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Show money there, and quickly returned with stimulants. Of course they were useless. He told iist lady her master was 5jf,M.t retry WediieMaj a:J(r&iturday. gone, and past surgical aid. Then he related how he bad been summoned as usual, !.and bad? found .i.-Mr. Morley sinit-I- T The Dead Man's Bell. - iou,l p ua paraneis in in nerj' ai uuj oi deal sa ho'eutwed the room. , Tho' old woman paii little heed to what he said (JhJint'rjVaotlt'e Vas not large. her wtiole mind was taken up just then i.u a stnull country town especially, most with simple aud siaeere grief at the loss old are ebarvof exchangiflg. an jicople cbtior wutu tiiujknof ibr anew one of her matter, whilst she rather resentVe disagreeable ed what liitio' the doctor said as exemthey do lo$ atiifpith niuiurstiTtfClieif f6" hi naA)e,t'Tn broilier plifying to her belief the ignorance of vaotitioncr.s fought ratlier shy of him, "book learned'' about anything practical. She" believed' she could have saved h ilst members' of a kindred profession him, if she bad only seen him "when he was upkaiaiiJW,f!niliar,: He; was first took" that was about all the c1iiifinury '"'gi'tnng'" lawyers' leVte'rs had to say. housekeeper in pouti-acte4i1'' D'jou.tiUiilaadiujf Dr. Gryant then did perhaps the wisaiiothA YUrt of tiieeotifirry. 116 tJiuved est thing he could have done. Pointing iIidko oil' us best as he could, paying illand. the open out s' ainietits were he was most worried, but cash-bo- the notes and gold to tho old woman, he said he in and unsettled a life liv:ng precarious would go and feteh Mr. Naresby, the Cninki'ord, continually threatened wiih who lived in the same street, whilst I roueiis, Maid, wall what lawyer, truth I do not know, that ho did not dare that the property might be duly restored face the Court of 13ankruplcy for fear of to the box and sealed up by an indepenThe revelations which might prove still more dent person, pending inquiry. seemed nettled at this, and housekeeper to what little he injurious reputation wanted to know whether "she would r. ij!i'l' rw m ' 'SLi0" Jfcto'J ifyf'U' tl'ease these steal from the dead .who never robbed He explained that it was two bits ol CJrankford "gossip that Dr. the living?" ti ry Ut was in wauM nioney, pressed simply ordinary precaution, as much or the sake "of his own character av'hers, ft Tcijfan'l that ho was a tlie constant, V'iBitor at andThewith tiiat went for Mr. Naresby. lawyer was rather surprised than Isaac a man supposed by otherwise a,l the a,mgunt of niy father's niiiny people (with far worse opportunities of judging) to be very wealthy and property, lie was one of those who never believed Isaac Mori y to have been miserly, and you will be prepared for a man with more than a bare competou-p- y part of wkut, iLilovkd, to the u, in," so that' when he found Late one evening in the following five or six thousand pounds iu gold and March, lr. Gryant was (si ting alone in in the cash-bo'notes together with the his study. With his head on his hands, he had no suspicion whatever that will, lie was gazing into the fire as earnestly Ms if tho shapM in the burning ojft Is money had been extracted therefrom, lie counted the money in Dr. Gryaut's In show could tri n ja picture aotna way of noted the amount on a slip of escape from his difficulties. Lettom lay presence, wbich he gave the Doctor a tm the table containing peremptory de- - paper, of and sealed then copy, up the box aud v ,vas think" f,aiM'fiiisns took charge of it. dethese iB?tfr,TjMiJhitvtl8U8t;L't An inquest was held upon the body mands ho nfrird my father's summons. the following day, but adjourned in It was just after eleven o'clock at night, that a post mortem examination and the measured beat of the iron bell, ' like a ghostly clock slowly striking the might be mado. Dr. Gryant was requesto undertake ted the duty, but he himhim-it was so harsh. hour, jarred on requested, since he .was alone with It was aome minutes before he answered self it; he Lad papers to put away, and his the deceased at the