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Show WOMAN'S IN MEMORIAM. EXPONENT RELIEF SOCIETY REPORTS. AKIilE CRAM HAVEN. Sister Haven, who recently passad to the '"other side," was born July 14, 1825, in Stoddard, New Hampshire, and of New England Puritan pa'ent-age- . She embraced the Gospel and was baptized into the Church of Jesm Christ of Latter-daSain's about 1SJ4, and came west to Salt Lake City in iSoo.arriving about the middle of October, and married Elder Haven soon after. They lived in Salt Lake City a uumber of yaais, then moved to Morgan county, being one of the first families to settle there in a place that is now known as Peterson. Sister Haven was always a member of the Relief Society of Peterson, from its first organization in that ward, and was treasurer for many years, faithful and true to her duties in that important office; it deed, she was a thorough Latter-da- y Saint in her every-dalifeher religion always first; a woman of strong character, sterling integrity and devotion to principle. Sister Haven had one son, Jesse, named tor his father. This young man died some years ago. leaving two children, a son and daughter their grandchildren, and at the timecf her demise there to all these dear were five ones she was fondly attached, and they were very dear to her. Sister Haven, also raised two motherless children (a girl and a boy; to manhood and womanhood. They have greatly appreciated her kindness, and have been kind to her in return. Sister Haven departed this life Sunday, December 11 1004. the cause of her decease was pnuemo-niShe leaves an aged husband, who deeply mourns his great loss, he has been blind for sev-- e al years, and she has been his constant solace and attendant. In March next he will be ninety years of age. The remain; of Sister Haven were brought to this ciU and she was buiitd in the Salt Lake City cemetery, She was a noble woman, industrious and a fine housewife and homemaker; beloved by all who knew her for her sterling qualities of head and heart. Our Father in heaven bless the agad husband and all their posterity and increase th;m in the land. Sister Haven has one sister living in this 'ity. now over eighty years of age widely known and well beloved. Relief C. Atwood; wife of the late Bishop Millen Atwood, of tke Thirteenth ward. May her heart be comforted in the loss of her only sister, and may the Holy Spirit comfort those bereft, and may they feel in their hearts. "She is not dead, but sleepeth." y y n; a. ROX The Relief S eiety Conference of the Box Elder Stake convened in the Tabernacle, Briglum City, D-- 13, 1904. On the statid were the stake officers and Stike President Charles Kelly. President Susannah P. Booth, presiding. Singing, "We thank thee, O God for a c. Prophet." Ooening prayer by President Charles Kelly. Sinking, "Now let us rejoice in the day of salvation." President Booth was pleased to meet Felt again with the sisters in conference. the ..ord would bless us. Prest Annie C. Jensen of Mantua society reportel. Prest. Hannah Harper reported North Ward. Prest. Annie C. Johnson of First Ward, Brigham City. Sister Grover reported the Garland society. Prest. Sarah Fridal reBear River Cily. Sister Thompson ported reported the Elwcod society. Emma Lee, president of the Third Ward, Brigham City, reported. The hymn, "Glorious things are sung of Zion," was sung by the congregation. Mary E. Watd, president of Willard, reported. Sister Lizzie Wright reported the Fourth Ward. All the n ports were favorable and denoted a spiiit of love and harmony. Siiter Emma Pratt reported the Scandinavian society. They go around and visit the elderly and people and encourage them by singing the hymns and leaving them a little money to help them; knew the Lord helped and blessed them in their work, and they appreciated His blessings to them. Prest. Booth made a few remarks and the meeting was adjourned until 2 p. m. Singing, "Guide us, O thou great Jehovah." Benediction by Counselor Emilia D. Madsen. Com. Ic memory of Sister Elizebeth Risie who departed from this life July 12, 1904, at her home in ivlagrath, Canada. She gave birth to twin boys on the 10th inst., and her family and friends hoped she would recover but she gradually grew weaker, and passed away two days later, leaving a husband and twelve children, the youngest one he surviving twin two days old; and a host of friends who mourn her untimely departure. She maintained the record for good works that she had made before coming to this land. She was one of the presiding teachers in the Relief Society of this ward, which position she held at the time of her death. She was faithful in the discharge of her duties and her sympathy was always with the sick, and poor and needy,' her house was always ready Latteropen to any and all friends. She was a true -day Saint in word and deed. She was born Sept. 14th, 1S62; much could be said of a character like her. We all learned to love her and feel the loss of our dear Sister; those who knew her best loved her most. Whereas our Heavenly Father has