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Show iu its entirety, admittini; of nn tireaeh in. that systematic chain of glurious truths which it incorporates. Nothing Saints, lcjs will satisfy the Latter-da- y mill .there are thousands of lb em to whom those principles and truths are Tlus inay be ,1'ar 4 swoeter than s llfq. i..illfd fauaticisiu, but to be true to .themselves, 'to nature and to God,' this poople must be true to tho religion ftiny She ;.J$j9fr $unctiou; Published every Wwliiealay and SattinUiy. OGOEiV, UTAH. )'c Saturday T Jin. tforulii;?, !i. , Fay a "" 8, 1S.70. Advmiee ! of coure-Vli. iff you wore subscribe for the .JS'.e.w Xork,. Ledger, Jlarper's Weekly, or any .oilier pnper or ,Mgiiie publinhJ Kant or West, out ;e$y tf Utah, you would have to pay in .advance, nd cash only at that. .Now, why not deal as liberally. wiYA yourofrwpeo-.pl- e e, v.ith st.rpngc.r$.. In fixing the paper .andprice WuHiwrii(fl8tor theJi'SCTON. ;at sit dollars jW eftr, it ia believed .that it is an reasonubleand afo a figure fjuggCrted, for Mich a fihfer. Jt required cah in adto vance buy p'resH, type, paper, and the etcctnm peceHsary to start .with, then .why ihotiid we not expect It from our ' ' jSuboribero T ' While it i required tVpt thope wln f .phuiUil py cash, tlioNe who ctinuot, luay f;iy Htoro pay, 'y;heat, wood or poal and uch vuriutiu of produce, at current will enable iih to meet our j)i ioen pity our liaiido and ;uuik end . W c,ure disponed to accommodate ;Biibcriberra no, far as in practicable, and .compatible .with tlta aufe conduct ot our enterpriMe, and we believe "llie pay in advance" nystoiu wiU prove the best flul most !tifiory to all concerned, and therefore have adopted it t would be niueli better for the whota i'n rum unity if that meibod Were wore euci ally ac .eoptedSn njl the JMsiuess tnuiJuciuiu. '' .ol daily life'."' ( "Xes not. y (tp semi-weekl- y . rhave espoused. And not only thiVtliey cannot be otherwise and be true to the glorious Constitution of our country, framed by our immortal fathers, which grants to all tho unalienable right to worship God according to the dictates of their own consciences.' Were this peo-pl- o to relinquish this .their iviuestiou ablo right, it woufd be an insult upon the mommy of those noble champions of lihrt'ty "by whom it was incorporated in the Constitution.' 'Aud although the Constitution miy be jntutilttted to suit the purposes of corrupt, designing tho "IMonuons" will show in the future, as they have in the past, that ithey are loyal to the CojiHtitution and .firm advocates and supporters of its preservation intact in its original pu(i rity: " ' t Many who formerly viewed fire au ignore ot, Incap.iiile people, only,,worthy of coutempt, ,liavo, since facilities fir obtaining reliable information eonccrniiig, the crrdilable and surprising works they have performed, changed their views. And with this chango of yiew, in many instances. Las also come a revuls:on of foiling. The uld fueling of contempt is supplanted by ono of envy and oialice; hence the vol-- , cano of vinilictiveness that Is bursting out in various Quarters east and west, north and south of us. Pre' Jim .of jyintlct tiriu'unt Ule We expect to see the day when 211 who county, are rvtjiiea'ied to act iwt ligeuia have taken or do take part in, or