time of death, that desk and drawers to lock. Then he toon Dr. lloss might be allowed to assist in his hut and , wut to th door, v No tine the examination. At the adjourned inwhs there; bulliHa; as usual, that his quest, Dr. Gryant stated that he had for some mouths past been treating the depatient had left his own frolit door ajar ceased for incipient paralysis, whila Dr. tor him to enter. The dining-roodoor Itoss deposed (1 spare you technicalities) was, hofU'r.. Gryant that there was no doubt of Mr. W ; Morley' j v'.n opened it. Isaac Morcly had fallen down pros- having suffered from that disorder; that trate on the floor, Bt ruck with paralysis. a considerable part of the brain and the tliat he still whole of the right sido of the body were found to be affected, and that, though a LW'W.-.llrata my father jatl$o4 iunt have uad just warning enough of Bomewhat uncommon occurrence lor a lb.'', impending stroke to enable him to go person to die from the first stroke of this out and ring for his doctor, and then re-'- u disease, it was by no means an unheard-o- f event; that, in the opinion of himself ii the rrnTngTooTitbefare the seizure jiok place. The stroke must, however, and his brother practitioner, the deceas!uvo been very sudden. My father bad ed had evidently come to his death by a been counting his money, which he had Stroke of paralysis, of which abundant evidence was noticeable. A verdi t was evidently attempted to. replace. , in the therefore recorded in accordance with eash-bothe on open wj$lli lay, li?i;y the medical Died by the testimony; before could for the tiibL', arrive, help notes were crumpled up and thrust in visitation of God." Dr. Gryant's theft appeared in all huhisUlr i 11011 p; Bonje, had fluttered to man probabil.ty likely to escape detec'IwG-i&'AJbAwith StlotVj lay, is gdlj still in his hand, and gold lying tion. It certain that not a soul sus- pected bint of it at the time of the iuabout him. Dr. (iryant hesitated fcettrren the cash-bo- x (tuest, J'he amount of money found in box was just sufficient to satis and the patient. A few moments imild make little ditl'erence, after all, to fy everybody's curiosity without sugsuspicion. ,i man ia my father's condition, lie gesting T I came down to my father's funeral, saw there a looked in the cash-bo- x each for a ind when that was over Mr. Naresby, packet of Jiiiiiua who had constituted himself my Bolici-ojf- , thousand pounds many for smaller read the will, and I came into my sovewhich and numerous rolls in pum-?iopcrty. I certainly Sever expected so reigns were done up in rouleaux of fifty. He looked at the paralytic, then at the irge a sum from my father, and had the vaguest suspicion of anything or lot to tho other. jrold, Uieyixuiv'lJronj quo Due was ln(le"fo 'him lit'llo, perhaps, anybody. I have a parrot a queer bird. Ilia, to anybody, he thought; the other, the is Bob. I believe he knows it, yet natuo rchaso of freedom from annoyance, ( he obstinately persists in calling himself luxury at least tranquility. --Then he ,our f fretty i'olly. ; I brought Bob down with placed the the rouleaus of sovereigns in Lis own me iu his cage, and my dog Dash, too, for company in the lonely house. pocket, si ill glancing at tho sick man. That bird is so jealous, you would conAciuiiuesn, .CuUfc.Jyw? Jjvfu'i'of believe. If I notice "Dash," IW'y-j-Uroiiscarcely iJuulliinfl. my poor brute of a bird will upon iU was a will J.ouer down iu tlio cash-bo- x a mora eheet of note paper, but duly perch, plume himself, and then, with his head perked on one side, will look down signed amljiiitesicdj piVf.it rati thu,H.v riu tho dog and ory in a prolonged pqimll Morley, of sound mind and of mocking irony,-- "Poo-- o ooor Dash!'' 