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Show WOMAN'S KXPONKNT. ' the war .ships ..were covered with btintin lu r Or LOVE. "After the hurom . ne starry calm of li Alter the ar. i to: 1 1 1U All IH MtK ;ln- UUe of v OFFICERS AND RESOLUTIONS.! at i.f the ;av, t A sleep. in the towns.' 5 . A TRIBUTE 4t Portsmouth there were reviews of the .rL.r;;Iar troops, volunteers and naval birr- acks, and the same ceremonies occurred at the various arsenals and the garrison . - z. - - . V.'li: The National"" American xVoman Suffrage Association at its 31st Annual Meet-ing- , in Orand Rapids, Mich.,- May 3, 1899, u ;iv, " ilitr." - elected C.e following officers for the coming ' . .. year: Lewis who.de. OI'FICKKS: ' . !M V ! 1 '.Vh, telegram from Simla, the summer Sister .LlLabeth A. Whim v capital of British India, records that im- life Mnv.x-iS- o, t!i -- birthdayservices -- there: 4k s pirrrive-queenresidence of. her d.v.mhtMSiu r Ahnira.'L Merrill, w cr.' attended by the viceroy of India, who oi AjH,,i!e m. . .Mcrnll, v. as a verv dear Loril Cnrzon of Kedlcston,. and the Indian lriciid of the writer, and in the days 01 ."aaoo we were intimately associated. It is with' in found and military officials in full dress. . Royal sorrow albeit with that we satisfaction., mingled . salutes were fired. . .1 .. .. II r, sh, pas o pe;.cf oeiu.Mv wi ,ae iiiiiv away """' Jos. II. Choate, the United States ambasalter much suifering, and no doubt an escort was - A . mru-'lihi- s .?.-m- . 1 -A - . . . . ..-,! , 1 telegraphed his congratulations to the queen, and her majesty sent a gracious waiting to accompany her to the panelist' bevorul the veil. In her eariv life when we were ,1k tie gill-- we reply. attended the same Sabbath ch'1, :t?A later we The president has addressed the followboth joined tL-- ('Inn eh of Jesus .Christ of Latter-daing message to Queen Victoria on the anniSaints. though Sister Li:.a! cth went to X.m-voof her tirst, and .also came to the aliey i:i birthday: versary KI;zat.-t!in. May ,1.-2"Kxjcutive Mansion, Washington, D. C, Ilubbard-ten- , A. I'orid wa 1" in Ma-'s- . Worcester "Her mother Co., May 24. To Her Majesty the Queen, was Almira Whi'.em-reher-- father was Stillman Windsor Castle, hngland: Rond who was well known throughout Utah, oih-ohis sons, is now president of the lVcatello Stake Madajne: It gives me great pleasure to of Zion. Her parents, were i:i good t hcumstanccs convey 0I1 this happy anniversary the ex and gave their children excellent for pression of the sentiments of regard and all the educational advantages opportunities then attainable-a:Tection which the Americanpeople cherish Kluabeth attended school until she was sixteen. mother died in 1S34 leaving- fourand The to add of 'towards your majesty, the as wium the tide st. Lliiahclh was Sometime after surance of my own cordial respect and the father married regain and consequently moved esteem. May God grant to your majesty to New Salein. Franklin Co.;' in the same .state. and to the country under ycur government All the girls ha the greatest respect and hve for their stepmother. many years of happiness and prosperity. r.r l(V "In the" year if 41 the (I. el ;'"AVrrr;LTAM McKinley. Xew Salem and lirother Pond ot ened his- larire and commodious house o t!u .Moriii-'tKlders. and many of th branch raided ut) there were ha;- U. S. A. PEACE MEETINGS. r.,,,-im;,,i,..(?. 10. s Mita. ti.ea in tlie lan;e inok on 1,;.. i.uiufviii me was Ih'sih-Ione of to the first of in demonstrations of women olev an! v;is Reports 1:. IClias IHder o, Ike. 1.141. bapth.vd by i.sold his rx .sessionIn5 behalf of peace and arbitration are still com September 1S43 Prothcr poud ing in to Mrs. May Wright Sewall, chair in Mass. to cast nis lot wit;, toe amts in .sau.