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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT 64 Mothers Influence: The part that the'rnother takes in forming the general character of the child cannot be over estimated. (a) Give examples of some of the world's greatest men who attribute their success to the influence of their mothers' teachings. (b) Show how. day after day, through the impressionable years of childtood, the mother has power to implant either high or low ideals, true or false ambitions, in the child. (c) Mothers of Israel should seek after truth and wisdom that they may better train these precious spirits given into their, care. 2. The 3- - Mother as a World-PoweThe is to do desire of the true mother good How can she best acin the world. complish this ? (a) Can she do this best by devoting her entire time and energies to the pursuit of some particular branch of knowledge, or by following some charitable occupation ? (b) Or can she do more for the world by bearing a goodly number of children who are physically strong and intelligent and who, as they approach manhood and womanhood, will be ? g virtuous and be would well here to show (c) (It also the advantages of and public spirit ) (d) The mother is a power in the world in so far as her children, emulating her example, do good and great things in the world. The r: God-fearin- self-cultur- e (b) Begin with nursing the. baby once in two hours during the day and gradually increase the interval to four hours at six months. (c) Mention the best methods of artificial feeding; that is, of giving food other than the mother's milk. Allow the Baby to Sleep Alone in a bed artificially warmed. (a) Give several ways of warming an infants bed, and of keeping it warm. (b) Teach the baby to go to sleep How does rocking without rocking. ? brain the injure baby's of the (c) Speak advantages of well ventilated rooms; of well sunned rooms. (2) Why should rooms be slightly darkened during sleeping hours? Clothing and its Ptepatation: The clothing should be changed every morning and evening; should be aired and sunned but not laundered (a) Why should the baby's wardrobe not be washed ever' time it is changed ? (b) The underclothing should be rinsed in boiled water. Why should bluing not be used for underclothing ? (c) Feet and body should be well clothed according to the varying seasons. (d) Why should the head be kept bare while indoors? When and How the Baby Should be Weaned: (a) Should be weaned at from nine to twelve months. Why not earlier ? Why not later ? (b) Show the benefits of weaning INFANCY. gradually, both to child and mother. (c) Give easily digestible, nourishDR. EMILY G CLUFF. ing food as a substitute for nursing. (d) Strive to avoid sickness by prop"The Baby a tiny feather plucked from the er of and into the motherof diet, and hygienic living; alleviate love, wing dropped lap hood." sickness by simple outward applicaSome wise educator has said that the training of tions, not by giving strong medicine. the child should begin with its' parents and ances(Explain why.) tors, that is to say, years before its birth. This may to some extent be true. All parents should, 6. The Forming of Ptopet Habits Should however, be impressed with the profound fact that the first three years of a child's life is of as much Begin Early: Keep the baby, with its growing body and undeveloped importance as any after period of a like duration. Its experience, and consequently its education, nerves, in as much repose as possible. begin with the breath of life in the world. Avoid crowded assemblies and undue excitement. . The Care of the Skin: The care of the (a) Habits may be formed in the skin is important to the health and first week of life. (Give examples.) comfort of the baby. (b) Why should the baby not nurse (a) Rub with oil after the daily bath. or eat in the night-time- ? (Feed late and early.) (Show why.) (b) Give your experience in the use (c) Allow the baby to creep before of olive oil in cases of rash and chafit learns to walk. Why ? is oil to preferable powder ing. Why in the early weeks of infancy ? LADIES' MEETING. (c) Show that oil serves the purpose of nourishing the body as , well as of y Minutes of the Meeting soothing the skin. in the 14th ward hall, held was that (d) After the bath rub the skin till Jan. 3, 1902, President M. I. Home preit"glows. Why ? Singing, "All hail the new born siding. be Given: Should How Food and it year." Prayer by Counselor Clara C. Can2, imnon. Singing, "Come, let us anew." Minis in an nursing (a) Regularity utes of previous meeting read and accepted portant matter. President Home then welcomed the sisters in this, the new year. Said we should be thankful to the Lord for the blessings of the past year. It is better not to make resolutions for fear that we could not carry them out; but try to live to please the Lord. Sisters Scabeck, Williamson, and Jacob-so- n bore faithful testimonies. Sister Derbridge felt thankful for the Book of Mormon, it was a pleasure and a comfort to her to read it. Sister Martha Morris sang "We thank Thee, O God, for a prophet." Sister Mair referred to the greatness of the Prophet Joseph Smith, the blessings which the Lord had given through him to ihe people. Sister Hardy felt anxious to do all she could to convert her relatives. Sister Laine, from the Brooklyn conference, felt she had been blessed since she had joined the Church, referred to the Relief Society in Brooklyn. Sister Jane S. Richards, president of the Relief Society of Weber Stake, said she always felt comforted in hearing the testimonies of the sisters, referred to the trials that the people endured in the early days of the Church, and how we had been blessed. "We must not think our lot is hard for the Lord is always ready to hear and bless us. A good and kind word is long remembered, the time to speak kind words Let us be forgivis while we are living. one to another." ing Sister Stevenson wished all a happy and prosperous New Year, felt to praise the Lord for all his goodness, exhorted all to be kind and loving to our boys as they grow up, that they may love and appreciate their homes. Sister Smith felt to rejoice in being a member of this meeting; had attended ever since they had been organized, felt to honor Sister Home and Sister Bathsheba Smith. Sister Hagman and Sister Leigh bore faithful testimonies. Sister Julia C. Howe wished the sisters a Happy New Year. "If we try to keep the commandments of God we will be blessed. Sister Johanna Peterson, Sister Whim, Sister Richards bore humble testimonies. President Home spoke of the miracles that were performed in the early days; how the crickets came and were about to destroy their crops, but the Lord sent the sea gulls to destroy the crickets, felt it was a miracle. Meeting adjourned for two weeks. Singing. Benediction by Sister E. Webb. SEMI-MONTHL- Y , Semi-monthl- Amelia Wadrop, Sec. Save Your Money! And when you get a dollar, deposit it with Zion's Savings Bank & Trust Company, the oldest aDd largest savings bank in Utah. Since the establishment of the bank we have opened more than 19,000 savings accounts. The laws of Utah permit married women and also children who are minors to open savings accounts in their own name, subject to their own order. Have you such an account? 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