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Show A- - 2-1- WOMAN'S EXPONENT. - works. Announced that next- Saturday would he the Relief Sueiety mu:li.iiy conference. Meeting adjourned for two weeks. -- .tu'dyini; Hit-'Churc- h - ' J Vooi,u;y, Sec. S. journey Hope's Suggested a remedy for a weak and illy Sing on Life'swill brighten, iiowrr-- wP, memattended society. This was for every seems a dark shadow or the waV' What ber to make it her business to advocate the May sweet messengers be, and b',( a ' was woman married until 1. society, every '. member' actively engaged, in its. labors. Th.eojogical Clas-- , Second Ward. S c:. Asked the sisters to help their "husbands, May, brothers and sons to pay a full tithing. Spoke also of the interest taken by PresiOn the fith of July there dent Brigham Voting in - the soifihem . to v tn V r !V dived l'runorv fact ofcountry, and'-thhere a part of his time, and thought the come and see the children." dood prw ft aui jxjople ought to be very grateful for it. lie and prizes for both boys and j;irb. i:;sf;r-!-;-Theutur- . . ' . 1 R. '3. .rn; :;;); skssion, kmkry stakh. i exerci-v- h vSj-t- er REPORTS. ressitn. ' ' "After the openinrr luillmer addressed the con- She testified to the power of God ference. that had been made manifest in her day; he hoped the testimony would ever remain with her. Sister Jane C. Childs," first counselor of . the Slake, reported the conference news of Silt Lake City, and uracil a general better-juen- t of the sisters of the Stake. Spoke at some length on the silk industry, exhibited some samples of Utah silk and many pimphlets on sericulture, presented to her ' while in the city, by Sister Margaret A. Caine of the Utah Silk Commission. Sister Ann Pulsipher, second counselor f the Stake, said it was through the blessto attend this ings of the Hor she was-abtconference; she was a living witness of the power of healing in our day. She knew these gifts were with this jeopIe, or she would not be with us at the present time. I e SisVers Hansen, Cheshire, Grangc'Uitch-- . cock and- Killkm .each, bore a faithful testix mony to the truth of the Gospel. .The, officers were presented by J. K. - . Chi'tis, and unanimously sustained. lii the evening a meeting was held, Brothers J.ambcrt. and Pulsipher being the principal speakers, which was of interest to both old and young. Conference adjourned to meet at Orange-vill- e i'i October. ST. I'.XOKttli .STAKK. Ou May 19th, in the evening, a Stake Relief Society meeting was held in . 1M99, the St. George Tabernacle. President Ann C. Wo:dbury presiding This meeting had been specially appointed for the purpose of meeting w ith Sisters Jane S. Richards and Minnie J. Snow. Sister Lyman and Sister Josephine R. West, Apostles Rich-- ards and Lyman and Presideut'Seymour B. Voting were 'alsj present. After opening exercises President Woodbury made a few remarks welcoming oar visitors, followed by Counselor Mary G. Whitehead, whose remarks were timely V ami Ao .the point. Sister Jane S. Richards t lit; spoke, ex-- : pressing regret, that our dear Aunt Zina could not be with us, and delivering a lovfrom her to the sisters in St. ing George Stake. She thought it our duty to cultivate faith, charity to "the erring and love for each other. We should be kind to those who despitefully use us, speak well' of people while living, and notjeait until they are dead to say a. good word. It is necessary for us to have trials, and she Was thankful for them. Related many interesting experiences of her labors as a' member of the .Relief Society. Sifter Lyman bore an earnest testimony to the truth of the Gospel. President Ami C. Woodbury ' spoke on the silk industry, exhibiting a piece of silk recently ; wov en in St. George, that was in all ways ei editable and encouraging. .. Apostle Lyman testified to the great ; work accomplished by the Relief. Society in 11 " r nousesT taking care oi tue sickami providing tor the; poor. 