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Show :X"-- WOMAN'S fLXMKKKa. r -- nctes- an - ShlTwas th! inothrr of 'vcttchftflren-'ot. UhoiiT Circleville-over the She Survive. presided "istx forjour,. Society years ami was" esteemed In Kejief : official Ueloved of tho.e who knew her capacity, fn' her he ;t now rests the; peace' awaiting 4 resurrection of the just. V ' d-e- wf: Jrttikt:' a ilner sum met , i tdetice: ' on the 'property he has recently aojuited- - near HanoverfN . II., his wife's birthplace, v In" "spite "of foreign birth. and residence, Mr. Crawford' regards himself as an American Washington, UtahDec citizen and will hereafter spend his sum mers here. Aldkch left '"Boston Octcber'fr a trip aroutiiL the.vurld- - At- lust atttnt?: he was at Yokohamarjapan; y T. B. . - . ' : J&t&$SR. E ?iiVtji1lm en eft Lo mloji was in Vienna, 1 ... o has published more rfctin thirty volumes and writes at the rate of two ..a year. He passed his fifty-fiftbirthday last August. , ; Mrs. A. L. Wistar, whose translations other-Ger-mat- , J . Herr terne who is at present staying in Tyrol with. his lamny, intends to spena tne winter in Rome. There he hopes to"finish ''a great social drama" upon, which he has been for - some time at work. - B TORNSf . . , i , Alice Williams Brothekton. Hearth And Hall. After Victor Hugo died more than 0,000 isolated verses were found scattered about his room, written on little slips jot paper. He. used to write incessantly, even while he was dressing himself in the morn- - V . " "-- ' . -- -- -- -- ' .Martha Fackkell, President, Jane Pack, Vice I'residentZiLLA Grant, Secretary. ; . ' ' d r-T- hat B iornson, - x . - - , Bister Muir was born in England October 16th 1838, and died August 3rd 189.1, being nearly filty-si"years old. She has Deen a teacher and leader among the yoting people,.devoting herself earnestly to their interest: She was counselor in the Primary class, Secretary to the Relief Society, Imand President of the Young Ladies'-Mutua- l She-haAssociation. for many years provement led the young ladies classJn Sunday School.. Asf Secretary of our .Society, Sister LucyA as ever at her post, willing to do good to others. always ready to give counsel or answer questions on any subject; she had a smile and a kind word for all w ho met her, and in losing Sister Muir from ourcircle, we feel that her chair will be ever vacant until that great day when all circles will be completed. ' Ever praying for the welfare of the Sisters in Zion ue remain, Yours Truly, That will ever Toyal hold. And give me the hardy holly That dares the winter's cold; Oh the roses bloom in June, When the skies are bright and .clear, But the holly comes at Christmash'de, The best time o' the year ; Sing the holly, and the ivy, And the merry mistletoe, come to us in winter ."0 ' white fields are vyiuY snow. When the Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggin is sob it to a young busibe married to George-Riggs- , ness man of New York. They. were" together last summer on a coaching party in Wales. This will "not interfere with Mrs. ' Wiggin 's literary career. storing up wheats so that wheiithe time comes, as we , expect it will, we shall have something to give, at least a few of God's creatures who will come to Zion for safety. At present we have no poor in our ward, and can truthfully say that we. do live in the land Bountiful. But all is not pleasant sunshine with us, for death has stepped in and taken one of our most faithful and useful sisters, Luc v. Dark ' Muir. "' . . , T t : r of the stories of "K. Marlitt and writers have brought her so much fame, is having a cottage built at Northeast II arbor, Me. " e - h -- will give the following space in your valuable paper we take ilhe liberty of addressing you. in behalf of our Relief Society. This society is a small one, only about thirty-thremembers enrolled, but all, or nearly so, are good energetic workers. Our meetings are quite well attendedr and we are trying to obpy counsel in Thinking perhaps you : Bret Harte - X DECEMBER DTTT The. holly, oh, the holly! .. . and Green lea berry red,. ves in winter the ::.ls " When alt the rest arefled. When snows are on the ground, ....... And the skies are gray and drear, The holly comes at Christmastide.And brings'the Christmas cheer Sing the mistletoe, the ivy ' And the holly bush so gay, That.come to us in winter No summer friends are they. Give me the sturdy friendship , . . f - Editor Woman's' Eponeiit:, ' conjure with. 4r4- J;it. frx - Miss' Kitling, a sister of Riidyard Kipling, has gone into literature." '"She is a Mrs, Fletcher, but Kipling is a better name-t- ? : (ireece.tul, QOStantiHopIev . OBITUARIES. 