'I, Isaac body, do give and bequeath all my real j In a strange place he is very quiet for and personal estate of which I may die 4 day or two whilst "taking notice," and possessed to ruy sm .Thomas Morley, then he brings out what he has beard, who in J hereby appoint sole executor to fbr he is quick at catching conversation. this, ray last will and testament." For the first two days ha was put out in A mure blundering thief would have the kitchen to sleep, but he was unhap(aken the whole i 1 destroyed the will. py there; having been Used to, sleep in He picked up someDoctor GryaottbMitod .himself with the uining-rooaiitt four rolls of thing in tho kitchen, , though, which the packet KVwJUV't' !1 Vve.rti" the disorder J I i may is well, tell you. "Bob," his other accomplishments (and iiMih kftVoirtid l?,at!i reryhig- ii tHe f among fiict that Isaac Morley's wealth was not ho was a very wise bird), used to imitate knoyn even to his son, ho then turned distant' Yoic?$ with' siirprisin'g effect. Down m the long garden adjoining ours, to his paticjitun ,1 ii.' Ouly otjo circumstance was ever likely Dr. Gryant's voice would often be heard to discover tlio theft. That was, should cnlliut; to his boy,' who did the gardenIsaac Morley recover. There was no ing and errands bosides.-- ' What be said (d inger of this, as it happened, for in ii was difficult to distinguish owing to three minutes "my" fatter liad breathed tbe distance, but the semblance of the his last, probably without pain or con- voice was accurately rendered by the sciousness. parrot, ttbus:'"And, John, gabble, gamDoctor Gryant, frightened at what he ble,1 gnbbieVgnbMe.' And,- - JohnYgfibbte,' had jyjie. vigj, yjjiv,,diijiig-rpQiiboll giibbloj ,Aud, John,' gabble, gabble. .' violently for tho housekeeper. Its' very Yes sir." Tho second day after fhe funerat,this pound was better to hjmthan the silence, WUkaf and slept bird was in the kitchen, and heard Dr. but the old worn eo heavily she did not hear, so the echoes Qry ant shouting to his lad about a water t was hunting.- wasr.sileuoe pnea: ri.t that 'yt Jf more,' Willi tEo dead mail "still ctuteLinY remembered it in the evening, and Jtlte g'lU, and the dootor longing to see j wkta the lamp was lit began to call with a liyWiwoiu4.bgaJa.I JloStor a shrill screech, "You've killed ' him,, Yes, sir.", A singular bird Gryaut was not usually nervous with the John? when dead, but he ardjuir father Js if the "Bob" is. Seo him at supper-timdead nian I'u'ufd'gcl'up ahS" stfangle tho I lot 'him Qui of his cage. V He comes and money away from him. At last he could pprches on my shoulder, waiting till the bear it no from the spirit decanters are brought out. He room, up stairs, and hammered at the then helps himself to' a large knob of :cUl'fWr yF(ir jaircy' sake, sggM' froia tha sugsHvbasiu,- - an walks fouio lowii, W Mr. Morley Is dyiifgT in a stately way3 to' tlie brandy bottle. His sugar, and reAt last ho made her understand that There he flings-dowBut mains calling, in a. jitont, iitsiyuatuig foniethingtseii4iSi toe qi.vt lie waited for herDoctor Gryaut did. manner',' "Pretty roily," until stimd'oito dips the sugar in neat brandy. With vieW but one, nJ &fcver quailed, bullje his grog iu his left olaw, "Bob" returns cured to enter that dining-rooand sits tnere nj);bing alone. to! my shoulde The housekeeper threw on a few arti- it until he first Bhuts one eye in extreme cles of clothing and followed him. The satisfaction from tjjoe ,to time as the! doctor lot her go in first Never heeding spirituous juice gets up in his head, and tlie gold, she went straight to the dead. at laswiia both ryes winking,,; he b " i 'Oh, bless mo! Wess me!" cried the comes ready for bed. o'd soul. "Go and get a cordial or ;He bad gon thus fat through bia something, do and don't stand Blaring evening performance o the third night tiiewr.dj fien-bir , i after the funeral, when, as I had detergone" lail.ot as Q'i rj:nt pny exfiisj4 mined not to send him out in (he kitchen jret out of the house with the money. to sleep, I looked for some convenient JJe weiit tor kis; turgrj, deposited the nail pn which to hang hia sage in tbe . The only thing I could find was a brass knob against a cupboard about six feet from tlie trrouiit. Bub did not like the situation, since, the knob being nearly flush with the his cage was canted on one side; but I left him there for want of a better plui, and went to bed about eleven o'clock. 