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Show WOMAN'S KX PONKNT (lentr spoke very highly of her past .labors, well ualified for the position". said 's"e .Vi1;t foljowin officers were then Sustained: Mrs. Ruth V, Tyler President; Mrs. Mary A. White C. Sheppirt Counselor; Mrs. Cedarena herd Second Counselor; Alice M. T. Tanner Secretary. Sing-ni- r Meeting adjourned until ? p. in.. " Now let us rejoice:" lenedietien by . s o present-tCnnllY- . . 0nelor J. Tolton. I Ai-tkknoo- . : . Skssion. Meeting con-wr.e- d at 2 o'clock p. in., President R. V. Tyler presiding. ' Prayer by Klder 'John O say what is truth-.Griffiths; singing President Martha Walker of Minersville, Si.vur Mary A. Jones' of Adamsville and of Greenville rePresident Mary ported their branches of the Society in good " . " Kaeh and working unitedly. officers at S(X:iety had change of " We thank Thee in February. 'Singing uIHdef Watkm U God forprophet. Reese of Adamsville, encouraged the sis" We will "meet ters in their good work. condition n ' the records we make here when we pass ' leyond the vale."' Bishop Mumford was very much pleased in viewing our granray. Spoke of the importance of storing grain, spoke on economy, and the necessity of 'teaching our children this principle. Ivlder John Briggs spoke in regard to. the" training of our children. Counselor M. A. White spoke on the same subject and gave mothers excellent advice on the course to Prof. W. G. pursue with our children. Bickley said "We have had a feast this afternoon." Spoke of the greatness of the gospel work and its spread, also spoke encouragingly of the labors of the Relief Society. . President R. W. Tyler said that although our labors have been great while building, we hare tint none differ ed. Hncouraged the sisters to support the si-- " i' . lU' ."reward (Jf lhe: faithful and kksolUtions ok kksiT.ct to the memory" of may be a link in me tJi.iin that bind to our heaven Father. ' lit V'L'-CvlT- - u i:h the bereave timifr'ZfcY" - tv It Va ssi D?h tl i has - ecmiSiiltn u us and from taken our Hr'l 'the Lord sister honored we whom to enable thern tn iwnr H.. ' . . . l(. l,r.i ; i .... i .....i ,i K l .: iuiv.vu tuveo. ami an earnest .sipporier ami readier oi re, i, nation: Sin has trulv Sought 11. -- nod !j :ht a: will tfie society, he it gain lur reward in Resolvi-n;m oj Gwi by the members of this Society that we Tender to the bere .ved family our sincere .:. tkkasukf:. sympathy, and earnestly desire that God will comfort them in their nlilictiuiu is w'ithVt-l:n-It cf d- p regret that have That a copy of thee resolutions be ki.sni.VKi), wf . r..,.,.r.l . I. .It. i ' o! (Kir nuirh !i. !.'iv.M sent to the family, a copy placed on record, ami ,r,tf IrM luI' nsI'v one forwarded to the Treasure, who died Feb. sixty-ev- en 5. Iv7. li. R, Uoau., years. She u' is a unasHumin consistent l'resident, ' ' Latter ..ay S.uia, and ue realize our loss- is her M. A. GkoVkk, -- am. She has been th-- secretary of our Relief K L. I'X.MAN, ucie.tv ever sure its i)r",i!n".iti n in rSvr Committee. . She "u'."t a model of !T( inftuels ,mu1 ordt-- tn r I 'UUt.v lor ner rt cut i were kept in the best of order and corn ctn ss. TO THIS MJ'MORV OF GRANDMA hi losing hor we hac a very usefu woman 1'RHH. ana tier place wijl te har.l to Jill, She has been'a f.tltUuI meinher of the Church fwr about forty years She juinetl the Church in As the sun. arose so beautiful and . calm Nfw Yoik. and came to Utah in Williamsburg, one summer's morning in the present settled in SjuitlifieM, Cache Co. .and lived it brought intothis lworRLone noble-spirit- , There about ten years, then moved to Treasure-ton- ,, ' bannock Co., Idaho and resided there unwho has lived long and 'well, and ' ' til her tie ith. one too wlio has recently called While residing in Sin.it hfield she married Fdder a. host of friends,' clasp home" William Treasure, a wjd.jwer with seven children. noble with hands and proved her.-el-f a kind, loving mother to those ancestry, and "wear the children who now father rouiul her bier, rievinx' j" crown of wife, mother, hister ami co'mpan-to- r the Joss of a good mother. She never" had ion amonir those troue before. This time any chiklren of her own. She has kit a host of we Sister Sarah speak Hyder Free. ?tyj;rand-childreand b lends to mourn her loss. " we as Gruudma," familiarly calletf her, and live to May we emulate her noble was of Pjiglish parentage, her father' be worthy to meet htr in the tnor.nii: of the 'first Resurrection. '' Win. Jarrold being an honored officer .in '(jiir sifters in the Gospel the Duke of. York's regiment, located at i:. J. Williams, Pres Summer Hill, Ireland in the . year eighteen ) Jani: Smith, Conns. hundred. It was here his babe was born Sarah J. Sant, Idaho. on July 20th. of that year; but he soon re Treasureton, Dt scrct Hi ning .YV.v.v please copy, turned to .Cambridge with his family and j ; - r'.'-nu- i : . , . I I ! i- - . . s I - tltr' I , 1 . - - , Hi-te- Kxi-onknt- . d '.