, they would be liable to seizure. Government was vigorously endeavoring to discover if any collieries were engaged in the transportation of coal to the French cruisers. If any they would be promptly seized. Florence, Aug 2. Garibaldi has issued an address in which he urges all Italians to refuse to support the ambitious whims of the 2nd of December man. Paris, Aug. 2. War passports are required of all trav elers in France, natives as well as for eign born. The Journal Official states that the Prussian soldiers are suffering from want of blankets and tents. The outposts of the Bavarian army have fallen back on Loatis river, before an advance of the trench. Copenhagen Aug., 2. The Danish Government is fitting out a formidable fleet at this point. The destination of the expedition kept secret, Cork, Aug., 1.. midnight.. An immense enthusiastic demonstration in favor of Franco, took place in this city to night. Limerick Aug. 1, midnight, ' A mass meeting was held here demonstrations in favor of France pre vailed. ' XIST OP L.ETTEUS. REMAINING UNCLAIMED in the Post Office in Ogden, Territory of Utah, on 1st of Aug., 1870, which, if net called for before the 1st of Sep., 1870 will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. GENT'S. LIST. A Jennings J Anderson C Jones J H Anderson Dr P Jackson D Allen T Jeff J W Altham J Jerford J Andrews F S Jenson P 2 ' B Jackson 3 Brennan J F Jansen D Bitten J Byrne Mr Binket G BvbeeD ' BirdC J Batcheler Berdell E J J Canton Clark W Chipp J 2 Crismon P G II H Clement J S Cook W Cary J II Cross L Crawford F M Codweloner C Cross L S Carrel! J S Cook J W Curt Culver E C F 3 J G Quisl S Edwards a Mammon Hatch J Hobbs II . Holmes J Hammond F Hurburt & Bro Hadsel E Harlow J P 2 Hooper J Harmison O Hughes W S Hand JO - ' . ' , , MTT.T.TNEBY. MRS. KSTAlil.lSIIMENT, One Door South of To which she fttspectluily Invite Also, Burdett Baker Bird ' JV Budge " " " L M M .. Frost ning prayer, with sermon beginning at Frontijn Mrs B O 8 p. m. All are cordially invited to at" Gimpscn Mrs J tend. Gallaher Miss A Rev. J. L. Miss C 2 i ' rcet, Offden, IX , MERCHANDISE, " v ORDERS GROCERIES,. IMPLEMENTS.ETC. A Good Supply of MECHANICS' TOOLS on hand. Mm AGRICULTURAL NOTICE. mo WHO EKLI8HT IN A ALL PERSON'S Olas of fine Sparkling Beer, please call at the X WESTERN LAGER IJEER HALL, North aide of Union Square, Main Street, Ogden, where they ran be uiplieU with that Article, of the very beat quality, and at reduoed price. , JOHX on COAL! COAL! FPRKJ08 IS PREPARED F08ter$, Hand mtl$t Letter Heads, Bill Heads, TO furnish the best quality Coal Blanks, AT $4.00 PER TON the Car at Kcho. Order Books Coal-ili- HOME Q Invitations, C the attention of the Public to but New Splendid Assortment of nd , Tin, Iron and Copper Ware,hand. white he keeps constantly on variety of Cards, etc., tie Also, a geod Promptly atfanded to aad STOYES, theFt. N.B. lSMhn : . Job Work punctually and neatly executed FIRST-CLAS- S WORKMANSHIP OCDEN TANNERY. W Wilkson Miss M Party Tickets, . of superior quality; all of which be offer tor sal at a low figure as any that ar imported from S Stoddard Mrs L Smith Mrs E Smith M A Stewart Mrs Wolcott Mrs II MAJN Call M MoEmery Mrs