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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. that the Church was not fully organized until theTemple should be built. The branches of this society are all doing a great work and are pressing forward. They are called Felt upon to visit the sick and the poor. well to be here today and felt to bless the Relief Society, and hoped we would live our religion and not forget our duties. General Secretary E. B. Wells was the next speaker. Was delighted to be here and was- interested in Relief Society work. The Relief Society is first next to the Church organization, but it is an auxiliary. The Prophet Joseph was the one who organized this society, and Sister Smith has worked in the society over sixty-tw- o years. to was bad the too older leave it Thought sisters to do all the work, the young women, even the girls, can easily be enrolled, and can help with the work. This society extends all over the world, the sun never sets on the Relief Society. We have thirty-thre- e Sister Wells thousand members. knew that Sister Standring was the right woman to be president, and felt that the congregation was a credit to our beloved The Relief Socipresident, Sister Smith. own sheep, cattle, buildings, wheat and ety Dsplored the money to buy more wheat. sufficient not we have fact that granaries to Mothers' work should hold our wheat. not take first place, because we must have testimonies, for without testimony the work would die out. Mothers' work is secondary, said if you will bear testimony whenever you have an opportunity, you will never apostatize. President James H. Clark said there had The been a good influence here today. Doctrine and Covenants has a passage that instructs the people to le These valleys and hills have poured out their wealth for us, and yet much of what we use is imported. His attention had been called to the subject of silk raising. President Young had recommended this and other home industries. Referred to his sister, Mrs. Annie S. Chipman, who had raised fifty dollars worth of silk, and it was all accomplished in six weeks. Believed that the time was at hand when this industry would be taken up and become general among us. This amount of silk can be produced from ten trees, which may be raised on the ditch bank. Spoke also of other home industries. Referred to the untiring labors of President B. W. Smith, her endurance as a pioneer, and her long continued work in the Temple. Afternoon session commenced by singing, prayer, etc. Reports were given by Juiia Brown, Lehi fourth ward; Louisa Halliday, Pleasant Grove; Cordelia Thorne, Linden; Sarah Atwood, Manila; and Margaret Bennett, Cedar Fort. All reported their wards in good condition. Unity and love exist, they are laying up grain and nearly all have good granaries, and take pleasure in looking after the poor and needy. President Standring had been pleased to Some arrange their hear the reports. work so as to be able to attend meetings, while others donate to the society and never come to meeting; wondered which would get the best reward. Felt very grateful to the sisters of Linden for their hospitality and kindness to us today. It had been the desire of her heart for many years to see the advancement of silk culture, and believed that in the near future some brother would have a mission to start this industry and the sisters would fall in - selt-supporti- 21 cheerfully and raise silk in such quantity cially and spiritually, the sisters are very that all may wear it. Was grateful for the visit of the President Smith hoped the sisters would liberal. sisters from Logan. take hold of silk raising and make it a sucSister Adeline Barber, of Logan, was cess. Continued by saying this organizato meet with the sisters of the Hypleased tion would grow and increase, and never rum had not forgotten how they had Stake, die out. Read from the minutes of the first in her efforts in silk raising. her helped teachings of the Prophet Joseph. The signs Sister was dressed throughout in Birber should follow the believer and if the sishome-madsilk of her own raising, she ters have faith enough to heal the sick, let said of the labor silk raising was easy if we all others hold their tongues. We must had the trees. mulberry act in concert or nothing can be done, Sister 0 Paradise, read a lecOldham, etc. Sister Smith desired to hear all testiture Sister Louisa Gibbs, from by prepared fy of the Prophet Joseph. Prayed for a the outlines " of mothers' work on parentblessing on all assembled. hood. Song, Martha Keetch "The Holy City." Sister Mary E. Howell was delighted to Brother Chas. J. Thomas, of Salt Lake be present and see so many of the younger City, made a few remarks in regard to asas well as the older ones who alsisters, sisting the poor. They should not be