'She (Dgtlcu gimdiam dining-room- x s - lnSn oi-l- Mot-ley'- s ,. .fye or-d- or X'J do'lTj, li'HfXMtiitidia'iy , .ftij, , , i ErjtS"' A. gt lyi r-- 1 v ! r.sni.ier the-bo- The-parro- e, lon$jii-l"TItt3ra- m '. (t lfi III PC "i ATPIJ l El ff f" SllHI UUhw - --i'r :,v 10701 m;u vouk THiiiixr The Bayer of Kow ia t! BY DR. M. Sehool-ICoon- tetd B. V. BIIATTL'CK. the Wedtly Mail the following summary of the address of Dr. Shattuck, delivered before the State As sociation of Missouri; "I submit, as a medical man, who this subject much attention, propositions; trusting that they will receive that careful consideration ai your hands, which the important homing they have upon the health and happiness the moral, intellectual and ptiysi g cal of ttie hundreds ot thous sands of cn.iui en attending our public and private schools, dvm..nd that ttiej should receive from teacuers and schoo Wo clip from ha.-giv- well-bein- officers. OGDEN JUNCTION SEMI-WEEKL- & EVERY WEDNESDAY SATURDAY . M. KRONUIt O CO. T. NURKU 4 CO., The narnei almTe will be recognized aa the lend. lug JrwvllkMot ChlcHKO. They have do pecuni- ary intermit in the Company, but freely testify aa to the genu ne niorita of the WRtohei, which for the punt year have been told by theiu. National Watch Compact, Chicago: Ousts: The watcheeof your make, sold by o duriug tbe poat yeur, have, with acarcely an ex- And already enjoys an extensiye circulation. ception, given more than ordinary satUlaction, and are proving to be all that you claim for them aa accurate and durable Taking into consideration the improTemanta you have Introduced in tlieir construction, and the general fineness of finish of even tlio luweat grade, we regard them aa being well worth their price, and take great aatifactlon in selling them to auch of our cuatumera a Uooire good time-ke-f pert. PALMEB, BACtT ELDERS tc CO.. luli Wanhineton St., Boaton. ' 1 any-th!- n ' ' , : ELGIN WATCHES! ELGIN WATCHES! J03 PRIMfNG r t JOB PRINTING : . ' :.-- CcientiSc American ORDERS aclen-titl- Xcw ISailnajr ltridgc. The piers for the new railway bridge over the Connecticut i iver, at fenybr'ook, Conh., on the' Shoreline Railway, 'are now nearly completed. They are made in a rather novel manner, with a view ti prevent damage to th wooden piles from insects. A cluster of nine or twelve piles are Jrivcn is near together as possible? and around this cluster are placed sections of cast iron cylinders of the required diameter, until they reach from the hard bottom of the river to ten fee--t above high water. After these are in position, the intervening space between the piles and thil inside of the cylinders is filled with a concrete of water cement and sand, so that, when finished; the structure is mado as solid as one can well imagine. iThe centre pier of thirteen cylinders five, eightjtj diameteT, and eight, five feet lu diameter is" the one on which will revolve the balance draw, with two openings for the passage of vessels on either sido. Tho draws will be lot) feel in the xlear, atlording ample roont (or any vessel that will ever pass up tlie river to go through the draw, , .The draw-bridg- s b of iron,- 283 feet in proper-wil- l length, and will revolve on a pivot in the centre of he large pier, and will be supported by a circular track railway, and so geared that it can. be opened or closed by one man. s 1 A little girl, repeating her Sunday Sobool lesson, gave a new version to the familiar passage "Ye cannot serve God , and mamma." popular are cuiitribn'on). Oonutryand Ee.iy numlior him 10 eml with tine engrnvinRt inir.Hl of MA( 1IIN1.UY, NEW INVENTIONS, TOOLS EtHl THE WOKKSIInP," FARM AND HOtE-IK'I.It- . ENOEERf WoliKS,, UWUXI-NIRU 'SES. l'l'lll.lOl!inMINliS--- A so h intriiiKic mm of value, at the low journal l'Jiroi im, Letter Heads, Bill Heads, TO INVENTORS AMD MECHANICS this joaitwl is of si ocinl value, a It contains a at W wsekfjr rvport nnll i'itfiiit Order Books, ,. with coptims noticei ot ihe lending AME1UCAN AM) ElKOl'EAN INVENTIONS. Tlio l'ublish-er- a of tho American are the inoet extensive Patent ol 'citora In the World, and'h.ive fncilities for jrathcrinsa Complete knowledge of the progress of invention and Discovery thrunphnnt the world: and with a view to mark the quarter ol acentury, durinR which this journal haa held the first plure iu Scientific and Median!