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Show f their education should tend toward, that of home making, as ninety-ningirls out of ''MRS. e every hundred come to that some their lives. The day is coming when u i: i. ci ur Jiuucr uuujc realize itmo ueuem even m the question of diet, if the wishes to raise the standard of her .y THE INTERNATIONAL SUFFRAGE 'SONG, A number of songs were sent in for the competition opened for an international hymn of women's freedom. Th following was chosen, the com mittee making the recommendation said that HOWE AT 90. time in Mrs. Julia Ward How's ninetieth birthday her as many floral tributes as if all brought i n v.Ai,:nni.ftn nowers SDrincs nau come there were oiner nineiv mother to life again, and were raining down upon poems, but a profusion of- magnifi- - music: family, also There was her. - i .7 ll u ine cent a oi letters shower and birthdav nation, cakes, tnecommunityt.ineiaie-anshe must look well to the diet in her home. ana telecrams from manv parts of the' The boys and girls, must be taught to be world. There were so many presents that leach the hall of her Beacon street-hom- e home makers and .home keepers, was fair them how to cope with problems they will Jvcrammed with dainty packages, snd 1 A A we will 1 ? ' " ' . . - I . others with more literary value ae none which lent themselves so well to --For- sister women! Onward evermore! Bondage is behind you,. Freedom is before, Raise the standard boldly,. In the morning. sun! Gainst a great'injnstice See the fight begun! . , homes they expect to make, looked as if a wedding or a Christmas tree Girls should be taught to save time and were in nrosnect. All her children, were with her at Innch energy by knowing how to keep house prop- chorus: . be so be must we to do but MrsMrs. Florence alive, E. eon Laura Richards, erly, Forward,' forward, sisters! awake and progressive. The business wan Howe Hall. Professor .Henry Marion Howe Onward evermore! r TI J Tl out and converse anai'ir' knows that'he must get Bondage is behind you, auw receu iurs. jxiauu 'iiowr T?li:ii iniou. Freedom is before. with people, read along his line of work and tion that followed was limited to the family See the women's army be a wide awake, progressive man. - The and a few intimate friends as Mrs. Howe Frees their country's sod! home maker should do the same in order to was just convalescent from a cold; Receiv Sisters, you are treading Mrs. Howe wereMre. Henry M. profitably use her time and energy. with ing Where the heroes trod. .a It is the:duty ofa.the motherjo see that.1 rjowef "Mrs. Elliott, Mrs. Richards, and Let no fear withhold you, No oppression stav; the daughter is in full practice in all the du- - Miss Rosalind and Miss Elizabeth Richards, of night and darkness Out ties of home making, before she sacrifices and Miss Marjorie 'Parks, of Brighton, a Onward into 'day r her time and energy to let the daughter take grandniece of Dr. Howe, Women's hands have labored, eo much text book and cultural work. More Mrs. Howe was dressed entirely in white Giving love and life. .... household duties would be of more health- - amj wore no flowers. On the table back of Yours is now to follow-Iful benefit to the daughter and at the eame ber "throne chair" was set a the glorious strife. huge bunch of time prepare her for wife and motherhood, burden gladly, 'Lift the jiie8 of the valley, sent by the children of -- and we would have fewer nervous wrecks, Strong in right and youth, the Asylum for the Blind, with a bunch of Victor's wreaths must crown you, Some mothers think that the daughter is not letters written by them, Naught can conquer truth! strong and too delicate to perform the duties Among the teWrama received were those ; of home, and so does that herself when nine from the Rhode Island Woman Suffrage times out oi ten the mother is the most un Association, the New Jersey Woman Suf NOTES AND NfiWS. able, and it would be the best thing for the frage Association, the National Alliance of daughter to drop some of her mental work Unitarian Women, the senior class of the Women's Franchise says: "In Mr. Mer and perform more physical labor. Instead Durfee High School, Fall River, the St. redith we have lost an ardent woman suffra-grisof education preparing one for life, we should Mathew's Rectory, Bedford, N. Y., and