treatthese meetings. Wondered if attend ed as paupers, but aided and assistedas the ways the younger sisters would have the courLord's poor, in sympathy and kindness. age to pass through the trials that the older President Stephen S. Chipman resisters have passed through. joiced with the sisters in the visit of our Patriarch C. O. Card said we could not sisters from Salt Lake. We have so many do better than to emulate the example of workers now, that there is no necessity of older brethren and sisters. the putting too much on one person, the labor Elva Parkinson itcited beautifully Sister can be properly divided and all do his share. Moon Arose." As the Had rejoiced in the spirit manifested today. Sister Ziiia Y. Card spoke of the great Thought it would be hard to get as many work mothers have to raise their children brethren together with as good results. we shou'd them and guard watch right, Desired to endorse the remarks of President them and of every evil against wrong doing Clarke on subject of home industries. to admonish not all, kind, keep company The Lord has blest us and blessed be the with vulgar people, one person can contamname of the Lord. Prayed for a blessing a whole community. Teach the chilinate on our leading sisters and all who have atdren good table manners, and above all to tended today. to do in Sister E. B. Wells rejoiced greatly in the pray, that they may know what of trial and We times should temptation. gathering today and that the sisters had rule oar children in love and not be harsh. had an opportunity of hearing our beloved President William C. Parkinson had alpresident, Bathsheba W. Smith. Spoke of ways felt that the Relief Society is one of the silk industry and the necessity of folthe best helps in the Church. Its mission lowing it up, also gave a report of the is a noble one, to look after the sick and efforts that were made in years gone by, and comfort the sorrowful. Spoke the and the silk that was manufactured and the of a poor model home; it isn't wealth that brings handsome curtains made from the silk but being kind and doing our raised here at home, for the World's Fair happiness, each to other. in Chicago. "We are going to have a duty Afternoon session. Sister Campbell, of Woman's Building, and we shall want first was the Providence, speaker. Referred handsome curtains for that, but we cannot to to bring forth mission woman's have them unless we raise the silk." Spoke bodies for thegreat that are spirits eagerly awaitof the necessity of sending nurses to the a on forth the earth, also spoke coming nurse class. How much would we have ing of family prayer. known but for the Relief Society; had seen President I. C. Thoresen spoke of the women chosen for positions when she wongood work done by the sisters in looking dered what they could do, and lud obafter the sick and poor, and also after served a wonderful development in those the spiritual welfare of those that are weak. persons. Bore testimony of the Prophet Urgea all to go to the Temple at least Joseph as a great prophet and a great leader. once a year. President A. J. Evans had ben delighted Counselor Elizabeth Critchlow felt that today, and felt to say ' God bless these it was a glorious privilege we have in atmothers in Israel. Teach your daughters and one we should these that there is no principle so important as tending and meetings enjoy. appreciate the law given to our first parents, to multiE. Molen had been away Sister Jane God May ply and replenish the earth. for a short season, had felt from the Saints bless the sisters who love this work. Bore of the priesthood, as she had been want the testimony to the Prophet Joseph Smith and sick and no Elders near to administer to his divine mission. her. Was glad to be at home among the An anthem was sung by the Linden Saints again. choir. Closing prayer by President Abel Sister Salina Parks sang "Home, Sweet J. Evans. Conference adjourned for three Home." months. Sister Anna M. Ralph urged the mothEmma Featherstone, Stake Sec- ers to visit the meetings of the Y. L. A. occasionally and see what their daughters HYRUM STAKE. were doing, also that they be companions to confer-enctheir daughters. The Hyrum Stake Relief Society "The Holy City" was rendered by the held at Hyrum, August 19, 1904. After the opening exercises of singing Sisters Mayer cf Wellsville. Sister Zina Y. Card addressed the congre-ferenc- e and prayer, the roll was called showing all on the use of the franchise, showed of the wards represented. President Nellie N. Parkinson greeted all how it could be made a blessing to every with a kindly welcome and expressed her community by voting for the best men or Rewomen regardless of politics. pleasure in seeing so many present. finan condition in stake the Georgene Ralph thought we had been good ported e te e, |