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Show $Am function. Shf " ..... a a TERMS OF SUBSCRIPTION. Yr Tin " .- 3 I in Deyotcd to News, Literature, Agriculture, Science and tlio Arts. i3 i m m $3 $s $8 $is $ an $ 85 $ 7 10 4 7 8 U 6 10 13 IS 11 16 19 JO 30 St 44 i J 1' Column 0.Ii:, UTAH, WKDXESDAY, MAY 11, 1870. S ih J Square 10 lines, - 40 60 85 10 io 70 .n Ordinance Itclating to 110 City Officers. 0 135 (Ml luo ' 136 to kt month. Sec. 1. Be it ordained by the City j)uino Cexd Council of Ogden City, that there shall "Vnuisirnt advertising to lis paid for in ol tyua of thin bo appointed by said Council, in and for A Square cunita of ten liuei said the following named officers, to allowed at pleanre, to city,a advertiwrs elmnpa early who shall also be wit; Recorder, of additional twenty-fir- e ,n tharge with ntl ijn:tre for corujwi'itioii, bin thuy willcou-be- Auditor of Public Accounts, a Treasurer, a Marshal, an Assessor and Collector, ckarged EXTUA for eccunying jpaco over M Silecial Notices or Advertisi-mentretained on an Attorney, a Surveyor, a Supervisor v the outside of tbe paper, wil'. be charged twenty-ji- of Streets, a Sexton, a Sealer of Weights and Measures, three Fence Viewers, a per cent additional on the above rate.w Advertisements not ma' ked on the copy ith the of Police, a Water Master, an member of inatrlion, ivill be published at our op- Captain tion until ordered cat, and charged at traiuient Inspector of Provisions, an Inspector of rate. Liquors, an Inspector of Buildings, and a AllVKBTISEMEXTS inverted till forbid, will Iw Said officers shall .rintinwr'! until ordered out, in every instance, and Quarantine Physician. hold their ollices during lie pleasure of ctaryrd for said Council, and their rlulies shall be 'Je privilege of yearly and half yearly advertisand er tt restricted to their direct line ol liiisinew, as herein alter declared. ndvertine-mn- L iWl Legal. Aurtion. Heal Ktate, or other foreign to their regular trade, will be chargCITY RECORDER. ed lor separately. 1 No Advertisements from the Slatoa will io The City Recorder, and 2. Sec. without the each (at our advertised rains.) of Public Auditor Khali, Accounts, oar one from of unless the order, iaerompanviiiK before entering upon t he dulics of his Agents. ruialar authorized Advertising All loiimiuniiutions devoid of interest to the office, qualify and givo bonds with secupublic, or Intended to promote private interests, said city, in the penal sum often to and as rity advertisement", payment will be charged iersonal in character, wo thousand dollars, conditioned for the required in advance. If advertisereeerve the rixlit to reject auy article, or faithful performance of his official duties. class. ment of this "' THAN KLIN P. RICHARDS, Editor. C. W. PENROSE, Associate Editor. United Stales OMcers for I tali. J. Wilson Shaffer, Secretary S. A. Mann. Marshal 11. E. Patrick. 0. II. Hempstead, U. S. Attorney Sapt. Indian Affairs J. E. TourtclloUc. Surveyor-(Jeuer- al of Public Receiver ton. C. C. Clement.1". Monies J. B. Over- George R. Rejinlrar of Land Office Maxwell. John P. Tnggnrt. U. S. Assessor U. S. Collector.). J. Hollister. Chief Justice C. C. Wilsen. Associate Jh slices O, F. Strickland and Ilawley. Territorial to Oflloorw: William Congress Delegate Hooper. II. Zerublmbcl Snow. Manhal J. D. T. McAllister. Audtiur William Clayton. Treasurer David (). Caldcr. of Common Schools Superintendent J?o6cW L. Campbell. Attorney-Gener- al lVeber County onieers: F. and County J udys 1'iobats Said bond to bo approved by the Mayor u of said city, and with said oath or bo tiled in his office. Sec. 3. It shall be the duly of said Recorder to keep the records, papers, and seal of said city, ami record in order of date all ordinances and resolutions passed by said Council, in a