advoin oWiii'iij VuVsrryitU'tU, and forward-- " cate a etusa le against this people, will Jug'tlie im'i.M-- nud pa to tlii oflice. will hide their heads in sham. The Suints will live, increase and (Tow, long after such enemies to human ( iilVom'H Hill. freedom have sunk into eternal insignifWe copy 'fhiro tlie ZW !' icance.' ,VrLining .efi'Jie ru imi. .thX pniioua document known as Vullom'a HiU. c peraon The lllah Central.' with an ordinary aeiixe of justice or who It is fully expected .that the last rail t.ly KftHt ikgrce vf jpoMfam-reKjK'ut fer the right and privilogeu of others can of our homo line will be laid on )Xon$if on which occasion it is the iiileu-...i.- i. kelp onrliny ii;'a feeling of conteijipt, next, liaUHl tinl Udlgiiat'ioa for t'liose Jroui lion, in addition to he regular passein-getrain, to run a special lor the accomw haie brain ' 'ivl etnantiL Likeinfwt tl tlier ichempVth'al nave modation of those who hate ben speciinvited to attend aud take pari in Wit'? ii'tn"ifi'.i for (Se denl ruction of ally celebrationthe of the ,aiupic.ouS occathis community thix bill was deviaed and sion. concocted in the heart of this Territory ' Por fai ticiiidrg coneet'uliig tVn j)atir'c l)iub(le countenance, and aitance tho of festivities, etc., we refer our vre f Iron in the mailer bythoae who readers te Oar .Salt Lake l.elter, k;tve lived and fattened upon tho'sub-tthe- o which appears in another cohiaiii of the of he p oplo here. ' . '. ' Thin Pill,' if pissed, would entirely present issue. Those who may not be fortunate . - ii u , ii i , Iif;nohwe the pimple of this eommuni be present when the last rail them of cilixrnxliip. and enough 'j is laid, can at least do as our typos, inycry jr'ght .,dJ,j jnivi)vge the "devil," intend to, namely, cluding thereto, diKijualifying thorn for nitting throw up their hhts, kiek up their heels in the Territorial Liginlaiive AMaembly, and vociferate a jiibilunt yell.'.Vitting om( juritM, nud in fact rodueing Iheni tQ.thejiMtatibjrrt tdarcrynot only ' ' . jtolitirally bnf seiul1y, Alt(eriaaiiH Court. Aeei:irilin( to thia. bill, marriage In liis Territory ) only U be citnirereil On Wed'ncsdny last the following cases jm a civil contract and to be legal only were brought before Alderiuaa Iforricfe vhe enteretl 'into in the, civil and disposed of: ourt: The iinpuj.'vco and arrojranoe Alfred McCloud, for drunkennoss flt'id fit those who would nek to advance auch disturbing the peace, was fined in th'o sum of $20 and costs. jueaHures are renlly sublime. What have Hie Latter bay Saints dime, John Crane, for a similar ofleiiec, was Ihat they should W.ftroiind into the dust fined $7.-r- and costs . N. Mcfarty. and A Mo Cloud "were" fiy precuining, 'a'ud designing cIiuimc-eri)(and costs for keepiuj it thtit iliey tliou(( Jointly fined Why " '. without xltc'Osp. to eouider an institution, that hey hold giicrsfd u a inereivil vimtract o be Bolomni?cU T) m the Civil Courts J Social Pautt At IIivf.udalk. On Tues-dil- y, Js it because (hey have lovated in theae " the" 4tli, ' Insti, Messrs. John C. s, jiatuniJJy forbiding fal unl'ruitful and Myroii B.. Child, gave a and mwle them Ut lilxwsom, as the Thompson, ' !: t . , social psrty'' to' which th?y Inviteil'a r"se, npd4olted theiu all over with beau-jif- goodly nuuiher ' orlheir hiciids sonio cities, and