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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 40 He is recognized as a tolorably correct man contrasted with the fearfully dissolute. He has been a faithful friend to Paraita. After the forenoon services we were invited to go on board the vessel and drink a We had a long walk, cup of chocolate. crossed several deep streams. The men stripped their feet and carried the women We ran the The sea was rough. over. little boat on the reef, reached the vessel with difficulty, which was rolling so much Sister Crosby and myseli began to be seasick at once, so we could eat nothing. We concluded it was great labor and little pleasure. I have at length got a new cook house and everything arranged in good order, shall be more comfortable. Again have sent off letters to the United States to inform our friends that we still live and breathe outside of the habitable world; gaze at the same sun and moon and some of the constellations, but not all. The north star we cannot see, the grand cross is in the To the same God we firmament over us. pray and invoke blessings on them. There is talk of a vessel being fitted up to take passengers to California. The children are elated at the bare idea, uncertain as it may be. Mr. Grouard thinks his wife will not go. The dread of sea sickness would almost induce me to remain here. Attended the morning serThe 27th. of Prayer. After the House vice in the addressed .close Hoatan, our fatherly chief, the people on the subject of changing the Sabbath day, which has for a length of time been. kept one day earlier than in other parts of the world, owing to the reckoning of the missionaries in coming around the Cape. The people appeared indifferent, would not express an opinion. He The old chief spoke with warmth. were dances introduced the "When said, you were ready to speak and give your sanction; when spirituous liquors were brought here to make the people drunk you are ready to welcome its reception; but when the suhject relating to the worship of God is being agitated you are silent." They, at length aroused, set to thinking and voted to have it changed. This morning I was angry and showed I received an unjust remy resentment. buke it was impossible for me to feel calm over. I repaired to the 'Fere fiurera" and translated a chapter in Tahiti, by which time my mind became composed. The natives seem bent on keeping two Sabbaths together. They say if they throw away the Sabbath they have been keeping some ol them will be thrown away By by death, such is their superstition. be will degrees they persuaded. The 29th. We ate roast pig for breakThis fast, sent us by our good old chief. afternoon have received a large eel, two feet in length; they are very fine eating. The sea abounds with luxuries, and the land" teems with good things. This morning very early The 30th. mire. R. .K on the arguIt was apt to look with especial scorn went out to the reef in a canoe. to be allowed not women ment that ought We raised a calm and beautiful sailing. affairs because in voice a to have public small sail and a gentle breeze wafted us do not fight. along smoothly. The water was clear and they we could see distinctly the coral beneath, which resembles a garden of pines and ITEMS OF INTEREST. The shrubbery, beautiful to look upon. Dr. Hannah Graham has been appointed air was cool, and light clouds shielded us of the visiting physicians of St. Vinone sailed We from the sun's scorching rays. in and out among the coral to examine the cent's Infirmary, Indianapolis, Indiana. fishing nets. They are curiously woven Dr. Alice Ellsworth, a recent graduate of out of nets sunk to the bottom where the the medical department of Michigan Uniwater is shallow, the bait put inside. The been has appointed an interne in a fish run through the small aperture and are versity, in Minneapolis. secured. Sometimes fish weighing twenty hospital Mrs. Ella Spencer Mussey, who has been pounds are taken. We could discover them of all shapes and colors shootiug about and appointed the head of the women's auxiliary hiding in the cavities of the coral. We committee at Washington for the coming stopped on an island of rocks, struck a fire Grand Army Encampment, is the widow of She is the only with wood we carried out. roasted fish and Gen. R. D. Mussey. made a hearty meal. woman dean of a law school, and is said to be a woman of much tact and executive (To be continued.) ability. In some places where there are no wells Mrs. Alice M. Ruble, who has just been of clear water, and the streams have to be nominated on the Democratic ticket for the the water in the spring and has depended on, is often so thick that Colorado House of Representatives, it is unsummer lived in that State for thirty years. During early If fit for use without cleansing. prickly that time, it is said, she has made a host of or cactus can be obtained, twirl them pears warm friends by her gracious, kind and around in a barrel of water and it will soon She has held many be womanly bearing. clear. Some people use alum, but I She is secrepositions of honor and trust. have not iried that, so cannot vouch for it. tary of the Jane Jefferson Democratic Club, Have a large barrel, put a pail of water in has been secretary of the social science it, break one egg in, then fill your barrel, department of the women's club of Denand in a short time it will be as clear as ver, and has served on the board of directors The water should be changec of the State Industrial School for Girls. crystal. if The scene was animated when Mrs. Ruble every day used for drinking and cooking, scrubbed and cleansed was chosen in the Democratic Convention the barrel should be B.R. rinsed out every day. and out often, of Arapahoe county, Denver, and showed how far it is from being true that women Professor Jacobi, one of the most famous receive less consideration when they have physicians of Berlin, Gemany, has be. votes. . Eleven representatives were to be queathed ten thousand marks to the Uninominated. Gen. John Charles Thompson versity of Berlin, making it a condition made a speech advocating the nomination that the University shall not come into posof women for two of the places, and urging session of the money until women are adespecially the ch ice of Mrs. Ruble. Miss mitted as regular students to at least two Edith McAtee, president of one of the departments. In regard to this gift the Democratic women's clubs, recommended Woman 's Medical Journal says: "A generthat no woman should be placed upon the ous North Carolinan secured the admission ticket. "You have given the ladies 50 per of women to the State University by a cent of the appointive offices, and that large gift which he made on condition that should be enough," she said. But the the University should be opened to women, convention was of a different opinion. Mrs. and Miss Mary Ganett, of Baltimore, Ruble, Mrs. Mary J. Wygant. Mrs Imo-gen- bought for women the right to study at the Golden Clark and Mrs. Harriet G. R medical school of Johns Hopkins, paying a Wright were all nominated by their friends, price for the privilege. Dr. Jacobi seems and so were a large number of men. After to be the first German to take this practical the nominating speeches were all made, method of promoting equal privileges in Gen. John W. Browning moved that a education. woman should be chosen before they began to ballot on the men. State Senator John A. Rush and Congressman Shafroth spoke Your Money! in support of the motion, and it was carried And when you get a dollar, deposit it without a dissenting voice. The convenwith Zion's Savings Bank & Trust tion proceeded to ballot on the four ladies. the oldest and largest savings Company, Mrs. Ruble had 339 votes, Mrs. Wygant .. bank in Utah. 168, Mrs. Wright 107 and Mrs. Clarke 99. Since the establishment of the bank Mrs. Ruble's nomination was then made we have opened more than 19,000 savunanimous. It is interesting to note that ings accounts. two Generals took the leading part in urgThe laws of Utah permit married women and also childrenwho are minors ing the nomination of a woman. It has to open savings accounts in their own often been observed that military men are name, subject to their own order. Have you such an account? If not, open e ave . THOMAS DRY GOODS CO. 67 69, 71 Main St., Salt Lake City, Utah. WE ARE IN OUR NEW STORE and solicit your patronage. much as possible for your money. We aim to give you as "TR Y U S one NOW. We pay POUR : PER CENT INTEREST on any amount from one dollar to thousands, and compute 8aid interest four times a year. WRITE for any information desired. Joseph F. Smith, Prest. , George M. Cannon, Cashier Nos. Main Street, -5 |