book to be kept for that purpose; and in a separate book keep a record of the proceedings of said Council, which records shall at all reasonable times be open for inspection to the electors of said city. Sec, 4. It shall bo the further duty of said Recorder as' Auditor of Public Accounts, to examine and audit all public accounts connected with the financial affairs of said city, and issue orders on the Treasurer in liquidation of claims allowed, or appropriations made, by said Council. Sec. 5. lie shall have the custody of, and keep all books, papers, records, documents, vouchers, ami all conveyances, leases, mortgages, bolide or other securities, pertaining to the finances and property of said city, which are not by ordinance required to be kept in some other office or place, and have charge of all property belonging to said city: Pro vided, no other officer be charged with the custody thereof. Sec. u. Tho Kecortler snail pny over all money or other property belonging to said city coming into li is possession by virtue of his office, to tho Treasurer of said city, or to any other person to whom the same may bo due or belong. He shall have power to take acknowledgments, administer oaths, receive and approve bonds. He shall also keep a plat of all surveys within said city; and shall deliver to his successor in office the corporate seal, all records and proceedings of said Council, and all books, money, accounts or other property in his possession belonging to said city, within five days after such successor shall be qualiallir-matio- OCDEN DIRECTORY. Governor D. Richard. Silcct Men Lester J. Horrick, Henry Hlolines, Richard Ballantyne. Clerk and Recorder F. S. Richards. Aurelius Miner. Prosecuting Attorney Notary Public William Critchlow. Shmiff Gilbert llelknap. Deputy Sheriff William Brown. Assessor and Collector Sanford Bing-ILa- Treasurer Israel Canfield. Coroner Vim. N. Fife. Surveyor and Superintendent of Schools fied. Wm. W. Burton. Soc. 7. Said Recorder City .overnmeiit: Act of Jan. 18, 1861. Incorporated by Municipal election biennially on the econd Monday of February. Meetings of the City Council weekly, 011 Tueiday evenings, at City Hall, Main Street. Slayor I.oren Farr. Aldermen Y. A. Brown, 1st Ward; L. J. Herrick, 2l ,, Joseph Parry, 3d Counselors James Mc Gaw, Walter Thompson, William W. Burton, Josiah Xoavitt. Rtcorder Thos. G. Odell. Attorney A. Miner. Marshal W. X. Fife. Treasurer Aaron Farr. Attestor and CotlectoK-- S. Bingham. Surveyor W. W. Burton. Captain of Police V. 0. Taylor. Justice of the Peace S. Eggleston. Constable C. F. Middlcton. Ogden PostOfllee: Postmaster .Moore. Isaac General Delivery from 8 a.m. to 7.30 PB. Sundays, from 6 p.m. to 7. SO p.m. Daily Mails close, until further notice, for Salt Lake 5 p.m. City at For the East 9 a.m. For the West 5 p.m. AltniVR From Salt Lake City From the East West - 10.30 a.m. 6.30 p.m. - 10.30 a.m. MAILS Close for North Ogden on Monday at 2.30 p.m. For Plain City, on Thursday, at 0.30 p.m. For Huntsville, on Tuesday and Friday, at 8 p.m. SEMI-WEEKL- Y Trains or ' wt, Divine Worship " held every Sunday, in the Tabernclo, ' 10a.m. and 2 p.m.; and in the School ''ouses of the various Wards at 5.30 p.m. Ogbkk, Salt Lake Auditor of Public Accounts shall make a report in writing, to said Council, on the fourth Tuesday in Juno next, and quarterly thereafter, setting forth in such report the amount of city revenue, specifying from whence derived and lor what disbursed. And shall pay over to said Treasurer, monthly, all monies belonging to said city, as specified in the preceding section. CITY TREASURER. Sec. 8. The City Treasurer shall qualify and give bonds in tho same manner as the Recorder: Provided, thathisbonds shall be in tho penal sum of twenty-fiv- e thousand dollars, be approved by, and with