- "man of the American branch of the Inter-nationJ i:ev nv team, read; in-- ' voo. trai ledDec.tlntn.er c Hrother Pond. 7. 4 1. Committee. Mrs. Sewall reports that city. Hebcr C. house to biick next a nice built meetings, Kimball's, a home from which .Apostle tip to date news from seventy-on- e driven were they at which 30,482 women were actually pies by the mob in 1S4'). ent. Some of the meetings were of a dele It was in Xauvoo that Klizabeth was married the gate character, delegates representing to Pishop Newel k. Whitney. February sador, . , -at , . r y j President Vice-l're-.idcn- Miss Susan at large t 15. Shaw. . Corresponding Howard Rachel Foster Awry. Kv onlim; St.eivr.irv well. Treastiu-- Anthony. Anna Rev. -- Mi-s Alice Stom lack- - . Mrs. I Iarriet Ta lor Untom Cn.iiimal .if the Conmr.ttee on ):e.tnia!Son r Mrs. Carrie Chniumm Catt. Au'li'a.fs. - Miss Vau,;h McCulIoch. Laura Clav and Catharine o RMSOI.rTlONS. 1.-4- 7. i 7, -- , f . 14 1 r -, The following resolutions were unanimously adopted: That we reaffirm our devotion to the r.isieip.le that governuients derive their lust powers from e consent of the vtr.tl we call tor .its ,ij)lk atioii in the eas4 of w imrn-Mia- eiti n. We prou against the intrmluetion of tlio word "nude" in the suffrage clause of the proposed' uu. n constitution of Hawaii, and declare that ujwin wl:atcver terms the franchise may be grantel to men, it sliouid Ire granted also to women. In all the great (juctions of war and je:we, rrrrrrnrv,- tnrif and tarntion; annexation" of fore-- " ign territory a fid alien races, women are vitally interested, and should have an epia! expression at the balll box", and. we recommend to the I'roi-(Ln- l of the L'nitcd States the ap;x tintment of a to investigate the condition committee "f women new of island territories. in our We congratulate the women of Ireland who have just voted for the Jiist time f mu:'iici;ul and county oiheers. and we call attention to the fact that 75 per cent of the.qu.'dified women voted, and that the dispatches' say they discharged their duties in a serious and businesslike spirit, with a keen eye to the personal merits of candidates.' We congratulate the women of Colorado, whose Legislature lately passed testifying to " and actual voting constituency sufficient to 1645. the good eiTects of equal Mirage hv a vote of 45 After leaving. .Xauvoo the family journeved to .to. 3 in tl:e House and y to in the he mite, brmg'the number endorsing the resolutions Winter We congratulate the women of Xew Orleans, Quarters on the Missouri river; one sou of to over ninety thousand. Brother Ponds died on the journey, the wife, who are atr.t to vote for the first time on a tax As the initiative of this movement was three daughters, one son ("the only one left) in levy for sewerage and drainage, and we commend taken up so late as April 16th this response Winter Quarters of .chills and fever. Llizabeth their patriotic activity in collecting the signatures fatlK-in 147-iher with to came Utah Captain was very gratifying. . of ; 2,(x) tax paying women of that city in behalf of Old in the lived Hunter's Edward clean streets and a pure Water supply. eompany,vnd The states in which meetings were held in Pioneer Square. Fort We congratulate the women of France who have are as follows: California, Utah, MinnesoAfter the death of P.ishop Whitney, Elizabeth just voted for the tirst time for judges of tribunals ta, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, was married ajrain to Peason Lewis, and in YSO) of commerce, and wecall attention to the fact tliat Kansas, Indiana. Ohio. Georgia Pennsylvania. thev moved from Salt Lake'City anrl were among in Paris, of the qualified voters, men and women taken together, only 14 per cent voted, but of the Rhode Island, New; York, Maine