1 ' , JN E ANN : BO W.N. Visit I he Folks. , , For the Holiday season the Union Sister Jane Ann Bown, wife of William Bown, life m. at this 2:20 p. December 11, 1894, Pacific departed will sell; tickets from points on the at,Fayette, Sanpete County, Utahc The cause of rferdeath was congestion of the lungs, being sick system on December 24th, 25th and 31st; but nine days. .Sister Bown was the daughter of John E. and 1894, and January 1st, 1895, at greatly reMary Metcalf, born March 15, 1834. at Hull, YorkFor full mformatiorf call on shire, England.; She was baptized July 9,1850, duced rates. was married in January, 1S55, emigrated to Utah r the same year, liveoVia .Salt Lake City a short nearest Union Pacific Agent. ' Emile Zola, according to his biographer, writes four. printed pages in the Charpentier edition of his . novels every day". This is his task; he never writes less and he iiever writes more, .stopping at the enoVfhe " tan :cou n t y . timertnen- - rnovea -i- o-pr mgvti where they lived until 1861, w hen they were called senten to go to Dixie, and settled in St. George. Brother Bown was released from that mission on account TheKe is a timeo be born, and a time' "of his health; came to Fayette in 1865, where Woman's to die, says Solomon, and it js the mementhey have resided up to th,e time of her demise. Sister Bown has beenJbresident of the Relief to of a truly wise- maaqdrnt there is an in' ffoni its first organization, over twenty-yearKeeps on Hand terval between these two. times of infinite Societyago: She has also acted as president of the DRESS GOODS AND TRIMMINGS, FANCY Richmond." Association since importance. Primary Ocober, 1891: She V ARTICLES AND NOTIONS. BOOKS AND 1 in faithful QNF.R V Ffj it has ever been these . POISE WAISTS. -. ... she been active. in her official V J PTP BoxrK7literTriends, should be few and, but in ministering to the sick and needy induties, Jn all its DrcM.TlBklnr branches, ?IIHInery, latfi well chosen. Like friends, top, we should midst. She was the mother of ten children, our and ityles, il&U and Ilonnet cleaned and retrimroed return to them again and again for, like had also She was a TEMPLE STKEKT NO 41 Q U EST Latter-daandfaithful was much beloved Saint, ' tP- - Grant Bro. Stable true friends,x they will never fail usnever all who knew herShe leaves a husband six by cease to instruct never cloy. Join'eriana, child ren and a large circle of friends to. mourn '. .: . " loss. 1772. '". . her ... . ; The (uyeral was held on the 13th at 12, nocxn and was largely attended. in law is the same that the ' 'X' iOurtn.pageeven nnustia is in tne u-- ne r . ? ! Inst'n Co-oper- ativs - s - associatjnns-and-TioronTyli- S.T-A.T- as . m . twenty-twbgrand-childr- - y ; ' spirit Equity - " ''.' v Com; S is in religion, what every one pleases to make it. Sometimes' they go according to Edito Woman's. Exponent; conscience, sometimes according to law," It becomes our duty to inform you of sometimes according to the rule ofjxmrt. ' the" death of our- painful esteemed sister,. Mary Ann Francis Lisonbee Rubey. She departed this life. Selden. ' " : : . . -- R.E.THOMAS 26, 28, 30 and 32 East 1st South St., - : SALT LAKE CITY, - - . Whoever feels pain in. hearing a good character of his neighbor will feel a pleas- ure in the reverse. And those, who despair .x ' distinction to rise in by their virtues are happV if others can be depressed to level - Vith themselves. Franklin. . i vjiticvuic. jut w db uurn in ricKens (Jo Ala., Feb. 27, 1837, and was married to Alfred " . Rubey, Tune 26, 1S54. Shortfy after her marriage her husband deter- -' mined on emigrating to California.- While. enroute they heard the gospel preached and California lost its allurements' for them. Thev'rfptPrmin- to cast their Jot. with'the Saints of God, and Sister ruuey remaineu jaiwui unto death. - . . The Leading Retail, e ash R.K. THOMAS : ;. j v:;.:v: j - . |