tho oath of office, filed in the office of the Recorder. Sec. 0. Said Treasurer ahall receive all monies, and other property not otherwise provided for, belonging to said city, that may be raised by tax or otherwise; and shall keep in suitable books an of all receipts and disbursements, to whom made and on what account. Said books to be furnished by, and shall be the property of, said city. Sec. 10. He Rhall pay out monies that may come into his hands by virtue of his office, only ou orders signed by said Auditor of Public Recorder and Accounts: Provided, that ho shall deliv er said monies, and all other property belonging to said eity, to his successor in office, on receipt therefor by such successor. Ho shall also on the fourth Tuesday in Juno next, and thereafter, make a report in writing to said Council of his receipts and disbursements, with the necessary vouchers therefor. io semi-annual- ly a.nt, Utah. erybody desirous of learning facts ncerning Ogden, Salt Lake and Utah, "ronological, statistical, historical and wgious, with a reliable sketch of Moronism; and have a thousand and one "uestions answered that are being daily ed concerning Utah, send for a copy Sloan s Salt Lake Mailed ""m the Joction Directory. Office for a dollar U1 a quarter. the Treasurer. Provided, that he shall in the bonds penal sum of ono thougivo dollars. sand Sec. 12. Said Marshal stall, by himself or deputies, attend all the regular and special meetings of said Council; have tho charge of the City Hall, and see that same is lighted and warmed when necesor sergeant-at-armsary; act as execute all orders of the Mayor or Council; preserve the peace and good order of the city, quell all riots, arrest and brinir disorderly ucrsons in said city before the Mayor or uny Alderman of said city for trial with, or witnoui warrant for offences committed on sight; serve all processes issued by the Mayor or any Alderman of said city, to him directed; and see to the peace and good order of all public meetings that the same be maintained. Said Marshal may at any time call on the Captain yf er CO 31 71 1" AND COLLECTOR. ASSESSOR 1. 1 The Assessor and Collector, Sec. shall, before entering on the duties of his office, quality and give bonds with security, to said city, in the penal sum of ten thousand dollars, conditioned for the faithful performance of the same; which bonds shall be approved by and with thu oath of office, filed in tho office of the City Recorder. See. 15. Tho Assessor and Collector is hereby empowered to administer oaths, in the discharge of his official duties, and may require persons to give a statement, of their taxable property under oath. Sec. Hi. It shall be thoduty of the Assessor and collector to assessall property within the limits of said city, not exempt by law from taxation, at its fair cash value, and make returns thereof to said Council annually hercal'tor on or before the first Monday of April: Provided, the time may be extended by order of said Council. Sec. 17. In making assessments the Assessor shall provide himself with suitable books, prftperly ruled for such purposes at the expense of thecity, and shall make his assessment list in alphabetical order; he also shall pursue that course, which in his judgement, will enable him to complete tho assessment in the most uniform manner, and in the shortest time. To aid him therein, he may, when necessary, leave with any person, or at his residence, a copy of the blank form of tho assessment list, with the name of the person required to fill the same, and a reasonable date thereon, at or before which it must be returned to him, and any person furnished with said list, must comply with the requirement. Sec. 1 8. The books in which the records of such assessments shall be made shall Vie properly ruled and headed throughout as follows, to wit: .Vunn'H ot'owm'rn or iMi.sm'n. Viilih' ol Xitnii-i j j lu!i rlniius ainl iiiipiY:;iH!tt. of cutt!f. vaiu.rr NnuilxT ol' hor'. Value. NuniliiT of Ogden City, Utah Territory. May 11. 