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Show 4 V it: dilute- 'trial! - Wiihn Krt-'jr- i.liviy hooded 1 Jit-i- t V'' .;:' Moines r xj rsfi viol m .' its . .... - ni i jut nee ; C woodland bracts. UiH-snr.- s.' r ry ro' - rr-v- . i i t .. . w ' . coin i nfeftij&J. u..a- ia tjt , li T .ill ii :, v: fl'tV- - ' jTi " ilj: i ;V .Jiff , - K" rCV " ' Jfaic.l.iiiIi-tl,- i'l follow ii ... :A,),Kr,,s.sraiysl,car.ll,Iildl,c j fountain of life and intelligence,... It.illu- mintS' the oui thatultivates it;- purHles ..in!,iration,in'J inJWtipral or!cr liihest ...exprtli&n of your combined wi; anat inspire- receptive 'When ICa.sti'r fOmes the ' ItUe haste wi,yuuipi:KucvMuu, unu..cxii.Y me stimulating, thwn to What time lhehe!ls are ringing, conunuea ortngs-us.uuii;,. its ' exerciyj higher hopes,. and; stronger acti vities in the To b r i n g t e ir p e r f u rn e sy.y u r e a ch as Le, uearcrtdTththroiieof ixASsessfjrtiearer .isfc.of more enlightened'.- civilization and apd hritiQWeTl'cttii.sers sivhiginij. -- y . me umignty. ; p-- f ' a more perlect .unrstanding of divine Shine dim church. aisles ph Easter Day m ; answer muse wnp ine wnispermgs or science, as revealed. Hiirough ur Sixth Ileneaih their serried whiteness. tliis. are sense, sympathetically drawn to- -' Sense,, or the gense of spiritual understand- ' Aiid hafxpy childrn kneel andpray. ' : " ' ward each other, as exemplified in the Re' V ;. - Amid ; the lilied brightness,' ': ligious COugress held in Chicago in 1 893, In closing, the writer, iribvinfi: svmpa- When Easter comes;, where religiOu pilgrims and would-b- e re tliasIhaUncTeasetrinaniVlit"nVay J formers from all lands7 andofaTI creeds, ; illume The robin, wren, and starling-,"""the path way .of the vafious Hues of Vith and of harmonized 'met in a bond and love. are wiijg again, gooa work represented in thcTnennial sojij This was notably true of the Woman's council.. And many another darling. The bluebird and the oriole, Department of the Memorable Congress. S A RAH M . K B A U. . ' The martin and the swallow, A Salt Lake City, Utah: The light of this sense has been Feb 1895. "Away," they cli3nt, "with grief and. dole, in various "ages Gf the world's " In the nineteenth , Here's Spring, and Summer'll follow!" history. century, the search light., of Religion, Philosophy,- and When Easter comes, when Easter comes. Science, have united in exploring an un WOMAN SUFFRAGE; COLUMN. The Winter's spell is over! i of toward the haven trQdeir pathway light Ere long we'll hear the elfin drums is wnicn Where bees are deep in clover. lnextinguisnaDie. SALT LAKE CO. W. S. A. The exercise of Afterve catch the swaying lilfT""' legitimate spiritual power y obtained throucrh ..the. operations of this. Of winds amony the daises, Mix UTKS of the Woman" Sufirage meet"v in iilfiividual theof And see the rosecups' sweetness spilt sense, puts possession ing held February 5th, 1895, in the .14th ' of him clothes and mazes. Ward with , Dr. the Hall. keys Among garden knowledge, Ferguson in the'ehair. additional the to "Come responsibility relating Sang away," prayer Prof. Stewart; When Easter comes, ah! happy day,. ir, of elevation and "Gh ones.! 1 1 Dr. Ferguson enlightenment sang E'en tears like dewdrops glisten. 7' " introduced Prof. W. M. Stewart, who in , family. And songs climb up the heavenward way ' , : They that seek, by ..faith and earnest his usual able aud eloquent manner gave While ingels.;bend to listen. to the his reason for beincr in favor of Suffrage for prayer, find' the light For love and life and joy untold golden gate. They that knock with study women. Dr. S. B. Young was then introAre in the story and faith's assurance, have the narrow way duced by the president, he also gave some That spells itself "on harps of gold, u excellent . reasons why. the ladies should , opened to them, and are received into And thrills with, endless glory. arid with Infinite Father vote.