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Show WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 106 Woman's Exponent. Amt 'itihshtlia,'' the time and. the pains to looc oyer a 'tew by jhe' ivtn be.' nf the" Exponent will. find was me re Tendered! re- in ".:c privrm.iiL ztinz that has found place L,rli i ' Jntprpst llfcVi-- ' tlllUL'l ,tf -r , , ts columns, that she would really reel x: j r-V; EMMELIXE It. WELLS. Editor ami Publisher -. ca read .c-?worth double the price of the subscription Htiil san?, As a, reference to what, women have done in Salt Lake City, Uuh. i.PuliisJi'M m a r ,;t r:e delightfully here and elsewhere it is indeed a repc:- - "Tie Term's:"' :one copy .on ) ear", Ji.oo; one copy six months, , ton-- and"' President Brighatn Young 50 cti No reduction made for clubs. City papers delivmr.- vxrnt&e ilhara II, ered by mail, extra .for postage one year, 35cti. he said he wanted the women j when 'rieht ' in Congress; dtertisinR rates? Ech square, ten lines of ronparicl 'to take the Exponent and keep.it anti liberal s e;x-:ecpace one time 52.50; per" month, 3.00. A In a nirt of wicse :'.'vertua, a.:d who r for it t..... tint to regular advertisers. wns-- g . ,itir,nw-r- ; m ' wm, u ---- somt-irton'.h- r- " crrr V - tii-- h;5i?. -- --ichar- rinnvt -p .- n -- I office Room 507 '1 enip!eton. South Temple liusine-- s hours from 10 a. m. to 5 p. m., every EXPONKST Church historv. It is a record of the d, drr.e;:c CTI. r-i- rather dig. s itk! lK'?'r-fJ- T : hitty and the few ever think of il commrativelv thnttdt tc conrmnniratons burtiness all 1;A4drss l Ian si wls given "by rsp:n:re in that connection, and like cUny cthtr : B. WE&LS, E. Mrs. ;"' Sd'jw George A. and is not estimated at President -t Salt Lake City. Uah, things the Exponent 'Our, Faaily," John because its outward appear- fcAtivalue, itseal -Lake at st the He-rSalt Ltah, City, it at y Entered Of.a 'rxe Old Hue, "Clarissa , ance is ven- - plain and umttracjtive. w second c'liu matter, 7s pivoted Yirginians," It is j)ossibIe for the women of Zir: to Sii:iif Unr---Prophet, Prtsi-QiH- t patronize it so largely that it oitxl l z Eisbe? r- "Father's, First J made much "more d"sirable and' a greater Salt Lakk City, Utah, MAYi5.roj1. Tonng. When Old inte est taken by those who write for it to Ccuz.seu:r" by Mrs.- - E. B. enhance its value so .thM it may be a Friends .iCi"-THE WOMAN'S EXPONENT. 'Sikrr 2iirLbsht:la" in the Rtlitf C?. to even home and household in blessing . TWENTY-NINEVOLUME Z Zrrf.! "Zinn I). H was . Street: day, except Snnduy, 7.'ah ir.nr wnrlr i rt D-:rmr.- E-iibi- . :. :::-am- , ' " ; ' E-'iii- 4 n-n: , ' ; zs Young., Qotntc An tint Invc tnri rr.vr'rZion. rs other aster Urrd, good reading; though the remark is ofien; "Sister Bath- made there is not time to read the papers I SZZa ZZ U n fnrt thit mnv K iO f tt,o rlnv i 231" lit, JtTf, A. U . McLune. CiLiaiaccii jv Mrs that are not leneficial are bought not only ..Grandfather anc - " in the ritv.f but in the small countn- - towns. ZZzi.. DJjL Allen. 4'Grest- TIia fTrt 'invMfmpnt in the umv of rendinr Gnunl: - Home. "Aunt matter should le home production, and if 4 -nith. "Aunt it is not up to the highest standard of ex- - BaLeca,'- JnimLl zzx zrd." Bishop Beatie. cellence bv renewed efforts strive to help if Batifsheia. wi.e responded 2hcc along. "Certainly this people have the best j r ' This number of the paper closes volume of the: Woman's Exponent, twenty-nin- e rand in June the thirtieth volume will com mence ft is certainly a nutter of con-- , gratulation for the women of Utah and the surrounding. country in this intermountain region that, this woman's paper has been kept alive so much longer than any other woman's . paper in the west that was started about the same 'time, and indeed several, woman's papers that have been es- material there v,-V- tablished since, have only continued years and have had to be given up for of patronage. Our sisters and patrons should appreciate these facts, and that it takes not only perseverance but money to carry 'on any enterprise of this kind, and now when has been kept alive so many years through such 'very extraordinary efforts, surely those who feel an interest in woman's advancement will try to sustain it at least until it is thiough the coming year, which will make three decades. The agents of the Exponent and those work of the women of the , interested Church, and in the higher education audh elevation of women along all the mainlines that tend to the uplifting