thriving KettleineuU? fifty or sixty, among whoniu Local notic'V ho aw tkose vouYl bo oppresst-rof the ed. President F; 1). Uiohnrds j Ma L.itter Iiiy 8aim ? Arc they Jlieir Farr; Uishop llorrick and their ladies, in jii sojV whatever? We (Tt)gden; Mr. Weed, Superintendent pf that in all that goes to constitute I'Uh Division, of the U. P. Railroad; p great ?ndgooi( people, tliis communjty Mr. and Mrs. K iwards; Mr. and Mrs. be willing to Ctiirijja nntos with Kpp'el, arid many others. After partak-tin- g H)iy other of vual!,.ii,ine'sJnii on the of an "eiceilont diiiner, the party face of the globe, Th'is Is no t1le boast. enjoyed themselves in i lively dance. KveTy tre!s knou by its friiiis. The The music was excellent, and f U persons Works of the Luv tcr Day Saiais, are manenjoyod theuisolves. ifest and, circujnistane considered, are present t he wonder of the age, tsrn'KS. On Wednesday evening last Should Senators ami Uepresentntives, this bill, who that is an advocate of an interesting and instructive Utoture was delivered in jthe Tabernaele , by Jiumim freedoni, Will r)t be ready to t. Farr. President .. , . thou hast to (fed "Judgitient, Mr. Wia. W. IJurton will lecthre at the lirutish beasts, and nieu have lost tkeir reaso."f Ami then farewell lo tho same plaeo'nest Wednesday evening". boasted freedoiu of America. Whether the bill be passed or not the Latter Pay Die At Lvk. We learn by lotter from faints have announced to the werhl, Sir. David .rv Kimball Ihat th Bear beir alWgianee to Ud auii. the reat Lake folks art doing their host to pass truths he has reyejitcd, anioug wluck is the winter evening vgreeably. Tartics the Order of I'lural Marne, It is. a were tho order of the day nd the jri part of their. religious faith, sijd if the cently orgnuiiwl brass band, under the JiCgislators of jtbc yatioH, ar ny cbiss of leadership of Mr. Jsah Eardley, Was JiviBg liwa.vtluik ,0 .frsk out of the becoming quite a feature io amu'ss-RHtuthearts of thia Mr ft rest ' r . f right .ni'frUtl) by unjust , Chowwkd Oi'T. And tyrauicaj lcgislttiioo, they are deepOwing to the pnhli-catio- n Cuhom's . . . sbil y ,"8, issue, jve of ly inistakfa. ; "Morinonisui adAiirs of no reduction or have been tinder the necessity of roduc-In- g our usual Amount of Original iuatter. We will have Morwouisin "for-mons"'j- rs Bii-et- a ... . - - ' . ?J d ii) yol-Jey- 1 ' ul s Jt jss . a. ctm-Ictio- H , : Oar Salt tip-to- "f.nUo Rev. Dr, Todd for intimating the possito so bility of the Mormons being able to as get sing the songof the redeemed letter. . IS Air' "Cake (Jitt, Jan.i 7th, 1870. We are all on the Dkar Jt hctiox at last with others, in at the celestial e of excitement in the cnpital of gate; she gve lJushneli a thrust'for not The,1, whistle .: ', of the Jocomo.tive u Utah. alrea'ly hoard by the citizens, as it comes sounding thr ujjh the. leafless or- toi tjieLogdex house. r LTJ M R B-- E men,'and theu gave man, the.Civ.l Law.'Congress, tud Wything that has any1 affinity to chards; aud that anions iron steed them, a'severe (colding. She wound up a why is it called .by such aVtifcculouit y tolling us ihat man' never does name, seeing there is not a characterhis' own lasts that days, beyond tbhg istic Ot the horse, ass or uiool" about but wor'nairdoes; they raise children for XORTII-KAS- t. it? will