J S Morton Mrs D McEmery Mrs E 8 McMaster MissE McCantry 8 ' P MANUFACTURE. CHARLES PEARCE, STREET, OUlN, i , 14-l- y . J ' Deeds, NOW to be addressed John Sprlggi, Summit county, Utah Territory. Livingston Miss ' FOE f All order Jounson Mrs Johnson Mrs " 13 1 DRY GOODS, N Tarry Mrs itjla. DIALER L J fiaast C. W00D3IANSEE, " II C la tho Inatrucliuui in the art gratia. R A J ' Own Materials made up. The bemoreat Model for I) res Catting on N.B. sale. II Hanes JOB PRINTING And HIIOO FLY NKTKTIKS. Ladle Harris" Mrs M Hultgran Mrs J Hawkins Mrs II - Hardy ' S Hart GENTLEMEN'S . ' B Broom Miss S J Bennet " S E Butler Mrs S D tTirj daicriptioi. of Office SUMMER GOODS, their atuution. . GENERAL A the Post faeilitiai for turning out And ha on hand a choice selection of 36-t- Anderson Mrs E Is tupplitd with tl lateit ImproTti M. BOWRINO, FROM SALT LAKE CITY, to Inform t lie Ladies of Ogden and Vicinity that she hae opened bar new MILLINERY . LADIES' LIST. . carefully prepared XV 47-- tf Wilson R 2 Williams T Woolsey J L Y Young MB JenneWII2 Jordon Kill Jackson T 8 Jordan WAS 2' 18th, 1870. Jf.TJ. Prescriptions J Hurburt&ThompsonWinslow J II Wrcstie C I : Wall F Irones L W Walt her J Irwin E J 11 AND STATIONERY. Williams J Whealcr L Willison R y, July CwooetM, GrooorlN, Di'y 11AT, CAftS BOUTS, MlUta, W Williams E T Whited J Walton A J 2 J OGDEN JUNCTION Likewise an excellent Aeaortment ef Main Woods THE Oil, Pamft, Clasi, etc, Chemical, Wolf A Wells W J NEWS. nml Third Ward Mare on hand a iplendid Stock ef . Yatkingburg Wave DOMESTIC MAIN OODEN, HTHEET, W nobartCT3 AND RAILWAY - r Fir-- I V Hempstead Mr 2 Hill S II Cleveland Mrs E 2 Crabtree Miss M Crowther Mias A D Notice. Religious services, under the supervision of the Rev. J. L. Gillog-l- Dallen Mrs C t Dinsdale Mrs as follows: Every Sunday until fur E ther notice, in the sitting room of the Ellison Mrs L F Railroad Depot, Ogden. Sunday School from 9 to 10 a. m. Morning prayer, Fogelberg Miss M A ' with sermon, begining at 10 a. m. EveL Gii.loglt. ao-t- : Thurman D J Thomas J P Tierman J Hall S Haswcil T Hill J A A EAST, 1XST1TUTL0X, Ojiputile 1'uhnp Wat'l, T Thurman S R Taylor T Tucker T J Thornton F. Thorp A A J TU which, together with our preeant Stock, we think will enable ue to eupply our cuetomere and the public generally with auch article a they nay wwd, at price that cannot fail to gire Mtiifactioa. Please call aud examine before trying elsewhere. Wheat, Corn, liar ley, Oau, Butter and ggi taken in exchange for (ioods, at the highest Market prire. CASH NOT REFUSill). Simons L Hayes J F Hastman A AGRICULTURAL, uiid Hum mot Hprinjf GooiIm, Spiro J Skerry J Schermecken A St Clair G G F EDUCATIONAL, . DRUGS AM) MEDICINES, Sjogren S P Smith C Shcgrin S P Sprsgue Gen Snaddon 11 J Hazai J P Heady H D ARRIVED FROM Assortment of S Pterrct W II Ilayward Srvoml JHntHct 7. ion's MERCANTILE INSTITUTION, MAIN tSTRKBT, OttDIN, SheaC Gill W C.askiU II A Goff J O Gorman J M 3 Gihaon J P "" ' Onion W II Gibbcns F L Gibbons J P ' Garner W S FOREIGN CORRESrONDBHCB, OPERATIVE CO JU?T Stewart J Samuels D Smith A RELIABLE LOCAL ITEMS, HOME CORRESPONDENCE, dUPKRINTKNDENT. Stewart 0 M Shoudy J Strong J C Stone J . $2.00 ITS