of the human race, should feel it a privilege to hejp maintain a paper that has done and is doing what the Exponent has for the benefit of womankind. Looking back oyer the volumes of our little paper on file one finds how largely it has entered into every work and enterprise undertaken by women, not only here at home, the centre of women's organizations of the Church, but it has reached out all over the civilized world, "and sought to bring before its readers the best work being clone by women the world over. We do not any of us live alone to ourselves, but every human being owes something to others, and the example of the women of Zion is and should be one .worthy 'of imitation, and it is by contact and association through women's great organizations that much good is being accomplished; and much of this is done by correspondence and literary efforts made by such women as have the ability and disposition to .writeOmd to communicate by means of the pen, the ideajgand sentiments that help to enlighten the masses of fo-tr-fe- w in-th- v 1 : the people. Any sister in the Church who will take .- et tlj... '- t mii-siti- cs, I - " - i-O- - j i Grarddar - i isor stories, zzis, r verses, essays trzz vtrtr o varied by the Tie and especiallv historv; tJiere is no lack of irodnciions that madutr'i varietv of which to write; nature has been, cr.truil aoi possible seem bountiful in its productions here. The t tli n.nitnfnirK thp min ar i?l , to La.7 anT sannietL. A iistoi the rases st3 5f rich in subiects for the active energies of I cfthe lung .for onr little paper rrjnii no include all the student and specimens of wild flowers for admirers, itm h nud are a treasure to the botanist and even bird Sister SdizbSi ... i c int mrunia;ns anaj life here has been made a study by the they ti.l tlieerT Tien iifrre into other lands celebrated ornithologist, Olive Thome extenii far a Miller. Those who dwell in this mountain j and climes.. wishes were icgiun, iniiuijj; uic win" auu pieiureiuc I CcnTratiimf iiflthe honored guest of scenerj, partaking of its beauty end grand- simply sh.Gwr m;:m and eur, have a wide range for. their ambition the d.r. her craiii v."sr5r said and sung, if they but take into consideration what ;j the cantimt wii 'sr rrtry way xcesirawe, ammmed as to give all an ar tie tables lies all about them thl F-- -- . rid -- zj BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION. The seventy-nint- h birthday anniversary of our revered and honored Mother in Israel, Sister Bathsheba W. Smith, was celebrated at the handsome residence of Mrs. Philo'T. Farnsworth, in this city, May 3; 1901. The beautiful pallors and library were artistically decorated with flowers, flaes and historic pictures, the parlor and library in sweet peas, the dining room in red and white Toses and carnations. The music was by some of ,lhe best talent in the city. Prof. Joseph Anderson and Prof. A. c! Lund, and the selections were from the old masters. It was a great addition to the delightful entertainment. Sister Smith was dressed in white and looked the veritable "Oueen of hWrt homes,' ' lovable and motherly and alto- ether charming. Those who received with her were Mrs. Zina D. H Young, Mrs. janeb. Richards, Mrs. E. B fr and Mrs. P. T. Farnsworth, Mr. and Mrs. George H. Home, Mrs. BrS..MerriIl pnd Mrs. 0. R. Allen. Several beautiful yonn women assisted in the room and a few lovely little girlsdining acted as ushers, among them some of. Sister PamJ Wi 3 ,',.. notamg Lackfmr tue 01 nT. the ami ro. mi : emmri t.':t " A i Here seemcu management w incn t oweu s.ie lam 2.nd artistic, skin cc tie Z"z jztZks who g2ve the party, Mrs. Farraimx 'said Mrs. .Alice M. its suxce-i- s tc.- - -- Heme,, ta wicrm a ihe gnesis fed indebted icr "urusmre und litnor of tira.r irt fcih: himar g: pr-riciparm- 16 one in every as way so wcrti.Tr cc turrr. lure and esteem Sister Eajzhs&sts: W Smith. i t. Tie . Gemerai' Crcnisrnce of the Relief Sccety'wa:i iei AprflAJiP1' :m-Jutmds- in' tie'Asscmifj Hi2.mn this city, meeting' csmmemimr ar--- ts: mLxConnselor Jane S. --Singing, "Come Jet Riciardsr . ' prmL3i2jsr hy ".Elder 4Let Cmri 5shr. piyrJ2&anss of Ctet oSet' s us aCTv"; eniL dore ghdl eW ' Theo-- 22s tier- :iem confer- - rr and approved. XlrXJOT iepoiursnd conosp-- - rirsHentm tne zsDmetr 'bm- -. am aim sir ere; trying re tie Lnr. 2Lei2Qd.. in the wort fcemg: dene:, ty tie warns f Zion. st - -- :. Eiick rtrtisented Sister 'ayne.1 'State.1 nc sisters ers carcrr a trrest ue2i ia "I .'' ' --1 CPT1- , |