-- - ... - -- - r hi . Ii, ceu-.tur- " to-me- j I of n ex-amp- le b'-r- j here Grandma's earlier days were spent . At 'the age of twenty-fou- r she married Died at tl:e family residence in NYphi, J ua!i Richard II. but was left a widow Hyder, a!':, r a shr.rt illness of Co:, Utah, Feb. with in six children She was the. 1S3S. bronchitis, Sister Sarah A 1'itchfoith, beloved second jlerson to embrace the Gospel in wife of the late Samuel pitchfoith... She was born Jan 13, Yorkshire, Finland, iS2y at Sainton, With her ibriw .. ... .. Cambridge. . ; ....x. viirviVin.r , . ., .mi i 11 iiil j t. was the set t she sail C tv in iortSa Lake daughters ,'y"u . brunch was at the time of her ieaih , ,r tuu leaLueit tier cesliuatiou m' .iieu, i years, eight months ami ten oays ohi. htie wa.s October of the sanie year. Many of the baptized as a member of the Church of Jesus Saints Sep. 5. iS .59. left her eatly trials of crossing the Christ of. Latter-daplains with- ox home on Jan. 'vrSjoand journeyed towards the teams she inunurmuringly endured. Her home of the S unts, arriving at Salt Lake City daughters married as a result of which Oct. I, of the same year. She came in a sailing twenty-seveand sixty-sivessel and crossed the plams in the old,- slow, tedious wav. was married to the late Samuel have honored her great and was the mother of name. ritcl. forth Dec. twelve children, six of whom have preceded her Just think, dear reader, theic arc but She thus leaves six childto the great beyo-and a host of few indeed living today who can tell of the ren, vwentv-twrelatives and. friends to 'mourn her losswar of is.i2, but-'tigreat only a short She moved to Nephv with the family, in 1852, lime ago that some incidents of it could and has rt sided there ever since. She passed have been told by our departed one. through a great niany trials and privations inciGrandma often said, " I shall live to" see dent to the earJy settling of these valleys, but was of mine laid peacefully never heard to murmur or complain, but on the every sou of comfort and words had symalways This was fulfilled completely, contrary to. rest." pathy to offer to those with whom she met. She W. Edward Brother Davis being the last .was a loving and affectionate wife mother and to one As the complete that assertion. friend. Relief and in the of breeze teacher a was wafted Grandma's Society She 185 light vessel from the faithfully .discharged her' "dmies in that ca)acity old world to the sailing for a number of years prior to her. death. after she had braved every peril and The funeral services were held in the Stake new, landed her cargo on a brighter shore finally Tabernacle, on Feb. 27, iSU;. -10 has it been with the by Apostle ships of Christ in Appropriate remarks wereM. made Wm. Cannon and Presidents Angus Teasdale, her case. bhe boarded that ship in the Paxman and her Bishop. bloom of womanhood, stood by it when A large' cortege followed the remains to the clouds of destruction arose and threatened earthly of our much cemetery where all that waslaid-its sa fetyy maintai ned -- her-i n tegri ty-- to "it -tloved friend and sister was children. the side of her departed husband and hrough summer hours and winter's blasts our we liuto her very last moment. Truly" all who nar asfpr hnw mo'urn and true; Thou wert faithful, kind knew her can say, "she has fought thegood cross, daily bore your And nobly fight, she has kept the faith," she has enAs He who sent desired you to. dured faithfully to the end in the Truth, Oear Sister Sarah Ann has gone- to rest, her worth; and there are treasures in Heaven awaiting She 'was prized by all her coming to claim them; which, she has Her mission was to comfort and to bless, this to her lend earth. fit to 'While. God saw done, having passed peacefully away on zeal ..' the iSfh ult. She shall, awake again and She labored uhh untiring Nor deemed hr crovs too hard to bear; m glory dwell when the dead in' Christ . 'Till God in mercy called her home -- S. K. D, .: shall live," A.nd a glorious crown a waits Jr.er. there. t SARAH A. lTTClUORTH. . r-- , 1 : . 1 : : i itv-seve7T- -. . n . . y President C. D. White said every mother in Israel should belong to thetelief Society; teach our daughters to be virtuous and around our sous and daugh-Jgrs- , abv) teach them obedience to the Pricst-f;ooof their parents, and not let them; hear us find fault-witthe authorities. Proidents J. W.. Rickley aibl R. W. MeetTyler spoie in ieganl to the. grain. throw a shield d Singing adjourned for six months. ''lord dismiss us';.", benediction' by. Bishop ing .George - Mumford.' . R. W. Tvi.kk. Prts't-Ai.iCK M. T. Tanni-k- Sec'y. , - n grand-childre- grand-childre- 20,-18- n' x n 51 - ; . d. o' grand-childre- n - s iii-la- . w 1 - IN MEMORY AM. ... ... KlSTER KAREN" PEDEKSoN N1ELSE N ; Sister Karen I'ederson Nielsen' died o Pneumonia at her home in' American Fork on Friday, Feb. 5, 1S97, after an illness of one week. Sister Nielsen was born at Vesterby on the Island of Olmd, Denmark, Dec 20, .IS2J, received the Gospel and was baptized into the Church ol Jesus Christ of 'Latter-Da- y 3, 1S53. Saints, Nov. -. Vas married to Niels Nielson Feb. 3, 1S54V aud emigrated the same year, arriving in Utah Oct.--5, and has resided in American Fork since 1S56. She leaves a husband and.six children, one son and five She was a faithful, and daughters. energetic teacher in the Relief Society for more than 20 years and always ready and willing to wait on the sick both day and night. We revere ner memory as an humble, patient, persevering Saint and we miss her in bur meetings, jitter-daner testimony was true and faithful and We realize that and conifortinij. an is well vith her,, for she has gone to receive . y y -- - - who-kne- - , 4 . . |