Show In s like Illness it Is often necessary quickly to raise the thc temperature of a room For instance in those hours between midnight and nd dawn when the day temperature has been allowed to 0 drop if you are called upon to Jl get liP up the room is chilly and cold m r It t takes a long time to start art up a furnace or fire and raise the tempera temperature lure ture by ordinary means O You can instantly heat a room to f OI f I q any desired temperature with a 11 r jt V I 0 f smokeless and odorless It Quickly gives heat and with one filling of the font burns steadily for nine hours Without smoke or smell Has auto name spreader which Prevents the wick from being turned high enough to smoke and Is easy to remove and drop back so the wick can be cleaned inan in an instant It has a cool handle and a damper top Au An Indicator always the amount of oil In in tile the font which does to 10 screwed be down It is put In like ilkI ii a corkin a and Is ant nt by byn The burner body or gallery become wedged of a new de ic and it can always bo be easily casily in inan an The Oil ls finished In Japan or II nickel It is strong durable antI built yet light and lal lall inet wrIte o ti cf tO fu Oil if l iI lt iI oIoI nV mt Mr s Automobile ncr front from 1000 to for Do you kilo Better let ho it if is to locate fix of its Have Irae YOU von a similar of von as lit Iii tic Can in mag V I U now 9 Ilow I in an you J tile arise We re to say you ruin not hot grant vu arc given if desired to La hell liep Out 91 Do ilot the ho to 10 do these Classes for ladics upon request 1 lute from the hc of to 10 nothing Regular ty II say beginning it DL Autel of the feeling of you vil have iii taking long I g cross noon 3 30 to 5 to 9 sa a week ry Class Bocach so eacil gets Salt Lake Aut Automobile BeiR eU l J NEiL P Uti I i II Co B c Sa 0 Main MainI I If i c n tt I f II M I i t tc I I I IU U t I oj c j c Goon GOOD ForrOW C Tue Tho use of Foley Pius are strengthening and soothing rollIc in nettan nuck In Ii 11 Drug Druc Co fu w r rI i I 1 4 m j m kt T 1 t j l r I II It iJ I Il J I t t forerunners of 4 1 the men who will dOminate the 7 air as we do the l iid and sea win in the of the coming days flying t fighting man will need nerves of For 1 I his nerve and strength he the best of Mf t I I foods and lb w 1 0 GR OUN CHOCOLATE will b be is s popular il in the aviation age 1 C as It is 15 now for It IS t the le best of ofis l t ii beverages It more 1 than any other food it t l i strengthens without u lation it is supremely de Ground Chocolate 1 r i 1 is from the finest cocoa tf 1 tropics r D GhirardI Co CoL 1 i fi f fI fJ L M I J 11 POLE t 4 f J n D NII j PILLS II t Ne r lil f I 1 fot for cumati m kidney or bladder trou trouble le and urinary i irregularities 3 1 Id rest ort 10 and l Refu C rU SALE BY DRUG 1 LuKE CITY I J H oj H IH 11 n |