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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 62 best, how often given. Hygienic clothing,and plentiful massage with olive oil. (d) (e) Nature's Lec. 5th. food Childhood, Bright looks and gentle tones the child's birthright. (b) The character of the child a special study. (c) Prayer taught at the mother's knee, and early imprsssions of faith in God. (d) First principles taught, obedience, truthfulness, honesty and respect for the priesthood and those in authority over them. (e) Faith in ordination taught by precept and example. (a) . of parents necessary for future welfare of child. (b) Special teachings necessary when child leaves home to attend district school. (c) Example set by others not always worthy. (d) Care taken to guide children in choice of companions. (e) Bad effects of continual faultfinding. (f) Parents should control themselves before correcting child. (g) Cultivate spirituality and develop by constant care. (Ref. "Fireside Talks," Carl G. Maeser.) Committee on Mothers' Work, Summit Stake. (a) ONEIDA STAKE. Lesson 1st. Marriage. Key to Theology. Marriage is ordained of God unto . 2. The man, Doc. & Cov. Sec. for which marriage was orgreat purpose dained is to fulfill that first divine law given in the beginning '"Multiply and replenish the earth," Gen. 1: 28. Heb. 13: 4. 3. Those contemplating marriage should possess a proper kno wledge of the laws of life and have a reverence for God's laws concerning the marriage relation. Key to Page I&5 166. 4. Warn our girls against the delusive hope of reforming after marriage a man whose habits before were bad. 5. Justify advice by giving example of lives which have been wrecked in this way. 6. Kind of marriage approved, Doc. & Cov. Sec. Key to Theology, page 162. 1. 49-15- The-olog- 9. 2nd. Personal appearance and "Cleanliness is indeed next to Godliness." 1. Importance of cleanliness in person Doc. &. Cov. Sec. of Effect 2. personal appearance in society, and dress. 72-2- Lesson $th. Tithing and Fast Offerings. By the law of Tithing the land of Zion sanctified unto the Lord. Doc. & be may Cov. Sec. 119: 6. 2. Origin of the law of to 34. Gen. 14; Tithing, Lev. 0 3. of ihe term Tithing. Doc. 20. Meaning Prov. 3: & Cov. Sec, 119, Mai, 3: 4. When and to whom Tithing should be paid. 5. Promise to those who are 6. Potency tithed. Doc. & Cov. Sec. 64-2of the law of Tithing. 7. Fast offerings. In as much as ye impart of your substance to the poor ye will do it unto me. Doc. & Cov. Sec. 42. 30-31. 18-1- 9 10-1- 0. 1, m 42-40-4- "Men are more eloquent than women made But women are more powerful to pursuade." Lcctute III. Our Boys and Girls. The Fathers and Mothers of the next Generation. "Ah happy years who would not be a child again." (a) Childhood, its joys and trials, (b) Good seed brings forth good fruit. "As we sow we reap',, (c) Every organ performs a certain work, (d) Duties of mothers in instructing sons, (e) Importance of cleanliness, (f) Foundation of success, (g) Earnest and living truths, (h) Plenty of pure air and sleep the best medicine for childien. (i) Choice of profession or trade, (j) Self sacrifice. "When you meet a ragged urchin, Standing wistful in the street Without hat and kneeless trousers Dirty face and bare red feet; Pass not by the child unheeded, 3. Smile upon him. Mark me when He's grown, he, 11 not forget it For remember boys make men." 1. Lesson 5th. Word of Wisdom and preparation of Food. Lecture Louisa B. Benson, President, Hannah Parkinson selors. Elsie B. Alder, Sec. and urer. Phebe A. M. McNeil, At. Mickelsen, Lucy D CounTreasSecre-tarv- IV. Love, courtship and mar- riage. Health, wisdom and knowledge are promised to all those who observe the word of wisdom and the destroying angel shall pass them by. Doc. & Cov. Sec. 89. Dan. 1:6-2- 1 inclusive. 2. The word of Wisdom was given first as a principle with a promise, but since that time it has been given as a commandment. 