-ct- tl Januabjtersturo, tiie I'ulilUliers wilLisaue-ory fiii. the laije dd tplindid Wti-- I tnraviuj by Jolm fcaltuijol "MEN OF PaOGRESS-;ArERIC- AN S plate conslstinc nearly M,0tK)to enrarTe and ciuitains nineteen IiVcn(ol of Illustiifllit American ii.rontora. It is a sujerb work of in t. Single pH'turs, printed on, heavy .paper, will be old w ii'i, Inut any one tor the Scientific American the p:ijer w;ll te sent tor one year, together with a copy of tlw eritjravin, on recicpt ol'$:n. The picture is also oflered aa a promium ' ' of for , CKE HUKDRED fm FillitSa '. Bat ty Tickets, ..'i FIFTY CASH . Cards, etc., etc, '" Promptly attended lVlMlUfaS, - Im-Uciiions- , ' The New York Weekly to and WORKMANSHIP GUAKAXTEED. ' ' crope. Ul late years there has been a lucrative busing carried on by unprincipled men, ir: tolling less aud old plants under new miuiea to the iaH. peiieuced.' Tllh'TUlliUNE Will be afwayt rwijr le guard the tanne m;aint any afcU, iMjwsiuit thai come with.n our knowledge. VETERINARY I'liVARTMEST.' '' To toake .J'HK TKIlltN.. tKr;n' : ,; AND PROFESSIONAL fit will do tbem i ... : .. rest an ii Latest popular novkl& b by living authors. The cost of tLesealone, it bought in book firm, would be from sit to eight dollars, VMv'iere else cau soniuclj . rv matter , i L .r. '.'.i it' ,.4aJSA.-K.'"'""rate a. in liiii- akili-ivl!- : " TERXS OF TUB Mail subscribers, 1 copy, 1 year-l'-- l nunilwrs, ft i . V.' numl-ersMail subscribers, 2 copies, 1 year li4 Mail subscribers, 5 copies, orover, for each copy t3.' Persons- remitting lot Id copies &0 will receive " 1 an extra copy one ar. ; For $lil we will send thirty-fou- r copfrt and Tat ' ' DAILY TE1UUXK. THE ei every fi TRTtiriN-- E ... is pnl'li- morning iSundaya exoepted) at .till P fur tix months., . ' ' Hi v ; -- '; . " , " ISTa Price 20 eta. THE TRIBUNE ALMANAC. TRIBUNE ALMA AO KKPltlNT. ' 1838 to !! ' 2vols, Half iRHind, ItlO. OF A JlUSY LIFE. By Hrace RKCOLLECT10N! ' . . Vai-loClots, aevlee of binding. .i-eolyt'i on.. Librnrv. $.! Si). Half Morocco, ' Half Cair, $A. "Morocco Atitiqne, 7. MAROARKT FULLER iWyiUv)i,.. NeW! Kdltion. ' 6 vols.' Hoth, flO. PEARCUi,TUItt;F011 PBrtFlT.i Ofi , . dtHS.!; '1'' WAF.1M:..AGKU'UL'IVRE. " " " " ew Rlltlon. 'ClotH.' rilM'IT, TAR" PRA1MNU i'V.i UIUU'H.AND ' " eo. ixfl; Cloth, " EARTH ClA'SEld. jl HoW t make thein. " ti I.Vti. 26 tents. . Eaat free ou reveipf of orletv i.'d MERCITANT v si yu f7TEKY r . ii . v:. ri: JAMJ& LAVI, . Veturiiavy . liuiversity, to answer questioua . - ;e s... k ; of Cattle,- - HorsM, Sheep, ami' r.! . ujuj Answers animals, and to pre. rjbe renieda-siprescriiitiiins will he Riven ouly through Mac Hunt ot 'Ilia IMHVbi. Ws aelieth4&ii new feature in Tltli 'iKIlil'X ti .ll add larijeijn ita readers, s all on iiera si animhrel.ai,ka need tlie information piolVcieu. luijU jits be made tts brief as pussiluc, tint tie tjuMtuu; Answers, aud proscriptions may le f uLlulw U gother. In short, we intend tluit Tllii iiillil'Mi shall keep in the advance In all thutcoicenu U Agricultural, Mauulactuiiiij;, iMiii.ng, auj interests of the rountry, and thut for tariety aud conipleteuvss, it shall loniuiu altoeLlier lUauvt and instructive interesting, valuable, in tlie world. It has been well observnd lliat a carsful rradinj ind stmlf of tbe farmers' Club Report ia Tlli TRlliCXE alone will wit a lanner hur.drisii 4 dollarain Ins civp. Au Uditioa to thene mpora, we shall continue to print the best thinr wnn on tb tiibjec.t of ri Sruli 111 by Amtricaa tat foreign writers, and nl.vll increaac tli'e ieaHiro. from year to year. A3 t is, no prudent laraer can do without it. As a lv.