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Show WOMAN'S I- - XI OXKNT. e uwt'allow anything to prevent them from a visit anTl shortly lo . fulfilling it. girl, she helped me to bear it preach to the people in that vicinitv. ' from church .the said she was sorry that here a 'bride Sister ine '.Mormon" hlders soon came j .i , and ...UrvWetheiell, ..i.,i'i.rj nf it! rr:i nil t ii itw M who was a t wo f the Meters wIk- -c names were on the fetched creature I was: with my man of ccMisidcrale influence, tried to tret ; p!'giam Yscie not there, on; account ot a and my. broken vows; and hall or .meeting' house for them to" piearh iii; Nj'iail the tint had occurred in. that town in Shv abo sjx)keN of the dance did not even clan: to think what but he-- met with many obstacles in his the morning. vi:ifV. Vi .. of him. I wa yotinir then. efforts' that, that was to convene at eight o'clock in the not previously antic: ' Ik-- an .old' man's bride; ated; jealousy, and tradition were rife in evtniug, tai l she thought eight o'clock vcr'v Noting to" the hearts of those who were opposed, and was a go'd tone to commence a dance,' as I did not love him', but he 'ili that so many I'stur kind, too kind,I and he left all the ganl nun at last decided that the ineei:' 'she,' with o!heis,in regu'.ted Idaho did not commence d.oices uj) here must not marry ing should be at his own place, to The house was large and until ten o'clock and alter; for her part, all NjCManningthere it is in his will; Meadows." "it 'was read that day, when all the roomy and' he had expected to entertain as the enthusiasm for a dane? was about gone Wliat a reproach to me his guests those who would come to preach at that hour. . ' . r- :ilv weie there" i. a iq i and baptie. All the people in. the neighWhen my uauguier l huw they all stared, until I fainted. borhood were cordially invited, and many .summer on a visit, she remarked how late No, lliUNt ))"t marry Sidney Manning tlauces took ,up. and, came to the meetings,' awl some few contla-- h :ny heart should break; not earlier in Taylorsville. verts were baptized and confirmed after two said they comim-neeof the money what dcr I care for the would r said I wihed the young people a blessing to my days' meetings had been held. .Among been has it yet rionev; if wnnld be a Step ill tilt i desti-'those who were baptized were Mr. 'and Mrs brother's children, left orphaned and on " and Ksther Danforth sank upon her YVetherell, Mrs. Danforth and Alice May-narright directi n, lor it was a great tax and the three sons and lour daugh'ers .their linlics. esecially when they 'had to knles. there in the pale moonlight, beto wiirk the next' day t rthing heaven to guide h;r ' footsteps; and oi the host and hostess ot " i he Meadows. '..go to sehodit isor three or four o'clock W- Sometimes and were others There banti.ed eieht many answered was Ui prayer some mere believing. Amorg the latter was'a fore the dmivs break up. and perhajis The "journey occupied two clays and of theiTThave an hour's drive before they times of young man whom Miss Alice greatly adnights; lor those were not the to vdo it At the close of mired; he had already shown' her some get home. If they weie obliged ateirti and rapid transit. But marked attention, and' her resolve to marry thev would think they were misused. the second day they reached their destinatmust some honest, bigdieartet fellow was in a most of them Wait lor the rest; they ion. It was a bright,' char, moonlight He 'was a fine talk this up among themselves, and then elms fair way of fulfillment. night, and the great will take the lead and this late figure, large and well proportioned, and his the wisest s'rexhed'out their branches, as if to welcI be an event of will, hope, hour even had been system not education The neglected, them ome and slulter greetings the past. was Alice and quite rie though he was a farmer's son, and lived y.ire affectionate, . hrrnx Sistkk. the New England hills. He rather ..lighted at the reception she receivtd; it was among The travelers astonished Miss Alice one day "by telling and coidial. yS genuine her he had never been in Boston; but she were tired and glad to go rather early to THE KIVER OF LIFE. "she and herself recovered as replied, aware quickly were as that, bed, especially they its v td li sni. " ',Y't:n and was she that Not but it. of was be would glad in the country, they, they were s. nine; sun;. As !! she son ehow Boston but of too, ; rise to u it so 'uiki: aial e,a proud expected early. sai Sh;;s than as he better was; liked him better r iii.: I'm' Time passed quickly with Alice; there - t," fi.i: ti a!''a- 'the li"ri.'n, of '.'inthe could like Tli.. she any was so much that was new and pleasant, thought t.m hi:- their" v. hite ilnttvJj;; and the three young men, her cousins, vied young men she had met at the capital. l!:c smuu.WN In vl' y so. ;n ,ltn-Meantime both Aunt Esther and Alice '.viad with each other in planning fiesh surtl:e i: stops or iaU. Aivl emhad oPthe religion they Aunt Ksther wrote to Harry prises for her amusement. amid musie, il. siting olaithter arafH-ng- tla- watt-rof zeal and desirous full were braced; they was visiting in a quiet way with her sister, kar. .so blue; s n bona- u"er .he But a convert. become that he should from whom she had been so long separated, i thcr ;!' xjlvm' ships that are sailing and in- too. under melody time was at that ia quite iviii there were so many things to tell each other Th,n tar recks a m away. U ks are Pr,.