called her to a higher sphere therefore be it, Resolved that we extend our sympathy to the bereaved husband and children aud cherish her memory and strh'v. to emulate her noble character Resolved, that a copy of these resolutions be sent to her family, also to the Woman's Exponent tor publication, and be placed upon the records of the Magrath Ward Relief Society. high-minde- Gone from the home of earth, Followed by deepest love, To taste of the higher birth To dwell in the courts above. Mary P W. Fletcher, Eleanor Kimball. d considerable sickness and several deaths in their ward. Couuselor Emelia D. Madsen talked mostly to the teichers; spoke of the duties of the teachers, thought as a rule, they did not take time enough to visit with the people; thought if more time was spent in visiting, they could better find out the true condition of t lings; encouraged them to look well after the sick, and the wants of the poor, siid we should me every effoit to try and get the sisters into our society; said we should be and not narrow-mindeLet us be true m thers to those big-hearte- d. in need. Bishop Grover of Garland had been deeply interested in the reports and instructions given, thought Low beautiful the organization of this Church was; 'poke of the good ihe Relief Society was doing, related an incident which happened in their ward, where the Relief Society was appreciated; said if they would ask the assistance of the Lord, they would have joy in their labors. Bishop Larsen of East Garland had been edified in listening to the repoits and instructions given; felt the Spirit of the Lord was with us, had been interested in the talk in relation to the teachers and their calling, said the sisters who were filled with the Spirit of the Lord always carried a good influence with them; felt to ask the Lord to bless the sisters in their patience" and good works. Prest. Kelly was pleased to be able to attend this conference; wondered why there were not more present; felt an extra effort should be put forth to attend conferences as they were business meetings; hid been very much interested in the reports given today, said the Relief Society was a very important organization, the Lord had sanctified the labors of the sisters in the great d amount of good they were doing, he the labors of the Relief Society in this stake and asked God to bless them. Prest. L. Snow felt very much impressed in this meeting, thought that there were unseen beings here if our eyes could on'y be open to see them. Spoke on the storing of grain, and referred to prophecies given by President Young, felt the sisters were a great help, and aked the blessing of the Lord upon all. Prest. Booth made closing remarks and said a few words on the Mother's Work. op Singing Doxology. Benediction by Grover. Cor. Sec'y- Lettie G. Fosgreen. appre-preciate- p. m. On the stand were Stake Presi dentKelly and his Counselor L.Snow. Bishop Grover and BishopLarsen of Garland and East Garland, and Stake Relief Society officers. Prest. Booth presidicg. Singing, "The sun that declines," etc. Opening prayer by Counselor Lucius Snow. Singing, "Prayer is the soul's sine re desire " Roll call and minutes read, etc. The officers of the General Board, also stake officers were unanimously sustained. Prest. Booth felt pleased to meet with THE DOCTRINE AND COVENANTS. the sisters, felt to mention the absence of (A plea for it in the home.) Couuselor Peters, who was detained at home on account of sickness. She and her EDITH IVINS LAMOREATJX. counselors had visited every society in the While so much is being said and written Bo Elder Stake, and were going to organize the East Garland Relief Society on the in favor ot the Doctrine and Covetiants as an a;d in the study of the Gospel among our following Saturday. She took great pleaswe were en in the ure young people, both in Sunday Schools and sisters, f;lt visiting work. in and a grand glorious Spoke Mutual improvement Associations, as well gaged the of and great as in the different quorums of the Priestgraiu, upon the storing had hood, I wish to make a plea for it ia the placed respons;bility President Young in the hands of the mother. home for the upon the sisters, thanked the sisters some To mothers this may seem a difficult in interest they were taking storing grain. of little use, as many of us have and task Represented Park Valley society; spoke of heretofore felt that the b xk is beyond our settlesickness and death in some of the ments; was p eased to have the brethren comprehension and never intended for our use. But an interested attempt at study of visit with them; felt they were interested with us. Asked the blessing of the Lord its contents has made it appeir in a far different light to me. The inspiration to take upon the people. Sister Rohwer represented the Second up this line of work is due largely to the influence of the splendid talks I have heard Ward, Brigham City. Sister Young reported the Perry society. They had had given in its favor by those who have made 2 IN MEMORIAM. ELDER. 55 Bi-.l- i - |