-.u jii workns. alone, every farmer Minubl place Til b l lihkj.1 TRIHLNe. ti;nii h s table evuiy Saturday rven.i;. Til H 't Itlb L K is the Lei I aucS chititeht par a the country. This is noi na.d in a spirit ( to cieattk It has fallen to New-Vor- k greatest newspapers of t he country. Here conii- irate the ooinniorce,the luiniii'actures, tli mineral cal ill ol the Uttiubiic. resources, the atcrnuiiuir.1 Here all the news gathers, aiel tbe rat" !iaj,c Is large that journalists can ellord to print it. Tim We print uu IstoeitreugthofTHETRIBUNK. cheapest , nno Lett euitou weekly newspaper ia lbs e country. We have all the advautages around wiitiooc. have great iMdy anil All the elaborate and intricate machinery of ear tftubliahmei.t erhapt the most complete it America it Uevoteu 10 the purpose of iuakiu W T11K KKKLt '1KIBCN K the best and cheapest ' uewspaiier in the world. The result it that w have to systematized and expanded our resource! that every copy of THE W KEKLY TU1151NK con- taint aa much uiatterasa duodecimo volume. Think of it! For two dollars, tbe eubtcritwr tol'lltt TKIUUNF for one year buyt at mock reading matter aa though he tilled a shelf of bit library with fifty volumes, lOU'.a.ning the greatest The iorce of ciiuapoM work in the language. can no flirt her go. W TUE EEK1.Y TRIDI'XE it the paper rf ti people. Here the eaqer stu ient may learn the lessons of Hcicncc. Here the scholar may read reviews of tho boat books, li-r- e uiav be louud from all parts of the world, the observation of sincere and gifiedmcn, who sorvt lllii TRlbO'E in almost every country. THE TlilBL'.NF ie'trong by of IU nor. moua circulation and great cheapness. It hat long been conceded that THE W'Ei.KLY TIUHl'SS hat the largest circulation of any tiewtajwr in tbt country, i'ur years we have pr.nted tw.ee as nianj papora, perhaps, as all ;!' Ihe other weekly edition of the city dailies combined. Tbia ia why wt art enabled to do our work to thoroughly and cheaply. The larger our circulation, the better paper w rta make. , '.Vhat are the practical suggestions? Many, lei every siihscr.ber renew hia eubscnptiou, aj.durrs his neighboiis to do tlie hum. If a man csdduI aflord lo pay two dullm. lef hiiti ra,e club, kjr inducing his neigliiiors to subscribe, aud we eli&il No newt-paptend biin a copy gratis. lor hia so large and complete aa IHE VEbkLY c riffered at so luwt ever TltlBI.'NP. w--.n price. Even wheu our tun cm v was at par vuk gold, no tin h paper but THE Tltllil NE Was offered at that price; and TlE, 'JUlit.N iiihon co?t far le than it now does. We have solved lit problem of making the lMt and ciicajiest ue4 per in America. ' TERMS OP TITE WEEKLY TMRCNfi. To Mail Subscribers: v $2.1 One copy, one year, 52 issues tadi t copies, $9v 10 eopiat, to10oue address, $1:M of names to one extra , (and tsopyi; copies, each (an tul.se libers, at "one one extra copy); 20 copies, to one addrosa, tl J4. eac.? (and oue extra copy 3) copies, to nainet ot suoacriliers, at one Jl.ao each (and one extra, copy; bU cop ea,' to cue addrate, & each '.nd one extra copy); 60 copies, to names of subscribers-- , at one Post-Ofoc$1.10 oacb land, oue extra copyj ...,:v i ; ., ,i ELEMENTS In addition to the above premium, the publishers will pay fl.ftW in CASH PUIZi.3 for Lets of subscribers t iu ty Felirnary 10, 1370. Tereont who want !o 'mpq'ta irr tbe priaec. eiioaid send at ih for aiMVeotus nr.l blantij ftr name. Terms of .S'iiiat.:'.i; Aaier.i-an- , oca t0"X six Diouti.a 41,.'i0; ii.ur ri ctbs, ilJtfX To cAolia of 10 and upwartls, tonus per annum. Specitfce Putjisliers; men conies auat fn-e- , aeidrasa NX it CO., 37 Park Raw, Sew York. illHow to get ratenta. A pamphlet of Patent Laws and iuatrvctioQ to inventors tent free. J J loan should havo a supply, in the best frle ot tlie aif. engaged the Kovicos of a person who . '.. business! cards. Tribnna perieuced in rural attain to write in a lujij M a ser.oa of articles 011 the Management of suil Farnia, Fruit and Vegetable tulture, ami how nuke intui pay, giv.ii(5 general anil specd'.ttiirett, ious from planting to the ultimate ditpoatfl of thj year; FIRST-CLAS- S inn to form Clubt.' it published every TUESDAY and FRIDAY, and being printed trices week, weoan, ofceurBe.prh'' all that appearn in our weekly