and the the pioneers f Richmond In 1S54 Sister Elizabeth's only remaining sister, women 30 per cent voted.women District of Columbia We congratulate the of Kansas on the C. Sister Livenza (wife of Amr-vohrAA tl, w mi . April,-1699of over the increased municipal vote b kMW r. dJcd andshe tooktwo ()f hcr jriris and brought j lege women at the University Ot Michigan them ur as if they were her own. She had one entire State, Kansas City alone registering 4,800 women's votes at and the University of Chicago are among daughter of her own with whom she. lived dur- - women and casting oyer 3 election. the municipal the most interesting reported. The former ing her later life, and who tenderly.watched and We 'thank the representatives of Oklahoma for hcr herin and perlod was addressed "bv President Anrel who caretl for the representatives of vote of 14 to and sif,rerin was her constant companion and - their vote of Vnzona for their 19 to 5 lor woman nurse, bv 'nkd.it and by day.- All that loving the that question did not suffrage, and regret ' rami s movement. hearts and hands could do was done to alleviate reach , of these territories. the councils ' In addition to 4he women's, meetings ts her pain and minister to her wants. We thank the Legislature of California for its The funeral services- weredield iir the Richmond enactment with only.-on- e have come to Mrs. Sewall from hundissenting vote in the M. Prof. istli. Tanner, Mayon hall Monday. j. House and 6 m the Senate, of arsehool smlrage dreds of congregations whose pastors of Bisrinj). wra. , 11. , lewis, of, jewiston, aw which failed to receive the approval of the Logan preached On the subject On SuildayMay an(i Bishop Wim- Skidmore, of Richmond were Governor; also we thank the Legislature of Con- -' 14, and took the votes of their COngrega- - the speakers, and all testified of her sterling j necticutt and Ohio, which have defeated bills to tions afterwards In TsTpw York CitV. qualities and strict integrity; 'her love for the good repeal the existing school suffrage laws- of those ' States. where Mrs. Mary Lowe Dickinsou has bad We thank ,of Oregon who have very amendment twelve an submitted uemonsrxauonb, one uiwuugu leaves granting suffrage to grandchildren just y She W7C,V jue daughter, t vork is beiuer done in meetings of the nri ihirfn grandchildren, a number of women by a vote of 48 to 6 in the House and 25 to 1 in the Senate," and we hope that Oregon will add sisters by her father's later marnat maivrdual organizations, where the resolu- - brothers loss ..the. friends-to of her mourn fifth star to 6ur,jwiuai:Sxdi'rage.flag,......L-a -tions are endorsed after discussion. Twenty and a host of is and .This association have her example six organizations in New York City have society, but they'Blessed who endure'to are and asks for the ballot, not for the sake of ad- and they endurance, -thus endorsed the resolutions:' vaucing any specific measure, but as a matter of" the end." The response indicated so much latent justice to the whole human family. ' we tt, breath latest In all the Mates wiere equal sun rage campaigns with 'Good bye say interest and sympathy that Mrs. Sewall to base women .. and men we. ana anu are ot A Iecacv laiin . pending nope, love; .. 'advise . : , , bas communicated to the Central Commit-i?.a.tBerlio. 1... i.. j ou ana ious on tne we ciear cannot tneir plea jusuey, Partinir mast come, long delay it, grounds 1 -- " J 1 i , wo-ue- , 1 : 1 -- al far-fame- 1 d " 1 . 1 fc . - - PPtlc two Kin-sbu- ry) - -- - 9,-an- d - - re-Fr- - . - - - j vC.3l' s . cn-i- ad ,oaithfl non-sectari- non-partisa- an . n, " " n. ' . ( aroposition-- f or,-- continuing.: sion of the Congress at The Hague. E."B W, - 11. .1- - 1 We protest against women being counted in u.e |