18TU. WHOLESALE Viliie." OGDLX, AXD SALT LAKE CITY. Dealer! in Gold lhini, Coin and Currency. Draw Exchange on Sen Franriwo, Montana, Denver, Lonia, New York, and all part of Europe. lll.iok SOc. to $1,011 jwr jrd. Lustres ic to 2oc HAREr.K Mc. to 6oc. MOWN fllKCTINdS lfic. to 21c. 111 iNKKTS MM per jC.H0 to pir. WSI.lN!-l- ac. to 2i. 1!R1 TICKINGS Sic. to 40c- H BKlLLIAXTS Mr. to(Wr. r'AJlIUIICS-U'a- C. to 18c. to $2.25 CAIU'KTINd, ALPACA?, " CIIKCKS COTTON A IIK8 33c. U 42c. COTTON V.U1N-J2- ..W IlAMASK-$1.2&ti$1- .5U DKLAINKS I IirCKINii-iW'.j- OGDEN All Wool 37c. to 45o. CITY LICENSES. o 18c. to 22c. To all 1 OiHira ITc. I 30c. to27J. Rc. GenU' half $1.25 to SOctoiik!. $4,110 per Sec. 10. On the return of such assessment it shall be the duty of said Council to set a time for hearing complaints of without first procuring obtained,) n Aldr-rmii- do. JACUXET 60c. 1 rif h iac. to 95o. Tablo, 00c. to $1.25 I'UIXTS 10c. to Inc. LINEN, LORIN FARR, Mayor. " DUCK HAVEN'S 33l-- . s; City Recorder. THOS. (ie. ODELL, ., SHAWLS $(1.25 to $9.50. SKIRT HRAIDS 85r. per doz. to $1. per d.. THREAD, Sil-fl- ur. ' Linen 75c. to il.25 per lb 17c. to 20c. per yd. TOV'BLLIXO tbe Office Hevenlics' Stut ion. of iho Citj Recorder is at of the "Ogden Junction," Hull, near tho U. C. R. K. Hours from Office 10 t. tn. till S p. lb. E. $4.50 to $5.50 per dot. Jc per lb. liARI.EV, 2'.jr. per lb. BEE" AX-J- 1.00 per Il. BACON 2.3 t S110KTS $1.25 to $1.75. perewt. Sc. to 15c per lb at uliop; 10c. on foot. DEEK HITTER 25c. to 3oc. mt tt. $3.25 par BAKING I'OWDEB do. SAMPLE AM) SILKS ROOM ON rAir STHT5ET, Ogden City, Utah. per box. Sic to 4ot vr lb. COri'KRAS CUDBEAR 65c. CAMPHOR $1.40 COMPOSITION-7- I bare on baud a buy to $11.00 per ton. 14c. to ltic. 22c. , A n lo, a LA HUE STOCK of CASE LIQUORS, CASE WINES, to $3.25 per nark. He. to 50c. per lb. GLAS&-8x- lO per box, $7.00. " 10x12, $7.00. GLUE Mr. per In. MAY Full lupply, $7. to $10. per ton. 14c. to 15c. per ft. HOOP IRON HORSF. SHOF.S-$- 13. a keg. INDIGO $2.00 per lb. IRONS, SAD 12Ja. per lb. FLOUR-- t., Kentucky Whiskeys; CHICKENS EGGS &. CHAMPACNES, CATAWBAS, ETC. GINGER ETC, Call and examine my Stock. SIaiii Street, Oden, Nearly Opposite White House. tf $12.00 por cane. LEAD White $.00 to $6.00 por can. Bar 20c. per lb. LOGWOOIV-2- 8e. to 33c. per lb. LAMPBLACK 20c. per lb. LUMBER MUSTARD S. S. TUCKEK, $,'.00 per hundiad foot. 550. to 65c. er lb. errors in such assessment (if any) and MATCHES $8.00 to $11.00 per ciua. adjusting the same, giving not less than 35c. Jier lb. MADDER ten days notice thereof; and shall also METAL, BABBIT 10c. per lb. determine thecompensation lobe allowed NUTMEGS $1.75 per lb. the Assessor and Collector, and the rate NAILS $8.00 to $.90 per keg. per cent, of tax for the current year, OILS, LINSEED-12- .35 per gal. which shall not exceed five mills on the " FISH $1.85 dollar for contingent expenses, nor ex" " SPERM-$3- .60 ceed five mills on the dollar to open, im " MACHINE $2.15 " prove and keep in repair tho streets of " COAL $10.00 per cuo said city; and may assess, collect and OATS 3c. pur lb. or rate sum expend such further per PEPPER, Black 50c. per lb. cent, as they may deem necessary for " Cayenne 70c. per lb. school purposes and for supplying said PEACHES 10c. per lb. and water for with other irrigating city POR K Sold at 20c. to 25c. Bought at 15c. to 20c, purposes; and they shall annually ap50c. to 60c. per Wuhet. POTATOES portion and apply said taxes as in their 15c. per lb. PUTTY most deem shall expedijudgment they POLISH, ent. RAISINS $7.00 per box. Sec. 20. Within thirty days after such RICE 