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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 29 morally and spiritually, to have solemn well as in all places where these ministrations have been needed, a flood of thoughts and to feel an influence more potent with divine love, more reverential, tender emotions well up in the soul and and calling forth intense sympathy for we long to tell the young women of today sorrow than in any other situation. It of th eir beautiful lives and deeds of mercy was no doubt this sentiment that caused and benevolence. We speak their names with tender revthe divine preacher to say "It is better to of house the to than the to erence and we look back upon our assogo mourning house of feasting, "because of the awe and ciation with those sisters almost as if we hadwalked with angels. Elizabeth Ann solemnity it inspiresIn order to be successful in Relief SoWhitney known among our people as ciety work, one must not only partake of "Mother Whitney" Vilate Kimball, Eliza the influence of it, but must put one's R- Snow, Zina,D. H. Young, and a host soul into the work and give it the stamp of others whose names alone would more and seal of her personal life and charthan fill the pages of our little paper acter; and be so engrossed with the real and now added to these illustrious names merit and beauty of it as to be joyous and our beloved mother in Israel, M. Isabella make it a part, as it were of herself, a Horne; and while we reverence those life work; and assuredly a work of love that are gone, we must not forget those in those elements of character that are who are still with us, who have trod the same path and been shining examples of always uplifting. The organization as effected by Joseph all that is most excellent and beautiful in Smith the Prophet would in the very woman our Elect Lady, Bathsheba nature of things, be the most advanced in and one who has been a grand and noble worker along with her and those theory and experiment (if we may be permitted so to call it) in the cultivation of who have gone on before Sister Jane S. - - W-Smit- all the higher and nobler attributes of true womanhood, because all that the Richards- do everything possible for themselves in getting ready for school, (c) Impress upon them the necessity of regularity in attendance, punctuality and obedience. Lesson 4- Occupation, (a) Be what nature intended you for and you will succeed, The dignity (b) of occupation should be judged by its in fluences. (c) Do not w aste time, money and energy in endless changes and wanderings, but find what you are adapted for and pursue that with the energy of your soul. (d) Occupation in the home. in the business world- OcOccupation in church and society. cupation Lesson 5. Self Culture. (a) Cultivate a love for the beauties of nature, (b) Use good language, avoid slang, (c) Study self control, (d) Seek good companions in books and persons, (e) Cultivate good thoughts: right thinking leads to right action. Lesson 6. Our Girls and Boys, Fathers and Mothers of the Next Generation. - - - "Ah, happy years, who would not be a child again." Prophet did was of the very best. (a) Childhood, its joys and trials, (b) No one of us in our Society throughout Good seed brings forth good fruit. As the land, who has had the experience of we sow we reap, (c) Every organ of attending upon the sick and distressed a certain work, (d) the body performs and of ministering in the sacred offices of of mothers in instructing their Duties assisting after death can ever forget the sons, (e) Plenty of pure air and sleep emotions called forth, that tend towards wholesome 'diet the best medicine' with the most elevating and inspiring thoughts for children. of a future life here as well as hereafterLesson 7. Woman. The spirit of God. the spirit of intel should be the embodiwoman ligence, the spirit of prayer must all be Every as it were a part of one's self in order to of ment purity, modesty, patience, affecsucceed in Relief Society work, and one tion and gratitude. must be willing to make sacrifices for the Lesson 8 Motherhood. is a part doubtless foresaw much of which we in sake of the work; (a) God's commandment to Adam and this day have hardly dreamed, though of the necessary endeavor even to achieve 6 Eve. Re'. 1st chapter, verse, (b) any great results- To put one's soul into we feel at times (some of u ) the magni- Highest calling of man and woman, (c) the undertaking is to give it distinction tude and magnificence of the work to Child's best heritage, honorable birth, (d) and lift it above ordinary common place which we are giving a great part of our Is poverty an excuse? Ref. Juvenile affairs. To forget ourselves in our work, energies and trying to help our younger" to be so happy in the duties that it brings sisters to understand and appreciate its Instructor, July 15, 1905 as to quicken the pulse.and make us walk worth to the world of humanity. Lesson 9 Virtue. No doubt many avenues of helpfulness with flying feet, as it were, and do our daily (a) Who can find a virtuous woman, tasks with lighter hearts than, before, and attainment will open out in the great and arise must for her price is above rubies. Ref. Prov"Charity never faileth" is indeed the days to come for Zion will be erbs 31st ch. 10th v. We should ever be motto we should carry about and have in shine gloriously, and the women mind always. One must never be weary there and have part in the grandeur and diligent in training our children to guard in well doing if one expects to follow in splendor of the temples and edifices that their virtue as they would their lives, the footsteps of those grand women who will make the cities of the Saints secure Lesson ro. Respect for the Aged. have made their lives glorious in works of and peaceful resting places for all, who come up over the wonderful highways (a) Teach children to show respect have been prophesied of and that that much those who have traveled and kindness, (b) How can children among our own people and have seen the must assuredly come to pass. their labors and supply their best lighten devotion of hundreds and perhaps thous-sanneeds and show them the greatest honor? of the valiant women, who have "Honor thy father and thy mother," etc. OUTLINE OF MOTHERS WORK. served in their own neighborhoods among Lesson n. Honesty and Faithfulness. the sick and suffering, and who have minWASATCH STAKE. istered to the needy and unfortunate and (a) Parents should set a proper examSaoredness of Honor. 1. Lesson the to consolation and comfort given ple, (b) Truthfulness in children may calls it to up the and be encouraged if due diligence be exerdying afflicted, help (a) What does it mean? (b) How to to the mind a host of reflections, that cised parents and teachers. Ref. Docget the children's confidence, (c) How trine by words have no language to express, a revand Covenants, sec, 93, L40 v. evil by planting good. erence and tenderness for these ministers to uproot 13 ch., Pioverbs, 12: . Lesson 2. Social Purity. of grace clothed with faith, and wearing the mantle of heavenly charity. (a) How shall we create a higher so- Lesson 12. True Object of Relief SociThis noble band of workers deserve the cial standing? (b) The aim of parents ety Work, admiration of the world, and assuredly should be to arrange and control the enof (a) Visiting the sick, fb) Looking the veneration, respect and good-wil- l vironments of the young people, cure after the poor and downcast, (c) Effects all Latter-da- y Saints. How any young their faults, cultivate their talents and deof cheerful almost woman dares to ridicule this work company, (d) Improvement velop their virtues. of home Make home, home indeed. life. surpasses beliefLife of Children. School Lesson 3. have When we recall the women we Annie R. Duke, Elizabeth Murdock, (a) Teach them to respect their princiknown whose names are immortalized Louise in criticism Alexander, Margaret Murdock, for the services they have rendered to pal and teachers and avoid K. Duke Committee. Sarah to (b) Train them early humanity among the poor and lowly, as their hearing, - These women have made it easier and plainer for those who are to follow, thev have broken down the birriers, have opened the way and have given a richer legacy than wealth, for they have made the world better by their lives and example, and have achieved greatness in the humble walks of life among the women, and for the women, where their lot has been cast, and have opened up possibilities for the future greater than have yet been realizedAnd for this grand organization the Relief Society we give honor to its founder the Prophet Joseph Smith, who. - self-sacrifi- ce 28-3- - ds 19-23- - 5-- 6. |