eoition, inrludinf everythmg on the tubjor of Agricnlrare, and can. tdd much interostiuj and valuable l.uilter.for which room In TUB IVEEKbY there is not suflirii-n- t KKKLY TRIBUNEals TRIBUNE. The bk.MI-gives, in the course of a year, Three or Four of the Blanks, i is tfo a The 'ew York SemMVceklv Tribune ' Deeds, price ol l a veiir, ou,lt to haro, in this thriving country, A MILLION HEADERS. Whoaoevar reaU tlie Snueouiio American ia entertained and ii.slrin le without hoiug bothered with liard words or Ury details. , s oontaiua all tho important tJitor.uAs the UA1LY TKIUUXK e.xccpt those of Zntf i eal iutr)t; also L.torarj ami- - Jtaoutifis hL S" geuce; Reviews ol the uict uite.-estiu-g and from utu- - large (,'' portaut New liixiks; of Correspondent; latest news roceiJ t7 graph fruin ail parts of the world; a tuaiuiant ail important unci ngonce 111 iii-.city ana V wheco; a HynupMB ol Urn Proewiiuga. uj- i;g111' when in awwiou- - rtt and Slate Kews reieive.i by every ttwuner; tK.im,!? porta of the Proceedings of tlie i'anrier' Club the American lnstituiu ; 'fulka atom Fruit Cattle, Vr Uoous.audj UeiKsml !iiJ!m Reports. 'xne lull Reports of the Aaiorican Institute mere' Club, aLd tlie various Agricultural upj In each number, are richly worth a year's ecriptipn. llOUTICU LTt'H A L DEPARTMKXT. To keep pace witi the growing interest ii tical ilorticuluirel aud to couipiy w.m inJ? apj eala froni ail parts of tho country for iufonav bu The first is, that no child should be admitted to any school before he is seven years of age. The second, that the daily sessions, includ.ng recess, should not exceed three hours for primary, four lor intermediate, WAEKEN & 8PAD0NE, lit 0O1VMS8 COKTAIX and five for higli schools. 4 Maidon Lane, Now York. The third, tnat tuo recesses should, PARSONS & CO., WHEELER, 3 iCurtea Lauo. New York. except in stonny weather, be spent in k HENNEQEB, BCOTT school-roothorthe open air, and the PitUburgh, Pa, RELIABLE LQCAL JENKINS A HATCH. oughly veutilated during that time, Ohio. Cincinnati, be no sliould that 'the fourth, pupil MIDDLETOH BROS.. confined or even allowed to remain in UOME CORRESPONDENCE, 10 Kaldea Lane, N. T. the school room during aa emiro sesLadles' Watches, of elegant design nnd finish, sion. and a Uentleiiiau't W atch, of equal merit fur FOREIGN CORRESPONDENCE, The fifth, That there should be no ss qimlitlet with the "B. W. but of tmallur lite, tuperior to Xayamn-1,than three recesses daily of fifteen yet manufactured in thit country, will each in all grudes of schools. EDUCATIONAL, ahortly be placed in maiket. The sixth, That, in primary aud interNo JIoTPmonU Beiailed by the Company. mediate schools, from three to five miAGRICULTURAL, nutes should be spent every hall hour, CALL ON YOTJB JEWELLER AND ASK TO iu some general eiercie in winch all BEX THE EL3IN WATCHES. RAILWAY AND can engage; and in high schools, such ISusintst Offi'ft and Sulmmnmt Xational t sUOuld 'befVivou' ui exercise Wutr.lk ' Company, .' ? KJ t hourly. 159 &. 161 LAKE ST., CHICAGO. DOMESTIC NEWS. The seventh, That physical exercises in School the should not; be given, room, , solely as a meitns of muscular but to prevent nervousness, and piiys.ca. NATIONAL WATCH COMPANY. fatigue; and they Should be harti!y in, by, bo: h teachers, and pupils, .1 .. : every bait nonr or liour, accotu u " .actr A the grade of the school.. ,", The eight, That "all school rooms should be amply ventilated by oiiie. means! than, doors and windows, yet THE these should be used jn addition during recess, and when pbysioal exercises are engaged in. The ninth,' that all lessons assigned OGDEN JUNCTION should be carefully gauged tothe average r i capacity of the class. The. tenth. That no study should be required out of ichool hours, except in SIX STYLES NOW IN MARKET. high schools, and then not to exceed one ' OFFICE ' O. M. Wheeler, hour.' B. "W. Eaymond, The eleventh,' That, in primary schools, H. Z. Culver, Mat. Liaflin, there should be less "book work" and H. II. Taylor, 3. T. Eyeraon. more slate work, singing, general exerUnt recently placed tiefora the public, th cises, and object teaching. SUPERIORITY OK TI1ESK WATCHES IN DEIs supplied with the latest improved MON A.N D CON'STRUCTION baa already evenred The twelfth, That a higher, broad.