the Perhaps now he is dead his 'Ballad be living the actual practical life while get- National Woman's trade Union League. A of Fair Ladies in Revolt will be better apting this education. Mrs. Howe was especigreeting with which preciated as propaganda.' President S. L. Chipman enjoyed the spirit ally pleased was - from the Church of the of the meeting and also the ideas advanced The proprietor of Keith's theatre recently Disciples, to which she has belonged for mothers-in-lawill There is more bring today. nothing that .many years and whose pulpit she has occa- announced that jokes against -comfortin the home" thanarlittleregularity sionally filled. would be excluded from all performances and arrangement. This is a fact in business the presents was a beautiful ame- upon its stage. Mr. Keith has been, flooded Among and it is in the home. It is reported that necklace from the New England with letters of thanks thyst We are living in an age of progress and Women's Club. The Italian consul Bnd most of these are from men, who declare advancement. Our schools have been mak- the Circolo Italiano of which Mrs. Howe is that they are on the best of terms with ing a mistake in training the head and not honorary president, the Greeks of Boston their wives' mothers. the heart nor the hand. I hope the time is and the Suffrage Association were among Florence Nightingale, who has just ennot far distant when the training will be di-- . those flowers. a it was sending Altogether tered her ninetieth year, received many convided between the head, heart and hand, occasion. gratulatory messages and bouquets. She is and make the education one of practical delightful now bo feeble as to be confined to her room. work, so that bur boys and girls will be advog Miss Nightingale has been a turned out practical men and women. cate of woman suffrage. When asked to Let us have our ideals and ambitions high A VICTORY IN SWITZERLAND "If seems to give her reasons she wrote: and work to that and reach it. me almost axiom, that every We do not find such another organization Switzerland has adopted a Federal Civil householder and should have a as the Relief Society. It is a labor of love; Code for the whole Beginning Republic. voice in the expenditure of the money we so is that of the bishop. Stand by them and 1, 1912, this will take the place of pay, including, .as this does interests the January do not allow any one to say anything against the thirty different codes now in force in the most vital to the human being." them in your presence. different cantons. benedicclosed and the Meeting by singing Mrs. Howe has just been presiWhen the new code was adopted the ; tion was by President James H. Clarke. Swiss parliament voted to give a copy of it to dent of the Ne w England Women's Club , an Conference adjourned for three months. every male citizen. The National Council of office that she has held for many years. She Emma J. T. Roberts, of Women asked the Federal Council to succeeded the first president, Mrs. Caroline Cor. Sec give a copy also to every spinster or widow M. Severance, who is now a beloved and who might ask for it. This was refused;, honored 'Mother of Clubs" in Los Angeles, but the; Federal Council has now reconsid- Mrs. Howewas the first president of the New ered its action and has granted the women's England Woman Suffrage Association, JULIA WARD HOWE POST CARD. request. It is eminently reasonable, since chosen at its organization nearly 40 years , M,s. Julia Ward Howe has been made the women as well as men need to understand ago, and she has been reflected at its last annual meeting. L ''llj-X-- r, subject of a new post card, one of the most the laws under which they live. artistic yet issued, It is pale bro wn .and. :bears:a7very pleasing portrait of Mrs. Howe, the last verse of the ,JBattle Hymn, and"a of Mrs. Howe's signature. It may be ordered from the Msssachuttes Woman Suffrage Association, 585 Boylston St. Boston. Piice 5 cents apiece-.- Add one cent or more for postage, according, to the quanready-tq-wealadies, SPECIALTY: garments OUR, TRY US tity ordered. -OF EVRY DESCRIPTION. - e meet-in-th- . I 4 . m . a m - n -- H i t. w 3 . life-lon- " Eelf-evident,- an tax-pay- er re-elect- ed . fac-simil- R. K: THOMAS DRY GOODS CO. 676971 Main. Street, Salt Lake City. e ji j 1 r- 1 |