15c. to 19c. per lb. assessment roll shall have been confirmed ROSIS 15c. per lb. furRecorder shall by said Council, said MAXILLA 30c. to 33c. per lb. ROPE, nish said Assessor and Collector with a SOAP, OLIVE, I. X. per box. true and correct copy statement in book SODA $10.25 per cane. names the tax the of on of form, payers 24c per 9. STARCH the assessment roll, alphabetically, arSCLPHUR-20- C. and of the their residence, place ranged, SALT, Fino-a- jc. amount of tax due from each for the SALTS, F.pnom 15c. herein-befor- e several purposes named, 30e. together with the total in separate SUGAR, Brown 15c. to 17c. per !h. columns placed opposite their respective " A 20c n names, and shall file the original in his " CruKhed &22.2o per sack office as a part of the offioe records. TEA $1.50 to $2.25 per Jh. Sec. 21. On receipt of such copy TOBACCO, Nat. Leaf $1.10 per lb. said Assessor and Collector statement NAVY t GRAPE 80c. shall proceed to collect from the persons WASHBOARDS $8.50 pordox, therein named the sum or amount placed $9. opposite their respective names, and per nest. shall pay the amounts collected into the WASH W0O1 $7. to $. par cord. and shall take monthly, city treasury receipts for all monies so paid. And shall on or before the thirty-firs- t day of ABSOLUTE DIVORCES LEO ALLY OBTAINED York, Indiana, lllinoia and other December winually make a full report Stales, for perwmt from auy State or Country, to and settlement with said Recorder and legal everywhere: dettertion, drnnkennew, etc.. mifflclent raiiiw; no publicity: no Auditor of Public Accounts. until divorce obtained. Advica free. See. 22. It shall be the duty of the chnrno eKtahlbdicd fifteen ream. Auditor to keep an account with the M. HOUSE, Attorney. Addren. STOVE-41.00p- erdt W1IEEL-HBAD- S TCBS-45.50 unl Cnqiontpr, .Toiiir, M Cullnct ulcer, HALF A BLOCK KAST OF THE "JCXCTION" OFFICE, 00 DEN. Orders personally and promptly attended to. All Every Artii-- manufartnred by tin la warrant! to be made of tbe boat material. tf nye 4. No. 7S, Nnmwu The Yokohama correspondent of the York Tribune gives a striking of the extraordinary progress made by Japan in a single decade. "Ten years ago," be says, not a single steam-engin- e was to be found in tho wholo empire of Japan, and evon a square-rigge- d ship was unknown. Today thcro are no less than twenty steamers, owned and manned entirely by Japanese, in the offing before the capi tal. ' Ana lie adds that at two of tha open ports the manufacture of iron steamers is actually in progress. A telegraph is now stretched along the great high road to Yeddo, and will soon be extended from one end of the empire to the other. A railroad is also contracted for to connect tbe two great cities of Japan. Four lines of steamers run regularly to Europe, America, and the Chinese ports. A considerable cousting trade, besides, is carried on by first-clasteamors and sailing-vesselRaw. silk is the chief support of tho European steamers. Next comes tea, which furnishes the great bulk of freight for thd American ports, very little going to either Europo or its colonies. Silkworm eggs furnish the third export; they go chiefly to Italy and France to linh the stock of worm suffering from disease. The export of worms ) alone last year amounted to nearly 000,000 dollars, the value of tlu raw sift was not far from 10,000,000 dollars, tea was from 3,000,000 to 4,000,000 dollars, and other products between 1,000,-00- 0 and 2.000,000 dollars making a sum total of 20,000,000 dollars. nt Street, New York City. There are over five thousand registered women of the town in the city of Berlin. A conscientious reporter states in a Paris paper, Attheoperaltallwcnoticed that many of the ladies had been, vacci- nated above the knee." ' A Missouri paper calls au affray in which one gambler