'assistmmtatng-Tneetrr- vill-U-rwr- -- .7 his-havi- -- e x-- 1 ng t k: i I referred to Apostle ErastusSnov in his labors here, and thought him only second to Brigham Young as'a colonizer and. pioneer. Apostle Richards congratulated the sisAnd when you get a dol'ar. jt ters on their large congregation. He appre with Zion's Savings Hani; j',. ciated the hardships the society had Company, llie oldet aial lar " .viiin 'Utah; hank been we had was and glad undergone, Since the !. bf first favored in building and dedicating-th!, ii a v. . ... ... we more nave man i't.o openeu Temple reared in Utah. lie paid a graceings accounts. ful compliment to the sisters and the Relief The Jaws of Utah permit 'k;. Society by saying that if' he wished anym c n a rul a so id i d re n w i o wo ; r' r, ,r thing well done, he would put it into the to open savings account. in thvir own Advised the estab-- . hands of the society. name, stiibjcet to their owji oi ! !. Hav? lishment of a certain age as the time, If :. you suidi an account'.-- ' one NOW. ? when' the sisters might be expected to join the Relief Society. He was pleased W: p.ay FOUR Villi ('i;.T L. "silk with the report of the THIlUST'on any amount fn.n industry, and t;0j. Iar tt thousands, and et::!. 11' a:.i blessed and encouraged Sister Woodbury interest four times a ear. in her labors in this line. , Sister West testified to having been a WlilTU for any information desired. LOUKNZO SN'OW, I'le-?- . .member of the Relief Society since her six(ilCOUtli: M. t'AXNON, teenth year, and had greatly enjoyed her' M.ain Street. labors therein. Spoke a short time in Nos! favorbfthe Primary Association, of which she is airaid. Suggested the teaching and practical application of the principle of tithIn their Stake they ing to the children in had sent nickel contributions to the Salt Lake Temple to the amount of 225.00, be sides assisting m other enterprises. She Removed to 48 aad50 Haio Si. felt it a great honor and blessing to be one ; of President Snow's party, and thanked the people for their courtesy. n It was unanimously voted that all presSALT LAKE CITY. ent send their love to "Aunt Zina." Closing remarks were made by Sisters Richards and Woodbury. Benediction was pronounced by President D. D. Mc Arthur. 77i.fi Retail Save Your Money! 1. . e 1. . , 1 1 1 ' . 1 ; : : t ,l- - : r; . -- " -- . ' 1 R. K. THOMAS -- Farewell sad; ' Julia A. Pack,'"' Cor. Sec. TO MY CLASS. strange-sounds- - Leading Gash Honse the word, strange and " ' The sun shines less brightly, dark shadows apjear; It means a etiane lias come, we. are not jlad, U W And perchance there falls a tear. Farewell the vista of the future seems lone;; e are deprived of those to'us so very dear; ' ( )n the still air falls the farewell song, Its melody. wafting softly. far then'near. Farewell tenderly bursts the sad refrain; ;. Farewell to this class, to me so very dear-H- ope shines on the path before, we' 11 meet again, Glad summers come with everv passinir year.' Land nor seas can change mercuries of the Past, The Past where li ve the dear ones we have loved Our friends through weal or woe unto the .last. Engraved on my heart are your names, mv be- ; lov'd. re-re- tful s S will 1; S V . X. ! . GA R F E LD I ! -- . 7 BEACH. BATHING RESORT. OPEN JUNE 22. . But .now farewell !' 'tis but the chimes of ja bell, warns us of time swiftly "Speeding alon;"""'" And soon in the pastthey solemnly tell AVe'll iorgoftenT)e; like the" notes of a son" ' " Not so love; it lives forever, knows no decay, The, heart where love dwells sings a living' it leads far away, '" Where life, and jw, and happiness' belong. Lf mad surges roll, cliiig" elose to vuur Qod song-Upwar- S LAR d . Boating, Bathing, Dancing. TRAIN SERVICE: LKAVK LKATK OABFrhM1- 1:00 p..u. HALT LAKE. 10 30 '2:15 4:30 6:15 A.m. p.m. ' p.m.' p.m'. 5:30 p.m 7:30 p.m.. 10:00 p. ' Mi'tnmtretmdT Iiancissuer thevay W hen like children wear- we - .May we meet up above in-th- e " sleep 'neath the sod, courts of day. Round Tri p2 5cr -- Depot Cor. First South and Fourth West, J I |