be in town almost as .soon as eteriiity,. arid 4 far superior to man, you go to prtsss witt this 'current numand warned'hir to let' no man lake her ber. The corporations of Suit Lake and crown. She'.' gat down without receivOgden Can'shake hands figuratively, of ing any applause. , . ; ,' course over being united;" and. the tw-tttah' the New York In relafio'n to and on bibs cities can put their "beat World of yesterday says: tuckers," tling their heels at care, and "Half a deii'.b'ils Vere jntroduced jubilate in real enthusiastic style ave? into Congressjl before its adjournment, the completion of the first railroad built for tho "regulation of the Mormons, and in Utah, and owned by her people we are qiilio certain to have legislation The Utah Ceni'iffl line should be'Wg on' " ,i iVii.i'il the subject very soon. All the remembered. , Asyimr correspondent that have been made are fool- parsed out to the end of track yesterday, ish1 i'ud absurd, and would surely result with hundreds of others before and beAT in unnecessary trouble if enforced. The hind on the same errand bent, his little natter ought to be 'dealt with by per g pony, partaking of his style, sons who kuow something about it, and afforded opportunity for observation and who believe that there are other means reflection. Tennis, and men were at work for "regulating" social evils' tliun tile can' " ,! ' giving tbe. finishing touches (o tlit grad- non." ties and and rjiils; ing, b'.dd'ug laying I understand that "Shanks," chairman' there was tho end of the track of a line of Committee'on' public land", introduced which, a ; few years ago, would have a resolution, which was adopted, of inbeen doomed a work worth crowing over quiry as' to what was necessary to preanywhere, built in two or three months vent those who' are or have been in under circumstances without parallel in arms against the government from posthe history of railroad bii Iding. Never, sessing1', the public lands, nis resolupe' haps, has money t)een senrcer in this tion rs said j to have referred directly to Territory than since this line was the Mrmor a. yet, its construction did not lag a day for want of men' and teams. With W A Ha K H HI'SSKT, C. I. PAIILEB, ' Lake City. Helena, Muutaua. the whole heartedness anil unity of enerforwhich make the Mormons truly gy, Y & DAIILER midable, they took hold of the work, and pushed, it t&rottgh; aad to- - fiay the results . BANKERS,' of their efforts are the iron band which OGD"E'?, 3IAIY .STREITI connects Salt Lake City and Ogden. AND SALT LAKK CITY. in it any wohder then that there should KmiIith bi Diint, Oujii sixl Currfiwy.' Pmw be a'eelebratK'W and, a general time of Kxi hniiKe Qolil. Sti' fn"ji (S Sniitna," DeiiTorj :;; St. Suw Luuik, Vtrk, wul all jmrta wf Kuniiie. rejoicing, with guns-firin' music,1 CoUfiiiw promptly attended to. It pioer,' speeches, toasts; a general illumination-ithe evening, and a rrandi eclebra'tion ball at' night in .V. - - ' , the. Theatre ATTORNEY & COUNSELOR. The Such is jibe programme. OIHct' Ojfdca Hotel, of arrangements is at work mak- -' . (XillKX T1TY7 iing the ces'ry , prepanit'ona; mi-- ' All kihite of n$n liiMinAs ' prnniitlyV nttcii.l "l , Hi 1tftn, "1 Monday will be a big bty here and a u tWluu of the, Utah n , v' V " ' tral. I have my eye oil', oiio or f "o item. that