blazed away at another several times, and killed an innocent man, "a careless use of firearms." The quicksilver yield on the coast of California during 1809, it is reported, amounted to 115,898 flasks, or l,202,fi!l7 pounds, the flasks averaging 70 j pounds each. San Jo'te Mercury. MUSEUM AND MENAGERIE. Hulfddw k Wcat of Pret. B. Young's Itenidwno, Halt Lake City. It is said that tho handsomest girl in Wisconsin sots type in a printing oflico TO SALT LAKE CITY P1I0ULD at Fou du Lac. As she is accustomed to to rail and tea tba fine cnllertlnii YISITOKS ANIMALS and IIIKDS; alio MINK-KAL.MAM KACTUIK, and natural productiMM of the Territory, at tlie above eatab- bailment. Opm from 8 a.m. to I p.m. of K ATI V R HOME 24-l- y CALL AT OYSTERS. THE REVERB HO' SB 8ALOOX, Smith Street. Salt Luke City, where 8IMMOM4 nr bin aMittanta ready and willing to aerve yon with Too will find JOti. FRESH OYSTERS, 17-- tf iiOLDKN CROWX CIGARS, PIGS FEET, etc. 7r Call and see him. "i DR. It. TIBBITS, nud Surgeon. IliyMiIuii WALKER k OFKICB AT STORK, OUUEN, V. T. Calls front tended ta. MC.XLTT'U 1)111(1 tha Country prnnitly IV-l- la DR.WM. H. CROVES, Office, Second at- leiitlHt, South Street, SALT LAKE C1TT, Three doora Weat of Kerere Hunw. BUSINESS CARDS. MERCHANT AXD INVERT liould hare a niply, in the le't myle of the art. "setting up," she is the kind of a girl for some printer to go for. A very polite young man, wishing to ask a young lady if he might speak to her a few moments, wanted to know if "ho could roll the wheel of conversation around tho axletrce of her understanding for a moment." The poor girl fainted. One of tho most gigantic undertakings of our age will soon be completed. Wo see by lengthy statements in tiuropeait journals that tho tunnel through Mount Cunis is advancing at such a rapid rate that only fifteen hundred yards remains to be performed. Tho length of tho galleries now open exceed eleven thousand two hundred yards. Three Irishmen wcro tried fur assault -- at Detroit, the other day, before a jury Eusi-ne- Continued on or Jannn. ss n $1.00 per bunhrl. 50c, each. 20c Per do, CORN 8toek of tbe Celebrated SI1AWAN. I KK KI N, ( UllW, HOW AND HIIAKI'S IIUAXDS or , 5c. in Wines & Liquors. COFFEE, Ilio par k, ic per lb. CHEESE 27c. to 2Sc. per lb. Kl ... ... . BROOMS $n.5t to $7. per do. BRASS KETTLES 70c. per lb. Cl'KUAXTS 24c per lb, by Id. COD FISH GA11N, DEALER pulb, B(2AX-t- ta. BIIAN The Projrre .ic ALCM AXE HELVES Modern astronomy has unqncslkmably made its greatest advances since the application of spectrum analysis. It will be remembered that of the tore r four varieties under which the spectra of the fixed stars including our tun have boca grouped, less thau half indicate the presence of metallic vapors such as const it ul c the' body of that luminary, and a largo proportion seem to be the lightof inflamed gases such as tho corona which surrounds the sun durirg eclipses. Tho circumstance that many of tho nebulus arc similarly constituted basbocn considered in tVis connection. ' We have now, at last the dofinite link which connects tho fixed starwith tlienolml;e. The information is communicated from southern latitudes, being tho result of obfcrvations on the great ncbulw in Argo, itself, perhaps, a center of stellar lla position soeins to bo nKKr0K,'on almost a focal point of the southern sky. In the heart of tins ncbulio lies Lta Argus, hitherto chiefly noted as a variable Btar of long period, llalley described it as a star of the fourth maeniludc: Lacaille subsequently observed it as of tho second magnitude. went to the Capo uf Sir John Herst-he- l flood Hope in 1K:J3, and writes respect ing this star in 18:1a. It was then approaching its climax, and is represented nearly, if not quite, of tho first magnitude. With irregular variations in appearance, its