- - Closing his remarks with the poem the , E. Maugaret Sangster. Mother, are permitted to enter hallowed entitled ' 'The new star of VTyoniing. ' ' mansions' to. attend the school of the Brother Adams of North Dakota was inby advancing steps to rea'ch the troduced fb the. audience, ahd, made a short ' OUR SIXTH SKNSIvOR THE SEXSK school and, of the Gods, where they learn the speech, .thought od women would worlds' are OF SPIRIT UAL UNDERSTANDING. which favor processes Committees organized, were tlfen by by temperance. the ' combming of eternal, intelligent,' formed for the eivtertajnment to be given on Rcad at the Triennial. Council of Women obedient elements; the 7 uses for which Stisaii B . Antlionslbirllidavjoii rneti Hvorlds are calledintcrexistencethe TmahheF for two weeks. in Washington February 21 iSy 5; ih which they are controlled, and the laws "Come . Holy Spirit, Heavenly Dove, of progression by-- . which all beings and Minutes of the Woman Suffrage meeting With all thy quickening powers, are and animate held perfected,, things glorified February 19th, in the 14th Ward Hall, Kindle a flame of sacptd love, ,: j in their Dr. In these cold hearts of ours." respective spheres. Ferguson in the "chair: Committees Students of this sense become, some were chosen to wait upon the delegates to is It proper 011 occasions like this, . to conmore, some less, familiar with the state of the Convention. Report read of the entersider such topics as shall be of the highest that portion of the human family whose tainment, and other business transacted. benefit to womankind; and to my mind, it varied., conditions, are typified sta e Adjoin tied for two weeks. -: the sfittin'gtcrVlisaiss- heTe7tHatcapacity of contemplate : the' intelligence, mind in which woman is Minutes of meeting held March 5th in glory and the peace, typified .by the moon, fitted to excel. The contemplation of the and in progressive order this sense educates, the 14th Ward Hall, Dr. Ferguson in the sense of spiritual '.understanding- first gives disciplines, enlightens, and brings its pos chair. Sang. "In twilight's hour." Praver me a sense of my littleness and inability, sessor in harmony with the tffulgence of J. B. Midgley. Sang, 'Hail the sound ." then encourages ine in the attempt to excelestial light and glory. as typified by the Roll called, minutes read and - approved . sun. All - that enter this higher glory are Dr. Ferguson called for reports from, those press" a few thoughts on this absorbing '. theme. heirs with Jesus Christ, our elder brother, appointed to interview delegates. Ruth . This faculty, like our physical sense, is in the state, to all the knowl- M. Fox had called three times but failed to susceptible Df. cultivation. edge, power, exaltation, and ' glory' pos- see the gentlemen E. M. Price found all are limitless; it9 is the cause least understood; sessed by the Father. favorable. ' M. E. Irvine's companion D. it is the divine of our nature; it brings to When through bur spiritual nature we W.' Eardley had been sick, they had not our understanding things not seen with the are in communion with God, we are draw-in- g visited. M. P. Silver said all she had natural' eye, or discerned by mortal mind; and visited were in favor. Dr. Ferguson had "nearer and nearer to : each it extends our correspondences. With the our words and works will blend other, more and talked with a number, advised the ladies to eyes and senses of our- physical self, we are more harmoniously, until earth's dutiful visit the convention, read a letter from in "correspondence with ou r physical Foster Avery, ackiiowledging children, recognizing universal spiritual Rachel our with and dollars sent by Salt Lake County roundings, spiritual "eyes hail the peaceful millenial dawn, twenty kinship, senses awakened and cultivated, we come and participate in the triumphant reign of for Susan B. Anthony's birthday fund, also into communion with infinitude. read an address entitled Woman," read our God and His Christ. The sixth" sense links mortal with imat, the woman's Convention. Adjourned EXPECTATION. mortal existence; it testifies in unmistakable-languagweeks. 5f V; tQrtwo of the immortality of.the soul. Of the advanced thinkers and diligent M. E. Irvine, Sec. , . 15y rippling brook and river. . T ! t i nti rlfitl''h :V- tr I'j rf-c- ' v",."- fir-tiriti- - 1 ti . .1 cr,Wi.n. .....i xu.aijtie f- - - uujii Tijusi pira- f souls- in all the-rld- : t'-- - - 1 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 . t - . ' : . ' - ' , ; e ' . ' fore-sliadov- .. -- " . . - ed - -- -- J . -- " t the-huma- n ye-fa- : ; . . - . that-lead- ' -- s -- age-lon- com-.munio- - . Pro-rphet- s, ; all-go- - -- y : . w . . by-th- rsr-The- y . pre-eminent- . ly - 4 . ; pre-existe- Its-possibili- nt ties - -- - . ; ; T e : ; ' ;yy:7:r. ' |