the arpronehlbg celelir.iliim over sli'iiib w's or tho prVs i)t. wliiijj youi womaneqnal HOTELS. TRUCKEE IUVEIl 1 ., . Is proviiloU wilh the cholceit UqiiorH nnd Cigarn. i ;t;..' My i : M i WHITE HOUSE, MAIN-STREE- Tr ' OGDEN, U. T. Best of Accommodations1 ' AND ... iiii i of Boards ... It? $45 j)er th ousdncl ft. ' , ' HOTEL. UNIQX A . JOHN DAVIK8, Proprietor.' ftU'VTV IITIU ri4Tl . HOUSE FIRST-CLAS- S Wit U excellent acRommoitntinna EXTENSIVE 300,000 AND WELL-ARRANG- "STABLING. ii hi if n ih i:iiti Hu - Proprictiir' l-- BILLIARDS. $4 per thousand, d; OytenS . TImBAR MtM'UI ILI OF C.P.R.It.Ii:iOT. easy-goin- . OGDEX CITY, UTAli; YA Ri), i G.,V. WEST, Proprietor, , ' ? BILLIARD Sf BILLIARDSf IIISSE Sawd; , g, AMt'KTHEMgKLVKS' the Cue mid Villi will lllld a .. tlttul tip Willi tlld " III1ST OF tari.es, Gr Ji. V com-mitt- ; VtaU Cenirni $4.75 pev thousand f . ; 'S IsT SMngles Opposite ROOMS, Ihc -- , WIIO'PEmiffo VI.L luglnc House. cXll ojiolte , AND - .1 SEE - i ' " ; ME. ; .. clse-nhlr- f rv'O'A'RN,: njiiy find inUre.-tingVo ii'sV tlt -. tl'. ! " " "' SAJiriE AD Crreionli'ii.'' ' ": SALESROOM' ON " We make the following extracts' ffoni i. 8.' V; KTchaMs now a letter from on a mission to the Easier' Stales, to Mr. F. D. Jtichards of this city. The I hTi on liaml a larpe Btork of th fVlr!rated tillAWAN, l.KK KI N, CHOW, WIWKX, letter was written at States line fetation, AUD BUAIU' S 1IUAM)8 of underrate of Dec' 'iiSth, l8G0.'; ' ' ' y . Here I am within thre miles of old just arrived from Danbury, I 'spent three days very whefe plea- santly with our friend Mr.' M. H. Grif-finFound himself anT fn'inify 'very coinfertabty situated," " bxtA , as very kindly received by (hem'.', t thought I fras coming into some Kind of a Country down here, but old Connecticut beats . me.. .There l4 no couitry here, it is all hilts and mounts jits, rocks and timber, . with just room enough in the volleys for the watef to run down hill, hunting its way to t!i6"sea; with licre and there room enough on its. banks to set k factory, a foundry,, or some other mill arrangement, ' while the houses are fltusk around up on the hills where room enough can be found for ono to bang on without tiintbliHg into the 'water below. " I ' do not wonder at its being a place; I do not sCC tfbat el." Could be done for a living. Sohio insane person might attempt to ftirra it; but pity his children if he happened td hare g.' . " ; (one sitxy nianu-factori- Atawbas, trc, etc: , . ' PnprWira. . ' " (XiliKN CITY, JAN. 1t, unu niddv iimi r iLHni i lit ii vriDii , rittf lUvr will mw lti7L . AT TH K CALL Main Sfrtff, fnr HtKSII 0Y8TKHH. by mil, or iilatrj. Stewnl, Frlnl, or Kaw. Tb Iti rnlT' mu roctsivwt Jailv frrnn llnltiimire.' !y.V"fJ Pigs' Fcift Ht nrrlel. tilve on s rail., i J0ES1MM0KS, ltf Uyitar IHwirr. thw,; A LAROK" ASSORTMENT oi RESTAURANTS. iDOOPSi';:';' iin mm And champagnes; . !;r OYSTERS. $63 per th ousaii d ft. ;1 "CASE WIN Ei, Ojire, - Ilillmr.l T,iVi(!'o!Vt'p'.: X.B. Alt iH'ipii; iV.r )irouiit tttU'iitinii bv STOCK of CASE LIQUORS, v' of Pott l LA NUT A FL'I.I.BIKn, Kentucky Whiskeys; At, a LARGE South-t" Og4nr City, Utah. Richmond, P. BREWERY. O'ydm,' trAVK, au. nioirK BKAxn or tuiunrs,--. " An. i Art icir tn i.ai.kk aim ' Win es & Liqu ors. 4 Mock Half dealer w.molesaLe: rilers IS. Sash Boops Raised; raKell68 - restairaxt JxMlging Houko, EastBi.le U. C. R. R., PU11LIC SQUARE, , .IilAIN STREET, OGDEN, , Uelt. C'leaii wellnired nJ Moulded. E. TIIOMA BROWKINO, Proprietor? Call and examine my Stock. SXaiii Xcarly Opposite vii HORACE T ' . . . .. AT ' . DCRAXT.' i ivirnrroitr IUlUliM.11,11 nrnriiii 11,11,1,(10 UTAH , IiUMBER COMPANY Lorbtwl on BROOM'S LOT, OUtEB II: WHEAT. Street Ogden, hito Honse. Primed and Glared ". ' - " ' .. v .;.,;' Always kept oii lianJ. . ' I . " ixt - I FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE. oiiiiEits Pro irr "..', CO., tl y ATTENDED TO. Opposite the Public Square, . y- - " s ' . EVERY DAY, AND been raining here for about a , Uhas VALLEY LUMBER, week day and night,,. Snow and ice are mostly. gone. Mud up to your lieck. Are now prrpsm to Hirnlsh- cvpry dp(riptlori of Liuniwr lor lluililiug purpoeos, bulh plain atld Ou SundaytTiigKt 1 lectured, ih Dan-fiu- dllMMsl. on 4,Cclcstial Marriatje." It raiRtd lluve alra on lutiid a LARGE QCAXTTTY bf all day and t concluded, from' tll wHy the Chvrtht were attended, lhat t had SHINGLES, LATH. no shotv fot night meeting; but on going to the Hall I found about a hundred men there to hear hie, includthg Doors, many respectable first class citizens and some" ministers; I could n'ol well get oilt oi" tiling my etigngement is the town had been placarded. I attended a WILLIAM BUTZ, Agent chufch in the a.m. of that day, and there were only about twenty-liv- e persons WAST A GOOD TARtETt OF MEAT present, so I tbotlgut I ought not to IFA'OVJ , complain bf ray congregation. & wRicurs Last evening I heard Anna . Dicken-so- il there on he? fdinritf, and for ought I know o&ftf subject', .'.'Whited EABTBIBR01? She started liu't with 4 tirade ( on. the lowi 'dcgVide'A "condition of the people ioytah, espe'cittliy the wpiuen; ;"; v ogdex, she ajured ih Congres'siloAa 'Committee Whore Fresh hT tlMy sentiment I!wf, Mutton, Pork, etc, a fcvrabt oxpresssiug daikc. T." towards the, Mormons.- She blackg;isriei 3IA.Tli ." BIIII3XEVX.S .ri.'"' DEALERS IN TRUCKEE Orders received for all t w kind of ii o ri A R E r r it- atv rtkt:i?t.- f - - ry BUILDING IiOIIlFJl II. SASiii liiiEVos? ".; , " : .' .... ' SCIIUTLER'S WAGONS. : , aiud DRESS EIJMRER of cery descriptloil Will lc promiitlj' im'ntitjr nt BOB PLKDS ami FANCT CCTTER3 fthich they will will k t Caxh or QnUn. ltf A ESTltAY. CAME lot, TO kY PLACK, EAkLY LAST FALL, A Buy Ilorne ; two yran old, bnuufod, HO. ou tlie rplit hip. The owmir will plHM pny expen-h- x nn.t hidi awny. V. A: tl AMJfOND, Jr. -- 8t Ilimtxyillo, Ogilin Valliy, Jud 8; iWO. thi attended MEAT MARKET, MAIN STREET, - . !. Co, Iia to ntno on hand, E.1TII, greoWell Sspul-chers.- - A nnd SUL'UKBAKER'S .. EXTRA SIZE DOORS, . i Raised, Panelled, aud Moulded Windows Sash and Mouldings. ' AV( ' ' ESTRAY;' ifY PCSSKSSIOX, '' ' O&R TIIATK Old Htrct, wtarknl with rll r in each Np otbxr nvtrk; no brand. TIm tlnt-- r in rvuuriited to prpini urmiorty, pay charge., ind : tnkc uiiu awuf. ' 1 jT, MARTIN, Wnt Wiar, ...)',, r ! IV.W. PAItKHUHST, PROPRIETOR; o-- T lt4VR . . . . TV . . IV ... (VCH . . ,P(lI.NSmV i t " HKTVTlI.En ftwr, two yean pasf, JrflJ pfrr cut off, brand 1. - . . . H W 4 t; Uip Ufll IMtU ownpr i.Tyi)iniwtti(l W !p"roV prvisrty, pay '. ' VWgu, aiti tdli itawaT. .' TUERlS'OTOV. TIKS.' ' " 3? - , Ju Ul IIM TU Wtr, |