brilliancy gradually in crvased until when none of the fix ed stars surpassed it in splendor. Siuco then it steadily decreased, tint il it became almost invisible to the naked eye, and was described as of tho sixth magnitude. It is now aeain increasing. Hut the nebubo immediately surround chaning it undergoes precisely conv-M'sges; when lbs star is most brilliant the nelmliB near it is dim to tho point of invisibility; when tho star is funtest, tho nebulm attains its utmost brightness. The spectroscope recently applied to tho now growing star, shows conclusively that il is surrounded with blaiitig byditigen ; other gases also giving evidence of their preseuce. In short, it is a star in flames. Should the identity of nebubo and the solar corona !e established by these observations on Eta Argus, the discovery may mark a new era in astronomy, and substitute positive knowledge for hypothesis as to tlio growth and decadence of worlds. Xcw York Tribune. The Oflico GPvOCERIES, PROVISIONS, &c. 15c. per lb. ALLSl'K'K 50c. per a license ttro Untile to be takon bofor any cf suiil City, and bo aulyccted to a Fino. l?y order of lbs City Council, to $6.00 per dut. HOSE, Ladl.'-2.- 25 ma' concern. HEREBY GIVEN, THAT all Person? tit;ncp,l in Businefts in Ogilen City, (fcr which the City Onli- nntu'vft jirovulo, that a liconne nniKl bo to $1.M l,ic. to 42e. fiOc. to 75c. IllCKOUY-l- JKAS-45c.to- o VOTICE IS HIKNCII M Kit INOS FLANNKLd, While k Ked " horn it m C. " CITY. All kimU of legal buidneiai promptly attended to. It n 22c. to 24c. GlNfillAMS COUNSELOR. & Oflicv opposite Ogtleii Hotel, 2.V. to 37c. per yd. MS If 1 MINIMIS, ATTORNEY n Armurna Muslin DKS to. to $3. par bunch. 18c. to 22c. " atttnded promptly V. 18c. to 23c. KAX8 .1 Collections b32e. 2.k'. COltSKT LY E Kcmai'ka. & CO., BANKERS PRICE LIST. Stick tiinlior of m ini;. Value. Number uf vehicle. Value. Number of clocks aud at lies. Value. Value of nierchaiuline. Value of stock hi trading anil lnanulactur-iiifcompanies. Value of pibl dust and bullion. Val lo of gold and silver iluto and orna- ltieuta. .MottHY bianed and on hand. Value of taxable property not enumerated. Total value. Helena, Montana. DAIILEIt HffiEl, i DRY GOODS. CANDY, Fancy N I Junction, Ogden C. L. PAHLER, WARREN llfSSF.Y, Salt Lake City. 65c. H:r lb. CANDLES, 12 or.. j"Vl iiiT I ltd A I,. CLOVES Niimlier of iiiulft. Value. Number of nlieo ami goal. I of Office I. VOL. h.-4- 0.'i Sec. 11. The city Marshal shall qualify and give bonds in the same manner as door-keep- Police, or in his absence on any policeor bystander? who arc hereby required so to do, to assist in maintaining the peace and good order of said city or in making any arrest therein. Sec. 13. Said Marshal is hereby authorized to appoint one or more deputies as ho may deem necessary, for whose official acts he shall be responsible, and whose term of office shall expire with that of the Marshal, or they may be removed by him at pleasure. Said deputies shall, before acting as such, take an oath or affirmation for the faithful performance of the duties of their office. men, and CITY MARSHAL. Leave Ogden daily, until further no-fSalt Lake City at 10.6 a.m. and p.m. (For extra trains aee time Table.) For the For the East, at 10.5 a.m. at 6 p.m. Arrive from Salt Lako City, 9.25 a.m. d 5.25 p.m. From the East, 5.25 p.m. roin the West, 10 a.m. . tl 4m RATES OF ADVERTISING. v- Agronomical. TT SATURDAY, nuked every WEDNESDAY and COMPANY. l,v tbe OODKN I'UBUSUl.VQ PROFESSIONAL 1 e will do them entirely of negroes, probably the first jury of tho kind in this country. Strange tq say the culprits were acquitted, the jury rising above all party prejudice. One of the lawyer addressed thpiii as "my colored fcllowr cituens," to which a juror objected, and the Court insrticted him to drop the needles composed |