-and the 11 E. them a X'ltlnnal for and deeper culture should be required facilities for turning out every JiSD tor them has so R.ipiilly Increased that tha of teachers and school officers, a betu-co.upelleti to itiake lanra Company have 1 rce of and Machinto their addition tmjiloTet arpruciation of the truo nature and description of of the Trade. in order to meet iherequirt-nu-ntof the duties and respons biliii.-o- f ery,Kailroad men, aud oihcrs detirii-- an accurate their office, and a wore gmieral re and reliable Watch, are Invited to examine the 8, of our leading cognition of the great importance o' W. Raymond lloreuienta. Oneconvinced Kailroad Companies, thnnpnghly of their heeding the above propositions, in i lit superiority, n: furnished tlii-to their education of our youth; for you, ladies and they are pronounced by them to be Engineer, the closest and gedtlemcn, their instructors. Ih. running American I nllway W atches yet manufacKml tosomeof the tured. fully eqml JiQuBtiuiiiorted teachers and school officers, hold in your ' Watchie aa oorroct hand the destinies of this great commonSo Movenieuts retailed liy the Company. Ia the finest style. to to noband ask Jeweler on see them. Call wealth; your you are committed her .. lest, her greatest and grandest interests Business Office and Salesrooms, A (dutation ', of her children. is to them in all the igIt take yoms 159 & 161 LAKE ST., CHICAGO, norance, weakness and temptations of childhood and youth, and ltad them rn' ward and npwavd, through the devious and dangerous paths that they must THE C.3T IN THE WCRLD ! ! tread ere they reach their mnjority. It is yours to illuma their minds with the Tlio light of science, and their .har's $1,600 Cueh. For 1SS70. $l,oOO Cash. with the refulgent rays of truth; ypuis lo A VALUABLE PREMIUM FOR ALL. discipline them for an active, temperate Th; splendidly il!utrsted wecklv jonrn;l of and virliious'life. To do all tjiis s your ftiPUl-ASCIKNC'E, M ECU A N ICS. IN V ENTIOS, 70 is "and noble high duty privilege, your HNOKtUl.Ntl, AKCIIECILUE, CIIKMIjTUY, and godlike work, and if you but labor AURICVLTt'nEand th kindred arte, enters iu Poster, TWKNTV-Hn'YEAR on the first day of Januon, faithful unto the end, putting your . havinir a circulation far exceeding that trust in, and copying alone from, the ary of anv simutar j'mrtial now published. Hand Bills, e TUB EL)1 roKlAL DKI'AKTM ENT of the Great Teacher, you will, In due season, i aldv some and very emidncted, reap a rich reward". of the most wr:ter hi this : 0 '.ecause iu Circulation is U,. than that ul any other Newpanef. AW IS PUBLISHED Pe0pie, time to Suliwriba HW th It is Cheap i. KATIOVAL WATCH COVPANT: ' lluring cxri-full(xnminnl ami yonr watclii-- , we dud tht-perfact in ill thoir iart, of fine flnith, and vail ailaptr-to Ilia want of the public, W ecooeitler tliein the beat made watcheii in America for the price, and equal to the finttft 'iiropaD Watchem, for accurate time, that coat double or throe timeg tbe money. We cheerfully recommend them to all purtitj wUhinQ; good KOWLl.t k M'll WAIM, . R. C K1UI t'cO., eu.ES bko. a co., i.o. ashlima.v, W. M. 11. OrPlXHSIMtR J. 8. KYO, CO, C. F. H APftL k 0., WtNDlLt HTMA!, D. USTIKHtltK a CO., HORSI.OIlDlN k UiMlLIOS, fAiu: Great Faniily Nevspiper THE Physiology in llie mm tue tiiEAi . to bs continued. : ' -l-U- t .. w-f- r. " I Alt; pi Iwlrj i V ' , In making remittance, tor siilisVriptions or byJ. a dmtt on Sew, Jie-always , OKc i.uey Orrler, if potaible. W '"re ne Uie thoee can be procared, send the money; ut in a REGISTERED letter, The regi.trationj has been reduced to nfreon rnnta, and dH reglstmtion system ha een fou.d by - , autnorttica to ixt nnunnj ar. oblige agaiuat loetet by nmll. All rtmaetert oo to. , whenever reqnestcdto to register lettere , Sbrait. in advmie'. rert. - ..)l. BOOKBINDING WALL ITS BRANCHES. '! , clAddn,THi: TSIBCftKir |