3. Show the injury and disadvantage resulting from of this commandment. 4. Food should be clean, wholesome, and well cooked. 5. Avoid the use of fermented liquors and strong spices in seasoning lest an appetite be created in the youth for strong drink. Lesson 6th. Review Entire Lessons. 1. - "Man's love is of man's life a thing apart 'Tis woman's whole existence." Love the source cf happiness or misery, (b) Courtship the mere alphabet of love, (c) Love and marriage duly appointed, (d) Woman's love stronger than death. Life's companionship, (e) (f) Desirable traits of character in opposite sex. Causes of unhappy marriages, (h) (g) Domestic Preparation for married life duties Industry and thrift, (i) Sharing common joys and sorrows, (j) Self culture and discipline, (k) Gentleness greatly loved. (1) The art of adaptation. (a) "How much the wife is dearer than the bride." Lectin e V. Advice to the unmarried. "Home is not merely four square walls Though with pictures tung and gilded Home is where affection calls; Filled with shrines, the heart hath builded." MORGAN STAKE. "A home should be of one's building Mau erects the building, woman enshrines Lecture I. The Human Body. it. Home sweet home." (a) Marrying out of one's natural sphere, (a) The human body the home of Domestic happiness, How to aim (b) Woman's a (c) one noble thought, (b) in life, (c) The human heart the pulse make one's self worthy of a good husband, beat of life, (e) The (d) A perfect being the (d) Marriage means parentage, noblest work of God. (e) We hear no enlargement of affections, (f) The little sound of hammer but the building never one in the home, (g) Sweeter as a mother than a wife, (h) Indelible impressions. ceases. We are building every day, In a good or evil way, And the building as it grows Must our inmost thought disclose; Build it well whate'er.m do, Build it straight, and strong, and true; Build it high, add deep, and broad Build it for the eye of God. 42-40-4- in the home, and in business. 3. Clothing of expectant mothers should be both healthful and becoming. 4. Good effects of early training in cleanliness and personal appearance. 5. Fashions and frivolities of Babylon should be discouraged. (Brig-haYoung) Journal Discourses, Vol. 16 & 17 page 27. Doc. & Cov. Sec. avoid base thoughts, (h) The mother as companion to the daughter, (i) The danger that besets girls, (j) Motherhood a woman's sweetest joy. 9. ce Ye kindred spirits filled with mutual love, Pure as the dews descending from above, All hail! for you the sacred keys are givtn, To make you one on earth and one in heaven, Be fruitful then, and let your race extend; Fill Earth, the stars and worlds that never end. Lesson 42-42- 27-3- Lec. 6th. cleanliness. Economy and Indnstry. 1. Economy and Industry are unfailing sources of temporal prosperity. 2. Economy of strength, of time and of money is absolutely necessary to success. 3. Thou shalt not be idle: For he that is idle shall not eat the bread nor wear the garments . of the laborer. Doc. & Cov. Sec. Proverbs 19: 15. Doc. & Cov. Sec. II Thess. 4. Begin early in life to teach a child to love manual labor: the educational value of work. Lesson 3rd. Lecture II. "The world was sad, the garden was a wild, and man, the hermit sighed 'til woman smiled." (a) Nature has no secrets, (b) How to avoid transgressing the laws of being, (c) Know thyself, (d) What beauty depends upon, (e) Result of ill health, (f) The mother's influence, (g) How to "The children like olive piants round about thy table." Lecture 6. Marriage lelations. (a) Is marriage a lottery? (b) Expect not too much from each other, (c) Cold indifferences, (d) Remedy for discord, (e) Duties and pleasures of married life, (f) A woman's greatest privilege, (g) Home the kingdom of w( man. (h) (i) Consecration each to the other. t, Lecture 7. Heredity and how overcome. (a) Shall we transmit health or disease? (b) The universe tends to health rather than disease. (c) Parental responsibilty. |