COL" Mil I GOHTAII tf A " Gethys J Salt Lake City JOSEPH A. YOUNG. C Ross E A Freeman D FiUpatrick R . Farley I Ford J 2 . Field J Farley W Farron & Wilson Folker A Ferguson J Freeman Rev G W ' $u D.O.CA1.PF.R, Ticket and Freight Agent Rogerson J 2 Rich W Roberta J R Rowland B W Rasmussan F 2 Reece D Rider ' W L W ti.eo rV'ood'i Croee For all Inforiuatien concerning freight or Pae Reed J II Raybould R L F ' circulatioa. tl.0 KS apply to R D Douglass F A 2 Davis W D E Ecly W II E Igington G & Bro - Centreville " 0 J tnjoji aa xlaBtlr farming ton Q Coffman II C Carwcll " Purday W Parry P 2 Pearson P T Patten H F Parry J E CrokerBF SATURDAY FARES: to KayaTille Ogden P Coleman E B Clack G T And already Leering Oftden City 6 a.m. and Rait Lake City, 4.40 p.m. ou which full fare will entitle the purchaser of a tii ket to return on the eame day and train free, and will stop by arranging with the Conductor, at any point on the liue to lake on or let off pasaengere. rauengere will pleaae purchane their ticket at the oi)ire. Fifty cent additional will be oharged when the fare i collected on the train. O'Dounell J Osborn S 2 Osborn & EVERY WEDNESDAY WEDNESDAYS & SATURDAYS, Nights 2 Nye E 8EMI-WEEKL- WILL BON . N C T Crozicr . J McClean IMH ACCOMMODATION Murray W J Miller J R Matherson Mr McCartney 11 M Martin A 4 Munro R Morrell J K Cling R Carr L P D 3 Cravens IS PUBLISHED Moore M G 2 Martin A T McCoulin M C OGDEN JUNCTION lit a.m. In addition to the above aa Murdock Jno Morrisey J Maguire C E TKI will 1mt Leave Suit Lakt City daily at S a.m. an4 Arrive at Ogdeu at T a.m. aad 4.4S p.m. M Btirley Wra Borum A Ogden dally at I a.., and Arriv at Salt Lake City at 10 .m. aud Train 5.30 p.m. T.80 p m. King C Kinikin R Kiubery W L Lewis J Livingston M Larsen J C Long T B Lorengen A L Lewis J S Baldwin J B B Beebee F Brown F D Beus M Boyd R 2 riOXEER LIXE OF UTAH. THURSDAY, MAY lO 1870, KingDrLS Bertdsey Q Beverland J 10701 RAILROAD. ON AND AFTER K Boden W UTAHCENTRAL ' - IF TOO WOULD BE WELL FORTIFIED, TRY LEATHER. Come to my Tannery and e If I will not aell yon as GOOD LEATHER a th best, and a cheap a th cbeajiest in the market. ..... IIYJDE3 and BARK WANTED. 'Persons inquiring for the above letCheap ADVBRTisiso.Those who wan't ters are requested to Slate when adver- ' JOXATHAJ BROWNING. to increase their business, make a busi- tised 'V- 'l f . "' ISAAC MOORE, P.M. ness or put anything prominently before & BOESSEL Alain UlrfM, Ogden Ctly, . , the public for a small outlay, should See the City Pound Keeper! adver- "Watchmakers, Jewelers AGnnsmHhs. see oar- business manager, Mr. J am as Agent for American and Elgin Vale lies. Keep constantly on hand a large Msortmesjt of McGaw, and advertise in the daily tisement in this No. fine Jewelry, Foreign Watches, (iaus, Pistol, and . Jcnctios Dispatchv Ammunition of all kind. JST" The Best , Accommodation for I'ir GUARANTEED. PARPE - BSf Wood, Hay, Flour, etc., wanted Office, on subscription. at the Junction Travelers will be feund at the Traveler's John R. Pool. ' R.st, Ogden. Purchaser will do well to examine onr Stock before purchasing elsewhere. Repairing careful) dos and all work warra&ttd. BOOKBINDING EN ALL ITS BRAJJCJiES. ' |