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Show ,4 no would , '. , Ive us the, - ' , ; WOMAN'S . KXrpNKNT. W-presse- ville. Asked the Lord to bless us. Aftef wtiich meeting was called to order rTiUttT'M. AT-- 1 Jard V said she hud' made a izreat effort to come here today, reraeiulu4sVY. ihe chairman A J. Anderson, music, . the meeting1 que. year, prayer hy Counselor S. L. Peterson. Sing-wno spoe in tongues,;"', oi ner lug oy tne waru cnoir, aner wmeu a ijcui .&ter&tkmik-:'- &itw3c0'u--LtateUv-Jheait was to go to the Temple this winter; ; com posed her way so she ttdaboH'of, the sisters, ,yas prayed ths Lord would opii " well rendered by! her daughter Olivia. could do so. r Sister Brown spoke of the goodness of Music by; the guitar club. A speech was the Lord to her, said each year shejried to then given by Lona Schada, on the labors do better than thJ list, bore a Taithful of the, trustees expressing thankfulness for the blessings of statehood and the privileges testimony. Sister KJ J. Stevenson felt thankful to of this beautiful house. A speech by Sister to see this see some new faces today: said we should Erama Burrows, she was-gltreasure the gems spoken by our aged day in celebrating the opening of this hall and forthe benefit of all charitable purposes, sisters. 1. also their testimonies recollections of the Prophet. We should be "for the poorye shall always bave'said the a very thankful people, she had done the Savior; she never had had one doubt in rebest she could ifi the past year but wanted gard to the building of this' house for she to try and improve: said the fathers should fully realized it was all done under the indo their part in teaching and training the fluence and direction of. the spirit, and children, thought parents should never nothing but union of effort could have achave differences before their children. complished this work witrr so little means, Prayed God to bless us , all in the coming refered to the time of the laying, of the cornerstone, by Apostle ;F. D. Richards the year. Sister Jane James- said she had' lived in prayer then offered, had been fulfilled, to "the Prophet's family: could not express the satisfaction of those who were deeply what a great man he was; she had many interested, namely the board of directors trials and asked the sisters all to pray for and building committee; space will not per-mi to tell of the unceasing labors of this nei. Sister Horjtie made some closing remarks. noble band of workers. .Music and song by to fathers the could The riot comedown the choir, after which President Tracy said capacity of the children as" the mothers her heart was full of gratitude to God and could: what children learned in their youth the brethren and sisters for this day. We When they have labored so long w7ho can doubt the they always remembered. come home from Sunday - School, and hand of God, scarcely any means to start Primary, parents should ask them what with, but herea littleand there a little combined labor under wise management and they have learned. Prayed we might have the Snirit of the Lord to helo we are here enjoying this day of freedom. us .bear our 'trials. Singing, "Lord disMusic by the martial-ban- d. Speeches by Benediction by Sister J. the committee of ladies and brethren. A miss us," etc. C. Howe. speech by Sister Hawkins, se was thankSec. Zina Hyde, Ass' t ful for this day and manifested her loyalty and patriotism by proposing that three 'cheers be offered in honor of the day, which" . net-tied- . . Jagot.' me-uesir- . -- . . -- j I . : . ad it al-wa- vs . -- caring for the sick and helping when Sister Lizzie A. help , was needed. MacDonald'gave some timely exhortations as well as good advice to the Saints in general, and mothers in particular. Brother Henry C. Rogers spoke for a short time, importance of attending de- our meetings, as well as all other duties " . on-th- e - . 1 " ; . PJiMAr1 Sister M. A. Maaionaui nau rawa w.rNftrtttis Gurtii the. last three months, the other counseloi; S. A-- Robsort Ji cou nt ov - rvivWlv vncy 1 b ti d everything working well and. the sisters in e ' . Sister Bailey bore their testimony and joy. and pride, that they were num; house .ling with the best music of Hunts- strength ami he'lp'we r. I . 