-.their and his answers to their letters and it was braved the gale; neanng Christmas., and a grand flueuce, wcrefairait'loft sV'ik t'at not ()" did but they , were unsatisfactory; visit very of the was be in to honor nuieerksN wand'nng. party given Now tia-- are her elo- nioMraluI tne tale. of Mrs. Danforth and her niece. Aunt lose courage, Afice was using-alsad, and UtAV pite.'us W AshRichard Jane, as Mrs. retherell was called, was quence at home to persuade Still otiuard are sailing ':ne ships of the Past, bun. to join the unurcu oi .....iauei-uahalf sister only to Aunt Ksther and Alice's "Nor din-- no- - musie U beard on them nurc; bein not were vain; efforts her Saints, and b'.Mre wlnrt with the tide where waters last foam, father, and was some years older; she wa's a of 'Yal Kink out of sight not far from the shore. fore many days she had the satisfaction very estimable woman and- religious in her bo.Nv, same The ilap of tne sails, the nature: had studied the Bible and sought to knowing that he had espoused the at morn, That brilliantlv shone and glistened faith. mortal new irom sinks a eyes religious waves comprehend, its meaning. Of late, Neath darkening continued. be and To dead are A wreek, a wreek, bright hopes light had shone across her pathway, and forlorn. she had been so impressed with the divine source from which it came, that she. was sail sUdeiv.standing proud tothe breeze, A WINDY DAY. A'nd over the breakers come sate at last; making. a careful and prayerful examinatrejoicing. ion of the teachings . she had received from The fourth of May was the day appointed Riding into the harborovercame, are past life of of reunion torrus a Fur'the the messengers who came to her with glad for a reunion at Idaho Falls, smoodi .nyi heaven's In th- - fhining' watrs of Stake. in the workers Relief Society tidings. Her husband was. investigating the afelv thev anchor under clear, sunny skies, d that storm distance, . the doctrine In spite of the dreadful 'fhe siiore"s(, fair.in the dreamy too, and ere long they unfolded Glorious tandthe fair I'aradise. Islhe the views the meeting house was comfortably ' they entertained tu Aunt Esther. d.vi-' I. A .k. filled For my part, I would have given up Contrary to their expectations, she seemed the seven miles there, Mav, ii'to grasp, these new truths more quickly; the idea of driving to call I had. promised that than they had but for the fact"4..-rdone, and it was a confirmat. for that lio rnr TWO Oilier SublClCS ii iui. miv ion to them that the doctrine was from Ward Howi: xnade one of Mrs. ' reason and as I had my picnic all pjepared, jVLtK heaven. Aunt Esther had gone into the the the rast eloquent speeches at the. women s that hoping would venture, I country place with a broken heart, asking, Mhoueut .h - J How.meetllUT. i i j- a:,.1i lofntP 1rtnt " auti-i- j " .v..h. Qtnrm WOU1Q uimimsu ktlp froiu: One above, and so completely miles of the bumble was "she, that she was ready to rehas given orders that ever when I came within twoso thick and Victoria Oufkn were of dust shall he vive heavenly in fact she scarcely Falls- the clouds could not see the horses henceforward the British Museum truths; -I holineeded her mind was so clear dense that twice not tell whethtf. they open to the public on Sundays and to, preaching 011 headsand could subjects presented to her by her days.. were keeping the road. or not. .so her husband. tiHritllfp TO surprised he young men were somewhat favorably, Tdo not know when I sewas munkuc, Susan e a few ung the Youth's Companion an article on Har- I was to pressed with the new doctrines, and had at anything as Tt IS full , . m u . as an ATtbr talked tn A i KPPC uvwU.. " mothers witn Danes, ltr npt t ' 1. 1, . .r livv mat wucu , er jeminisgences of l,ul QnC(?f; them as QtladMmJm meeting.' True it is u, tiiey weie waiting- lor some o z .' r;r :' by vho-ver- aiid-sav- ccl .u-the- t- - ! ( , uta "n-ar- t - he-hid- t -- "The me'--o- nly - - - ! be-cii-- e c's d 1- - 1 1 v d i 1 ! ! a wide-spreadin- g . -- ' . I k-a:- - inaj'-sti- v. j she-eve- r 1 ! w t ; . 1 . - Tt V- v iiH-rsm- , -- r :.-- g - . . - - 1"-r;- r tlidr-daneiu- ; bn-ke!)- .. . l j -- -- y -- - large-broke- " ' ' . ,m-st- ill pre-vaile- " ,'- - 1 i - -- . - .. "-- - -- -- -- . sis-.tera- . nd . v.. A . "i t - . , j 1 1 i ft, - -.- -. . . . ' 1 |