1!.... T 'l ' t t ,1 President Collin R. Hakes was altogether proud of the Saints of Maricopa' Stake. Spoke a short time on the duties of those who had accepted positions of responsibility in the Church, and the order of the Gosx;l Annual reports approved, also the minutes of previous meeting by Bishop Kli Ooen- shaw, conference was adjourned for three months. ; F. E. Rpbson, Sec. ' SIXTH WARD. - Minutes of . held in monthly-meetin- g, the Sixth Ward Assembly Room, Jan. 2nd, 1896. President West presiding. Present Counselor Ellen R. Watson.; There were also present Bishop Jas. C. Watson, Coun selor Jesse West, M. Isabella Home, Stake President. Counselor Annie T. Hyde and Chra C: Cannon. Also - Brothers Jas. nrm a lvaiuani anu r,ugn. C5ingingr foundation." Minutes of previous meeting read and approved. President West expressed her pleasure in having president Home and Counselors with us this afternoon. Owing to the demise of our late Counselor, Sister Britton, Sister Janet Cochrane had been elected in weregiven. our last meeting to fill the vacancy, being Song by the young ladies; we trust at t bsennorfurtherteps-weretak"eiiTrthabe done to all in thp near future. Some time; President West had spoken personally little expenses yet hang over it, success to with her later, owing to her advanced age. all such enterprises, all accomplished by and poor health, she declined the position, It was now in order to choose a Counselor. home made work. We remain your, fellow laborers in the Would like to hear from the Bishop 911 this , subject. Gospel. ' Bishop Watson explained ister-CochT Kuza A. Tkacy, Prest. rane's circumstances, said while it is our ;Emma Burrows, Secy. right to call, we have also the right to exJan. 6, 1896. cuse, Sister Cochrane's excuse was a righteous one, he was satisfied she did not desire to shirk any duty. Spoke of her R. S. REPORTS. faithfulness, ,her integrity, she felt in her declining years unable to fill this position. MARICOPA STAKE. Spoke of President West's long sickness, Minutks of Relief Society Conference her faithfulness. The good work the. held at Mesa, Arizona, Dec. 20, 1895. society were engaged in. President Mabel Ann Hakes presiding. President West made choice of Sister Stake President Collin R. Hakes Henry Watson first Counselor, Sister Alice C. Rogers, and other brethren present beside Butterworth, second Counselor. On motion a goodly number of the society. of Bishop Watson, Counselor Ellen R. . -i President Alice. Richens. Mesa Vard TITWas elertPd hrzt PnimTnr tn waiSOn Louisa Harper,Lehi Ward, Ann Klienman. President Wpct uUV unanimous vote. wv A , . . . " now : . ' REJOICING AT HUXTSVILLE. Editor Exponent: . Dear. Sister: Feeling a desire to let you know that we live in the tops of these beautiful; mountains, where the Lord said his people should dwell, and can say that we are from all nations, trying "to learn of his ways, and walk in his paths, building up the waste places for our posterity to dwelluron, of which you will see from a synopsis of the celebration of the day of days for this our beautiful Territory's freedom. Statehood, we do appreciate this grand privilege, also woman's equality, to advance in all that is progressive, as woman should in order to bring forth "those noble spirits which it is said should be reserved for these days. Our little valley was awakened by the ring i ng of bells, o a r- - beau ti ful iM eetih g House opened for exercises at lo o'clock, Jan. 6th. . Some of our best speakers made short speeches for the occasion, the brass band .was in attendance. At noon, the Relief SQcietvJbad "prepared - dinner-fo- r and-benef- all-Rel- ief . . -S- -- . , : El-le- n -- - Iran WTnA vaiutu T?4--U- . thosevhoH took part in the formal opening of a fine two story brick building, erected forthe use it of Society work, also the Young Xadies who have taken a very prominent part in raising means to assist in the great struggle of building and our dear little primary childrens,nickles must not be . forgotten. At 2 o'clock the brass band made the . A- -") rdpago Ward, gave encouraging reports from these n' t0 c beding thora vcu -.;T 7".L y a iaithlul lewAvho had to dn th wen as as T n rnn icrn pal part of the work of. the respective society, but upon the whole there was a general good feeling and' we had a good meeting. Sisters Brimhall, Emma Rogers and ' , : Lutterworth was elected second Counselor. carried unanimously CUnlor Ellen R. Watson was sltpart l jas. C Watson vuuuscwi nice i5utterwortn dv uoun- selor Jesse vWest. President Home, "my sisters I am pleased to meet with you. " Wished all -Happy; New Year, peace; health and Spoke of the duties of the Presi 1 .. pros-pent- v. -- d |